Masthead Analysis

The masthead on NME stands for ‘New Musical Express’. This magazine is mainly rock based music meaning that it is relevant for the type of magazine I am looking to produce. The masthead is very short and quick to remember meaning that its also easily associated with. even though its a very well known magazine name, its still sounds quite quirky giving off the impression that the audience is too. The masthead for this magazine is very straight forward and self explanatory. As it is such a basic masthead i shows that the audience are of an older age. It also stands out very well and is short and snappy very much like the masthead i am looking to have. Q Magazines masthead is very recognisable and simple. By using a red background and a white Q it stands out well and is very recognisable as it is a popular magazine. Its similar to the kind of magazine masthead I’m looking to have as it is so simple and short.


Masthead Analysis

Transcript of Masthead Analysis

Page 1: Masthead Analysis

The masthead on NME stands for ‘New Musical Express’. This magazine is mainly rock based music meaning that it is relevant for the type of magazine I am looking to produce. The masthead is very short and quick to remember meaning that its also easily associated with. even though its a very well known magazine name, its still sounds quite quirky giving off the impression that the audience is too.

The masthead for this magazine is very straight forward and self explanatory. As it is such a basic masthead i shows that the audience are of an older age. It also stands out very well and is short and snappy very much like the masthead i am looking to have.

Q Magazines masthead is very recognisable and simple. By using a red background and a white Q it stands out well and is very recognisable as it is a popular magazine. Its similar to the kind of magazine masthead I’m looking to have as it is so simple and short.