Masthead and Font Decisions


Transcript of Masthead and Font Decisions

Page 1: Masthead and Font Decisions
Page 2: Masthead and Font Decisions

The masthead is written in a bold font and is in the colour red which matches the red scarred face of the villain in the main image. Also the colour red draws attention as its quite eye-catching, this also makes it easy to distinguish this magazine on the shelf. This masthead is in all capitals which shows the importance and adds emphasis to it. There's a light white shadow behind it and this was done to bring the masthead forward from the dark grey background.

Page 3: Masthead and Font Decisions

Fonts are designed to portray the film’s genre, and in a way, its story which I think this font for our film fits the story perfectly as its posh which relates to the main villain “Mrs Chapel” who comes across quite strict and snobby.The title of the film “Perception” which the magazine is promoting stands out as its in bold white text. The use of colour white combined with a hint of red stands out from the darker background which dominates the page.We chose to have our movie title in this font as other posters that I've previously researched had this font as well e.g. ”The Possession”, “Jessabelle”, “The Last Exorcism”, “Sinister”, “Day of the Dead” and “Annabelle”.Here I've listed out screenshots of how we’ve kept consistent with this font for the title in the magazine as well as the poster and trailer.

Title on the Magazine

Title on the Poster

Title in the Trailer

Page 4: Masthead and Font Decisions

All these cover lines link together as they're all in the same font and all have a bevel effect on them. The colours all link as well as the colour theme is black, white and red and some cover lines have white or red as the drop shadow and the separating dots on the third cover line on this list is in red which links to the other cover line.