Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239)...

FORT MYERS BEACH Fire Control District April 17, 2018 Board of Fire Commissioners Regular Monthly Meeting Materials

Transcript of Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239)...

Page 1: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II

FORT MYERS BEACH Fire Control District

April 17, 2018 Board of Fire Commissioners

Regular Monthly Meeting


Page 2: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II

Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761

Board Of Fire Commissioners

Carol Morris


Theodore R. Schindler II Vice-Chair

Bob Raymond


Ron Fleming Fire Commissioner

Larry Wood

Fire Commissioner

Fire Chief Matthew R. Love



April 17, 2018 6:00 PM

2725 Estero Boulevard, Fort Myers Beach Town Hall Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931

1. Meeting Called to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Adoption of Agenda [Discussion/Approval]

4. April 3, 2018 Work Session and Meeting Minutes [Discussion/Approval]

5. Treasurer’s Report

A. March 31, 2018 Department Checks #43806 through #43846 and #44050 through #44099 for a total of $436,676.04. [Discussion/Approval]

6. Fire Chief Report [Information]

7. Attorney Report [Information]

8. Restate Agenda Items [Information]

9. Public Input on Agenda Items

10. Old Business

A. Fire Chief Agreement Update [Discussion/Approval]

11. New Business

A. Job Description Updates [Discussion/Approval]

12. Reports from IAFF Union Representatives Districts 3 and 15 [Information]

13. Fire Chief Remarks [Information/Discussion]

14. Commissioners Remarks [Information]

15. Public Input

16. Adjournment

Page 3: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II

Fort Myers Beach Fire Control District Board of Fire Commissioners Work Session & Meeting DRAFT Minutes April 3, 2018 Page 1 of 3



TIME: 9:30 AM DATE: April 3, 2018

PLACE: 2755 Estero Boulevard – Public Library Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931

IN ATTENDANCE: Chairwoman Morris, Secretary/Treasurer Raymond, Commissioner Wood, Commissioner Fleming, Fire Chief Love, District members and members of the public. Absent: Vice-Chairman Schindler

1. Meeting Called to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Adoption of Agenda Chairwoman Morris called for a motion to approve the agenda. Secretary/Treasurer Raymond made a motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Fleming seconded. Motion approved unanimously 4 – 0.

4. March 20, 2018 Work Session & Meeting Minutes [Discussion/Approval] Chairwoman Morris called for a motion to approve the March 20, 2018 meeting minutes. Commissioner Fleming made a motion to approve the March 20, 2018 meeting minutes. Commissioner Wood seconded. Motion approved unanimously 4 – 0.

5. Restate Agenda Items

6. Public Input on Agenda Items No input was provided

7. Old Business A. Long-Term Facility Planning & Infrastructure Funding [Information/Discussion]

Secretary/Treasurer Raymond stated that he did not get much feedback from Commissioner Kiker. Finance and Administrative Services Director Thompson discussed what impact fees are and how they work in detail. The Board and District agreed that impact fees are not going to be a dependable source for long-term facility planning and that financing for a new building should be added to the May meeting.

B. Fire Chief Agreement Update [Discussion] The Board discussed the changes they would like to the Fire Chief Agreement. Chief Love will make the changes and send a clean version to Attorney Salzman.

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Fort Myers Beach Fire Control District Board of Fire Commissioners Work Session & Meeting DRAFT Minutes April 3, 2018 Page 2 of 3

8. New Business A. Operations Incident Report Data [Information/Discussion]

Chief Love handed out report data and explained the updated data in regards to reporting the reserve apparatus call statistics.

B. Financial Report Data Presentation [Information/Discussion] Finance and Administrative Services Director Thompson explained the cover sheet of the financial reports in detail. The Board discussed the data that they would like to see on the reports. The District will bring some updates to the May meeting.

C. Board Policy Manual Absence Review [Discussion] Commissioner Fleming requested clarification on excused and unexcused absences. The Board discussed excused and unexcused absences and physical attendance versus attending electronically. The Board discussed an error that was found and agreed that it needs to be corrected.

D. Board Meeting Frequency [Discussion] The Board discussed the necessity to continue having two (2) meetings per month. The Board agreed that it may not be necessary to have two (2) meetings every month and that this can be discussed when we work on scheduling next year’s meetings.

E. Fire Inspection Practices Assessment [Information/Discussion] Chief Love discussed the findings on the fire inspection practices assessment and explained the options the District has. The Board stated that they would like for the District to re-look at costs and to do an assessment of our organization on what should be tax funded and what should be fees.

9. Reports from Union Representatives Districts 3 and 15 [Information]

No reports were provided.

10. Fire Chief Remarks [Information/Discussion] • Insurances Services Office (ISO) was in the area. We will look at data from Iona-

McGregor. • Survey is complete for the Strategic Plan. • Legislative Press Conference will be discussed at the next meeting. • Update on negotiations. • Mid-year budget review for May or June.

11. Commissioner Remarks [Information]

Commissioner Fleming stated that the first meeting of the Town’s Safety Advisory Board is in May and stated that he would like for someone from our department to attend. Commissioner Fleming stated that he is pleased that the contract is moving forward. Commissioner Fleming stated he is concerned about Commissioner Schindler. Commissioner Fleming wished the crews a slow and safe day. Secretary/Treasurer Raymond stated that he will be having knee surgery tomorrow.

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Fort Myers Beach Fire Control District Board of Fire Commissioners Work Session & Meeting DRAFT Minutes April 3, 2018 Page 3 of 3

12. Public Input

No input was provided.

13. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 11:36 am.

Page 6: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II

FORT MYERS BEACH Fire Control District

Board of Fire Commissioners Regular Monthly Meeting

Treasurers Report Materials

Page 7: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II

Account Name Report Balance Revenue Disbursements Balance02/28/18 & Transfers & Transfers 03/31/18

Money Market & Investments - BB&TAdValorem distribution (net of commissions) 203,714 Impact Fees - Transport receipts (AR) 63,251 FF Supplemental compensation 5,815 Inspections and special events 1,590 Retiree health reimbursements 961 Worker's compensation wage reimbursement 917 Interest earned 57 Transfers to Disbursement account (1,051,300)

9,026,685 276,305 (1,051,300) 8,251,690

SBA - PrimeInterest earned 5,231 Transfers to/from BB&T - -

3,445,844 5,231 - 3,451,075

Disbursement Acct - BB&TTransfers from Money Market 1,051,300 Retiree health insurance reimbursements 18,932 Bank charges (173) Contractual ACH payments (28,771) Payroll related & ACH payments (194,180) Net Payroll - direct deposits (356,797) Accts payable checks 43806 - 43846 & 44050 - 44099 (436,676)

208,603 1,070,232 (1,016,597) 262,238

Total District Funds 12,681,132 1,351,768 (2,067,897) 11,965,003

Less: Transfers (1,051,300) 1,051,300 Totals 12,681,132 300,468 (1,016,597) 11,965,003

Fort Myers Beach Fire Control DistrictSummary of Bank and Investment Account Activity

For the Month of March 2018

Page 8: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II

Current Assets

Disbursement account 262,238$                

Investment accounts 8,251,690               

State Board Investment Fund 3,451,075               

Petty cash 300                         

Accounts receivable 344,100                  

Allowance for doubtful accounts (222,207)                 

Prepaid expense (engine) 535,066                  


Capital Assets

Land 1,429,970               

Buildings 6,528,166               

Equipment 1,558,377               

Fire/rescue vehicles 2,929,379               

Accumulated Depreciation (4,562,591)             


Other Assets

Amount to be provided 1,022,497               


Total Assets 21,528,060$          

Current Liabilities

Accounts payable 52,081$                  

Accrued wages 98,514                    

Payroll taxes payable 12,182                    

Deferred revenue ‐ 9/11 Memorial Project 6,683                      

Deferred revenue ‐ CERT 2,854                      

Deferred revenue ‐ restricted donation 873                         

Retirement payable 134,671                  

Current portion of ambulance lease 54,366                    

Current portion of Station 33 loan 126,206                  


Long Term Liabilities

Compensated Absences (estimate) 205,000                  

Ambulance lease 81,901                    

Construction loan ‐ Station 33 555,024                  


Total Liabilities 1,330,355               

Fund Balance

Investment in Capital Assets (net of depreciation) 7,883,301               

Nonspendable 545,476                  

Assigned 5,527,320               

Unassigned 6,241,608               


Total Liabilities & Fund Balance 21,528,060$          

Liabilities and Fund Balance

Fort Myers Beach Fire Control District

Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Fund Balance

March 31, 2018


Page 9: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II

% Yr Remaining: 50.00%

Actual Budget Variance Var %


Ad Valorem taxes 9,233,744       9,742,363        (508,619)         ‐5.22%

Impact Fees 1,414              9,400               (7,986)              ‐84.96%

Firefighters Supplemental Income 11,712            22,200             (10,488)           ‐47.24%

Inspection Fees & Special Events 14,082            34,000             (19,918)           ‐58.58%

Ambulance Transport Fees 241,306          725,000           (483,694)         ‐66.72%

Interest 26,820            26,900             (80)                   ‐0.30%

Miscellaneous 9,480              5,037               4,443               88.21%

Sale of Capital Assets ‐                      28,000             (28,000)           ‐100.00%

Proceeds from Debt 13,000            414,000           (401,000)         ‐96.86%

Total Revenue 9,551,558       11,006,900      (1,455,342)      ‐13.22%

Fund Balance carried forward 6,750,000        6,750,000       

Total Revenue & Fund Balance carried forward 9,551,558       17,756,900      8,205,342       


Personnel 3,514,430       9,004,400        5,489,970        60.97%

Professional & Contractual 342,035          502,550           160,515           31.94%

Communications & Freight 62,665            128,250           65,585             51.14%

Utilities and Insurance 161,083          268,150           107,067           39.93%

Repairs and Maintenance 101,336          347,500           246,164           70.84%

Miscellaneous Operational & Administrative 11,483            33,550             22,067             65.77%

Operating Supplies & Tools 164,875          383,120           218,245           56.97%

Education & Training 41,321            207,400           166,079           80.08%

Other Services 35,947            90,280             54,333             60.18%

Capital Equipment 297,990          1,044,080        746,090           71.46%

Debt Service 97,301            220,300           122,999           55.83%

  Total Operating Expenditures 4,830,466       12,229,580      7,399,114        60.50%

Fund Balance Reservations 5,527,320        5,527,320       

Total Expenditures and Reserves 4,830,466       17,756,900      12,926,434     

    Revenues over (under) Expenditures & Reserves  4,721,092       ‐                       (4,721,092)     

Fund Balance, October 1  7,593,312      Fund Balance, March 31 12,314,404    

Fort Myers Beach Fire Control District

 Summary Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance

For Six Months Ended March 31, 2018

Page 10: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II

Check History ReportSorted By Vendor Ft Myers Beach Fire Control Dist (BFD)Activity From: 3/1/2018 to 3/31/2018Bank Code: 1 Disbursement - BB&T

Vendor Name Check DateCheck Number Check Amount

Check Type

Accountemps 03/07/18 043806 1,677.44 AutoAccountemps 03/20/18 044050 2,096.80 AutoAccountemps 03/28/18 043832 1,048.40 AutoAdvanced Disposal 03/20/18 044051 571.57 AutoAmerican Messaging 03/20/18 044053 5.00 AutoAmerican Test Center 03/20/18 044052 993.00 AutoArrow International, Inc. 03/20/18 044054 1,111.50 AutoAshley, Brown & Company 03/07/18 043807 12,500.00 AutoBound Tree Medical LLC 03/07/18 043808 3,507.79 AutoBound Tree Medical LLC 03/20/18 044055 3,003.94 AutoCenturyLink 03/20/18 044057 278.50 AutoCenturyLink 03/20/18 044058 475.00 AutoCenturyLink 03/28/18 043833 5,933.96 AutoCitrix Systems, Inc. 03/07/18 043809 2,928.00 AutoComfort Zone Inc. 03/20/18 044059 675.00 AutoConidaris Builders & General 03/20/18 044060 2,800.00 AutoCRS Technology Consultants 03/07/18 043810 2,800.00 AutoCRS Technology Consultants 03/20/18 044061 4,680.00 AutoCRS Technology Consultants 03/20/18 044062 3,000.00 AutoCRS Technology Consultants 03/20/18 044063 585.00 AutoCRS Technology Consultants 03/20/18 044064 3,388.00 AutoCulligan of Fort Myers 03/20/18 044065 293.26 AutoCummins Power South 03/07/18 043811 1,010.56 AutoCummins Power South 03/28/18 043835 591.20 AutoCustom Lawn Care FMB LLC 03/28/18 043834 85.00 AutoEarly Bird Cleaning 03/07/18 043812 200.00 AutoEarly Bird Cleaning 03/20/18 044066 200.00 AutoEstero Fire Rescue 03/20/18 044067 450.00 AutoExtreme Painting & Contracting, Inc. 03/07/18 043813 10,840.00 AutoFirst National Bank 03/20/18 044068 6,038.56 AutoFlorida Fire Systems, LLC 03/20/18 044069 85.00 AutoFlorida Spring & Axle 03/28/18 043836 747.58 AutoFt Myers Beach Public Library District 03/19/18 043831 135.00 AutoGavins Hardware 03/20/18 044071 566.31 AutoGlobal HR Research 03/20/18 044072 79.42 AutoI. A. F. F. Local # 1826 03/07/18 043814 5,305.65 AutoInternational Polygraph & Consulting, LLC 03/07/18 043815 1,000.00 AutoInternational Polygraph & Consulting, LLC 03/20/18 044073 1,400.00 AutoJ M Todd Inc 03/28/18 043837 105.00 AutoJems 03/07/18 043816 19.99 AutoKirkwood Electric, Inc 03/20/18 044074 290.00 AutoKrusty Pete's 03/07/18 043817 38.00 AutoLaura A Flanigan 03/20/18 044089 49.96 AutoLee Co. Fire Marshal's and 03/20/18 044076 90.00 AutoLee County BOCC 03/07/18 043818 93,625.10 AutoLee County BOCC 03/20/18 044077 1,535.69 AutoLee County BOCC 03/20/18 044078 416.12 AutoLeeSar Regional Service Center 03/07/18 043819 536.40 AutoLeeSar Regional Service Center 03/20/18 044079 182.60 AutoLighthouse Uniform Co. 03/07/18 043820 1,479.25 AutoLightning Wireless Solutions 03/28/18 043838 6,192.00 AutoLow Volt Systems Inc 03/20/18 044081 1,014.86 Auto

Run Date: 04/02/2018 6:07:15PMA/P Date: 03/31/2018

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Page 11: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II

Check History ReportSorted By Vendor Ft Myers Beach Fire Control Dist (BFD)Activity From: 3/1/2018 to 3/31/2018Bank Code: 1 Disbursement - BB&T

Vendor Name Check DateCheck Number Check Amount

Check Type

Lowe's Home Centers Inc 03/20/18 044080 1,401.21 AutoMary Ellen Frazier, PSY DPA 03/20/18 044070 750.00 AutoMatteo Graphics, Inc. 03/28/18 043839 1,155.00 AutoMatthew Love 03/20/18 044084 154.00 AutoMichael-Clarke Company, Inc. 03/20/18 044083 1,320.00 AutoMotorola Solutions, Inc 03/20/18 044085 6,192.49 AutoMotorola Solutions, Inc 03/28/18 043841 584.00 AutoMunicipal Emergency Services 03/28/18 043840 261.39 AutonexAir, LLC 03/20/18 044086 241.04 AutoPaul Graham 03/07/18 043822 210.00 AutoPayment Resolution Services 03/28/18 043842 503.81 AutoPGIT 03/20/18 044088 19,493.66 AutoProfessional Adjustment Corp 03/20/18 044087 914.96 AutoPublic Risk Insurance Agency 03/07/18 043823 42,800.00 AutoPublic Storage 03/07/18 043824 1,314.00 AutoRandy Kraus 03/20/18 044075 310.00 AutoRed Uniform Tailor 03/07/18 043825 3,828.54 AutoRobert Arena 03/07/18 043826 96.34 AutoRonald Martin 03/20/18 044082 59.90 AutoRosa C. Foerster 03/28/18 043843 103.33 AutoSam's Club 03/20/18 044091 85.00 AutoScott Wirth 03/20/18 044099 155.00 AutoSiteMed North America, LLC 03/20/18 044092 13,025.00 AutoSouthwest Florida Public Service Academy 03/20/18 044094 1,000.00 AutoStandard Life Insurance 03/28/18 043844 3,934.82 AutoStaples Credit Plan 03/28/18 043845 1,423.35 AutoSupplyWorks 03/20/18 044093 707.00 AutoTamiami Ford 03/07/18 043827 132,966.64 AutoTeleflex Medical 03/20/18 044095 1,279.68 AutoTen 8 Fire Equipment 03/07/18 043828 2,461.80 AutoTen 8 Fire Equipment 03/20/18 044096 761.23 AutoTerry Brunson 03/20/18 044056 293.83 AutoUnice Salzman Jensen, P.A 03/20/18 044090 3,111.00 AutoUnited Parcel Service 03/20/18 044097 15.57 AutoVerizon Wireless 03/07/18 043829 2,132.91 AutoWaldorf University 03/20/18 044098 1,556.00 AutoWEX Bank 03/07/18 043830 1,221.58 AutoWitmer Associates, Inc. 03/28/18 043846 190.55 Auto

Report Total 436,676.04

Run Date: 04/02/2018 6:07:15PMA/P Date: 03/31/2018

Page 2User Logon: jmt

Page 12: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II

FORT MYERS BEACH Fire Control District

Board of Fire Commissioners Regular Monthly Meeting

Chiefs Report Materials

Page 13: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II

March 2018 Fire Chief Report

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Fort Myers Beach Fire Department

Office of the Fire Chief

Board of Fire Commissioners March 2018

Fire Chief Report

Hello and I hope everyone is enjoying the spring! Recently, our Advisory Group met to discuss topics that the group will be tackling in the remainder of 2018. Some of these include our awards and recognition programs, award uniform insignia, and annual social events. I look forward to working with this year’s advisory group on these projects and more! This month was a busy one in Human Resources, as we completed the entry-level hiring process. I am excited to announce that the pre-hire assessments have been completed for Firefighter/Paramedic candidates and we will be bringing on new members in May! I am also happy to announce that we have filled the open Administrative Assistant position, which started on April 9th. Please join me in welcoming Nancy Rossback to our team! Our members recently went through a thorough annual medical physical process. I am pleased with the professionalism and service our new vendor, SiteMed, provided to our team. I look forward to continuing and progressing this benefit for the health and safety of our team! Our team is also excited to report that we recently achieved a tentative agreement on the Collective Bargaining Agreement with Local 1826, District 3. I want to thank our negotiation teams for the long hours and hard work they put into completing the contract. I look forward to finalizing the contract and achieving ratification. The Bay Oaks Easter Egg Hunt took place on Easter Sunday and I would like to thank Bay Oaks and our members for their participation in this event. Each year our team arrives early in the morning to help facilitate this event and it all pays off to see the enjoyment children of our community receive when the Bunny himself arrives and the hunt begins! Our members recently joined several local public safety leaders at a press event to recognize Senate Bill 376 that was just passed. Governor Rick Scott signed this bill, which extends workers compensation coverage for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for our State’s First Responders. I would like to thank our Local and State Officials, Public Safety Leaders, and Labor Leaders for their involvement in passing this bill for First Responders. Last week I attended the Lee County Telecommunicators Award Ceremony. I would like to thank Lee Control for all that they do and congratulate the recipients of these awards. It is amazing to hear the stories of dispatchers and call takers making a difference on the other end of the line and providing our team the resources we need to quickly reach someone in need. Our team responded to a structure fire last week that ended up bringing in other fire departments to our area for assistance. I am happy to report that there were no injuries and that everyone did an outstanding job of working together. I would like to thank Iona McGregor Fire District, Bonita Springs Fire Control & Rescue District, Fort Myers Shores Fire Department, and Lee County EMS for their assistance in bringing this two-alarm high-rise incident to a safe conclusion.

Matthew R. Love Fire Chief

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March 2018 Fire Chief Report

Page 2 of 5



Good Intent13%


MARCH 2018

Operations Branch Operations Branch Supervisor-Executive Assistant Fire Chief Scott Wirth We had an exciting month as we took delivery of the four (4) replacement staff vehicles. These vehicles have been assigned to our Fire Prevention Specialists, Assistant Chief of Training, and Division Chief of EMS. These vehicles are well equipped and more up to date, which will help enhance our service to the community. In addtion, they replaced vehicles which were far past their replacement date, now resulting in decreased maintenance and safety benefits for the District. The firefighter’s protective ensemble is a critical piece of safety equipment to assure they are protected as they fight fires and rescue civilians. The department periodically evaluates the latest advances in materials, fit, and function. Through the expertise of a gear-selection committee, several vendors are being evaluated to assure the best protection and value are being received on behalf of the District. This month, the evaluation process continued as Lion Manufacturing was on site providing a demonstration to the committee. The Bunker Gear Committee is also evaluating other vendors before making a recommendation. The District is in the midst of conducting three (3) promotional examinations. The Battalion Chief and Lieutenant examinations have been posted and are under way. During the month of March the Operations branch has continued working with the Southwest Florida Public Service Academy refining the details of the upcoming examinations. March 2018 Incidents: 404 Calendar Year 2018 Incidents: 1032 Average Emergent Incident Response Time: 5:06

Training, Education & Safety

Acting Training Division Supervisor- Executive Assistant Fire Chief Scott Wirth


Company Training

Driver Operator Training


Officer Training

March 2018 Hours Company Training 103.19 Driver Operator Training 6.5 EMS 96 Officer Training 53.25 Grand Total 258.94


92 77124 100






Response by Unit March 2018

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March 2018 Fire Chief Report

Page 3 of 5

Additional Training topics for March included: Promotional Training Firefighter, EMT, and Driver Engineer Task Books Various Target Solutions Training Classes Engine Operations Ladders Genesis Tool Review Acting Engineer Skills Training Aerial Operations Fire Training-Hydrant Connections, High-Rise Hose Deployment, and Initial Radio

Reports Protocol Training SOG Review

Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

EMS Division Supervisor- Division Chief Randy Kraus During the month of March, the Division of Emergency Medical Services was very busy with training. We started the month reviewing our Landing Zone Operations Guidelines with education from our partners at Lee Flight (Lee County’s Air Medical Service). Our personnel also reviewed “Death in the Field” procedures, and received a lecture from our Medical Director Dr. Lemmons, on how to help families and providers cope with a death while performing their duties. At our monthly in-service, our first topic was the “April Updates” to our County-Wide Medical Protocols. With the protocol changes, our Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT’s) were taught new skills that they are now approved to perform in the field. They are now approved to administer Narcan to patients who have over-dosed on opioids, which is a big problem that our nation has been facing. Our EMT’s are now also approved to administer Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Masks (CPAP) to those patients with severe respiratory problems. Our EMT’s and Paramedics also practiced “Pit-Crew Resuscitation” techniques, which creates a team approach to cardiac arrest, so we can more fluently treat and coordinate our efforts during these calls. We also continued our monthly training on “Defensive Tactics for EMS”, which enables our providers to protect themselves from being attacked on incidents with violent persons. Our final training done in the month of March included our “First-Touch” training on our new video laryngoscopes called “Airtraq”. These laryngoscopes are an improvement on our previous King Vision video laryngoscopes. Our Paramedics are now not only able to visualize the vocal cords during intubation at the patient, but others are also able to view it on the laptops that are carried on-scene via Wi-Fi, and record the intubation. We will also be able to attach that recording to our Electronic Health Records for that patient. This is not only beneficial for the quality management review of this critical skill so we may improve and train, but it also will provide clarification of procedures for our Paramedics as to the success of the intubation in the field.

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March 2018 Fire Chief Report

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Life Safety & Support Services Branch Life Safety & Support Services Branch Supervisor- Executive Assistant Fire Chief Ron Martin Within the month of March our Life Safety inspections included:

The month of March included the District hosting its annual medical physicals. This year the District introduced a new vendor to perform annual physicals, Site Med. This new vendor offers an evidence-based model for employee health, and offers a variety of services for the health and wellness of our employees. Our Branch also prepared for the District’s Annual Budget process with anticipated capital expenditure meetings held by our Finance staff. The bulk of this month’s work was to focus on the changes that will be occurring in regards to permitting and alterations surfaced in the Town of Fort Myers Beach’s operations. Inspectors began learning the new reporting format and technology imposed by the Town of Fort Myers Beach and several meetings with Town Officials occurred in order to ensure Fire Plans review is conducted.

Administrative Services Branch

Finance & Administrative Services Branch Supervisor- Director Jane Thompson Our Beach Team

Highlights from this month include: Administrative staff began the momentous task of restructuring our electronic filing

system. When the task is complete, approximately 139,500 electronic files will have been viewed and re-filed in their new storage location. Documents will also be retitled with a new naming convention and, if needed, archived to more easily comply with Florida State document retention rules. This will allow for greater proficiency in locating documents whereby reducing staff time when researching historical information.

Staff continues to work on assessment of capital assets to determine budgeting needs for the next fiscal year.

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March 2018 Fire Chief Report

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A candidate for the position of Administrative Assistant was selected with a start date of April 9th.

Human Resource Assistant Patty Coram attended the Lee County Entities Representative Meeting regarding health insurance benefits and other pertinent information conveyed by the Lee County’s Human Resources Department. This is another benefit provided by Lee County at no cost to the District.

Team Recognitions

March Service Anniversaries Fire Chief Matt Love 2 years Firefighter Kyra Adams 12 years

Upcoming Events

Board of Commissioners Work Session and Meeting

Tuesday, May 1, 2018 @ Fort Myers Beach Public Library 9:30 am

Page 18: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II

FORT MYERS BEACH Fire Control District

Board of Fire Commissioners

Regular Mo

nthly Meeting

Old Business Materials

Page 19: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II

AGENDA CATEGORY: Old Business: ITEM 10A AGENDA ITEM: Fire Chief Agreement Update SUBJECT: Agreement renewal updates OTHER: N/A ACTION [Discussion/Approval] PURPOSE The purpose of this item is to review the updates to the Fire Chief Agreement recommended by the Board of Commissioners at the last meeting. HISTORY The current Fire Chief Agreement states:

“The term of Employment pursuant to this Agreement shall be for a period of three (3) years, commencing on March 21, 2016 and terminating on March 21, 2019. Two (2) years after the commencement of this Agreement (by March 21, 2018) The Board and Fire Chief may commence renegotiation discussions of this Agreement. If both parties agree, then a new contract will be entered into by the District and the Fire Chief. If there is no agreement on a new contract, the current contract will remain in effect until the end of the original three (3) year term.”

At the Board of Commissioners meeting on April 3, 2018 the Board of Commissioners made recommendation to the Fire Chief Agreement. Following that meeting, the Fire Chief Agreement was delivered to the District’s attorney for review. Attorney alterations were minor, and have been reviewed and applied with oversight of the Board Chair. The agreement is now ready to be finalized.


It is recommended that the Board discuss the updated changes to the Fire Chief Employment agreement and approve the agreement for implementation.

RECOMMENDED MOTION Motion to approve the presented Fire Chief Agreement as written.


Page 20: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II

FORT MYERS BEACH Fire Control District

Board of Fire Commissioners

Regular Mo

nthly Meeting

New Bu siness Mate rials

Page 21: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


AGENDA CATEGORY: New Business ITEM 11A AGENDA ITEM: Updated Job Descriptions SUBJECT: Commissioner review of updated descriptions OTHER: Following contract negotiations with Local 1826, District 3

ACTION [Discussion/Approval]

PURPOSE Receive Board of Fire Commissioner feedback and approval on altered and new job descriptions.

HISTORY As the organization restructures certain components, job descriptions have been altered to meet the needs of the District. Discussions took place during contract negotiations regarding job descriptions and it is recommended that the Board review and approve the following job descriptions with significant alteration. Job descriptions currently presented include:

1. Probationary Firefighter (This position has been updated) 2. Firefighter (This position has been updated) 3. Acting Driver Engineer (This position has been updated) 4. Driver Engineer (This position has been updated) 5. Acting Lieutenant (This position will take the place of Acting Company Officer) 6. Captain 2 (This position has been added as part of a progression plan) 7. Acting Battalion Chief (This position has been updated)

RECOMMENDATION Board review, discussion, and approval of updated job descriptions as discussed in previous negotiations meetings due to restructuring and altered job descriptions.

RECOMMENDED MOTION Motion to approve updated and altered job descriptions as written for finalization of the District 3 contract.

Page 22: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Probationary Firefighter Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain, or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 1-18-2018 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:

FORT MYERS BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT JOB DESCRIPTION Probationary Firefighter Page 1 of 7 Revision Date: DRAFT 1/18/18

The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

This position description is established by the Fort Myers Beach Fire Department (FMBFD or “District”) to outline the basic requirements, duties, and general responsibilities of the Firefighter position. The position of Probationary Firefighter is appointed by the Fire Chief and is covered under the collective bargaining agreement. The Probationary Firefighter performs a wide variety of roles and responsibilities. SUMMARY OF POSITION: The position of Probationary Firefighter is appointed by the Fire Chief and is covered under the collective bargaining agreement. The Probationary Firefighter is responsible for providing fire suppression and control, fire prevention, emergency medical services, specialized rescue services and public information/education related to emergency services. The Probationary Firefighter ensures that the District is operated in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. REPORTING RELATIONSHIP: The position of Probationary Firefighter for Fort Myers Beach Fire Department serves as a Firefighter for the organization and reports directly to their assigned Company Officer. The position is deemed non-exempt under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:

1. Probationary Firefighters are emergency service personnel who are first responders for Fire suppression and control, respond to emergency medical service requests as well as various types of other emergency incidents.

2. The Probationary Firefighter directs as needed. 3. Work assignments are determined by the Company Officer. 4. Responsible for maintaining, training, and development of firefighting skills, emergency medical skills,

technical rescue, and disaster preparedness skills. 5. Responsible to maintain satisfactory performance measures and evaluations by District designee. 6. Responsible for understanding and complying with all applicable rules, regulations, laws, and standards

by appropriate jurisdiction. 7. Responsible for reporting violations of applicable rules, regulations, laws, and standards to appropriate

supervisor. 8. Responsible for filing official District reports including, but not limited to, fire reports, ICS reports, patient

care reports, and assist in other reports as directed by supervisor. 9. Records and maintains written records of all personal actions. 10. Responsible for identifying training needs, equipment needs, and continuing education relevant to

maintaining the Probationary Firefighter role. 11. Responsible for providing fire suppression and control, fire prevention and emergency rescue and

Page 23: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Probationary Firefighter Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain, or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 1-18-2018 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:

FORT MYERS BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT JOB DESCRIPTION Probationary Firefighter Page 2 of 7 Revision Date: DRAFT 1/18/18

The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

emergency medical services established by written standard operating guidelines and emergency medical services protocols within the Fort Myers Beach Fire Department.

12. Works under the direct supervision of the Company Officer in the command structure of the shift to which he/she is assigned.

13. In the absence of an officer, the Probationary Firefighter has latitude to exercise independent judgment, personal initiative and leadership in assigned duties within the guidelines of department policies, rules and regulations, and applicable laws.

14. Responsible for all actions taken during the assigned tour of duty and/or assignment given. Work is evaluated through periodic conferences and based upon the attainment of objectives and the clarity of written and oral reports.

15. The Probationary Firefighter assists Company Officer and the Engineer in carrying out all department policies, rules and regulations, and standard operating guidelines (SOG’s).

16. The Probationary Firefighter may serve as the initial Incident Commander on scene until relieved by a ranking officer and is responsible for taking command of emergency situations until such time as a higher-ranking officer may arrive.

17. Responsible for ensuring appropriate procedural actions including procedures in quarters, travel to and from incidents, and at fire and/or emergency rescue scenes.

18. Responsible for satisfactorily inspecting stations and equipment for proper appearance and condition. Subject to perform drills or instruction in emergency medicine and firefighting methods.

19. Responsible for the safe and efficient operation of all equipment and apparatus assigned to him/her. May initiate repairs to equipment and apparatus according to department procedures.

20. Responds to all fire alarms and other emergencies and, as a working member of his or her shift, performs all physical and manual tasks as the situation may require. May assume command as appropriate to achieve prompt and expeditious control of a situation until relieved by a member of a higher rank.

21. Responsible for station cleanliness and the checking and readiness of tools, equipment, stations, and all areas assigned.

22. Participates in seminars, conferences, and training courses to keep abreast of technological advancements in firefighting, emergency medical services and rescue activities as required.

23. May provide recommendations to officers regarding new equipment purchase, in house training sessions, schooling, and any other areas as requested.

24. Responsible for accurate and complete paperwork, including but not limited to: fire reports, medical reports, daily journal log entries, vehicle check sheets, supply requests, injury reports, and accident reports.

25. Responds in a timely fashion when called back to duty, or when the Fire Chief or his designee declare a state of emergency exists.

26. Represents the department in a dignified manner by being well groomed, courteous and tactful in all interactions with, or assisting the public and other agencies.

27. Performs other related duties as required.

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Position Title: Probationary Firefighter Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain, or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 1-18-2018 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:

FORT MYERS BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT JOB DESCRIPTION Probationary Firefighter Page 3 of 7 Revision Date: DRAFT 1/18/18

The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: 1. Ability to make sound decisions in extremely stressful and life threatening situations. Willing to make

timely, fact based decisions; ability to handle uncertainty and clarify ambiguities timely and effectively. Ability to see unusual aspects of a problem and find unique solutions; evaluate results for effectiveness.

2. Possess and demonstrate knowledge of the District’s rules, policies and procedures. 3. Possess and demonstrate proficiency and knowledge of fire behavior, fire chemistry, firefighting safety,

effective firefighting tactics, hazardous materials, technical rescue, and emergency medical skill methods with ability to access and implement this knowledge during high stress and critical events.

4. Possess knowledge of, and effective actions within current Incident Command and Management Systems.

5. Demonstrate a commitment to keep abreast of current developments in the fire and emergency medical services.

6. Ability to use mechanical skills to perform basic maintenance and repairs on District stations and associated equipment.

7. Continually contribute to a motivational atmosphere for all Department members through ethical and honest actions in support of and achieving the goals of the organization and the Fire Chief.

8. Demonstrate a courteous and professional manner to the public, paying particular attention to personal hygiene and cleanliness.

9. Maintain composure and a professional attitude under all, especially stressful, conditions. Demonstrate mature, professional, and appropriate conduct at all times and in all places, employing ethics, integrity, honesty, and cooperative teamwork. The Firefighter must demonstrate a superior level of professionalism in all actions.

10. Demonstrate ability to create a work environment in which team members can be open and at ease with each other. Ability to promote and maintain a positive, effective team environment. Ability to establish and maintain harmony and mutual respect among team members through positive relationships and dedication to the betterment of the team.

11. Demonstrate ability to recognize and accept constructive criticism, as well as apply it to actions. Utilize training, direction, delegation, and accountability to improve team skills. Provide assistance to teammates in resolving conflicts. Encourage positive individual initiative to achieve the organizations goals.

12. Demonstrate ability and initiative for continual self-development; work with crew members in preparing and implementing realistic, researched, and meaningful self-development plans; support appropriate job changes and promotions.

13. Demonstrate consistent ability to work as needed to achieve results and/or meet targets within established time frames.

Page 25: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Probationary Firefighter Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain, or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 1-18-2018 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:

FORT MYERS BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT JOB DESCRIPTION Probationary Firefighter Page 4 of 7 Revision Date: DRAFT 1/18/18

The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

14. Demonstrate sound judgment and the ability to receive feedback and suggestions, initiating regular positive discussions with crew members.

15. Demonstrate effective listening and speaking skills. Produce clearly organized and easily comprehended written communications. Maintain an open line of communication with superiors and crew members.

16. Proficient in setting goals, completing delegated tasks effectively, and contributing with new ideas. 17. Schedule work for the most efficient and effective performance of activities and elimination of

unnecessary activities. Handle multiple responsibilities simultaneously, prioritize responsibilities appropriately, and perform responsibilities in a thorough and timely manner.

18. Demonstrate ability to meet performance or quality control standards. 19. Ability to adapt to necessary changes in operations; willing to try new ideas with a positive and

productive attitude. 20. Proficient in setting challenging goals, delegating effectively with appropriate supervision, and

stimulating others to contribute new ideas.


1. Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. 2. Knowledge of:

Applicable Laws and Regulations Leadership Collective Bargaining Electronic and Computer Software Disaster Management Strategy and Tactics Fire and Emergency Medical Needs

Examination: 1. Must successfully complete and pass all written and practical assessments prescribed by the District.


1. No previous experience is required unless specifically indicated in the provisions of the hiring process.

Education: 1. Hold a high school diploma or a State recognized equivalent.

Certificate or Licenses:

Must satisfy, maintain, and keep current all District, State, and Federal Certifications and/or Licensure requirements for the following:

Page 26: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Probationary Firefighter Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain, or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 1-18-2018 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:

FORT MYERS BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT JOB DESCRIPTION Probationary Firefighter Page 5 of 7 Revision Date: DRAFT 1/18/18

The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

1. Meet the requirements of State Fire Minimum Standards, F.S. 633. within time period indicated by the District.

2. Hold a State of Florida Paramedic or EMT license and credentials. 3. Hold a valid motor vehicle license in accordance with the State Statute. 4. Complete Continual Educational units as required by the State. 5. Complete all education requirements of the Probationary Firefighter.

Must possess, or be eligible to obtain within 30 days of appointment to the position, and maintain: 1. Valid Florida driver’s license.


1. Strength and Mobility – Mobility to move to and from various points within the District facilities and within the outdoor environment. Must possess the ability to lift items in excess of one hundred fifty (150) pounds occasionally and up to eighty (80) pounds frequently.

2. Auditory – Ability to understand and follow oral instructions in the English language. 3. Verbal – Ability to participate in routine conversation in person or via telephone in the English

language. 4. Visual – Must be able to distinguish circumstances/situations, written materials, and other details

concerning District facilities and emergent scenes from distances both near and far. 5. Mental – Must be capable of functioning in a work environment with a high level of mental stress and

pressure. 6. Meet Florida Minimum Standards for Firefighter, and the physical ability to work while wearing

protective equipment, including self-contained breathing apparatus.

Environmental and Other Requirements: This position requires work in a variety of locations and conditions, including living quarters and office areas, in and around a wide variety of automotive, mechanical, chemical, and medical equipment or supplies, and emergency scenes of every type.

1. A portion of this position will involve sedentary, administrative work in an office environment. 2. Strenuous physical activity under extreme adverse conditions will be required frequently. 3. This position requires standing, running, walking, sitting, kneeling, stooping/bending, lifting, squatting,

pushing, pulling, crawling, jumping, sliding, climbing, pinching, gripping, digging, spraying, reaching over head, reaching away from body, and repetitive motion.

4. Will be required to work in all weather conditions and in extreme temperatures below twenty degrees (20 degrees) Fahrenheit and in excess of one hundred degrees (100 degrees) Fahrenheit.

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Position Title: Probationary Firefighter Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain, or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 1-18-2018 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:

FORT MYERS BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT JOB DESCRIPTION Probationary Firefighter Page 6 of 7 Revision Date: DRAFT 1/18/18

The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

5. Work may be performed under dangerous, hazardous, and adverse conditions, including, but not limited to, weakened structures, slippery and uneven surfaces, proximity to moving mechanical equipment, burning structures, broken glass or other materials, electrical currents, high places, and confined spaces.

6. Work may result in exposure to contaminated environments, including, but not limited to, hazardous materials, smoke, gases, chemicals, fumes, odors, mists, and dusts.

7. Work may result in exposure to individuals or blood-carrying infectious diseases or illnesses, such as Hepatitis A, B or C, HIV, tuberculosis, small pox, etc.

8. Work may result in exposure to high noise levels requiring the wearing of hearing protection. 9. This position demands frequent use of sensory activities such as talking, seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling

(identifying objects by touch), depth perception, and color vision. 10. This position requires the ability to read, write, speak, and understand the English language at a level

adequate to perform the job. 11. This position will involve periods of high physical, mental and/or emotional stress.


1. Community Members and Visitors – Daily interactions by personal contact, telephone, and written computer communication.

2. Co-workers – Multiple daily interactions responding to emergency and non-emergency situations, to facilitate the coordination of daily company operations and staffing, exchange of information, and to complete tasks related to fire stations and district buildings.

3. Fire Department Company Officers – Multiple daily interactions by telephone, written computer communication, radio, and personal contact: coordination of daily company staffing, coordination of unit status and distribution, and exchange of information.

4. Fire Department Chief Officers – Interactions as needed by telephone, written computer communication, radio, and personal contact: exchange of information, and incident management operations.

5. Other contacts as assigned, required, or needed.


The duties and responsibilities listed in this document are intended only as illustrations of the various duties to be performed, and are not all inclusive. The omission of other specific duties does not exclude those duties from being performed by the Probationary Firefighter if the tasks are similar, related, or a logical assignment to the position. This position description does not constitute an employment contract between the District and the Probationary Firefighter and is subject to change at the discretion of the Fire Chief.


I acknowledge receipt of this position description and agree to perform within the parameters established.

Page 28: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Probationary Firefighter Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain, or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 1-18-2018 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:

FORT MYERS BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT JOB DESCRIPTION Probationary Firefighter Page 7 of 7 Revision Date: DRAFT 1/18/18

The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

Signature Date __________________________________________ (Print Full Name) Fire Chief Date

Page 29: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Firefighter Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain, or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-2018 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

This position description is established by the Fort Myers Beach Fire Department (FMBFD or “District”) to outline the basic requirements, duties, and general responsibilities of the Firefighter position. The position of Firefighter is appointed by the Fire Chief and is covered under the collective bargaining agreement. The Firefighter performs a wide variety of roles and responsibilities. SUMMARY OF POSITION: The position of Firefighter is appointed by the Fire Chief and is covered under the collective bargaining agreement. The Firefighter is responsible for providing fire suppression and control, fire prevention, emergency medical services, specialized rescue services and public information/education related to emergency services. The Firefighter ensures that the District is operated in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. REPORTING RELATIONSHIP: The position of Firefighter for Fort Myers Beach Fire Department reports directly to their assigned Company Officer. The position is deemed non-exempt under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:

1. Firefighters are emergency service personnel who are first responders for fire suppression and control who respond to emergency medical service requests as well as various types of other emergency incidents.

2. Firefighter directs as needed. 3. Work assignments are determined by the Company Officer. 4. Responsible for maintaining, training, and development of firefighting skills, emergency medical skills,

technical rescue and disaster preparedness skills. 5. Responsible to maintain satisfactory performance measures and evaluations. 6. Responsible for understanding and complying with all applicable rules, regulations, laws, and standards

by appropriate jurisdiction. 7. Responsible for reporting violations of applicable rules, regulations, laws, and standards to appropriate

supervisor. 8. Responsible for filing official District reports including, but not limited to, fire reports, ICS reports,

patient care reports, and assist in other reports as directed by supervisor. 9. Records and maintains written records of personal actions. 10. Responsible for identifying training needs, equipment needs, and continuing education relevant to

maintaining the Firefighter role. 11. Responsible for providing fire suppression and control, fire prevention and emergency rescue and

emergency medical services established by written standard operating procedures/guidelines and emergency medical services protocols within the Fort Myers Beach Fire Department.

Page 30: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Firefighter Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain, or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-2018 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

12. Works under the direct supervision of the Company Officer in command structure of the shift to which he/she is assigned.

13. In the absence of an officer, the Firefighter has latitude to exercise independent judgment, personal initiative and leadership in assigned duties within the guidelines of department policies, rules and regulations, and applicable laws.

14. Responsible for all actions taken during the assigned tour of duty and/or assignment given. Work is evaluated through periodic conferences and based upon the attainment of objectives and the clarity of written and oral reports.

15. The Firefighter assists Company Officer and the Engineer in carrying out all department policies, rules and regulations, and standard operating guidelines (SOG’s).

16. The Firefighter may serve as the initial Incident Commander on scene until relieved by a ranking officer and is responsible for taking command of emergency situations until such time as a higher-ranking officer may arrive.

17. Responsible for ensuring appropriate procedural actions including procedures in quarters, travel to and from incidents, and at fire and/or emergency rescue scenes.

18. Responsible for satisfactorily inspecting stations and equipment for proper appearance and condition. Subject to perform drills or instruction in emergency medicine and firefighting methods.

19. Responsible for the safe and efficient operation of all equipment and apparatus assigned to him/herself. May initiate repairs to equipment and apparatus according to department procedures.

20. Responds to all fire alarms and other emergencies and, as a working member of his or her shift, performs all physical and manual tasks as the situation may require. May assume command as appropriate to achieve prompt and expeditious control of a situation until relieved by a member of a higher rank.

21. Responsible for station cleanliness and the checking and readiness of tools, equipment, stations, and all areas assigned.

22. Participates in seminars, conferences, and training courses to keep abreast of technological advancements in firefighting, emergency medical services and rescue activities as required.

23. May provide recommendations to officers regarding new equipment purchase, in house training sessions, schooling, and any other areas as assigned.

24. Responsible for accurate and complete paperwork, including but not limited to: fire reports, medical reports, daily journal log entries, vehicle check sheets, supply requests, injury reports, and accident reports.

25. Responsible for knowledge of and ability to act upon other job descriptions and duties as needed when absences arise.

26. Responds in a timely fashion when called back to duty, or when the Fire Chief or his designee declare a state of emergency exists

27. Represents the department in a dignified manner by being well groomed, courteous and tactful in all interactions with, or assisting the public and other agencies.

28. Performs other related duties as required.

Page 31: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Firefighter Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain, or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-2018 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: 1. Ability to make sound decisions in extremely stressful and life threatening situations. Willing to make

timely, fact based decisions; ability to handle uncertainty and clarify ambiguities timely and effectively. Ability to see unusual aspects of a problem and find unique solutions; evaluate results for effectiveness.

2. Possess and demonstrate an extensive knowledge of the District’s rules, policies and procedures. 3. Possess and demonstrate extensive proficiency and knowledge of fire behavior, fire chemistry,

firefighting safety, effective firefighting tactics, hazardous materials, technical rescue, and emergency medical skill methods with ability to access and implement this knowledge during high stress and critical events.

4. Possess knowledge of, and effective actions within current Incident Command and Management Systems.

5. Demonstrate a commitment to keep abreast of current developments in the fire and emergency medical services.

6. Ability to use mechanical skills to perform basic maintenance and repairs on District stations and associated equipment.

7. Continually contribute to a motivational atmosphere for all Department members through ethical and honest actions in support of and achieving the goals of the organization and the Fire Chief.

8. Demonstrate a courteous and professional manner to the public, paying particular attention to personal hygiene and cleanliness.

9. Maintain composure and a professional attitude under all, especially stressful, conditions. Demonstrate mature, professional, and appropriate conduct at all times and in all places, employing ethics, integrity, honesty, and cooperative teamwork. The Firefighter must demonstrate a superior level of professionalism in all actions.

10. Demonstrate ability to create a work environment in which team members can be open and at ease with each other. Ability to promote and maintain a positive, effective team environment. Ability to establish and maintain harmony and mutual respect among team members through positive relationships and dedication to the betterment of the team.

11. Demonstrate ability to recognize and accept constructive criticism, as well as apply it to actions. Utilize training, direction, delegation, and accountability to improve team skills. Provide assistance to teammates in resolving conflicts. Encourage positive individual initiative to achieve the organizations goals.

12. Demonstrate ability and initiative for continual self-development; work with crew members in preparing and implementing realistic, researched, and meaningful self-development plans; support appropriate job changes and promotions.

13. Demonstrate consistent ability to work as needed to achieve results and/or meet targets within established time frames.

Page 32: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Firefighter Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain, or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-2018 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

14. Demonstrate sound judgment and the ability to receive feedback and suggestions, initiating regular positive discussion with crew members.

15. Demonstrate effective listening and speaking skills. Produce clearly organized and easily comprehended written communications. Maintain an open line of communication with superiors and crew members.

16. Proficient in setting goals, completing delegated tasks effectively and contributing with new ideas.

17. Schedule work for the most efficient and effective performance of activities and elimination of unnecessary activities. Handle multiple responsibilities simultaneously, prioritize responsibilities appropriately, and perform responsibilities in a thorough and timely manner.

18. Demonstrate ability to meet performance or quality control standards. 19. Ability to adapt to necessary changes in operations; willing to try new ideas with a positive

and productive attitude. 20. Proficient in setting challenging goals, delegating effectively with appropriate supervision,

and stimulating others to contribute new ideas.


1. Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. 2. Knowledge of:

Applicable Laws and Regulations Leadership Collective Bargaining Electronic and Computer Software Disaster Management Strategy and Tactics Fire and Emergency Medical Needs

Examination: 1. Must successfully complete and pass all written and practical assessments prescribed by the District.


1. One (1) year of career probationary firefighting experience and completion of probationary Educational requirements with the Fort Myers Beach Fire Department.


1. Hold a high school diploma or a State recognized equivalent.

Page 33: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Firefighter Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain, or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-2018 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

Certificate or Licenses: Must satisfy, maintain, and keep current all District, State, and Federal Certifications and/or Licensure requirements for the following: 1. Meet the requirements of State Fire Minimum Standards, F.S. 633. 2. Hold a State of Florida Paramedic or EMT license and credentials. 3. Hold a valid motor vehicle license in accordance with the State Statute. 4. State of Florida EVOC Course. 5. Complete Continual Educational units as required by the State 6. Complete all education requirements of the Firefighter 7. Incident Command System: IS100, IS200, IS700, IS800, IS701, IS702, IS703, IS704. (current

requirements as outlined by NIMS) 8. Water Rescue Awareness or Operation by FMBFD 9. National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) S130/190 (Basic Firefighter Training & Introduction

to Wildland Fire Behavior)- Effective October 24, 2018 10. NWCG L-180 (Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service) 11. NWCG S-215 (Fire Operations in the Wildland/Urban Interface) 12. Hazardous Materials Awareness or above 13. Confined Space Awareness or above† 14. Trench Rescue Awareness or above† 15. Rope Rescue Awareness or above†

(† Requirement subject to availability of course offering) PHYSICAL, MENTAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Physical Requirements:

1. Strength and Mobility – Mobility to move to and from various points within the District facilities and within the outdoor environment. Must possess the ability to lift items in excess of one hundred fifty (150) pounds occasionally and up to eighty (80) pounds frequently.

2. Auditory – Ability to understand and follow oral instructions in the English language. 3. Verbal – Ability to participate in routine conversation in person or via telephone in the English

language. 4. Visual – Must be able to distinguish circumstances/situations, written materials, and other details

concerning District facilities and emergent scenes from distances both near and far. 5. Mental – Must be capable of functioning in a work environment with a high level of mental stress and

pressure. 6. Meet Florida Minimum Standards for Firefighter, and the physical ability to work while wearing

protective equipment, including self-contained breathing apparatus.

Environmental and Other Requirements:

Page 34: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Firefighter Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain, or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-2018 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

This position requires work in a variety of locations and conditions, including living quarters and office areas, in and around a wide variety of automotive, mechanical, chemical, and medical equipment or supplies, and emergency scenes of every type.

1. A portion of this position will involve sedentary, administrative work in an office environment. 2. Strenuous physical activity under extreme adverse conditions will be required frequently. 3. This position requires standing, running, walking, sitting, kneeling, stooping/bending, lifting, squatting,

pushing, pulling, crawling, jumping, sliding, climbing, pinching, gripping, digging, spraying, reaching over head, reaching away from body, and repetitive motion.

4. Will be required to work in all weather conditions and in extreme temperatures below twenty degrees (20 degrees) Fahrenheit and in excess of one hundred degrees (100 degrees) Fahrenheit.

5. Work may be performed under dangerous, hazardous, and adverse conditions, including, but not limited to, weakened structures, slippery and uneven surfaces, proximity to moving mechanical equipment, burning structures, broken glass or other materials, electrical currents, high places, and confined spaces.

6. Work may result in exposure to contaminated environments, including, but not limited to, hazardous materials, smoke, gases, chemicals, fumes, odors, mists, and dusts.

7. Work may result in exposure to individuals or blood-carrying infectious diseases or illnesses, such as Hepatitis A, B or C, HIV, tuberculosis, small pox, etc.

8. Work may result in exposure to high noise levels requiring the wearing of hearing protection. 9. This position demands frequent use of sensory activities such as talking, seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling

(identifying objects by touch), depth perception, and color vision. 10. This position requires the ability to read, write, speak, and understand the English language at a level

adequate to perform the job. 11. This position will involve periods of high physical, mental and/or emotional stress.


1. Community Members and Visitors – Daily interactions by personal contact, telephone, and written computer communication.

2. Co-workers – Multiple daily interactions responding to emergency and non-emergency situations, to facilitate the coordination of daily company operations and staffing, exchange of information, and to complete tasks related to fire stations and district buildings.

3. Fire Department Company Officers – Multiple daily interactions by telephone, written computer communication, radio, and personal contact: coordination of daily company staffing, coordination of unit status and distribution, and exchange of information.

4. Fire Department Chief Officers – Interactions as needed by telephone, written computer communication, radio, and personal contact: exchange of information, and incident management operations.

5. Other contacts as assigned, required, or needed.

Page 35: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Firefighter Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain, or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-2018 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.


The duties and responsibilities listed in this document are intended only as illustrations of the various duties to be performed, and are not all inclusive. The omission of other specific duties does not exclude those duties from being performed by the Firefighter if the tasks are similar, related, or a logical assignment to the position. This position description does not constitute an employment contract between the District and the Firefighter and is subject to change at the discretion of the Fire Chief.


I acknowledge receipt of this position description and agree to perform within the parameters established. Signature Date __________________________________________ (Print Full Name) Fire Chief Date

Page 36: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Driver Engineer Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-18 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

This position description is established by the Fort Myers Beach Fire Department (FMBFD or “District”) to outline the basic requirements, duties, and general responsibilities of the Acting Driver Engineer position. The position of Acting Driver Engineer is a temporary, working-out-of-class assignment to fill periodic vacancies in the Driver Engineer rank. The certification of Acting Driver Engineer is appointed by the Fire Chief and is covered under the collective bargaining agreement. SUMMARY OF POSITION: The position of Acting Driver Engineer is a temporary, working-out-of-class assignment to fill periodic vacancies in the Engineer rank. The certification of Acting Driver Engineer is appointed by the Fire Chief and is covered under the collective bargaining agreement responsible for day-to-day operations of their assigned unit both in and out of the Station. Specifically, the Acting Driver Engineer serves as Driver and Operator of fire suppression apparatus. The Acting Driver Engineer ensures that District vehicles are operated in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. The Acting Driver Engineer is accountable for facilitating safe emergent and non-emergent response to, and mitigation of, incidents such as but not limited to, fire, medical, rescue, and environmental hazards. Additional duties include prevention, education, and preparedness, as well as encouraging, and mentoring members assigned. The Acting Driver Engineer places a strong emphasis on training, participating in, and facilitating a variety of high-frequency training activities to promote team building and personal development. The Acting Driver Engineer incorporates up-to-date and efficient fire prevention, fire suppression, hazardous incident mitigation, and emergency medical technologies into daily operations. Acting Driver Engineers also perform maintenance and repairs on Department vehicles and apparatus, as well as equipment and facilities. REPORTING RELATIONSHIP: The position of Acting Driver Engineer reports directly to their assigned Company Officer. The position is deemed non-exempt under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. SPECIFIC POSITION DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:

1. The Acting Driver Engineer has the job duties, responsibilities, and authority of a Firefighter with additional duties and responsibilities assigned, as well as acts as a Firefighter in all capacities of the Firefighter position description.

2. Responsible for analyzing and solving apparatus issues while always maintaining safe apparatus and equipment operation.

3. Ensures that each member of the apparatus makes use of safety equipment at all times to include seatbelts.

Page 37: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Driver Engineer Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-18 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

4. Ensures that the apparatus and equipment is clean, functional, well maintained, and always in a state of readiness.

5. Maintains working knowledge of streets, terrain, water supplies, and buildings in assigned district. 6. Develops crew members who aspire to be Acting Driver Engineers. 7. Stands accountable for operating and maneuvering the apparatus in a safe, professional, and prudent

manner at all times. 8. Conducts daily, weekly, monthly, and annual apparatus and equipment checks including, but not limited

to, greasing, tightening, replacing, etc. 9. Maintains and submits apparatus and equipment records per Department standards. 10. Communicates apparatus and equipment status to on-coming Driver Engineer. 11. Performs minor maintenance and safety checks of apparatus. 12. Following department procedures, communicates with maintenance personnel regarding apparatus and

equipment needs. 13. Maintain an extensive knowledge of the apparatus and equipment assigned to it, as well as the ability to

deliver apparatus operation education. 14. Drive apparatus on a periodic basis in emergent and non-emergent situations while adjusting speed for

conditions and utilizing defensive driving techniques. 15. Drive and back apparatus in minimal clearance situations. 16. Position apparatus correctly for incident scenes. 17. Determine hydraulic calculations to set pump pressure per department procedures. 18. Analyze and determine pump malfunctions and alternate operations. 19. Operate aerial devices with precision in accordance with the appropriate incident scene needs. 20. Operate the apparatus at emergency and non-emergency scenes. 21. Develop alternate water supplies in areas of need. 22. Choose the best route to an incident, ensuring that response times are kept to a minimum.


1. The Acting Driver Engineer is responsible for the same duties and responsibilities of a Firefighter, found in the FMBFD Firefighter Job Description.

2. Acting Driver Engineers are emergency service personnel who are first responders for Fire suppression and control and responds to emergency medical service requests as well as various types of other emergency incidents.

3. Work assignments are determined by the Company Officer.

Page 38: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Driver Engineer Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-18 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

4. The Acting Driver Engineer will take an active role in working with the Company Officer to maintain and advance training levels and develop crew members in firefighting, emergency medical services, technical rescue, and disaster preparedness.

5. Responsible for maintaining, training, and development of firefighting skills, emergency medical skills, technical rescue and disaster preparedness skills.

6. Responsible to maintain satisfactory performance measures and evaluations by District designee. 7. Responsible for understanding and complying with all applicable rules, regulations, laws, and standards

by appropriate jurisdiction. 8. Responsible for reporting violations of applicable rules, regulations, laws, and standards to appropriate

supervisor. 9. Responsible for filing official District reports including, but not limited to, fire reports, ICS reports, patient

care reports, and assist in other reports as directed by supervisor. 10. Records and maintains written records of all personnel actions. 11. Responsible for identifying training needs, equipment needs, and continuing education relevant to

maintaining the Acting Driver Engineer role. 12. Responsible for providing fire suppression and control, fire prevention and emergency rescue and

emergency medical services established by written standard operating procedures/guidelines and emergency medical services protocols within the Fort Myers Beach Fire Department.

13. Works under the direct supervision of the Company Officer in the command structure of the shift to which he/she is assigned.

14. In the absence of an officer, the Acting Driver Engineer has latitude to exercise independent judgment, personal initiative, and leadership in assigned duties within the guidelines of department policies, rules and regulations, and applicable laws.

15. Responsible for all actions taken during the assigned tour of duty and/or assignment given. Work is evaluated through periodic conferences and based upon the attainment of objectives and the clarity of written and oral reports.

16. The Acting Driver Engineer assists the Company Officer and the Battalion Chief in carrying out all department policies, rules and regulations, and standard operating guidelines (SOG’s).

17. The Acting Driver Engineer may serve as the initial Incident Commander on scene until relieved by a ranking officer.

18. Responsible for ensuring appropriate procedural actions including procedures in quarters, travel to and from incidents, and at fire and/or emergency rescue scenes.

19. Responsible for satisfactorily inspecting stations and equipment for proper appearance and condition. Subject to perform drills or instruction in emergency medicine and firefighting methods.

20. Responsible for the safe and efficient operation of all equipment and apparatus assigned to him/herself. May initiate repairs to equipment and apparatus according to department procedures.

21. Responds to all fire alarms and other emergencies and, as a working member of his or her shift, performs all physical and manual tasks as the situation may require. May assume command as

Page 39: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Driver Engineer Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-18 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

appropriate to achieve prompt and expeditious control of a situation until relieved by an officer of higher rank.

22. Responsible for station cleanliness and the checking and readiness of tools, equipment, stations, and all areas assigned.

23. Participates in seminars, conferences, and training courses to keep abreast of technological advancements in firefighting, emergency medical services, and rescue activities as required.

24. May provide recommendations to officers regarding new equipment purchases, in house training sessions, schooling, and any other areas as assigned.

25. Responsible for accurate and complete paperwork, including but not limited to: fire reports, medical reports, daily journal log entries, vehicle check sheets, supply requests, injury reports, and accident reports.

26. Responds in a timely fashion when called back to duty, or when the Fire Chief or his designee declares a state of emergency exists.

27. Represents the department in a dignified manner by being well groomed, courteous and tactful in all interactions with, or assisting, the public and other agencies.

28. Performs other related duties as required. REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES:

1. Demonstrate ability to plan, direct, manage, and coordinate the work of Firefighters. 2. Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. 3. Ability to make sound decisions in extremely stressful and life threatening situations. Willing to make

timely, fact-based decisions; ability to handle uncertainty and clarify ambiguities timely and effectively. Ability to see unusual aspects of a problem and find unique solutions; evaluate results for effectiveness.

4. Possess and demonstrate an extensive knowledge of the District’s rules, policies and procedures. 5. Possess and demonstrate extensive proficiency and knowledge of fire behavior, fire chemistry,

firefighting safety, effective firefighting tactics, hazardous materials, technical rescue, and emergency medical skill methods with ability to access and implement this knowledge during high stress and critical events.

6. Possess knowledge of effective actions within current Incident Command and Management Systems. 7. Demonstrate a commitment to keep abreast of current developments in the fire and emergency medical

services. 8. Ability to use mechanical skills to perform basic maintenance and repairs on District stations and

associated equipment. 9. Continually contribute to a motivational atmosphere for all Department members through ethical and

honest actions in support of and achieving the goals of the organization and the Fire Chief.

Page 40: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Driver Engineer Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-18 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

10. Demonstrate a courteous and professional manner to the public, paying particular attention to personal hygiene and cleanliness.

11. Maintain composure and a professional attitude under all, especially stressful, conditions. Demonstrate mature, professional, and appropriate conduct at all times and in all places, employing ethics, integrity, honesty, and cooperative teamwork.

12. Demonstrate ability to create a work environment in which team members can be open and at ease with each other. Ability to promote and maintain a positive, effective team environment. Ability to establish and maintain harmony and mutual respect among team members through positive relationships and dedication to the betterment of the team.

13. Demonstrate ability to recognize and accept constructive criticism, as well as apply it to actions. Utilize training, direction, delegation, and accountability to improve team skills. Provide assistance to teammates in resolving conflicts. Encourage positive individual initiatives to achieve the organizations goals.

14. Demonstrate ability and initiative for continual self-development. 15. Demonstrate consistent ability to work as needed to achieve results and/or meet targets within

established time frames. 16. Demonstrate sound judgment and the ability to receive feedback and suggestions, initiating regular

positive discussions with crew members. 17. Demonstrate effective listening and speaking skills. Produce clearly organized and easily comprehended

written communications. Maintain an open line of communication with superiors and crew members. 18. Proficient in setting goals, completing delegated tasks effectively with minimal supervision, and

contributing with new ideas. 19. Schedule work for the most efficient and effective performance of activities and elimination of

unnecessary activities. Handle multiple responsibilities simultaneously, prioritize responsibilities appropriately, and perform responsibilities in a thorough and timely manner.

20. Demonstrate ability to meet performance or quality control standards. Ability to deliver results and set control parameters in terms of time and dollars.

21. Ability to adapt to necessary changes in operations; willing to try new ideas with a positive and productive attitude.

22. Proficient in setting challenging goals.


1. Knowledge of:

Applicable Laws and Regulations Leadership Collective Bargaining Strategy and Tactics

Page 41: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Driver Engineer Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-18 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

Electronic and Computer Software Fire and Emergency Medical Needs Disaster Management


1. Must successfully complete and pass all written and practical assessments prescribed by the District. 2. Successful completion of the FMBFD Acting Driver Engineer Task-Book.


1. Two (2) years of career firefighting experience with the Fort Myers Beach Fire Department.

Education: 1. Hold a high school diploma or a State recognized equivalent.

Certificate or Licenses:

Must satisfy, maintain, and keep current all District, State, and Federal Certifications and/or Licensure requirements for the following: 1. Meet the requirements of State Fire Minimum Standards, F.S. 633. 2. EVOC Course. 3. State of Florida Pump Operator Certification 4. State of Florida Aerial Operator Education (as approved by the Fire Chief) 5. Florida State Emergency Medical Technician-Basic or Paramedic certification 6. Incident Command System: IS100, IS200, IS700, IS800, IS701, IS702, IS703, IS704. (current

requirements as outlined by NIMS 7. National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) S130/190 (Basic Firefighter Training & Introduction to

Wildland Fire Behavior)- Effective January 1, 2019 8. Water Rescue Awareness or Operation by FMBFD 9. NWCG S-215 (Fire Operations in the Wildland/Urban Interface) 10. Hazardous Materials Awareness or above† 11. Confined Space Awareness or above† 12. Trench Rescue Awareness or above† 13. Rope Rescue Awareness or above†

(†Requirement subject to availability of course offering)

Must possess and maintain: 1. Valid Florida driver’s license.

Page 42: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Driver Engineer Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-18 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.


1. Strength and Mobility – Mobility to move to and from various points within the District facilities and within the outdoor environment. Must possess the ability to lift items in excess of one hundred fifty (150) pounds occasionally and up to eighty (80) pounds frequently.

2. Auditory – Ability to understand and follow oral instructions in the English language. 3. Verbal – Ability to participate in routine conversation in person or via telephone in the English

language. 4. Visual – Must be able to distinguish circumstances/situations, written materials, and other details

concerning District facilities and emergent scenes from distances both near and far. 5. Mental – Must be capable of functioning in a work environment with a high level of mental stress and

pressure. 6. Meet Florida Minimum Standards for Firefighter, and the physical ability to work while wearing

protective equipment, including self-contained breathing apparatus.

Environmental and Other Requirements: This position requires work in a variety of locations and conditions, including living quarters and office areas, in and around a wide variety of automotive, mechanical, chemical, and medical equipment or supplies, and emergency scenes of every type.

1. A portion of this position will involve sedentary, administrative work in an office environment. 2. Strenuous physical activity under extreme adverse conditions will be required frequently. 3. This position requires standing, running, walking, sitting, kneeling, stooping/bending, lifting, squatting,

pushing, pulling, crawling, jumping, sliding, climbing, pinching, gripping, digging, spraying, reaching over head, reaching away from body, and repetitive motion.

4. Will be required to work in all weather conditions and in extreme temperatures below twenty degrees (20 degrees) Fahrenheit and in excess of one hundred degrees (100 degrees) Fahrenheit.

5. Work may be performed under dangerous, hazardous, and adverse conditions, including, but not limited to, weakened structures, slippery and uneven surfaces, proximity to moving mechanical equipment, burning structures, broken glass or other materials, electrical currents, high places, and confined spaces.

6. Work may result in exposure to contaminated environments, including, but not limited to, hazardous materials, smoke, gases, chemicals, fumes, odors, mists, and dusts.

7. Work may result in exposure to individuals or blood-carrying infectious diseases or illnesses, such as Hepatitis A, B or C, HIV, tuberculosis, small pox, etc.

8. Work may result in exposure to high noise levels requiring the wearing of hearing protection. 9. This position demands frequent use of sensory activities such as talking, seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling

(identifying objects by touch), depth perception, and color vision. 10. This position requires the ability to read, write, speak, and understand the English language at a level

adequate to perform the job.

Page 43: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Driver Engineer Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain or Captain II)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-18 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

11. This position will involve periods of high physical, mental and/or emotional stress. RELATIONSHIPS:

1. Community Members and Visitors – Daily interactions by personal contact, telephone, and written computer communication.

2. Co-workers – Multiple daily interactions responding to emergency and non-emergency situations, to facilitate the coordination of daily company operations and staffing, exchange of information, and to complete tasks related to fire stations and district buildings.

3. Fire Department Company Officers – Multiple daily interactions by telephone, written computer communication, radio, and personal contact: coordination of daily company staffing, coordination of unit status and distribution, and exchange of information.

4. Fire Department Chief Officers – Interactions as needed by telephone, written computer communication, radio, and personal contact: exchange of information, and incident management operations.

5. Other contacts as assigned, required, or needed.


The duties and responsibilities listed in this document are intended only as illustrations of the various duties to be performed, and are not all inclusive. The omission of other specific duties does not exclude those duties from being performed by the Driver Engineer if the tasks are similar, related, or a logical assignment to the position. This position description does not constitute an employment contract between the District and the Driver Engineer and is subject to change at the discretion of the Fire Chief.


I acknowledge receipt of this position description and agree to perform within the parameters established. Signature Date __________________________________________ (Print Full Name) Fire Chief Date

Page 44: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Driver Engineer Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant or Captain)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: January 25, 2017 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved: REV DRAFT 2-23-18


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

This position description is established by the Fort Myers Beach Fire Department (FMBFD or “Department”) to outline the basic requirements, duties, and general responsibilities of the Driver Engineer position. The position of Driver Engineer is a permanent, promoted rank appointed by the Fire Chief and is covered under the “Engineer” class of the collective bargaining agreement. SUMMARY OF POSITION: The FMBFD Driver Engineer is responsible for day-to-day operations both in and out of the station. Specifically, the Driver Engineer serves as Driver Operator of fire suppression apparatus. The Driver Engineer ensures that department vehicles are operated in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. The Driver Engineer is accountable for facilitating safe emergent, and non-emergent response to the mitigation of incidents such as, but not limited to, fire, medical, rescue, and environmental hazards. Additional duties include prevention, education, and preparedness, as well as encouraging, and mentoring members assigned. The Driver Engineer places a strong emphasis on training, participation, and facilitating a variety of high-frequency training activities to promote team building and personal development. The Driver Engineer incorporates up-to-date and efficient fire prevention, fire suppression, hazardous incident mitigation, and emergency medical technologies into daily operations. Driver Engineers also perform maintenance and repairs on Department vehicles and apparatus, as well as equipment and facilities. REPORTING RELATIONSHIP: The position of Driver Engineer for the Fort Myers Beach Fire Department serves as an Engineer for the organization and reports directly to their assigned Company Officer (Lieutenant or Captain). The position is deemed non-exempt under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. SPECIFIC POSITION DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:

1. The Driver Engineer has the job duties, responsibilities, and authority of a Firefighter with additional duties and responsibilities assigned, as well as acts as a Firefighter in all capacities of the Firefighter position description.

2. Responsible for analyzing and solving apparatus issues while always maintaining safe apparatus and equipment operation.

3. Ensures that each member of the apparatus makes use of safety equipment at all times to include seatbelts.

4. Ensures that the apparatus and equipment is clean, functional, well maintained, and always in a state of readiness.

5. Maintains working knowledge of streets, terrain, water supplies, and buildings in assigned district.

Page 45: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Driver Engineer Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant or Captain)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: January 25, 2017 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved: REV DRAFT 2-23-18


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

6. Develops crew members who aspire to be Acting Driver Engineers and promoted Driver Engineers. 7. Stands accountable for operating and maneuvering the apparatus in a safe, professional, and prudent

manner at all times. 8. Conducts daily, weekly, monthly, and annual apparatus and equipment checks including, but not limited

to, greasing, tightening, replacing, etc. 9. Maintains and submits apparatus and equipment records per department standards. 10. Communicates apparatus and equipment status to oncoming Driver Engineer. 11. Performs minor maintenance and safety checks of apparatus. 12. Following department procedures, communicates with maintenance personnel regarding apparatus and

equipment needs. 13. Maintain an extensive knowledge of the apparatus and equipment assigned to it, as well as the ability to

deliver apparatus operation education. 14. Drive apparatus on a daily basis in emergent and non-emergent situations while adjusting speed for

conditions, and utilizing defensive driving techniques. 15. Drive and back apparatus in minimal clearance situations. 16. Position apparatus correctly for incident scenes. 17. Determine hydraulic calculations to set pump pressure per department procedures. 18. Analyze and determine pump malfunctions and alternate operations. 19. Operate aerial devices with precision in accordance with the appropriate incident scene needs. 20. Operate the apparatus at emergency and non-emergency scenes. 21. Develop alternate water supplies in areas of need. 22. Choose the best route to an incident, ensuring that response times are kept to a minimum.


1. The Driver Engineer is responsible for the same duties and responsibilities of a Firefighter, found in the FMBFD Firefighter Job Description.

2. Driver Engineers are emergency service personnel who are first responders for fire suppression and control, and responds to emergency medical service requests as well as various types of other emergency incidents.

3. Work assignments are determined by the Company Officer. 4. The Driver Engineer will take an active role in working with the Company Officer to maintain and

advance training levels, and develop crew members in firefighting, emergency medical services, technical rescue, and disaster preparedness.

5. Responsible to maintain satisfactory performance measures and evaluations by department designee. 6. Responsible for understanding and complying with all applicable rules, regulations, laws, and standards

by appropriate jurisdiction.

Page 46: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Driver Engineer Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant or Captain)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: January 25, 2017 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved: REV DRAFT 2-23-18


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

7. Responsible for reporting violations of applicable rules, regulations, laws, and standards to appropriate supervisor, and records and maintains written records of personal actions.

8. Maintains and submits apparatus and equipment records per department standards. 9. Responsible for identifying training needs, equipment needs, and continuing education relevant to

maintaining the Driver Engineer role. 10. Responsible for providing fire suppression and control, fire prevention, emergency rescue, emergency

medical services established by written standard operating procedures/guidelines, and emergency medical services protocols within the Fort Myers Beach Fire Department.

11. Works under the direct supervision of the Company Officer in the command structure of the shift to which he/she is assigned.

12. In the absence of an officer, the Driver Engineer has latitude to exercise independent judgment, personal initiative, and leadership in assigned duties within the guidelines of department policies, rules and regulations, and applicable laws.

13. Responsible for all actions taken during the assigned tour of duty and/or assignment given. Work is evaluated through periodic conferences and based upon the attainment of objectives, and the clarity of written and oral reports.

14. The Driver Engineer assists the Company Officer and the Shift Commander/Battalion Chief in carrying out all department policies, rules and regulations, and standard operating guidelines (SOG’s).

15. The Driver Engineer may serve as the initial Incident Commander on scene until relieved by a ranking officer.

16. Responsible for ensuring appropriate procedural actions including procedures in quarters, travel to and from incidents, and at fire and/or emergency rescue scenes.

17. Responsible for satisfactorily inspecting stations and equipment for proper appearance and condition. Subject to perform drills or instruction in emergency medicine and firefighting methods.

18. Responsible for the safe and efficient operation of all equipment and apparatus assigned to him/her. May initiate repairs to equipment and apparatus according to department procedures.

19. Responds to all fire alarms and other emergencies and as a working member of his or her shift, performs all physical and manual tasks as the situation may require. May assume command as appropriate to achieve prompt and expeditious control of a situation until relieved by an officer of higher rank.

20. Responsible for station cleanliness and the checking and readiness of tools, equipment, stations, and all areas assigned.

21. Participates in seminars, conferences, and training courses to keep abreast of technological advancements in firefighting, emergency medical services, and rescue activities as required.

22. May provide recommendations to officers regarding new equipment purchases, in house training sessions, schooling seminars, and any other areas as assigned.

23. Responsible for complete and accurate paperwork, including but not limited to: fire reports, medical reports, daily journal log entries, vehicle check sheets, supply requests, injury reports, and accident reports.

Page 47: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Driver Engineer Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant or Captain)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: January 25, 2017 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved: REV DRAFT 2-23-18


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

24. Responds in a timely fashion when called back to duty, or when the Fire Chief or his designee declare a state of emergency exists.

25. Represents the department in a dignified manner by being well groomed, courteous, and tactful in all interactions with, or assisting the public and other agencies.

26. Performs other related duties as required.

REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: 1. Demonstrate ability to plan, direct, manage, and coordinate the work of Firefighters. 2. Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. 3. Ability to make sound decisions in extremely stressful and life threatening situations. Willing to make

timely, fact-based decisions; ability to handle uncertainty, and clarify ambiguities timely and effectively. Ability to see unusual aspects of a problem and find unique solutions; evaluate results for effectiveness.

4. Possess and demonstrate an extensive knowledge of the department’s rules, policies and procedures. 5. Possess and demonstrate extensive proficiency and knowledge of fire behavior, fire chemistry,

firefighting safety, effective firefighting tactics, hazardous materials, technical rescue, and emergency medical skill methods with ability to access and implement this knowledge during high stress and critical events.

6. Possess knowledge of effective actions within current Incident Command and Management Systems. 7. Demonstrate a commitment to keep abreast of current developments in the fire and emergency medical

services. 8. Ability to use mechanical skills to perform basic maintenance and repairs on department stations and

associated equipment. 9. Continually contribute to a motivational atmosphere for all department members through ethical and

honest actions in support of and achieving the goals of the organization and the Fire Chief. 10. Demonstrate a courteous and professional manner to the public, paying particular attention to personal

hygiene and cleanliness. 11. Maintain composure and a professional attitude under all, especially stressful, conditions. Demonstrate

mature, professional, and appropriate conduct at all times and in all places, employing ethics, integrity, honesty, and cooperative teamwork.

12. Demonstrate ability to create a work environment in which team members can be open and at ease with each other. Ability to promote and maintain a positive, effective team environment. Ability to establish and maintain harmony, and mutual respect among team members through positive relationships, and dedication to the betterment of the team.

13. Demonstrate ability to recognize and accept constructive criticism, as well as apply it to actions. Utilize training, direction, delegation, and accountability to improve team skills. Provide assistance to

Page 48: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Driver Engineer Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant or Captain)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: January 25, 2017 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved: REV DRAFT 2-23-18


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

teammates in resolving conflicts. Encourage positive individual initiatives to achieve the organizations goals.

14. Demonstrate ability and initiative for continual self-development. 15. Demonstrate consistent ability to work as needed to achieve results and/or meet targets within

established time frames. 16. Demonstrate sound judgment and the ability to receive feedback and suggestions, initiating regular

positive discussions with crew members. 17. Demonstrate effective listening and speaking skills. Produce clearly organized and easily comprehended

written communications. Maintain an open line of communication with superiors and crew members. 18. Proficient in setting goals, completing delegated tasks effectively with minimal supervision, and

contributing with new ideas. 19. Schedule work for the most efficient and effective performance of activities, and elimination of

unnecessary activities. Handle multiple responsibilities simultaneously, prioritize responsibilities appropriately, and perform responsibilities in a thorough and timely manner.

20. Demonstrate ability to meet performance or quality control standards. Ability to deliver results and set control parameters in terms of time and dollars.

21. Ability to adapt to necessary changes in operations; willing to try new ideas with a positive and productive attitude.

22. Proficient in setting challenging goals. QUALIFICATIONS: General:

1. Knowledge of:

Applicable Laws and Regulations Leadership Collective Bargaining Strategy and Tactics Electronic and Computer Software Fire and Emergency Medical Needs Disaster Management


1. Must successfully complete and pass all written and practical assessments prescribed by the Department. 2. Successful completion of the FMBFD Acting Driver Engineer and Driver Engineer Task-Books.


1. Previous FMBFD Acting Driver Engineer experience of at least one (1) year.

Page 49: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Driver Engineer Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant or Captain)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: January 25, 2017 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved: REV DRAFT 2-23-18


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

Education: 1. Hold a high school diploma or a State recognized equivalent.

Certificate or Licenses:

Must satisfy, maintain, and keep current all District, State, and Federal Certifications and/or Licensure requirements for the following: 1. Meet the requirements of State Fire Minimum Standards, F.S. 633. 2. EVOC Course. 3. State of Florida Pump Operator Certification 4. State of Florida Aerial Operator Education (as approved by the Fire Chief) 5. Florida State Emergency Medical Technician-Basic or Paramedic certification 6. National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) S130/190 (Basic Firefighter Training & Introduction to

Wildland Fire Behavior)- Effective January 1, 2019 7. NWCG S-215 (Fire Operations in the Wildland/Urban Interface) 8. Hazardous Materials Awareness or above† 9. Confined Space Awareness or above† 10. Trench Rescue Awareness or above† 11. Rope Rescue Awareness or above†

(†Requirement subject to availability of course offering)

Must possess, or be eligible to obtain within 30 days of appointment to the position, and maintain: 1. Valid Florida driver’s license.


1. Strength and Mobility – Mobility to move to and from various points within the department facilities and within the outdoor environment. Must possess the ability to lift items in excess of one hundred fifty (150) pounds occasionally and up to eighty (80) pounds frequently.

2. Auditory – Ability to understand and follow oral instructions in the English language. 3. Verbal – Ability to participate in routine conversation in person or via telephone in the English

language. 4. Visual – Must be able to distinguish circumstances/situations, written materials, and other details

concerning department facilities and emergent scenes from distances both near and far. 5. Mental – Must be capable of functioning in a work environment with a high level of mental stress and

pressure. 6. Meet Florida Minimum Standards for Firefighter, and the physical ability to work while wearing

protective equipment, including self-contained breathing apparatus.

Page 50: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Driver Engineer Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant or Captain)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: January 25, 2017 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved: REV DRAFT 2-23-18


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

Environmental and Other Requirements: This position requires work in a variety of locations and conditions, including living quarters and office areas, in and around a wide variety of automotive, mechanical, chemical, and medical equipment or supplies, and emergency scenes of every type.

1. A portion of this position will involve sedentary, administrative work in an office environment. 2. Strenuous physical activity under extreme adverse conditions will be required frequently. 3. This position requires standing, running, walking, sitting, kneeling, stooping/bending, lifting, squatting,

pushing, pulling, crawling, jumping, sliding, climbing, pinching, gripping, digging, spraying, reaching over head, reaching away from body, and repetitive motion.

4. Will be required to work in all weather conditions and in extreme temperatures below twenty degrees (20 degrees) Fahrenheit and in excess of one hundred degrees (100 degrees) Fahrenheit.

5. Work may be performed under dangerous, hazardous, and adverse conditions, including, but not limited to, weakened structures, slippery and uneven surfaces, proximity to moving mechanical equipment, burning structures, broken glass or other materials, electrical currents, high places, and confined spaces.

6. Work may result in exposure to contaminated environments, including, but not limited to, hazardous materials, smoke, gases, chemicals, fumes, odors, mists, and dusts.

7. Work may result in exposure to individuals or blood-carrying infectious diseases or illnesses, such as Hepatitis A, B or C, HIV, tuberculosis, small pox, etc.

8. Work may result in exposure to high noise levels requiring the wearing of hearing protection. 9. This position demands frequent use of sensory activities such as talking, seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling

(identifying objects by touch), depth perception, and color vision. 10. This position requires the ability to read, write, speak, and understand the English language at a level

adequate to perform the job. 11. This position will involve periods of high physical, mental and/or emotional stress.


1. Community Members and Visitors – Daily interactions by personal contact, telephone, and written computer communication.

2. Co-workers – Multiple daily interactions responding to emergency and non-emergency situations, to facilitate the coordination of daily company operations and staffing, exchange of information, and to complete tasks related to fire stations and department buildings.

3. Fire Department Company Officers – Multiple daily interactions by telephone, written computer communication, radio, and personal contact: coordination of daily company staffing, coordination of unit status and distribution, and exchange of information.

4. Fire Department Chief Officers – Interactions as needed by telephone, written computer communication, radio, and personal contact: exchange of information, and incident management operations.

5. Other contacts as assigned, required, or needed.

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Position Title: Driver Engineer Reports To: Company Officer (Lieutenant or Captain)

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: January 25, 2017 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved: REV DRAFT 2-23-18


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.


The duties and responsibilities listed in this document are intended only as illustrations of the various duties to be performed, and are not all inclusive. The omission of other specific duties does not exclude those duties from being performed by the Driver Engineer if the tasks are similar, related, or a logical assignment to the position. This position description does not constitute an employment contract between the Department and the Driver Engineer and is subject to change at the discretion of the Fire Chief.


I acknowledge receipt of this position description and agree to perform within the parameters established. Signature Date __________________________________________ (Print Full Name) Fire Chief Date

Page 52: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Lieutenant Reports To: Battalion Chief Position Status: Full-Time Effective Date: DRAFT 4-11-18

FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

This position description is established by the Fort Myers Beach Fire Department (FMBFD or “District”) to outline the basic requirements, duties, and general responsibilities of the Acting Lieutenant position. The position of Acting Lieutenant is a temporary, working-out-of-class assignment to fill periodic vacancies in the Lieutenant/Company Officer rank. The certification of Acting Lieutenant is appointed by the Fire Chief and is covered under the collective bargaining agreement. SUMMARY OF POSITION: The FMBFD Acting Lieutenant is responsible for periodically managing operations and leading one or more companies, both in and out of the Station. The Acting Lieutenant is accountable for facilitating safe emergent and non-emergent response to and mitigation of incidents such as, but not limited to, fire, medical, rescue, and environmental hazards. Additional duties include prevention, education, and preparedness, as well as supervising, encouraging, and mentoring members assigned. The Acting Lieutenant places a strong emphasis on training, participating in, and facilitating a variety of high-frequency training activities to promote team building and personal development. The Acting Lieutenant incorporates up-to-date and efficient fire prevention, fire suppression, hazardous incident mitigation, and emergency medical technologies into daily operations and assists in planning, organization, direction, and evaluation through operational and non-operational positions. REPORTING RELATIONSHIP: The Acting Lieutenant works under the direct supervision and guidance of a Battalion Chief within the organizational command structure, and may be assigned to work under the supervision of other Officers as identified. The position is deemed non-exempt under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The Acting Lieutenant supervises all members as assigned. SPECIFIC POSITION DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:

1. The Acting Lieutenant will provide mentorship, coaching, and accountability to other members. 2. As an officer at the emergency scene, the Acting Lieutenant is responsible for all scene operations

until relieved by a higher-ranking officer, in compliance with operational standards. The Acting Lieutenant is expected to assume command of incidents of complexity (working/active incidents, multiple alarms, target hazards, etc.) as the Incident Commander until relieved by a higher-ranking officer.

3. A role of the Acting Lieutenant is to provide Program oversight. This oversight may include, but is not limited to, Program Administration assignments.

4. Plan, organize, coordinate, and direct; operations, pre-incident planning, and facility maintenance as assigned or as needed.

5. Manage and assist other Officers, and other members in various administrative duties and special

Page 53: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Lieutenant Reports To: Battalion Chief Position Status: Full-Time Effective Date: DRAFT 4-11-18

FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

assignments, otherwise known as Program Management. 6. Authorized and responsible for imposing corrective and disciplinary actions on subordinate personnel

within the scope of his/her position. Responsible for recommending disciplinary action to supervisors.

7. Makes recommendations to superiors related to hiring, promotion, and discharge of subordinate personnel.

8. Responsible for making recommendations related to handling and resolving grievances involving subordinate personnel.

9. Records and maintains written records of all personnel actions. 10. Directs and supervises assigned personnel, including, issuing counseling forms, authorizing

disciplinary action, and evaluating subordinates. The Acting Lieutenant is responsible for directing subordinates through training and development and providing technical support and guidance to staff. The Acting Lieutenant resolves complaints and provides recommendations for grievances, maintaining written records of all personnel actions.

11. Responsible for ensuring appropriate procedural action of subordinates, including procedures in quarters, travel to and from incidents, and at fire and/or emergency rescue scenes.

12. Responsible for inspecting staff, stations, and equipment for proper appearance and condition. Conducts or assigns personnel to perform drills or instruction in emergency medicine and firefighting methods.

13. Consistently, correctly, and ethically enforce the District’s rules, policies, and procedures, and takes appropriate corrective action or recommends disciplinary actions for violations of the District’s rules, policies, and procedures.

14. The Acting Lieutenant is responsible for ensuring facility maintenance and equipment readiness, addressing immediate concerns to confirm District facilities have needed supplies and are properly maintained to provide for a quality work environment.

15. The Acting Lieutenant will serve as the incident reporting steward for his or her crew, confirming that all incident reports at the assigned station are completed and reviewed within Department time parameters.

16. The Acting Lieutenant will be evaluated through conferences, performance observation, adherence to this document, organization policies, procedures, rules, and attainment of expectations and objectives


1. Respond to incidents and protect life and property through the prevention and extinguishment of fires. Assist in the preservation of evidence to determine the origin and cause of fire.

2. Select and employ proper strategies and tactics in the mitigation of emergency incidents.

Page 54: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Lieutenant Reports To: Battalion Chief Position Status: Full-Time Effective Date: DRAFT 4-11-18

FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

3. Perform emergency life support to the level qualified or until relieved by higher qualified personnel in accordance with all applicable emergency medical protocols, Federal, State, and Local laws, and the District’s rules, policies, and procedures.

4. Enforce fire and life safety ordinances and directives issued by the Fire District, including establishing fire watch, reporting, and mitigating unsafe conditions and Company Inspections.

5. Attend and facilitate regular training sessions to learn, refresh, and practice firefighting, EMS and rescue skills and methods. The Acting Lieutenant is a training officer for his or her crew and must make quality training a priority within each shift.

6. Perform regular maintenance of District apparatus, tools, and equipment in order to ensure they are kept clean and in good working order.

7. Ensures that the apparatus and equipment is clean, functional, well maintained, and always in a state of readiness.

8. Perform maintenance on/within stations and grounds to ensure they are kept clean, safe, stocked, locked, and in good working order.

9. Consistently and correctly follows the District’s rules, policies, and procedures. The Acting Lieutenant must adhere to the standards of the District and uphold the utmost ethics and integrity.

10. Ensure complete, accurate, and timely preparation and maintenance of District records and reports, to include completion of incident reports assigned within Department parameters.

11. Consistently promote a professional image of the District through all actions. 12. Make and ensure use of safety equipment at all times to include seatbelts whenever a vehicle or apparatus

is in motion. 13. Stand accountable for operating and maneuvering vehicles in a safe, professional, and prudent manner

at all times. 14. Conduct daily, weekly, monthly, and annual vehicle and equipment checks. 15. Drive vehicles as assigned in emergent and non-emergent situations while adjusting speed for conditions

and utilizing defensive driving techniques. 16. Position vehicles correctly for incident scenes. 17. Observe all State laws, Department policies, Department procedures and rules, and provide for the safety

of others. 18. Function in a higher capacity when assigned. 19. Other duties as assigned.


1. Ability to make sound decisions in extremely stressful and life threatening situations. Willing to make timely, fact based decisions; ability to handle uncertainty and clarify ambiguities timely and effectively. Ability to see unusual aspects of a problem and find unique solutions; evaluate results for effectiveness.

2. Possess and demonstrate knowledge of the District’s rules, policies and procedures.

Page 55: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Lieutenant Reports To: Battalion Chief Position Status: Full-Time Effective Date: DRAFT 4-11-18

FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

3. Possess and demonstrate proficiency and knowledge of fire behavior, fire chemistry, firefighting safety, effective firefighting tactics, hazardous materials, technical rescue, and emergency medical skill methods with ability to access and implement this knowledge during high stress and critical events.

4. Possess knowledge of, and effective actions within current Incident Command and Management Systems.

5. Demonstrate a commitment to keep abreast of current developments in the fire and emergency medical services.

6. Ability to use mechanical skills to perform basic maintenance and repairs on District stations and associated equipment.

7. Continually contribute to a motivational atmosphere for all Department members through ethical and honest actions in support of and achieving the goals of the organization and the Fire Chief. The Acting Lieutenant will take full ownership of the motivational atmosphere for those within his/her command.

8. Demonstrate a courteous and professional manner to the public, paying particular attention to personal hygiene and cleanliness.

9. Maintain composure and a professional attitude under all, especially stressful, conditions. Demonstrate mature, professional, and appropriate conduct at all times and in all places, employing ethics, integrity, honesty, and cooperative teamwork. The Acting Lieutenant must demonstrate a superior level of professionalism in all actions.

10. Demonstrate ability to create a work environment in which team members can be open and at ease with each other. Ability to promote and maintain a positive, effective team environment. Ability to establish and maintain harmony and mutual respect among team members through positive relationships and dedication to the betterment of the team.

11. Demonstrate ability to recognize and accept constructive criticism, as well as apply it to actions. Utilize training, direction, delegation, and accountability to improve team skills. Provide assistance to teammates in resolving conflicts. Encourage positive individual initiative to achieve the organizations goals.

12. Demonstrate ability and initiative for continual self-development; work with crew members in preparing and implementing realistic, researched, and meaningful self-development plans; support appropriate job changes and promotions.

13. Demonstrate consistent ability to work as needed to achieve results and/or meet targets within established time frames.

14. Demonstrate sound judgment and the ability to receive feedback and suggestions, initiating regular positive discussions with crew members.

15. Demonstrate effective listening and speaking skills. Produce clearly organized and easily comprehended written communications. Maintain an open line of communication with superiors and crew members.

16. Proficient in setting goals, completing delegated tasks effectively with minimal supervision, and contributing with new ideas.

Page 56: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Lieutenant Reports To: Battalion Chief Position Status: Full-Time Effective Date: DRAFT 4-11-18

FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

17. Schedule work for the most efficient and effective performance of activities and elimination of unnecessary activities. Handle multiple responsibilities simultaneously, prioritize responsibilities appropriately, and perform responsibilities in a thorough and timely manner.

18. Demonstrate ability to meet performance or quality control standards. Ability to deliver results and set control parameters in terms of time and dollars.

19. Ability to adapt to necessary changes in operations; willing to try new ideas with a positive and productive attitude.

20. Proficient in setting challenging goals for subordinates, delegating effectively with appropriate supervision, and stimulating others to contribute new ideas.

21. Proficient in Performance Feedback and Results Planning, demonstrate sound personnel management skills, encouraging feedback and suggestions; initiate regular discussion with subordinates; effectively research and evaluate subordinates’ results; identify opportunities for improvement; reinforce good performance; take appropriate ownership and timely action with marginal or failing performers; ability to clearly state results expected for subordinates’ performance.

22. Identify and select qualified members to achieve District objectives; match member skills and abilities with job requirements.


1. Demonstrate ability to plan, direct, manage, and coordinate the work of subordinates. 2. Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. 3. Knowledge of:

Applicable Laws and Regulations Leadership Collective Bargaining Managerial Techniques Electronic and Computer Software Personnel Management Disaster Management Strategy and Tactics Fire and Emergency Medical Needs


1. Effective October 1, 2018: Must successfully complete and pass all written and practical assessments prescribed by the District.

2. Effective October 1, 2018: Successful completion of the FMBFD Acting Lieutenant Task-Book.

Page 57: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Lieutenant Reports To: Battalion Chief Position Status: Full-Time Effective Date: DRAFT 4-11-18

FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

Experience: 1. Currently hold the Promoted position of Driver Engineer 2. A min of two (2) years total Driver Engineer experience in an Acting Driver Engineer or Promoted Driver

Engineer capacity. Education:

1. Hold a high school diploma or a State recognized equivalent. Certificate or Licenses:

Must satisfy, maintain, and keep current all District, State, and Federal Certifications and/or Licensure requirements for the following: 1. Meet the requirements of State Fire Minimum Standards, F.S. 633. 2. State of Florida EVOC Course. 3. Florida State Certified Fire Officer I or higher 4. Florida State Certified Fire Instructor I or higher 5. Florida State Emergency Medical Technician-Basic or Paramedic certification 6. Incident Command System: IS100, IS200, IS700, IS800, IS701, IS702, IS703, IS704. (current

requirements as outlined by NIMS) 7. National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) S130/190 (Basic Firefighter Training & Introduction to

Wildland Fire Behavior)- Effective October 24, 2018 8. NWCG S-215 (Fire Operations in the Wildland/Urban Interface) 9. NWCG S-231 (Engine Boss)- Effective October 24, 2018† 10. Hazardous Materials Awareness and/or Operations and/or Technician† 11. Confined Space Awareness and/or Operations and/or Technician† 12. Trench Rescue Awareness and/or Operations and/or Technician† 13. Rope Rescue Awareness and/or Operations and/or Technician†

(†Requirement subject to availability of course offering) Must possess and maintain: 1. Valid Florida driver’s license.


1. Strength and Mobility – Mobility to move to and from various points within the District facilities and within the outdoor environment. Must possess the ability to lift items in excess of one hundred fifty (150) pounds occasionally and up to eighty (80) pounds frequently.

2. Auditory – Ability to understand and follow oral instructions in the English language. 3. Verbal – Ability to participate in routine conversation in person or via telephone in the

English language.

Page 58: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Lieutenant Reports To: Battalion Chief Position Status: Full-Time Effective Date: DRAFT 4-11-18

FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

4. Visual – Must be able to distinguish circumstances/situations, written materials, and other details concerning District facilities and emergent scenes from distances both near and far.

5. Mental – Must be capable of functioning in a work environment with a high level of mental stress and pressure.

6. Meet Florida Minimum Standards for Firefighter, and the physical ability to work while wearing protective equipment, including self-contained breathing apparatus.

Environmental and Other Requirements: This position requires work in a variety of locations and conditions, including living quarters and office areas, in and around a wide variety of automotive, mechanical, chemical, and medical equipment or supplies, and emergency scenes of every type.

1. A portion of this position will involve sedentary, administrative work in an office environment. 2. Strenuous physical activity under extreme adverse conditions will be required frequently. 3. This position requires standing, running, walking, sitting, kneeling, stooping/bending, lifting, squatting,

pushing, pulling, crawling, jumping, sliding, climbing, pinching, gripping, digging, spraying, reaching over head, reaching away from body, and repetitive motion.

4. Will be required to work in all weather conditions and in extreme temperatures below twenty degrees (20 degrees) Fahrenheit and in excess of one hundred degrees (100 degrees) Fahrenheit.

5. Work may be performed under dangerous, hazardous, and adverse conditions, including, but not limited to, weakened structures, slippery and uneven surfaces, proximity to moving mechanical equipment, burning structures, broken glass or other materials, electrical currents, high places, and confined spaces.

6. Work may result in exposure to contaminated environments, including, but not limited to, hazardous materials, smoke, gases, chemicals, fumes, odors, mists, and dusts.

7. Work may result in exposure to individuals or blood-carrying infectious diseases or illnesses, such as Hepatitis A, B or C, HIV, tuberculosis, small pox, etc.

8. Work may result in exposure to high noise levels requiring the wearing of hearing protection. 9. This position demands frequent use of sensory activities such as talking, seeing, hearing, smelling,

feeling (identifying objects by touch), depth perception, and color vision. 10. This position requires the ability to read, write, speak, and understand the English language at a level

adequate to perform the job. 11. This position will involve periods of high physical, mental and/or emotional stress.


1. Community Members and Visitors – Daily interactions by personal contact, telephone, and written computer communication.

2. Co-workers – Multiple daily interactions responding to emergency and non-emergency situations, to facilitate the coordination of daily company operations and staffing, exchange of information, to complete administrative and operational tasks related to fire stations and district

Page 59: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Lieutenant Reports To: Battalion Chief Position Status: Full-Time Effective Date: DRAFT 4-11-18

FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

buildings, manage program needs, purchases, assignments, and documentation. 3. Fire Department Company Officers – Multiple daily interactions by telephone, written computer

communication, radio, and personal contact: coordination of daily company staffing, coordination of unit status and distribution, and exchange of information.

4. Fire Department Chief Officers – Multiple daily interactions by telephone, written computer communication, radio, and personal contact: staffing of fire companies, status monitoring and distribution of companies, processing of personnel issues, exchange of information, and incident management operations.

5. Other contacts as assigned, required, or needed SUMMARY:

The duties and responsibilities listed in this document are intended only as illustrations of the various duties to be performed, and are not all inclusive. The omission of other specific duties does not exclude those duties from being performed by the Acting Lieutenant if the tasks are similar, related, or a logical assignment to the position. This position description does not constitute an employment contract between the District and the Acting Lieutenant and is subject to change at the discretion of the Fire Chief. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:

I acknowledge receipt of this position description and agree to perform within the parameters established. Signature Date __________________________________________ (Print Full Name) Fire Chief Date

Page 60: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Captain II Reports To: Battalion Chief Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-18

FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

This position description is established by the Fort Myers Beach Fire Department (FMBFD or “District”) to outline the basic requirements, duties, and general responsibilities of the Captain II position. The position of Captain II is a permanent, promoted rank appointed by the Fire Chief and is covered under the collective bargaining agreement. The Captain II serves as a Company Officer within the District performing a wide variety of roles and responsibilities to include the duties of Acting Battalion Chief under the conditions found in most recent version of the FMBFD Acting Battalion Chief job description, as well as those duties described in this document. SUMMARY OF POSITION: The Captain II will oversee and manage an assigned Division or Program of the organization, assigned by the Fire Chief. A Captain II shall assume the Division or Program Manager role, and will be responsible for a variety of duties including; researching, organizing, and managing development of the assigned Division or Program. As a Division or Program Manager, the Captain II shall be responsible for ongoing evaluation and assessment of assigned Divisions or Programs. The Captain II is responsible for evaluating the needs of the assigned Division or Program which includes; researching, compiling research, and presentation of these needs to the assigned Program or Division Executive for consideration. The Captain II shall be an active partner in the Fiscal Management of the assigned Division or Program seeking donations and grant opportunities. The Captain II assists in planning, organization, direction, and evaluation of the FMBFD. The Captain II may be assigned to a non-operational position as deemed appropriate by the Fire Chief. REPORTING RELATIONSHIP: The Captain II, as an operational officer, works under the supervision of the assigned Battalion Chief. As a Program or Division Manager, the Captain II works under the general supervision of the assigned Program or Division Executive. The Captain II supervises all members assigned. SPECIFIC POSITION DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:

1. Coordinate the organization, staffing, and operational activities for assigned programs, activities, and operations of the District including operations, emergency medical services, disaster preparedness, fire prevention, fire inspection, fire investigation, code enforcement, training, facility/equipment maintenance, and related programs, services, and operations.

2. Serve as Officer-in-Charge for assigned shift, respond to alarms as required by departmental policy, prepare follow-up incident reports and investigations as required.

3. As an officer at the emergency scene, the Captain II is responsible for all scene operations until

Page 61: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Captain II Reports To: Battalion Chief Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-18

FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

relieved by a higher-ranking officer, in compliance with operational standards. The Captain II is expected to assume command of incidents of complexity (working/active incidents, multiple alarms, target hazards, etc.) as the Incident Commander until relieved by a higher-ranking officer.

4. The Captain II will provide mentorship, coaching, and accountability to other company officers and acting company officers.

5. A role of the Captain II is to run a Division and/or Program, and provide oversight. This oversight may include, but is not limited to, managing, organizing, and directing all Division/Program personnel under the Manager’s supervision; conducting performance appraisals and counsel all personnel under the Manager’s supervision; and, coordinate personnel issues with Division/Program Executives, assist the Division/Program Executive in various administrative duties and special assignments, including but not limited to the development, implementation, and management of the assigned Division/Program, and performing the duties of a Division/Program Executive as assigned by the Fire Chief.

6. Participate in the development and implementation of goals, objectives, policies, and priorities, recommend and implement resulting policies and procedures.

7. Identify opportunities for improving service delivery methods and procedures, identify resource needs, review with appropriate management staff, and implement improvements.

8. The Captain II will serve as a senior trainer and act in the capacity of Shift Training Officer for personnel assigned.

9. Direct, coordinate, and review the work plan for assigned District functions, services, and activities, assign work activities and projects, monitor work flow, review and evaluate work products, methods, and procedures, meet with staff to identify and resolve problems.

10. Participate in the selection process of assigned personnel, provide or coordinate staff training, work with employees to correct deficiencies, implement discipline and termination procedures.

11. Support the development and implementation of training programs, develop and implement training programs for firefighting and other emergency response services and programs, identify the fire training needs of company personnel, provide or coordinate staff training and drills in firefighting methods, techniques, and related subjects, work with employees to correct deficiencies, enforce policies and procedures and recommend disciplinary action, as necessary, and maintain and review training records.

12. Oversee the development and implementation of equipment/apparatus maintenance and testing program, supervise and conduct maintenance and repairs of radios, plan and review the maintenance, testing, and repair to self-contained breathing apparatus, plan and supervise ladder testing and annual pumper and hose tests, evaluate, maintain, and replace personal protective equipment and station uniforms for assigned personnel.

13. Complete, prepare, and review a variety of forms, reports, schedules, recommendations, and related documentation, prepare emergency scene reports, after action reviews, prepare accident, injury, and exposure reports, and review reports submitted by subordinate staff.

14. Prepare and present staff reports and other correspondence as appropriate and necessary, maintain a variety of records, and prepare administrative reports.

15. Plan, organize, coordinate, and direct, operations, pre-incident planning, and facility maintenance as assigned or as needed.

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Position Title: Captain II Reports To: Battalion Chief Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-18

FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

16. Manage and assist Lieutenants, Captains, other Captain II’s, Chief Officers, and other members in various administrative duties and special assignments, otherwise known as Division/Program Management.

17. The Captain II is responsible for ensuring a high level of facility maintenance and equipment readiness, addressing concerns to confirm District facilities have needed materials, EMS supplies, and are properly maintained to provide for a quality work environment of the assigned station. The Captain II will act in the capacity of Facility Manager for assigned buildings and grounds.

18. Authorized and responsible for imposing corrective and disciplinary actions on subordinate personnel within the scope of his/her position. Responsible for recommending disciplinary action to supervisors on subordinates beyond the scope of the Captain II Position.

19. Records and maintains written records of all personnel actions. 20. Directs and supervises assigned personnel, including, issuing counseling forms, authorizing disciplinary

action, and evaluating subordinates. The Captain II is responsible for directing subordinates through training and development and providing technical support and guidance to staff. The Captain II resolves complaints and provides recommendations for grievances, maintaining written records of all personnel actions.

21. Responsible for ensuring appropriate procedural action of subordinates, including procedures in quarters, travel to and from incidents, and at fire and/or emergency rescue scenes.

22. Responsible for inspecting staff, stations, and equipment for proper appearance and condition. Conducts or assigns personnel to perform drills or instruction in emergency medicine and firefighting methods.

23. Consistently, correctly, and ethically enforce the District’s rules, policies, and procedures, and takes appropriate corrective action or recommends disciplinary actions for violations of the District’s rules, policies, and procedures.

24. The Captain II will serve as the incident reporting steward for his or her crew, confirming that all incident reports at the assigned station are completed and reviewed within Department time parameters.

25. Participate in the development and administration of assigned program/division budget(s), forecast funds needed for equipment, materials, and supplies.

26. Serve as liaison with other divisions, departments, and outside agencies, and participate on a variety of committees.

27. Maintain skill levels, new equipment and procedure familiarization, and certifications that are relevant and/or required for assigned responsibilities, attend and participate in professional group meetings, stay abreast of new trends and innovations in the field of fire suppression, fire prevention, emergency medical response, hazardous material response, and technical rescue.

28. Respond to and resolve difficult and sensitive citizen inquiries and complaints. 29. If assigned, assume responsibility of Operations in absence of the Battalion Chief. 30. The Captain II will serve as the direct liaison and manager of station needs, to include but not limited to,

station supplies, station maintenance, and station assigned apparatus. 31. The Captain II will maintain all station information posting locations. 32. Assists Battalion Chief in maintaining a safe, productive, and positive work environment.

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Position Title: Captain II Reports To: Battalion Chief Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-18

FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

33. The Captain II will be evaluated through conferences, performance observation, adherence to this document, organization policies, procedures, rules, and attainment of expectations and objectives.


1. Respond to incidents and protect life and property through the prevention and extinguishment of fires. Assist in the preservation of evidence to determine the origin and cause of fire.

2. Select and employ proper strategies and tactics in the mitigation of emergency incidents. 3. Perform emergency life support to the level qualified or until relieved by higher qualified personnel in

accordance with all applicable emergency medical protocols, Federal, State and Local laws, and the District’s rules, policies, and procedures.

4. Enforce fire and life safety ordinances and directives issued by the Fire District, including establishing fire watch, reporting, and mitigating unsafe conditions and Company Inspections.

5. Attend and facilitate regular training sessions to learn, refresh, and practice firefighting, EMS and rescue skills and methods. The Captain II is a training officer for his or her crew and must make quality training a priority within each shift.

6. Ensures that the apparatus and equipment is clean, functional, well maintained, and always in a state of readiness.

7. Perform regular maintenance of District apparatus, tools, and equipment in order to ensure they are kept clean and in good working order .Consistently and correctly follows the District’s rules, policies, and procedures. The Captain II must adhere to the standards of the District and uphold the utmost ethics and integrity.

8. Using the proper channels, approve or deny all modifications to the storage of equipment on assigned apparatus and within assigned facilities.

9. Ensure complete, accurate, and timely preparation and maintenance of District records and reports, to include completion of incident reports assigned within Department parameters.

10. Ensure complete, accurate, and timely preparation and maintenance of District records as they specifically pertain to the assigned station, Division, and/or Program.

11. Consistently promote a professional image of the District through all actions. 12. Make and ensure use of safety equipment at all times to include seatbelts whenever a vehicle or

apparatus is in motion. 13. Stand accountable for operating and maneuvering vehicles in a safe, professional, and prudent manner at

all times. 14. Conduct daily, weekly, monthly, and annual vehicle and equipment checks, as well as monthly and

annual assigned apparatus and station inspections. 15. Drive vehicles as assigned in emergent and non-emergent situations while adjusting speed for conditions

and utilizing defensive driving techniques. 16. Position vehicles correctly for incident scenes. 17. Observe all State laws, Department policies, Department procedures and rules, and provide for the safety

of others. 18. Function in a higher capacity when assigned.

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Position Title: Captain II Reports To: Battalion Chief Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-18

FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

19. Ensure proper spending and detailed research of all Division/Program purchases. 20. Manage, document, and approve or disapprove Purchase Requests related to the assigned

Division/Program in coordination with administration, confirming the appropriate research for the item has been conducted, Department benefits are identified, and funds are available in the appropriate budget line item per the budgeting and forecasting expectations identified.

21. Confirm that all approved Purchase Requests and accompanying Purchase Orders are executed appropriately and timely, and are reviewed by the Division/Program Executive when appropriate.

22. Responsible for tracking assigned budget line items, and making sure all receipts, invoices, Purchase Requests, and Purchase Orders are documented, submitted, and filed.

23. Incorporate and plan for future events and purchases throughout the year that will impact assigned budget items.

24. Create and maintain a plan for future year purchases and expenses of the assigned Division/Program to include current year forecasting, following year forecasting, and long-term forecasting for major purchases, replacement or sustainment of current equipment or programs, and large future events or opportunities.

25. The Captain II will deliver regular information updates to provide up-to-date information for all Department members.

26. Other duties as assigned.

REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: 1. Ability to meet and deal with the public in a courteous and professional manner and promote a positive

image of the Fort Myers Beach Fire Department 2. Thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of effective supervision and administration as it

applies to the fire service. 3. Considerable knowledge of fire suppression and prevention principles, procedures, techniques and

equipment. 4. Considerable knowledge of fire and EMS training rules, regulations and requirements. 5. Considerable knowledge of fire and EMS practices, techniques and application. 6. Thorough knowledge of wildland and wildland/urban interface firefighting techniques. 7. Skill in the operation of standard fire service and EMS tools, equipment, and apparatus. 8. Must conduct him/herself with a high degree of integrity and in a manner that will bring credit to the fire

district, must have the ability to be both a team player and a team leader. 9. Must be able to utilize various types of visual aids, office equipment, computers and computer

applications effectively. 10. Ability to follow verbal and written instructions. 11. Be able to pass and maintain fitness standards as determined by department evaluation.

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Position Title: Captain II Reports To: Battalion Chief Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-18

FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

12. Ability to make sound decisions in extremely stressful and life threatening situations. Willing to make timely, fact based decisions; ability to handle uncertainty and clarify ambiguities timely and effectively. Ability to see unusual aspects of a problem and find unique solutions; evaluate results for effectiveness.

13. Possess and demonstrate an extensive knowledge of the District’s rules, policies and procedures. 14. Possess and demonstrate extensive proficiency and knowledge of fire behavior, fire chemistry,

firefighting safety, effective firefighting tactics, hazardous materials, technical rescue, and emergency medical skill methods with ability to access and implement this knowledge during high stress and critical events.

15. Demonstrate a commitment to keep abreast of current developments in the fire and emergency medical services.

16. Ability to use mechanical skills to perform basic maintenance and repairs on District stations and associated equipment.

17. Continually contribute to a motivational atmosphere for all Department members through ethical and honest actions in support of and achieving the goals of the organization and the Fire Chief. The Captain II will take full ownership of the motivational atmosphere for those within his/her command.

18. Demonstrate a courteous and professional manner to the public, paying particular attention to personal hygiene and cleanliness.

19. Maintain composure and a professional attitude under all, especially stressful, conditions. Demonstrate mature, professional, and appropriate conduct at all times and in all places, employing ethics, integrity, honesty, and cooperative teamwork. The Captain II must demonstrate a superior level of professionalism in all actions.

20. Demonstrate ability to create a work environment in which team members can be open and at ease with each other. Ability to promote and maintain a positive, effective team environment. Ability to establish and maintain harmony and mutual respect among team members through positive relationships and dedication to the betterment of the team.

21. Demonstrate ability to recognize and accept constructive criticism, as well as apply it to actions. Utilize training, direction, delegation, and accountability to improve team skills. Provide assistance to teammates in resolving conflicts. Encourage positive individual initiative to achieve the organizations goals.

22. Demonstrate ability and initiative for continual self-development; work with crew members in preparing and implementing realistic, researched, and meaningful self-development plans; support appropriate job changes and promotions.

23. Possess extensive knowledge of current Incident Command and Management Systems. 24. Demonstrate consistent ability to work as needed to achieve Division/Program results and/or meet

targets within established time frames. 25. Demonstrate sound judgment and the ability to receive feedback and suggestions, initiating regular

positive discussions with crew members. 26. Demonstrate effective listening and speaking skills. Produce clearly organized and easily

comprehended written communications. Maintain an open line of communication with superiors and crew members.

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Position Title: Captain II Reports To: Battalion Chief Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-18

FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

27. Proficient in setting Program/Division goals, completing delegated tasks effectively with minimal supervision, and contributing with new ideas.

28. Schedule work for the most efficient and effective performance of activities and elimination of unnecessary activities. Handle multiple responsibilities simultaneously, prioritize responsibilities appropriately, and perform responsibilities in a thorough and timely manner, balancing operational duties with Division/Program duties.

29. Demonstrate ability to meet Program/Division performance or quality control standards. Ability to deliver results and set control parameters in terms of time, dollars, and budgets.

30. Ability to adapt to necessary changes in operations; willing to try new ideas with a positive and productive attitude.

31. Proficient in setting challenging goals for subordinates, delegating effectively with appropriate supervision, and stimulating others to contribute new ideas.

32. Proficient in Performance Feedback and Results Planning, demonstrate sound personnel management skills, encouraging feedback and suggestions; initiate regular discussion with subordinates; effectively research and evaluate subordinates’ results; identify opportunities for improvement; reinforce good performance; take appropriate ownership and timely action with marginal or failing performers; ability to clearly state results expected for subordinates’ performance.

33. Identify and select qualified members to achieve District objectives; match member skills and abilities with job requirements.

34. Ability to multi-task, meet deadlines, and follow a task from start to finish. QUALIFICATIONS: General:

1. Demonstrate ability to plan, direct, manage, and coordinate the work of a Division/Program. 2. Demonstrate ability to plan, direct, manage, and coordinate the work of subordinates. 3. Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. 4. Knowledge of:

Applicable Laws and Regulations Leadership Collective Bargaining Managerial Techniques Electronic and Computer Software Personnel Management Disaster Management Strategy and Tactics

Fire and Emergency Medical Needs

Examination: 1. Must successfully complete and pass all written and practical assessments prescribed by the District. 2. Successful completion of the FMBFD Captain II Task-Book.

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Position Title: Captain II Reports To: Battalion Chief Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-18

FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

Experience: 1. Previous career Firefighter experience of at least five (5) years. 2. Previous Company Officer experience of at least two (2) years.


1. Associate Degree in Business Administration, Public Administration, Fire Science, or related field as defined by the Fire Chief.

Certificate or Licenses:

Must satisfy, maintain, and keep current all District, State, and Federal Certifications and/or Licensure requirements for the following: 1. Meet the requirements of State Fire Minimum Standards, F.S. 633. 2. State of Florida EVOC Course. 3. Maintain State of Florida EMT or Paramedic Certification 4. Florida State Certified Fire Officer II or higher 5. Florida State Certified Fire Instructor I or higher 6. Florida State Certified Fire Instructor II or Higher, within one (1) year- Effective January 1, 2019 7. Incident Command System (ICS) 100, 200, 300, 400, 700, and 800 8. National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) S130/180/190 (Basic Firefighter Training & Introduction

to Wildland Fire Behavior) - Effective January 1, 2019 required prior to promotion 9. NWCG S-215 (Fire Operations in the Wildland/Urban Interface)- Effective January 1, 2019 required prior

to promotion 10. NWCG S-231 (Engine Boss)- Effective January 1, 2019 11. NWCG S-330 (Strike Team/Task Force Leader)- Effective January 1, 2019 12. Hazardous Materials Awareness or above† 13. Confined Space Awareness or above† 14. Trench Rescue Awareness or above† 15. Rope Rescue Awareness or above†

(† Requirement subject to availability of course offering) 16. Florida Safety Officer- Within two (2) years of promotion.

Must possess and maintain: 1. Valid Florida driver’s license.

Physical Requirements:

1. Strength and Mobility – Mobility to move to and from various points within the District facilities and within the outdoor environment. Must possess the ability to lift items in excess of one hundred fifty (150) pounds occasionally and up to eighty (80) pounds frequently.

2. Auditory – Ability to understand and follow oral instructions in the English language.

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Position Title: Captain II Reports To: Battalion Chief Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-18

FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

3. Verbal – Ability to participate in routine conversation in person or via telephone in the English language.

4. Visual – Must be able to distinguish circumstances/situations, written materials, and other details concerning District facilities and emergent scenes from distances both near and far.

5. Mental – Must be capable of functioning in a work environment with a high level of mental stress and pressure.

6. Meet Florida Minimum Standards for Firefighter, and the physical ability to work while wearing protective equipment, including self-contained breathing apparatus.

Environmental and Other Requirements: This position requires work in a variety of locations and conditions, including living quarters and office areas, in and around a wide variety of automotive, mechanical, chemical, and medical equipment or supplies, and emergency scenes of every type.

1. A portion of this position will involve sedentary, administrative work in an office environment. 2. Strenuous physical activity under extreme adverse conditions will be required frequently. 3. This position requires standing, running, walking, sitting, kneeling, stooping/bending, lifting, squatting,

pushing, pulling, crawling, jumping, sliding, climbing, pinching, gripping, digging, spraying, reaching over head, reaching away from body, and repetitive motion.

4. Will be required to work in all weather conditions and in extreme temperatures below twenty degrees (20 degrees) Fahrenheit and in excess of one hundred degrees (100 degrees) Fahrenheit.

5. Work may be performed under dangerous, hazardous, and adverse conditions, including, but not limited to, weakened structures, slippery and uneven surfaces, proximity to moving mechanical equipment, burning structures, broken glass or other materials, electrical currents, high places, and confined spaces.

6. Work may result in exposure to contaminated environments, including, but not limited to, hazardous materials, smoke, gases, chemicals, fumes, odors, mists, and dusts.

7. Work may result in exposure to individuals or blood-carrying infectious diseases or illnesses, such as Hepatitis A, B or C, HIV, tuberculosis, small pox, etc.

8. Work may result in exposure to high noise levels requiring the wearing of hearing protection. 9. This position demands frequent use of sensory activities such as talking, seeing, hearing, smelling,

feeling (identifying objects by touch), depth perception, and color vision. 10. This position requires the ability to read, write, speak, and understand the English language at a level

adequate to perform the job. 11. This position will involve periods of high physical, mental and/or emotional stress.


1. Community Members and Visitors – Multiple daily interactions by personal contact, telephone, and written computer communication (E-mail).

2. Co-workers – Multiple daily interactions responding to emergency and non-emergency situations, to facilitate the coordination of daily company operations and staffing, exchange of information, to

Page 69: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Captain II Reports To: Battalion Chief Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-23-18

FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

complete administrative and operational tasks related to fire stations and district buildings, manage program needs, purchases, inspection assignments, and documentation.

3. Fire Department Company Officers – Multiple daily interactions by telephone, written computer communication (E-mail), radio, and personal contact: coordination of daily company staffing, coordination of unit status and distribution, and exchange of information.

4. Fire Department Chief Officers – Multiple daily interactions by telephone, radio, and personal contact: staffing of fire companies, status monitoring and distribution of companies, processing of personnel issues, exchange of information, and incident management operations.

5. Other contacts as assigned, required, or needed.


The duties and responsibilities listed in this document are intended only as illustrations of the various duties to be performed, and are not all inclusive. The omission of other specific duties does not exclude those duties from being performed by the Captain II if the tasks are similar, related, or a logical assignment to the position. This position description does not constitute an employment contract between the District and the Captain II and is subject to change at the discretion of the Fire Chief.


I acknowledge receipt of this position description and agree to perform within the parameters established. Signature Date __________________________________________ (Print Full Name) Fire Chief Date

Page 70: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Battalion Chief Reports To: Executive Assistant Fire Chief of Operations

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-13-18 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

This position description is established by the Fort Myers Beach Fire Department (FMBFD or “District”) to outline the basic requirements, duties, and general responsibilities of the Acting Battalion Chief position. The position of Acting Battalion Chief is a temporary, working-out-of-class assignment to fill periodic vacancies in the Battalion Chief rank, appointed by the Fire Chief and is covered under the collective bargaining agreement. SUMMARY OF POSITION: The FMBFD Acting Battalion Chief, performs administrative and managerial duties which include planning, organizing, coordinating, supervising, and implementing assigned programs / divisions, activities, and operations of the District. The Acting Battalion Chief oversees all daily operations including; emergency incident management, training, disaster preparedness, public relations, employee management, facility / equipment maintenance, and all other operations-related services. The Acting Battalion Chief serves with other divisions, departments, and outside agencies; and provides highly responsible and complex staff support to the Chief Officer staff. REPORTING RELATIONSHIP: The Acting Battalion Chief works under the direct supervision and guidance of the Executive Assistant Fire Chief of Operations within the organizational command structure, and may be assigned to work under the supervision of the Fire Chief. The Acting Battalion Chief supervises all members as assigned. SPECIFIC POSITION DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:

1. Coordinate the organization, staffing, and operational activities for assigned programs, activities, and operations of the District including operations, emergency medical services, disaster preparedness, fire prevention, fire inspection, fire investigation, code enforcement, training, facility/equipment maintenance, and related programs, services, and operations

2. Serve as Officer-in-Charge for assigned shift, respond to alarms as required by departmental policy, act as incident commander at emergency scenes and assume command of operations unless relieved of command by a superior officer, prepare follow-up incident reports and investigations as required

3. Serve as Division and Program Executive to assigned areas 4. Participate in the development and implementation of goals, objectives, policies, and priorities,

recommend and implement resulting policies and procedures 5. Identify opportunities for improving service delivery methods and procedures, identify resource

needs, review with appropriate management staff, and implement improvements

Page 71: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Battalion Chief Reports To: Executive Assistant Fire Chief of Operations

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-13-18 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

6. Direct, coordinate, and review the work plan for assigned District programs, functions, services, and activities, assign work activities and projects, monitor work flow, review and evaluate work products, methods, and procedures, meet with staff to identify and resolve problems

7. Participate in the selection of assigned personnel, provide or coordinate staff training, work with employees to correct deficiencies, implement discipline and termination procedures

8. Participate in the development and administration of assigned program/division budget(s), forecast funds needed for equipment, materials, and supplies

9. Support the development and implementation of training programs, develop and implement training programs for firefighting and other emergency response services and programs, identify the fire training needs of company personnel, provide or coordinate staff training and drills in firefighting methods, techniques, and related subjects, work with employees to correct deficiencies, enforce policies and procedures and recommend disciplinary action, as necessary, and maintain and review training records

10. Oversee the development and implementation of equipment/apparatus maintenance and testing program, supervise and conduct maintenance and repairs of radios, plan and review the maintenance, testing, and repair to self-contained breathing apparatus, plan and supervise ladder testing and annual pumper and hose tests, evaluate, maintain, and replace personal protective equipment and station uniforms for assigned personnel

11. Complete, prepare, and review a variety of forms, reports, schedules, recommendations, and related documentation, prepare emergency scene reports, after action reviews, prepare accident, injury, and exposure reports, and review reports submitted by subordinate staff

12. Prepare and present staff reports and other correspondence as appropriate and necessary, maintain a variety of records, and prepare administrative reports

13. Serve as liaison with other divisions, departments, and outside agencies, and participate on a variety of committees

14. Maintain skill levels, new equipment and procedure familiarization, and certifications that are relevant and/or required for assigned responsibilities, attend and participate in professional group meetings, stay abreast of new trends and innovations in the field of fire suppression, fire prevention, emergency medical response, hazardous material response, and technical rescue

15. Respond to and resolve difficult and sensitive citizen inquiries and complaints 16. If assigned, assume responsibility of Operations in absence of the Assistant Fire Chief of Operations 17. Perform other duties as required or assigned


1. Ability to meet and deal with the public in a courteous and professional manner and promote a positive image of the Fort Myers Beach Fire Department

2. Thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of effective supervision and administration as it applies to the fire service

Page 72: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Battalion Chief Reports To: Executive Assistant Fire Chief of Operations

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-13-18 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

3. Considerable knowledge of fire suppression and prevention principles, procedures, techniques and equipment

4. Considerable knowledge of fire and EMS training rules, regulations and requirements 5. Considerable knowledge of fire and EMS practices, techniques and application 6. Thorough knowledge of wildland and wildland/urban interface firefighting techniques 7. Skill in the operation of standard fire service and EMS tools, equipment, and apparatus 8. Must conduct him/herself with a high degree of integrity and in a manner that will bring credit to the fire

district, must have the ability to be both a team player and a team leader 9. Must be able to utilize various types of visual aids, office equipment, computers and computer

applications effectively 10. Ability to follow verbal and written instructions 11. Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing 12. Be able to pass and maintain fitness standards as determined by department evaluation


1. Must be at least 21 years of age. 2. Demonstrate ability to plan, direct, manage, and coordinate the work of subordinates. 3. Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. 4. Knowledge of:

Applicable Laws and Regulations Leadership Collective Bargaining Managerial Techniques Electronic and Computer Software Personnel Management Disaster Management Strategy and Tactics Fire and Emergency Medical Needs


1. Must successfully complete and pass all written and practical assessments prescribed by the District. Experience:

1. Hold the position of FMBFD Company Officer (Lieutenant, Captain or Captain II), with the Captain II position preferred.


1. Associate Degree in Business Administration, Public Administration, Fire Science, or related field

Page 73: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Battalion Chief Reports To: Executive Assistant Fire Chief of Operations

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-13-18 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

as defined by the Fire Chief. Certificate or Licenses:

Must satisfy, maintain, and keep current all District, State, and Federal Certifications and/or Licensure requirements for the following:

1. Meet the requirements of State Fire Minimum Standards, F.S. 633. 2. State of Florida EVOC Course. 3. Maintain State of Florida EMT or Paramedic Certification, 4. Florida State Certified Fire Officer II or Higher, 5. Florida State Certified Fire Instructor I or Higher, 6. Florida State Certified Fire Instructor II or Higher, within one (1) year- Effective January 1, 2019 7. Incident Command System (ICS) (FEMA Certified) 100, 200, 300, 400, 700 and 800, 8. National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) S130/180/190 (Basic Firefighter Training &

Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior) - Effective January 1, 2019 required prior to promotion 9. NWCG S-215 (Fire Operations in the Wildland/Urban Interface)- Effective January 1, 2019 required

prior to promotion 10. NWCG S-231 (Engine Boss)- Effective January 1, 2019 11. NWCG S-330 (Strike Team/Task Force Leader)- Effective January 1, 2019

Must possess, or be eligible to obtain within 30 days of appointment to the position, and maintain:

1. Valid Florida driver’s license PHYSICAL, MENTAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Physical Requirements:

1. Strength and Mobility – Mobility to move to and from various points within the District facilities and within the outdoor environment. Must possess the ability to lift items in excess of one hundred fifty (150) pounds occasionally and up to eighty (80) pounds frequently.

2. Auditory – Ability to understand and follow oral instructions in the English language. 3. Verbal – Ability to participate in routine conversation in person or via telephone in the English

language. 4. Visual – Must be able to distinguish circumstances/situations, written materials, and other details

concerning District facilities and emergent scenes from distances both near and far. 5. Mental – Must be capable of functioning in a work environment with a high level of mental stress and

pressure. 6. Meet Florida Minimum Standards for Firefighter, and the physical ability to work while wearing

protective equipment, including self-contained breathing apparatus.

Page 74: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Battalion Chief Reports To: Executive Assistant Fire Chief of Operations

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-13-18 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

Environmental and Other Requirements: This position requires work in a variety of locations and conditions, including living quarters and office areas, in and around a wide variety of automotive, mechanical, chemical, and medical equipment or supplies, and emergency scenes of every type.

1. A portion of this position will involve sedentary, administrative work in an office environment. 2. Strenuous physical activity under extreme adverse conditions will be required frequently. 3. This position requires standing, running, walking, sitting, kneeling, stooping/bending, lifting, squatting,

pushing, pulling, crawling, jumping, sliding, climbing, pinching, gripping, digging, spraying, reaching over head, reaching away from body, and repetitive motion.

4. Will be required to work in all weather conditions and in extreme temperatures below twenty degrees (20 degrees) Fahrenheit and in excess of one hundred degrees (100 degrees) Fahrenheit.

5. Work may be performed under dangerous, hazardous, and adverse conditions, including, but not limited to, weakened structures, slippery and uneven surfaces, proximity to moving mechanical equipment, burning structures, broken glass or other materials, electrical currents, high places, and confined spaces.

6. Work may result in exposure to contaminated environments, including, but not limited to, hazardous materials, smoke, gases, chemicals, fumes, odors, mists, and dusts.

7. Work may result in exposure to individuals or blood-carrying infectious diseases or illnesses, such as Hepatitis A, B or C, HIV, tuberculosis, small pox, etc.

8. Work may result in exposure to high noise levels requiring the wearing of hearing protection. 9. This position demands frequent use of sensory activities such as talking, seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling

(identifying objects by touch), depth perception, and color vision. 10. This position requires the ability to read, write, speak, and understand the English language at a level

adequate to perform the job. 11. This position will involve periods of high physical, mental and/or emotional stress.


1. Community Members and Visitors – Multiple daily interactions by personal contact, telephone, and written computer communication (E-mail).

2. Co-workers – Multiple daily interactions responding to emergency and non-emergency situations, to facilitate the coordination of daily company operations and staffing, exchange of information, to complete administrative and operational tasks related to fire stations and district buildings, manage program needs, purchases, inspection assignments, and documentation.

3. Fire Department Company Officers – Multiple daily interactions by telephone, written computer communication (E-mail), radio, and personal contact: coordination of daily company staffing, coordination of unit status and distribution, and exchange of information.

4. Fire Department Chief Officers – Multiple daily interactions by telephone, radio, and personal contact: staffing of fire companies, status monitoring and distribution of companies, processing of personnel issues, exchange of information, and incident management operations.

Page 75: Materials - Fort Myers Beach Fire Department · Materials . Phone (239) 590-4200 • FAX (239) 463-6761 Board Of 3. Fire Commissioners Carol Morris Chair Theodore R. Schindler II


Position Title: Acting Battalion Chief Reports To: Executive Assistant Fire Chief of Operations

Position Status: Full-Time Paid Effective Date: DRAFT 2-13-18 FLSA Classification: Non-Exempt Approved:


The District reserves the sole right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement, or add to the provisions of any policy and or procedure as deemed necessary.

5. Other contacts as assigned, required, or needed


The duties and responsibilities listed in this document are intended only as illustrations of the various duties to be performed, and are not all inclusive. The duties and responsibilities listed are in addition to all items found in the most recent version of the Lieutenant, Captain, and Captain II Job Description. The omission of other specific duties does not exclude those duties from being performed by the Acting Battalion Chief if the tasks are similar, related, or a logical assignment to the position. This position description does not constitute an employment contract between the District and the Acting Battalion Chief and is subject to change at the discretion of the Fire Chief. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:

I acknowledge receipt of this position description and agree to perform within the parameters established. Signature Date __________________________________________ (Print Full Name) Fire Chief Date