Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16

Transcript of Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Page 1: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16

Page 2: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16Earlier in Matthew 19:13-Children were brought to Jesus

Page 3: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16Earlier in Matthew 19:13-Children were brought to Jesus

- disruption to Jesus’ ministry?

Page 4: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16Earlier in Matthew 19:13-Children were brought to Jesus

- disruption to Jesus’ ministry?

Matthew 19:16- The rich young ruler

Page 5: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16Earlier in Matthew 19:13-Children were brought to Jesus

- disruption to Jesus’ ministry?

Matthew 19:16- The rich young ruler

- respected, and has merit?

Page 6: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

Page 7: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1.Available to all people

Page 8: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1.Available to all people

• V20 “. . . a man . . . went out early in the morning to hire some men to work in his vineyard.

Page 9: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1.Available to all people1. The first group

• V20 “. . . a man . . . went out early in the morning to hire some men to work in his vineyard.

Page 10: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1.Available to all people1. The first group – those who

followed Christ early in life.

• V20 “. . . a man . . . went out early in the morning to hire some men to work in his vineyard.

Page 11: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1.Available to all people1. The first group – those who

followed Christ early in life.

• V3 He went out again to the marketplace at nine o'clock and saw some men standing there doing nothing, 5…Then at twelve o'clock and again at three o'clock he did the same thing.

Page 12: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1.Available to all people1. The first group – those who

followed Christ early in life.2. The second group

• V3 He went out again to the marketplace at nine o'clock and saw some men standing there doing nothing, 5…Then at twelve o'clock and again at three o'clock he did the same thing.

Page 13: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1.Available to all people1. The first group – those who

followed Christ early in life.2. The second group – those who

spend their earlier days working for themselves

• V3 He went out again to the marketplace at nine o'clock 5…at twelve o'clock and again at three o'clock …

Page 14: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1.Available to all people1. The first group – those who

followed Christ early in life.2. The second group – those who

spend their earlier days working for themselves

• V6. It was nearly five o'clock when he went to the marketplace and saw some other men still standing there.

Page 15: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people:1. The first group – those who followed

Christ early in life.2. The second group – those who

spend their earlier days working for themselves

3. The third group

• V6. It was nearly five o'clock when he went to the marketplace and saw some other men still standing there.

Page 16: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people:1. those who followed Christ early in

life.2. those who spend their earlier days

working for themselves 3. The third group

• V6b “... Why are you wasting the whole day here doing nothing? He asked them. 7 ‘No one hired us,’ they answered.

Page 17: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people:1. those who followed Christ early in

life.2. those who spend their earlier days

working for themselves 3. The ‘rejects’ in society

• V6b “... Why are you wasting the whole day here doing nothing? He asked them. 7 ‘No one hired us,’ they answered.

Page 18: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people:1. those who followed Christ early in

life.2. those who spend their earlier days

working for themselves 3. The ‘rejects’ in society

• 7b ‘Well, then, you go and work in the vineyard,’ he told them.

Page 19: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people:1. those who followed Christ early in

life.2. those who spend their earlier days

working for themselves 3. The ‘rejects’ in society

God’s grace is available to all

Page 20: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people2. The Reward

Page 21: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people2. The Reward

• V8: When evening came, the owner told his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, starting with those who were hired last and ending with those who were hired first.

Page 22: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people2. The Reward:

1. Sometimes by merit

• V8: When evening came, the owner told his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, starting with those who were hired last and ending with those who were hired first.

Page 23: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people2. The Reward:

1. Sometimes by merit2. By equality

• V8: When evening came, the owner told his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, starting with those who were hired last and ending with those who were hired first.

Page 24: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people2. The Reward:

1. Sometimes by merit2. By equality3. According to one’s needs

• V8: When evening came, the owner told his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, starting with those who were hired last and ending with those who were hired first.

Page 25: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people2. The Reward:

1. Sometimes by merit2. By equality3. According to one’s needs

• V16, Jesus concluded, “So those who are last will be first, and those who are first will be last.”

Page 26: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people2. The Reward3. The great eschatological reversal

Page 27: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people2. The Reward3. The great eschatological reversal

• Matthew 19:30 “But many who now are first will be last, and many who now are last will be first”

Page 28: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people2. The Reward3. The great eschatological reversal

• Matt 19:28 “...when the Son of man sits on his glorious throne in the New Age, then you twelve followers of mine will also sit on thrones, to rule the twelve tribes of Israel.”

Page 29: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people2. The Reward3. The great eschatological reversal

• Matt 19:29. “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or farms for my sake, will receive eternal life”

Page 30: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people2. The Reward3. The great eschatological reversal

1. Those who are now last, will be first in the kingdom of heaven.

• Matt 19:29. “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or farms for my sake, will receive eternal life”

Page 31: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people2. The Reward3. The great eschatological reversal

1. What is your priority in being a Christian

Page 32: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people2. The Reward3. The great eschatological reversal

1. What is your priority in being a Christian

• V12 “These men who were hired last worked only one hour...while we put up with a whole day’s work in the hot sun – yet you paid them the same as you paid us.”

Page 33: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people2. The Reward3. The great eschatological reversal

• Last = those who place priority on worldly values over and above God.

• First = those who find themselves last in this world for Jesus’ sake.

Page 34: Matthew 20:1 – 16. Earlier in Matthew 19:13 -Children were brought to Jesus.

Matthew 20:1 – 16The Grace of God

1. Available to all people2. The Reward3. The great eschatological


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