Matching the meeting context with the method #icca11 WEDNESDAY 26/10/11

* Hybrid meetings: I know I should have them but… * Matching the meeting context with the method


Presentation on Matching the meeting context with the method. Held during the 50th ICCA Congress #icca11 WEDNESDAY 26/10/11

Transcript of Matching the meeting context with the method #icca11 WEDNESDAY 26/10/11

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*Hybrid meetings: I know I should have them but…

*Matching the meeting context with the method

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*My Interest

*Communication modes and channels

*Extrinsic/Intrinsic values and benefits of meetings

*Measuring outcomes of meetings

*Verbal and non-verbal communication cues

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*What am I trying to investigate?


*Well being


*Collaboration and networking behaviour across blended meetings formats

*Meaningful productivity

*Interpreting and understanding the context

*Psychobiological importance of F2F communication

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*Stage 1

*Desk top audit and review anecdotal evidence

*Stage 2

*Quantitative and qualitative approach

*Stage 3

*Model research and produce report

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*Words and meanings

*Hybrid, the offspring of two plants or animals of different species or varieties, such as a mule

*From the Latin, Hybrida, offspring of a tame sow and a wild boar

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*Words and meanings

*F2F, in-person, in-place, Onsite

*Virtual events, remote, video, audio, pods

*Blended, venue capacity

*Webinar, satellite feed, up link, Wi-Fi


*Networks, Hot Spots, Hubs, Collaboration

*Latency, speed, bandwidth, broadband


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*Lessons from Gamers?

*What do ‘hybrid meetings’ and gaming have in common?

*What can we learn from the ‘gaming industry’?

*Keep this in mind – remember, this topic is essentially about ‘a balanced approach’

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*Hybrid Themes

*Bridge distance

*Cost effective

*Pricing models

*Time saving



*Remote versus in-place meetings

*Buyers and sellers

*Technological hurdles


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*Who are the stakeholders?

*Meeting Associations


*Tech companies

*Suppliers and contractors




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*The supporters, the deniers and the


*Cost and how to charge?




*Pre/during and post outcomes objectives set and measured?

*Vested interests

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*Initial Research Findings

*Mixed messages depending on stakeholder

*Uncertainty regarding technology use and ROI

*F2F prime method of meetings communication – at this stage

*Hybrid becoming more important as a strategy to build delegate momentum and increase digital attention

*Blended and complimentary approach the most validated and preferred

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*Initial Research Findings

*Growing maturity and acceptance

*Technology improvements exponential

*Common place with certain business sectors – corporate training, product launches, IT companies

*Popular in the US (Medical, health industry), Japan and growing in Europe (Event Camp Europe)

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*Initial Research Findings

*Hybrid meetings will be a key tool to measure and validate continuing education especially within the medical sector – pre-during-post meeting

*Cost and who will pay for the integration of hybrid components uncertain

*Sell content to delegates

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*Initial Research Findings

*Hybrid meetings and the integration of social media as a means of creating traction, depth and relevance is becoming the norm

*Hybrid meetings offer greater measurement and data analysis of the delegate experience

*Hybrid meetings suit ‘two screeners’ and ‘multitaskers’ Gen Y

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*Against - Kock 2006; Deery & Jago, 2011; Larson, Urry & Axehausen, 2005

*In the middle – Forbes, 2009, Insights Survey, The Case for F2F

*For – tech suppliers in the main,

*Event Camp Europe 2011

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