Matt Freeman at November 2012 Gathering

Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Communities Conservation Plan: Conservation Planning and Management Highlights Bay Area Open Space Council Fall Gathering November 15, 2012 Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Communities Conservation Plan


We convened a Gathering entitled 'Managing Land with Science in Hand' and this is the presentation from Matt Freeman (from Santa Clara County Open Space Authority). More about the event on our blog:

Transcript of Matt Freeman at November 2012 Gathering

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Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Communities Conservation Plan:

Conservation Planning and Management Highlights

Bay Area Open Space Council Fall GatheringNovember 15, 2012

Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Communities Conservation Plan

Page 2: Matt Freeman at November 2012 Gathering

What is the Habitat Plan?

Mitigation and Conservation Plan for Development in the Santa Clara Valley

Programmatic Endangered Species Permitting 50-Year Timeframe

o Plan conserves habitats and species in exchange for permit to “take” threatened and endangered species

o Complies with Federal Endangered Species Act and California NCCP Act

Provides Numerous Benefits o Establishes local and streamlined permitting processo Addresses cumulative impactso Results in landscape-level conservation strategy

Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Communities Conservation Plan

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Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Communities Conservation Plan

HCP Planning Area

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Who is Involved?

Local Partnerso County of Santa Clara, Valley Transit Authority, Santa Clara

Valley Water District, and Cities of San Jose, Morgan Hill & Gilroy

Local “Participating Special Entity”o Santa Clara County Open Space Authority

Wildlife Agencieso U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serviceo California Department of Fish and Game

Regulatory Agencieso U.S. Army Corps of Engineerso Regional Water Quality Control Board?

Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Communities Conservation Plan

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Invertebrates Bay checkerspot butterfly

PlantsTiburon Indian paintbrushCoyote ceanothusMount Hamilton thistleSanta Clara Valley dudleyaFragrant fritillarySmooth lessingiaMetcalf Canyon jewelflowerMost beautiful jewelflowerLoma Prieta hoita

Covered Species

Amphibians and Reptiles California tiger salamanderCalifornia red-legged frogFoothill yellow-legged frogWestern pond turtle

Birds Western burrowing owl Least Bell’s vireoTricolored blackbird

MammalsSan Joaquin kit fox

Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Communities Conservation Plan

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Conservation Strategy Goals

Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Communities Conservation Plan

Creation of a Reserve System

Landscape Connectivity and Regional Connections Between Protected Areas

Long-term Management and Enhancement of Natural Communities

Development of a Comprehensive Aquatic Conservation Strategy

Adaptive Management and Monitoring Program

Avoidance and Minimization Measures on Covered Activities

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Reserve System Highlights

Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Communities Conservation Plan

Reserve System will cover ~ 46,920 acres:o Acquisition of 33,629 acres from willing sellers

o Contribution of 12,291 acres from the County

o Contribution of 1,000+ acres from the Open Space Authority

Focused on Highest-Quality Habitat

Includes Landscape Linkages and Wildlife Corridors

Provides Climate Resilience

Protects 100 miles of Streams

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Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Communities Conservation Plan

Reserve Design Conservation Strategy

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Reserve Management Goals and Objectives

Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Communities Conservation Plan

Landscape Level ExampleProtect and maintain natural landscapes…

o Enhance 33,000 acres of terrestrial and aquatic land cover, and restore 90 – 500 acres of riparian, wetlands, and ponds

Natural CommunitiesMaintain and enhance grassland communities…

o Protect 4,130 acres of serpentine grasslando Protect 13,000 acres of annual grassland in a diversity of

soils and env gradients

SpeciesIncrease size and sustainability of burrowing owl population…

o Protect 21,310 acres of overwintering habitat and protect manage 5,300 acres of nesting habitat on the Valley floor

o Enhance 800 acres nesting habitat in the Gilroy conservation region to promote owl expansion within HCP area

Implement Comprehensive Adaptive Management and Monitoring Program

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Plan Implementation

Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Communities Conservation Plan

JPA will be established to form the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency• Governing Board will establish budget and fees

o 8 members – 2 elected officials from each agency

o Comprised of County, San Jose, Gilroy, and Morgan Hill

• Implementing Board will oversee Plan operationo 11 members – 2 each from County, Gilroy, Morgan Hill, San Jose, SCVWD & one from VTA

Technical Advisory Committee will advise the Implementing Board• USFWS, CDFG and Local Agencies

• Science Advisors

Public Advisory Committee

Plan Implementation Cost: $658,000,000 over 50 years

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Habitat Plan documents & further information:

A Conservation Vision: Water, Wildlife, and Working Lands (Open Space Authority Greenprint)

Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Communities Conservation Plan