Masjid Baitul Nasir, Columbus, Ohio - Waqfe...

20 Volume 5 Issue 3 July-Sept 2016 Masjid Baitul Nasir, Columbus, Ohio

Transcript of Masjid Baitul Nasir, Columbus, Ohio - Waqfe... Volume 5 Issue 3

July-Sept 2016

Masjid Baitul Nasir, Columbus, Ohio

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Nawa`e Waqfe Nau

Online Waqfe Nau Classes

Please send any information, comments, suggestions or articles regarding Waqfe Nau

To: [email protected]

In This Issue

Al-Quran 4

Hadith 5

Friday Sermon 6

Writings of the Promised Messiah (as) 8

Report — 2nd National Waqifat-e Nau Camp 9

10th Waqfe Nau Boys’ Jamia Orientation Camp 11

Waqfe Nau Programs at Jalsa Salana USA 2016 12

Waqifat Matters 16

Detroit Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema Report 17

Atlanta Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema Report 18

Northwest Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema Report 19

Upcoming Events 20

Ameer Jama`at

USA Sahibzada Mirza

Maghfoor Ahmad

Na’ib Ameer & Missionary In-

Charge Maulana Azhar


National Secretary

Waqfe Nau Hafiz Samiullah


Chief Editor Imran Jattala

Editor Mansoor Ahmad

Copy Editor

Madiha Qureshi

A Quarterly Publication of National Waqfe Nau Department - USA

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 4


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Al-Hadith The High Concept of Obedience

in Islam

Narrated by Ibni “Umar, Allah be pleased with him:

I heard the Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings of

Allah be on him) say:

“It is binding on a Muslim to listen to and carry

out an order issued by his officers whether he

likes it or not, except when it involves the vio-

lation of a commandment of God or His

Prophet or of a superior officer.”


Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih VABA’s Friday Sermon Summary

On 1st July, 2016, Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīh V (May Allāh be

his Helper) delivered the Friday Sermon at Baitul Futūh

Mosque, London. After reciting verses 10 to 12 of Sūrah Al-

Jumu„a which are translated as follows: "O ye who believe!

when the call is made for Prayer on Friday, hasten to the

remembrance of Allāh, and leave off all business. That is

better for you, if you only knew. And when the Prayer is

finished, then disperse in the land and seek of Allāh's grace,

and remember Allāh much, that you may prosper. But

when they see some merchandise or some amusement,

they break up for it, and leave thee standing. Say, 'That

which is with Allāh is better than amusement and merchan-

dise, and Allāh is the Best Provider.'" (62:10-12) Huzoor

(May Allāh be his Helper) said: When God made fasting

obligatory, He also said that these are but a few days. Today

is the 25th day of fasting and the last Friday of Ramadān.

There are only four or five days left in Ramadān during

which we should try to make up for any shortcomings. May

Allāh overlook our faults, have mercy on us, and not de-

prive us of the blessings of Ramadān. Huzoor (May Allāh be

his Helper) said that people commonly refer to this last

Friday of Ramadān as Jumu„a-tul-Wida and think that all

prayers are accepted on this day and all prayers and wor-

ship that was missed in the past can be made up by attend-

ing this Jumu‟a. The Promised Messiah has guided us and

shown us the right path to the nearness of God. Once the

Promised Messiah was asked: “Some people offer four

rak„as of prayer on Jumu„a-tul-wida, which they call Qadai

Umri [or the prayer that makes up for a lifetime of missed

prayers]. Is such practice permissible?” The Promised Mes-

siah said that anyone who deliberately foregoes his prayer

Friday Sermon: Significance of Jumma Prayers

Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor AhmadABA, the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

on July 1, 2016

throughout the year, thinking that he will make up for them

through Qadai Umri, is a sinner. On the other hand it is per-

missible for one who repents sincerely and offers it with the

intention of never foregoing a prayer again. Huzoor (May

Allāh be his Helper) said that we offer Jumu„a-tul-wida and

say farewell to these blessed days with the intention and

prayer that we will welcome the next Ramadān with all our

abilities while remaining steadfast on the blessings that we

have reaped in this Ramadān; that we will keep reminding

ourselves of all the things that we have learned in Ramadān

and always keep them alive; and that our steps will never

stop trying to attain God‟s nearness. It is Allāh‟s blessing

upon us that, as a sign of His love, he blessed every seventh

day, which is Friday, with these same blessings. The Holy

Prophet says that there comes a moment on Friday in which

any prayer a believer makes is accepted. Every virtue leads to

God. The five prayers redeem for the faults committed by us

from one Jumu„a to the next and from one Ramadān to the

next. Today each of us should make a pledge that this

Jumu„a and this Ramadān should make us mindful of safe-

guarding our prayers and offering the Jumu„a prayer, and

that all the virtues we have acquired in this Ramadan we will

strive to extend them until the next Ramadān. Huzoor (May

Allāh be his Helper) said that every Jumu„ah has its own

importance even outside Ramadān. The Holy Qur‟ān com-

mands us to leave all our work for the prayer on Friday, and

to disperse in the land after the prayer is finished and seek

Allāh‟s grace. Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said that

Allāh has blessed us with the gift of MTA which we should

utilize to listen to the Khalīfa‟s sermons. Missionaries should

select extracts from the Khalīfa‟s sermon and read them to

their audience in their own sermons. Huzoor (May Allāh be

his Helper) said that the day of Friday has a special affinity

with the age of the Promised Messiah . Allāh has also at-

tached special importance to the Friday sermon. He com-

mands that if you have work to do, you should do it before

and after the Jumu„a prayer. Huzoor (May Allāh be his

Helper) said that these days businesses have taken on an

international dimension and keeps people more busy. Games

and other such activities have also become globalised and can

make one unmindful of the time. But in all these events you

must be mindful of the Jumu„a prayer. A believer‟s priority

should be to seek Allāh‟s pleasure, hence it is impossible to

think that he would forego the Jumu„a for the sake his busi-

ness. If you safeguard your Jumu„a, it will bring you greater

worldly blessings. Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said

according to a Hadīth the first one to come to the mosque

for Jumu„a is given a divine reward equivalent to the sacrific-

ing of a camel, and this diminishes with each one that comes

after. On the day of judgment people will be seated in God‟s

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Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih VABA’s Friday Sermon Summary Continued...

court in accordance with their attendance of Friday prayers.

The Holy Prophet is reported to have said that on Friday

you should try to sit close to the Imām. One who keeps

back from the Jumu„a keeps back from paradise. The Holy

Prophet says that God seals the heart of a person who

misses three consecutive Jumu„as deliberately. This is a

warning for those who consider the Jumu„a to be some-

thing trivial. However, some have been granted exemption

from attending the Jumu„a, such as slaves, women, children,

the sick, etc. Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said that

the stress laid on Jumu„a prayer is greater than that on Eid.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) spoke about the efforts

made by the Promised Messiah in the time of the British

Government for Friday to be declared a holiday. Huzoor

(May Allāh be his Helper) said that our every word and

deed should be a manifestation of the truth of Islām. The

way to drink from the fountain of Islām is through fulfilling

two obligations: our obligation to God and our obligation to

His creatures. Today each and every one of us should

promise to fulfil our pledge of Bai‟at and to make the bless-

ings of Ramadān an abiding part of our lives. May Allāh en-

able us to do so. Āmīn .

On 26th August, 2016, Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīh V (May

Allāh be his Helper) delivered the Friday Sermon at Baitul

Futūh Mosque, London. Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper)

said: On the second day of Jalsa Sālāna, Allāh’s blessings

are recounted and facts and figures are presented with

regard to the work of various departments and the pro-

gress of the Jamā‘at. Along with these numbers, I also re-

count some related incidents. It is however not possible to

relate all the numbers or all the narratives at length.

Tahrīk Jadīd has started producing this data in the form of

a book every year. Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said:

I recount these narratives on various occasions, and I will

cite some of them today. Huzoor (May Allāh be his

Helper) said: These examples show us how Allāh is mani-

festing the truth of Ahmadiyyat to people living in so many

different countries. People are drawn through dreams,

through books, through the attitudes of our opponents,

and through the exemplary character of Ahmadīs. Some of

these narratives reveal the extraordinary faith demon-

strated by Ahmadīs living in far off places. Huzoor (May

Allāh be his Helper) said: Children can be transformed

through training and by living in the company of Ahmadīs, and this is something that impresses other people as well.

As a Jamā‘at we try to spread the message in an organised

way, but Allāh blesses us with much greater results. Every

Page 7

Friday Sermon: Khilafat Ahmadiyyat Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor AhmadABA,

the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

on August 26, 2016

Ahmadī realizes that the Jamā‘at is progressing not

through its resources but through the grace of God. Hu-

zoor (May Allāh be his Helper) recounted incidents of

acceptance of Islām by pious and good-natured people.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said: Distributing leaf-

lets are only the means, Allāh has prepared people’s

hearts beforehand. Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said:

Allāh has caused a new wind to blow and people are turn-

ing towards us. Allāh is causing a positive thinking to

spread and idolaters are believing in the oneness of God.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) cited the example of a

Jamā‘at in Tanzania who, despite being poor, collected

money to send their representative to the Shūrā. Huzoor

(May Allāh be his Helper) also cited several heartwarming

incidents relating to the building of mosques. Once a per-

son lost his child soon after pledging the Bai’at, and the

idolaters said that it was an ill omen, but he said that he

believed with full sincerity that God alone has the power

to grant wealth and children. Huzoor (May Allāh be his

Helper) cited several incidents where people were di-

rected towards the truth through dreams. Huzoor (May

Allāh be his Helper) said: See how Allāh is opening peo-

ple’s hearts in far flung areas of Africa as well as in Europe.

After watching MTA, a man in France recited the Prom-

ised Messiah’s prayers and was blessed with progeny, and

he has now joined the Jamā‘at. One mu‘allim in Sierra

Leone started teaching Ahmadī and non-Ahmadī children,

upon which the father of one child was much impressed

and thanked him for his services. Huzoor (May Allāh be

his Helper) said: All Ahmadī parents, Jamā‘ats, missionar-

ies, and mu‘allimin should remember that they need to pay

special attention to the teaching and training of children.

On the one hand we have the great responsibility of train-

ing our next generation, and on the other hand children

help to open new avenues for spreading our message. Re-

ferring to one incident Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper)

said that we should be considerate of our neighbours as

we have been commanded. Huzoor (May Allāh be his

Helper) said: As the opponents are growing in opposition,

so is Allāh creating the means to silence them and the

number of new converts to Ahmadiyyat is also increasing.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) spoke about the evil

end of an unfortunate man and the sincerity of his chil-

dren. Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said that the in-

stances of Allāh’s blessings are countless, may Allāh en-

able us always to partake of these blessings. May Allāh

grant us steadfastness and strengthen us in our faith.


(Hameedullah) Wakīl A‘lā, Tahrīk Jadīd Anjuman Ahmadi-

yya Pakistan,

Dated: 31 August 2016

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

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Writings of the Promised Messiah (as)

The Holy Quran

The Holy Quran is a miracle the like of which

never has and never will be. The age of its bless-

ings and bounties is everlasting. It remains as

manifest and radiant in any other period as it

was in the period of the Holy Prophet of Islam,

peace be upon him. It should also be kept in

mind that the speech of man is directly propor-

tional to the vastness of his resolve, aptitude

and determination. The greater his aptitude and

determination. The greater his aptitude and de-

termination and motivation, the more exquisite

will be the quality of his speech. The same is the

case of revelations from God. The loftier the ap-

titude of the recipient of revelation, the more

sublime will be the quality of the word of God.

In proportion to the vastness of his resolve, ap-

titude and determination, the revelation be-

stowed upon him was of the highest order,

hence none can ever be born to equal him in

this regard.

(Malfoozat Vol. 3, p. 57)

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By the Grace of Allah Ta’ālā Wāqifāt-e Nau Desk under the guidance of Waqf-e-Nau Department USA and National Sadr Lajna Ima’illah USA was able to hold the 2nd National Wāqifāt-e Nau Camp. The camp was held from Friday, July 15 – Friday, July 22, 2016 at Masjid Al-Nasr, in Wil-lingboro, NJ.

The aim of the Camp was to give the girls the opportunity to learn their Waqf-e-Nau Syllabus in a focused atmosphere and also the chance to bond together. There were 50 Waqifat at the event from the following majaalis representing 7 regions: LA East, Baltimore, Washington DC, Sliver Spring, Virginia South, York/Harrisburg, Long Island, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Hartford, New Jer-sey Central, New Jersey North, Willingboro, Philadelphia, Chicago Southwest and Chicago North-west.

Preparation: The camp preparation started in December of 2015 and the venue of the camp was decided with Waqf-e-Nau Department. National Sadr Lajna Ima’illa - USA, Saliha Malik officially introduced the event at the Lajna Mentoring Conference in March, 2016 and the National Muavin Sadr - in-charge Wāqifāt-e Nau USA, Mabroor Jattala started the camp planning.

The core team was put together which included program coordinator, Namoode Saher (Houston South), Lesson Plan coordinator, sister Salima Malik, sister Amna Ahmad (Sadr Lajna Brooklyn) and team of teachers, sister Uzma Waqar, Tahseen Malik, Shoukat Syed, Amtul Jamil, Imrana Malik, Nudrat Qureshi, Rabia Hammad and for handicrafts/cooking: Amtul Rafeeq Refo,Tayyaba Daud.

Online registration portal was initiated to register the camp attendees. Under the guidance of Waqf-e Nau Department and National Sadr Lajna Ima’illa - USA, National Muavina Sadr - Wāqifāt admin-istered the preparation of Lesson Plans, the Camp Rules, Travel Guidelines and initiated an invita-tion letter to all the Majalis in the USA. National Assistant Secretaries of Waqf-e-Nau Department helped in selection of books for the gifts, souvenir and preparation of certificates.

Highlights of the Camp included:

Opening with Friday Sermon by National Missionary in-charge USA, Imam Azhar Haneef Sahib

Syllabus review in 3 classes (age 12-15, age 16-20, age 21-27) focused on Holy Qur’an, Salat, Hadith, Prayers, History of Islam, History of Ahmadiyyat, Attributes of Al-lah, Qaseedah and Urdu Class

Handicraft activity / Cooking class / Fitness activity

Social hour to discuss life, social media, peer pressure, self-image, purdah, marriage

Outing to Philadelphia to National Constitution Center, Liberty Bell Exhibition, Independ-

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ence Hall, Philadelphia mosque site where the structure is currently under construction.

Health Seminar, conducted by National Secretary Sihat-e-Jismani, Dr.Tahira Khalid Sa-hiba

Workshop on Nature vs. Nurture – Role in Character Building, presented by National Honorary Member, Dr. Shanaz Butt Sahiba

Detailed Commentary of Surah Al-Fajr, presented by Mid Northeast Regional Sadr, Nyyr-rah Mirza Sahiba

Presentations on: The Exemplary Lives of Great Ahmadi Muslim Women - Hazrat Amma Jan (may Allah be pleased with her), Hazrat Sayyida Ummi Nasir and Hazrat Sayyida Ummi Tahir - Mabroor Jattala Sahiba, Namoode Saher Sahiba and Uzma Waqar Sahiba

Sacrifice of Time by Ahmadi Women, presented by Qanta Zafar Sahiba

Detailed Commentary of Surah Bani Isra’il, presented by Amna Ahmad Sahiba

Wrote letters to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba)

Reading Our Teaching

Presentations by Waqifat-e Nau:

Friday Sermons of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh)

on 4/3/87 (Central South and Northeast Regions)

Purdah – Strength of a Waqifa (Central North, Central South, Mid Northeast and Upstate Northeast Regions)

Friday Sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) on 1/18/13 on Reviving the Spirit of Waqf-e-Nau (Southwest Region)

MY ID - Islam Ahmadiyat and I am a Waqifa (Group Presentation)

Closing Address by Sadr Lajna: National Sadr Lajna Imaillah, Saliha Malik Sahiba, participated in the final day program and gave the closing comments. She emphasized on the blessings of sacrifice taken from the writings of the Promised Messiah (as), namely this dedication is a means of comfort and lasting pleasure and makes a person alert, it attaches your heart to Allah and it bestows free-dom from worries and sorrows. She held a spontaneous Quiz on the Lajna Flag, which gave won-derful examples of sacrifice for Allah. Sadr Sahiba greeted all the girls, teachers and volunteers in the awards ceremony. The session concluded with Du‘ā followed by Salatul-Jum‘ah.

Alhamdolilla hi Rabbil Aalamin

Acknowledgments: Sincere thanks for their wholehearted interest and cooperation to:

National Secretary Waqfe Nau, Respected Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhary Sahib and his team

National Sadr Lajna Ima'illah - USA, Respected Saliha Malik Sahiba

Host Jama'at President, Dr. Farooq Padder Sa-hib and Local Lajna Sadr, Amtul Wadood Sahiba.

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Waqfe Nau Boys’ Jamia Orientation Camp

By the sheer Grace of God, yet again another Jamia Orientation Camp was held successfully in Baitul Hadi Mosque in Central Jersey Jama`at. The camp was held from July 22nd to the 28th and a group of Jamia students conducted the camp as teachers, mentors, friends, and older brothers.

The goal of the camp was to enlighten the participants of the daily life of a Jamia student and to establish a bond with each other. Students of the camp would begin the day with Fajr Prayers at 5:00 AM, followed by announcements for the day and recitation of the Holy Quran. Afterwards, the students were given time to rest and get ready for Breakfast at 8:00 AM. Right after roll call, classes would start at 9:00 AM with subjects including, Translation of the Holy Quran, Stories of the Holy Quran, Islamic Law, Hadith, History of Islam. There would be a break in between class time for snacks and classes would start again. At 1:00 PM, Zuhr prayer would start, following this would be lunch with different items on the menu including biryani, chicken curry, spaghetti, BBQ just to name a few. After Lunch, the students used this time to rest and catch up on work for the day until Asr Prayer. Sports started afterwards in which groups competed against each other in basketball, ultimate freebie, and other sports. At 7:30 PM, dinner would be served fol-lowed by Maghreb prayer. After prayer, cleaning duties would be assigned to the groups until Isha prayers which was at 9:30 PM. Promptly after Isha prayer, there were different sessions that were held including, Question and Answer session with the Jamia students and team build-ing activities. The students would then prepare for bed because lights were turned off at 11:00 PM.

This year the students really insisted on a very exciting day at Six Flags, and for this the stu-dents were willing to do more and have extra classes. So, we held extra classes before Zuhr prayers and after Zuhr prayers. This was probably the first time at these camps, in which the students were ready to have double classes.

All in all, by the Grace of Allah, the Jamia Orientation Camp was a huge success. All the stu-dents in the camp as well as the teaching team consisting of students from Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada worked very hard. The local organizers, and volunteers were also very cooperative and supportive. May Allah accept the efforts put forth by all those who were a part of the camp and bless the mission to spread the message of the Promised Messiah (AS) to the corners of the earth. Ameen

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Waqfe Nau Programs at Jalsa Salana USA 2016

Waqfe Nau Boys Class

Waqf-e-Nau Boys Class was held Friday July 29, 2015 at Men’s Jalsa Gah. The class attendance

was more than 225 Waqfeen and parents. National Secretary Waqfe Nau, Hafiz Samiullah Sahib

presided the program.

The class began with recitation of the Holy Quran by Zubair Abaidullah, Philadelphia who recited Ch

41 Ha Mim Al-Sajdah Verses 34-36. The Urdu translation of the verse was by Danyal Zakaria, Chi-

cago West. Hisham Ahmad, Central Jersey presented the Hadith then, Masroor Ahmad, York/

Harrisburg presented Urdu translation. Next, a Nazm “HUMDO SANA USIKO” was presented by

Ahmad Salam, Silver Spring and English translation presented by Sabahuddin Ahmad, Milwaukee.

After this, the speech in English on The Promised Messiah (As) And Preaching Of Islam was pre-

sented by Sajeel Khan, Baltimore. Also, Arabic Qaseedah In Praise Of The Holy Prophetsaw


panion presented by Yasir Ahmad Khan- York/Harrisburg and English translation by Fozaan Ahmad

of LA Inland Jama’at

Urdu Speech “Blessed Way Of Preaching Islam By Holy Prophetsaw”

by Munib Ahmed, Willingboro.

Another English speech was presented “Tabligh and Revival Of Islam” Khalid Hussain –

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Jamia Ahmadiyya Tests and Interviews Testing for Jamia applicants were held on Friday at General Meeting Room 1 by Mahmood Ahmad Sahib under the super vision by principal Jamia Canada Hadi Ali Sahib. On Saturday, Jamia Ahmadiyya admission interviews were conducted at 2:00pm by Jamia selection board at General Meeting room 2.

Waqf-e-Nau Boys Rededication Waqfe Nau Boys rededication workshop was held at 6:30pm on Saturday at General Meeting Room 2 presided by National Secretary Waqfe Nau, Hafiz Samiullah Sahib.

Pittsburgh. Next, Welcome address was given by National Secretary Waqfe Nau-USA, Hafiz

Samiullah Chaudhry Sahib.

After this, plaques were given to Waqfeen who had completed the first recitation of the Holy Quran

since last Jalsa -2015. The program concluded with final remarks By Respected Amir Sahib- Sa-

hibzada Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad Sahib. Chocolates and WN bags were given to all the Waqfeen

by Respected Amir Sahib- Sahibzada Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad Sahib followed by Dua.

Cont’d — Waqfe Nau Boys Class

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Waqifat-e Nau Special Events at Jalsa Salana USA 2016 By the grace of Allah Ta’ala Waqifat section under the guidance of Waqfe Nau Department’s Event Desk worked diligently to arrange Waqfe Nau Booth, Waqifat Class and Special Rededication Work-shop for Waqifat at Jalsa Salana USA. Special announcements were published in Lajna Jalsa Bulle-tin and frequent reminders were sent out to inform the membership via emails. Waqfe Nau program information was distributed also via social media e.g., Twitter (@WaqfeNauUSA) that likely has con-tributed well because we experienced extra ordinary attendance in Waqfe Nau Class and extra traf-fic at our Waqfe Nau Booth. Alhamdullilah

The events highlights are as follow:

Waqfe Nau Booth

General information and career counseling desk:

This year again the Waqfe Nau Depart-ment had arranged a Waqfe Nau Booth at Ladies Jalsa Gah to provide general infor-mation to attendees and a special Desk to provide Career Counseling / guidance to Waqifat. A large number of Jalsa at-tendees, Waqifat and their mothers and siblings visited the booth. Waqifat up-dated their contact information at the booth. The older Waqifat were trained to guide the visitors regarding Waqfe Nau

Waqfe Nau Boys Stall By the grace of Allah once again Waqfe Nau department setup the booth in both men and ladies sides. The booths were ready on Thursday July28, 2016 for inspection by Ameer Sahib USA. The booth was up and running all 3 days of Jalsa. At the stall, the Waqfeen contact information was also being updated by filling out the forms. There was also new form for those Waqfeen and families recently moved to live in the USA on a perma-nent basis has to fill out form called “Waqfe Nau country transfer form”. Waqfe Nau Secretaries’ Meeting was held on Saturday July 30, 2016 at 8:00 PM at Waqfe Nau Stall at Men’s Jalsa Gah

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Syllabus, Classes/Tests etc. Every visitor at the booth was offered a small gift from a selection provided by Waqfe Nau department which included Waqfe Nau fridge-door magnets, crayons, and small notebooks.

Waqifat-e Nau program

Waqifat USA were blessed to have another special Waqifat program on the occasion of Jalsa Salana USA. The Program was organized by National Muavina Sadr in-charge of Waqifat-e-Nau, Mabroor Jattala Sahiba. National Sadr Lajna, Saliha Malik Sahiba, presided over the event. Waqfeen-e Nau girls of all ages, their mothers, siblings and Local Muavinat Sadr for Waqifat were invited to attend. There were 265 participants, which included about 65 mothers and siblings. The key highlights included:

Speech - Waqifat's passion for service to Jama’at

Speech - Our gratitude towards our parents

Interactive Presentation - Waqifat's role to promote True Sisterhood

My First Umrah Experience and Visit to Holy Sites

Respected Sadr Lajna Imā'illah concluded the program highlighting the significance of the Waqfe Nau scheme and how this work helps Waqfe Nau children to be good role models for other Ahmadi children. She highlighted the significance of Sisterhood, Modesty and Purdah. Sadr Sahiba

.handed out the beautiful handbag with Waqfe Nau logo and chocolates to all Waqifat

Waqifat-e Nau Rededication Workshop:

The Waqf-e-Nau Department organized a separate rededication workshop for all Waqifat-e-Nau girls above the age of 14, which was conducted by National Muavina Sadr in charge of Waqifat-e-Nau, Mabroor Jattala Sahiba, and attended by 53 members, including 39 Waqifat. Waqifat Muav-ina Sadr Sahiba gave an interactive presentation on rededication, the three steps that complete the Waqf process. Many Waqifat shared their experiences of being a Waqifa and gave inspiration to those who had not yet rededicated themselves.

The older Waqifat, Amara Mahmood, Bariah Ahmad, Kurat Abaidullah, Aysha Basit Khan, Maryam Zakria along with Namoode Seher Rehman Sahiba, assisted for these events.

Special opportunities for Waqifat @ Jalsa USA

Ladies Session: It was a great honor for Waqifat-e Nau USA that two of the Waqifat were as-signed parts in Jalsa Salana program; one for a Nazam and the other for the Holy Quran transla-tion.

VIP Tabligh Dinner: This year eight Waqifat helped to serve dinner for ladies dignitaries at VIP Tabligh Dinner. Alhamdullillah!

Cont’d — Waqifat-e Nau Special Events at Jalsa Salana USA 2016

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Waqifat Matters Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema’at

Maryland/ Virginia:

On September 10th, 2016, the Virginia/ Maryland combined regional ijtema was held at Masjid Bait-us-Samad in Baltimore, Maryland. Mashallah there were 43 Waqifat in attendance from the follow-ing majaalis: Baltimore, Laurel, Silver Spring, Central Virginia, North Virginia, and South Virginia.

All waqifat took part in competitions, their hard work showed through their determination to take part in as many competitions as they could. The total attendance was well over a hundred, includ-ing the waqifat, mothers, siblings, and guests.


Competitions: Holy Qur'an memorization, Prayers with meaning, Hadith with translation, Attrib-utes of Allah/ Salat, Religious Knowledge, Poems/ Qaseedah.

An inspiring message to all waqfeen-e Nau from National Secretary Waqfe Nau, Respected Hafiz Samilullah Chaudhary Sahib about the importance of fulfilling the waqf.

Northwest Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema:

September 17, 2016: The Northwest Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema was held at Baitul Baseer Mosque in San Jose, CA. There were 13 Waqifat from two Majaalis, Bay Point and Silicon Valley who attended the event and participated in the competitions and program with great zeal. The total attendance was 31, which included Waqifat, mothers, siblings and guests.

Highlights of the program included: Competitions: Holy Qur’an, Hadith, Poem/Qaseedah, Prayers, Attributes of Allah, Salat and Religious Knowledge.

Southwest Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema:

September 18, 2016: National Muavin Sadr In-charge Waqifat-e Nau USA, Mabroor Jattala Sa-hiba, presided over the Southwest Regional Ijtema for Waqifat-e Nau and addressed the Waqifat and their mothers in the concluding remarks. 35 Waqifat and 27 mothers and their sisters attended the Ijtema from the majaalis of LA East, LA Inland Empire, LA Riverside and LA West. All the Waqifat according to their age groups participated in competitions. .

Highlights of the program included:

Competitions: Holy Qur'an, Hadith, Attributes of Allah, Poems/ Qaseedah, and Prayers.

An informative presentation prepared by Waqifat who attended the 2nd

National Waqifat Camp in Willingboro, NJ. They shared their experience and found the event to be spiri-tually uplifting.

Muavina Waqifat of the Regions were actively involved with their Waqifat preparation. Attendance and participation from the Waqifat side has improved from the previous year. Alhamdolillah!

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Alhamdolillah with help and blessings of Allah TAala we had successful regional Waqfe Nau Ijtima on July 9

th 2016 at beautiful Fazl-e-Umar Mosque in Dayton Ohio.

We were very fortunate to have Pervaiz Khan Sahab representing National Secretary Waqfe Nau, USA, Abdul Qudoos Shahid Sahib President Dayton Jamaat, Dr. Mansoor Qureshi Sahab, presi-dent Detroit Jamaat and Mirza Mahmood Ahmed Sahib, secretary Waqfe Nau Dayton.

This region includes Detroit, Dayton, Cleveland, Columbus, Indiana and Pittsburgh Jamaats. 31 Waqfeen attended the event, along with parents and volunteers total attendance was 60; Alham-dolillah.

Program started at 10:30am with Tilawat and Nazam. Regional secretary welcomed and thanked all participant waqfeen, parents and volunteers. Pervaiz Khan sahib delivered opening address, he urged waqfeen and parents to use resources made available by Waqfe Nau department.

There were presentations from waqfeen. Waqfa’at presented at ladies side, conducted by sister Fauzia Bukhari, president Lajna Detroit, sister Bushra Sahiba president Lajna Dayton and Amtul Mateen sahiba. Waqfeen did very informative power point presentations on topics “Waqfe Nau Scheme” & “US Waqfe Nau visit to Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada”.

After presentations there was group photo, Lunch and Namaz break. In Final Session Abdul Qu-

doos Shahid Sahib President Dayton Jamaat and Dr. Mansoor Qureshi, president Detroit Jamā’at,

led interactive discussions. Pervaiz Khan Sahib distributed awards and gifts to waqifeen and deliv-

ered his concluding address and requested Mirz Mahmood Ahmed Sahib to lead Dua at 2:45pm.

Mahmood Qureshi, Regional Secretary Waqfe Nau

Detroit Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema Report

July 9, 2016

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Atlanta Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema Report

July 9 2016

By the grace of Allah Almighty, Ijtema was a very successful event. We had a five member Waqfe Nau team along with 12 judges who worked very hard to make this event successful. Please remember our team in your prayers. Our local president Jamat, Sadar Lajna and WN parents appreciated and praised the organization and set up of the Ijtema. (Alhumdulillah) We especially thanks Mansoor Ahmad Sahib who provided guidance, training and support prior to and during the Ijtema for online scoring and grading system. Everything went very well even though we were concerned about the bandwidth issues in our mosque as disruption happened previously in Ansar Regional Ijtema. Allhamdulliah everything went very well and smooth with our Ijtema. Ijtema total attendance: 71 Waqfe Nau children attendance: 39 Waqfe Nau Parents: 17 Arif Mahmmod Ahmad

Regional Secretary Waqfe Nau

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At 11:15 AM we started with recitation of the Holy Quran and Poem. After welcoming audience, a senior Waqfe nau, Rashid Waraich spoke on his experience with Waqf. He is a computer profes-sional with PhD in Civil Engineering. He recently moved here from Switzerland. After that, we started with competitions. As usual 6 stations/judges were set up to test each Waqfe Nau child. New online system for scoring was deployed, which partially worked. We’ll train our personnel and hoping to get a good hang of it next time around. At 1:15 PM we broke for lunch and Salatul Zuhr. Immediately after Salat, we gathered for a group photo. Another senior Waqf, Mohsin Amjd shared his experience, being involved in professional work and maintaining his Waqfe status at the same time. Several Waqfeen under five years presented and recited various prayers and verses. At 3PM final session was started with recitation of the Holy Quran and few verses from Qaseedah. It was attended by Mujeeb Ijaz sahib, vice president, Silicon Valley Jamaat. Prizes were awarded to the winners of competitions and at the end, Mujeeb Ijaz sahib spoke to the waqfeen. After this our National secretary Waqfe Nau, Hafiz Samiullah sahib addressed the Waqfeen via skype and led us with silent prayers. Total attendance was as follows: Men: Waqfeen 11

Adults/Parents 8

Women: Waqfat 13

Lajna 14

Grand Total 46 Arif Mahmmod Ahmad, Regional Secretary Waqfe Nau

Northwest Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema Report

September 17 2016

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All Regional and Local Waqfe Nau Secretaries

We are looking for extra talented Waqfe Nau and their extra curricular ac-tivities or educational achievements. Please send us the picture of the Waqfe Nau with the details of his/her achievement at [email protected].


Please encourage Waqifeene Nau & Waqifaate Nau to submit content for this newsletter.

Editor’s Note

“Love For All Hatred For None”

Waqfe Nau USA Upcoming National and Regional Events



Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

1. Update Waqfe Nau Tajneed with care & extreme responsibility.

2. Rededication for age 15 and above with the help of Parents, President Sa-hib & Murrabi Sahib. For Waqifaat with the help of Lajna.

3. Gauging the progress of syllabus learning and online testing

Sat. October 15 Regional WN Ijtimā’ at Milwaukee, WI Wisconsin Region

Sat. October 15 Regional WN Ijtimā’ at Chicago, IL Chicago Region

Sat. November 5 Regional WN Ijtimā’ at Philadelphia, PA PA-NJ Region

Sat. November 19 Regional WN Ijtimā’ at Masjid Mubarak, VA VA, DC, MD

Sat. December 10 Regional WN Ijtimā’ at Houston, TX Texas Region

Sat. December 24 WN Program at West Coast Jalsa Salana West Coast