Master’sDegreeinAerospaceEngineering · Politecnico di Torino Ecole polytechnique f ed erale de...

POLITECNICO DI TORINO Master’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering Master’s Degree Thesis Mid- to close-range relative navigation with a non-cooperating target in LEO using range and line of sight measurements Supervisors Prof. Lorenzo CASALINO Prof. Manuela BATTIPEDE Jean-Sébastien ARDAENS Muriel RICHARD Candidate Filippo BARTOLINI April 2020

Transcript of Master’sDegreeinAerospaceEngineering · Politecnico di Torino Ecole polytechnique f ed erale de...

Page 1: Master’sDegreeinAerospaceEngineering · Politecnico di Torino Ecole polytechnique f ed erale de Lausanne Master Thesis - M.S. Aerospace Engineering Mid- to close-range relative

POLITECNICO DI TORINOMaster’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering

Master’s Degree Thesis

Mid- to close-range relative navigationwith a non-cooperating target in LEO

using range and line of sightmeasurements


Prof. Lorenzo CASALINO

Prof. Manuela BATTIPEDE

Jean-Sébastien ARDAENS




April 2020

Page 2: Master’sDegreeinAerospaceEngineering · Politecnico di Torino Ecole polytechnique f ed erale de Lausanne Master Thesis - M.S. Aerospace Engineering Mid- to close-range relative

Politecnico di TorinoEcole polytechnique federale de Lausanne

Master Thesis - M.S. Aerospace Engineering

Mid- to close-range relative navigation

with a non-cooperating target in LEO

using range and line of sight measurements


Filippo BartoliniUnder the direction of

Prof. Lorenzo Casalino (PoliTo)

Prof. Manuela Battipede (PoliTo)

Jean-Sebastien Ardaens (DLR)

Muriel Richard (EPFL)


Lausanne, April 2020

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Page 4: Master’sDegreeinAerospaceEngineering · Politecnico di Torino Ecole polytechnique f ed erale de Lausanne Master Thesis - M.S. Aerospace Engineering Mid- to close-range relative

Tu quamcumque deus tibi fortunaverit horamgrata sume mami neu dulcia differ in annum,ut quocumque loco fueris vixisse libenterte dicas; nam si ratio et prudentia curas,non locus effusi late maris arbiter aufert,coelum, non animum mutant, qui trans mare currunt.Strenua nos exercet inertia; navibus atquequadrigis petimus bene vivere. Quod petis, hic est,est Ulubris, animus si te non deficit aequus.

Horatius, Epistula XI

To my grandparents

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First of all I wish to thank my supervisor, Jean-Sebastien Ardaens, for his mentoring.

Despite the distance and the many commitments, he managed to follow me and

accompany me in my work throughout these months. I’m grateful for the learning

opportunities he has given me, and for beginning to teach me how to look at problems

from an engineering perspective.

Thanks to those who welcomed me in the EPFL—the people of eSpace and

ClearSpace—for making me feel included right from the start and for always offer-

ing their help. Prof Jean-Paul Kneib and Muriel Richard first. And then Bastien,

Candice, Michael, Jacques, Alex, Marc-Andre, Noemy, Mohammad, Charles, Em-

manuelle, Hannes, Simon, John, Andrew, prof. Kneib, Brigitte, Reyhaneh, and my

office mates Elisa and Flavio, for the everyday company during these months.

I’m grateful for my professors from PoliTo, prof. Casalino and prof. Battipede,

for their continuous availability and support.

Thanks to the friends I found in Lausanne, primarily those whom I live with. To

all of them for making it possible to feel at home while being away from it.

To all my friends from Torino —with whom I shared everyday life all through

these last years— it would be impossible to list them all. To Poli and suorine above

all: thanks to them I realized how wonderful it is to be supported in our yearning

to grow and our commitment to study.

My gratitude also to Simona. For her firm support, closeness and holy patience.

At last, to my family, who is always pushing me to look for the essential things.

To them, and especially to my mother, I dedicate the conclusion of my university


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Space debris represents a more and more growing problem for space operations,

especially for spacecrafts operating in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), that proves to be

the most crowded region in terms of orbiting objects. In the very last years, many

actors in space economy started to be concerned about this issue and the main

solution seems to be the Active Debirs Removal (ADR). It is better to force the

orbital decay process of an object instead of letting it to deorbit by itself in some

decades. This is a reasonable way to face the constantly increasing of spacecrafts

number and debris population. This thesis has been conducted within a start-

up, Clear Space, born from the EPFL Space Center, that is facing the challenge

of designing an ADR mission for the European Space Agency in order to remove

a specified object. The main challenge in ADR is about non-cooperation aspect.

While a well-known classical rendezvous is performed by two active players, in a

non-cooperative rendezvous one of the two objects does not actively take part in the

operation. For this reason, the other spacecraft, the chaser, must be able to perform

the task by itself. Another crucial point is the autonomy. Since the operations are

executed in close-proximity, it has to be also able to detect a risk of collision or to

decide to correct the formation and perform maneuvers without waiting for ground

commands. On-board sensors and computations gain therefore much importance.

So far, technologies for relative navigation has been commissioned and tested and

Angles Only Navigation (AON) provide a simple and safe mean to perform far-

to mid-range approach. In order to perform closer-range navigation and formation

keeping, line-of-sight navigation is not enough and the knowledge of the range should

be provided. A line-of-sight and range based Guidance, Navigation and Control

(GNC) system is presented, as a development of the in-flight heritage of AON. A

simplified dynamical model is used to gather measurements of relative position. The

purpose of this study is to understand how well range measurements may improve

the state estimation and control loop. Different scenarios are then simulated for

mid- to close-range formation reconfiguration and close-range formation keeping.


Space debris, relative motion, relative orbital elements, non-cooperative rendezvous,

impulsive manoeuvres, Kalman filtering.

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1 Introduction 1

1.1 About space debris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Recent events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.2.1 Anti-satellite tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.2.2 Iridium 33/Kosmos 2251 collision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.2.3 Sentinel-1A debris impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.2.4 Collision countermeasures and spacecrafts’ autonomy . . . . . 7

1.3 Active Debris Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1.3.1 Need for ADR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.3.2 Efficiency of ADR activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1.3.3 Sun synchronous orbits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1.3.4 Polar hotspots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

1.3.5 Non cooperative rendezvous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

1.4 State of the art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

1.4.1 PRISMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

1.4.2 TanDEM-X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

1.4.3 AVANTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

1.4.4 CleanSpace One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

1.5 ClearSpace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

1.5.1 VESPA adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2 Fundamentals 25

2.1 Orbital dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

2.1.1 Unperturbed relative motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Hill’s equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Relative Orbital Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.1.2 Perturbed relative motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Gravitational field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Page 8: Master’sDegreeinAerospaceEngineering · Politecnico di Torino Ecole polytechnique f ed erale de Lausanne Master Thesis - M.S. Aerospace Engineering Mid- to close-range relative Differential drag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

2.2 Relative state control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

2.2.1 Control strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

2.2.2 Passive safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

2.3 Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

2.3.1 EKF formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

2.3.2 Measurement model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

3 Simulation environment 54

3.1 simulation baseline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

3.2 Images generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

3.3 Range measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

3.4 Maneuver execution errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

4 Simulation results 59

4.1 Convergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4.2 formation reconfiguration and keeping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4.3 Out-of-plane: no fast convergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

4.4 Covariance, P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

4.5 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

4.6 Further development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

A Control algorithm 66

B EKF algorithm 70

C Close formation keeping 72

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List of Figures

1.1 Growth trend of man-made objects in all orbits since the beginning

of space era [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 Growth trend of objects in different orbits [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.3 evolution of objects in LEO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.4 Fengyun-1C debris cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.5 View of Iridium 33 and Kosmos 2251 Orbits at Time of Collision . . . 6

1.6 Comparison of the interested area on the solar array, before and after

the impact (credits ESA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.7 A radar image of Envisat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1.8 Forecast debris density at poles pillars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

1.9 Gemini 7 spacecraft seen from Gemini 6 during their rendezvous,

December 1965 (credits NASA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

1.10 Astronauts of STS-49 handling Intelsat 603 satellite (credits NASA) . 15

1.11 GPS-based relative distance between Mango and Tango over time, up

to December 31, 2011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

1.12 Spiral relative trajectory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1.13 Measurements during the close-range approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

1.14 Artistic illustration of the ”Pac-Man” configuration for CleanSpace

spacecraft (credits EPFL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

1.15 ClearSpace logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

1.16 VEGA payload bay and one fairing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.1 ECI and ECEF frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.2 Mean and true anomaly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.3 RTN frame, centered in chief satellite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

2.4 Eccentricity factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.5 chief’s and deputy’s eccentricity vectors on chief’s perifocal plane . . 35

2.7 Along-track drift due to a non-zero relative semi-major axis . . . . . 36

2.6 Relative trajectory projections on RT and RN planes [2] . . . . . . . 36

2.8 Perturbing accelerations in Earth orbits [3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

2.9 Relative eccentricity and relative inclination vectors variations [2] . . 41

2.10 Atmospheric density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

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2.11 Drift within a control period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

2.12 Tolerance windows for relative eccentricity and relative inclination . . 48

2.13 Predictor-corrector EKF loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

2.14 RTN frame and relative position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

2.15 Block scheme of the filter’s measurement model . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

3.1 High level simulation environment layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

3.2 Examples of generated images and computed centroids . . . . . . . . 56

3.3 Misaligned centroid: maximum angular error seen by the on-board

camera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

3.4 Maneuver execution error: ∆v uncertainty sphere . . . . . . . . . . . 58

4.1 Convergence during the initial period (18000 s, about 5 hours) . . . . 60

4.2 scenario 01, ROE evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

4.3 scenario 01, error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

4.4 scenario 01, residuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

4.5 Covariance envelup amplitude for each ROE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

A.1 Control algorithm flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

A.2 In-plane control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

A.3 Out-of-plane control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

B.1 Extended Kalman Filter data flow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

C.1 scenario 02, error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

C.2 scenario 02, residuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

C.3 scenario 02, error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

C.4 scenario 02, residuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

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AON Angles Only Navigation.

AVANTI Autonomous Vision Approach Navigation and Target Identification.

ECEF Earth Centered Earth Fixed.

ECI Earth Centered Inertial.

EGO Extended Geostationary Orbit.

EKF Extended Kalman Filter.

EPFL Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne.

ESA European Space Agency.

GEO Geostationary Orbit.

GNC Guidance, Navigation and Control.

GPS Global Positioning System.

GTO GEO Transfer Orbit.

HEO Highly Eccentric Earth Orbit.

KOE Keplerian Orbital Elements.

LEO Low Earth Orbit.

LMO LEO-MEO crossing orbits.

LOS Line-Of-Sight.

LVLH Local Vertical Local Horizontal.

MEO Medium Earth Orbit.

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MGO MEO-GEO crossing orbits.

NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

NSO Navigation Satellites Orbits.

PRISMA Prototype Research Instruments and Space Mission technology Advance-


ROE Relative Orbital Elements.

RTN Radial-Transverse-Normal.

STS Space Transportation System.

TAFF TanDEM-X Autonomous Formation Flying.

TLE Two Lines Elelment.

VESPA VEGA Secondary Payload Adapter.

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Physics Constants

µ Earth’s gravitational parameter 3.986004418× 1014m3s−2

G Universal gravitational constant 6.67408× 10−11m3s−2kg−1

J2 Geopotential second-order zonal coefficient 0.00108263

m⊕ Earth’s mass 5.9722× 1024 kg

R⊕ Earth’s equatorial radius 6.3781370× 106m


∆v Velocity increment after impulsive thrust

% Atmospheric density

mj j-th spacecraft’s mass

u Mean argument of latitude

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Chapter 1


A collision in Low Earth Orbits could easily happen with a relative velocity of about

10 km/s. Such an event must be avoided as much as possible by every spacecraft.

Nevertheless, new objects are brought in space far faster than the expired ones are

removed. For this reason, the population of objects in Earth orbits is constantly

growing, mainly thank to less and less expensive ways to insert spacecrafts in orbit

and the spreading of companies able to launch rockets by themselves.

On the one hand, such improvements lead to the benefit of a broader access to

space for any kind of purpose (education, science, weather forecast, surveillance,

communications, human space exploration, only to cite the most common), on the

other hand the increasing unconstraint risk of having collision among spacecrafts or

between spacecrafts and debris: the latter occurrence is less predictable than the


1.1 About space debris

After 60 years of space launches, about 8000 tons of material have been inserted

in near-Earth orbits. Among this, about 6300 tons are dead satellites and debris

in general. Even by stopping launching everything today, the debris population

will inexorably grow due to the collisions that will occur among them, sooner or

later. A collision of two objects may generate thousands of debris, which can collide

with other objects, in a sort of chain process. By the end of the seventies, this

phenomenon started to concern space users: nowadays, it is very common to hear

about the “Kessler syndrome”, named after the debris scientist Donald Kessler, who

proposed this dramatic scenario [4].

Nowadays, LEO region hosts more than 2/3 of the overall debris number. Since

LEO extends to a height of about 2000 km above the Earth’s surface, it follows that

the very near-Earth region is full of both operating and dead satellites and any kind

of debris. In general, almost 7% of the monitored objects in space are composed


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of functional satellites, that is nearly 2000 satellites. ESA estimates that currently

there are more than 30 thousand objects bigger than 10 cm. The number of objects

is fastly increasing and all this junk is causing a major risk to spaceflight. When

disused, satellites may explode or collide with other objects, then break up into

smaller pieces of all shapes and sizes, many of which measure less than 10 cm across

and are undetectable from Earth. According to the ESA’s annual space environment

report [1], about 5000 thousand of all satellites ever launched since the beginning of

the space era in 1957 are still in orbit. About 1950 of them are functioning. Today,

more than 20000 objects are present in all Earth orbits and among half of them are

the result of fragmentation events. Fragmentation is the most dangerous event that

can occur because, in addition to the loss of the object itself (that could be a payload

or just a used rocket body), it gives birth to a myriad of highly dangerous objects.

About 10000 objects have been produced by accidental explosions of launch vehicles,

mainly due to the unused fuel remained inside the rocket body. Therefore, it is clear

that dismissed payloads, rocket bodies and any other object that is not under direct

control represent a serious potential source of debris other than a concrete risk of

collision. For clarity purposes, it is enough to pay attention to the graphs from

ESA’s report showing the evolution of the environment in orbit. Figure 1.1 shows

the evolution in time of the population in all Earth orbits -i.e. from LEO to GEO

and HEO, cataloguing the objects by type.

Figure 1.1: Growth trend of man-made objects in all orbits since the beginning ofspace era [1]


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1.2 Recent events

In Figure 1.1, one can notice two steps in the green bars trend (payload fragmenta-

tion debris), in the neighborhood of the year 2010. These two wider steps correspond

to as much fragmentation events, happened in 2007 and 2009. Debris impacts may

occur, and it may damage in many ways a spacecraft (from a scratch to the total

loss of the satellite). A debris is often a manmade object or even the result of an

event such as fragmentation, or a natural body – as micrometeorites. The smaller

the debris, the more difficult the prevention. With the increasing number of objects

in orbit, space agencies are often forced to take countermeasures to avoid collisions

with debris or even with another spacecraft.

Figures 1.2 and 1.3 shows the same evolution, with respect to different orbit types,

and the trend of penetration into LEO (i.e. both LEOs themselves and orbits with

a very low perigee).

Figure 1.2: Growth trend of objects in different orbits [1]

(see Acronyms list for: HEO, MGO, LMO, MEO, NSO, GTO, EGO, GEO,LEO)


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Figure 1.3: evolution of objects in LEO.

Amount of objects penetrating into LEO protected region (below 2000 km alti-tude), defined by Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC)[1].

1.2.1 Anti-satellite tests

On January 11, 2007, China launched a ballistic missile targeting a non-operational

Chinese weather Fengyun-1C satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit, as an anti-satellite

test [5]. The collision created a cloud of thousands of pieces and spread out from a

limited region as of the event occurrence to several LEO orbits. Obviously, such a

spread cloud of debris represented a high risk for LEO satellites, and mainly for the

International Space Station. As an example, some months after the event, in June

2007, the NASA’s TERRA satellite executed a maneuver to avoid a 7% chance of

being struck by the new-born cloud. The importance of this event mainly lies in the

satellite altitude, about 860 km: the higher the altitude where a collision occurs, the

longer the debris clouds will stay in orbit. Figure 1.4 shows the evolution in time of

the cloud, from few minutes after the collision up to three years after.


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Figure 1.4: Fengyun-1C debris cloud

Estimation, after three years, of the evolution of the debris cloud generatedby the 2007 satellite kinetic kill [6]. Nowadays, part of the debris cloud is stillin orbit and TLE data are available

Although this episode represents the most recent and the one that produced the

largest debris cloud, many other anti-satellite tests have been carried out in prece-

dent years. Countries as USA, Russia, and India developed antisat weapons too

but, for what concerns the known tests made, impacts usually have happened at

low altitudes, approximately below 500 km, and the clouds of debris burned in the

atmosphere in some months [5] [7].

1.2.2 Iridium 33/Kosmos 2251 collision

Two years later, on February 10, 2009, the first accidental collision between two

satellites occurred [8]. The event took place above Siberia, at a height of about

800 km and a relative velocity of about 11.7 km/s and involved a communication

satellite belonging to the US’s constellation Iridium, Iridium 33, and an inactive

Russian communication satellite, Kosmos 2251. This was therefore the first case an

operational satellite hit a dismissed one [9]. Two clouds of debris were generated

and most of the pieces are still in orbit. It is important to consider that the result of

such a collision was two different debris clouds, essentially laying on the two satel-

lites orbits. The occurrence of the collision above the North Pole is not fortuitous.

Since polar orbits are used for a multitude of operations (weather forecast, Earth

mapping, observation. . . ), crowded crossroads above poles are a direct consequence.

This topic will be treated in Section 1.8. Figure 1.5 shows the location of the colli-



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Figure 1.5: View of Iridium 33 and Kosmos 2251 Orbits at Time of Collision

This image belongs to the analysis described in [10], performed some monthsafter the event. The geographic location above the North Pole can be seen

1.2.3 Sentinel-1A debris impact

In more recent times, on August 23, 2016, a debris impacted with the satellite

Copernicus Sentinel-1A. After been diagnosed, it was classified as a millimeter-

sized particle and the episode did not produce serious consequences. The event was

detected because of the sudden power loss of the solar panel hit by the particle

happened in concurrence with a slightly change in satellite orientation. After on-

board camera observation and analyses on the spacecraft’s status, before and after

that occurrence, investigations led to the conclusion of an impact with a particle

of few millimeters, either of natural origin or man-made [11]. The impact left a

damaged region of about 40 cm in diameter on solar array surface, recognizable in

Figure 1.6, and the registered power loss of 280W, from the nominal 6000W, was



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Figure 1.6: Comparison of the interested area on the solar array, before and afterthe impact (credits ESA)

It was a strike with a particle -for which it is impossible to know the exact

origin, natural or manmade-, but one among the thousand’s of pieces generated

by the aforementioned events could have had the same effect. Such impacts may

generate damages of different magnitude. For Sentinel 1A the particle caused the

loss of a portion of a solar array but, with a greater size of the object, the damage

may easily have been more serious than a partial reduction of the available electric


1.2.4 Collision countermeasures and spacecrafts’ autonomy

The events so far described do not depict a scenario in which operational spacecrafts

have no possibility to avoid debris, if it has been detected. The fact that a spacecraft

should have been able to execute a maneuver in order to avoid a collision was clear

since the 70’s and 80’s. The first confirmed, unintentional collision between two

catalogued orbits occurred in 1996, between the French Cerise satellite (95-033B)

and a fragment (86-019RF) of an Ariane-1 H-10 upper stage that exploded on 13

November 1986. The debris severed the gradient boom of the satellite [12].

In order to be able to successfully avoid a probable collision in time, the space-

craft needs a proper propulsion system but, first of all, it is essential to be aware

of the objects that it may meet along its orbital path. This issue is not a problem

if the object is a functional spacecraft too, of which both position and velocity are

known. Therefore, the possibility of performing such maneuvers strongly depends

on the capability of tracking non-operational objects, such as debris and dismissed

satellites. With the even more increasing number of orbiting objects and the cur-

rent capability of debris tracking, anti-collision maneuvers occur more frequently.

Performing a maneuver begins to be considered if the probability for two objects to

collide is greater than 10−3 [12]. Nowadays, space agencies constantly monitor their


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own satellites, continuously evaluating the risk of collision with other objects and

then scheduling maneuvers, if needed. For seek of completeness, collision avoidance

procedures can be deepened in [13] and [14].

The need for routine debris monitoring is by now essential. Moreover, the growing

orbit traffic, especially in LEO regions, generates a very huge amount of data. This

makes the need for spacecraft’s autonomy essential, in order to be able to manage

collision risk situations autonomously.

Even if each one of the aforementioned events did not concern directly an actual

collision among two spacecraft, the even higher collision risk deriving from the in-

creasing population is a straightforward conclusion. Even by tracking every single

debris in orbit – even those smaller than 1 cm-, most of them will however still

represent a potential source for other debris. By recalling that about 18% of the

cataloged objects in space are spent upper stage and mission-related objects (such as

adapters) and that more than 290 in-orbit fragmentation events have been recorded

since 1961, it clearly comes out how debris will continue to represent an annoying

and dangerous obstacle.

Moreover, the need for even more frequent collision avoidance maneuvers suggests

to pay attention to the upcoming theme of mega-constellations. In recent years, big

companies as SpaceX, OneWeb, Amazon and many others, have announced their

intent to create their own constellations, in order to spread high-speed internet all

around the world. Such constellations will count hundreds and thousands of space-

crafts orbiting LEOs. Considering the present number of satellites in LEO, insertion

of thousands of new satellites would represent a notable increasing of the risk of col-

lision: Starlink constellation by SpaceX would count around 4000 satellites of about

200kg each, having started with orbit insertion in 2018, OneWeb more than 600,

started in 2019, Amazon more than 3000 from 2022, and so forth with many other

constellations, counting hundreds of satellites each, planned for launch in the next

decade. Probably most of these missions won’t see the light but what is sure is

the future crowding projection. A helpful resource is that new satellites must be

designed with precise end-of-life criteria in order to perform safe disposal. But also

with this kind of mitigation, such constellations will populate an environment that

already sees the presence of many debris and objects. From this, the need to be

able to actively remove a not-functioning satellite or even only be able to guarantee

a capacity of in-orbit servicing by means of a spacecraft without crew.


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1.3 Active Debris Removal

LEO is the easier orbit to reach but it is also the orbit were atmosphere drag still

exerts a non negligible contribution. Satellites in lower orbits are slowed down by

the effect of upper atmospheric drag and gradually decay into the atmosphere itself

until they burn. But even with this factor, a satellite would take some decades before

it completely deorbits. Of course, higher orbits can’t even count on drag. Thinking

about Geostationary orbits, nowadays only graveyard orbits are considered as a

suitable solution for dead satellites, since it is too expensive to make something

deorbit from there. Going back to LEOs, this region is crucial both for the wide

spectrum of applications and users, since these are the easiest orbit to reach, and

because it is a necessary path to go further.

The servicing vehicle can be provided with a capture system (a robotic arm, clamps,

a net. . . ) in order to fasten the target and to be able to drag it and lowing its

orbit. Even “passive” methods could be followed in order to “actively” remove a

debris, without getting directly in touch with the target. For instance, the vehicle

could install on the target a kit for deorbiting such as a solid rocket motor or an

atmospheric drag sail, or even project ion beams to the surface of the target in order

to slow it down. The main goal of ADR is to accelerate the deorbiting of the target.

This could also imply that the chaser can carry the target to a lower orbit and then

continue, without deorbit with it.

On overall orbits scale, ESA’s estimates that fragmentations happen on average

5 times per year [15]. If no countermeasures will be taken and if the launch rate will

remain the same as present day, in about a century the collision rate will be 25 times

what it is now, making space flight very impracticable and the access to LEO almost

impossible (ESA source). In the last years, the satellite’s passivation has become

part of the mission design. This is a good conduct for all the missions to come,

in order to deorbit the satellite once its mission is over. Guidelines recommend to

accomplish the complete removal within a time interval of 25 years [16]. Passivation

methods have been already improved and applied in recent missions but, although

it is a very practical and safe limitation to the growth of debris, it does not prevent

it. There is already enough existing debris in space to represent a very high risk

of cascade collisions. For older satellites, such as ENVISAT (launched in 2002 and

still orbiting in an SSO), or in case of failure of a satellite before the end of life

activities can be accomplished, passivation is not an option anymore and ADR is

necessary. but Active Debris Removal missions are still in design phase and no in-

orbit demonstration has been performed by a servicing vehicle yet. ESA, as a space

technology and operations agency, has identified active removal technologies as a

strategic goal. ADR seems to be the only long-term good solution for ensuring the

space flight in current conditions will remain the same in the future and guaranteeing

a ‘business as usual’ continuity.


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1.3.1 Need for ADR

To actively remove a debris means that a service vehicle, a chaser from now on,

needs to head itself physically in proximity of the debris, the target, in order to

modify its orbit and help it in deorbiting. To perform such tasks implies many

technical problems to solve. First, the chaser must approach an uncontrolled target

and here lies the aspect of non-cooperation. A primary need stands therefore in

collision avoidance: the chaser could collide with the target by intercepting its path

(as Iridium and Kosmos did), but also by being hit by some part of the target’s

spinning body during the approach phase, due to different relative attitude of the

two objects. Since no telemetry can be provided for the debris, neither the exact

position and velocity or the actual attitude can be determined from the target itself.

A target tracking from ground -by means of TLE data or direct ground observations-

is indeed mandatory, in order to let the chaser reach the correct position of the target.

But then the final approach needs to be performed in an autonomous way by the

chaser, like a traditional rendezvous although with only one active player.

As one may easily notice, it is possible to track debris from ground, even very

small ones. Indeed, specific telescopes can follow objects bigger than 10 cm and

even some smaller ones. Space object catalogs, as generated and maintained by

space surveillance networks, are limited to larger objects, typically greater than 10

cm in LEO (LEO, below 2000 km) and greater than 0.3–1 m in GEO (about 36

000 km). These sensitivity thresholds are a compromise between system cost and


While telescopes are mainly suited for GEO and high-altitude debris observa-

tions, radars are advantageous for LEO [17]. Nowadays, a very large number of

objects is constantly tracked and TLE data report real time day by day information

about thousands of orbiting bodies. Therefore, it is possible to know position and

velocity of a debris from ground.

In an ADR mission, the relative navigation close to the target has a primary role

in making the closing and the rendezvous possible. After having roughly reached

the target orbit, the chaser must track the target precisely in order to perform the

final approach and then reduce and phase the relative spin. As long as the aim is

to be roughly aware of where non-cooperative objects are, ground observations are

sufficient but, if the aim is the relative navigation, then one needs something more


Main obstacles related to ground-based navigation are:

• the motion of the observed object is well described for what concerns the in-

plane component -i.e. components of position and velocity vectors laying on

the orbital plane- but not for the cross-track direction either -i.e. the direction

perpendicular to the orbital plane.

• Limited period of observability: a radar can track a spacecraft in LEO for a


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relatively short time, 5 to 20 minutes before it disappears again beyond the

horizon, and this period strongly depends on the terrain mesh around the

ground station. This would imply a long period of inactivity per orbit for the


• The resolution of the image returned by the radar may be not detailed enough

to ensure a safe approach. (as an example, Figure 1.7 shows a radar image of

Envisat satellite)

Figure 1.7: A radar image of Envisat

This radar image was produced

by the ground-based tracking

and imaging radar, TIRA, of

the Fraunhofer Institute for High

Frequency Physics and Radar

Techniques in Wachtberg, Ger-

many, on 10 April 2012.

It is important to note that even

if the ground measurements were

perfect, it would take time for the

signal sent from the ground station

to reach the chaser. This would im-

ply a delay in the estimation-control

loop and the impossibility to know

the relative state target-chaser at

the current time. Indeed, in order

to quantify this latency, the transit

time for a round trip to a satellite

in LEO and back is about 30 to 50

milliseconds [18].

Therefore, objects in LEO with

a characteristic dimension at level of

1 meter can be trackable relatively

easily from ground. But the target

orbit provided by such observations

is not enough. The close-range nav-

igation -i.e. below 50 meters of rela-

tive distance- and the final approach

cannot be safely performed by only

mean of ground observations. In or-

der to do close-proximity operations,

the chaser must sense the target,

estimate the relative state, com-

pute a guidance plan and control the relative position autonomously.

The system presented in the present study shall allow a coarse formation keeping,

which will be used to validate and commission more advanced relative navigation

systems, which are necessary for the capture. This concept will be deepened in

Chapter 3.


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1.3.2 Efficiency of ADR activities

Active removal can be more efficient in terms of the number of collisions prevented

versus objects removed when the following principles are applied for the selection of

removal targets, which can be used to generate a criticality index and the according


• The selected objects should have a high mass (they have the largest environ-

mental impact in case of collision);

• Should have high collision probabilities (e.g. they should be in densely popu-

lated regions and have a large cross-sectional area);

• Should be in high altitudes (where the orbital lifetime of the resulting frag-

ments is long).

Long-term environment simulations can be used to analyze orbital regions that

are hotspots for collisions. The most densely populated region in LEO is around

800–1000 km altitude at high inclinations. The collision hotspots can be ranked by

the number of collisions predicted to occur under a business as usual scenario. The

most crucial regions among LEOs are those corresponding to the Earth poles. As

seen for the collision between Iridium 33/Kosmos 2251, regions above Earth poles

are crossroads for many satellites path in LEOs.

1.3.3 Sun synchronous orbits

The SunSyncrhonous Orbits, SSO, are a family of polar orbits. As the name sug-

gests, polar orbits pass over the Earth’s polar regions from north to south and

viceversa. The orbital track of the satellite does not have to cross the poles exactly

for an orbit to be called polar, an orbit which passes within 20 to 30 degrees of the

poles is still classed as a polar orbit. These orbits mainly take place at low altitudes

of between 200 to 1000 km. Satellites in polar orbit look down on the Earth’s entire

surface and can pass over the North and South Poles several times a day. Polar

orbits are used for reconnaissance and Earth observation mainly. If a satellite is in

polar orbit at an altitude of 800 km, it will be travelling at a speed of approximately

7.5 km per second.

A spacecraft in SSO has an orbital period synchronized with the Sun and there-

fore it passes over any given point on Earth’s surface at the same local solar time. A

satellite in a sun synchronous orbit would usually be at an altitude of between 600

to 800 km. Generally, these orbits are perfect for remote sensing, especially used for

Earth observation, solar study, weather forecasting and reconnaissance, as ground

observation is improved if the surface is always illuminated by the Sun at the same

angle when viewed from the satellite.


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1.3.4 Polar hotspots

Polar orbits in general assure to cover all Earth surface in few revolutions and SSOs

are used for almost every remote sensing mission in LEO. It goes without saying

that Earth Poles are crowded. According to ESA , high-ranking hotspot regions are

at around:

• 1000 km altitude and 82 deg inclination;• 800 km altitude and 98 deg inclination;• 850 km altitude and 71 deg inclination.

The concentration of critical-size objects in these narrow orbital bands could

allow multi-target removal missions. Such missions could be specifically designed

for one orbit type were several objects of the same type are contained.

Figure 1.8: Forecast debris density at poles pillars

The image shows a forecast for 2055: on the left, a business-as-usual sce-nario while, on the right, the same forecast with debris mitigation measuresimplemented starting in 2020 (credits ESA)

Actions to counter the exponential growth of space debris, such as mitigation

and active removal, are most effective when they are applied as soon as possible.

The further the number of critical intact objects in the environment deviates from a

sustainable level, the more objects will have to be removed to suppress any additional

growth and the multiplying effects thereof. ESA’s internal studies have shown that

continuous removal actions starting in 2060 will only have 75% of the beneficial

effect compared to an immediate start. As one can notice from Figure 1.8, the

debris density at poles is supposed to increase widely by 2055 if no countermeasure

will be taken. On the other hand, ESA’s forecast shows that a mitigation of this

crowding is possible.


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1.3.5 Non cooperative rendezvous

Considering two spacecrafts on different orbits, the main difficulties met by engineers

and astronauts while wondering about rendezvous at the beginning was the full

understanding of the relative motion of the two spacecrafts. Speaking about Apollo

programme, Andre Meyer, already a Gemini Project engineer, explained the first

unsuccessful attempt in rendezvous performed by Gemini 4 [19]:

There is a good explanation for what went wrong with rendezvous. The

crew, like everyone else at MSC [Manned Spacecraft Center], just didn’t

understand or reason out the orbital mechanics involved. As a result, we

all got a whole lot smarter and really perfected rendezvous maneuvers,

which Apollo now uses.

Figure 1.9: Gemini 7 spacecraft seen fromGemini 6 during their rendezvous, Decem-ber 1965 (credits NASA)

The first rendezvous took place in

the sixties. After the Russian at-

tempt with its first manned pro-

gramme Vostok, NASA’s spacecrafts

Gemini 6 and Gemini 7 managed in

performing a rendezvous and station

keeping, without getting in touch,

in December 1965. Since then, ren-

dezvous have been successfully per-

formed to carry crews and supplies

in an orbiting space station (as it

happened for the first time with

Salyut 1 in 1971, and then with Sky-

lab and Mir). When it became pos-

sible, manned operations have been

aided and, in last decades, also re-

placed with autonomous robotic ren-

dezvous, as it currently happens for

most of the ISS dockings.

From that 1965 giant improvements

have been made in the knowledge of

orbital relative dynamics and in robotic technology. Satellites constellations are be-

coming widely used for any kind of purpose and autonomous formation flying it is

more and more a requirement. So far, the common denominator is the active role

of the players. Although in a rendezvous, manned or unmanned, there is usually an

active spacecraft, the chaser, e.g. the Soyuz carrying a crew to the ISS, and a passive

one, the target, e.g. the ISS waiting for the Soyuz to approach, both spacecrafts can

communicate each other and everything about absolute position and velocity and

both attitudes are known. This is the main feature of a cooperative rendezvous.


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Figure 1.10: Astronauts of STS-49 han-dling Intelsat 603 satellite (credits NASA)

Laying in this aspect is the major

challenge of performing a rendezvous

with a non-cooperative object. Ren-

dezvous always concern two coop-

erative players: they can cooperate

by sharing information, performing

maneuvers, phase their relative atti-

tude. If one of them is not coopera-

tive, the other is required to balance.

In the last ten years many efforts

have been made in order to fully

understand how to perform ren-

dezvous and station keeping among

two spacecraft without any crew

and, more recently, the problem of

non-cooperative rendezvous rose up.

The state of the art will be examined

in depth in Chapter 2.

To understand the difficulties in ap-

proaching a non-cooperative object, please refer to some Space Transportation Sys-

tem (STS) missions, where crews of the Space Shuttle sometimes had to face the

recovering of a satellite, launched during some previous missions and for this already

in orbit (a manned non-cooperative rendezvous indeed). As an example, on May

1992 the crew of STS-49 mission [20] – first flight of the Space Shuttle Endeavour –

recovered a telecommunication satellite that was stucked in the wrong orbit since it

had failed the perigee kick. Three astronauts grabbed with hands the 4.5 tons satel-

lite and fixed it to the cargo bay (Figure 1.10). This kind of episode is remarkable

since it gives the idea of what happens when a average person slowly touches an ob-

ject heavier than a car in space: little contacts could lead the object to drift or spin

in undesirable manners. Indeed, in those cases where the satellite to be recovered

costs several millions of dollars (in this case was 150M dollars), NASA preferred

to use astronauts in Extra Vehicular Activities rather than only the robotic arm,

although far more dangerous for the astronauts, these were more reliable.


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1.4 State of the art

Non-cooperative rendezvous firstly recalls the topic of formation flying. Forma-

tion flight has been more and more developed in recent years mainly with respect

to scientific in-orbit experiments requiring an extremely precise positioning of two

or more spacecrafts. It is commonly identified as the collective usage of two or

more cooperative spacecraft to exercise the function of a single monolithic virtual

instrument. Such an aim can be achieved only if the spacecrafts work together au-

tonomously. Autonomous formation flight is a technical challenge of great interest

for many scientific missions. Among other applications the design of synthetic aper-

tures is a promising benefit of using distributed spacecraft. As an example, higher

angular resolution in astronomical images requires increasing apertures of telescopes

or increasing baselines of interferometers. The mass of the support structure of the

telescopes increases accordingly, and propellant for launch and navigation of long

baseline space telescopes may easily exceed technical and financial boundaries. The

idea of formation flying allows to overcome the mass constraint combining satel-

lites in autonomous formation flight to behave just like a rigid body. Missions like

SWARN, PROBA 3 and all the successive ones born after this [21].

In an ADR mission, the first approach to think about is the “leader-follower” forma-

tion. A more detailed discussion will be done in Chapter 2, about the assignment of

such labels to chaser and to target. In leader–follower coordination approach, one

leader spacecraft is controlled to a reference orbit, and the other follower spacecrafts

in the formation control their relative state to that leader. This approach allows

traditional periodic maneuvers to keep the leader in a desired orbit or ground-track,

while the remaining satellites in the formation control their relative state with re-

spect to the leader.

The present study has been carried on starting from some recent missions and ex-


1.4.1 PRISMA

Launched on June 15, 2010, Prototype Research Instruments and Space Mission

technology Advancement (PRISMA) mission played as a demonstrator of autonomous

formation flight and rendezvous technologies [22]. It consisted of two spacecrafts,

Mango and Tango, launched together in a Sun synchronous orbit and then separated

each other: Mango was then performing observations of Tango and maneuvering to

modify the formation. The two satellites spaced a relative distance from about 1

m to 45 km, as shown in Figure 1.11. The mission qualified a series of sensor and

actuator systems including navigation using GPS, Vision Based and RF technology

as well as a propulsion system based on environmentally friendly propellant technol-

ogy. The mission also included a series of GNC experiments using this equipment


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in closed loop.

Figure 1.11: GPS-based relative distance between Mango and Tango over time, upto December 31, 2011.

PRISMA has demonstrated a large variety of aspects of formation flying and

rendezvous. The GNC experiments include several sets of experiments involving

closed loop orbit control. It was a milestone as it demonstrated both the suitability

of GPS-based navigation in LEO and the capability of autonomous vision-based

navigation and rendezvous [23][24].

1.4.2 TanDEM-X

TanDEM-X is the name given to TerraSAR-X’s twin satellite and the name given

to the coupled flight mission. The couple of spacecrafts of the Earth observation

mission TerraSAR-X was launched on June 21, 2010. The two satellites were meant

to fly in a closed controlled formation, with distance of about 200m and 500m,

scanning region of the Earth below with a Synthetic Aperture Radar. A starting

point of this study has been the TanDEM-X Autonomous Formation Flying (TAFF)

system, implemented in the mission, with particular attention to the design of the

guidance, navigation and control system enabling the autonomous relative control

of two spacecraft flying on near circular orbits [25]. The validation of TAFF showed

that control performance at the meter level could be achieved, and the in-flight

operations confirmed this expectation. The two spacecrafts remained in their sun-

synchronous dawn-dusk orbit with a mean altitude of 515 km, inclination of 97.44

deg and nominal revisit period of 11 days (i.e. the nominal period of rearrangement

of the formation). For setting up the effective baseline, TanDEM-X was separated

from TerraSAR-X in the right ascension of the ascending node [26]. This spanned

a horizontal baseline, which was adjusted between 200 m and 3000 m to achieve

the effective baselines required for acquisition at different latitudes. An additional

vertical separation at the northern and southern turns was achieved by a relative


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shift of the eccentricity vectors of the satellites. The result is a complete separation

of the two satellite orbits called Helix-formation, which enables a safe operation of

close formations with minimum collision risk.

1.4.3 AVANTI

The Autonomous Vision Approach Navigation and Target Identification (AVANTI)

experiment, successfully conducted in November 2016 by the German Aerospace

Center (DLR), realized the first fully autonomous close approach of an unmanned

spacecraft to a noncooperative target object in LEO. The main peculiarity of this

demonstration is the low-cost minimalistic design strategy that had been adopted for

the chasing spacecraft, since the onboard star-tracker had been used as a far range

camera to take images of sky. This was the only real-time source of observations. The

AVANTI spaceborne GNC system carried out autonomously the following activities


• image processing and target identification to extract the angle-measurements

of the line-of-sight (LOS) to the target;

• real-time relative navigation;

• computation of the impulsive maneuvers’ profile required to perform a ren-

dezvous in a safe, fuel efficient manner.

The spaceborne algorithms, constituting the core of the experiment, have been

embedded as passenger software on BIROS, a German Earth observation satel-

lite launched in June 2016 as part of the FireBird constellation. This choice was

motivated by the fact that this spacecraft was carrying a third-party picosatellite

(BEESAT-4) to be released in orbit using a dedicated ejection mechanism, which

means that an appealing target was already available to support the experiment

without the need of spending propellant to rendezvous with an existing object. In

addition, BIROS could grant access to the key hardware devices required by the

experiment: a camera and a propulsion system. No additional formation-flying sen-

sors or actuators were used. Therefore, the entire experiment has been designed to

use one of the star cameras as unique sensor to track the target object. AVANTI

has been developed relying on the experience already collected in 2012 using the

PRISMA formation flying testbed, which performed angles-only relative navigation

activities. [28]

In this sense, AVANTI pursued a low-cost approach, and no further formation-

flying specific sensors and actuators have been embarked on the already designed

BIROS satellite. Both orbit and platform characteristics of BIROS posed several

challenges to develop an autonomous, spaceborne, vision based GNC system. Never-

theless, on the one hand these challenges embody ordinary requirements for realizing

a realistic and general on-orbit servicing mission. On the other hand, AVANTI could


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demonstrate the viability of the AO approach in a kind of worst-case situation. As

a result, compared to the AO in-flight activities that DLR and other companies

and institutions carried out on PRISMA, AVANTI had to advance both guidance

and navigation solutions proposed so far. The implemented guidance policy tackles

a deltaV minimum problem to reach a target relative state at a given time which

supports the definition of user-defined time constraints and produces a solution con-

tinuously compliant with the passive-safety criterion, as explained later. This last

feature, in fact, is a crucial aspect for a truly non-cooperative scenario, leading to

the generation of spiralling rendezvous trajectories. The navigation system, on the

other hand, implemented advanced algorithms to robustly identify the target despite

the frequent observation outages. Moreover, it encompasses the estimation of the

mean time-derivative of the relative semi-major axis, to catch the strong effect of

differential non-conservative orbital perturbations [29]. The distance between the

satellites is affected by a sinusoidal-like pattern. This is since, for safety reasons, the

approach has been executed in a spiralling fashion. This peculiar relative motion

is the consequence of the adopted passive formation safety concept. In Figure 1.12

the achievement of the main objective of the AVANTI experiment can be observed,

i.e. the demonstration of far-to-mid range autonomous rendezvous capability.

Figure 1.12: Spiral relative trajectory

It is important to note that the target needed to be in the visibility range of the

chaser, and that its orbit was coarsely known thanks to the knowledge of TLE data.

AVANTI demonstrated the affordability of AON approach to perform far- to

mid-range navigation, in order to bring the chaser satellite at a separation distance

where close-proximity specific sensors may be used. At close range, camera starts

to be affected to centroid errors, due to the reflection of the light by target surfaces,

that give biased information about the center of mass of the target. Through Figure


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1.13, the entity of such biased observations can be appreciated.

Moreover, BIROS could only rely on a star-tracker, which is a far-range camera,

and the onboard computer could not process enough pictures in a time interval

needed for close-range operations (the maximum data rate was one picture each 30

seconds). For these reasons, AVANTI accomplished the task of the far- to mid-range

experiment (which actually constituted the primary goal of the demonstration) but,

at close-range, more robust guidance is required [30].


26/1123:20 26/1123:30 26/1123:40 26/1123:50 27/1100:000






Figure 1.13: Measurements during the close-range approach

Blue dots correspond to the time when the four images have been acquired. Aslong as the target is far, illuminated areas may be considered almost coincidentwith the center of mass. At close-range, size and shape of the target makethe centroiding computation harder [30].

1.4.4 CleanSpace One

Figure 1.14: Artistic illustrationof the ”Pac-Man” configurationfor CleanSpace spacecraft (cred-its EPFL)

Even if this project has not seen the light yet,

it is worthy of mention as it is one of the main

backgrounds of ClearSpace-1 mission. Since

2010, researchers at EPFL’s Space Center

(eSpace) have been at work on new space de-

bris rendezvous-and-capture systems as part

of the CleanSpace One project. The moti-

vation behind the CleanSpace One project

was to advance Technology Readiness Levels

(TRLs) and start mitigating the impact on

the space environment by acting responsibly

and removing “debris” from orbit. The ob-

jectives of the CleanSpace One project were

mainly to increase awareness regarding space

debris, demonstrate ADR technologies and de-orbit a SwissCube.


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SwissCube is the first Swiss-owned and student-designed satellite. It was launched

on September 23, 2009 and has been operational since and all subsystems of the

satellite are still performing nominally. SwissCube is a 1-Unit CubeSat (100 x 100

x 113.5 mm3), and it weighs 820 g. It is on a Sun synchronous orbit at about 720

km altitude and 98.4 deg inclination. The original configuration of the chaser con-

sidered a deployable net as capture system, capable of including the small target

inside a closed volume, as shown in Figure 1.14. CleanSpace One project was offi-

cially initiated in 2012 and kept on advancing and improving its knowledge, until it

represented the starting point for ClearSpace startup in 2018.

Concluding this overview, a remarkable point lies in the possibility of “com-

munication” with the target. In PRISMA, even if a completely non-cooperative

rendezvous was simulating, Mango could rely on some information known directly

from the target Tango itself and they were able to share each other GPS signals.

Indeed, PRISMA’s primary objective was to test autonomous formation flying. The

next step came with AVANTI. This time the two spacecrafts couldn’t communicate

with each other. Therefore, BIROS could only rely on vision-based navigation capa-

bility and the a priori known information about BEETSAT-4 was only the TLE: this

aspect is the same for an ADR mission, since the target position and velocity can

be known by mean of TLE data or direct ground observations. Such information is

needed in order to reach the same orbit but is not enough to perform a closing or a

rendezvous. AVANTI developed a GNC system completely based on AO navigation

and moved from ground-based approach to fully autonomous onboard operations.

Moreover, the experiment highlighted the limitations of AO applicability to the

close-range domain: a vision-based only navigation system can not assure the same

results in mid- to close-range navigation and formation keeping as performed in far-

to mid-range.

1.5 ClearSpace

At the Space19+ Ministerial meeting in Seville, Spain, in late November 2019,

the 22 European Space Agency member states committed a budget to fund ESA

programs over the following three years. The budget finances every project pro-

moted by ESA, from Earth Observations to Telecommunications, from Space Trans-

portation to Human and Robotic Exploration, and many others, including Space

Safety. Concerning the latter, the European Space Agency (ESA) has selected

a startup to lead a consortium and execute a landmark Active Debris Removal

(ADR) mission under the recently introduced Space Safety Programme. EPFL

spin-off ClearSpace will head the ADRIOS activity, developing technologies to cap-


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ture and de-orbit space debris. The ClearSpace-1 mission will involve recovering

a VEGA Secondary Payload Adapter (VESPA) Upper Part, the first adapter suc-

cessfully used of its kind, flown in 2013 during the second flight of VEGA. It is a

cone-shape object with a diameter of 2 m, a height of 1.8 m and 120 kg of mass.

Figure 1.15: ClearSpace logo

The ClearSpace-led consortium was se-

lected out of 13 European and Canadian

consortia. Eight ESA member states have

pledged funding for the ClearSpace-1 mission

and will together contribute to the ADRIOS


ClearSpace-1 will be the first space mis-

sion to remove an item of debris from or-

bit, planned for launch in 2025. The mis-

sion aims to help establish a new market for

in-orbit servicing, as well as debris removal.

ClearSpace was born from the EPFL’s Space

Center (eSpace), that has been working since

2010 on new space debris rendezvous-and-

capture systems as part of the CleanSpace

One Project, which aimed to develop and build the first satellite family designed

explicitly for space debris cleaning. In early 2018, the startup was founded to pick

up where the project left off – and turn the idea into a viable, sustainable business


The startup’s first debris-clearing space robot was indeed designed to de-orbit Swiss-

Cube, a Cubesat-type nanosatellite launched into orbit by EPFL and its partners

in 2009. The company will now repurpose its space robot to capture the VESPA

adapter. The “chaser” space probe will be launched into the target orbit where it

will track down VESPA, grab it using a quartet of robotic arms and drag it out of

orbit, with VESPA and the chaser both burning up in the atmosphere on the way

down to Earth. A future ambition is to create a clear-up robot that could eject junk

into the atmosphere, before continuing to capture and de-orbit other pieces of junk.

1.5.1 VESPA adapter

As mentioned previously, ESA pointed out debris to be removed first as those with

high mass. Fragmentation and collisions generate debris clouds. The more signif-

icant is the involved mass, the greater or the more are the generated debris. A

passive body with a great mass is a potential source for many other debris. In its

Space Environment Report [1] ESA focuses on the amount of debris in space, classi-

fying per type of orbit. The debris population is classified mainly according to three


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parameters: mass, area and object count. In order to give priority to the targets

to be removed, the most critical parameter is mass. (This led ESA to point out a

list of objects in LEO). The VESPA adapter is not one of the most relevant objects

by mass, with its mass of barely 120 kg. Nevertheless, it is a good compromise

between mass, dimensions and simple geometry and shape and sturdy construction.

ClearSpace-1 mission will be the first Active Debris Removal mission ever done. For

this reason, its landmark and demonstrative feature is very important and conse-

quently its prescribed target must be representative but simple in being captured.

Figure 1.16: VEGA payload bay and onefairing.

VESPA is composed of two

composite structures. The des-

ignated target for ClearSpace-

1 mission is the conical shape

upper part [31]

This type of adapter has been thought

for a payload mainly composed by

mini satellites. In a multiple launch

configuration, the VESPA allows to

embark several passengers inside the

fairing. This payload configura-

tion, consisting in two main adapters,

makes VEGA able to carry a pri-

mary payload of 1000 kg on top of

the VESPA and a secondary pay-

load of 600 kg below it, inside the

adapter’s vain. The VESPA con-

sists of a load bearing carbon struc-

ture, comprising a cylindrical part en-

closing the lower passenger(s) with

their adapter, and an upper coni-

cal shell supporting the main pas-

senger [31]. In its second flight in

2013, VEGA delivered three satellites

in Sun-Synchronous Orbit. The sep-

aration of the last satellite from the

fourth stage happened at about 665

km of altitude and at 98.1 of incli-

nation. Since then, whereas perturba-

tions have occurred, the fourth stage

and the adapters have kept on orbit-

ing in a polar orbit with these fea-

tures. Considering the TLE format,

constantly provided by NORAD, the

orbit of the fourth stage is known. The fourth stage hosted the AVUM, the last

propulsion module of the launcher, and the adapter. The last separation occurred

six minutes after the separation of VESPA from the fourth stage. By knowing

the current orbit of the AVUM stage, one can assume with enough confidence that


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VESPA is on a very close orbit. As an example, a recent (as regards the time the

author is writing) single AVUM’s TLE is reported:

1 39162U 13021D 20025.60863441 .00000107 00000-0 41010-4 0 9997

2 39162 98.8483 231.9943 0094685 241.3967 117.7674 14.48125288354961

Without caring about each information reported by the TLE data format, here

the main ones:

Data from TLE

epoch year day of the year fractional day date20 025 0.6086441 25th Jan 2020,

14:36:26 UTC

orbit inclination [deg] eccentricity meanmotion [rev/day]

semimajoraxis [km]

98.8483 0.0094685 14.48125288 7109.9altitude [km]738

Table 1.1: Some of VESPA’s orbital parameters at a given epoch.

Last column of Table 1.1 reports derived information, as the date of the epoch

and the semi-major axis. The latter has been computed from the mean motion,

since the latter is

n =



having considered the equality 1 revday

= 2π86400



The altitude h represents an average, derived from the semimajor axis a and the

mean Earth Radius Re, as

h = a−Re

It is essential to underline that VESPA’s orbit itself can be determined from

TLE data and ground observations, as pointed out in Section 1.3. This kind of

information could be theoretically enough to approach the object in its own orbit

with errors of the magnitude of tens of meters. Then the final approach – which

the present study is interested in – must be performed autonomously by the chaser.

Table 1.1 precisely recalls the initial situation of the present study: the orbit of

VESPA is known, the chaser has already performed phasing and is about to begin

approaching from far-range to mid- and close-range.


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Chapter 2


This chapter deals with the theoretical basis of the present study. In order to control

the formation, the chaser must accomplish two tasks mainly: to derive the current

state of the formation and to decide the manoeuvres to perform. This two tasks

are what one can recognise in a classical feedback control law. On-board sensors

take measurement of the real state - i.e. current relative position of the target with

respect to the chaser – and a observer should be able to derive the current state

thanks to these measurements and to a dynamical model, which approximate the

state transition in time. Then, when required, chaser must decide magnitude of the

manoeuvres in order to maintain the desired nominal formation, or to reconfigure

it. As the observer, the controller relies on the simplified dynamical model too.

First, a brief recall about orbit dynamics is made with the assumption that both

the chaser and the target lie on near-circular LEOs. The intent is to present a sim-

ple dynamical model which has been implemented in the GNC system. This model

needs to consider the environment of Low Earth Orbit in order to predict the rela-

tive motion between target and chaser and to decide the magnitude of manoeuvres.

Then, a control strategy is needed. The main aim of this study is to investigate

mid- to close-range relative navigation and formation keeping at close-range. In

order to maintain a formation, periodic checks and manoeuvres are required, so a

control strategy must be deployed. A simple control algorithm is presented, having

considered impulsive manoeuvres. The chaser is provided with a propulsion system

equipped with hydrazine thrusters and the aim is to ensure the feasibility of the

close-range navigation for a prolonged time interval.

Finally, the adopted estimation technique is described. In order to keep a nominal

formation, the on-board system needs to estimate the state of the dynamical system,

i.e. current relative position and velocity vectors. The control strategy must be sup-

ported by a state observer. As described further, dynamical model’s non-linearities

drove the choice towards the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) architecture. For the

need of the on-board GNC system, Kalman filtering is a very suitable real time

estimation solution.


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2.1 Orbital dynamics

Starting point is the well-known two body problem [32]. Given a central body -e.g.

the Earth- and a second body -a spacecraft- and by assuming:

• spacecraft’s mass, mj, negligible if compared to the Earth’s one, m⊕,

• perfect spherical shape of the Earth, with radius R⊕, so the mass can be

assumed to be concentrated in its center,

• no external nor internal forces acting on the system composed by the two

bodies other than gravitational forces, acting along the line joining the center

of the two bodies.

The equation of motion in an inertial reference frame, is the familiar vector

differential equation

r = − µr3

r (2.1)

Where µ = G(mj +m⊕) ≈ Gm⊕ is the motion gravitational parameter, approx-

imated with the primary body’s gravitational parameter since for the Earth and a

100 kg spacecraft the mass ratio is about m⊕/mj ≈ 1022.

The equation describes the evolution of the secondary body position r expressed

in absolute frame with respect to the primary one. The solution of the differential

equation describes the geometry of a conic on its plane, i.e. the orbital or perifocal

plane. On the perifocal plane, the radius pointing the spacecraft from the Earth’s

center is expressed as:

r =p

1 + e cos ν(2.2)

Where p is the semilatus rectum of the conic, e its eccentricity and ν the true

anomaly, which is the angular position of the spacecraft in its orbit, as will be

explained later.

The absolute state of the spacecraft, i.e. the position and velocity vectors in

an inertial frame, needs to be known in order to characterise an orbit. The inertial

frame adopted in this study is the usual Earth Centered Inertial (ECI), in particular

J2000, whose x-axis points the vernal equinox, z-axis coincides with the direction of

Earth rotational velocity and y-axis completes the right-hand frame. The XY-plane

lays on the equatorial plane, so it is consequently tilt with respect to the ecliptic

plane by an angle equal to the inclination of Earth axis. Figure 2.1 illustrates the

inertial frame.


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Figure 2.1: ECI and ECEF frames

ECI frame is shown together with the ECEF frame to underline the aspect ofnon rotation of the first, while the equatorial plane of the latter is co-movingwith Earth rotation

Position and velocity are both 3D vectors, for an overall set of the state vector

yECI of 6 components:

yECI =






Six independent parameters also describe the geometry of a Keplerian orbit.

Indeed, Keplerian Orbital Elements (KOE) are another way to describe the motion

in the inertial frame and a biunivocal relation among KOE and absolute state exists


In this study, mean anomaly is preferred to true anomaly. Mean anomaly is de-

fined within the Kepler’s equation, Eq. 2.4, to solve the problem of time dependency

of the motion [32].

M = ntP = E − e sinE (2.4)

Where n is the mean motion of the orbit, as defined in 1.1, tP is the elapsed time

since the last passage through the perigee. the eccentric anomaly, E, is related to

the true anomaly by cosE = e+cos ν1+e cos ν


Figure 2.2: Mean and trueanomaly

Mean anomaly varies in

time with constant ve-

locity, the mean motion

n. This overcomes the

non-linear time depen-

dency of true anomaly.

Mean anomaly averages the orbital mo-

tion and varies constantly in time. Instead

of specifying the time of perigee passage to

describe the orbit, it is customary to intro-


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duce the value M0 of the mean anomaly at

some reference epoch t0. It follows that, at

any arbitrary time t, the corresponding mean

anomaly M is defined as

M = M0 + n(t− t0)

Mean argument of latitude u = ω +M is

the angle travelled by the spacecraft from the

ascending node to the current mean anomaly

and can be use instead of mean anomaly in

order to help avoiding singularities. Many

other orbital elements sets have been pro-

posed through decades so far, equivalent to

classical orbital elements, mainly due to sin-

gularities that may occur for some values as

summarised in Table 2.1 [33].

Keplerian Orbital Elements singularities

a semi-major axise eccentricity e = 0i inclination i = 0 i = 180

Ω right ascension ofthe ascending node

ω argument of perigeeν true anomaly

Table 2.1: Keplerian Orbital Elements and singularities

The eccentricity vector belongs to the pe-

riapsis direction, pointing outward from the

center of the primary body to the location of

perigee on the orbit. This vector can be decomposed in two components, laying

on the line of nodes and on the perpendicular direction belonging to the orbital

plane, so that the angle used is the argument of perigee ω (see later Figure 2.5 to

understand usefulness of this nomenclature).

e = e




The present study considers a non-singular Keplerian orbital elements [34] and

the elements vector is then written in a form that will be used so on, as depicted in


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Eq. 2.6.

α =






2.1.1 Unperturbed relative motion

Two spacecrafts in orbit around Earth follow their own equations of motion, de-

scribed by Eq. 2.1 for simple Keplerian motion. As reported in 1.3.5, topics such as

rendezvous had faced the problem of understanding the behaviour of a spacecraft

in its orbit with respect to a close spacecraft in another orbit. For circular orbits,

the equation of relative motion is provided by Hill’s equation, derived in the lunar

theory [35]. The system of three linear differential equations is written in Radial-

Transverse-Normal (RTN) frame – also known as “Hill’s frame” or Local Vertical

Local Horizontal (LVLH), where the coordinates (x, y, z) are computed on three lo-

cal axis. The RTN frame is a useful spacecraft co-moving frame computed from the

absolute position and velocity vectors.

oR =r


oT = oN × oR (2.8)

oN =r× v

‖ r× v ‖(2.9)


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Figure 2.3: RTN frame, centered in chief satellite

Subscripts in image are not those used in Eq. 2.7. (r, θ, h) are shown insteadof (R, T,N) and ρ represent the relative position vector, later pointed as δr[34].

One can see the right-handed frame in Figure 2.3 as:

• x on R axis (coincident with the position vector),

• y on N axis (coincident with the orbital angular momentum vector),

• z on T axis (completes the right-hand frame RTN, and the dot product with

velocity vector is always positive).

Note: for a near circular orbit the unit vector along T direction is almost parallel

to the velocity vector, oT ‖ v.

The origin of the RTN frame is one of the two (or more) spacecrafts which

motions are expected to be referred to a reference orbit. If only two objects are

considered, these are labelled as:

• CHIEF, denoted by subscripts ”d”, the origin of the RTN frame,

• DEPUTY, the other spacecraft denoted by subscript ”c”, which motion cab

be independently moves in chief’s RTN frame.


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It follows that the relative state – i.e. relative position and relative velocity

vectors– is the state of the deputy with respect to the chief.

y =






∆r · oR∆r · oT∆r · oN

∆v · oR + ∆r · oR∆v · oT + ∆r · oT∆v · oN + ∆r · oN



∆r = rd − rc (2.11)

∆v = ∆r = vd − vc (2.12)

For distances between chief and deputy vehicles that are very small if compared

with the orbital radii, a solution of the Hill linearized equations of relative motion

has been derived from by W. H. Clohessy and R. S. Wiltshire in 1960 [36], under

the assumptions of a very short inter-satellites distance and almost circular


• Very close orbits, i.e. ∆r rc and ∆r rd,

• Near circular orbits, i.e. e 1 so that the angular velocity is constant, dωdt

= n,

mean motion.

It is noteworthy to stress these two assumptions, since lead to as many approxi-

mations that will constraint the model implemented by the GNC system. More

attention to this concept will be given in Chapter 4. Hill’s equations have been

derived with such assumptions. Hill’s equations

Considering two spacecraft, a deputy and a chief of the formation, with two different

orbits, the position of the deputy relative to the chief is

s = rd − rc

and, by taking the second time derivative one can obtain for a pure Keplerian


s = rd − rc (2.13)

where fG represents the right-hand term of Eq. 2.1, function only of the absolute

position vector and of the specific gravitational constant. If the two spacecrafts

are closed enough, Eq. 2.13 can be linearised -1st approximation- around chief’s


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position. Deputy’s funcition fG can be expanded up to the 1st order of a Taylor

expansion as

fG(rd) = fG(rc) +dfGdr


(rd − rc) + o(rd − rc) (2.14)

where a higher order error as been introduced. The greater the inter-satellites

separation s, the greater the error neglected. The approximation is then valid as

long as s r roughly. The Jacobian dfGdr

can be derived and evaluated in r = rc, as

shown in [37], so that the equation 2.13 becomes linear in the variable s. Eq. 2.15

shows the linearised Hill equations projected in chief’s RTN coordinates [35].

x− (2µ

r3− ω2)x− ωy − 2ωy = 0 (2.15)

y + (µ

r3− ω2)y + ωx+ 2ωx = 0 (2.16)

z +µ

r3z = 0 (2.17)

If the orbits are almost circular, the angular velocity, i.e. the first time derivative

of the true anomaly ω = dνdt

, can be considered constant and here lies the 2nd

approximation. By setting ω = 0, Eqs. 2.15 can be analytically solved and

lead to a closed form in which motions along x and y -i.e. radial direction and

along-track direction- are coupled while motion along z-axis -cross-track direction-

in independent and simple harmonic [36]. Eq. 2.18 reports the Clohessy-Wiltshire

solutions, written in RTN frame.

x(t) = a1 − a3 cos t− a4 sin t (2.18)

y(t) = −3

2a1t+ a2 + 2a3 sin t− 2a4 cos t (2.19)

z(t) = a5 sin t− a6 cos t (2.20)

The solution in Eqs. 2.18 is only function of time, by mean of six integration

constants aj for j = 1...6 that depend on the initial condition. The integration

constants have been read in literature in different ways, in order to get a mapping

with Keplerian orbital elements for instance. The suitable expression of integration

constants used in this study can be found in mapping from Keplerian orbital element

differences to Cartesian Hill frame coordinates. By considering only the linearisation

as approximation (and then considering arbitrary eccentricity), the relative position

vector components are consequently given in terms of orbit elements in Eq.2.21 and

well described in [38].


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x(ν) ≈ r


ae sin ν

η∆M − a cos ν∆e (2.21)

y(ν) ≈ r

η3(1 + e cos ν)2∆M + r∆ω +

r sin ν

η2(2 + e cos ν)∆e+ r cos i∆Ω (2.22)

z(ν) ≈ r(sin(ν + ω)∆i− cos(ν + ω) sin i∆ω) (2.23)

Where the ∆αj stands for the algebraic difference between deputy’s and chief’s

orbital elements: ∆αj = αjd − αjc. Dependency on time corresponds to the depen-

dency on true anomaly. The mapping of 2.21 was made under the same hypotesis

of Hill’s equations, i.e. the linearisation around the position of the chief, and it is

valid for any value of eccentricity (see η =√

1− e2), as long as the two spacecraft

are close enough. Relative Orbital Elements

10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100








e upper limit

Figure 2.4: Eccentricity factor

CW solutions in Eq. 2.18 can be write again

thanks to their mapping in Hill orbital frame

by mean of orbital elements differences as in-

tegration constants. Eccentricity is consid-

ered to be close to zero, enough to assume

η = 1. This means that an upper bound-

ary of about e = 0.01 shall be considered, as

sketched in Figure 2.4. The limitation on the

orbits’ eccentricity has a great relevance and

narrows down the set of orbits which can be

modelled with CW solutions. Nevertheless,

many objects in LEO lie on quite well cir-

cularized orbits, mainly because of perturbations, which will be treated in Section


Then, by introducing the assumption of near circular orbits and gathering Kep-

lerian elements according to the formulation with eccentricity components and mean


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anomaly, one can obtain [2]:

x(u) = δrR = aδa− aδex cosu− aδey sinu (2.24)

y(u) = δrT = −3

2aδau+ aδλ+ 2aδex sinu− 2aδey cosu (2.25)

z(u) = δrN = aδix sinu− aδiy cosu (2.26)

x(u) = δvR = naδex sinu− naδey cosu (2.27)

y(u) = δvT = −3

2naδa+ 2naδex cosu+ 2naδey sinu (2.28)

z(u) = δvN = naδix cosu+ naδiy sinu (2.29)

Where RTN frame coordinates have been written as in 2.10

The orbital elements differences act as integration constants. Comparing Eq.

2.24 and Eq. 2.18 one can notice the similarity. Relative orbital elements then

can be used as a suitable match of the integration constants of the CW solutions.

This set is defined as Relative Orbital Elements (ROE) and gives the perception

of geometrical relevance of those initial conditions [39]. Note that the decoupling

between in-plane and cross-plane is still valid.

aδα = ac


∆u+ ∆Ω cos ic∆ex∆ey∆i

∆Ω sin ic






ROE set is composed as follows: the relative semi-major axis aδa = ∆a is differ-

ence between deputy’s and chief’s semi-major axis and the relative mean longitude

δλ considers the along-track separation between the spacecrafts. Such parameteri-

sation allows to consider the along-track separation not anymore on a straight line

but as a circular arc of length δλ, having multiplied by the chief’s semi-major axis.

Relative eccentricity and relative inclination 2D vectors, δe and δi, then give the size

of the elliptical relative trajectory. Eq. 2.31 shows these two vectors both in carte-

sian and in polar components. Relative eccentricity vector can be seen in Figure

2.5, i.e. on chief’s orbital plane. Note: relative eccentricity and relative inclination

vectors do not lie on the same plane but such representation is useful to phase these

vectors, as will be shown in Section 2.2. Relative eccentricity vector indeed lies on

the chief’s orbital plane while y-component of the relative inclination vector lies on

the normal direction.


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chief's orbit and perifocal plane


Figure 2.5: chief’s and deputy’s eccentricity vectors on chief’s perifocal plane

δe =


]= δe




δi =


]= δi

[cos θ

sin θ


ROE are then a way to describe relative motion considering the two approxi-

mations used in Section and are directly related to the shape of the relative

motion. A more accurate explanation of ROE derivation can be found in [39] and

Figure 2.6 shows the projection of the relative trajectory on the chief’s orbital plane

(i.e. RT plane) and on the cross-track plane (i.e. RN plane), for a null relative

semimajor axis. Indeed, since aδλ increases linearly with time proportional to aδa,

aδa = 0 assure a bounded relative motion.


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0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200T-axis









relative trajectorychieftarget at t0ellipse focus at t0

Along-track drift

Figure 2.7: Along-track drift due to a non-zero relative semi-major axis

Relative trajectory on RT plane, computed according to Eq.2.24 with aδα =[−5, 50, −10, 10, 4, −10]m and a semi-major axis ac = 7000km

Figure 2.6: Relative trajectory projections on RT and RN planes [2]

If aδλ = 0 too, the formation is bounded and centered on the chief spacecraft. In

general, for non-zero values of aδa and aδλ, the formation is not centered at t0: in

Figure 2.7 the center of the relative trajectory on RT plane has coordinates aδλ 6= 0

on T and aδa 6= 0 on R, in this case the formation is not bounded anymore, since

a shifting occurs in along-track direction. A non-zero difference between semimajor


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Geometric meaning of ROEs

aδa radial separation and along-track driftaδλ along-track separationaδe major and minor axis on along-track (RT) planeaδi separation on cross-track (RN) plane

Table 2.2: Geometric meaning of ROes

axis leads indeed to a non-zero difference of mean motions and after one orbital

period, i.e. 2π, the along-track separation accumulates to the amount of 3π∆a.

For a simple Keplerian motion, mean motion n is the time derivative of the mean

argument of latitude u, n = dudt

. Difference in deputy’s and chief’s mean motions is

considered in Eq. 2.33, with the assumption of very similar semi-major axis.

∆u = nd − nc ≈ −3

2ncδa (2.33)


since semi-major axis can be considered adac≈ 1 even if δa 6= 0.


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2.1.2 Perturbed relative motion

Figure 2.8: Perturbing accelerations in Earthorbits [3]

Once defined the relationship

among relative orbital elements

and relative state of the deputy

spacecraft with respect to the

chief, it is important to con-

sider the perturbations experi-

enced by the two spacecrafts.

LEOs are widely affected by

non-uniformity of the gravita-

tional field, especially for what

concerns Earth flattening, at-

mospheric drag and many oth-

ers such as solar radiation pres-

sure, third bodies, relativity

etc [3]. These phenomena

affect spacecraft motion such

that it cannot be considered

as simple Keplerian, since non-

conservative accelerations are

introduced. Even if far smaller

in magnitude than the gravita-

tional acceleration, such effects

imply secular variations in or-

bital elements, determining a

motion that is not pure Keplerian anymore. Typical acceleration magnitudes can

be seen in Figure 2.8. In the presented model, deviation of the Earth gravity from

spherical symmetry and dragging due to air layers -still present in the upper atmo-

sphere up to about 2000 km altitude- are considered. Gravitational field

For what concerns gravitational effects, only second order zonal coefficient is consid-

ered, J2. Zonal coefficients reflect the different Earth’s mass distribution at different

latitudes, because of the Earth’s poles flattening. The first relevant zonal coeffi-

cient stands within the second order. Gravity potential U can be expanded from

the perfect spherical Earth’s shape form. First term in right-hand side of Eq. 2.35


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represents the perfect spherical Earth’s shape.

r = ∇U (2.35)

U =µ

r(1 + fU(r)) (2.36)

where fU is a function of the spacecraft absolute position vector and gathers all the

higher order contributes, commonly used in literature in terms of spherical coordi-

nates (radius, latitude, longitude) [3].

By neglecting all terms of order higher than 2 in Eq. 2.35, the gravitational

potential of the Earth cab be written as

U =µ


(1− J2






where φ is the geographic latitude and P2 the second order Legendre polynomial.

For Earth satellites with the altitudes between about 300 and 30000 km the

effects of J2 is the largest perturbation effect. Indeed, is J2 ≈ 1.083 × 10−3 while

other coefficients are of the order of 10−6. Since both deputy’s and chaser’s orbital

elements vary in time due to J2 effect, then the relative orbital elements will vary

as well – as they are essentially defined as differences between deputy’s and chaser’s

orbital elements. J2 affects three orbital elements mainly: longitude of ascending

node, argument of perigee and mean anomaly:

ωJ2 =3

2nγ(5 cos2 i− 1) (2.37)

ΩJ2 = −3nγ cos i (2.38)

MJ2 =3

2nγη(3 cos2 i− 1) (2.39)

Assuming that these drift rates are the first order time derivative due to J2 of

these three orbital elements, by substituting the drift rates into the definition of

ROEs one can obtain a transition law [2], that binds relative orbital elements at

time t with the corresponding ones at time t0. Eq. 2.40 shows how the transition

matrix only depends on the inclination of the chief orbit, the J2-perturbation and

the elapsed time interval since t0.


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Φ(Du, γ, i) =

1 0 0 0 0 0

−32Du 1 0 0 −21

2γ sin (2i) Du 0

0 0 cos (ϕ′Du) − sin (ϕ′Du) 0 0

0 0 − sin (ϕ′Du) cos (ϕ′Du) 0 0

0 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 3γ sin2 i Du 1


Du = u(t)− u(t0) (2.41)




dt= ϕ′



ϕ′ =3

2γ(5 cos2 i− 1) (2.43)

η =√

1− e2 (2.44)

γ =J2





where i ≡ ic.

Note: here the notation u has been adopted only to avoid confusion with the

algebraic operator, ∆(.), used so far for defferences between quantities of the deputy

and the chaser. D(.) refers to the variation in time of the quantity, in this case the

mean argument of latitude u of the chief, such that Du = u(t)− u(t0).

Note: to express variations of relative orbital elements as a state transition is useful

in order to define a simple dynamical model to implement.

It is easy to visualize the behaviour of J2-affected relative orbital elements. The

along-track separation is affected by all of the three drift rates in 2.37. Therefore, δλ,

sees the contribution of J2 drift added to the drift due to semi-major axis difference.

Relative inclination senses J2 drift only on one out of two components: the difference

of inclinations does not vary, since the inclination itself is not affected by Earth

oblateness, while the longitude of ascending node does, and this results in a linear

drift in the relative inclination y-component. Finally, the relative eccentricity vector

exeriences a periodic variation due to J2. The δe vector rotates with a frequency

that equals the perigee precession motion, since it is varying with the argument of

perigee, omega. Figure 2.9 shows how relative inclination and relative eccentricity

are affected by J2.


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Figure 2.9: Relative eccentricity and relative inclination vectors variations [2] Differential drag

Although the air in the upper atmosphere has very low density, it influences signifi-

cantly the motion of satellites (the velocity of satellites amounts to about 10 km/s).

Air drag can be understood as a result of friction between the air and the body of

the satellite. As with all other friction forces the mechanical energy of the system

does not remain constant but partially decreases, transformed into other sorts of en-

ergy. It means that a potential cannot be defined for the air drag force and should

be considered using constant perturbation equations [32]. In general, modelling of

atmospheric drag is a very complex problem. Here we consider the simplest case.

More detailed discussion can be found e.g. in [?]. It is intuitive to consider the

drag effect only within the orbital plane, since its effect slows down the spacecraft.

Indeed, drag acceleration is antiparallel to the velocity, then no acceleration occurs

on cross-track direction.

Each spacecraft experiences a drag acceleration opposite to its absolute velocity,

as reported in Eq. 2.46. Moreover, under the assumption of near circular orbits,

absolute velocity vector can be assumed to be parallel to the along-track direction,

oT .

rD =1




‖ r ‖(2.46)

As the velocity decreases due to atmospheric drag, the spacecraft loses altitude.

This loss results in a semi-major axis decrease. Therefore, both components of the

in-plane motion are affected by drag acceleration. For a radial distance between the

two spacecrafts up to about 10 km, density variations can be neglected [?]. The

relative motion is then affected by differential drag only because of the different

ballistic coefficient of each spacecraft, B = CDAm

. The impact of differential drag


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may be minimised by obtaining a minimum ∆B = Bd − Bc. One can assume a

constant angular deceleration due to the atmospheric drag, simply switching from

a uniform angular mean motion to a uniformly decelerated motion. Assuming near

circular orbits -i.e. almost equal semi-major axis and orbital velocities expressed as

v = an =√

µa-, the absolute acceleration experienced by one spacecraft along T-axis

is then the product of the semi-major axis with the angular acceleration, and the

radial variation can be assumed equal to the semi-major rate of change:

d2rTdt2≈ a


dt≡ −1





It follows that the formation experiences varitaions due to drag along R and T

chief’s axis. These are pointed out in Eq.2.47.

D(δrT ) =3



n2% ∆B Du2 (2.47)

D(δrR) = −v2

n2% ∆B Du (2.48)

Considering the target of the present study, VESPA, and that the chase will have

approximately an equivalent mass – abount 100 kg-, a differential ballistic coefficient

δB = ∆BB

can be assumed in a range of (2%, 5%). According to the Jacchia model [?]

[3] the atmospheric density at a representative altitude of 700 km lies in a range of

about (10−17, 10−15)g/cm3 , depending on solar flux conditions, as shown in Figure



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Figure 2.10: Atmospheric density

JB2008 mean air density with altitude for low, moderate, and high long- andshort-term solar and geomagnetic activity (credits CIRA [40])

As described in [2] such conditions imply the necessity of velocity increments of

magnitude from 1 mm/s to 5 mm/s to compensate the velocity drop collected in

about 10 days. Even though these values might increase by a factor of 10 during

high solar activities and geomagnetic storms, differential drag has evidently modest

impact on the formation control during nominal operations even for LEO orbits,

but can be relatively easily considered in the simplified dynamical model.


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2.2 Relative state control

The presented dynamical model, already validated on PRISMA, TANDEM-X, AVANTI

missions [30] [26] has its major contribution in simplicity. Therefore, is a useful re-

source to perform on-board computation. Recalling the importance of real time

application, the numerical model has to be as simpler as possible. Present study is

not intended to control the approach of the chaser to the target. This means that

orbit injection and phasing are not considered. Formation reconfiguration and for-

mation keeping are considered instead, that can be addressed as homing and closing:

for instance, a scenario could see the chaser involved in passing from mid-range to

close-range proximity, e.g. from 100m to 10m of relative distance, or also performing

formation keeping for a long period of time.

As seen so far, relative state changes in time. Maneuvers are needed to restore

the desired configuration of the formation deputy-chief. The objective of the present

study is indeed to maintain a close-range formation for a certain time period, so it

is convenient to refer the motion of the target to the chaser’s reference orbit. Then,

the formulation sees

• the CHASER as the CHIEF,

• the TARGET as the DEPUTY.

This choice do not affect validity anyway since whichever the spacecraft chosen as

reference, the relative state does not very its magnitude, but it is a matter of sign


Note: from this section on, the notation ∆v stands for an increment in chaser

absolute velocity and it does not refers to the difference vt−vc, but to the difference

in chaser’s velocity before and after an impulsive maneuver.

Maneuvers are assumed to be impulsive. Typical ∆vs values for formation keep-

ing approximately amounts to 10−3m/s. This justifies the assumption, since hy-

drazine thrusters (which chaser will be equipped with) can perform such maneuvers

time interval of less than 1s. In [41] an impulsive control scheme is presented. The

main benefit to control a formation flying by means of impulsive maneuvers lies in

the capability to correct desired orbital elements without undesired changes in other

ones. In near-circular close orbits one of the main needs is to correct the argument of

perigee and the mean anomaly, minimally impacting the remaining orbital elements.

Indeed, as presented in Section 2.2.1, orbit locations where impulsive maneuvers are

performed play a primary role in obtaining only the desired changes. Flight results

of mission such PRISMA [?] show the reliability an of impulsive control model.


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2.2.1 Control strategy

Using Gauss’s variational equations of motion, a firing sequence is established that

allows only certain orbit element errors to be corrected during an orbit with little or

no effect on the remaining orbit element differences. However, Gauss’s variational

equations of motion are derived for osculating orbit elements. Because specific mean

orbit element differences are desired, modifications are introduced to account for the

small differences between mean and osculating elements. These relationships allow

for a more efficient impulsive thrusting scheme to establish the desired mean orbit

element differences faster. Whereas this impulsive feedback control is demonstrated

and applied to the spacecraft formation flying problem, it can also be applied to the

general orbit correction problem [41].

Considering impulsive maneuvers and relative state as described in 2.24, as pre-

sented in [2], variational equations can be re-written in order to express the relation-

ship between an instantaneous velocity increment and the consequent increment in

ROE. This set is easily obtainable by considering that, before and after a maneuver,

absolute position does not change and the velocity increment is the result of an

average acceleration, f , impressed in a short time interval t+M − t−M :

∆vC =

∫ t+M


f dt ≈ f (t+M − t−M) (2.49)

If the relative state is considered to be the state of the target with respect to the

chaser, then the velocity increment seen by the target will be the opposite of the

one performed by the chaser.

∆vC = −∆(δv) (2.50)

δr(t+M) = δr(t−M) (2.51)

δv(t+M) = δv(t−M) + ∆(δv) (2.52)

where ∆(δv) is the relative velocity increment seen by the target, i.e. is the

increment in velocity of the target relative velocity wrt the chaser. An increment in

velocity causes an increment in relative orbital elements:

∆(aδα) =1


0 2 0

−2 0 0

sinuM 2 cosuM 0

− cosuM 2 sinuM 0

0 0 cosuM0 0 sinuM

∆(δv) (2.53)

From Eq.2.53 it is clear how the location on the chaser’s orbit affects the obtained


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relative orbital elements variations. The same velocity increment is split differently

depending on the value of u. It is intuitive that relative mean argument of latitude

regards only relative eccentricity and inclination vectors variations. Moreover, rel-

ative mean longitude seems to be affected only by radial component of maneuvers

but along-track Delta-vs actually affect aδλ since a tangential trhust increases the

semi-major axis and then the relative semi-major axis as well, which casuses the

already mentioned along-track drift.

The control scheme adopted for this study has been widely adopted and tested,

especially in TANDEM-X mission ([42] and mainly in [25]), and it consists in relative

orbital elements corrections only by mean of T and N Delta-vs. By assuming such

delta-vs distribution [26], maneuver locations for in-plane and out-of-plane control


tanuM(T ) =∆(δey)


tanuM(N) =∆(δiy)


For what concerns cross-track direction, one maneuver is enough to reset the

relative inclination vector. For in-plane delta-v component, a distribution of the

total delta-v in two maneuvers is preferred. Indeed, especially in formation keeping,

relative semi-major axis needs to be as closest as possible to zero. An efficient

method to divide the ∆(δvT ) is presented in [2] where relative semi-major axis

variation is used in order to force the along-track drift and then it is reset to zero.

Eq.2.56 shows the delta-v distribution and Figure 2.11 illustrates an example of

desired trend for relative semi-major axis δa, relative mean argument of latitude δu

and relative argument of perigee ϕ.

∆(δvT )1 =n

4(∆(aδa) + ∆(aδe)) (2.56)

∆(δvT )2 =n

4(∆(aδa)−∆(aδe)) (2.57)

uM1 = arctan∆(δey)


uM2 = uM1 + π (2.59)

The strategy adopted considers a control period, usually a multiple of the chaser’s

orbital period, in order to perform periodic checks and maneuvers. The control

Period T is computed so that the drift of ROEs can be bounded in a desired region,

as shown in Figure 2.11 and Figure 2.12.


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Figure 2.11: Drift within a control period

Relative semi-major axis is kept as much as possible in the proximity of zero.Grey stripes in relative perigee and relative argument of latitude indicate theregion in which drifts are allowed. The drift reaches the boundaries at theend of each control cycle


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Figure 2.12: Tolerance windows for relative eccentricity and relative inclination

Relative eccentricity and relative inclination vectors drift in time as shown in Fig-

ure2.9. The control tolerance is then computed on these drift rates. Superscripts in

Figure 2.12 indicate the desired nominal value (”nom” on which the control window

is centered), the upper limit of the control tolerance (the maneuver is needed when

a maximum value, ”max”, is reached) and the value to restore after the execution

of the maneuver (”man”), in order to start another control cycle.

2.2.2 Passive safety

Navigation at close-range involves risk of collision. Whichever the nominal for-

mation, a passive safe configuration should be considered. Succesfully tested in

TanDEM-X mission [43], a safe approach is to set ROEs to get an helix-shape tra-

jectory. As explained in [2], minimum cross-track distance is proportional to the

scalar product of relative eccentricity and relative inclination vectors.

δrRN =√δr2R + δr2

N (2.60)

δrRN ∝ δe · δi (2.61)

Then, by maximizing the magnitude of the scalar product, the minimum distance

on cross-track plane is maximise as well. A safe bound configuration can consider a

ROE set as:

aδα = [0 0 0 aδey,nom 0 aδiy,nom]T


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2.3 Estimation

The guidance and control laws require the accurate knowledge of the relative orbit

elements of the formation, that is indeed where the focus of this study lies. The

controller needs to receive as input relative orbital elements computed with mean or-

bital elements in order to properly perform formation maintenance. Measurements

by on-board sensors are taken into account in the simplified dynamical model within

the observer, in order to estimate the relative state. Line of sight and range infor-

mation can be linked to relative position by trigonometric relationships in chaser’s

RTN frame. Of course, camera and radar will have their own frame on-board the

satellite and will not coincide with the RTN one. It is relevant for this study to

understand how to handle relative navigation while it is not considered the issue -

of primary relevance too – of relative attitude. For this reason, since no focus on

relative attitude is pursuit and any local frame can be led back to the local RTN

frame, only the latter is considered.

Since knowing current formation relative state is essential to control maneuvers,

the usage of an on-board real time dynamical filter is mandatory. Thanks to the

dynamical model, the filter can relies on the simplicity and rapidity of execution for

the computation. A dynamical filtering of the relative orbit elements is done using

a discrete EKF. Kalman filter is indeed an optimal observer [44].

A linear observer cannot be used: Eq.2.40 provides a linear transition law but

measurements cannot be related to the relative state with a linear relationship,

as described in Section 2.3.2. Orbital elements are affected by time variations on

different scales. Perturbations determine secular variations but orbital elements

experience short and long period variations too. In order to maintain a desired

formation, the GNC system needs to control the mean orbital elements. In this

sense, the model implements osculating to mean and mean to osculating conver-

sions, according to Brouwer theory [45] and its further developments. Performing

ROEs state transition is not affected by the osculating to mean elements conversion,

since the transition matrix operates with mean orbital elements. The measurement

model is instead affected by these conversions: measurements detect current relative

position, which are related to target’s and chaser’s absolute position vectors and so

to osculating orbital elements. For this reason, osculating to mean and viceversa

conversions within the filter are needed.

2.3.1 EKF formulation

Kalman filter estimates the state of a system by means of a recursive prediction-

correction loop. First it predicts the next state by means of a dynamical model (e.g.

the transition law for ROEs), propagating the current state guess, then it corrects

the prediction with measurement values coming from sensors. Costitutive equations


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of discrete time EKF are gathered in Eq.2.62

x−k = f(xk−1, uk, 0) (2.62)

P−k = AkPk−1ATk +WkQk−1W

Tk (2.63)


Kk = P−k HT (HkP

−k H

Tk + VkRkV

Tk )−1 (2.65)

xk = x−k +Kk(zk − h(x−k , 0)) (2.66)

Pk = (I −KkHk)P−k (I −KkHk)

T +KkRkKTk (2.67)

where the covariance Pk has been computed in a more stable form [46] (Joseph

stabilized form [47]). Figure 2.13 shows the recursive sequence followed by the filter.



, ,


, 0 0

Figure 2.13: Predictor-corrector EKFloop

The predictor must be initialized

(initial conditions x0, P0). The

measurement corrector takes as

input measurements zk at time


Functions f and h are the transi-

tion and the measurement functions

respectively. The reason why an ad-

ditional null input for both is con-

sidered is the presence of noise, such

as these are included in functions:

f(x, u, w) and h(x, ν). Transition is

affected by process noise, i.e. un-

certainties introduced by the mathe-

matical model of a real phenomenon.

Measurement model is affected by

measurement errors since sensors are

not perfect. Both process and mea-

surement noise are considered to be

zero-mean, white and uncorrelated,

i.e. the probability distribution p is

assumed to be normal, such that

p(w) = N(0, Q)

p(ν) = N(0, R)

where Q and R are process and measurement covariances respectively. The as-

sumption of normal distributed noises makes impossible for the filter to consider

systematic errors and biases, unless these are considered within the state to be


Since the EKF is a linearisation of the non-linear state equations around the

expected value, first order time partial derivatives of functions f and h need to be


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taken with respect to the state and the noise.

A =∂f

∂xW =


∂wH =


∂xV =



Note: it follows that the state x coincides with the ROEs dimensional set

(Eq.2.30) and A coincides with Φ (Eq.2.40).

2.3.2 Measurement model

Measurements z are provided by line-of-sight and range sensors. For the first, enough

knowledge is available thanks to the heritage of AON, but for the latter, less is

known about behaviour in such scenarios. This implies a more accentuate attention

on different possible values to adopt for measurement noise. Line-of-sight noise can

be assumed to be less than 1.


chaser's orbital plane








Figure 2.14: RTN frame and relative position

The union of LOS and range measurements provides the complete measured 3D

relative position. Figure 2.14 recalls the position of the target with respect to chaser

in RTN frame and depicts the relative right-hand frame centered on the chaser. Unit

vector ez is the line-of-sight and it can be projected in RTN components in order to

be related to relative state and ROEs.


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Relative position vector can be written in RTN components in terms of measured

values, which coincide with spherical coordinates. Measurement model h and relative

position in spherical coordinates can be written as

h =


, δr = g(h) = ρ

sin δ

cos δ cosα

cos δ sinα


Measurement model partial derivatives, i.e. of h with respect to the state x, can

be written by means of the chain rule as

H =∂h




where ∂(δr)∂x

coincides with the transition matrix Φ, restricted to the first three

rows. The other partial derivative can be analytically computed (δr = [δrR δrT δrN ]T

has been replaced with y = [yR yT yN ]T , to make the notation easier to read) as


















0 −yNy2T +y2N

yTy2T +y2N√

y2T +y2Nd2


1√y2T +y2N


1√y2T +y2N


where d2 = y2R + y2

T + y2N .


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get KOEtarget



¯ ,

mean to osc osc to ECI, ,

ECI to RTNmatrix

rotationECI toRTN

to H

to h




Figure 2.15: Block scheme of the filter’s measurement model

Please refer to Appendix B for the complete scheme of the filter. Here only the

measurement model is deepened here. After the a priori estimate of the system state,

i.e. the prediction, measurement model receives in input the known absolute state,

yECI,c, and mean orbital elements, αc, of the chaser (both known thanks to GPS)

and the a priori prediction, x−. Through relative orbital elements, it is possible

to compute mean orbital elements of the target. To get the absolute state in ECI

frame it is necessary to operate mean-to-osculating conversion. Once the absolute

state is obtained, relative state in ECI frame can be computed. then, by rotating to

RTN, measurement model h(x−k ) and measurement derivatives Hk are computed. In

Figure 2.15 the architecture of the measurement model within the filter is depicted.


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Chapter 3

Simulation environment

3.1 simulation baseline

The simulation is setup in Matlab Simulink environment, with the auxilium of ex-

ternal libraries. Orbit propagation for a non-Keplerian motion is considered and

transformation from osculating to mean orbital elements (and viceversa) is needed.

For these reasons, the model implements libraries by Montenbruck-Gill [3] and func-

tions taken from open source NASA GSFC General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT).

The model architecture is a feedback-loop controller. The controller receives

the nominal set of the formation and it is fed with the estimation of the current

relative state of the target with respect to the chaser, then impulsive manoeuvres are

performed. Orbit propagation follows and both chaser’s and target’s absolute state

are computed. The relative state is observed through measurements generation, the

relative state is estimated by an observer and sent to the controller again.

Orbit propagation takes into account perturbations, as higher order terms of

the gravitational fields, atmospheric drag and solar radiation pressure, as well as

eclipse periods. The propagation gives a numerically integrated result, representing

the reference of the model. This reference reflects what is “actually” happening

in orbit. From this reference, measurements are modelled and used to estimate

the relative state. The controller computes the discrepancy between the estimated

relative state and the nominal set with a constant control period. In each control

window, manoeuvres are computed in order to fill this gap, considering also the drift

that the formation will see before the computed manoeuvre is executed, as discussed

in Chapter 2.

Manoeuvres are affected by execution errors of 1mm/s-10mm/s circa and are

simply modelled as velocity increments, since it is reasonable to assume that time

interval needed to fire the thrusters is less then the simulation step – about 10 sec-

onds. It is important to note that attitude correction is not taken into account,

and the manoeuvres required concern only the GNC aspect. Measurements are


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modelled based on the dynamical reference output. Therefore, line-of-sight mea-

surements are noisy angles of target orientation with respect to the chaser frame

and range measurements are noisy values of the relative distance. In particular,

line-of-sight measurement are modelled thanks to an images generating server. Tar-

get’s position in images is computed by taking the average of the illuminated pixels.

Then, rotating from sensor’s frame to RTN chaser’s frame, the line-of-sight angles

are computed. Such modelled measurement experiences a more refined noise, since

measurements are not generated by simply adding gaussian and biased noise to

the dynamical reference. Moreover, chaser’s absolute position and velocity is as-

sumed to be known since it can rely on GPS signals. This is also modelled starting

from the dynamical reference. The estimation is performed by mean of a dynam-

ical filter. Since the problem is nonlinear, the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is

implemented. The filter predicts the relative state with the first order simplified

model of the relative motion, described in Chapter 2. The prediction is then up-

dated with measurements. This is possible by expressing the relationship between

the measurements – i.e. relative orientation and distance - and the relative state,

through a measurement model. In this feature relies the contribution of this study.

In figure3.1 the simulation environment is conceptually sketched.




chaserGPSfilter-prediction-correction measurements


u ref




simulated real world

simulated perceived world

Figure 3.1: High level simulation environment layout


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3.2 Images generation

LOS measurements are simulated by means of images generation.

Note: The chaser is assumed to be always oriented toward the target, i.e.the camera

cz axis always coincides with the unit vector from the chaser center of mass to the

target center of mass.

An S-Function is implemented within the LOS measurement generator block

and is connected to a image generation server, designed by Jean-Sebastien Ardaens

(DLR). The function fimg outputs the measured line-of-sight unit vector pointing

the target, having received in input:

• chaser’s absolute state vector in ECI frame,

• chaser’s attitude quaternion in ECI frame,

• target’s absolute state vector in ECI frame,

• target’s attitude quaternion in ECI frame,

• simulation time.

Figure 3.2: Examples of generated images and computed centroids

uECI = fimg(yECI,chaser, qECI,chaser, yECI,target, qECI,target, t)

The position of the target in the image is computed by averaging illuminated

pixels to find the centroid of the target. It does not coincide with the target’s center

of mass. Here lies the measurement noise. Since the target is moving and tumbling

with respect to the chaser, if reflects light in different ways, making challenging the

identification of the center of mass. The closer is the target, the bigger it appears

to the chaser and the greater the misalignment of the measured LOS direction may

appear. At far range indeed, reflections does not imply a noisy measure since the

target is approximately a point. The maximum angular error that can be committed

is related to the distance and the size of the object. Figure 3.3 shows the maximum

angular error at a given distance. Note that tan ε = D/2r

. This topic is well described


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in [27]. As described in Section 1.4, AON has been widely deepened through studies

and in-orbit demonstrations. The image server inserted in the simulation relies on

such knowledge. Figure 3.2 shows a sequence of images generated by the server

during a simulation.

Figure 3.3: Misaligned centroid: maximum angular error seen by the on-boardcamera

3.3 Range measurements

Range measurement are generated from the dynamical reference too. However, no

server is available in order to generate a more realistic set of measurements, then

these ones are modelled as noisy values.

LOS camera gives as output the value of two angle, and is assumed that every

error in local bearing and elevation is due to line-of-sight and not to range mea-

surement. Instead, range can vary along the radial direction. Therefore, a noisy

radar measurement may result in a different range value, but still lying on the same

direction. in Table 3.1 typical values adopted during simulations are pointed out.

It is crucial to know that values greater than 0.5 m may probably compromise are

not recommended if accuracy at the meter level is to be achieved.


perfect noisy

σr[m] 0 0.2 0.8 1br[m] 0 0 0.5 0.5

Table 3.1: Standard deviation and bias for range measurement


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3.4 Maneuver execution errors

Figure 3.4: Maneuver execution error: ∆v un-certainty sphere

Within the simulation, maneu-

ver execution errors can be con-

sidered as a maximum error on

the delta-v magnitude of 3%

and a misalignment of about 1.

Such errors reflect the real sit-

uation of an hydrazine thruster

with maneuvers executed peri-

odically - i.e. about 1 maneuver

each 1 to 3 days. The scenar-

ios can be considered similar to

that described in the TAFF sys-

tem in [42]


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Chapter 4

Simulation results

In this Chapter, results of one among the analyzed scenarios are reported, where the

chaser aims to reach a nominal close formation flying. First, the initial transient is

discussed and the effect of convergence. Then, three time intervals are considered:

• formation reconfiguration, from mid-range to cose- range,

• the onset of a filter divergence and convergence recovering,

• close-range formation keeping.

4.1 Convergence

An initial ROEs set of x0 = [−5, 10, 10, 12, −8, 20]T is considered, with an

initial filter error guess of ∆x = [3, −20, 8, 10, 10, 15]T . In Figure 4.1 the initial

convergence can be appreciated.

It is reasonable to allocate a period for the convergence of the filter before starting

the control sequence.

4.2 formation reconfiguration and keeping

In Figure 4.2 three moment can be observed. After the initial filter convergence,

the controller tries to reconfigure the formation to set the nominal values. Nominal

formation has been defined as xnom = [0, 30, 5, −20, 5, −20]T .

Figures 4.4 and ?? show the estimation error and the residuals respectively.


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0 5000 10000 15000time [days]





a a


0 5000 10000 15000time [days]








a ey


0 5000 10000 15000time [days]









0 5000 10000 15000time [days]






a ix


0 5000 10000 15000time [days]






a ex


0 5000 10000 15000time [days]





a iy


Figure 4.1: Convergence during the initial period (18000 s, about 5 hours)


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Figure 4.2: scenario 01, ROE evolution


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Figure 4.3: scenario 01, error

Figure 4.4: scenario 01, residuals

After about 17 hours, i.e. 0.7 days, instability occurs. This occurs first in relative

inclination components and then, since state transition matrix relates relative incli-

nation x-component to the evolution of the other ROE, all the other elements start

to diverge. This is most probably due to the weak capability of relative inclination

x-component’s covariance to update in time. Indeed, this part of the covariance

converges slower than the other contributes. This leads the relative inclination to

be susceptible of fast changes.


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After that, convergence is recovered in a wider time interval. In Figures 4.4 and

?? the periodic control sequences can be appreciated. Indeed, the fact that residual

remain inside 3σ covariance envelope, means that the filter is able to predict and

correct properly the system state and the close formation can be ensured with an

estimation error at meters level.

4.3 Out-of-plane: no fast convergence

both in formation keeping and formation reconfiguration, it may occur that esti-

mation of ROE element aδix presents instabilities that force the estimate to move

away from the already reached convergence. Sometimes after another transient,

the estimate goes back and all the filter converge. But it could be even that such

instabilities lead the filter to diverge.

One reason why aδix is susceptible of such phenomena lies on its transition

matrix. Indeed, such behaviour can be recognized even in predictor-only mode of

the filter, i.e. without updating the estimate withe measurements. Figure 4.5 shows

the convergence of P covariance envelopes. The wider the envelope, the greater the

allowed ROE error. And the slower the envelope to converge, the longer wide errors

will persist, making challenging to properly control the formation.


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0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5time [s] 105







Covariance, P


Figure 4.5: Covariance envelup amplitude for each ROE


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4.4 Covariance, P

All the errors due to simulation (delays, manoeuvre shifts, transformation inaccu-

racies such as OscMean. . . ), that cannot be analytically explained (or for which it

would take too long to have the analytic expressions of all errors) could be considered

from the filter covariances. By assuming to have constant process and measurement

covariances Q,R, the estimation covariance P can consider the error on the filterIn-

puts. Time update of Pk = AP−k AT +Q+P∆v + PuM then increases the covariance

envelope in in correspondence of a maneuver. Are taken into account:

• maneuver execution errors: Delta-v executed is not equal to the Delta-v re-


• maneuver execution location: due to simulation time, a maneuver may be

performed a little advance or late than the requested location.

4.5 Recommendations

Some recommendation may be suitable.

• close formation keeping is possible, but still measurement noise must be con-

strained as σb < 1m and br < 0.3m approximately.

• close formation keeping is possible but it is crucial to choose of an initial state.

This aspect should be more investigated.

4.6 Further development

There are mainly two topics that can be developed more in future: the dynamical

model and the modelling of radar measurement.

For the first, many studied have been done in recent years to overcome limitations

imposed by the CW solutions, i.e. almost circular orbit. Discussion can be found in

works as [48] [49]. improvements can be ensure by adopting more precise methods,

such as elliptical orbit.

The other suggestion regards the range measurement model. to get more realis-

tic results, the range measurement could be modelled with possible noise in every

direction and not only on range true-line.


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Appendix A

Control algorithm

In Figure A.1 control logic flowchart is shown. The control procedure is performed

periodically, with a period equal to T . Indeed, control windows start at each simu-

lation time value tk that is an integer multiple of the control period. Then, the state

error is computed. The controller works directly on ROEs and receive as input the

current deviation from the nominal set. Orbit propagation is considered in order to

center the elements’ drift around the nominal values: recovering the error computed

at tk is not enough to properly restore the formation. Since the state varies with

time within the control window, The first order model provides a linear drift law for

ROEs and this can be used in order to center state elements on the nominal value

approximately in the middle of the control window, i.e. after T/2. Flowchart in

Figure A.1 shows the adopted control logic:

• the controller receives the state estimation x,

• state error, x− xnom, is computed,

• state variations, ∆x, are computed, in order to let the state drift and reach

the nominal set in the neighborhood of an half control window,

• ∆v components (∆vT1, ∆vT2 and ∆vN) components and the respective ma-

neuver locations, uM , are computed. In-plane and out-of-plane maneuvers are

independent of each other,

• the controller waits until the next maneuver location is reached, then output

the ∆v request to be sent to the propulsion group.

Note: Control windows need to be longer than the orbit period: indeed com-

puted maneuver locations may require an entire orbit to be reached. A fair trade-off

could be TTorbit

∈ (3, 5), where Torbit is the chaser’s orbit period.

ROEs are then allowed to vary within tolerances. Such allowed variations depend

on the system desired accuracy. The smaller the expected deviations, the more

frequent maneuvers should be in order to reduce time intervals for the ROEs to

drift away. Figures A.2 and A.3 show variations around nominal values for a station

keeping with nominal set: aδα = [0, 80, 5, −20, 5, −20]T .


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= ?

control error:−

drift prediction:

keplerian propagation,perturbations ( , )2 Δ


, 1 2 3

wait wait



= ?1 = ?3



= ?2










in-plane(2 maneuvers)

out-of-plane(1 maneuver)

Figure A.1: Control algorithm flowchart


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20 25 30 35 40-5




Relative semi-major axis

a anominal

20 25 30 35 4060




Relative mean longitude


20 25 30 35 40





Relative perigee


20 25 30 35 40time [number of orbits]




Relative eccentricity vector magnitude

a enominal

Figure A.2: In-plane control


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20 25 30 35 40






]Relative ascending node


20 25 30 35 40time [number of orbits]





Relative inclination vector magnitude

a inominal

Figure A.3: Out-of-plane control


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Appendix B

EKF algorithm

A block scheme showing the logic within the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is

depicted in Figure B.1. As presented in Section 2.62, the filter estimates the state of

the system, i.e. the relative motion, by two means. First, it predicts the evolution of

the state in time, relying on the first order dynamical model, and then updates the

prediction with measurements provided by LOS camera and the radar. The loop is

so-called ”predictor-corrector”. The filter must be initialized with an initial guess

for the state and the covariance.

Note: the initial covariance, P0, must be large enough to include the initial error

that the filter is assuming, but not too large to cause excessive oscillations. Indeed,

covariance is defined as the expected value of the state error the filter is estimating,

such as

Pk = E[ek eTk ]

where ek = xk−xk, xk is the state estimate and xk is the actual value of the state,

which cannot be known. Then, it follows that the initial actual error ∆x0 = e0 must


∆x0 <√diag(P0)


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a prioriestimate, −


ℎ( ) , =−



measurement modelcovariance update

= + + + −

∂−1( )


= ( , , 0) −


state update

= ( + −


Kalman gain

= ( − ) ( − + −


covariance correction


= + ( − ℎ( , 0)) − −

state estimation

a prioricovariance,


ℎ( ) −

chaser absolute state


Kalman gain,





Figure B.1: Extended Kalman Filter data flow.


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Appendix C

Close formation keeping


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Figure C.1: scenario 02, error

Figure C.2: scenario 02, residuals


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Figure C.3: scenario 02, error

Figure C.4: scenario 02, residuals


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