Matts essay

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1. Once upon a time there were three little pigs that got kicked out of their moms house. They found a spot to build their houses,and they were all close enough that they could see each others houses. To celebrate their success,they invited ever to a bonfire in the middle of the house, but they forgot to invite their mother. Unfortunately, the mother came anyway, and she brought car ma upon them. When the bears were asleep from the party a mean wolf would come and blow their houses down. Some people overheard and gave them immediate comfort. The bears would not make it when the house got blew down; they would get caught and ate by the wolf. As predicted the next morning the wolf went to the firsts pigs house made of straw and blew the house down. To stop from getting eaten,the little pig ran to his brothers house for protection. The second pig guaranteed his brother protection from the wolf. The wold decided to come to the next house; he found the house weakly built. The wolf blew and blew until finally he blew the house down. The wolf chased the two pigs but did not catch them. Overcome by his madness the wolf decided that he would try to get all of the pigs at once. The wolfs blow was not powerful enough to blow the house down. Instantly the pigs felt relieved and they laughed at the wolf for trying to hurt them. Of course the three little pigs and the wolf lived happily ever after