Masters Read Write Key

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  • 8/10/2019 Masters Read Write Key



    Masters Level Paper 4 skills 2014 Key and Mark Scheme


    Section R1 (10 marks)

    1 mark for each correct answer.

    1. D

    2. B

    3. B

    4. B

    5. A

    6. C

    7. B

    8. C

    9. D

    10. D

    Section R2 (10 marks)

    1 mark for each correct number placed below a letter.

    A B C D E F G H I J

    9 13 6 7 12 2 8 1 15 11

    Section R3 (10 marks)

    1 mark for each correct word inserted in a gap. No marks if more than one word is inserted, even if

    the sentence is correct. No marks if the spelling is incorrect.

    1. one

    2. grapevine

    3. rocket



    5. teeth


    track7. sailing



    9. house

    10. cloud

    Section W2 (10 marks)

    1 mark for each fully correct answer with no mistakes. No half marks.


    We have the same conversation year in, year out.2. Well have to muddle through with what weve got.

    3. James is an expert on everything, with the exception of politics.

    4. Will Simons ability to drive be affected by his broken toe?

  • 8/10/2019 Masters Read Write Key



    Masters Level Paper 4 skills 2014 Key and Mark Scheme


    5. We all need to get behind him on this one.


    He really takes us for granted.


    He always passes/ is always passing the buck.

    8. His arrival surprised us all.

    9. Under no circumstances should/must this document be shown to the staff.


    He is considered to be the best artist of his generation.

    Section W3 (15 marks)

    A single mark out of 15 is awarded for both parts of section W3. Give marks according to the

    following mark scheme.

    Content organisation 5 marks

    Accuracy and appropriacy 5 marksTask completion (including range of language) 5 marks

  • 8/10/2019 Masters Read Write Key



    Masters Level Paper 4 skills 2014 Key and Mark Scheme


    Section R4 Part One (10 marks)

    1 mark for each definition.

    Exampleanswers, there may be acceptable variations:

    a. exampleexceeded / surpassed

    b. deterioration [accept destruction] of the environment

    c. wealth/ plenty

    d. cultured/ sophisticated expressions

    e. causing/creating changes

    f. become congested

    g. Necessity / requirement

    h. our resources are lessening

    i. distributed/ apportionedj. unselfish/ selfless

    k. model/ standard

    Section R4 Part Two (10 marks)

    Writing criteria apply.

    Candidates should make reference to at least 4 of the following (2 marks each)

    A further 2 marks should be awarded for linking of ideas and natural flow.

    Saves money

    Helps the environment

    Encourages communication/ face-to-face interaction

    Increases output by using goods more

    Creates jobs in areas such as distributing/ couriering

  • 8/10/2019 Masters Read Write Key



    Masters Level Paper 4 skills 2014 Key and Mark Scheme


    Section W4 (20 marks)

    Writing criteria apply.

    At this level the composition must have a clear introduction, middle and end. It must answer the question,

    examining whether intellectual property law is just and workable, or unrealistic, and end by giving a

    rational opinion based on the argument presented.

    It must not be full of repetition, either in vocabulary or in structure, unless specifically and deliberately for

    rhetorical purposes. It must have a consistent style which fits an academic discussion, although some

    informality can be accepted if it can be seen to be used for stylistic effect. It must not have mother-tongue

    interference, or grammatical mistakes, although some error is acceptable if it is spelling or a common error

    which native speakers also often make.

    The title must be adhered to, the argument presented must be directly related to the title given and not to a

    variation invented by the candidate. There must be clear paragraphing, with an introduction and a

    conclusion. Good, natural, cohesive and linking devices between paragraphs and sentences must be used.

    The marker should ignore the rough notes; they are for the candidate's use only.

    The mnemonic and acronym CART should be used to assess the composition on each of the criteria below

    in order to judge it against the above outline description.

    C ontent organisation (paragraphing, linking devices, pacing and logic)

    A ccuracy and appropriacy of language (number and type of errors, mistakes; correct style and tone)

    R ange of vocabulary and structure evidenced (versatility with words and structures to fit context;

    lack of repetition)

    T ask fulfilment (clear and robust answering the question posed in the title,

    not deviating from it or twisting it)

    Maximum 5 marks for each of the above criteria:

    1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks

    Is definitely not

    C2 level in the

    criteria. Does notinspire the reader

    to feel the writer

    is fully confident

    in the category as

    an expert in


    Is approaching

    C2 level in the

    criteria but is notquite there in

    giving good

    evidence of being

    an expert in


    Just reaches pass

    level for C2, i.e.

    shows evidence offull competence as

    a literate and

    confident expert

    in English in the

    criteria. Minor

    stumbles, no more

    notable than a

    native speaker

    might make.

    Is definitely well

    inside the C2

    boundary for thecategory.

    Impressive use of

    English giving the

    reader full

    confidence in the


    versatility, ability

    and expertise in


    Fulfils the criteria

    perfectly. No

    more could beasked of the
