Matthew Jett Hall Fall 2009. DNS Total Bandwidth Spikes Popular Sites [email protected] 2...

Matthew Jett Hall Fall 2009 Vanderbilt University Who is Watching?

Transcript of Matthew Jett Hall Fall 2009. DNS Total Bandwidth Spikes Popular Sites [email protected] 2...

Matthew Jett HallFall 2009

Vanderbilt University

Who is Watching?

[email protected] 2

Top Ten VU Sites 2010

DNS Total Bandwidth

Spikes Popular Sites

March 2010: 79,000,000 Facebook Queries

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Social Networks: 2005 - 2009

79% of American adults used the internet in 2009, up from 67% in Feb. 2005

46% of online American adults 18+ use a social networking site; up from 8% in 05

73% have a Facebook account

14% have an account on LinkedIn

[email protected] 4

Pew Internet Life

[email protected] 5

Personal – Professional 1900 - 2003 Distinct

Professional Personal

[email protected] 6

Personal – Professional 2010 Convergence



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What is reputation?– “Reputation is the general opinion (more technically, a social evaluation) of the

public toward a person, a group of people, or an organization. It is an important factor in many fields, such as business, online communities or social status, and includes the social connotations associated with an individual's name” ▪ Source:

How do these reputations form?– Social interactions– Professional interactions– Rating systems– Out of context information– By people with varied backgrounds and interests in your health and welfare– Search engine rankings

Do reputations matter in – Your personal life?– Your professional life?

[email protected] 8

Who Am I?

We take on many social personas Personal Professional Extracurricular

We take on many personas that potentially overlap Social Networks Photo and File Sharing SMS Messages & Electronic Mail Instant Messaging VoIP: Skype, Verizon Web Calling On-Line Games Corporate and Institutional systems Blogs and podcasts Personal and hobby websites Web publications

Publishing and interactions in these arenas impact your personal and professional reputation.

Who are we to whom and when are we that person to the world? Can we assume the right to publish what we want without repercussion? Can we assume that people don’t monitor our “private” lives? Can we assume a distinction between the professional and personal space? Can we also assume that life is not fair? Can we truly maintain an expectation of privacy?

[email protected] 9

Who? What? When?

• Technology and Web 2.0 blog• Does it merge personal and

professional?• Is it just work?• Is it just personal?• Who owns the images?• Is Vanderbilt impacted if I say or do

something stupid?

I took this picture in White Plains, New York at IBM Briefing center. Trip was at Vanderbilt expense, I pay for the blog, but it was transmitted on a Vanderbilt phone and email. Who owns it? Who is responsible?

[email protected] 10

Expectation of Privacy?

Self Disclosure VU The Diva Experiment

[email protected] 11

Self Disclosure

[email protected] 12

Employers Interested?

“At New York University, recruiters from about 30 companies told career counselors that they were looking at the sites…”▪ “When a Risque Online Persona Undermines a Chance for a Job” New York Times June 11th, 2006

"Sometimes these sites are better than the resumes because we figure out what a person is really like," said Jeff Benjamin, interactive creative director with Crispin Porter + Bogusky, a Miami advertising agency whose clients include Volkswagen and Burger King.▪ Not All Profiles Click With Employers; Tampa Tribune. Apr 25, 2006. pg. 1

“Others have warned that prospective employers are trolling Facebook, and that when they have a choice between the applicant pictured in his boxers hoisting a beer bong and the one who is not, they are likely to hire the latter. “▪ “Now we're vamping for Big Brother” , The Charleston Gazette. Jun 8, 2006. pg. 4.A

[email protected] 13

Smokin Blunts and Moonin’

Consulting company in Chicago ▪ Wanted to hire a summer intern▪ The company's president went online to check on a promising

candidate who had just graduated from the University of Illinois. ▪ “..a popular social networking site, the executive found the

candidate's Web page with this description of his interests: ''smokin' blunts'' (cigars hollowed out and stuffed with marijuana), shooting people and obsessive sex, all described in vivid slang.”

▪ No offer extended▪ “When a Risque Online Persona Undermines a Chance for a Job” New York Times June 11th, 2006

CU Student Moons the Camera▪ “A CU student who posted a a picture of himself mooning the

camera on FACEBOOK.COM… never imagined it would become fodder during an internship interview.”

▪ The Coloradan February 6th, 2006

[email protected] 14

Delta Airlines: Queen of the Sky

Delta Airlines Flight Attendant- “It was not until the meeting with human

resources and my supervisor on Wednesday, Oct. 6, that I learned the official reason for my suspension: "inappropriate" pictures. The unofficial reason (implied through an intimidating interrogation): blogging.”

This is one of the inappropriate pictures of her in uniform on the aircraft -- you be the judge on the rest

[email protected] 15

The Free Advice from Matt If you advertise, people will form opinions.

I support your right to do what you want and think how you want. I want you to think about consequences of the way you express yourself. Should you have an expectation of privacy? Is it self disclosure?

Be cognizant of reality – not personal ideas of fairness.

First Amendment for You? I am not a lawyer, but I understand the value of reputation. The court of reputation may not be forgiving of your privacy or protected

speech. Dismiss the opinions of others at your own peril, not theirs.

Manage Your Personal On-line Reputation Circumspection Assume it will be seen, read, heard, or watched by all the people you

would rather not (Mom, Grandpa, Boss, Significant Other, Ex-Significant Other)

[email protected] 16

VU Policy

AUP HR-25 Social Media


[email protected] 17


Federal and TN E-Discovery Law Enforcement HR Diagnostic Data: 2Q10

[email protected] 18


Pew Internet Life Project

Electronic Frontiers Foundation Bloggers Rights:

EFF Student Blog FAQ:

ProQuest (access provided through the Jean and Alexander Heard Library) “When a Risque Online Persona Undermines a Chance for a Job New York

Times June 11th, 2006 “Online persona can ruin your shot at that job” Alan Finder. Seattle Times.

Seattle, Wash.: Jun 11, 2006. pg. A.1 “Not All Profiles Click With Employers”; RICHARD MULLINS. Tampa Tribune.

Tampa, Fla.:Apr 25, 2006. pg. 1 “Now we're vamping for Big Brother” , The Charleston Gazette. Jun 8, 2006.

pg. 4.A Vanderbilt AUP: Vanderbilt HR-25: