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TEST BANK Chapter 6: Memory Multiple Choice 1) A framework for studying memory that uses the computer as a model of human cognitive processes defines the A) levels-of-processing theory. B) information-processing theory. C) sociocultural theory of memory. D) social-cognitive theory. E) state-dependent memory effect. Answer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: 168 Skill: Factual Topic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1 2) When information-processing theorists use the term hardware, they are often referring to A) the brain structures involved in memory. Correct. Brain structures are referred to as hardware. B) the serial position effect. C) the skull that covers and protects the brain. D) the positive bias of memory. E) learned memory strategies. Incorrect. These are referred to as software. Answer: A Diff: 3 Page Ref: 168 Skill: Conceptual Topic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1 3) Which of the following explains what information-processing theorists mean when they use the term software? A) the brain structures involved in memory Incorrect. Brain structures are referred to as hardware. B) the serial position effect C) the skull that covers and protects the brain D) the positive bias of memory E) learned memory strategies Correct. These are referred to as software. Answer: E Diff: 3 Page Ref: 168 Skill: Conceptual Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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TEST BANKChapter 6: Memory

Multiple Choice

1) A framework for studying memory that uses the computer as a model of human cognitive processes defines theA) levels-of-processing theory.B) information-processing theory.C) sociocultural theory of memory.D) social-cognitive theory.E) state-dependent memory effect.Answer: BDiff: 1 Page Ref: 168 Skill: FactualTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

2) When information-processing theorists use the term hardware, they are often referring to A) the brain structures involved in memory.Correct. Brain structures are referred to as hardware.B) the serial position effect.C) the skull that covers and protects the brain.D) the positive bias of memory.E) learned memory strategies.Incorrect. These are referred to as software.Answer: ADiff: 3 Page Ref: 168 Skill: ConceptualTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

3) Which of the following explains what information-processing theorists mean when they use the term software?A) the brain structures involved in memoryIncorrect. Brain structures are referred to as hardware.B) the serial position effectC) the skull that covers and protects the brainD) the positive bias of memoryE) learned memory strategiesCorrect. These are referred to as software.Answer: EDiff: 3 Page Ref: 168 Skill: ConceptualTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

4) According to the information-processing theorists, _______ refers to the hardware whereas _______ refers to the software of the human memory system.A) the skull that covers and protects the brain; the positive bias of memoryB) the serial position effect; learned memory strategiesIncorrect. These answers are reversed.C) the brain structures involved in memory; learned memory strategies

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Correct. Brain structures are referred to as hardware whereas learned memory strategies are referred to as software.D) the positive bias of memory; the serial position effectE) learned memory strategies; the brain structures involved in memoryAnswer: CDiff: 3 Page Ref: 168 Skill: ConceptualTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

5) Based on the information-processing theory, _______ would be an accurate example of hardware. A) the skull B) a mnemonicIncorrect. Learned memory strategies are referred to as software.C) the method of loci D) the hippocampusCorrect. Brain structures are referred to as hardware.E) an encoding strategyAnswer: DDiff: 3 Page Ref: 168 Skill: AppliedTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

6) Based on the information-processing theory, _______ would be an accurate example of software. A) the limbic system Incorrect. Brain structures are referred to as hardware.B) a mnemonic Correct. Learned memory strategies, such as a mnemonic, are referred to as software.C) the skull D) the hippocampusE) serotoninAnswer: BDiff: 3 Page Ref: 168 Skill: AppliedTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

7) Based on the information-processing theory, _______ would be an accurate example of hardware whereas _______ would be an accurate example of software.A) the limbic system; epinephrine B) a mnemonic; the hippocampus Incorrect. These answers are reversed.C) the skull; the method of loci D) the hippocampus; a learned memory strategyCorrect. Brain structures are referred to as hardware whereas learned memory strategies are referred to as software.E) serotonin; the hippocampusAnswer: DDiff: 3 Page Ref: 168 Skill: AppliedTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

8) In terms of the processes of memory, ________ refers to transforming the information into a form that

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can be stored in memory. A) storage B) encoding C) metacognition D) retrieval E) consolidation Answer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: 168 Skill: FactualTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

9) Daris, a marathon runner, is trying diligently to read his textbook, but he keeps finding himself preoccupied with his upcoming race. He is frustrated because he has had to go back and reread sections the textbook in order to really understand the material. Daris seems to be having difficulty with _______.A) retrievalIncorrect. He cannot retrieve because he’s not getting the information in. His problem is not retrieval. This scenario focuses on the encoding part of memory.B) the positive bias of memoryC) automaticityD) reconstructionE) encodingCorrect. Because Daris is distracted, he is having difficulty with getting the information in (encoding).Answer: E Diff: 1 Page Ref: 168 Skill: AppliedTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

10) In terms of the memory process, keeping the information in memory refers to ______. A) consolidationB) encodingC) storageD) metacognitionE) retrievalAnswer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: 168 Skill: FactualTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

11) Tilda is learning her algebra and memorizing the formulas. She is working on a problem that requires one of the formulas she studied yesterday. However, as she is thinking and trying to retrieve that information, she cannot seem to remember it. Clearly, Tilda did not successfully get the formula into her ______.A) storageCorrect. She cannot retrieve what is not properly stored.B) positive bias of memoryIncorrect. Tilda is having difficulty accessing the information because it is not there.C) automaticityD) reconstruction areaE) decoding zoneAnswer: A Diff: 1 Page Ref: 168 Skill: Applied

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Topic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

12) In terms of the memory process, the physiological change that takes place in the brain to allow for new information to be stored is called A) storage. B) metacognition. C) retrieval. D) encoding. E) consolidation. Answer: E Diff: 2 Page Ref: 168 Skill: FactualTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

13) Consolidation occurs after ________ but before ________ in the memory process. A) metamemory; storage B) encoding; storage Correct. Information is encoded, then the brain changes (consolidation), then it can be stored.C) retrieval; metacognition D) retrieval; encoding Incorrect. Information is encoded, then the brain changes (consolidation), then it can be stored and retrieved later on.E) encoding; metacognition Answer: B Diff: 3 Page Ref: 168 Skill: ConceptualTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

14) Rinu was awake late one night in his apartment. He was trying to cram in as much biology material he could because he had a midterm exam the next morning. However, he was getting so sleepy that he found it difficult to learn much of anything. His roommate woke up to get some water to drink and saw Rinu trying to study. He told Rinu that because he is so tired his brain will not be able to physiologically change to accommodate the incoming information. He strongly suggested that Rinu get some sleep instead. To which process was Rinu’s roommate referring?A) metacognition B) storage Incorrect. While he will have problems with storage, it is because consolidation (the physiological change) is not taking place as necessary.C) automaticity D) retrieval E) consolidation Correct. The physiological change in the brain that occurs when learning new information is called consolidation.Answer: E Diff: 2 Page Ref: 168 Skill: AppliedTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

15) Bringing to mind the information when you need it is referred to as ________. A) metacognition

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B) storageIncorrect. Storage is keeping it there until it is needed.C) encodingD) retrievalCorrect. This is an alternate explanation of retrieval.E) consolidationAnswer: D Diff: 1 Page Ref: 168 Skill: ConceptualTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

16) Treysen was talking to his friend the other day about his favorite restaurant. Though he could remember where it was located and what was on the menu, he couldn’t remember the name of the restaurant for some reason. A problem with _______ was the cause of Treysen’s frustration.A) retrieval. Correct. He could retrieve parts of the concept, but not all of it.B) automaticity. C) encoding. Incorrect. Treysen knew it was there (encoded and stored) but he could not access it at that moment.D) metamemory.E) consolidation. Answer: A Diff: 1 Page Ref: 168 Skill: AppliedTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

17) Which of the following is NOT required in order for you to remember something? A) consolidation Incorrect. Consolidation is crucial for memory.B) retrieval C) metacognitionCorrect. Metacognition is thinking about thinking which is not required for memory.D) storage E) encoding Answer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 168 Skill: ConceptualTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

18) According to the model of memory proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin, the components of memory are A) encoding, storage, and retrieval. B) metacognition and meta-analysis. C) declarative and nondeclarative memory. D) sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory. E) implicit memory and explicit memory. Answer: D Diff: 1 Page Ref: 169 Skill: FactualTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

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19) According to the model of memory proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin, virtually everything we see, hear, or otherwise sense is held in _______.A) long-term memoryB) sensory memoryC) metamemoryD) short-term memoryE) state-dependent memoryAnswer: BDiff: 1 Page Ref: 169 Skill: FactualTopic: Sensory Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.2

20) Sensory memory holds information from the senses for a period of time ranging from _______ to _______.A) a fraction of a second; two secondsB) two seconds; ten secondsC) a fraction of a second; ten secondsD) a fraction of a minute; two minutesE) two seconds; ten secondsAnswer: ADiff: 2 Page Ref: 169 Skill: FactualTopic: Sensory Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.2

21) _______ holds information brought in through our senses but only for a very brief amount of time. A) Long-term memory B) Sensory memory Correct. This is an alternate explanation of sensory memory.C) Short-term memory Incorrect. Short-term memory holds information for up to 30 seconds—a long time relative to sensory memory.D) Working memory E) Declarative memory Answer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: 169 Topic: Sensory Memory

Skill: Conceptual Objective: Learning Objective 6.2

22) While Noreen was driving down the highway, she saw two cars on the side of the road. She noticed that no one was hurt and that no one needed help. Within a second or two, she could no longer recall the color of the cars or the make of the cars. Based on this information, that information was likely stored in Noreen's _______. A) short-term memory Incorrect. Short-term memory is maintained for about 30 seconds.B) implicit memoryC) long-term memoryD) declarative memoryE) sensory memoryCorrect. The duration for sensory memory is up to 2 seconds.Answer: E Diff: 2 Page Ref: 169 Topic: Sensory Memory

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Skill: Applied Objective: Learning Objective 6.2

23) Douglas was shown a painting for a few moments, and then was asked to jot down as many details regarding the painting as he could remember. As he began writing, he was surprised to learn that although he remembered what the painting was, he had trouble recalling the details and seemed to lose them within a few seconds. Based on this information, the original information was likely stored in his ________ memory. A) sensory Correct. The duration for sensory memory is very short—up to 2 seconds.B) explicit C) short-term Incorrect. Short-term memory is maintained for about 30 seconds.D) latent E) declarative Answer: A Diff: 2 Page Ref: 169 Topic: Sensory Memory

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.2

24) According to the model of memory proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin, ________ can hold information for a very brief time period of a few moments whereas ________ can hold information for 30 seconds or so. A) declarative memory; working memory B) iconic memory; sensory memory C) sensory memory; short-term memory D) implicit memory; metamemory E) declarative memory; short-term memory Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 169–170 Topic: Sensory Memory & Short-Term Memory

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objectives 6.2 & 6.3

25) The ability to retain the image of a visual stimulus for several minutes after it has been removed from view and to use this retained image to answer questions about the visual stimulus is known as _______.A) the positive bias of sensory memoryB) autobiographical visual memoryC) eidetic imageryD) the source memoryE) the context effectAnswer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 170 Skill: FactualTopic: Sensory Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.2

26) Which of the following statements is true of eidetic imagery?A) Those with this ability tend to have extraordinary long-term memory.B) For most people who demonstrate this, the ability persists through adulthood.C) Adults who demonstrate eidetic imagery have a short-term memory that is much more efficient than most others.D) Infants have the highest rate of eidetic imagery.

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E) It is an ability most closely related to the notion of a “photographic memory.”Answer: EDiff: 3 Page Ref: 170 Skill: FactualTopic: Sensory Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.2

27) According to the model of memory proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin, the ________ is a memory system that can hold about seven items for about 30 seconds. A) implicit memory B) short-term memory C) declarative memory D) sensory memory E) explicit memoryAnswer: BDiff: 1 Page Ref: 170 Skill: FactualTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

28) Short-term memory usually codes information according to _______.A) visual imageB) soundC) tactile propertiesD) shapeE) smellAnswer: BDiff: 3 Page Ref: 170 Skill: FactualTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

29) Which of the following occurs when someone’s short-term memory is filled to capacity?A) They simply squeeze more information in.B) Once capacity is met, the content contained in short-term memory is frozen.C) The person actively decides to save some items and then sends the remaining items back to sensory memory for reprocessing.D) All of the information is automatically moved into the long-term memory store.Incorrect. While some information may go from STM to LTM, this is not always the case.E) Displacement can occur at that point.Correct. Some information will be lost, or pushed out.Answer: EDiff: 2 Page Ref: 170 Skill: ConceptualTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

30) _______ is a memory strategy that involves grouping or organizing bits of information into larger units, which are easier to remember.A) ChunkingB) Eidetic imageryC) A mnemonic trickD) Working backwardsE) DisplacementAnswer: A

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Diff: 1 Page Ref: 170 Skill: FactualTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

31) Raymond is required to learn long lists of numbers for his job. Because he wants to remember as many numbers as possible, he breaks the numbers up into groups. What technique is Raymond utilizing? A) elaboration B) rehearsal Incorrect. Raymond was not repeating the numbers over and over.C) displacement D) chunking Correct. Grouping items to expand the capacity of STM is called chunking.E) metacognition Answer: D Diff: 1 Page Ref: 170 Topic: Short-Term Memory

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.3

32) The event that occurs when short-term memory is filled to capacity and each new, incoming item pushes out an existing item, which is then forgotten, is calledA) suppression. B) reconstruction. C) retrograde amnesia. D) rehearsal. E) displacement. Answer: EDiff: 1 Page Ref: 170 Skill: FactualTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

33) As Jezebel walked into the supermarket, she realized she forgot her grocery list. She tried to recall the items on the list, but once she got up to about ten items, she realized she had already forgotten the first few items. What did Jezebel experience? A) decay Incorrect. This is when information not used is eventually or gradually lost.B) reconstruction C) retrograde amnesia D) rehearsal E) displacement Correct. Her list exceeded her capacity and she began forgetting, or losing due to displacement, information.Answer: E Diff: 2 Page Ref: 170 Topic: Short-Term Memory

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.3

34) When new information pushes current information out of memory because the short-term memory is full, ________ has occurred. A) retrograde amnesia Incorrect. This is a type of memory loss not due to a full capacity.B) displacement

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Correct. This is an alternate explanation of displacement.C) chunking D) rehearsal E) elaboration Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 170 Topic: Short-Term Memory

Skill: Conceptual Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

35) According to memory researchers, ________ can help prevent _______. A) displacement; chunking Incorrect. These answers are reversed.B) elaboration; rehearsal C) chunking; displacement Correct. Chunking can decrease the items in memory by grouping them. This reduces the item amount which helps to avoid going over the memory store capacity. Thus, displacement is less likely to occur.D) rehearsal; retrograde amnesia E) chunking; elaboration Answer: C Diff: 3 Page Ref: 170 Topic: Short-Term Memory

Skill: Conceptual Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

36) The act of purposely repeating information to maintain it in short-term memory defines _______.A) rehearsalB) chunkingC) the method of loci strategyD) the positive bias of memoryE) automaticityAnswer: ADiff: 1 Page Ref: 170 Skill: FactualTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

37) Layla was at the bar when she met Steve. He seemed like a nice guy and Layla was excited to get his phone number. He told her his number and then left when she realized she had nothing to write with. She could not program his number into her cell phone because her battery had just died. What should Layla do in order to increase her chances of remembering the number until she has an opportunity to write it down? A) She should use displacement. B) She should give up because there is no way she'll remember it. C) She should utilize metacognition. Incorrect. Thinking about thinking will not really help Layla remember Steve’s number.D) She should use rehearsal. Correct. Rehearsal increases the likelihood that the information will get into the LTM.E) She should use the serial position effect. Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 170 Topic: Short-Term Memory

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.3

38) What was learned from the memory research by Peterson and Peterson (1959) using the three

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consonants?A) Utilizing chunking as a memory strategy can help to increase the capacity of our long-term memory.B) The researchers found that eidetic imagery is much more common than once thought.C) Peterson and Peterson clearly demonstrated that there is a difference in the process of storing highly emotional versus mundane personal experiences.D) Using consonants, they showed us that sensory memory has a very large capacity. E) Any interruption in rehearsal can easily cause us to forget at least some of the information that was in our short-term memory.Answer: EDiff: 3 Page Ref: 170–171 Skill: FactualTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

39) Which of the following researchers is known for his/her most recent work (2009) regarding working memory?A) Rosalie RaynerB) Wilder PenfieldC) Allan BaddeleyD) Hermann EbbinghausE) Elizabeth LoftusAnswer: CDiff: 3 Page Ref: 171 Skill: FactualTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

40) _______ is the memory subsystem that we use when we try to understand information, remember it, or use it to solve a problem or communicate with someone.A) Sensory memoryB) Working memoryC) Long-term memoryD) Iconic memoryE) Eidetic memoryAnswer: BDiff: 1 Page Ref: 171 Skill: FactualTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

41) Marie has a final exam in psychology in one hour. She has been studying for this exam for the last three days. However, she is not convinced she has mastered the material. Marie is currently sitting in her car in the college’s parking lot diligently studying her note cards so she can ace the exam. Not only is she striving to remember all of the information, but she is also trying to understand the theories from different perspectives. Which of the following memory systems is Marie MOST engaging?A) sensory memoryB) eidetic memoryC) flashbulb memoryD) working memoryCorrect. Marie is currently studying and trying to remember the material. She is engaging her cognitive workspace, also called working memory.E) long-term memoryIncorrect. The working memory is used when we attempt to learn, remember, or use information.Answer: D

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Diff: 3 Page Ref: 171 Skill: AppliedTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

42) Memory researchers strongly suggest that working memory is largely A) speech-based.B) based on visual processing.C) tactile-based.D) prone to false memories.E) sight-based.Answer: A Diff: 3 Page Ref: 171 Topic: Short-Term Memory

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

43) Which of the following brain structures is most utilized when someone is engaged in working memory?A) the hippocampusB) the prefrontal cortexC) the hypothalamusD) the cerebellumE) the limbic systemAnswer: BDiff: 3 Page Ref: 171–172 Skill: FactualTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

44) When information is repeated over and over again until it is no longer needed, the process of ________ is being utilized. A) maintenance rehearsal B) chunking C) displacement D) elaborative rehearsal E) metacognition Answer: A Diff: 1 Page Ref: 172 Topic: Short-Term Memory

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

45) Kris just wrote a new song and wants to commit the lyrics to memory. He repeats the chorus over and over until he learns the words. What memory strategy has Kris just employed?A) elaborative rehearsal Incorrect. Elaborative rehearsal would be Kris relating the new lyrics to ones he already knows.B) chunking C) the method of loci D) maintenance rehearsal Correct. Repeating information over and over is called rote rehearsal, or maintenance rehearsal.E) metacognition Answer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 172 Skill: AppliedTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

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46) _______ occurs when an individual relates new information to something he/she already has stored in memory. A) Displacement B) Elaborative rehearsal C) Rote rehearsal D) Maintenance rehearsal E) Connectivity Answer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: 172 Topic: Short-Term Memory

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

47) As Adam was learning the new material in his psychology class regarding neurons and memory, he couldn’t help but notice that he learned similar information in his biology class last semester. He decided to relate the new psychology material to the biology material he learned least semester as a way to help him learn and remember. What strategy is Adam using here?A) elaborative rehearsal Correct. Adam is relating the new information with what he already has stored in memory.B) chunking C) the method of loci D) maintenance rehearsal Incorrect. Adam is not simply repeating over and over the new material.E) metacognition Answer: ADiff: 1 Page Ref: 172 Skill: AppliedTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

48) _______ is a memory strategy that involves an individual repeating something over and over whereas ________ is a memory strategy that involves connecting new information to something already stored in memory. A) Elaborative rehearsal; displacement B) Chunking; rote rehearsal C) Maintenance rehearsal; elaborative rehearsal Correct. These are alternate explanations of these concepts.D) Elaborative rehearsal; rote rehearsal E) Maintenance rehearsal; rote rehearsal Incorrect. Maintenance and rote rehearsal are synonymous.Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 172 Skill: ConceptualTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

49) Which of the following statements is true of rehearsal? A) Because maintenance rehearsal involves surface processing, the information will likely go right into the long-term memory. B) Because elaborative rehearsal is simply repeating information over and over, it may not make it into the long-term memory. C) Any form of rehearsal increases the chances for the process of displacement to occur.

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D) Elaborative rehearsal involves processing at a deeper level, thereby increasing its chances for the information to make it into the long-term memory. E) Because rote rehearsal uses a memory strategy that connects information with what is already stored in long-term memory, there is a greater likelihood that the rehearsed information will make it into the long-term memory. Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 172 Topic: Short-Term Memory

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

50) The levels-of-processing model describes _______ rehearsal as shallow processing and _______ rehearsal as deep processing.A) spaced; massedB) maintenance; elaborativeC) spaced; elaborativeD) maintenance; spacedE) elaborative; maintenanceAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 172 Skill: FactualTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

51) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the research by Fergus Craik and Robert Lockhart (1972, 1975)?A) They were the first to describe maintenance and elaborative rehearsal.B) Subjects in their research demonstrated a better memory for words they thought about acoustically than words they thought about visually.C) They demonstrated that the act of rhyming words to one another creates a deeper level of processing than thinking of the actual meaning of the words.D) Craik and Lockhart hypothesized that deep processing is more likely to lead to long-term retention than shallow processing.E) Subjects in their research demonstrated a better memory for words they thought about semantically than words they thought about visually.Answer: CDiff: 3 Page Ref: 172 Skill: FactualTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

52) The ability to recall information from long-term memory without much effort is called _______.A) chunkingB) maintenance rehearsalC) automaticityD) eidetic imageryE) massed practiceAnswer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 172 Skill: FactualTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

53) Fantasia knows Freud’s theory of personality development so well that it appears she doesn’t need to put forth much effect when discussing it. Which of the following concepts would describe this scenario

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best?A) chunkingB) maintenance rehearsalIncorrect. The focus of the question is not how she learned it (rehearsal) but how easily she can recall it.C) massed practiceD) eidetic imageryE) automaticityCorrect. Because she knows it so well, she can recall it from LTM without much effort.Answer: EDiff: 2 Page Ref: 172 Skill: AppliedTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

54) Ginny and Martin are both studying for a psychology exam. Ginny organizes her time so that she has the entire day before the exam to read and study. Martin arranges his week so he gets about an hour and a half of study time in each day the week before his exam. Both Ginny and Martin end up studying the same total number of hours. Which of the following will likely be true? A) Ginny will perform better because she focused all of her energy on one subject matter for an extended period of time. B) Martin will perform better because he spaced out his studying. Correct. Spaced practice has proven much more effective when compared to massed practice.C) Ginny will perform better because she used the spaced practice technique. D) Both will do equally well because they spent the same amount of time studying. Incorrect. Because spaced practice has proven much more effective when compared to massed practice, Martin will outperform Ginny.E) Martin will perform better because he used the massed practice technique. Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 173 Topic: Apply It: Improving Memory

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.3

55) Coming up with memory tricks such as ROY G. BIV for the visible spectrum of colors and HOMES for Michigan’s Great Lakes are types ofA) mnemonics.Correct. This is a memory trick. Taking the first letter and having it make one word is easier to remember than each of the words it represents.B) repeated testing.C) spaced practice.D) recency effects.Incorrect. The acronym strategy is called a mnemonic.E) massed practice.Answer: ADiff: 2 Page Ref: 173 Skill: AppliedTopic: Apply It: Improving Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

56) Although all of following techniques are effective at enhancing memory and learning, Henry Roediger’s (2009) research demonstrates that _______ has proven to be the MOST effective for studying textbook material.A) maintenance rehearsalB) the method of loci

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C) spaced practiceD) repeated testingE) elaborative rehearsalAnswer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 173 Skill: FactualTopic: Apply It: Improving Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

57) Jada has an upcoming anthropology exam. She has spaced out her studying over the course of six days and feels she knows the material well. Two days ago, she was confident with her knowledge, but decided to study beyond the point of being able to discuss it without error. She spent the last two days studying the material even further. She now feels ready to take her exam. Which technique best explains Jada’s last two days of studying?A) massed practiceB) repeated testingIncorrect. Repeated testing is when a student answers multiple test questions.C) elaborative rehearsalD) overlearningCorrect. Jada has learning the material beyond the point of recalling it once without error.E) the method of lociAnswer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 173 Skill: AppliedTopic: Apply It: Improving Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

58) _______ is your relatively limitless storehouse for information. A) Metamemory B) Working memory C) Sensory memory D) Short-term memory Incorrect. STM has a limit of 5-9 items.E) Long-term memory Correct. This is an alternate explanation of LTM.Answer: E Diff: 2 Page Ref: 174 Topic: Long-Term Memory

Skill: Conceptual Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

59) The memory system with a virtually unlimited capacity that contains vast stores of a person’s permanent or relatively permanent memories is calledA) long-term memory.B) working memory. C) sensory memory. D) short-term memory. E) metamemory. Answer: A Diff: 2 Page Ref: 174 Topic: Long-Term Memory

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

60) Endel is thinking about the last time he was at his favorite restaurant. In order for him to access this

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information, Endel must tap into his _______.A) sensory memoryB) working memoryC) long-term memoryCorrect. This is his virtually limitless storehouse for information and memories.D) short-term memoryIncorrect. The information he needs is in his LTM.E) metamemoryAnswer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: 174 Topic: Long-Term Memory

Skill: Applied Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

61) For most people, long-term memories are stored in _______ form.A) visualB) tactile C) gustatory D) semantic E) auditory Answer: D Diff: 3 Page Ref: 174 Topic: Long-Term Memory

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

62) Long-term memory is broken down into ________ and _______. A) declarative memory; nondeclarative memory B) iconic memory; echoic memory C) working memory; short-term memory D) implicit memory; sensory memory E) sensory memory; explicit memory Answer: A Diff: 1 Page Ref: 174 Topic: Long-Term Memory

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

63) Declarative memory includes A) implicit memory and explicit memory. B) episodic memory, explicit memory, and implicit memory. C) semantic memory and episodic memory. D) implicit memory and episodic memory. E) episodic memory, semantic memory, and implicit memory. Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 174 Topic: Long-Term Memory

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

64) _______ is a subsystem within long-term memory that stores facts, information, and personal life events that can be brought to mind verbally or in the form of images and then stated.A) Implicit memory B) Declarative memoryC) Sensory memory

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D) Nondeclarative memory E) Episodic memoryAnswer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 174 Topic: Long-Term Memory

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

65) The knowledge of what Target stores sell and where one is located comes from your _______.A) implicit memoryIncorrect. This memory store contains habits, classically conditioned responses, and motor skills.B) iconic memoryC) nondeclarative memoryD) sensory memoryE) semantic memoryCorrect. Semantic memory stores objective information and facts.Answer: EDiff: 2 Page Ref: 174 Skill: AppliedTopic: Long-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

66) _______ is another label for declarative memory. A) Nondeclarative memory B) Implicit memory C) Explicit memory D) Working memory E) Subjective memory Answer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: 174 Topic: Long-Term Memory

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

67) The type of declarative memory that records events as they have been subjectively experienced is referred to as _______.A) eidetic memoryB) sensory memoryC) semantic memoryD) episodic memoryE) implicit memoryAnswer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 174 Skill: FactualTopic: Long-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

68) Lucille remembers the day she won the lottery like it was yesterday. She was at the gas station filling up her car and decided to check the lottery ticket she had purchased the day before. When the gas station attendant scanned it, he looked at her with a huge smile and then told her to get ready for some fantastic news. The memory of this event is located in Lucille’s A) episodic memory.Correct. This is a memory store for events.B) sensory memory.C) short-term memory.

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D) nondeclarative memory.Incorrect. This memory store contains habits, classically conditioned responses, and motor skills.E) implicit memory.Answer: ADiff: 2 Page Ref: 174 Skill: AppliedTopic: Long-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

69) The type of declarative memory that stores general knowledge or objective facts and information is called _______.A) episodic memoryB) sensory memoryC) short-term memoryD) semantic memoryE) implicit memoryAnswer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 174 Skill: FactualTopic: Long-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

70) By the middle of the semester, Jeb is finally able to recall the name of his psychology professor. This information comes from his A) short-term memory. B) semantic memory. Correct. Semantic memory stores objective information and facts.C) sensory memory. D) episodic memory. E) implicit memory. Incorrect. This memory store contains habits, classically conditioned responses, and motor skills.Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 174 Topic: Long-Term Memory

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.4

71) _______ refers to memory of events whereas ________ refers to memory of information and facts, both of which can be found in the _______. A) Semantic memory; episodic memory; declarative memory B) Episodic memory; semantic memory; implicit memory C) Implicit memory; explicit memory; declarative memory D) Episodic memory; semantic memory; explicit memory E) Semantic memory; episodic memory; nondeclarative memory Answer: D Diff: 3 Page Ref: 174Topic: Long-Term Memory

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

72) _______ refers to memory of events whereas ________ refers to memory of information and facts. A) Episodic memory; explicit memory B) Explicit memory; semantic memory C) Semantic memory; episodic memory D) Declarative memory; explicit memory

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E) Episodic memory; semantic memory Answer: E Diff: 2 Page Ref: 174 Topic: Long-Term Memory

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

73) Kristy lost her dad in a tragic accident. Her experience of this painful event is located in her A) implicit memory. Incorrect. This memory store contains habits, classically conditioned responses, and motor skills.B) working memory. C) iconic memory. D) episodic memory. Correct. This is the memory store for events.E) nondeclarative memory. Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 174Topic: Long-Term Memory

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.43

74) Ali's memory of her high school graduation is stored in her _______; her memory for what year Michigan became a state is located in her _______. A) semantic memory; episodic memory B) implicit memory; explicit memory C) episodic memory; semantic memory Correct. Her high school graduation was an event (episodic memory) whereas knowing when Michigan became a state is a fact (semantic memory).D) eidetic memory; working memory E) explicit memory; implicit memory Incorrect. While episodic memory stores events (graduation), implicit memory stores habits, classically conditioned responses, and motor skills.Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 174 Topic: Long-Term Memory

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.4

75) Declarative memory is to explicit memory as short-term memory is to _______. A) semantic memoryB) working memoryCorrect. Another name for STM is working memory just as another name for declarative memory is explicit memory.C) episodic memoryD) nondeclarative memoryIncorrect. Nondeclarative memory is not another name for STM.E) metamemoryAnswer: B Diff: 3 Page Ref: 174; 170 Topic: Long-Term & Short-Term Memory

Skill: Conceptual Objective: Learning Objectives 6.4 & 6.3

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76) Declarative memory is to explicit memory as ________ is to implicit memory. A) nondeclarative memory Correct. Another name for implicit memory is nondeclarative memory just declarative memory is another name for explicit memory.B) echoic memory C) semantic memory D) an event E) episodic memory Incorrect. Episodic memory is not another name for implicit memory.Answer: A Diff: 1 Page Ref: 174Topic: Long-Term Memory

Skill: Conceptual Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

77) _______ is the subsystem within long-term memory that stores motor skills, habits, and simple classically conditioned responses.A) Declarative memoryB) Explicit memoryC) Semantic memoryD) Nondeclarative memoryE) Episodic memoryAnswer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 174 Skill: FactualTopic: Long-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

78) Activities that do not take much conscious thought, such as walking down the stairs and tying your shoes, are a part of your _______. A) declarative memoryB) episodic memoryIncorrect. This is your memory for events.C) implicit memoryCorrect. Implicit memory stores habits, classically conditioned responses, and motor skills.D) working memoryE) explicit memoryAnswer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 174 Topic: Long-Term Memory

Skill: Conceptual Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

79) Conditioned responses you have learned by association are located in your ________ memory; knowing how to ride a bike, though you cannot actively recall learning it, is located within your ________ memory. A) implicit; nondeclarative Correct. Implicit memory (also called nondeclarative memory) stores habits, classically conditioned responses, and motor skills. All of these examples fall within this memory system.B) semantic; implicit C) nondeclarative; echoic Incorrect. While nondeclarative is correct, echoic memory is not (it is part of the sensory memory).

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D) explicit; implicit E) declarative; explicit Answer: A Diff: 3 Page Ref: 174 Topic: Long-Term Memory

Skill: ConceptualObjective: Learning Objective 6.4

80) Yvette just took a history exam that consisted of three essay questions. By giving essay questions, Yvette's professor measured her A) recognition. Incorrect. Recognition would be measured by a multiple choice test.B) recall. Correct. Yvette had to search for, collect, and organize her memories and thoughts.C) relearning ability. D) savings. E) metamemory. Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 175 Topic: Measuring Retrieval

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.5

81) _______ is a way to measure memory that involves searching for information in order to produce it. A) Recognition B) Serial position testing C) Recall D) The relearning method E) Semantic scoring Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 175 Topic: Measuring Retrieval

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.5

82) _______ is a memory task in which a person must simply identify material as familiar or as having been encountered before.A) Recognition B) Serial position testing C) Recall D) The relearning method E) Semantic scoring Answer: A Diff: 1 Page Ref: 175 Topic: Measuring Retrieval

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.5

83) Averee just finished her sociology exam in which she was given 50 questions. Her professor also supplied 50 correct responses; all Averee had to do was pick the right answer from a field of four options. Averee's sociology professor tested her A) recall. Incorrect. Recall is searching for, collecting, and organizing information from memory.B) relearning ability. C) savings.

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D) recognition. Correct. Averee was simply asked to recognize the answer from the distracters.E) metamemory. Answer: D Diff: 1 Page Ref: 175 Topic: Measuring Retrieval

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.5

84) Multiple choice exams are to ________ as essay exams are to _______. A) recall; recognition Incorrect. These answers are reversed.B) relearning; recall C) recognition; relearning D) recall; relearning E) recognition; recall Correct. Recognition, measured by a multiple choice test, involves recognizing the answer from the distracters. Recall, measured by essay exams, requires searching for, collecting, and organizing information from memory.Answer: E Diff: 2 Page Ref: 175 Topic: Measuring Retrieval

Skill: Conceptual Objective: Learning Objective 6.5

85) When certain stimuli help in aiding long-term memory retrieval, those things act asA) eidetic imagery.B) retrieval cues.Correct. This is an alternate explanation of a retrieval cue.C) distracters.Incorrect. Distracters attempt to erroneously redirect our attention from proper memory use.D) discriminatory stimuli.E) the recency effect.Answer: BDiff: 1 Page Ref: 175 Skill: ConceptualTopic: Measuring Retrieval Objective: Learning Objective 6.5

86) Coreen was taking her driving test at the Department of Transportation office so she could renew her license. When she came upon the last question, she couldn’t remember the answer. She paused to think and then started reviewing the previous questions for clues to the answer to the last question. Since that strategy didn’t work, she started looking around the office for clues on the wall posters and windows. The poster on the wall nearest to her jogged her memory and helped her to correctly answer the last question. The poster on the wall served as a(n) _______.A) eidetic imageB) discriminatory stimulusC) distracterIncorrect. Distracters attempt to erroneously redirect our attention from proper memory use.D) retrieval cue.Correct. The poster helped in aiding long-term memory retrieval.E) conditioned operantAnswer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 175 Skill: Applied

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Topic: Measuring Retrieval Objective: Learning Objective 6.5

87) A(n) _______ is any stimulus or bit of information that aids in retrieving particular information from long-term memory.A) eidetic imageB) discriminatory stimulusC) distracterD) retrieval cue E) conditioned operantAnswer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 175 Skill: FactualTopic: Measuring Retrieval Objective: Learning Objective 6.5

88) _______ is a measure of memory in which retention is expressed as the percentage of time saved when material is relearned compared with the time required to learn the material originally.A) RecallB) Retrieval C) The relearning methodD) The Ebbinghaus methodE) RecognitionAnswer: CDiff: 1 Page Ref: 176 Skill: FactualTopic: Measuring Retrieval Objective: Learning Objective 6.5

89) Mitzi learned the concept of classical conditioning for the first time in her psychology class. It took her about 60 minutes to thoroughly learn the process. Three weeks later, she had an exam in that class that covered classical conditioning. As she studied for that part of her exam, she realized it took her about 60 minutes to understand it once again. Which of the following statements is true of Mitzi based on this scenario? A) It is evident that she did not maintain any of the original learning in her long-term memory. Correct. If it took her 60 minutes the first time and 60 minutes the second time, her savings score was 0%. This means she did not learn anything the first time.B) Based on the relearning technique, her savings score was 100%. Incorrect. If it took her 60 minutes the first time and 60 minutes the second time, her savings score was 0%, not 100%. This means she did not learn anything the first time.C) It can be ascertained that Mitzi learned about half of the material the first time around. D) After calculating Mitzi's savings score, it is clear that she maintained about 60% of what she learned the first time around. E) Unfortunately, Mitzi only retained about 10% of the knowledge the first time she learned about classical conditioning. Answer: A Diff: 3 Page Ref: 176 Topic: Measuring Retrieval

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.5

90) Luisine took his statistics exam and was glad he studied as hard as he did. He remembers that it took him about an hour to relearn how to solve the problems after spending four hours on them the first time. Based on the relearning method, what was Luisine's savings score?

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A) 100% B) 75% Correct. One hour of relearning saved three hours, or 75%, of the original four hours.C) 50% Incorrect. If it only took him half as long (2 hours versus the original 4 hours) then it would have been a 50% savings.D) 25% E) 0% Answer: B Diff: 3 Page Ref: 176 Topic: Measuring Retrieval

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.5

91) _______ refers to finding that memory is better for things at the beginning and the end of a list as compared for memory for things in the middle of the list. A) Metacognition Incorrect. Metacognition is thinking about thinking. Although it is useful, it is not illustrated here.B) The serial position effect Correct. This is an alternate explanation of the serial position effect.C) The flashbulb memory effect D) The memory reconstruction theory E) Metamemory Answer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: 176 Topic: Influences on Retrieval

Skill: Conceptual Objective: Learning Objective 6.6

92) Adam studies his psychology using note cards. He writes questions on the front of the card and the answers on the back of the card. After he has a stack of note cards completed, he studies them one by one, over and over again. Based on memory research, which of the following statements should NOT be made to Adam to help him maximize his studying? A) "Adam, your memory for the last few cards will be better than for the middle group of cards." B) "Hey, Adam, don't be surprised that you have a better memory for the first few cards." C) "Adam, this is not such a great study technique. You'll be better off just reading over your notes." Correct. Reading over notes is not an effective study method at all.D) "Adam, make sure to shuffle your cards after a while." Incorrect. This is an excellent suggestion due to research on the serial position effect.E) "There is a really good chance that you'll not have a great memory for the cards in the middle of the pack." Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 176 Topic: Influences on Retrieval

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.6

93) The _______ is the finding that, for information learned in a sequence, recall is better for the beginning and ending items than for the middle items in the sequence.A) relearning methodB) context effectC) levels-of-processing theoryD) serial position effectE) state-dependent memory effect

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Answer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 176 Skill: FactualTopic: Influences on Retrieval Objective: Learning Objective 6.6

94) Julie is a participant in a research project. She is instructed to memorize a list of items. Julie reads the list, in order, over and over again. When it comes time for her to be tested on what items she remembers, what will the finding likely be? A) Julie will remember various items scattered throughout the list. Incorrect. She’ll have a better memory for the items at the beginning AND end of the list.B) Julie will have the best memory for items only at the beginning of the list. C) Julie will have the best memory for items only at the end of the list. D) Julie will have a better memory for items in the middle of the list. E) Research suggests that Julie will have better memory for items at the beginning and the end of the list. Correct. This illustrates the serial position effect.Answer: E Diff: 3 Page Ref: 176 Topic: Influences on Retrieval

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.6

95) When a person has a better memory for items at the beginning of a list he/she tries to learn, the ________ is demonstrated. A) recency effect B) serial cognition effect C) metamemory effect D) primacy effect E) flashbulb memory effect Answer: D Diff: 1 Page Ref: 176 Topic: Influences on Retrieval

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.6

96) When a person has a better memory for items at the end of a list he/she tries to learn, the ________ is demonstrated. A) recency effect B) serial cognition effect C) metamemory effect D) primacy effect E) flashbulb memory effect Answer: A Diff: 1 Page Ref: 176 Topic: Influences on Retrieval

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.6

97) Imagine you are trying to remember a list of words. Having a better memory for items at the beginning of a list demonstrates the ________ whereas having a better memory for items at the end of a list demonstrates the _______. A) primacy effect; serial cognition effect B) serial position effect; metamemory effect C) primacy effect; recency effect

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Correct. The primacy effect is having a better memory for items at the beginning of a list whereas the recency effect is having a better memory for items at the end of a list.D) flashbulb memory effect; recency effect E) recency effect; primacy effect Incorrect. These answers are reversed.Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 176 Topic: Influences on Retrieval

Skill: Conceptual Objective: Learning Objective 6.6

98) As 3-year-old Luca is learning to count to ten, his parents notice he always remembers one, two, three correctly and then nine, ten correctly. However, he often skips or mixes up the numbers in the middle. This example demonstrates A) infantile amnesia. B) severe problems in metacognition. C) only the primacy effect. Incorrect. Both the primacy and recency effects are illustrated here.D) only the recency effect. E) the serial position effect. Correct. Luca’s better memory for the first few and last few numbers illustrates the serial position effect.Answer: E Diff: 2 Page Ref: 176Topic: Influences on Retrieval

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.6

99) The tendency to encode elements of the physical setting in which information is learned along with memory of the information itself is known as _______.A) state-dependent memoryB) the context effectC) the serial position effectD) the primacy effectE) a recency cueAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 176 Skill: FactualTopic: Influences on Retrieval Objective: Learning Objective 6.6

100) Kumo always studies at night in her bedroom. When she is taking an exam and cannot remember a particular answer, she often imagines herself in her bedroom. Sometimes that technique helps her to remember the material she studied. Which of the following is Kumo using to assist her memory?A) state-dependent memoryIncorrect. This focuses on one’s state of mind, not the physical surroundings.B) the primacy effect C) the serial position effectD) the context effectCorrect. The context can serve as retrieval cues.E) a recency clueAnswer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 176 Skill: AppliedTopic: Influences on Retrieval Objective: Learning Objective 6.6

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101) Which of the following is FALSE based on Godden's and Baddeley's 1975 research with the divers?A) The context in which the divers learned the information probably assisted in their recall of the information when in that same context. B) Because the context was so unusual, all of the divers seemed to have a better memory for the words they learned on land. C) The divers' recall was not as good if they were in a different environment from where they learned the material. D) The divers who learned the list of words on land remembered the list better on land. E) The divers who learned the list of words under water had a better memory for those words while under water. Answer: B Diff: 3 Page Ref: 177 Topic: Influences on Retrieval

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.6

102) The tendency to recall information better if one is in the same pharmacological or psychological state as when the information was encoded is known as _______.A) the serial position effectB) a flashbulb memoryC) the psychedelic effectD) the context effectE) the state-dependent memory effectAnswer: EDiff: 2 Page Ref: 177 Skill: FactualTopic: Influences on Retrieval Objective: Learning Objective 6.6

103) D’Juan had consumed a large amount of caffeine prior to his human anatomy study session with classmates. During their time together, they studied diligently and learned a lot of information. When the exam day arrived, D’Juan planned on consuming a large amount of caffeine just before taking his exam. D’Juan is applying his knowledge of _______.A) the serial position effectB) a flashbulb memoryC) the psychedelic effectD) the context effectIncorrect. This focuses on the physical surroundings, not one’s state of mind.E) the state-dependent memory effectCorrect. Feeling highly caffeinated will serve as a retrieval cue for D’Juan.Answer: EDiff: 2 Page Ref: 177 Skill: AppliedTopic: Influences on Retrieval Objective: Learning Objective 6.6

104) In memory, _______ is an account of an event that has been pieced together from a few highlights.A) the serial position effectB) a flashbulb memoryC) the context effectD) reconstructionE) the state-dependent memory effectAnswer: D

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Diff: 2 Page Ref: 178 Skill: FactualTopic: The Process of Reconstruction Objective: Learning Objective 6.7

105) Alexandra’s father was excited to learn about her first day of kindergarten. When he picked her up, he asked how her day was. “Good,” she said. He wanted to know more so he asked her to tell him about her day and all of the things she did. While Alexandra couldn’t remember exactly, she told him they had circle time, then writing time, then recess, then snack time, then quiet reading time. Which process did Alexandra use to tell her father about her day?A) metacognition Incorrect. Alexandra was not thinking about thinking.B) relearning C) eidetic imageryD) reconstruction Correct. She has pieced together her day from a few highlights.E) state-dependent memory cues Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 178 Topic: The Process of Reconstruction

Skill: Applied Objective: Learning Objective 6.7

106) _______ occurs when a person remembers the major portions of an event and then fills in the gaps with what he/she generally believes to be true. A) Metamemory B) Relearning C) Reconstruction Correct. This is an alternate explanation of reconstruction.D) Eidetic imagery E) Automaticity Incorrect. This is when very little effort is required to recall something from LTM.Answer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: 178 Topic: The Process of Reconstruction

Skill: Conceptual Objective: Learning Objective 6.7

107) _______ are frameworks of knowledge and assumptions that we have about people, objects, and events.A) Schemas B) Relearning techniquesC) Retrieval cues D) Eidetic images E) Automaticity parallelsAnswer: A Diff: 2 Page Ref: 178 Topic: The Process of Reconstruction

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.7

108) Guisseppe cannot remember exactly what happened at the wedding he attended a while ago, but he knows that the reception followed the ceremony. He also knows that at the reception, there was a large guest list, great food, and lots of dancing. Guisseppe is using ________ to help him reconstruct his memory for the event.

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A) relearning B) recognition Incorrect. This is the ability to recognize information as familiar in a sea of distracters.C) metacognition D) a schema Correct. Guisseppe is using his knowledge and assumptions about weddings to help him reconstruct it.E) metamemory Answer: D Diff: 3 Page Ref: 178 Topic: The Process of Reconstruction

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.7

109) _______ is a recollection of the circumstances in which an individual forms a memory whereas _______ is intentionally keeping track of where an individual attains incoming information.A) Specific memory formation; standard information tallyingB) A source memory; source monitoringC) State-dependent memory formation; standard information tallyingD) Specific memory formation; cryptomnesia preventionE) A source memory; the relearning methodAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 179 Skill: FactualTopic: Source, Flashbulb, and Autobiographical Memories Objective: Learning Objective 6.8

110) Memories for shocking, emotion-provoking events that include information about the source from which the information was acquired are known as A) flashbulb memories. B) metamemories. C) repressed memories. D) eyewitness memories. E) serial position memories. Answer: ADiff: 2 Page Ref: 179 Skill: FactualTopic: Source, Flashbulb, and Autobiographical Memories Objective: Learning Objective 6.8

111) Nicole feels she will not forget the emotions she felt upon hearing of the attacks on America on September 11th. She remembers very vividly what she was doing, who she was with, what was said, and what emotions she experienced. Nicole has a ________ for that tragic event. A) hippocampal memory B) flashbulb memory Correct. Nicole has a vivid and unusually detailed account of this highly emotional eventC) repressed memory Incorrect. This is when a painful memory is hidden from consciousness.D) reconstructed memory E) metamemory Answer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: 179 Skill: AppliedTopic: Source, Flashbulb, and Autobiographical Memories Objective: Learning Objective 6.8

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112) _______ is a vivid and unusually detailed account of a highly emotional event. A) Eyewitness memoryB) Metamemory C) A repressed memory Incorrect. This is when a painful memory is hidden from consciousness.D) A flashbulb memory Correct. This is an alternate explanation of a flashbulb memory.E) Serial position memory Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 179 Skill: ConceptualTopic: Source, Flashbulb, and Autobiographical Memories Objective: Learning Objective 6.8

113) _______ are recollections that a person includes in an account of the events of his or her own life.A) Self-metacognitionsB) Eyewitness memoriesC) Positive-bias memories D) Serial position memories E) Autobiographical memoriesAnswer: E Diff: 1 Page Ref: 180 Skill: FactualTopic: Source, Flashbulb, and Autobiographical Memories Objective: Learning Objective 6.8

114) In Africa, the Swazi people demonstrate an amazing ability to remember the slightest details of their cows. A finding such as this illustrates the importance and significance of _______ in memory. A) schemas Incorrect. A schema is a framework of knowledge and assumptions that we have about people, objects, and events. This is referring to how our experiences can have an impact on our memory.B) massed practice C) implicit thinking D) synaptic potentiation E) culture Correct. Our experiences play a huge role in memory.Answer: E Diff: 2 Page Ref: 181 Skill: ConceptualTopic: Influences on Reconstructive Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.9

115) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the research done by Hermann Ebbinghaus? A) He created and then memorized a large number of nonsense syllables. B) He studied forgetting and the amount of time it takes to forget particular information. C) His research suggested that certain hormones influence the rate of forgetting. D) His research demonstrated that most forgetting occurs within the first 24 hours. E) He utilized the relearning method and savings score to measure retention of information. Answer: C Diff: 3 Page Ref: 182 Topic: Ebbinghaus and the Curve of Forgetting

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.10

116) Maggie memorized the speech she wrote for her business presentation. Because she was confident

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that she knew it, she went to bed knowing she would remember the speech just as well the next day when she was scheduled to give it. Based on memory research what advice should Maisha, a psychology major, give Maggie? A) "Go over it at least one more time tomorrow before you are due to give your speech." Correct. It should be fresh in her memory that day even though she put so much time and energy into it previously.B) "Stay up for another few hours and overlearn your speech. That way tomorrow, you won't even have to look at it." Incorrect. While overlearning was good advice, she absolutely should look at it tomorrow.C) "Maggie, you are better off not sleeping tonight. That way, you won't have to worry about forgetting your lines." D) "Since forgetting won't happen for a week or so, I wouldn't worry about going over it again." E) "Maggie, with all due respect, you will not be able to remember your speech because humans do not have that large a memory capacity." Answer: A Diff: 3 Page Ref: 182 Topic: Ebbinghaus and the Curve of Forgetting

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.10

117) _______ occurs when information never made it into the long-term memory in the first place. A) Decay B) Encoding failure C) Retrieval failure D) Consolidation failure E) Long-term potentiation Answer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: 183 Topic: Why Do We Forget?

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.11

118) Emily is convinced she has test anxiety. Every time she gets to the test, she cannot remember what she studied. She goes to her professor to try to see what she can do about it. Her professor asks her how she studies for the exams. Emily reports that she reads the chapters and rereads her notes. After talking to her professor about her study habits, her professor—who specializes in memory—will likely say, A) "Emily, I am not sure what to say. It sure seems like you are studying enough. Maybe just continue doing what you are doing and your grades will eventually get better." B) "Emily, it is clear that you are suffering from the decay theory of forgetting. You need to work on creating retrieval cues." Incorrect. She has an encoding problem, not a decay problem.C) "Emily, the good news is that you don't have test anxiety. You just are not studying in a way that allows the information to get into where it needs to be. You are simply experiencing encoding failure." Correct. Reading and rereading is not an effective form of studying as they do not lead to adequate encoding.D) "You probably do have test anxiety and should see a psychiatrist for medication." E) "Emily, there are two things I would recommend. First, I'd try massed practice. That will help you remember more information. Additionally, I'd try relaxation techniques to try to decrease your anxiety." Answer: C Diff: 3 Page Ref: 183Topic: Why Do We Forget?

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.11

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119) When memories are not revisited, they simply fade away as time passes. This exemplifies the A) encoding theory of forgetting. B) interference theory of forgetting. C) retrieval theory of forgetting. D) decay theory of forgetting. Correct. If we don’t revisit and strengthen these memories, they’ll be lost over time.E) idea behind retrograde amnesia. Incorrect. Retrograde amnesia is caused directly by biological problems in the brain.Answer: D Diff: 1 Page Ref: 183 Topic: Why Do We Forget?

Skill: Conceptual Objective: Learning Objective 6.11

120) One day Oliver was sitting with his friend as they were discussing how long they have been friends. As they counted back, Oliver said, "Oh, I remember. We met in the third grade at recess time." As he and his friend reminisced, Oliver came to the conclusion that because he hadn't thought about the third grade in so many years, he could not remember who their teacher was. In fact, he could not remember anything about his teacher. What is Oliver likely experiencing? A) consolidation failure B) interference failure C) encoding failure D) anterograde amnesia Incorrect. Retrograde amnesia is caused directly by biological problems in the brain.E) decay theory Correct. If we don’t revisit and strengthen these memories, they’ll be lost over time.Answer: E Diff: 2 Page Ref: 183 Topic: Why Do We Forget?

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.11

121) _______ occurs when information already stored in memory gets in the way of recalling newer information. A) Proactive interference B) Anterograde interference C) Retroactive amnesia D) Proactive amnesia E) Anterograde amnesia Answer: A Diff: 3 Page Ref: 184Topic: Why Do We Forget?

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.11

122) When new learning gets in the way of recalling previously learned information, ________ has occurred. A) proactive interference B) retroactive interference C) anterograde amnesia D) proactive amnesia E) retroactive amnesia Answer: B Diff: 3 Page Ref: 184 Topic: Why Do We Forget?

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Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.11

123) _______ occurs when information already stored in memory gets in the way of recalling newer information; when new learning gets in the way of recalling previously learned information, ________ has occurred. A) Retroactive interference; proactive interference B) Proactive amnesia; retroactive amnesia C) Proactive interference; retroactive interference D) Retrograde amnesia; proactive interference E) Anterograde amnesia; retrograde amnesia Answer: C Diff: 3 Page Ref: 184 Skill: Factual Topic: Why Do We Forget? Objective: Learning Objective 6.11

124) Travis is a high school teacher. He has the same group of students for a semester and then gets a whole new group of students the next semester. He notices that when he gets the second group of students, he has difficulty learning their names because he is so used to the names of his last semester students. Travis is experiencing _______. A) proactive interferenceCorrect. The information already stored in long-term memory hinders the ability to remember newer information.B) anterograde amnesiaC) retrograde amnesiaD) retroactive interference Incorrect. This is when new learning interferes with the ability to remember previously learned information.E) anterograde interferenceAnswer: A Diff: 3 Page Ref: 184 Topic: Why Do We Forget?

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.11

125) Chris is a high school teacher. He has the same group of students for a semester and then gets a whole new group of students the next semester. He notices that after he gets the second group of students and learns their names, he has difficulty remembering the names of his last semester students when he sees them. Chris is experiencing _______. A) anterograde amnesiaB) retroactive interferenceCorrect. This is when new learning interferes with the ability to remember previously learned information.C) retrograde amnesiaD) proactive interference Incorrect. This is when information already stored in long-term memory hinders the ability to remember newer information.E) anterograde interferenceAnswer: B Diff: 3 Page Ref: 184 Topic: Why Do We Forget?

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.11

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126) Brigit worked a double shift that included a midnight shift. She then studied her business law and afterwards had to go back to work. As luck would have it, the person who was supposed to work the midnight shift called in sick so Brigit had to stay for another entire shift. Though she was very tired and terribly sleep deprived, she still had to go to class and take her exam. Although she had studied all of the correct material, she found she couldn’t remember very much of it. Which of the following likely explains Brigit’s forgetting?A) retroactive interferenceIncorrect. This is when new learning interferes with the ability to remember previously learned information.B) anterograde amnesiaC) cryptomnesiaD) consolidation failureCorrect. Sleep deprivation interferes with proper consolidation.E) prospective forgettingAnswer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 185 Skill: AppliedTopic: Why Do We Forget? Objective: Learning Objective 6.11

127) When a traumatic event seems to be removed or hidden from one's conscious awareness, ________ is said to have occurred. A) prospective forgetting B) retrograde amnesia C) proactive amnesia D) repression E) anterograde amnesia Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 185 Topic: Why Do We Forget?

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.11

128) Which of the following statements is true regarding motivated forgetting? A) Motivated forgetting always involves a lack of proper consolidation prior to storage. B) Suppression involves a partial or complete, unintended memory loss for a painful event. C) Repression involves a conscious attempt to try to forget painful experiences yet still knowing the event occurred. D) Both suppression and repression fall under the category of encoding failure. E) Suppression and repression are both forms of motivated forgetting. Answer: E Diff: 3 Page Ref: 185Topic: Why Do We Forget?

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.11

129) Sharon and Peggy were talking about what they did over the weekend. Peggy told Sharon all about the concert she attended. As she was giving Peggy the details, she realized she could not remember the name of the group who performed. She could easily tell Sharon other songs they sang and even described what they looked like. However, Peggy could not seem to remember the name of the group at the moment. What did Peggy just experience? A) consolidation failure B) the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon

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Correct. She could recall some, but not all, of the information although she knew she knew it.C) encoding failure Incorrect. Because she knew she knew it, it suggests the information was properly encoded.D) anterograde amnesia E) prospective forgetting Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 185 Topic: Why Do We Forget?

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.11

130) The tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon is an example of _______. A) consolidation failureB) prospective forgetting C) retrieval failureD) encoding failureE) the decay theory of forgettingAnswer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: 185 Topic: Why Do We Forget?

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.11

131) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the famous case study of H.M.? A) H.M. was able to learn new motor skills. B) H.M.'s short-term memory was largely unaffected. C) H.M. had a portion of his brain removed in a desperate attempt to control severe seizures. D) H.M.'s declarative memory seemed intact and largely unaffected. E) H.M. could recall events that happened prior to his surgery. Answer: D Diff: 3 Page Ref: 186–187 Topic: The Hippocampus and the Hippocampal Region

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.12

132) The blocking or preventing of long-term potentiation results in A) increased encoding. B) the formation of many new memories. C) the interference of learning. D) an increase of synaptic efficiency. E) anterograde amnesia. Answer: C Diff: 3 Page Ref: 188 Topic: Neuronal Changes and Memory

Skill: FactualObjective: Learning Objective 6.13

133) As discussed in your textbook, which of the following hormones does NOT appear to be involved in memory? A) melatonin B) adrenalin C) cortisol D) noradrenaline E) estrogen

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Answer: A Diff: 3 Page Ref: 188 Topic: Hormones and Memory

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.14

134) _______ seems to enhance memory whereas ________ seems to get in the way of, or interfere with, memory. A) Cortisol; adrenalin B) Epinephrine; cortisol C) Norepinephrine; noradrenalin D) Cortisol; estrogen E) Estrogen; epinephrine Answer: B Diff: 3 Page Ref: 188Topic: Hormones and Memory

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.14

135) _______ results when, due to some type of brain injury or insult, a person is no longer able to create long-term memories. A) Retrograde amnesia Incorrect. This is when a person cannot recall things that occurred shortly before a loss of consciousness.B) Dissociative amnesia C) Anterograde amnesia Correct. This is an alternate explanation of anterograde amnesia.D) Infantile amnesia E) State-dependent amnesia Answer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: 189 Topic: Memory Loss

Skill: Conceptual Objective: Learning Objective 6.15

136) Aidan was in a car accident that left him with a brain injury. One of the abilities he lost was to take in and recall new pieces of information such as what he ate for dinner and what he watched on television the previous day. Aidan likely suffers from _______. A) infantile amnesiaB) state-dependent amnesiaC) retrograde amnesiaIncorrect. This is when a person cannot recall things that occurred shortly before a loss of consciousness.D) hippocampal amnesiaE) anterograde amnesiaCorrect. He is no longer able to create new long-term memories. Answer: E Diff: 2 Page Ref: 189 Topic: Memory Loss

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.15

137) _______ typically occurs when an individual experiences a loss of memory for experiences that occurred shortly before a loss of consciousness. A) Proactive interference B) Retrograde amnesia C) Anterograde amnesia

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D) Retrograde interference E) Anterograde interference Answer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: 189 Topic: Memory Loss

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.15

138) _______ results when a person is no longer able to form new, long-term memories; ________ occurs when an individual experiences a loss of memory for occurrences prior to a loss of consciousness. A) Proactive interference; retroactive interference B) Anterograde amnesia; retrograde amnesia C) Retroactive interference; proactive interference D) Proactive amnesia; retroactive amnesia E) Retrograde amnesia; anterograde amnesia Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 189 Topic: Memory Loss

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.15

139) Curt was in a car accident last year and lost consciousness. Although he has made nearly a full recovery, he is still unable to remember what occurred shortly before the accident. Curt is likely experiencing _______. A) proactive interference B) proactive amnesia C) retroactive interferenceD) anterograde amnesiaIncorrect. This is when a person is no longer able to create new long-term memories.E) retrograde amnesiaCorrect. Curt cannot recall things that occurred shortly before his loss of consciousness.Answer: E Diff: 2 Page Ref: 189 Topic: Memory Loss

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.15

140) Sixty-eight-year old Claretta is often confused about where she is and what time of the day it is. Her adult children have noticed that other mental abilities have also been deteriorating lately. They report that Claretta does not seem to remember important information and her personality has changed. Which of the following BEST describes Claretta's condition? A) encoding failure B) dementia Correct. Her symptoms are consistent with dementia.C) repression D) the disinhibitory effect E) retrograde anmesia Incorrect. This is when a person cannot recall things that occurred shortly before a loss of consciousness.Answer: B Diff: 3 Page Ref: 190 Topic: Memory Loss

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.15

141) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding eyewitness testimony?

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A) Although mistakes can happen, various strategies can be taken to minimize the errors. B) When a victim is looking at a lineup of potential suspects, the race, build, and age of all the suspects should be similar. C) Greater accuracy can be achieved if the victim is shown one potential suspect at a time. D) Eyewitness testimony is not relied upon in the U.S. courts and legal system. E) Research demonstrates that witnesses are able to make fewer positive identifications when they are taken through a “showup” as compared to a lineup.Answer: D Diff: 3 Page Ref: 191–192Topic: Eyewitness Testimony

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.16

142) Lydia was a victim of an ATM robbery. She was asked to go down to the police station and look at five suspects, one of whom may have been the criminal. Once she got a chance to see all of the potential suspects at the same time, she noticed how similar they all looked. She scanned back and forth for about six minutes, but could not make a positive identification because they looked much too similar. Lydia was likely shown _______. A) a lineupCorrect. This describes the process known as a lineup.B) a serial identification procedureC) a “showup” Incorrect. A “showup” is when individuals are asked to look at a potential suspect one by one to determine whether that suspect was involved in the crime.D) a serial position procedureE) a roundup Answer: A Diff: 2 Page Ref: 192 Topic: Eyewitness Testimony

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.16

143) After he was sexually assaulted, Gordon went to the police and filed a report. He was able to tell the police sketch artist what the perpetrator looked like. The police then asked Gordon if he'd be willing to look at potential suspects one by one to determine whether that suspect was the perpetrator. Gordon agreed to do so. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A) Gordon was participating in what some police officers refer to as a "showup." B) Because Gordon was not given the opportunity to look at photos of potential suspects, he will be more likely to make a misidentification. Correct. This is false to say that because Gordon was not given the opportunity to look at photos of potential suspects, he will be more likely to make a misidentification. He will actually be less likely to make a misidentification.C) Gordon will be LESS likely to misidentify one of the potential suspects as the perpetrator. D) Gordon will be LESS likely to make a positive identification in this scenario. Incorrect. This is a true statement.E) The method Gordon experienced in viewing one suspect at a time is preferred by some police officers over showing all members at once. Answer: B Diff: 3 Page Ref: 192 Topic: Eyewitness Testimony

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.16

144) When individuals are asked to look at a potential suspect one by one to determine whether that

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suspect was involved in the crime, ________ is being utilized. A) a lineup B) a police interrogation tactic C) an unethical strategy D) a “showup” E) a simultaneous identification procedure Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 1912 Topic: Eyewitness Testimony

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.16

145) _______ occur(s) when an individual cannot consciously recall a trauma that occurred in his/her life because it is too painful to remember. A) False memories Incorrect. False memories never occurred but can be “remembered.” This is an event that did occur but cannot be recalled. B) Infantile amnesia C) Retrograde amnesia D) Repression Correct. This is an alternate explanation of repression.E) Psychological interference Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 192Topic: The Repressed Memory Controversy

Skill: Conceptual Objective: Learning Objective 6.17

146) ________ occur(s) when a person begins to construct memories of an event that never occurred after someone, namely a therapist, suggests to the person that he/she may have been abused as a child. A) Repression Incorrect. This is an event that did occur but cannot be recalled.B) Retrograde amnesia C) Psychological recreation D) Infantile amnesia E) False memories Correct. False memories never occurred but can be ‘remembered’ because of someone’s suggestion.Answer: E Diff: 2 Page Ref: 192Topic: The Repressed Memory Controversy

Skill: Conceptual Objective: Learning Objective 6.17

147) _______ occur(s) when an individual cannot recall a trauma that occurred in his/her life because it is too painful to remember; ________ occur(s) when a person begins to construct memories that never occurred after someone, namely a therapist, suggests to the person that he/she may have been abused as a child. A) False memories; repressionIncorrect. These answers are reversed. B) Repression; false memories Correct. These are alternate explanations of these concepts.C) Infantile amnesia; false memories D) Retrograde amnesia; psychological recreation E) Psychological interference; psychological recreation

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Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 192–193 Topic: The Repressed Memory Controversy

Skill: Conceptual Objective: Learning Objective 6.17

148) Which of the following statements is FALSE of recovered memories from the first few years of life? A) Due to limited language abilities, the storage and future retrieval of memories is not very efficient or reliable. B) Research suggests that an underdeveloped hippocampus may prevent memories from being properly stored/retrieved. C) Infantile amnesia would suggest that individuals cannot remember events that happened during the first few years of life. D) Research suggests that areas of the cortex involved in memory storage are not yet fully developed, thus likely interfere with the memory process. E) Memories recalled after one year of age can be considered reliable because infantile amnesia disappears by age two. Answer: E Diff: 3 Page Ref: 193 Topic: The Repressed Memory Controversy

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.17

149) _______ refers to the notion that we cannot remember what occurred in the first few years of our lives. A) Retrograde amnesia B) Infantile amnesia C) Childhood repression D) Anterograde amnesia E) Early childhood inaccuracy theory Answer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: 193 Topic: The Repressed Memory Controversy

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.17

150) Bernice, a teenager, can remember her first day of kindergarten, but cannot seem to remember anything in her life that occurred before that. Bernice is likely experiencing A) retrograde amnesia. B) childhood repression. C) infantile amnesia. Correct. Infantile amnesia suggests that we cannot remember what occurred in the first few years of our lives.D) an inability to reconstruct repressed memories. E) anterograde amnesia. Incorrect. Bernice has not lost the ability to create new long-term memories.Answer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: 193 Topic: The Repressed Memory Controversy

Skill: AppliedObjective: Learning Objective 6.17

151) The American Psychological Association, the American Medical Association, and the American Psychiatric Association have come to which conclusion regarding the memories of childhood abuse?

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A) Because they are impossible to accurately test, all three associations view memories of past childhood abuse unimportant. B) They collectively believe there is no possibility that repressed memories could exist. C) Although they believe that it is possible for suggestions of abuse to create false memories of abuse, they also collectively believe there is a possibility that repressed memories do exist.D) The American Psychological Association believes that repressed memories exist but neither the American Medical Association nor the American Psychiatric Association does. E) The American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association believe that repressed memories exist but the American Medical Association does not. Answer: C Diff: 3 Page Ref: 193Topic: The Repressed Memory Controversy

Skill: Factual Objective: Learning Objective 6.17

Completion (Fill-in-the-Blank)

1) The three basic processes, in addition to consolidation, required for remembering are _______, _______, and _______. Answer: encoding; storage; retrieval Diff: 1 Page Ref: 168 Skill: ConceptualTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

2) The ________ is the theory of memory that parallels human cognitive processing to that of a computer. Answer: information-processing approach Diff: 2 Page Ref: 168 Skill: FactualTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

3) According to the model of memory proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin, _______, _______, and ________ are the three memory systems. Answer: sensory memory; short-term memory; long-term memory Diff: 1 Page Ref: 169 Skill: ConceptualTopic: What Is Memory? Objective: Learning Objective 6.1

4) The major differences between sensory and short-term memory, according to the model of memory proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin, are ________ and _______. Answer: capacity (how much information the memory store can hold); duration (maximum time information can be maintained) Diff: 2 Page Ref: 170 Skill: ConceptualTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

5) _______ is a general strategy of repeating information in order to help maintain that information in the short-term memory. Answer: Rehearsal Diff: 1 Page Ref: 170 Skill: ConceptualTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

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6) _______ is a memory strategy that involves connecting new information with information already stored in memory; it is utilized in learning and remembering complex information. Answer: Elaborative rehearsal Diff: 2 Page Ref: 172 Skill: ConceptualTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

7) Brendan just witnessed a hit-and-run accident. He is looking for his cell phone to call the police and desperately wants to remember the license plate number on the car. He begins to repeat the number over and over, a memory strategy called _______ rehearsal, so he won't forget the plate information. Answer: maintenance Diff: 2 Page Ref: 172 Skill: AppliedTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

8) Memory research by Craik and Tulving (1975) suggests that it is not necessarily the amount of time an individual spends on studying, it is ________ that enhances the accuracy of recall and overall memory of the information. Answer: how deeply the information is processed/the depth of processing Diff: 3 Page Ref: 172 Skill: FactualTopic: Short-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

9) Ideally, college students should study their material beyond the point at which it can be repeated once without error. When they do, they are engaging in _______, which has been shown to assist in maintaining new information better and longer. Answer: overlearning Diff: 2 Page Ref: 173 Skill: ConceptualTopic: Apply It: Improving Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

10) Fifteen hours of cramming for a final the day before the exam is an example of ________ whereas devoting an hour per day for 15 days to one of your classes is an example of _______. Answer: massed practice; spaced practice Diff: 2 Page Ref: 173 Skill: ConceptualTopic: Apply It: Improving Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.3

11) _______ and ________ are the two main subsystems of memory located within the long-term memory. Answer: Declarative (also called explicit); nondeclarative (also called implicit) Diff: 1 Page Ref: 174 Skill: FactualTopic: Long-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

12) _______ and ________ are the two types of explicit memory, located in the long-term memory. Answer: Semantic memory; episodic memory Diff: 1 Page Ref: 174 Skill: FactualTopic: Long-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

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13) The nondeclarative memory, also called ________ memory, contains motor skills habits, and classically-conditioned responses. Answer: implicit Diff: 2 Page Ref: 174 Skill: FactualTopic: Long-Term Memory Objective: Learning Objective 6.4

14) The three ways to measure memory are _______, _______, and _______. Answer: recall; recognition; the relearning methodDiff: 2 Page Ref: 175–176 Skill: ConceptualTopic: Measuring Retrieval Objective: Learning Objective 6.5

15) In the relearning method of retrieval measurement, the numerical value calculated when the amount of information learned the first time around compared to the second time around is called the _______. Answer: savings score Diff: 3 Page Ref: 176 Skill: ConceptualTopic: Measuring Retrieval Objective: Learning Objective 6.5

16) Callie learned how to multiply fractions over the course of 2 hours. After a few days, she tried again to multiply fractions and found that it only took her 30 minutes to relearn the steps involved. Callie's savings score would be _______. Answer: 75% Diff: 3 Page Ref: 176 Skill: AppliedTopic: Measuring Retrieval Objective: Learning Objective 6.5

17) When learning a long list of words, Vinny finds that he can remember the first few and last few quite easily. However, he is having trouble remembering the words in the middle. The reason for this finding can best be explained by the _______. Answer: serial position effect Diff: 2 Page Ref: 176 Skill: AppliedTopic: Influences on Retrieval Objective: Learning Objective 6.6

18) Jerilynn notices that when she studies her stack of note cards, she tends to remember best the ones on the top of the stack. Mark notices that when he studies his note cards, he can better remember the ones on the bottom of the stack. Jerilynn is showing the ________ by remembering the first few note cards whereas Mark is demonstrating the ________ by remembering the last few note cards, both of which are a part of the overall serial position effect Answer: primacy effect; recency effect; Diff: 2 Page Ref: 176 Skill: AppliedTopic: Influences on Retrieval Objective: Learning Objective 6.6

19) Bill originally learns his psychology information in the classroom. He studies it in depth at the local Starbucks. According to research on the context effect, if Bill's professor wants to get Bill's best performance, Bill should be tested _______. Answer: at the local Starbucks where he does his studying

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Diff: 2 Page Ref: 176 Skill: AppliedTopic: Influences on Retrieval Objective: Learning Objective 6.6

20) Daneane was experiencing anxiety as she studied for her statistics exam. She was surprised to find that her recall for statistics seemed to be better when she once again began experiencing anxiety. This is an example of the _______. Answer: state-dependent memory effect Diff: 2 Page Ref: 177 Skill: AppliedTopic: Influences on Retrieval Objective: Learning Objective 6.6

21) Elliott was trying to study for his exam, but his mind was really on other things. Though he was looking at the information in his notes and textbook, he really wasn't reading or otherwise getting the information in. While he was taking the exam, he noticed that he did not know a majority of the answers. ________ is the cause of forgetting that best fits with Elliott's experience. Answer: Encoding failure Diff: 2 Page Ref: 183 Skill: AppliedTopic: Why Do We Forget? Objective: Learning Objective 6.11

22) Four of the seven causes of forgetting listed in your text are _______, _______, _______, and _______. Answer: encoding failure; decay; interference; consolidation failure; motivated forgetting; prospective forgetting; retrieval failure Diff: 1 Page Ref: 183–185 Skill: FactualTopic: Why Do We Forget? Objective: Learning Objective 6.11

23) Mandisa was trying desperately to learn her new Spanish vocabulary, but her knowledge of German kept getting in the way. Mandisa was experiencing _______. Answer: proactive interference Diff: 3 Page Ref: 184 Skill: AppliedTopic: Why Do We Forget? Objective: Learning Objective 6.11

24) According to your text, ________ and ________ are two types of motivated forgetting. Answer: repression; suppressionDiff: 3 Page Ref: 185 Skill: FactualTopic: Why Do We Forget? Objective: Learning Objective 6.11

25) Both the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon and the tip-of-the-fingers phenomenon are examples of _______, a relatively common type of forgetting. Answer: retrieval failure Diff: 3 Page Ref: 185-186 Skill: FactualTopic: Why Do We Forget? Objective: Learning Objective 6.11

Critical Thinking Questions (Short Answer)

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1) Explain how chunking is able to increase your short-term memory capacity?

Answer: Short-term memory has the capacity of about 7 plus or minus two items. That range is anywhere from 5 to 9 items. In order to increase that capacity, the strategy of chunking can be used. Chunking is basically grouping items for the purpose of enhanced memory. For example, 1972200119992007 contains 16 items which is well outside of the 5–9 range. Chunking (1972, 2001, 1999, 2007) can reduce the items to 4, which is well below the typical human capacity. Page Ref: 170

2) Which type of rehearsal would work best for remembering complex information? Why?

Answer: Elaborative rehearsal would work best. This strategy involves relating new information to information an individual already knows. According to research, recall is much better when elaborative rehearsal is used in comparison to maintenance rehearsal. Page Ref: 172

3) Why is spaced practice more effective than massed practice?

Answer: When students utilize spaced practice, they are studying for shorter periods of time with rest periods in between. These multiple rest periods allow the new information to be created and allow for this new information to be stored in different places. Additionally, multiple practice periods create many primacy and recency effects.

When students study for one long period of time with no rest periods in between, students will experience interference, which will lead to retrieval problems. In addition, frustration and fatigue will only exacerbate interference and further prevent accurate retrieval. Massed practice does not afford the brain adequate time to store memories, which will inevitably cause problems with retrieval come exam time. Page Ref: 173

4) Why is recall generally more difficult than recognition?

Answer: Recall requires that individuals search their memory for the required information, which then has to be organized and articulated. Recognition, on the other hand, is simply matching a stimulus with what one has stored in memory. Typically with recognition, retrieval cues are present. That is not always the case with recall. Page Ref: 175–176

5) Why does the context in which an individual learns information aid in the memory of that information?

Answer: The context (environment including sights, sounds, odors, ... etc.) becomes part of that memory formation. Thus, it serves as retrieval cues when trying to remember something. Research has demonstrated that retrieval cues aid in memory. Page Ref: 176

6) How are suppression and repression different?

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Answer: Though both are considered forms of motivated forgetting, suppression is the conscious intent to put painful memories out of one's mind (though the person is aware the painful event occurred). Repression is when the mind unconsciously hides, if you will, memories of a painful event. It is not a conscious effort and the person is not aware of some or all of the event. Page Ref: 185

7) How does the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon provide evidence that memories are stored in pieces as opposed to one large entity?

Answer: When an individual experiences the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon, he/she can remember bits and pieces of the thing he/she is trying to remember, just not a particular piece. If memory was NOT stored in fragments and simply stored as whole blocks, the TOT phenomenon would never occur. Page Ref: 185

8) What will happen to properly encoded information if consolidation never occurs?

Answer: Even though the information was taken in (properly encoded), the information will not form into long-term memory if consolidation does not occur. Consolidation is a physiological change in the brain that is required for proper storage. If consolidation fails, the new information cannot be stored. If information is not stored, it cannot be retrieved. Page Ref: 185

9) What are the advantages and disadvantages to a showup over a lineup?

Answer: A showup is when an individual sees one person at a time and decides whether that particular person is the perpetrator. The main advantage is that there are less misidentifications with a showup. The main disadvantage is that there are more failures in making a positive identification. Page Ref: 192

10) How do we know that hormones play a role in memory?

Answer: Various research studies have demonstrated the involvement of hormones in memory. Highly emotional events trigger the release of epinephrine (adrenalin) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline), which are thought to play a role in the formation of flashbulb memories (vivid memories of a highly emotional event). On the other hand, the stress hormone cortisol appears to get in the way of memory. Page Ref: 188

Essay Questions

1) Explain in detail the model of memory proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin.

Answer: This model of memory suggests three different components of memory: the sensory memory, the short-term memory, and the long-term memory.

The sensory memory takes in information through the senses and holds it there for a VERY brief time

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period, no more than about 2 seconds. In fact, visual information can be held for about a fraction of a second whereas auditory information can be held for up to two seconds. Sometimes the information makes it into the short-term memory where it will be further processed, but most of the information is lost.

The short-term memory, when compared to the sensory memory, can hold less information but hold it for a longer period of time. Research suggests that our short-term memory can hold anywhere from 5 to 9 items for up to 30 seconds. Some techniques help increase short-term memory capacity. One of them is chunking, or grouping information together. A strategy used to increase the time capacity of the short-term memory is to use rehearsal. Rehearsal can help maintain information in the short-term memory, and can even increase the likelihood that the information will eventually make it into the long-term memory.

The long-term memory is a relatively limitless storehouse for information. Once information makes it to the long-term memory, it can remain there for days, weeks, months, years, or even a lifetime. The long-term memory is broken down into the declarative (also called explicit) memory and the nondeclarative (also called implicit) memory. The declarative memory is your memory for things you can declare, or assert. For example, I know when I was born. I can affirm what happened when I graduated from high school. These are things a person knows. The declarative memory is broken down into two parts: the episodic memory and the semantic memory. The episodic memory is a person's memory for events. The semantic memory is a person's memory for facts, word meanings, general knowledge, ..., etc. The nondeclarative memory is a little bit different. This part of the long-term memory stores things we know but may not be aware as to how/when we learned them. For example, classically conditioned responses fall here as do motor skills such as walking. Page Ref: 169–174

2) Based on memory research, describe and give examples of at least four of the memory concepts a person could utilize to become a better student.

Answer: The student should name at least four of the following concepts: encoding, maintenance rehearsal, elaborative rehearsal, recall, retrieval cues, relearning, the serial position effect, the primacy effect, the recency effect, context-dependent memory, state-dependent memory effect, overlearning, spaced practice, organization, recitation, repeated testing, or any of the mnemonic devices. The student should then, for each of them, describe what they are and provide an example of how the concept can help create a better student.

Example: When reading the textbook, students should make sure they are accurately encoding (getting in) what they are reading. Often times, students will spend time reading the book, but not really have any idea of what they read. One way to make sure encoding is taking place is to read small sections at a time and then use elaborative rehearsal in an attempt to get the information through the three memory systems, ending up in the long-term memory. Elaborative rehearsal is when the information is connected to something the individual already knows. Once elaborative rehearsal is used to ensure proper encoding and storage, then maintenance rehearsal (repeating the information over and over) can be used to help maintain that information in the long-term memory. Students can then engage in overlearning, which helps to make recall and recognition even more efficient. Page Ref: 168; 170–173; 175–177

3) Differentiate between repressed memories, recovered memories, and false memories. What does the research support?

Answer: Repressed memories are memories of very painful events of which the person is not aware. For

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example, say a person is raped. He or she may know that the rape occurred, but may not be able to remember any of the details. Therefore, the details of the event are repressed. According to the research and professionals in the field, repression seems to protect the person from the painful memories and allows him/her to function.

Recovered memories are memories that were previously repressed, but brought to one's conscious awareness through therapy. Professionals in the field feel it is important for those who may have repressed memories to become aware of them, work through them, and understand them so the repressed memories do not interfere with functioning on some level outside of one's conscious awareness. Skeptics in the field, however, doubt the legitimacy of these "recovered" memories and instead feel that they are suggested by the therapist. This is especially true of "recovered" memories that took place before we were even capable of remembering the event happening in the first place (infantile amnesia).

Research strongly suggests that false memories can be created. False memories are events that did not occur but are told that they did, in fact, occur. Subjects are told that they occurred and are asked to imagine the event taking place. When asked about the event later, subjects felt that the events really did occur and were quite confident in their memory for those events. Page Ref: 192–193

MyPsychLab Connection Essay Question4) After watching Memory Hazards on MyPsychLab, what advice do psychologists have for those of us who seem to have minor memory problems? Answer: To access this information, enter MyPsychLab and click on Index of Multimedia. Once in the multimedia library, select chapter 6. Check the "select all" box and click "find now." Under "Watch" locate and click on Memory Hazards.

In an effort to address minor memory lapses, psychologists in the video suggest to slow down, get more sleep, limit alcohol, and limit anesthesia. Additionally, because some memory problems are caused by minor head injuries, wear seatbelts while driving and helmets while riding a bike in an effort to prevent these head injuries. Page Ref: MyPsychLab

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