MATLAB-Fall 11-12 Introduction to MATLAB Part I

Math 251 Fall 2011-2012 1

Transcript of MATLAB-Fall 11-12 Introduction to MATLAB Part I

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Math 251

Fall 2011-2012


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Matlab is a commercial "Matrix Laboratory"package which operates as an interactiveprogramming environment.

High performance language for technical

computing. High level matrix/array language

Integrates: Computations

Programming Graphics

Has a family of toolboxes.


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Used to type commands: run a Matlab code

Use as a calculator by typing commands at the prompt >>


The up-arrow key will display previous commands. Whenyou back up to a previous command that you want to use,hit Enter and it will execute. You can also edit it when youget to it (use the left and right arrows , andmodify the command), then execute it.


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The workspace is used to view programvariables


You may sometimes have the current directory  instead of 

the workspace where you can find all the files contained inthe indicated path.

The Command History contains all the

previous commandsNote:

You can delete some of the non important commands inthe command history or clear the entire command historyby right clicking on the commands in the command history


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Variables in Matlab are not declared but they are directly

assigned Assignment statement : Variable = number (or expression)

num = 6; % assignment only

num = 6 % assignment & display

Variable names:

Must start with a letter

May contain letters, digits and underscore

Matlab is case sensitive

Clear all: command removing all variables, functions, … from

memory, leaving the workspace empty.

clc: Command clearing the command Window only, giving a

"clean screen.”


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pi: = 3.1415926…………

eps: =2.2204e-016 (smallest amount by which 2 numberscan differ)

Inf or inf : , infinity

NaN or nan: not-a-number

(results from operations which have undefined numerical results)

ans (The variable ans will keep track of the last output whichwas not assigned to another variable. ) 

If you create a variable with the same name of a built-invariable then you cannot refer to the built in variable unlessyou delete the variable that you created. 


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  Format: MATLAB displays floating point numbers to 5 decimal

digits by default, but always stores numbers and computes to theequivalent of 16 decimal digits (IEEE double precision).

(However, one can convert to single precision: single(pi) returns 3.141593)

The output format can be changed using the format command.

Examples of format types:

format short  (fixed point format, with 4 digits after the decimal point, rounding tothe closest),

format long (fixed point format, with 15 digits after the decimal point)

format short e, format long e (same as above but in floating point format)

format short g, format long g (best of fixed or floating point format)

factorial(n): returns the value of n! 

f ix(x): returns the integral part of x

fix(D/d): returns the integral part of the quotient of the division of 

D by d.

rem(a,b): returns the remainder of the division of a by b9

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disp(‘…’): displays the content of the quotations

disp(X) displays the variable X, without printing its name.

Another way to display X is to type its name, but this prints a leading “X=“.

num2str(X): converts number X to stringOften used for displaying variables and strings, together. However, the two resulting

strings should first be concatenated.

Ex: x = 35; disp([‘Your lucky number is : ',num2str(x)])

num2str(X,precision) : the precision argument specifies the number of digits the output string is to contain (the default is five).

Ex: num2str(pi,9)  returns 3.14159265

num2str(X,format) : converts X, using a given format.

(formats are similar to those used in sprintf: see the example below)

sprintf(format,X) : converts the data in X into a string and controls the

precision and the notation of the output.Ex: >> s = sprintf('%+.5f ',pi); >> disp(s) returns: +3.14159

>> s = sprintf('%+.5e',pi); >> disp(s) returns: +3.14159e+00

>> s = sprintf('%+.5g',7.34000000); >> disp(s) returns: +7.34

>> s = sprintf('%+.5f\n',[pi,exp(1),sqrt(2)]);  >> disp(s) returns: +3.14159




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Arithmetic: + - * / ^

Element-by-element operations on vectors:

+ - .* ./ .^

Relational: ==, >=, >, <=, <, ~=

(~ means ‘not’)

Logical: & and, | or


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A vector v is defined using the brackets.

To define a row vector:

Open the brackets

Write inside the brackets the elements of the vectorseparate them using EMPTY SPACE or a COMMA

Example: v =[1 2 5 4] 

To define a column vector:

Open the brackets

Write inside the brackets the elements of the vector

separate them using SEMICOLON. 

Example: v =[1;2;5;4] 


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x=a:c – generates a row vector x, where: The first element is ‘a’

The last element is ‘c’

The difference between any 2 consecutive values is 1

x=a:b:c – generates a row vector x, where: The first element is ‘a’

The last element is ‘c’

The difference between any 2 consecutive values is ‘b’


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MATLAB index starts at 1,i.e. the first entry of the vector x is accessed by writing x(1) and not x(0)

x(i): returns the ith element of the vector x.

x(i:j): returns the elements of vector x from index ito index j.

x(end): returns the last element of x

length(x): returns the # of elements in x

sort(x) : returns a vector whose components are

those of x sorted from the smallest to the greatest.

y’ :returns the transpose of y.


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x([i j]) = x([j i]) : permutes the ith and jth componentsof a row vector x.

x = [x 3]: adds one element ‘3’ at the end of a rowvector.

x = [10 x]: adds one element ‘10’ at the beginning of a row vector.

z = [x y] : generates a new row vector z byconcatenating the elements of 2 row vectors x and y.

N.B.: the same syntax is used on column vectors, by

adding “;” adequately.


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sum(x): returns the sum of the elements of the vector x.

prod(x): returns the product of the elements of the vector x.

diff (x) : returns the vector

[x(2)-x(1), x(3)-x(2), …, x(n)-x(n-1)].

If length(x) = n, then length(diff(x)) = n-1. 

Maxvalue = max(x): returns the greatest element in the

vector x.

[Maxvalue pos] = max(x): returns the greatest element inthe vector x and its position.

i.e. returns i such that x(i) = Maxvalue

N.B.: Similarly, min(x) returns the smallest element in thevector x and its position.


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 Ind = find(X) returns the indices of all nonzero elements of 

the vector X.

Ind = find (logical expression on X) - evaluates the logical

expression on the elements of the array X and returns theindices of those satisfying the logical expression.

Example: a=[10,20,30,0,40,0,2,45]

b=find(a) returns: b = 1 2 3 5 7 8

b=find(a==10) returns: b = 1

b=find(a>10) returns: b = 2 3 5 8

b=find(a>10 & a<40) returns: b = 2


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if  expression

sequence of statements

elseif  expressionsequence of statements


sequence of statements



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For:for i = start range : increment : end range

sequence of commands 



while condition

sequence of commandsend


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break  :  allows to exit early from the “for” or“while” loop in which it appears and to passcontrol to the first statement after the end of 

that loop.N.B.: break is not defined outside a “for” or “while” loop

return:  allows to stop the execution of theprogram completely, which causes an immediatereturn from the m.file.


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Example1:  % get the sum S=1+2+…+100

n = 100; % or n=input('n= ');

S=0; % Initialize S

for i=1:n





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Example2:  % get the smallest integer n such that S=1+2+…+n > 1000

n = 0; % Initialize n 

S = 0; % Initialize S

while S<1000





equivalently: S = 0; % Initialize S

for n=1:1000 % 1000 is a loose upper bound for n 


if S>1000break





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Files containing a code are m.files.

m.files are created using a text editor

File → new → m.file

Two kinds of m.files:

Scripts: sequence of commands

Functions: with input and output arguments

m.files are used as any other MATLAB function or



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  In order to write a function you need first to create anew m-file:

Keyword function Function Name (same as file name .m) 

Output Argument(s)  input Argument(s)

»output_value = mean(input_value) Command Line Syntax

function y = mean(x)

% Description of your code

m = length(x);

y = sum(x)/m;


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Open an m-file and write the following function:

On the command window we run the function:

[c d] = myaddProd(3,6)

Matlab returns c =9 and d = 18

Note: For multiple output arguments include them between

brackets and separate them by a comma

For multiple input arguments include them between

parentheses and separate them by a comma

function [mysum, myprod] = myaddProd(inp1,inp2)

mysum = inp1 + inp2;

myprod = inp1 * inp2;


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Example1 (revisited): % get the sum S(n) = 1+2+…+n

function S = mySum(n)



for i=1:n



Remark: tic and toc functions

tic % saves the current time


toc % measures the elapsed time

Experiment the tic-toc functions on the above example, when evaluating:

mySum(100), mySum(106), mySum(1020),…


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Example 3:  % polynomial evaluation (1)

function p = EvaluatePolyStraight(a,y)

% Input a vector a = [a(1),a(2),...,a(n+1)]

% Input a real number y% Output the value of p(y) = a(n+1)*y^n + ... + a(2)*y + a(1)

n = length(a) - 1;

p = a(1);

t = y;for i=2:n+1

p = p + a(i)*t;

t = t*y;



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Example 4:  % polynomial evaluation (2)

function p = EvaluatePolyNested(a,y)

% Input a = [a(1),a(2),...,a(n+1)] and y% Output Value of p(y) = a(n+1)*y^n + ... + a(2)*y + a(1)

n = length(a) - 1;

p = a(n+1);for i=n:-1:1

p = p*y + a(i);



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Using the previous two functions:


Evaluate p(1) and p(1/3) in two ways, by calling the

previous functions.

A = EvaluatePolyStraight([5,1,0,3,2],1)

B = EvaluatePolyStraight([5,1,0,3,2],1/3)


A = EvaluatePolyNested([5,1,0,3,2],1)

B = EvaluatePolyNested([5,1,0,3,2],1/3)



+++= y y y y p

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One may define a function “f” using the function_handle (@):

f  = @(name of variables)(expression)Examples:

  >> f = @(x)(x^2-2*x-1);

>> f(1) returns -2;


>>g(0,1) returns 0;


1. When using the function handle, a function can be defineddirectly in the command window, without an m.file.

2. A function handle, can be passed in as an input-argument to

another function.


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Plotting two-dimensional Curves:

plot (x,y, ‘plotting options’) – generates a linear plot of thevalues of x (horizontal axis) and y (vertical axis).

Note: The plotting options can be the color of the plot, its shape,the line width, its style…

Plotting three-dimensional Curves:

plot3 (x,y,z, ‘plotting options’) – generates a linear plot of the values of (x,y,z)

z is the vertical axis (default)

→Many tools are available: rotate 3D, …

Other: area graphs, surfaces, bar and scatter graphs,…

subplot (m, n, p) – creates an m by n grid of windows, withp specifying the current plot as the p-th window.


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Can add to a graph: title (‘text’) -labels top of plot with text in quotes xlabel (‘text’) -labels horizontal x-axis with text in

quotes ylabel (‘text’) -labels vertical y-axis with text in


text (x,y, ‘text’)-Adds text in quotes to location (x,y)onthe current axes, where (x,y) is in units from the currentplot.

legend (‘string1’, ‘string2’,…) – used todistinguish between plots on the same graph

Adding new curves to the existing graph: hold on – retain existing axes, add new curves to current

axes. hold off – release the current figure window for new



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x = -pi:pi/10:pi; plot(x,sin(x))

For giving line specifications:


One can add:

title('Sine function')


ylabel('sin x')

grid on

Or superpose:

hold on
