Master Study Guide

Study Guide for Master Media and Journalism, specialisation Media, Culture and Society (MCS) 2010-2011 This study guide is intended to quickly familiarise the Media and Journalism master’s students (specialisation MCS) with the structure and content of the programme and the various facilities and regulations. The study guide contains many references to the website, since the most up-to-date information can be found here. As some details in this study guide are subject to change, we recommend that you check on a regular basis. Changes to the schedule and other important messages are communicated through ‘channels’. You can only receive these channel messages if you subscribe to this service via SIN-Online. We urgently advise all students to do this! Each individual course has its own channel. In addition there is a channel for the master students Media and Journalism (fhk master studenten media) and a general channel (fhk-studenten) on which messages are posted that are important to nearly all students. There is no need to subscribe to the two latter channels; you will receive these messages automatically. You can contact the Student Office throughout the year with questions about your studies. We wish you all a pleasant and successful academic year! The staff members at the Student Office e-mail: [email protected] telephone: +31 10 408 2482 information desk: room L3-33 opening hours: Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to16.00 hours website: Students’ Charter Together with the website, this study guide constitutes the study programme section of the Students’ Charter. The so-called institution section of the Students’ Charter contains information on matters regulated at university level and describes the statutory framework of the faculty regulations. This section can be consulted on the website: . Study Guide master Media and Journalism, specialisation MCS 2010-2011 1


Study Guide for Master Media and Journalism,specialisation Media, Culture and Society (MCS) 2010-2011

Transcript of Master Study Guide

  • Study Guide for Master Media and Journalism, specialisation Media, Culture and Society (MCS) 2010-2011

    This study guide is intended to quickly familiarise the Media and Journalism masters students (specialisation MCS) with the structure and content of the programme and the various facilities and regulations. The study guide contains many references to the website, since the most up-to-date information can be found here. As some details in this study guide are subject to change, we recommend that you check on a regular basis. Changes to the schedule and other important messages are communicated through channels. You can only receive these channel messages if you subscribe to this service via SIN-Online. We urgently advise all students to do this! Each individual course has its own channel. In addition there is a channel for the master students Media and Journalism (fhk master studenten media) and a general channel (fhk-studenten) on which messages are posted that are important to nearly all students. There is no need to subscribe to the two latter channels; you will receive these messages automatically. You can contact the Student Office throughout the year with questions about your studies. We wish you all a pleasant and successful academic year! The staff members at the Student Office e-mail: [email protected] telephone: +31 10 408 2482 information desk: room L3-33 opening hours: Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to16.00 hours website: Students Charter Together with the website, this study guide constitutes the study programme section of the Students Charter. The so-called institution section of the Students Charter contains information on matters regulated at university level and describes the statutory framework of the faculty regulations. This section can be consulted on the website:

    Study Guide master Media and Journalism, specialisation MCS 2010-2011 1


    Page 1. Contact details 3 2. Study Programme 6

    2.1. Study schedule Master Media and Journalism, 6 specialisation MCS 2010-2011

    2.2. Study schedule part-time Master Media and Journalism, 7 specialisation MCS 2010-2011

    2.3. Master Thesis Class 8 2.4. Master Thesis 8 2.5. Honours Degree 8 2.6. Study Abroad 9 2.7. Application for Masters diploma 10 2.8. Opportunities after graduation 10

    3. Course descriptions 11 4. Schedule for academic year 2009-2010 12 5. Timetables 13

    5.1. Where can I find the course timetables? 13 5.2. Timetable changes 13

    6. Registration for courses and examinations 13 7. Rules relating to attendance 14 8. Study manuals, literature, academic writing 15 9. Teaching and Examination Regulations (OER) 15 10. Plagiarism 16 11. Student representation 16 12. Services and facilities 17 12.1. Student advisor 17 12.2. Channel messages 17 12.3. MyEUR 17 12.4. Blackboard 18 12.5. University library (UB) 18 12.6. Computer rooms 18 12.7. Erasmus Student Service Centre (ESSC) 19 12.8. Student deans and psychologists 19 12.9. Studying with a functional disability 20 12.10. Grants and funds 20 12.11. Address changes 20 Appendix 1: Overview of important dates Master MCS

    Study Guide master Media and Journalism, specialisation MCS 2010-2011 2


    Student Office For general questions about your studies or to make an appointment with the student advisor, please contact the Student Office (Bureau Onderwijs, BOS). staff: Ms G.M.A. Fleuren, Ms M. Lefeber, Ms C.J.M. Verel e-mail: [email protected] telephone: +31 10 408 2482 information desk: room L3-33 opening hours: Mondays to Fridays from 09.00 to12.00 and 13.00 to16.00 Student advisor For more specific questions and advice about the study programme, your study planning, personal circumstances, etc., please contact the student advisor, Ms C. Szanto MSc. or Ms M. Heemskerk MSc. e-mail: [email protected] telephone: +31 10 408 2472 room: L3-47 telephone consulting hour: Mondays from 10.00 to11.00 hours walk-in office hours: Thursdays from 13.00 to 14.00 hours in the office: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays Alternatively, you can make an appointment outside the walk-in office hours through the Student Office (telephone: +31 10 408 2482). International exchange For specific questions and advice regarding international exchange, please contact the international exchange office, Ms. S.T. Doodkorte, MA. e-mail: [email protected] telephone: +31 10 408 2874 room: L3-30 telephone consulting hour: Mondays from 10.00 to 11.00 hours walk-in office hourse: Thursdays from 13:00-14:00 hours in the office: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays Alternatively, students can make an appointment outside the walk-in office hours through the Student Office (telephone: +31 10 408 2482). Lecturers Room numbers, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and other information about lecturers can be found on

    Study Guide master Media and Journalism, specialisation MCS 2010-2011 3

  • Year coordinator and master thesis coordinator For each masters programme, one of the lecturers serves as year coordinator. The year coordinator ensures the attunement of the content, format, organization and assessment of the individual courses. Year coordinator Media, Culture & Society: Dr. M. Verboord The master thesis coordinator Media is responsible for the organization of the masters thesis supervision. Master thesis coordinator: Dr. E. Hitters Examination Board For short, informative questions with regards to examinations, admission regulations, exemptions, etc., you can contact the office of the Examination Board, Ms C.J.M. Verel. e-mail: [email protected] telephone: +31 10 408 2501

    Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10.00-12.00 hours room: L3-33 telephone: +31 10 408 2446 A formal request (such as an application for an exemption) must be submitted in writing and accompanied by all the relevant documents. This can be sent to the following address:

    Examination Board of the Faculty of History and Arts Attn Ms P.C. van der Houwen, room L3-57 P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam

    Walk-in consultation hours: Thurdays from 14.00 to 15.00 hours Room: L3-57 Phone: +31 10 408 2446 Ombuds student For complaints and comments about the teaching provided, you can contact the ombuds student, Ayla Alders. office hours: Mondays from 13.00 to 14.00 hours room: L3-11 telephone: +31 10 408 2477 e-mail: [email protected]

    Study Guide master Media and Journalism, specialisation MCS 2010-2011 4

  • LIA student helpdesk For support with computer use. telephone: +31 10 408 1850 e-mail: [email protected] Information desk: L-building, ground floor Address of the Faculty of History and Arts visiting address: Woudestein location, Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, L Building, 3rd floor, 3062 PA Rotterdam postal address: P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam telephone (general): +31 10 408 2487 tel. Student Office: +31 10 408 2482 fax: +31 10 408 9135 website:

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    2.1. Study schedule Master Media and Journalism, specialisation Media, Culture and Society (MCS) 2010-2011 EC Term 1

    Media and Socio-Cultural Change 5 Production and Use of New Media 5 Methods of Media Research 5

    Term 2

    Media and Cultural Globalization or Innovation in the Media Industries 5 Research Workshop 1 5 Research Workshop 2 5

    Students can choose Research Workshop 1 & 2 from the following: o [MCS 1] Television and Social Life o [MCS 2] New Media and Entertainment o [MCS 3] Production of News

    Term 3

    New Media and Politics 5 Master thesis pm

    Term 4

    Master thesis (continued) 20 (10 in Term 3) Term 1-4

    Master Thesis Class 5

    Study Guide master Media and Journalism, specialisation MCS 2010-2011 6

  • 2.2. Study schedule part-time Master Media and Journalism, specialisation Media, Culture and Society (MCS) 2010-2011 The Masters specialisation in Media, Culture and Society can also be completed on a part-time basis over a two-year period. No evening classes are offered. Part-time students attend elements of the fulltime programme during the day. Year 1 EC Term 1

    Production and Use of New Media 5 Methods of Media Research 5

    Term 2

    Media and Cultural Globalization or Innovation in the Media Industries 5 Research Workshop 1, students can choose from the following: 5

    o [MCS 1] Television and Social Life o [MCS 2] New Media and Entertainment o [MCS 3] Production of News

    Term 3

    New Media and Politics 5 Term 4

    No classes Year 2 EC Term 1

    Media and Socio-Cultural Change 5 Term 2

    Research Workshop 2, students can choose from the following: 5 o [MCS 1] Television and Social Life o [MCS 2] New Media and Entertainment o [MCS 3] Production of News

    Term 3

    Master thesis pm Term 4

    Master thesis (continued) 20 (10 in Term 3) Term 1-4

    Master Thesis Class 5

    Study Guide master Media and Journalism, specialisation MCS 2010-2011 7

  • 2.3. Master Thesis Class The Masters Thesis Class provides support in writing the Masters thesis during terms 3 and 4. During this class, students discuss the progress they are making and the problems they have encountered. Class participants give individual presentations about their research, followed by group discussions. Participation in this 5-EC course is compulsory. For further information, see the course description: 2.4. Master Thesis Writing the Masters thesis is the focal point of the Masters programme. The Masters thesis is completed individually and constitutes a separate part of the Teaching and Examination Regulations, equivalent to 20 EC. It offers students the opportunity to demonstrate that they can make a contribution based on their own, original research to the academic debate on a particular subject from their own field of study. The thesis is supervised by an individual lecturer. In order to prepare students for writing their master thesis there are several Research Workshop meetings and the Masters Thesis Classes throughout the year. Based on an approved research proposal drawn up in term 3 of the academic year, the student and supervisor make appointments about the nature and frequency of thesis supervision. The point of departure is to submit a draft version to the supervisor by the end of June, which is of such a quality that in the supervisors opinion the thesis can go to the second reader by the middle of August in order to be submitted by the end of August, enabling the student to graduate in the autumn. The maximum of the supervision period of the Masters thesis is half an academic year after the supervising lecturer has approved the research proposal. For a description of the substantive requirements of the thesis, the assessment form, the timeframe, the manner of submission, etc., see the course description: 2.5. Honours Degree (= 20 EC extra) Students with high grades can complete what is known as an Honours Degree programme of an additional 20 EC in preparation for a PhD. This programme is completed in addition to the standard programme of the selected Masters specialisation. Altogether, this involves 60 EC + 20 EC, constituting a total of 80 EC. Although an Honours Degree programme is recommended, it is not a prerequisite for a PhD programme. The Honours Degree programme consists of the following elements:

    Study Guide master Media and Journalism, specialisation MCS 2010-2011 8

  • a) 1 or 2 extra (thematic) seminars (= 10 EC) b) wider and deeper scope of the Master thesis (=10 EC) a) 1 or 2 extra (thematic) seminars (= 10 EC): One or two additional seminars (potentially focusing on a specific theme), equivalent to a total of 10 EC (to be taken within another Masters programme at the EUR or another Dutch or foreign university). The selection of the subject/universities always takes place in close consultation with the Masters programme coordinators. b) wider and deeper scope of the Master thesis (=10 EC) In addition, the Masters thesis is extended with the following (10 EC): - a critical treatise on existing research in the area concerned - an exploration of the opportunities for new research; - a research proposal for a PhD thesis. Students who want to be eligible for an Honours Degree must submit a proposal halfway through the second term, indicating which additional courses will be taken and how the scope of the Masters thesis will be expanded and extended as a research proposal for a PhD programme. This proposal will be assessed by the programme director. If approved, arrangements will also be made as to the period within which the additional programme must be completed. The Honours Degree will only be awarded to students who: - have completed the enhanced Masters programme within the specified period - have earned at least a mark of 8 for their Masters thesis

    2.6. Study abroad As a student of the Master programme Media, Culture & Society you have the option to spend a study period abroad, provided you meet the following requirements:

    1. You have to carry out at least part of your research of your thesis during your stay abroad

    2. You have to arrange for a staff member to act as your thesis counsellor 3. At the foreign host institute you have to have access and support to those facilities

    that are necessary in order to conduct your thesis study. 4. You have to take a master course in term 3 as a replacement for the course you

    would have taken at the Erasmus University. This course has to be similar in level and has to be 5 EC or more. You have to ask permission to the examination board in advance for this course.

    5. Before you leave to study abroad you should have: a. completed all the obligatory master courses of term 1 with a satisfactory


    Study Guide master Media and Journalism, specialisation MCS 2010-2011 9

  • b. met all the requirements of the required master courses in term 2 (including participation in the lectures) and have handed in the assignments and final papers;

    c. obtained a research proposal approved by your thesis counsellor

    2.7. Application for Masters diploma You conclude the Masters programme with a Masters assessment. If you have received passing marks for all parts of the Masters programme you may enrol for the final Masters assessment. If your thesis has been completed and approved before 31 August you can still graduate in the current academic year. The degree award ceremony will take place at the end of August. You must enroll for the final Masters assessment with the Student Office. The degree award ceremony takes place on the graduation date set by the Examination Board. The graduation for students who complete their thesis after 1 September will take place in January or May. Students must enrol for this Masters assessment at the Student Office at least 4 weeks before the date of the assessment. See also Appendix 1 to this study guide, which contains a list of important dates.

    2.8. Opportunities after graduation Graduates of the Media and Journalism degree fulfill management, marketing, and public relations functions in the media and communication sector, the creative industries or the art world. Others work as editors, journalists, or producers in various media or have a career as policy makers or consultants in government and other organizations. The Media, Culture, and Society programme also provides you with a solid basis on which to build a career as a researcher. Transfer to the Research Masters programme Graduates of the Masters programme in Media and Journalism can transfer to the International Research Masters in Sociology of Culture, Media and the Arts, providing preparation for a PhD programme. The selection procedure for this Masters programme is very strict and specific admission requirements apply. Further information can be found on the website

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    All course descriptions can be found on the website: The courses are normally arranged by course code, but can also be arranged by course name. The course description contains the following details:

    - lecturer(s) - contact (with hyperlink) - teaching format - assessment format - period (term) in which the course is taught - number of EC (European credit transfer system Credit points) - study level (indicating the study programmes of which the course is part) - enrolment dates for the course (if the text next to application is either no or by Student

    Office, you will not be required to enrol for the course. In all other cases you will have to enrol via Osiris Student!!)

    - important links to websites such as > the channel* of the course > the timetable of the course - objective of the course - brief description of contents - mandatory literature.

    * Receiving important information about courses you are taking: You must always subscribe to the channels of the courses you intend to take, or you will miss important announcements. In order to subscribe, go to SIN-Online. A window will appear, showing all the course channels and the channels of the various programmes. Select the relevant channel and click on save changes to confirm the subscription. For detailed information, see the Osiris Student Manual, Blackboard and SIN-Online on the website.

    NB All new students will receive an Instruction MyEUR tutorial during the first week of

    lectures, in which the above and other subjects will be addressed in detail. It is important to attend this tutorial! The student manual will also be handed out on this occasion.

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    Week number Period Lecture and exam weeks Term 1 36 06-09-10 till 10-09-10 Introduction new students 37 13-09-10 till 17-09-10 Lectures (1) 38 20-09-10 till 24-09-10 Lectures (2) 39 27-09-10 till 01-10-10 Lectures (3) 40 04-10-10 till 08-10-10 Lectures (4) 41 11-10-10 till 15-10-10 Lectures (5) 42 18-10-10 till 22-10-10 Lectures (6) 43 25-10-10 till 29-10-10 Lectures (7) 44 01-11-10 till 05-11-10 Lectures (8) 45 08-11-10 till 12-11-10 Study/Exams/Assignments Term 2 46 15-11-10 till 19-11-10 Lectures (1) 47 22-11-10 till 26-11-10 Lectures (2) 48 29-11-10 till 03-12-10 Lectures (3) 49 06-12-10 till 10-12-10 Lectures (4) 50 13-12-10 till 17-12-10 Lectures (5) 51 20-12-10 till 24-12-10 Christmas Holiday 52 27-12-10 till 31-12-10 Christmas Holiday 1 03-01-11 till 07-01-11 Lectures (6) 2 10-01-11 till 14-01-11 Lectures (7) 3 17-01-11 till 21-01-11 Lectures (8) 4 24-01-11 till 28-01-11 Study/Exams/Assignments Term 3 5 31-01-11 till 04-02-11 Lectures (1) 6 07-02-11 till 11-02-11 Lectures (2) 7 14-02-11 till 18-02-11 Lectures (3) 8 21-02-11 till 25-02-11 Lectures (4) 9 28-02-11 till 04-03-11 Lectures (5) 10 07-03-11 till 11-03-11 Lectures (6) 11 14-03-11 till 18-03-11 Lectures (7) 12 21-03-11 till 25-03-11 Lectures (8) 13 28-03-11 till 01-04-11 Study/Exams/Assignments Term 4 14 04-04-11 till 08-04-11 Lectures (1) 15 11-04-11 till 15-04-11 Lectures (2) 16 18-04-11 till 22-04-11 Lectures (3) no lectures on Friday because of Good Friday 17 25-04-11 till 29-04-11 Lectures (4) no lectures on Monday because of Easter Monday 18 02-05-11 till 06-05-11 Lectures (5) no lectures on Thursday because of Liberation day 19 09-05-11 till 13-05-11 Lectures (6) 20 16-05-11 till 20-05-11 Lectures (7) 21 23-05-11 till 27-05-11 Lectures (8) 22 30-05-11 till 03-06-11 Lectures (9) only lectures on Monday and Friday 23 06-06-11 till 10-06-11 Study/Exams/Assignments Resit period 24 13-06-11 till 17-06-11 Mon, Tue, Wed: study / Thur, Fri: resits term 1, 2, 3 25 20-06-11 till 24-06-11 Resists term 1, 2, 3 (+ study) 26 27-06-11 till 01-07-11 Resits term 1, 2, 3, 4 (+ study) 27 04-07-11 till 08-07-11 Resits term 4

    Holidays and exam free days 2010 2011 Introduction periods 2010 2011 - Christmas Holiday : 20-12-2010 till 31-12-2010 - Eurekaweek: 23-08-2010 till 26-08-2010 - Good Friday : Fri 22-04-2011 - Introduction new students: 06-09-2010 till 10-09-2010 - Easter Monday : Mon 25-04-2011 - Liberation Day : Thur 05-05-2011 - Ascension Day : Thur 02-06-2011 Labour Market Orientation Days (AMO) - Whit Monday : Mon 13-06-2011 14 April 2010

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    5.1. Where can I find the course timetables? You will receive a new timetable at the introductory meeting. This timetable provides a general overview, however changes can occur during the year. Information on rooms is provided for the first weeks only. We advise you therefore to make sure to check the latest timetable on SIN-Online. The timetables for the courses can be found as follows. - Go to the course overview: - Search for the course you require (you can sort by course code or by course name by clicking on sort by). - Click on a course code to open the course description. - Within the course description, click on the 'timetable' link. You can now see the timetables for the course with details of the room. 5.2. Timetable changes Any changes to the timetable will be published in the courses channel. Among other reasons it is therefore important that you have subscribed to the channel for the courses you will be taking. Any major changes that apply to more than one course will be published in the masters Media and Journalism channel. You should therefore also make sure you are also subscribed to this channel. 6. REGISTRATION FOR THE COURSES AND EXAMINATIONS

    Courses You must register for the courses you will be studying using Osiris Student (accessible via MyEUR). The courses in term 1 of the master programme are an exception. You do not need to register for these courses, as the Student Office will do this for you. For each term, the following registration periods apply. This information is also included in the course descriptions.

    1 Aug-1 Sep 2010 Registration for Term 1 courses by the student office 10-31 Oct 2010 Registration for Term 2 courses via Osiris Student 11 Dec-16 Jan 2011 Registration for Term 3 courses via Osiris Student 27 Feb-22 Mar 2011 Registration for Term 4 courses via Osiris Student

    Study Guide master Media and Journalism, specialisation MCS 2010-2011 13

  • Examinations When you register for a course in Osiris Student (via MyEUR), you will be automatically enrolled for the course examinations and Blackboard (= online learning environment).

    If you have forgotten to register for a course, you can still be registered for the written examination at a later date. Registration is possible between 35 and 7 days before the examination in question. You must however always register for any resits yourself (in June, using Osiris Student). Make sure you take note of the deadlines!

    If you have not registered on time, you will not be eligible to sit the examination, unless you submit a late registration to the Erasmus Student Service Centre. This is subject to a 13.50 charge for each examination, providing that places are still available. In order to be eligible to sit any examinations or parts thereof, you must always be enrolled for the academic year in which the relevant examinations take place. The dates of the written examinations are included in the course timetable. For further information, please refer to the Examination Board Rules and Regulations. 7. RULES RELATING TO ATTENDANCE

    For Masters courses attendance is compulsory for all classes. If you are unable to attend

    a meeting1 due to a serious reason, you must inform the lecturer of that class in advance

    by e-mail or telephone (see Blackboard for contact details). Judgments about the validity

    of the reason for absence are the prerogative of the lecturer. Absence of one meeting can

    be compensated with an extra assignment. Missing two meetings can be compensated in

    the case of structural serious reasons. Missing three meetings will result in exclusion from

    the course. As a consequence you have to take the course again. The extra

    assignment(s) must be completed satisfactorily in order to pass the course and being

    awarded the corresponding credits.

    If you object to your exclusion, you can submit a corroborated request to be readmitted to the Examination Board.

    1 Meeting stands for tutorial meetings, seminars, research workshops and practicals

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    Course manuals In all courses, a course manual will be issued during the first lecture or before the first lecture is published on Blackboard. This includes a description of the following: Course objectives Organisation and method of instruction Type of assessment Compulsory literature and weekly timetable The times of the lecturers office hours


    The course descriptions ( include details of the compulsory literature. Details of any recommended literature can be found in the course manual.

    You are also strongly recommended to use the following: - The writing guide Media, Communication & Culture (in pdf available via the Master Thesis Class course on Blackboard at the start of the academic year). - The Media, Communication & Culture portal, which includes links to catalogues and databases, libraries and archives, newspapers and magazines, collections and knowledge centres, statistics and facts and figures. This portal can be found on the website:

    Academic writing Under the heading Academic Writing, the website includes the following information.

    - Detailed information about fraud and plagiarism - A web course on information skills. - The university librarys Media, Communication & Culture portal, which includes links to

    catalogues and databases, libraries and archives, newspapers and magazines, collections and knowledge centres, statistics and facts and figures.


    The Teaching and Examination Regulations include the formal rules that apply to examinations and other assessments. The Examination Board also publishes the Rules and Regulations for the examinations. These Rules and Regulations provide a further explanation of many of the points included in the Teaching and Examination Regulations. The Teaching and Examination Regulations (OER) for the Masters degree programme Media and Journalism and the Rules and Regulations (R&R) can be found on the website: A copy of both documents can also be consulted at the Student Office (room L3-33).

    Study Guide master Media and Journalism, specialisation MCS 2010-2011 15


    A person is guilty of plagiarism if the work of other authors is used in part or in full in papers, theses and other written assessments of competence without stating the source (books, journal article, report, internet website, etc.). Such use of texts also includes quoting or paraphrasing without clearly indicating that this has been done. In written assignments, students must express their ideas in their own words. Please refer to the writing guide Media, Culture and Communication for more information on this subject as well as the extensive information provided on the website. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden and sanctions will be imposed by the Examination Board if the lecturer decides that plagiarism has taken place.


    There are various ways in which students can influence policy.

    Ombudsstudents One or two students are members of the faculty board and also play the role of ombudsstudent. The faculty also has at its disposal a unique arrangement for mediating in the event of complaints and comments made by students about the teaching provided, the curriculum and the faculty in general.

    The ombudsstudents operate independently in fulfilling their task. They handle complaints and comments confidentially. They refer students and their complaints to the appropriate person or assist them in solving the problem. The ombudsstudents are also responsible for coordinating student representation. For contact details, see chapter 1 of this study guide.

    Programme committee In the programme committee, student members can discuss general issues relating to the programme and raise problems in the teaching for discussion. As such, these committees have a direct link with the department head and the director of education.

    Faculty council There are annual elections for the five student seats on the faculty council. The faculty council has advisory powers and powers of consent and can present proposals and announce positions on all faculty issues.

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  • General Student Consultation Committee (ASO) In order to effectively exercise and influence, students from the faculty stay in regular contact with each other and exchange information. This is the role of the general student consultation committee. Its purpose is to discuss ongoing issues and comments and observations made by students. In order to ensure that the student consultation committee remains both effective and democratic, it is important for students to inform representatives of their opinion about courses and the faculty wherever possible.


    12.1. Student advisor During the course, problems or issues may arise with regard to the study programme. In such cases, you should contact the student advisor for the masters programme Media and Journalism.

    If, for whatever reason, you encounter problems or delays in your studies, you should contact the student advisor as soon as possible. The student advisor may also invite you for an interview if delays have been identified in your studies or when you have obtained poor results. For contact details, see chapter 1 of this study guide. 12.2 Channel messages Timetable changes and other important messages are published via channels. You can only receive these channel messages if you personally subscribe via SIN-Online. We strongly recommend that everybody does this! Each individual course has its own channel. In addition there is a channel for the master students Media and Journalism (fhk master studenten media) and a general channel (fhk studenten) for messages which are of interest to virtually all students. It is not necessary to subscribe to the latter channels; you will receive these messages automatically. 12.3. MyEUR MyEUR is the access point to the most important educational information system at Rotterdam Erasmus University. This portal offers students across the world access to facilities such as webmail, Osiris, Blackboard, SIN-Online and the University Library. You need an Erna username and password to log on to MyEUR. The Erna username consists of six numbers followed by two letters. This is always followed by You have received this information by post. Anyone who does not receive a student number on time is advised to contact the Student Office (room L3-33, telephone: +31 10 408 2482, [email protected]). In the first week of lectures, all students will be instructed on how to use MyEUR. 12.4. Blackboard

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  • Blackboard is the digital learning environment used by many lecturers in their teaching. Its educational functions are arranged on a course-by-course basis. Blackboard can be used to provide course materials, arrange communication and feedback between lecturers and students, submit assignments electronically and set up virtual discussion platforms.

    12.5. University Library (UB) For more information on the facilities offered by the UB (information sources, search facilities, information skills courses, etc.) please consult the UB website: 12.6. Computer rooms The L-building has four computer rooms which have been set up for teaching. You can use these rooms when they are not being used for teaching. Computer rooms : LB-106, LB-128, LB-132 Opening times : Monday to Friday 09.00 17.00 Computer room : LB-110 Opening times : Monday to Friday 09.00 17.00 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 09.00-22.15 The computer rooms are open during the lecture periods. Throughout this period, assistance is generally available during the day (Student Helpdesk). The computers are not equipped with a floppy drive or CD Rom player. Files may be transferred using USB sticks or the network. The so-called standing workstations have been set up in the hall of the L-building as an additional facility. If all workstations in the L-building are occupied, you can use the computer rooms in the G-building or in the University Library, for further information, see LIA Student Helpdesk The LIA department (L-building Information and Automation) provide support for those using computers. The helpdesk for students is close to the computer rooms in the hall of the L-building. LIA Student Helpdesk Telephone: +31 10 408 18 50 E-mail: [email protected] 12.7. Erasmus Student Service Centre (ESSC)

    Study Guide master Media and Journalism, specialisation MCS 2010-2011 18

  • The Erasmus Student Service Centre (ESSC) is the central service point for new and registered students of Erasmus University Rotterdam for services such as:

    Studielink: registration, change of study, de-registration, termination of study and restitution of tuition fee.

    Request for various statements, proof of payment of tuition fee, request for duplicate of student card.

    Registration for written interim examinations after the registration deadline, for oral interim examinations, essays and theses.

    Practical information on studying abroad, such as grants and insurance. Information on language tests, language courses, study supporting workshops and

    trainings and career advice. Requests for individual graduation support and committee grants (for board

    members). Assistance with applications for visa and residence permits. Arranging appointments with: student counsellors, confidential counselor,

    psychologist and career advisor. By consulting the website of the ESSC ( you will find extensive information and the banner to the search engine ASK Erasmus, an extensive question and answer desk where you also will have the possibility to pose your questions (ASK Erasmus will be made available online in English in the Autumn/Winter of 2010). For more information: Location : Hall of the E-building Opening hours : Monday to Friday from 09.30-17.00 Website : Telephone : +31 10 408 2323 12.8. Student counsellors and psychologists Student counsellors are charged with providing students with information, advice, supervision and coaching by means of personal meetings, courses and written information. When it is apparent that another staff member or institution can better assist the student, the student counselors will refer the student to the appropriate party. For questions directly related to your study and study progress, please contact the student advisor. Student counselors are also responsible for handling complaints with respect to behavior or action taken by employees or organizational units of the university towards students (i.e. an ombudsman role). A female student counselor serves as the confidential counselor for students in cases of sexual harassment, aggressive behavior and violence. Matters in which student counselors can be of assistance:

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  • personal matters or problems student grants and loans financial support social security housing assistance in appeal proceedings selection of a course of study, scheduling, motivation, sitting of exams, transfer

    from one course programme to another top-level sports: arrangements to sit an exam at another time due to a scheduling

    conflict with a sporting event handicap: students who have a handicap that impedes their study can contact a

    student counselor to help them arrange the necessary facilities/accommodations Appointments can be made via the Erasmus Student Service Centre (+31 10 408 2323). The goal of the university psychologists is to help students resolve issues that prevent them from focusing on their studies. The aim of the initial orientation consultation is to help the psychologist gain a better understanding of the complaint or problem and to examine the connection between the problem and the students course of study. This consultation is sometimes enough to help someone in getting back on track, but more often further counseling is required. This takes the form of participation in individual or group therapy. If the university psychologists are unable to provide the necessary help, they will refer the student to other care providers. Appointments can be made via the Erasmus Student Service Centre (+31 10 408 2323).

    12.9. Studying with a functional disability A range of facilities are available for you to use if you have a functional disability (handicap). This may be dyslexia, ADHD, CANS (RSI) or some other physical disability or chronic condition. For information and support, please consult: Make sure to contact your student advisor as well about these matters. 12.10. Grants and funds Information on grants and funds can be found on the following website: 12.11. Address changes Any changes of address must be reported as soon as possible via Studielink:

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    13-09-2010 from 14.00-15.00: Instruction on MyEur in room LB-106 14-09-2010 from 12.30-13.00: Instruction about & in University Library* 20-09-2010 from 14.00-15.00: Instruction on MyEur in room LB-106 *Please arrive at the entrance to the University Library five minutes in advance. Please place jackets and bags in a locker before arriving! Registration for courses 10-10-2010 t/m 31-10-2010: Registration for courses term 2 via Osiris Student 12-12-2010 t/m 16-01-2010: Registration for courses term 3 via Osiris Student 27-02-2010 t/m 20-03-2010: Registration for courses term 4 via Osiris Student 14 April 2010: Workshops Labor Market strategy and orientation days

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    2.3. Master Thesis Class2.4. Master Thesis2.5. Honours Degree (= 20 EC extra)2.6. Study abroad2.7. Application for Masters diploma2.8. Opportunities after graduation4. SCHEDULE FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2010-2011 Holidays and exam free days 2010 2011 Introduction periods 2010 2011