

Transcript of Matthew

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Being an American citizen for all of my life has shaped who I really am. My parents have taught me so much patriotism. I’m a boy scout in a color guard troop and we regularly help our community. We also do white cross ceremony's and color guard which honors veteran's who have fought for America . These experience's have really shaped me and being an American citizen and doing all the events that honor past away veterans has made me want to go into the United State’s Coast Guard to fight the terrorist’s that have taken alot of fellow citizens . Now almost all my friends will be going into the military as well .

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Boy Scouts I'm a Boy Scout in my community of Leominster, we honor soldiers past and present. We regularly we do color guard ceremony's . We always strive to help out we pack care package's for solder's . Boy scouts has opened up so many opportunities' for me and I try to take all the all of these opportunities on with an attitude to succeed .Boy scouts has taught me patriotism . And I love to go to ceremonies and meets on Wednesday's.

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Cape Cod I always spend my summers at the Cape. Iove it down there . My family has two cottages at the cape there both write near the Cod Canal. I always want to go there and when I’m there I always have fun because no matter what if its sunny, rainy , or if were having a nor’easter there’s always something to do. When I am down I always go fishing, kayaking or biking with friends . I spend time on the beach or we go to local attractions.

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Dad My Dad is one of the most influential people in my life he pushes me

to do better no matter if its in school, fishing, or anything I have a large interesting. My dad has helped me make decisions that ive needed help with he supports my desion and ultimate goal of joining the United States Coast Guard . My father has taught me wright from wrong and I thank him for that .He is my dad ,mentor, and friend and I love him thank you dad.

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I truly like to be entertained either by my hobbies friends or family . I usually am pretty entertained by just playing Xbox ,but I play Airsoft which I look forward to going to every two week’s. though if it’s a snow storm I can easily be entertained by watching the plow trucks spin out on my road . I rarely watch t.v. and so I do some pretty crazy and ambitious stuff with my friends which is pretty entertaining. I like to read book’s sometimes which is a form of entertainment which helps me in school

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I am a fishermen it brings me joy just to walk out to the water cast my line out and start fishing . I spend my summers fishing off my kayak . I've caught a lot of fishing in my time. My greatest night fishing I caught 7 large keeper’s . Fishing is fun and I generally fish with my dad. Fishing is my life in the summer and it’s just what I do.

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Gaming has been a pass time for me for along time . Gaming actually is a way of relaxing for me if I come home from a hard day at school I will turn on my Xbox and game .I have quite the collection of game’s ranging from Battlefield 3 to Forza horizon and on occasion NHL 7.I have spent probly more time gaming than watching tv . Sometimes if I play for to long my mom will come into my room and tell me to turn my Xbox off.

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Hobbies In my down time I have a lot of hobbies that I like to do I game , go to

scouts, kayaking, biking , and my favorite airsoft. Airsoft is a sport that involves being very physical and enduring pain wile operating under stressful situations. Air soft is extremely dangerous and I love the thrill of adrenalin that I get when I play. Airsoft has made me more aware of what is going on around me. In airsoft bb’s are flying past you at around 400 miles per hour and you don’t want to get hit. I have made the rookie mistake of poking my head out when I probably would have been better off staying in the area that I was in. Of course it was not easy getting the permission to play this dangerous sport I had to beg to play for a year to play plus it is a lot off money to get the gear to play and to get a gun it .But I love playing and it is my life.

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The Intrepid is one of my favorite thing’s I’ve done with my boy scout troop . The intrepid is a decomshined aircraft carrier in New York city that we went to in 2011. It was my first time in the big apple I was astonished on how large the city was one of the thing that I loved that day was that we went to nyc on the day the world was supposed to end and we were counting down the time and write when the clock struck noon we entered a tunnel . During our time in nyc we went to time square we went to ground zero also . I will never forget my stay in nyc and being with my friend just made it better.

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Jacob My dog Jacob is my mischavious friend he is always getting into trouble. We got Jacob after we had to put down our male german sheperd Bruce. I remember the first day we got him we introduced him to our other dog Bella and then took him inside where he proceeded to go bathroom on the floor . Jacob has a hip problem so we have to take extra special care of him. He is my favorite dog and I love him dearly. All he does now because he’s old is sleep’s and when he sleep’s he snore’s. He is a great dog.

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Kayak I own a kayak . I love kayaking at little Buzzards Bay, Cape Cod. My kayak is 14 feet long which helps me kayak in the ocean. My best memory on my kayak was when went kayaking in 5 to 8 foot swells and my kayak then it started to take on water. So I went back to the beach where I found my dad sleeping on a beach chair. My friends at the Cape will often go kayaking with me and we usually push the limit of what is possible I remember that it was a sunny nice day and all of a sudden it got really dark the wind picked up and knew that we should get to shore we were no where near wear we came from so we found a large rock jetty that had a old metal pole sticking out we decided that we should more up to that. So I took all the rope off my crab pot and facined me and our three kayaks together and tied us to the pole the storm passed and during the time that we were tied off the current picked up tremendously. We had to fight our way back to shore being pushed by breakers.

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LeominsterI have lived in Leominster for

most of my life. I would most prefer to live at the Cape . I think that Leominster is a great town. It has a lot to offer it has wonderful schools and nice people. My most memorable exspireance in Leominster was when I marched in a parade holding color guard position and we presented arms for memorial. I like the city and I think it is a nice place. I go to Sky View Middle School. I also hope to be a member of the veterans center when I serve in my countries military.

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Mom My mom is a very influential person in my life. She has coached me in a past sport I used to play. She has been involved in almost every thing I do except airsoft she doesn't do airsoft. She coached my robotics team for a year and she is currently a council chair women for my boy scout troop which is a very tedious job. My mom has helped me make some important decions in my life she was and is always there for me and when I come home from school she is the first and only person I call to let her know that im okay. She is the most caring person I know and is always pushing me to do better. I love her and thank her.

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No Easy Day Neptune Spear

My favorite book that I've ever read in my life was No Easy Day the first hand account of the mission that killed Bin Landen. I have always been fascinated by military tactics and missions and No Easy Day does an amazing job depicting one of the most memorable and world altering missions that any country has preformed ever. I wanted the book so bad that I went and got it the first week that it came out . I love that book and when I play airsoft my friends and I will often use tactics mentioned in the book .My favorite phrase from the book was “Geronimo EKIA” this phrase was said when Bin Laden was confirmed dead.

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My life has been full of opportunities and I like to take them. I've been offered to help out at boat docks ,walk in colors in parades ,go fishing off boats ,and go to New York 3 times and a whole host of other things. My favorite opportunity that I am so happy that I did take up was placing flags on past soldiers gravesites in evergreen cemetery it felt good to know that you honored those who before thought for your country. Another opportunity that im happy to have taken up was the chance to go to Herkimer, New York 2 times, those two times I had a ball we went mining in a diamond mine and went to one of what I think to be the best diner in the U.S. .

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Paracord I make paracord bracelets for friends . I usually sell them for 5 to 7 dollars and I hope to expand what I make with paracord. I think that paracord is the most useful thing in the world you can use paracord on parachute's , bracelets , key chains, dog collars gun slings , and a whole list of other things . I enjoy the challenge of making them for I use no rig just my paracord and my hands .One time I had to improvise and use my bracelet as a gun sling.

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Quotes My favorite quotes that I live by are “ mess with the best die like the rest “ and “kill them all let god sort them out” . I use the quote “mess with the best die like the best “ in school all the time I interpreted the quote as meaning that always strive to do your best because you will be rewarded by not failing at what you do. I also live by this quote because it is the American special forces motto and I want to join a elite division of the the United state’s Coast Guard.

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Range The gun range is my favorite place it is the first place that I ever shot a real gun it was one of the best experiences of my life to this day . I am at the gun range once a week for boy scouts and other activities' we do not currently one and fire arms but my mom is applying for here F.I.D. card so we can own fire arms and when I am fifteen I am aplling as well. I received my hunting coarse at the gun range and I am soon going to register to join the club. I go fishing at the gun club sometimes and I know a lot of people who are registered there. I love the range.

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ScotlandI am Scottish and it is one of my proudest ethnic back rounds to come from. I am part of the Mackinnon clan wich has multiple castles in its name in Scotland . I wish to go to Scotland before I die. I want to go to the Isle of Skye wich is the part of Scotland that my moms side of the family is from. In Scotland my family has a crest that crest says audentes fortuna juvat wich is latin for fortune favors the bold.

Dunvegan castle Dunakin castle

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TigerI have two cats my favorite is Tiger. Tiger is my big fluffy friend. He is missing some of his teeth so his saliva comes out and collects on the side of his chin and my mom calls him juice and when he wipes his chin on you she calls it getting juiced. Tiger was abused before we got him so he is kind of timid around our two large german shepards. We got tiger at the cape and I remember when I was small I went to my aunts cottage wich is a house over and when I came back there were two michavious little cats running around our cottage.

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U.S.C.G. I plan on going into the United States Coast Guard to serve my country and it has been my dream since I was small . I would like to go to the Academy and get my officer rank . I want to retire from the coast guard as a Admiral and I wish to make that happen. The part of the coastguard I want to be in is the marine safety security team wich is a anti terrorist deployable unit. My mom is not happy that I want to be in a deployable unit beacause I would be in Afghanistan ,Iraq or other terrorist filled nations. But that’s my plan weather state side or over seas I will be more than happy being in the United States Coast Guard.

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veteransI am very active in my community helping veterans and active duty service members. My life evolves around this at times. I regularly pack care packages. I have received multiple certificates of appreciation for my actions in my community surrounding troops. I have helped a friend plant and refurbish the garden at the veterans center for his eagle project. I regularly do memorial ceriomoneys for veterans .I do a lot at Carter park as well.

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Wachusset Mountain I have been to wachusset mountain multiple times. I have a snowboard as of yesterday when my dad randomly brought me one .So I will be going to the mountain more often because that’s wear you snow board . My most memorable exspirance is that I have on the mountain was when me and my mom went on a 6th grade field trip and when we were a couple 100ft up my mom started having a asthma issue . We quickly lost the rest of the school except for my teacher Mr. Grossman we arrived for lunch at the top of the mountain a hour late for lunch. But then on our way down we were taking it slow and lost the pack then we got lost and ended up on a cliff but we were able to get down eventually.

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X-rayI have had multiple x rays in my life . I hate them . One time I got very ill at the cape so my mom took me to a hospital in Wareham wear they x-rayed my head .That was annoying another occasion is when I broke my ankle in school walked on it for 3 days thinking it was a sprain like the nurse said and my mom took the x-rays to a radiologist that she knew since she works in a hospital and it turns out I had broken my ankle. Last year I was having extreme back pains because I was attacked and I almost got a back x-ray. All in all I hated x-rays.

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Year’sI am thirteen and have exspiranced a lot in my life . My most memorable year was 2012 Because I had a amazing vacation wear I got my kayak my airsoft guns and I got my hunting coarse down. I think that 2013 is going to be a good year for me I want to start snowboarding and running cross country .I don’t know what's coming in my future but in 2017 after graduating high school hope to beI leaving for swab summer for the coastguard academy or boot camp .I want 2017 to come so bad so I can join the service but I will have to wait.

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Zip liningI have been zip lining with me friends witch was one of the most fun times last year .My mom also went that was funny . We were zipping through the trees at around 60mph they told us . The crazy thing was that we did this in wind 60ft above the ground and the trees were swaying violently. It was my turn and I was third person to jump of the ledge and zip lining the first time I was terrified but at the third zip line I was really enjoying my self . It was a fun Esperance that I can cross of my bucket list next is white water rafting.