Maths - Langley Primary School

*If anyone is struggling with the English terminology and their meanings, at the end of this learning pack are a few pages that will hopefully help. Maths

Transcript of Maths - Langley Primary School

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*If anyone is struggling with the English terminology and their meanings, at the end of this learning pack are a few pages that will hopefully help.


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Monday 1) How much money is in each purse?

There is ____ pence

There is ____ pounds

There is £____ and ____ p

There is £___.____

There is ____ pence

There is ____ pounds

There is £____ and ____ p

There is £___.____

2) Complete the part whole models to show how many pounds and pence there are.

L.O. to recognise Ask a grown up if they can show you what our money looks like. Can you work out how many pennies each coin or note is worth? Why do you think we have so many coins? Wouldn’t it be easier to pay everything in pennies? When you have investigated, can you work out the following questions about money. Success Criteria:

-Remember the very important fact: £1=100p

-The decimal point goes in between the pound

and the pence. If we use the decimal point we don’t need to use the pence sign after (p) -Remember that it does not matter which direction the part whole model is positioned – two parts add together to make the whole

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Tuesday 1) Convert these amounts to pounds and pence:

a. 357p b. 307p c. 57p d. 370p


L.O. to convert When we go to the shops our shopping isn’t added up at the till into lots and lots of pennies. We exchange our pennies into pounds. So instead of saying 657 pence, we would say £6.57 as it is easier (Imagine having to carry 657 pennies around with you!) Can you convert the following amounts into how they should be shown? Success Criteria

-remember the very important fact: £1=100p -Use your knowledge of place value to help you

-Look carefully at the numbers whilst working out -Do you notice a pattern that might help you? -Do not forget to show your working out and reasoning - Don’t forget to use your symbols (£ - pounds or p – pence) If your amount is less than £1 use the p symbol. If your amount is more than £1 then use the £ sign. We don’t use the £ and p together.

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Wednesday 1) 2) 3)

L.O. to compare Can you compare the two amounts of money and decide which is bigger (>), smaller (<) or the same (=) Success Criteria -Look carefully at the amounts -Use your knowledge of place value to help you -Use real coins or draw them out pictorially if it helps you -Do not forget to show your working out and reasoning

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Thursday 1)


L.O. to order Order the amounts into either ascending or descending order. If it helps you, convert all of the amounts into the format you find easiest to understand. Can you rearrange Jamal’s four cards to find answers which fit his criteria? Success Criteria -be able to understand money in a variety of formats -Ascending means that you start with the smallest number and go up -Descending means that you start with the larger number and go down -work methodically with Jamal’s challenge.

Friday Times Table Rock stars:

Hit the button:

L.O. to practise

Using times table rock stars and Hit the button, practise your times tables.

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Challenge a family member to play hit the button. Can you beat them?

Success Criteria - to be able to recall times tables effectively

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L.O. to retrieve Read the poem It Couldn’t Be Done and answer the following questions about the poem: 1.Is the poem about a boy or a girl? How do you know? 2.Find two things the character took off before they begun 3. “There are thousands to prophesy failure,” which do you think prophesy means the same as: Predict Sing Carry 4.Give two examples where the author shows the character is happy in verse 1. 5.What do you think the message of the poem is? Success Criteria -use the text to answer questions -use prior knowledge if asked to -use clues from the text -if the question says give two examples, then give two.

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L.O. to retrieve Read the following text and answer the questions: 1.What is extreme weather? 2. What are meteorologists usually called? 3.Is this text fiction or nonfiction? 4. How long can extreme weather last? 5.What four things can “extreme wind” include? 6. The movement of what type of weather is harder to predict? 7. Our text doesn’t have a title. Create a title for our text. Success Criteria -use skim reading skills -retrieve information from the text - use prior knowledge to help

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L.O. to retrieve Following on from yesterday’s extreme weather text, using the table answer the following questions: 1.Which weather type can be made worse by where and how people choose to live? 2. Which weather type can produce winds of nearly 300 miles per hour? 3. What is the storm called that you can find in the Pacific Ocean? 4.Why do people need to be told about the dangers of flooding? 5. What is the name given to the area of North America where tornados happen often?

Tornado land Tornado tunnel Tornado alley

6. What might happen if you drive into floodwaters? Which of the following statements are true:

Success Criteria

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-use skim reading skills -retrieve information from the text - use prior knowledge to help


L.O. to practise spellings Find the below words in the wordsearch. Words can go up, down, left, right or diagonally. Success Criteria: -to practise spellings -to be able to work methodically

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L.O. to infer Read the text about Alisha’s big moment, then using the text to help you. Answer the following questions:

1. How is Alisha feeling? 2. What is Alisha doing? 3. Did Alisha see her mum in

the audience? How do you know?

4. Who do you think Alisha nodded to when she looked up?

5. What time of day is it?

CHALLENGE How you found the metaphor?

Success Criteria -the clues are in the text -what word might have been used -does an action give you a clue as to how Alisha is feeling?

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L.O. to practise spellings Using your spelling words, can you write a paragraph using 10 words from the list. (If you have the year 5 and 6 spelling lists as well you can use a mixture from both lists) Success Criteria: -It must make sense! -concentrate on your spellings and handwriting


1. There were only a ______ biscuits left in the biscuit tin. 2. In the game, Aaron had _____ points than Chelsey. That’s why he lost! 3. Sam saw ____ dogs whilst walking in the park. 4. There were ______ people in the swimming pool; it was almost full to capacity. 5. “I want ______ chocolate!” shouted the toddler. 6. “Are there ______ left?” asked Neeta. 7. ______people have blue eyes

L.O. to recognise determiners Can you find the missing determiners in the following sentences? There will be one word left than doesn’t fit into a sentence. Write a sentence using this final word. Success Criteria -to recognise what a determiner is (a word that goes before a noun and identifies the noun in further detail)

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Wednesday What do they look like?

How tall is your character? What do you think they smell like?

Are they a kind character? Who do you think is the most important person to them?

Do they dislike anyone? Do they have any bad habits?

If they wear a superhero costume – why? Does it do anything? Do they have a catchphrase?

(a well-known phrase the character says. For example, Buzz Lightyear “to infinity and beyond!”)

L.O. to use descriptive language Choose a cartoon character of your choice. They can be a human, an animal, a magical creature… anybody you like. Once you have decided, create a detailed mind map describing your character. Use some of the questions to help you gather ideas. Success Criteria -use ideas or clues from the film/book to help you answer -use your imagination to answer the ones you don’t know

Thursday L.O. to write a descriptive paragraph Using the mind map you created yesterday, write a paragraph describing your character in detail. Success Criteria -use capital letters and full stops correctly -use great adjectives – nice is banned! It’s boring! -can you use a simile, metaphor, personification or alliteration? Bonus points if you can use 3 of them in you’re writing! - use your senses in your writing.

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L.O. to summarise

Meet Terrance! Terrance was passing Earth yesterday and wondered why it has been so quiet everywhere! He’s been sent on a mission to find the next best film for his boss to watch. Create a storyboard for Terrance to show his boss to help him decide what film to watch. Divide a whole page into 6 or 8 sections. Decide which film you think is the best! Can you then summarise the 6 or 8 main events of the story into the storyboard for Terrance? Success Criteria -to be able to summarise -condense a large piece of information into 6 or 8 main events - be careful not to miss out any of the main events

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English help:

Definitions and examples for some of the terminology

Word classes

Noun Name of: person, place or


Adjective A describing word (adds to a noun)

Verb A word used to describe an action

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Adverb A word that adds/modifies the

meaning of a verb or adjective.

It can tell you how, where, when, how

much or how often.

Pronoun A word which can be used instead of a


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Preposition Where something is positioned

Conjunction a word that joins words, groups of

words or sentences together

and but so

because or For

In addition however yet

unless either therefore

Determiner a word that goes before a noun and identifies the noun

in further detail

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Fronted Adverbials

words or phrases placed at the

beginning of a sentence which are used to describe the action that follows.

Can refer to the time, the frequency,

the place, the manner and the


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Key terms

Simile Comparing one thing to another using like

or as

Metaphor Comparing one thing to another but

doesn’t use like or as

Personification to give an animal or object human


Alliteration Repetition of a sound or letter at the beginning of a sequence of words

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Present perfect The action or event has started in the

past but the effects are still being felt in

the present.

Key words: have or has