Masterpiece chapter 2-3


Transcript of Masterpiece chapter 2-3

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Welcome back to Falling to Masterpieces, an artistic alphabet legacy. The current heiress is Anjolie (above) named for Anjolie Ela Menon, the artist that created the art in the background of the cover page. The title (of the chapter and of the art piece) is Mahatejasvi, which is Hindu for “very bright person”, which I thought appropriate for a chapter in which we’ll see the kids grow up and enter college. Now away we go!

(Erratum: last chapter I said Bazille was Romance/Knowledge. She is actually Romance/Fortune. Now you know.)

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A birthday in the Masterpiece house is once again preceded by thoughts of Corwin.

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I forgot to take a good face pic of Bassano as a teen. Sorry. Bassano here is a very good big brother, though. He and Botti are besties who share a room. When they were the same age, they would play together every morning when they woke up, before the school bus came. Now they dance and chat together. He’s a very sweet teen. His aspiration is Fortune/Popularity with the LTW to be a Cult Leader.

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Oil grew up and also acted like a good big brother, even though he and Acrylic aren’t related. It’s hard to tell in these pics, but Oil has a very angular face. He’s an interesting looking cat. Acrylic and Oil have a great relationship thanks to all the interaction they had as kittens and now that Oil likes to look after Acrylic.

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Bellini continues to be a one-woman noogie show, although she’s branched out from just annoying her sister to picking on customers. This teen was a friend that Bellini brought home from school, but that didn’t stop her from ending up face down in Bellini’s arms.

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With three kids as teenagers, I decided it was time to start shipping them off to college. Botti will catch up soon enough, but this will allow me to focus on her a bit.

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Acrylic grew up just a day after Oil and, no surprise, he’s the same dark brown color that Pastel was. In fact, they look almost exactly alike except for different eye colors.

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We got a genie lamp. I’ll confess . . . I was kind of nonplussed by the genie. Anjolie and Corwin both wished for a few extra days in adulthood, and we left the lamp on the porch with the third wish unused. Maybe the beauty wish could have helped Anjolie when she was younger, but she’s stayed faithful to Corwin since their marriage.

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Botti always spent a lot of time with her siblings, so now that they’re out of the house she has to amuse herself more often. Her studying pays off and she reaches scholarship-level in all her skills, so all that’s left is going to school and playing.

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Finally her birthday comes around too, and for once, the party is just a small affair with no customers around to think of Corwin. Happy birthday, Botti!

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Botti grew up very beautiful, in my opinion. She rolled Romance/Popularity with the LTW to be Captain Hero. Huh? I didn’t know romance sims could get that want. Weird. And yes, that makes two romance sims in this generation. Anjolie must have really rubbed off on the kids.

Botti had just enough time to change clothes and hair and whine about being tired before she too was on her way to college. Baby Botti no longer, she’s now ready to join her older siblings.

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The four Masterpiece children moved into a dorm together. I think they all made the transition to adulthood very nicely and are lookin’ good.

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Bassano befriended the Greek house placeholder (a former cheerleader) and it wasn’t long before he was moving in his siblings, too. Now all four of them are part of the house and we can move on with college.

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There’s a jukebox in the entry hall of the house and it provides for much hilarity. None of the kids have danced much before now and so are extremely goofy rocking out to the jukebox. Bellini is especially funny considering the faces she pulls. So serious!

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While pledging, Botti and Bazille completed a good amount of research and so came into the house with nearly full study bars. Bassano and Bellini have to catch up, but soon everyone is passing.

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The four of them all go to their first class together, and then start rolling wants for majors. Bassano is in economics – no surprise for a fortune sim. Bellini is taking history and both of the romance girls are in psychology. They may change later for more appropriate ones for their LTWs, but for now I let them stick with what they rolled wants for.

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While they were out at class, I redid the Greek House. I was in a pretty flippant mood at the time so it’s not one of the greatest houses I’ve ever built. Besides bedrooms, there’s a study, an activity room, and a whole music room for all the instruments and the karaoke machine. Upstairs is a room for random items and the kitchen/dining area. I ran out of money so it’s still kind of sparsely decorated.

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Botti is very musically-inclined. She’s the first one to get good at dancing and she spends a lot of time on the karaoke machine.

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Bellini, however, is all about painting. We’ve got two easels and she has paintings started on both of them that she autonomously works on from time to time.

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Bassano has his fortune roots come out when he plays instruments. He’s always looking for tips.

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Bazille isn’t into any of the creative toys they have. She’s more interested in socializing with her siblings and with the various students that visit the house.

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One of the kids picked up bowing from their parents and it’s spread throughout the house. For some reason, while ‘hang loose’ fills me with rage, I find bowing mildly amusing. It’s just less stupid, I guess.

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Botti is very popular in the house. All of the older kids love their baby sister and seek her out to spend time with her. Like when they were younger, Bassano and Botti are still very close.

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Although they socialize with her pretty often, Bazille and Bellini’s relationships with Botti are not as high as they could be due to the age difference. A long house meeting takes care of that, however, and everyone is close friends with everyone else.

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Amusing bathroom time! As the only playful sim of the generation, Bassano spends plenty of his freetime playing in the tub. Botti on the other hand has become rather enamored of the medicine cabinet and just loves to brush her teeth. I guess having minty fresh breath is a good idea for a romance sim.

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Bellini has terrible taste in men! Although you can’t tell from her meanie-pants expression, she has three bolts for this mascot, who is terribly ugly but is also a blond - her favorite. Just like with her highschool boyfriend Steven, Bellini falls for another ugly sim. I didn’t let her pursue the relationship, though. We’ll set her up with a better-looking blond.

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What are you playing there, Bassano?

“Oh, it’s my favorite game: Black Screen!”

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“I wish . . . for a boy. Yeah. That would be great. I’d like for some hot guy to just stroll up behind me.”

Good thinking, Botti. It’s time to get the kids paired off and Botti is the first to start due to never rolling any wants except romantic ones and consequently constantly having low green aspiration.

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Botti’s wish came true and she got Edwin, an elf-eared redhead. He didn’t originally wear glasses but with them they have a three-bolt attraction. It isn’t long before they’re sharing their first kiss.

All of the romantic interests this generation are college townies that I created. I realize that Edwin and Corwin sound a lot alike but I just wasn’t being very creative when I named the first batch of townies. I rolled their aspirations for some variety and Edwin here is a pleasure sim (ugh!).

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Shortly after sharing their first woohoo, Botti decides to propose to Edwin since she desired it but didn’t also fear it. Amazingly, it’s a positive experience for her! Just like with her LTW, Botti is not your typical romance sim.

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Right after the proposal, Edwin decides to blab all about their woohoo. Bellini and the game club guy seem to be wondering if Edwin knows Botti is standing right behind him while he divulges all their secrets.

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Bazille is the next to find love. Her boyfriend’s name is Alan and they have a two-bolt attraction. Alan is also a pleasure sim (ugh!).

Alan finds Bazille super hot and they soon have their first kiss as well. The romance sims are now taken care of.

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Another woohoo-undies proposal cements Alan’s place as officially eligible for creating the next generation.

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Found a better-looking blond for Bellini. Just what is that combo of thought bubbles supposed to mean, though?

“I love playing games with Sebastian’s heart!”

Hmph. I thought you were a family sim. No game playing here.

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“Oh alright then. In that case, I’ll just propose!”

Bellini is the first one to propose while fully-clothed and before woohooing her intended. Sebastian is another family sim so they’re both over the moon about being engaged. They have a three bolt attraction.

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Bassano soon follows his sisters’ example by having his first kiss with and then proposing to a knowledge sim named Angeline. They have a two bolt attraction.

Weirdly, Angeline has the same outfit as Bazille and the same pjs as the ones Bazille wore as a teen even though she was created long before Bazille was a twinkle in her parents’ eyes. Strange coincidence or worrying behavior from a deranged Masterpiece admirer: you decide!

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Like most sims, all of the future spouses eventually end up in the music room, this time with Bazille and Botti. It’s not unusual to see partially clothed fiancés rocking out on an instrument.

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Well this was interesting. Bazille and Alan woohooed in the photo booth, but Alan didn’t get out afterwards. He stayed in there long enough that I was worried he had glitched, but then several flashes informed me that he was just taking pictures. By himself. Yeah.

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We need a few more snapdragons for the new larger Greek house, so Bellini draws the short straw and sets to work earning her badges.

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Bassano has become quite the little bookworm. It started with him reading while relaxing a few times when he woke up before everyone else, but soon he’s picked up some enthusiasm for literature and he walks around the house reading. I think it’s so cute! Just don’t walk into any walls, Bassano.

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Hey Edwin! It’s ok for Sebastian to check out his fiancée but you better behave yourself. You’ve got a very beautiful romance sim to keep you occupied. Now knock it off!

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Having the fiancés running around the house pretty often provides time for plenty of socialization. Sebastian makes friends with the other sims, but Edwin is all about Botti (when he isn’t checking out her sister). Botti and Edwin are head over heels in love and spend all their free time kissing and goosing each other.

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I think we have a few too many people sneaking around at night. Sebastian was here to drop off a rose, but the matchmaker gave us another lamp. Great.

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And a little more random dancing. At least now they’re good at it. The kids are being very successful in college. They all have their future spouses lined up and they’ve finished their first year with A+ grades. That means it’s time for an heir poll. Scroll through the next few pages for the details.

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Bellini Masterpiece



Graduate 3 Children from College

Bellini is named for Giovanni Bellini, a painter. She was queen of the noogies while a teenager and once threw a water balloon at a complaining customer. She is attracted to blonds so much that she has frequently lusted over very ugly blonds, but she is now engaged to the much more pleasing-to-the-eye Sebastian.

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Bazille Masterpiece



Become Rock God

Bazille is named for Jean Frédéric Bazille, a painter. She’s a fairly average romance sim with an interesting mix of facial genetics that none of her siblings got. She used to pick on Bellini’s teenaged boyfriend but she’s much friendlier and more social as a young adult. She’s engaged to Alan.

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Bassano Masterpiece



Become Cult Leader

Bassano is named for Jacopo Bassano, a painter. Bassano is the only playful sim of the generation and has a delightful personality. As the middle child, he’s always been great friends with all of his sisters. As a teen, he was an especially good influence on his sister Botti. He is engaged to Angeline.

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Botticelli “Botti” Masterpiece



Become Captain Hero

Botti is named for Sandro Botticelli, a painter. As the baby of the family, Botti is adored by her older siblings and is frequently sought out by them for socializing. Her favorite hobby is brushing her teeth. She is engaged to Edwin.

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And that’s all for now. Once you’re done enjoying the PJ-dance-a-thon above, please head over to SiMania and cast your vote for heir of the Masterpiece legacy.

As always, thank you for reading!