Mass Schedule€¦ · 10/03/2019  · El diablo le pide a Cristo que lo ado-re, diciendo que le...

Church Address: 941 Lexington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050 Office Address: 725 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050 Office: (408) 248-7786 ~ Fax: (408) 248-8150 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: Emergency (only for the sick and the dying): 408-904-9187 March 10th, 2019 ~ First Sunday Of Lent ~ Mass Schedule ~ WEEKDAYS - Rectory Chapel: Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat 8:00 am ~ Tue & Thu 5:30 pm SATURDAY: Reconciliation 4:15-4:45 pm ~ Vigil Mass 5:00 pm SUNDAY: 7:45 am (English) ~ 9:00 am (English - Family) ~ 10:30 am (Portuguese) ~ 12:00 pm (Spanish) ~ 1:30 pm (Cantonese) ~ 3:00 pm (Mandarin) ~ 5:30 pm (English)

Transcript of Mass Schedule€¦ · 10/03/2019  · El diablo le pide a Cristo que lo ado-re, diciendo que le...

Page 1: Mass Schedule€¦ · 10/03/2019  · El diablo le pide a Cristo que lo ado-re, diciendo que le dará todos los reinos del mundo. Jesús se niega, diciendo adorarás al Señor, tu

Church Address: 941 Lexington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050 Office Address: 725 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050

Office: (408) 248-7786 ~ Fax: (408) 248-8150 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site:

Emergency (only for the sick and the dying): 408-904-9187

March 10th, 2019 ~ First Sunday Of Lent

~ Mass Schedule ~

WEEKDAYS - Rectory Chapel: Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat 8:00 am ~ Tue & Thu 5:30 pm SATURDAY: Reconciliation 4:15-4:45 pm ~ Vigil Mass 5:00 pm

SUNDAY: 7:45 am (English) ~ 9:00 am (English - Family) ~ 10:30 am (Portuguese) ~ 12:00 pm (Spanish) ~ 1:30 pm (Cantonese) ~ 3:00 pm (Mandarin) ~ 5:30 pm (English)

Page 2: Mass Schedule€¦ · 10/03/2019  · El diablo le pide a Cristo que lo ado-re, diciendo que le dará todos los reinos del mundo. Jesús se niega, diciendo adorarás al Señor, tu

Pastoral Staff: (408) 248-7786 Pastor’s Notes

Pastor: Rev. Tadeusz Terembula, x104, [email protected] Parochial Vicar: Rev. Prosper Molengi, x105, [email protected] Office Manager: Joanna Ayllon, x106 Religious Education Coordinator and Hispanic Ministry Coordinator: Paty Rascon, x102, [email protected] Facility Emergencies: Matt Dutra (408) 904-9181 Saint Clare School: Principal - Cecile Mantecón (408) 246-6797, RCIA: Diane Madruga, [email protected] Music Ministry: Christopher Wemp, [email protected] Community & Service Webmaster: Perig Vennetier, [email protected] Pastoral Council: Jasmine Vu, [email protected] Finance Council: Jerome Alabado, [email protected] Serra Club of Santa Clara: Tom Bommarito (408) 243-4647 St. Vincent de Paul: Mick Gonzales (408) 645-0506 Facilities: Matt Dutra, [email protected] Knights Of Columbus: Tony Colombo, [email protected] Young Ladies Institute (YLI): Dolores Wriglesworth, [email protected] Social Justice Committee: Anne McMahon, [email protected] Italian Catholic Federation: Janet Glaubke (408) 225-0743 Hispanic Committee: Elania Tablada (408) 984-3519 Portuguese Community: Eduina Faria (408) 472-6739 Mandarin Community: Contact: Rev. Carlos A. Olivera, [email protected] Cantonese Community: Contact: Tony Lau, [email protected]

Dear Parishioners, Perhaps the most overlooked line in this famous Gospel is that Jesus had just returned from the Jordan. He had just been filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit (his own Spirit) in the waters of the Jordan, an

“anointing” which established him publicly as the Christ, the Anointed One. That same Spirit had over-shadowed Mary and led to her conceiving the Lord; that same Spirit had inspired Sim-eon to recognize a small ba-by as the Messiah; that same Spirit goes out of Jesus when he performs miracles; and that same Spirit will raise him from the dead (CCC 695).

It is the Spirit who now leads him into the desert for forty days. Cer-tainly, that Spirit never parted from him in that lonely desert, but instead inspired his prayer. For prayer was Christ’s usual habit to discern and obey the will of the Father, and to prepare himself for whatever mo-mentous event was ahead of him. Sustained by only grace and prayer, Christ encounters the devil. Imag-ine – the devil tries to put God himself to the test! Famously, the devil tempts him three times. The devil commands Christ to turn stones into bread to satisfy his physical needs. Jesus refuses because one does not live by bread alone (Deuteronomy 8:3). The devil asks Christ to wor-ship him, claiming he will give him all the kingdoms of the world. Jesus refuses, stating that you shall worship the Lord, your God, and him alone shall you serve (Deuteronomy 6:13). Finally, the devil asks Christ to prove that he is the Son of God by throw-ing himself down from the highest point of the Temple because angels will guard him. Jesus refuses, saying, you shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test (Deuteronomy 6:16). Each time, sustained by the Spirit and with a command of God’s revealed word, Jesus can resist temptation. He is victorious over temptation just as he will be victorious over death (CCC 539). Like that devil in the desert, how often do we put God to the test? How often do we “negotiate” with God and ignore his will to suit ours? How often do we pray that “yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,” yet turn away to seek our own glory, to demand our own power and to build our own little kingdoms? This Lent let us resolve to be fortified by the same thing which gave Je-sus strength against evil. Like Jesus, let us cultivate a deeper prayer life. Let us turn to sacred Scripture to discern God’s will for us and to hear God speaking to us. Let us rely on the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit when we are weak and thank him when we are made strong. And when these forty days of Lent are through, may we sing ever more joyfully that Christ has conquered sin and death.

Fr. Tad

Page 3: Mass Schedule€¦ · 10/03/2019  · El diablo le pide a Cristo que lo ado-re, diciendo que le dará todos los reinos del mundo. Jesús se niega, diciendo adorarás al Señor, tu

Mass Intentions March 9th ~ March 16th, 2019

cuando seamos débiles y agradezcámosle cuando sea-mos fuertes. Y cuando estos cuarenta días de Cuaresma hayan terminado, cantemos cada vez más alegremente que Cristo ha vencido el pecado y la muerte.

Padre Tadeo

Sat 5:00 pm Joseph Alabanza +

Sun 7:45 am Joachim Neunfinger +

9:00 am Joachim Neunfinger +

10:30 am Manuel Jeronimo + Manuel Santos + Ana Amarante + Lino Da Rosa + Isabel Costa + David R. Sousa + Maria Da Conceicaco Cordeiro + Maria Rosa Morgada +

12:00 pm Petra & Felipe Angeles +

5:30 pm St. Clare Parishioners

Mon 8:00 am Maria Mancebo + Aurora Galam +

Tue 5:30 pm Gregorio Ortiz, Sr. +

Wed 8:00 am Aida Augusta +

Thu 5:30 pm Antonio Pereira +

Fri 8:00 am Antonio Mancebo + Benito Galam + Aurora Galam + Eugenia Galam +

Sat 8:00 am Souls In Purgatory

Queridos feligreses, Quizás la línea que más se ha pasado por alto en este famoso Evange-lio es que Jesús acaba-ba de regresar del Jor-dán. En las aguas del Jordán se llenó de la gracia del Espíritu Santo (su propio Espíritu), una "unción" que lo estable-ció públicamente como el Cristo, el Ungido. Ese mismo Espíritu ha-

bía cubierto a María y la había llevado a concebir al Señor; ese mismo Espíritu había inspirado a Simeón a reconocer a un bebé pequeño como el Mesías; ese mismo Espíritu sale de Jesús cuando hace milagros; y ese mismo Espíritu lo resucitará de entre los muertos (CIC 695). Es el Espíritu quien ahora le lleva al desierto por cua-renta días. Ciertamente, ese Espíritu nunca se separó de él en ese solitario desierto, y además le inspiró su ora-ción. Porque la oración era el hábito de Cristo para discer-nir y obedecer la voluntad del Padre, y para prepararse para cualquier evento trascendental que se le presen-tara. Sustentado solo por la gracia y la oración, Cristo se en-cuentra con el diablo. ¡Imagínense - el diablo trata de po-ner a Dios mismo a prueba! El diablo, famosamente, lo tienta tres veces. El diablo le ordena a Cristo que convierta las piedras en pan para satisfacer sus necesidades físicas. Jesús se niega porque no solo de pan vive el hombre (Deuteronomio 8: 3). El diablo le pide a Cristo que lo ado-re, diciendo que le dará todos los reinos del mundo. Jesús se niega, diciendo adorarás al Señor, tu Dios, y a él sólo servirás (Deuteronomio 6:13). Finalmente, el diablo le pide a Cristo que pruebe que él es el Hijo de Dios al arrojarse desde el punto más alto del Templo porque los ángeles lo protegerán. Jesús se niega, diciendo que no tentarás al Señor, tu Dios (Deuteronomio 6:16). Cada vez, sostenido por el Espíritu y con un man-dato de la palabra revelada de Dios, Jesús puede resis-tir la tentación. Él vence la tentación, tal como vencerá la muerte (CIC 539). Como ese demonio en el desierto, ¿con qué frecuencia ponemos a prueba a Dios? ¿Con qué frecuencia “negociamos” con Dios e ignoramos su voluntad para adaptarla a la nuestra? ¿Con qué frecuencia rezamos para que “tuyo sea el reino, el poder y la gloria”, y sin embargo nos apartamos para buscar nuestra propia gloria, para exi-gir nuestro propio poder y para construir nuestros propios pequeños reinos? Esta Cuaresma resolvamos ser fortificados por lo mismo que le dio fuerza a Jesús contra el mal. Como Jesús, culti-vemos una vida de oración más profunda. Vayamos a las Sagradas Escrituras para discernir la voluntad de Dios para nosotros y para escucharlo hablándonos. Confiemos en la presencia permanente del Espíritu Santo

Through CRS Rice Bowl, during Lent, we have the opportunity to be inspired by the stories of communities from around the world, to set aside a little of ourselves to make room for a stranger. Reminding us that the journey through the de-sert ultimately leads to resurrection—and that it is our Gospel call to stand with courage, bringing the hope of the Resurrection to a world often beset by hopelessness. This year the CRS Rice Bowl campaign will focus on peo-ple living in Guatemala, Uganda, Sri Lanka, Sierra Leone and Gaza. In this First Week of Lent, we encounter Norma in Guate-mala, who as a young mother, supports her family and shares her skills with her community. Reflect on the importance of family in your life. How can you contribute to support families in your community? You can share Norma’s journey by visiting the Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl web page or download the App. Thank you for participating in the CRS Rice Bowl cam-paign!

Notas del Párroco

Page 4: Mass Schedule€¦ · 10/03/2019  · El diablo le pide a Cristo que lo ado-re, diciendo que le dará todos los reinos del mundo. Jesús se niega, diciendo adorarás al Señor, tu

SCHOOL HAPPENINGS Sunday Children’s Program “Finding God”

Continuous Faith Formation Program

“Faith Formation is more than a subject to be taught, it is an invitation to a way of life” Joe


Important Dates for First Communion Parents Meeting: Tuesday, March 12, 6:00pm, Upper Church (English); Thursday, March 14, 6:00pm, Upper Church (Spanish). Interview with the Priest: April 1-4. According to the date and time you have selected.

CRS Rice Bowl Lenten Prayer Meet Me in the Desert God of hope, You journey with us through the desert. You

challenge us to become more like Christ. During this Lenten season, may our prayers, fasting and almsgiving give us the courage to go forth from these 40 days in the desert to share our gifts with the world. May our encounter with you allow us to bring your hope to all of our human family. Amen Please keep in your prayers our children and youth as they prepare to receive the Sacraments First Commun-ion and Confirmation.

Saint Clare of Assisi pray for us! Paty Rascon, Catechetical Office 408.248.7786 X 102 [email protected] Office hours: Tue-Thu 9:00am-12:00pm


St. Clare School News 10 March 2019

HONORING OUR STUDENTS FOR OUTSTANDING WORK We honor the outstanding academic work of our middle school students with an Honors Reception this week. We also honor one student from each of the grades as a Young Christian, a student who embodies our Catholic school phi-losophy and Schoolwide Learning Expectations. We are very proud of their success and their growth as children of God! A DAY OF SERVICE FOR OUR 8TH GRADERS Our 8th grade students will spend a day next week prepar-ing sandwiches for our brothers and sisters who call the streets of downtown San Jose their home through the “window” at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph’s Office of Social Ministry. While there, the students will learn about the work of the Office, from the coordination of the Bridges of Hope program, to their partnership with Gardner Health. The students will also visit with Superior Court Judge Vanessa Zecher in the Hall of Justice. EXPERIENCE THE ST. CLARE ADVANTAGE St. Clare School is currently accepting applications for ad-mission in TK-8 grades for the 2019-20 school year. We offer an engaging academic program as well as a robust selection of co-curricular and enrichment activities for our students and before and after-school care. Come and tour our school and have your student shadow for the day. (Inquire about Tuition Assistance.) Experience our welcoming community and see why our families chose St. Clare School! ATTENTION ST. CLARE SCHOOL AL_MNI: The only thing missing is U! Call us at 408-246-6797 or email us at [email protected] if you’d like to receive updates on what’s going on at St. Clare School and keep you on our list for future alumni celebrations. We’d love to hear from you! SUPPORT OUR ANNUAL FUND To make a donation to help deserving families cover the cost of registration or tuition, please visit our school store or donate via WeShare by selecting St. Clare School We appreciate your support of our school programs. Mrs. Cecile Mantecón, Principal | 725 Washington Street, Santa Clara CA 95050 | 408-246-6797 | Facebook @stclareschoolsantaclara Educating hearts and minds since 1856

Page 5: Mass Schedule€¦ · 10/03/2019  · El diablo le pide a Cristo que lo ado-re, diciendo que le dará todos los reinos del mundo. Jesús se niega, diciendo adorarás al Señor, tu

Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remainder is needed by others.

- Saint Augus ne

RCIA NEWS The first stage of the RCIA journey, the Precatechumenate or Inquiry Pe-riod, is now complete with The Rite of Welcome which was celebrated on November 18th at the 9:00 am Mass. The Inquirers have obtained spon-

sors from within the St. Clare Parish Community to help mentor them along the way. Please pray for Brandon Gonzaga, Tom McKeon, Kim Medina and Gail Thomas, as they continue on their journey towards receiving their Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil.

Diane Madruga at [email protected]

Cathy Parshall at [email protected] St. Clare Rectory at 408-248-7786


I heard this on Wheel of Fortune. A boy was giv-en a crocodile to take home and write a report about. He was to present it in class on Monday. Monday came and no report. When asked why, he said, “My homework ate my dog.” Come join the Knights we never have homework.

Contact: Tony Colombo [email protected]

"Peace and Justice Corner" March 9-10

This week, Catholic Relief Services ( encourages us to reflect on the Life and Dignity of the Human Person “Catholic social teaching inspires and guides how we are to live and work in the world. In this principle, Life and Dignity of the Human Person, Jesus re-minds us that we are all made in God's image and likeness. That means that every human being has a special value and a pur-pose. We need to care for each other so we can be the people God calls us to be.” Consider what you can do this Lent to care for others for the promo-tion of peace and justice.

Reminder that this Tuesday, March 12th, 6:30 PM at St. Martin of Tours is the meeting to find out how you can help with Village House in May. For more information visit:

Questions? Please contact Anne McMahon at [email protected]

(Peace and Justice Committee, St. Clare) Or Patrick J. O’Meara at: [email protected] (Peace and Justice Commission, St. Martin of Tours)

"It is not possible to remain indifferent be-

fore the knowledge that human beings are

bought and sold like goods!" - Pope


TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Often, when a family keeps vigil around a person who is preparing for death, they may notice three interwoven activities. First, the dying person may become more prayerful and reflective than ever before, reviewing life’s journey in gratitude to God, or seeking forgiveness and making amends for wrongs. Second, as death approaches, the need to eat and drink is lessened until even an ice cube brushed against the lips is satisfying. Third, persons who are dying often make plans to give their possessions away, making bequests, handing treasures down, providing for favorite charities. Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving: with these three “pillars” of Lent, we rehearse our death every year in this season, and anticipate the final work we will do in this life. And every year, at the end of our journey, is the joy of Easter and the experience of the victory of Christ over death’s darkness and power. Annually, we remind our-selves that the Christian experiences the same power and presence at the end of life’s journey: Christ to the rescue and the lasting joy of heaven. —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

3/11 English Baptismal Prep Class, 7:00pm, Rectory Din ing Room Hispanic Rosary Prayer Group meets at 6:00 p.m. in the Rectory Chapel. 3/12 RCIA meets at 7:00 p.m. in the Rectory Dining Room. 3/13 Bible Study, 9:00 a.m., Rectory Conference Room. Hispanic Charismatic Prayer Group, Lower Church, 7:00 p.m. 3/14 Hispanic Sharing the Faith Group meets at 6:30 p.m. in the Rectory Conference Room. Bible Study, 7:00 p.m., Rectory Dining Room. 3/15 Parents in Prayer Group, 9:30 a.m., North Hall

Calendar of Events

Page 6: Mass Schedule€¦ · 10/03/2019  · El diablo le pide a Cristo que lo ado-re, diciendo que le dará todos los reinos del mundo. Jesús se niega, diciendo adorarás al Señor, tu

Llamado Anual Diocesano Vamos avanzando rápidamente hacia nuestra meta y agradecemos a las familias de la parroquia que ya res-pondieron a este llamado anual. Si su familia aun no lo ha hecho los invitamos a que lo hagan hoy. Toda cantidad es de gran ayuda. Recuerden que lo que exceda de la meta diocesana regresa íntegramente a nuestra parroquia. Gra-cias por su apoyo. Actividades Durante la Cuaresma CRS Plato de Arroz: Todos los días durante la Cuaresma, tenemos la oportunidad de inspirarnos en las historias de per-sonas y comunidades de todo el mundo, y de tomarnos un tiempo para apartarnos un poco de nosotros mismos para dejar espacio para un desconocido. Se le invita a usted, a su familia y a su comunidad a viajar con Cristo en esta jornada, e ir más allá de nosotros mismos para encontrar las necesida-des de otros. Esta primera semana de Cuaresma, a quien encontramos es a Norma, ella vive en Guatemala. Conozca de ella en el calendario que viene la alcancía, en Internet, o en la aplicación de CRS Plato de Arroz. Viacrucis: todos los viernes de Cuaresma, a las 6:30pm, en la iglesia. Iniciando el 8 de marzo. Suplementos Cuaresmales: todos los domingos de Cua-resma habrá una hoja en el boletín con reflexiones y otras actividades para que nos ayuden en nuestra preparación en este tiempo. Fechas importantes de la Primera Comunión. - Reunión en español de Padres de familia de Primera Comunión: jueves 14 de marzo, 6:00pm, en la iglesia. - Entrevista con el sacerdote quienes reciben la 1ª. Comu-nión este año: 1-4 de abril, en la Rectoría, en el día y hora que seleccionaron.

Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe Las cenizas que se nos pusieron en la frente el miércoles pasado ya están borradas, pero las palabras que nos dije-ron deben sonar aún en nuestras almas. Tradicionalmente se dice: "Recuerda que del polvo venimos y al polvo retor-naremos." Y aunque hoy en muchos lugares se dice: "Conviértete y cree en el Evangelio" el mensaje para oí-dos latinos es el mismo. Es un mensaje que nos saca de nuestro egoísmo recordándonos lo que los antiguos Tolte-cas ya sabían: esta vida es un sueño y el que muere des-pierta a la vida verdadera. Viviendo el Evangelio en esta vida nos prepara para la vida eterna. Las cenizas y esas frases dan un mensaje que lleva la imagen de la tierra que se somete para cultivarse. A ve-ces la tierra se quema para que de sus cenizas venga vida nueva. Las cenizas que se nos pusieron no son para despreciar nuestra vida sino para amarla. De esa manera seremos cultivados por el ayuno, la oración y la caridad que hagamos durante la cuaresma, sometiendo el polvo de nuestro cuerpo para dar fruto eterno. —Fray Gilberto Cava-zos-Glz, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. El Grupo de Oración Carismática Sigue invitándonos a que los acompañemos todos los miércoles, en la iglesia de abajo. La coronilla de la Miseri-cordia inicia a las 7:00pm. Vengan y alaben al Señor.

Boletim Paroquial Português Boletín Parroquial Español

10 de Março de 2019 – Domingo I da Quaresma – C Reflexão por: João Pereira Arruda

Na última quarta-feira (Cinzas) entramos num período de tempo em que chamamos de Quaresma, É um tempo que nos convida a uma preparação mais intensa para a penitência, oração e caridade. São 40 dias tais quantos Jesus teve no deserto para Se preparar para entrar na cidade santa Jerusalém e enfrentar os seus inimigos e de ser julgado, receber morte de cruz e ressuscitar para cumprir a Nova Aliança com a Humanidade de Deus. São estas 40 dias os mesmos que temos para nos purificarmos e celebrar-mos a vitória da vida sobre a morte na Ressurreição do Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo e a nossa própria. Tal como Jesus venceu as tentações de riqueza, poder e glória por 40 dias, assim também nós, devemos pedir a ajuda divina do Senhor para nos livrar da tentação do mal. Entramos nesta Quaresma com uma atitude de oferecermos do que temos de melhor a Deus e á comunidade a quem pertencemos. Lembremo-nos que o nosso melhor veio de Deus e não é mais do que o nosso dever oferecer ao Deus que tudo de bom nos dá e nos protege e ama com o Seu Misericordioso Amor. Que traigamos tudo do que fizemos e demos de bom ao altar do nosso Deus. S. Paulo nos diz na Segunda Leitura de que :“ Com o coração se acredita para obter a justiçae com a boca se professa a fé para alcançar a salvação” É assim também que faremos as nossas resoluções neste tempo de Quaresma de preparar os nossos corações para acreditarmos fielmente no Senhor e de não sermos confundidoa com as ofertas fictícias do mundo ou do maligno. Perante as tentações teremos que ordenar ao diabo que ele não pode tentar o Senhor Deus e cada um de nós é pertença de Deus. Notícias Programa Quaresmal de Sait Clare’s! Está em curso um programa para a Quaresma de 2019 na nossa paróquia: Todas as Sextas-Feiras haverá a devoção da Via-Sacra, ás 6:30 da tarde, No vestíbulo encomtram’se os cartões para o programa tigela de arroz. Como é sabido destina-se a recolha dessas o0fertas em favor dos mais pobres. No fim da Quaresma a recolha dessas ofertas podem ser entregues no escritório da reitoria. Teremos um Serviço Penitencial em data a determinar que depois será revelada na secção inglesa do boletim. Do programa da Comunidade Portuguesa além do retiro Quaresmal de ontem na Capela da reitoria haverá uma Romaria Quaresmal no Sábado de Ramos dia 13 de Abril próximo. Esta como nos anos anteriores será coordenada pela Irmandade Familiar do Espírito Santo de Santa Clara. Esta tem por objectivo visitar cantar e orar nas igrejas de Santa Clara. Como parte do Tríduo Pascal O coordenador da liturgia em português informará aos leigos portugueses para servirem nos serviços ministeriais que forem alocados á nossa comunidade para esse trduo. A mesma regra se aplica em relação á Sexta-Feira Santa com a Via-Sacra nocturna e a preparação para a nar ração do Evangelho do Domingo de Ramos.

Um Santo e Alegre Domingo para todos!!

Page 7: Mass Schedule€¦ · 10/03/2019  · El diablo le pide a Cristo que lo ado-re, diciendo que le dará todos los reinos del mundo. Jesús se niega, diciendo adorarás al Señor, tu
Page 8: Mass Schedule€¦ · 10/03/2019  · El diablo le pide a Cristo que lo ado-re, diciendo que le dará todos los reinos del mundo. Jesús se niega, diciendo adorarás al Señor, tu

Baptism Contact the Parish office to arrange for Baptismal prepa-

ration, and to sign up for Baptismal Class. Spanish Prep Class: 1st Monday at 7:00 pm;

Baptism: 3rd Saturday at 10:00 am English Prep Class: 2nd Monday at 7:00 pm;

Baptism: 4th Saturday at 10:00 am

Baptism & Registration

Upcoming Second Offerings:

3/24 St. Vincent de Paul

3/31 Catholic Relief Services


If you’ve never donated online

before, signing up is easy!

- Visit https:/ and click Make a Donation on the collection you wish to donate to. - Click Recurring Donation, then enter your donation amount and frequency.

Once you’ve added your account infor-mation, donations will automatically de-duct from your account. It’s that easy!

Questions? Please contact the Parish Office.

“Hand In Hand In Ministry” is the theme for our 2019 Annual Dioce-san Appeal. This reminds us that, as Catholics, each of us has re-ceived the invitation to join as mem-bers of one community of faith for the works of justice, mercy, out-reach and formation in our Parish-

es, our Diocese and the global Church. Your ADA gift enables us in our Evangelization work and outreach, particularly in the areas of Youth and Young Adult Min-istry, Catechesis and Faith Formation, the Hispanic Apostolate, Social Justice Ministry, the Institute for Leadership in Ministry, the Formation and Training of Seminarians and Deacon Candidates, who are our future priests and deacons, and the Ongoing For-mation of those already ordained. Only your gift, combined with the gifts of others throughout our Diocese, can make all of this possible. Please consider a gift to the ADA to help support the day-to-day services that our parishes rely on for support. Thank you in ad-vance for your generosity.


1150 North First St., Ste 100, San Jose, CA 95112-4966 Tel: (408) 983-0100

Stand And Be Counted Registering in a parish is a declaration of your desire to be part of a Catholic community and a commitment in all its dimensions brings you advantages, recognition, and responsibilities of many kinds. Being a registered parishioner makes things much easier when it is time for infant Baptism, weddings, when asked to be a Baptismal or Confirma-tion Sponsor and even funerals. We are often asked to provide affidavits for Baptismal and Confirma-tion Sponsors. We can only do this if a person is a registered, active and contributing member.

So, are you a registered parishioner? If not please consider registering. Registration forms are available in the Church entrances and in the Parish Office.

February 23-24 Sat 5:00PM: $1,191.00 Sun 7:45AM: $1,209.00 Sun 9:00AM: $1,070.35 Sun 10:30AM: $625.00 Sun 12:00PM: $835.40 Sun 5:30PM: $630.00

Total: $5,560.75

March 2-3 Sat 5:00PM: $904.01

Sun 7:45AM: $1,211.39 Sun 9:00AM: $993.25

Sun 10:30AM: $827.00 Sun 12:00PM: $1,180.40

Sun 5:30PM: $867.00 Total: $5,983.05

Please become a good steward of St. Clare Parish.