Marvel Film Chronology

Marvel Film Chronology 965 AD – The frost giants of Jotunheim attempt to conquer Midgard/Earth. Their invasion point in Norway becomes the site of an epic battle as Asgard’s ruler Odin leads an army to repeal the invasion and protect the planet. Odin and his force push the frost giants back to Jotunheim where the AllFather discovers an abandoned frost giant infant, whom he adopts, names Loki and raises as his own alongside his own son Thor. A truce is negotiated between Odin and the frost giant king Laufey. 400-500s AD – Odin leaves the Tesseract on Earth. 1832 – James Howlett is born. 1845 – James Howlett’s father is murdered by Thomas Logan. Howlett discovers his mutant powers and kills Logan, only to learn that Logan is his true father and Logan’s son, Victor Creed, is Howlett’s half-brother. 1861-1975 – James Howlett fights in the American Civil War, World War I, World War II, and the Vietnam War with his brother Victor Creed. 1918 July 4 – Steve Rogers is born to a young couple in the Hell’s Kitchen section of New York City. His father dies of injuries from being mustard gassed during World War One, leaving his mother to raise the boy. 1924 June – Steve Roger’s mother dies of tuberculosis. Young Steve is placed in an Eighth Avenue orphanage. 1930 Sept. – A teenage Steve Rogers meets James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes and the pair quickly become best friends. 1934 – Howard Stark and Abram Erskine briefly meet at an engineering conference in Geneva. February – Johann Schmidt meets the newly appointed German Chancellor Adolph Hitler at the Deutsches Operhaus in Berlin where he tries to convince Hitler of his theory that the Norse myths may actually be true. Hitler is intrigued, but Ernest Kaufmann, head of the Nazi Special Weapons Division (the SA), sees Schmidt as a potential rival and threatens him to not approach Hitler again with his theories. One of Hitler’s inner circle members, Heinrich Himmler, sees some value in what Schmidt has to offer and befriends him. June 30 – The beginning of the three-day “Night of the Long Knives” during which Hitler and the Nazi Party purged Germany of many political enemies including the SA. Himmler allows Schmidt to personally kill Kaufmann. July 1 – Schmidt takes control of the SA’s Weapons Testing Ground at Kummersdorf, an estate near Luckenwalde, south of Berlin, crushing the armed resistance from SA members loyal to Kaufmann. Possessing no strong political convictions but a strong sense of self-preservation, scientist Armin Zola pledges to work for Schmidt. Schmidt stops Zola’s development of an armored


This a streamlined version of FilmBuff's Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline.

Transcript of Marvel Film Chronology

Page 1: Marvel Film Chronology

Marvel Film Chronology

965 AD – The frost giants of Jotunheim attempt to conquer Midgard/Earth. Their invasion point in Norway becomes

the site of an epic battle as Asgard’s ruler Odin leads an army to repeal the invasion and protect the planet. Odin and

his force push the frost giants back to Jotunheim where the AllFather discovers an abandoned frost giant infant,

whom he adopts, names Loki and raises as his own alongside his own son Thor. A truce is negotiated between Odin

and the frost giant king Laufey.

400-500s AD – Odin leaves the Tesseract on Earth.

1832 – James Howlett is born.

1845 – James Howlett’s father is murdered by Thomas Logan. Howlett discovers his mutant powers and kills Logan,

only to learn that Logan is his true father and Logan’s son, Victor Creed, is Howlett’s half-brother.

1861-1975 – James Howlett fights in the American Civil War, World War I, World War II, and the Vietnam War with

his brother Victor Creed.


July 4 – Steve Rogers is born to a young couple in the Hell’s Kitchen section of New York City. His father

dies of injuries from being mustard gassed during World War One, leaving his mother to raise the boy.


June – Steve Roger’s mother dies of tuberculosis. Young Steve is placed in an Eighth Avenue orphanage.


Sept. – A teenage Steve Rogers meets James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes and the pair quickly become best


1934 – Howard Stark and Abram Erskine briefly meet at an engineering conference in Geneva.

February – Johann Schmidt meets the newly appointed German Chancellor Adolph Hitler at the Deutsches

Operhaus in Berlin where he tries to convince Hitler of his theory that the Norse myths may actually be true.

Hitler is intrigued, but Ernest Kaufmann, head of the Nazi Special Weapons Division (the SA), sees Schmidt

as a potential rival and threatens him to not approach Hitler again with his theories. One of Hitler’s inner

circle members, Heinrich Himmler, sees some value in what Schmidt has to offer and befriends him.

June 30 – The beginning of the three-day “Night of the Long Knives” during which Hitler and the Nazi Party

purged Germany of many political enemies including the SA. Himmler allows Schmidt to personally kill


July 1 – Schmidt takes control of the SA’s Weapons Testing Ground at Kummersdorf, an estate near

Luckenwalde, south of Berlin, crushing the armed resistance from SA members loyal to Kaufmann.

Possessing no strong political convictions but a strong sense of self-preservation, scientist Armin Zola

pledges to work for Schmidt. Schmidt stops Zola’s development of an armored exoskeleton battle suit and

redirects the scientist’s energies towards biological enhancement.


September 14 – Spurred by rumors that Hitler was to announce draconian anti-Semitic laws, including the

revocation of German citizenship for Jews, at the Nazi Party’s annual rally in Nuremberg the next day,

biochemist Abraham Erskine attempts to flee Germany with his family. They are stopped at the Swiss

boarder by Schmidt who wants Erskine’s work on ways to increase molecular density of cellular fibers

through synthetic proteins. In order to ensure Erskine’s cooperation, Schmidt has Erskine’s wife Greta and

his children Klaus and Marlene sent to the Dachau concentration camp. Zola is allowed to resume his work

on exo-skeleton battle suits and various high-tech weaponry.

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April 26 – The Bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. While the Nazis were assisting the forces

of Generalissimo Franco, HYDRA uses the battle to test a prototype tank and exo-skeleton battle suit


February – Howard Stark demonstrates a prototype vibranium shield at famed Hollywood restaurant Ciro’s

to an assemblage of high ranking military guests. Stark is approached by Col. Chester Phillips of Army

Intelligence, who shows him film footage of HYDRA’s weapons testing at the Bombing of Guernica. Phillips

extends to Stark an invitation to join the Strategic Science Reserve (SSR), authorized by President Franklin

Delano Roosevelt, who specifically asked for Stark to be recruited. At first, Stark declines but changes his

mind after an encounter with a HYDRA assassination team.

November – Schmidt tests Erskine’s formula on himself. The formula reacts with Schmidt on a base level,

twisting and discoloring his face into a skull-like, red visage. Two days later, Erskine escapes his captivity

with the help of the British Secret Intelligence known only as Agent 13. He is informed that his family had

died in a typhoid epidemic that swept through the Dachau concentration camp in 1937 and that Schmidt had

deliberately withheld that information from him in order to continue to manipulate him. Erskine is recruited by

Howard Stark into the SSR.


December 7 – The Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor kills thousands of US naval personnel and

plunges the country into the conflict that has been slowly sweeping across the globe. Steve Rogers and

Bucky Barnes learn of the attack on Pearl Harbor from a radio report while attending an art class in Times

Square. Steve wants to enlist into the armed forces immediately, but Barnes states that the rail thin and

sickly Steve would never pass the physical. Barnes spends the next two and a half weeks helping Steve get

into better physical condition through boxing training, weight lifting and running.

December 24 – Barnes’ training of Steve fails to pay off as he is still classified by Army doctors as “4-F,”

Unfit for Service, when he tries to enlist. Barnes is accepted into the Army and the two men part. Steve will

make four more attempts to enlist over the next 18 months.


March – Schmidt traces the location of the Tesseract to Tonsberg, Norway and retrieves it, killing its

guardian in the process.

1943 -- Erik Lehnsherr is imprisoned by the Nazis in Poland, and discovers his powers. Sebastian Shaw kills

Lehnsherr's mother. Charles Xavier meets and befriends Raven Darkholme.

June 14 (Flag Day) – Steve Rogers makes his fifth attempt at enlisting, this time at a Paramus, NJ recruiting

station. He is again rejected as 4F status. Later in the day he is reunited with Bucky Barnes, now a sergeant

who has been assigned to the 107th Infantry, the same unit that Rogers’s father had fought in during World

War One. That evening, the pair head out to the World Exposition in Flushing Meadows, NY. Expositions

there include Dr. Phineas Horton’s Synthetic Man and Howard Stark demonstrating his flying car prototype

which utilizes “gravitic reversion technology.” Steve makes another attempt at enlisting and meets Dr.

Erskine of the Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR), who sees Steve’s potential as a candidate for the Super

Soldier experiment and certifies Steve 1A, fit for military duty.

June 15 – Rogers arrives at Camp Lehigh, New York along with a number of other potential candidates for

the SSR’s Super Soldier experiment. Over a period of a week, Col. Phillips and Peggy Carter of the SSR put

the candidates through a series of physical tests. Meanwhile, Schmidt and Zola perfect a way to transfer the

energy contained in the Tesseract to batteries to power the number of various weapons designed by Zola.

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 June 21 – Following a week of evaluation, Erskine picks Rogers as the subject for the Super Soldier

experiment based on his strength of character, knowing that the serum will react to that character. Phillips is

not impressed with the choice.

June 22 – Steve Rogers undergoes Erskine’s Super Soldier treatment, which leads to a transformation that

increased his strength and stamina to the peak of human physical ability. Heinz Kruger, an assassin sent by

Schmidt, infiltrates the secret SSR laboratory in Brooklyn where the experiment is being held and kills

Erskine. Kruger escapes but is captured by Rogers who is unable to stop Kruger from killing himself rather

than be interrogated. Schmidt separates HYDRA from Third Reich control.

June 23 – New York newspapers carry story of Rogers’s pursuit of Kruger through Brooklyn, but only

identify him as a “Mystery Man.” Rather than risk their only super soldier in combat, the military instead uses

Rogers as a public relations tool, having him appear around the country at War Bond rallies and in comic

books and a Saturday matinee serial. Wherever he makes an appearance, war bond sales spike.

Meanwhile, President Roosevelt orders the SSR to concentrate its efforts on combating HYDRA.

Nov 2 - The 107th Division goes up against some of Schmidt’s new weapons and sustains heavy casualties.

Nov 3 – Rogers’ War Bond show has been turned into a USO Tour show and sent overseas, where it is met

with derision from soldiers who have actually been through months of grueling combat. When Steve finds

out about the casualties sustained by the 107th, he plans an impulsive rescue mission and is aided by

Carter and Stark. Flying behind enemy lines into Austria, Steve parachutes near one of HYDRA’s bases,

sneaks in and frees 400 captured Allied troops including Barnes, Timothy “Dum Dum” Dugan, Gabe Jones,

Jim Morita, James Montgomery Falsworth, and Jacques Dernier, all of whom will go on to form the core

members of the Howling Commandos.

Nov 4 – Rogers leads the freed soldiers back with numerous captured examples of HYDRA weapons

technology. Howard Stark designs and builds several prototypes of a gadget-laden new shield for Captain

America, but Rogers instead takes a simple circular one made out of the world’s only known sample of


1944-1945 -- Over the majority of the remainder of the war, Steve leads the Howling Commandos on several raids,

taking out numerous HYDRA bases.

1945 -- During a daring raid to capture HYDRA scientist Armin Zola, Bucky Barnes falls off a fast moving Alpine

railroad car to his apparent death. Zola is captured in the raid and under interrogation informs the Allies that Schmidt

is preparing to a plan to attack major US cities. Rogers, the Howling Commandos and the Army attack HYDRA’s last

remaining base in the Alps. Schmidt escapes in his large flying wing, but Rogers manages to make it on board as

well. After a fight, Schmidt is consumed by the power of the Tesseract. Unable to safely land the flying wing with its

explosive cargo, Rogers sacrifices his life by crashing the aircraft into the Arctic Ocean. Unexpectedly, the frozen

climate interacted with the Super Soldier serum in his blood and placed Rogers in suspended animation.

May 8 – V-E Day. As victory in Europe is celebrated, the Howling Commandos gather for a somber drink to

remember their fallen comrade, Captain Steve Rogers.

Post-World War Two -- Howard Stark continues his work with the SSR and over time it restructures into what is now

known as the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division (SHIELD). While searching for

Rogers and the crashed HYDRA plane, Stark discovers the Tesseract on the floor of the Arctic Ocean. Work

continued to replicate Erskine’s Super Soldier formula in what was now known as the Weapons Plus program. One

serum developed by a Dr. Reinstein is cryogenically preserved when the program is ultimately discontinued.

1949 – Erik Lehnsherr moves to America.

1954 – Stark World Exposition

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1962 – After graduating from Oxford, Charles Xavier meets Erik Lehnsherr, forms the X-Men, defeats Sebastian

Shaw’s attempt to start World War III, is paralyzed, and parts ways with Lehnsherr.

1963 – Anton Vanko defects to the US and begins work with Howard Stark in developing ARC Reactor technology.

1964 – Stark Expo held in conjunction with the World’s Fair at Flushing Meadows, Queens, NY.

1967 – Stark has Anton Vanko deported as a spy. Vanko returns to Soviet Union but is sent to exile in Siberia for two

decades. Presumably he is able to return to Moscow following Premier Gorbachev’s call for democratization in

January 1987.


December 18 – Bruce Banner born


May 10 – Tony Stark born

1974 – Last Stark Expo until 2010. Howard Stark hides secret to perfecting ARC reactor in layout of the Expo for

Tony to find.

1975 – Tony Stark Builds his first circuit board. Victor Creed and James Howlett are “executed” by a firing squad in

Vietnam after Victor attempts to rape local women, but they both survive due to their regenerative powers. They join

Major William Stryker’s Team X after being put into military custody.

1977 – Tony Stark builds his first engine.

1979 – James Howlett leaves Team X due to their questionable actions and disregard for human life.

1980 – Professor Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr visit teenage mutant Jean Grey to discuss her joining Xavier’s

school for mutants.

1985 – James Howlett’s wife, Kayla Silverfox, is murdered by Victor Creed. Howlett, now calling himself Logan,

allows William Stryker to give him adamantium implants in order to defeat Victor Creed. Later, Logan battle members

of Team X, meets Remy "Gambit" LeBeau, and discovers Stryker’s laboratory on Three Mile Island. Logan defeats

Victor Creed and Weapon XI, dubbed “The Deadpool”. He also rescues several imprisoned mutants, including Scott

Summers, who are later sheltered and trained by Professor Charles Xavier. Stryker shoots Logan with adamantium

bullets, giving him amnesia. Logan leaves and becomes a drifting amnesiac with dog tags marked “Wolverine”.

1988 – Tony Stark graduates MIT at age 17 at top of class.

1988 – 1991 -Bruce Banner meets Betty Ross while undergrads at Harvard. They begin dating and at one point

volunteer for an experiment involving hallucinogenics.

1990 – Warren Worthington III attempts to remove the wings that are a result of his mutation, but is discovered by his



December 16 – Howard and Maria Stark die in car accident on Long Island.

1992 – Tony Stark inherits Stark Industries becoming, at age 21, the youngest CEO of a Fortune 500 company. In

addition to the company’s numerous military contracts, Stark Industries also does pioneering work in medical

technology and in combating world hunger with their Intelli-Crops program. In the process he becomes somewhat of

a media celebrity.

1995 – Peter Benjamin Parker is born in New York City.

1999 –Richard and Mary Parker leave Peter with Richard’s brother, Ben, and his wife, May Reilly. They leave Peter

and are killed in a plane crash.

2000 – X-Men, X2

2001 – X-Men: The Last Stand

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September -- Spurred by the assault on the World Trade Center, mutant terrorist groups begin launching

attacks all over the world. The Brotherhood of Mutants, led by a secretly re-powered Magneto, attacks

various cities around the world until captured by the X-Men. After the outcry against the deaths inadvertently

caused during the battle, the X-Men are opposed by hysterical anti-mutants and the Xavier Institute’s

student body diminishes.

October – A de-powered Rogue returns to school as a normal human and is joined by her boyfriend, Bobby

Drake. Piotr Rasputin, joined by Kitty Pryde, returns home to help his family in Russia. Logan follows a lead

on Weapon X, leaving Ororo Munroe to run the school and re-form the X-Men on her own.

November – Logan encounters Wade Wilson, reborn after his death as Deadpool.

December 25 – Christmas Day: A re-powered Raven Darkholme, disguised as Remy LeBeau, joins the X-

Men, hoping to use them for her revenge against Magneto.

2002 – 2006 –General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross convinces military to revive the Bio Tech Force Enhancement

Project, aka the “Super Soldier” program, as a subprogram of the Infantry Weapons Development Program. Dr. Bruce

Banner joins the group at Culver University in Willowdale, VA in southwestern Virginia working on way to strengthen

cellular resistance to radiation, possibly at the insistence of girlfriend Dr. Elizabeth “Betty” Ross, daughter of General

Ross. Ross lies to the scientists on the project, informing them that their work will help protect soldiers from depleted



January 5 – Dr. Bolivar Trask, backed by the US military and SHIELD, announces the launch of his new

program, the Sentinel Initiative, beginning the construction of giant humanoid robots designed to track down

mutant terrorists all over the world.

February – Logan finds Scott Summers wandering as an amnesiac drifter in Canada. They are both

telepathically led to Professor Xavier’s new body. Meanwhile, the new team of X-Men, led by Munroe,

attempts to stop a mutant terrorist attack on Buckingham Palace, rescuing the Queen but failing to capture

the group’s leader. The new X-Men gain little credibility from the incident but are bolstered by the news of

Summers’ and Xavier’s survival. Dr. Trask releases his first Sentinel, capturing three suspected mutant


March – Logan, Summers, and Xavier (whose new body is bed-ridden) rejoin the X-Men and gather

together to protect an innocent mutant cell from a Mark I Sentinel. Logan discovers Darkholme’s ruse, but

she escapes after killing one of the new mutants. Magneto reveals his power and begins recruiting followers

again. Piotr Rasputin, Kitty Pryde, Bobby Drake, and a re-powered Rogue come back to the X-Men.

April – Trask Industries releases several Mark II and III Sentinels to capture members of Magneto’s

Brotherhood of Mutants across the East Coast. Magneto reprograms the Sentinels to kill all humans in

America and traps Logan under a building. Summers rescues him, but Magneto escapes to witness his

conquest in Washington, D.C. The X-Men fight off the Sentinels while Hank McCoy and Kurt Wagner invade

Trask’s headquarters and shut down all but one of the Sentinels. The final Sentinel, Master Mold, is

defeated by the X-Men. Summers knocks off Magneto’s helmet and Xavier mentally forces Magneto to

seemingly kill himself. Afterwards, Xavier reveals to his X-Men that he is harboring and rehabilitating



August -- The X-Men are joined by the real Remy LeBeau. Rogue is attracted to him, which creates a rivalry

between Remy and Bobby.


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March – Magneto escapes the X-Men’s custody and gathers his Brotherhood followers.

July – Magneto launches one final attack on mankind but is interrupted by Apocalypse’s invasion. X-Men

and the Brotherhood unite to defeat Apocalypse, but Magneto attempts to use the invader’s advanced

technology to wipe out all humans. He is defeated by the X-Men and killed by Summers. His death, coupled

with the demonstration of mutant heroism, triggers a worldwide pro-mutant movement, and following a flurry

of pro-mutant laws and legislation, the X-Men disband because they have become obsolete. Xavier,

Munroe, Summers, and Logan remain at Xavier’s Institute to train mutants in the use of their powers.


Unspecified Thursday in January – Under the threat of funding cuts, Banner volunteers to test the process

on himself, resulting in the accident that turns him into Hulk. Gamma pulse combined with the serum that

Betty was developing triggers mutation. Later, gamma pulses somehow stored in Banner’s brain’s amygdale

and released during high stress moments will trigger mutation. Betty is injured and hospitalized. Ross admits

to Banner that the project is being developed as weapon, not just defense. Banner goes on the run. In the

wake of the accident, the military closes the entire lab building for a year and shuts down the entire Bio Tech

Force Enhancement project. General Ross secretly holds onto some material, Dr. Betty Ross also secretly

holds onto project data, remaining at Culver University as a professor of cellular biology. Betty ceases

speaking with her father, angry at his treatment of Banner.

February 7 – Banner tries to contact Betty one last time, but the email is intercepted by the military. She

never receives it. At some point during his run from the military, Banner travels through the Dakotas,

possibly on his way towards the Arctic.

May 27-28 – Banner spotted via satellite recon photo in Canada and Hulk sighted by locals who mistake him

for a “green Sasquatch.” The military loses Banner, who eventually arrives in the Arctic Circle to commit

suicide in a place where his body would not be found. The attempt fails.

October 21 – Last sighting of Banner for at least five months

2007 – 2010

At some point, the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistic Division (SHIELD) is brought in to help

Ross and his task force recover Banner. Ross requisitions some high tech weaponry he knows will be required to

bring Banner/Hulk down. Stark Industries sells them Jeep-mounted sonic cannons. Banner wanders the world

avoiding population centers, eventually heading to South America.


May – Following the successful demonstration of the new Jericho missile weapons system outside of Kabul,

Afghanistan, the military convoy escorting Stark is attacked by the Ten Rings terrorist group under the

leadership of Raza, who were working at least in part on the part of Obadiah Stane. Stark is wounded by

Stark Industries-manufactured weapons and is captured. During his three months of capture, Stark is forced

to build version of Jericho for the Ten Rings terrorist group. He instead builds an armored, exo-skeleton

battle suit (Iron Man armor, MK I) and uses it to escape. Following his being found by the US military, Stark

is taken to Germany where he is checked out by Army doctors and then subjected to debriefings from the

CIA, NSA and others.

Late August – Upon his return to the US, Stark buys cheeseburgers and then pulls Stark International out

of the weapons business, terminating all contracts with the military. SI stock prices tumble nearly 60 percent.

Hammer Industries maneuvers itself to pick up many new contracts.

September – Stark continues to develop a more refined version of the armor he used to escape from the

Ten Rings. Stane uses Stark’s change of heart concerning what business he is in as leverage for a takeover

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attempt. Besides boardroom maneuvering, Stane develops his own high tech battle armor using the remains

of the MK I armor recovered by his Ten Rings confederates.

October 17 – Unspecified Hulk incident; Soon after, Banner heads into the Rio De Janeiro favela known as

Rochina, to find a way to clandestinely contact Dr. Samuel Sterns, professor in Cellular Biology Department

at NYC’s Grayburn College on the Upper East Side, for help in developing a cure. They communicate using

codenames of “Mr. Blue” and “Mr. Green.” Sterns is noted for his work with trimethadiones, used in the

treatment of epileptic conditions. Acting on a suggestion from Mr. Blue/Sterns, Banner starts to research

AmazoniaTracheophytes (plants that have lignified tissues for conducting water, minerals, and

photosynthetic products through the plant) for a lead on a cure. Banner also studies calming techniques at a

nearby temple, gets a job at a soda bottling plant as a handyman and begins teaching himself Portuguese.

October 20 – At a benefit for the Firefighters Family Fund Stark is told by journalist, and former one-night

fling, Christine that Stark weaponry has been used by the Ten Rings in Gulmira, Afghanistan. When Stark

confronts Stane over this, Stane reveals that he is behind the attempt to remove Stark as head of the


October 21 – Stark tests his Mk III armor by driving Raza’s Ten Rings group out of the Afghan village of


October 24 – Under Stark’s direction, Pepper Potts uncovers proof of Stane’s collaboration with the Ten

Rings. Stane and Stark eventually come to blows in their respective armors. Stane is killed. The conflict is

seen by the public and the press names the mysterious hero “Iron Man.”

October 25 – At a press conference, Stark rejects SHIELD’s constructed alibi for the events of the previous

evening and admits to the world that he is Iron Man. That evening, SHIELD director Nick Fury approaches

Stark about a project called the “Avengers Initiative.” Stark declines. Fury calls in Black Widow to keep an

eye on Stark. Anton Vanko dies in poverty in Moscow. His son Ivan vows revenge on Stark. He begins

building his own portable ARC reactor to power an energized whip/body harness.

December 16– Iron Man named Time magazine’s Person of the Year, narrowly beating out Ben Bernanke,

chairman of the Federal Reserve.

2010 -- As Tony Stark continues to operate as Iron Man, he manages to bring about a period of relative peace and is

credited by some press as having stabilized East-West relations. Stark realizes that the Palladium core of Stark’s

ARC reactor is slowly poisoning him. He begins searching for a cure but keeps his condition a secret.

March 25 – 158 Days since last “incident” – Banner has accident that leaves drop of blood in soda. Also, he

sends sample of blood to Sterns who will conduct further experiments with it outside of the analysis that

Banner needs.

April 22 – Stark Expo 2010 opens with plans to run for one year.

April 23 – Stark appears before the Senate Armed Services Committee’s Weaponized Suit Defense

Program Hearings chaired by Pennsylvania Senator Stern. Stern pushes Stark to turn the Iron Man suit and

technology over to the military but Stark refuses. Stern calls Justin Hammer, CEO of Hammer Industries and

Lt. Rhodes to testify against Stark. Stark testifies that although other countries, including North Korea and

Iran are working to replicate the technology, they are years away from being able to do so. He also reveals

that Hammer Industries have also had their share of lack-of-success, leading to the cancellation of Hammer

Industries’ contacts with the Department of Defense.

April 24 – C-SPAN footage of Stark’s testimony from the previous day becomes overnight sensation with a

YouTube posting of it managing nearly 1.9 million views in less than 24 hours. Hammer Industries stocks

plummet while Stark Industries stocks jump to a 52 week high. Perhaps spurred by concerns that the

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palladium poisoning he is suffering has reached 24% toxicity, Stark appoints Potts Chairman and CEO of

Stark Industries. An agent of the Ten Rings supplies Vanko assistance in infiltrating the Monaco Grand Prix.

April 25 – General Ross’s task force raids Rochina in search of Banner under the field command of Emil

Blonski. Banner transforms into Hulk, defeats the raiding party and escapes.

April 27 – Banner wakes up in Guatemala. Over the next 17 days, he will make his way through Chiapas,

Mexico to Willowdale, VA and Culver University to see if any data still remains from his original experiment.

April 29 – Stark signs paperwork to transfer power to Potts and meets “Natalie Rushman”, unaware that she

is SHIELD agent Natasha Romanoff. Stark hires her as his new personal assistant.

May 2 – Stark arrives at the Historic Grand Prix of Monaco and in a moment of spontaneity quips “What’s

the point of having a car if you don’t drive it,” and replaces Team Stark’s regular driver DiFilipo in Race G.

Ivan Vanko attacks Stark along the section of the Circuit de Monaco between turns 16 and 17. Switching

into a portable, lightweight Iron Man armor (Mark V), Stark defeats Vanko. Later that evening, Stark visits

Vanko in prison before flying back to the US with Potts.

May 3 – Senator Stern appears on several news channels to spin support for the military seizing the Iron

Man armor technology.

May 5 – Hammer orchestrates Vanko’s escape from prison to have him work on Hammer Industries’ own

weapons suit program.

May 6 – Media speculation continues about Stark’s fitness to continue as Iron Man. Rhodes tries to

convince Stark to hand over the Iron Man technology to the US military, but Stark continues to refuse.

May 7 – Hammer and Vanko arrive at the Hammer Industries facility in Queens, NY. Vanko begins

revamping Hammer’s own battle suit prototypes into unmanned, remote-controlled drones.

May 10 – Romanoff reports to SHIELD on Stark’s condition. Within several hours, SHIELD scientists work

up a possible antidote from lithium that would at least slow the advancement of Stark’s palladium poisoning.

SHIELD scientists also first detect strange electromagnetic disturbances over New Mexico, the same ones

that Jane Foster has already discovered and is observing. SHIELD agent Sitwell surreptitiously facilitates

Banner’s crossing over the Mexico/US boarder. Depressed over his inability to solve his palladium poisoning

dilemma, Stark gets drunk, leading to a confrontation with Rhodes, who dons the Mark II Iron Man armor.

The ensuing fight wrecks a portion of Stark’s Malibu home. Rhodes leaves with the Mk II suit.

May 11 – Rhodes delivers the Mk II suit to the military at Edwards Air Force Base. Stark goes for donuts and

has a conversation with SHIELD director Nick Fury who injects him with the lithium compound developed by

SHIELD scientists. Fury mentions a situation in the southwest but confines Stark to house arrest. At

Hammer Industries, Vanko continues revamping the battle suits in to unmanned, remote-controlled drones.

Physicist Jane Foster, working in the small town of Puente Antiguo, New Mexico, contacts her mentor Dr.

Erik Selvig about a series of electromagnetic flares which are causing gravitational lensing, which could

result in the creation of possible Einstein-Rosen Bridge (wormhole) in the nearby desert. Her message is

intercepted by SHIELD. Selvig heads to New Mexico to help Foster with her work. The Mk II suit is turned

over to Justin Hammer for weapons upgrading on the order of General Meade, though not before Rhodes

secretly removes the suit’s ARC reactor. Tony visits Potts at Stark Industries and makes an intuitive

breakthrough on how to fix his palladium/ARC reactor problem through the creation of a new element

theorized by his father and hidden in the layout of Stark Expo.

May 12 – In the midst of Thor’s coronation ceremony on Asgard, Odin senses a break-in in one of the

palace treasure rooms. The intruders are dealt with by the Destroyer, although since they were frost giants

attempting to steal back the Casket of Ancient Winters, Thor impulsively sees the attempted theft as an act

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of war. Stark builds a small cyclotron to create the element his father had left clues about. Banner arrives at

Culver University and spies Betty. He goes to old friend and pizzeria owner Stanley to hide out and is

offered the Pizza Shop’s upstairs spare bedroom. Nick Fury reassigns Agent Coulson from his detail with

Tony Stark to investigate the New Mexico atmospheric disturbances. Coulson leaves in the early afternoon

from California for New Mexico.

o 7:00 pm – Hammer’s Stark Expo presentation is hijacked by Vanko, who uses drones to attack the

crowd. After receiving a call from Vanko, Stark skips over tests on the new ARC reactor element in

order to race across the country and stop Vanko. Iron Man defeat Vanko’s drones with help from

Rhodes in the modified Mk II armor, SHIELD Agent Romanoff (codename Black Widow) and

Stark’s driver and bodyguard, Happy Hogan. Vanko is apparently killed in explosion that destroys

the Oracle Pavilion. Hammer is arrested for his part in engineering Vanko’s escape. While

Romanoff is in Hammer Industries’ Brooklyn facility she hacks the company’s mainframe, steals

what development files she can, and then destroys the building. At a SHIELD outpost on the

outskirts of Roswell, New Mexico, Coulson marshals a taskforce heading for Puente Antiguo. Thor,

Loki, Sif and the Warriors Three head to Jotunheim to confront King Laufey of the frost giants over

the incursion into Asgard. A battle breaks out but Odin’s arrival puts a quick end to it. Angered that

Thor’s impulsiveness has nearly started a war between Asgard and the frost giants, Odin strips him

of his power and enchants his hammer Mjolnir to only be able to be lifted by someone worthy

enough to wield it. He then exiles Thor to Earth to learn to temper his feelings. Jane Foster detects

another possible Einstein-Rosen Bridge (wormhole) in the nearby desert. Racing to the site with

her mentor Dr. Selvig and her assistant Darcy, they discover Thor. Thor is tasered by Darcy and

taken to a local hospital.

May 13 – While driving overnight to Puente Antiguo in advance of the SHIELD taskforce, Coulson stops at a

24-hour Roxxon mini-mart and foils an armed robbery attempt. Director Fury orders SHIELD Agent Clint

Barton off of his vacation and to Puente Antiguo to support Coulson. A Punete Antiguo local discovers

Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, in a crater about 50 miles east of town. Unable to lift it, he calls several other people

to give it a try. Coulson arrives in New Mexico. SHIELD quickly quarantines the area and erects a portable

laboratory over the site to study the hammer. Jane helps Thor escape from the hospital where he is being

held. That evening they head towards the site of the SHIELD installation erected around Mjolnir. Thor is

captured trying to sneak in. In Asgard, Loki discovers his true heritage as a frost giant. Odin collapses into

one of his periodic mystical comas known as the Odinsleep. Meanwhile, Sif and the Warriors Three begin to

suspect that they were being manipulated by Loki, who appears before Thor at the SHIELD installation and

lies to him that Odin is dead. In the evening, Dr. Selvig goes to the installation and manages to convince

Coulson to release Thor into his custody. Later in the evening, Thor explains the concept of the Nine Worlds

to Jane. Banner poses as a pizza delivery man to get access to Culver University’s computer labs and

research database. He decides to leave that evening but as he prepares to leave Stanley’s he is accidentally

seen by Betty. She has him stay the night at the home she shares with new lover Dr. Leonard Sampson.

Sampson informs the military of Banner’s whereabouts. Meanwhile, Blonski receives an unauthorized “low

dose” injection of Super Soldier Serum from General Ross. Concerned over what lengths General Ross will

go to apprehend Banner, Fury orders Agent Romanoff to Virginia and Culver University to follow and

observe Banner.

May 14 – The Warriors Three and Sif head to Midgard to find Thor. Loki sends the Destroyer after them. At

Culver University, Betty walks Banner to bus station in the early morning. As they are crossing the campus,

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they are attacked by the military and Betty becomes aware of the true extent of Banner’s condition. Blonski

seems to adapt well to Super Soldier upgrade, but still gets beaten by a transformed Banner, getting nearly

every bone in his body pulverized. Banner/Hulk escapes the military with an unconscious Betty to a cave

deep in the Smokey Mountains. News of the battle cannot be contained and quickly spreads across cable

news channels and the internet. Culver University journalism student and campus newspaper reporter Jack

McGee, who witnessed and captured the fight on cell phone video, names the transformed Banner “the

Hulk” in an interview with WHIH news. His remarks will be played repeatedly over the next several days.

Meanwhile, Stark has a debrief with SHIELD Director Fury. Stark is offered an advisory position with the

Avengers Initiative on one condition. SHIELD continues to monitor the Hulk incident, and the situation in

Puente Antiguo, New Mexico, as well as several other hot spots in North America and Europe. Thor and his

fellow Asgardians fight the Destroyer. During the battle, Thor proves himself worthy of his godly heritage and

his powers are restored, allowing him to turn back the Destroyer. Thor, Sif and the Warriors Three head

back to Asgard where Thor reveals Loki’s plan to seize the throne of Asgard. Unfortunately, in the ensuing

battle between the two, Thor is forced to destroy the Bifrost to prevent Loki from destroying Jotunheim and

committing genocide against the frost giants. This action strands him in Asgard, unable to return to

Midgard/Earth. Loki falls into space. Barton and Coulson recover the remains of the Destroyer and transport

it back to the SHIELD installation at Roswell. Banner and Betty hide out in a small town motel, as news of

the previous day’s battle continues to spread. Within 36 to 40 hours of his injuries, Blonski has recovered.

May 15 – Ross has a meeting with his taskforce staff. SHIELD helps with the search by adding the recently

discovered “Mr. Blue” and “Mr. Green” code names to their email searches and quickly detect

communication between Banner and Sterns. Banner and Betty plan their trip to New York and their meeting

with Sterns. Betty pawns her mother’s necklace to finance purchase of beat-up pickup truck, which they

drive to NYC.

May 16– Banner and Betty arrive in NYC, bypassing roadblocks at the Holland Tunnel by bribing a boat

owner to take them across the Hudson River, leaving them in lower Manhattan. They head uptown to meet

with Sterns. Sterns and Banner try an experimental process to cure him, though it only succeeds in

reversing the transformation, not ridding Banner of it completely. The military captures Banner, but Blonsky

forces Sterns to inject him with blood products Sterns had developed from Banner’s blood sample. Blonsky

is driven insane and mutates into the Abomination. Sterns is infected with Banner’s blood through an open

wound, possibly gaining his own mutation. Banner convinces Ross to let him try and stop Blonsky. The two

fight in Harlem, with the Hulk finally defeating Blonski before being allowed by Ross to flee. Romanoff, who

has followed Banner and Betty to New York City, discovers Stearns undergoing a mutation of his cerebral

cortex in the ruins of his Grayburn College laboratory. He is taken into custody to be studied by SHIELD.

May 17 – Given the events of the past week, the World Security Council reverses its funding decision for

SHIELD and increases the organization’s budget in order to expand their research on the Tesseract and to

further fund the Avengers Initiative. The WSC insists that Blonski be made a part of the Avengers Initiative.

A few days later, impressed with his work on Einstein-Rosen bridges and other cutting edge theoretical

physics, Nick Fury approaches Dr. Selvig to join SHIELD in an advisory capacity to study a powerful cube-

like object in their possession. Fury is unaware that Selvig is under the control of Loki. Troubled by the idea

of Blonski on the Avengers team, Coulson and Sitwell conspire to send Tony Stark to discuss the prospect

with General Ross. The following day, Tony Stark arrives in NYC and approaches Ross about “putting a

team together.” However, Stark’s flippant attitude so enrages Ross that he refuses to release Blonski from

Army custody to SHIELD.

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July 16 – Banner has settled in a cabin deep in the woods of Bella Coola, British Columbia. He apparently is

gaining control over the Hulk. SHIELD interferes with General Ross’s task force’s attempts to discover

Banner’s whereabouts.


April – As Banner crosses over the border into India from Pakistan, he encounters a group of bandits.

Transforming into the Hulk, he stops them from harming a local village.

May – Steve Rogers is found cryogenically preserved in the crashed HYDRA airship in the arctic by two

snowmobilers who are part of a Russian oil expedition. SHIELD dispatches a recovery team and brings

Rogers back to their Manhattan base. Meanwhile, SHIELD scientists discover a way to channel Tesseract

energy through the remains of the Asgardian Destroyer. Fury assigns Barton to security at Project

PEGASUS and shares his concerns that Dr. Selvig has been reportedly acting a bit oddly of late. Natasha

Romanoff is on a deep cover assignment in Asia. At some point, Rogers is revived and told that he has been

in suspended animation for nearly seven decades. He remains hidden from public view while he struggles to

assimilate into modern life and overcome the loneliness of being a man out of time.


May 1 – Loki is given a scepter-like device from a mysterious cloaked entity known as the Other, who grants

Loki the use of the Chitauri, a war-mongering alien race, to help him subjugate Earth in exchange for

retrieving the Tesseract. Loki uses the small amount of dark energy that the scepter possesses to remotely

activate the Tesseract and teleport to Earth, arriving inside Project: PEGASUS. He steals the Tesseract,

ensnaring a small handful of SHIELD agents in his mental control including Dr. Selvig and Clint Barton. The

SHIELD base is destroyed during the escape but Coulson and Fury manages to save material that is part of

Phase Two of their Tesseract research. Fury reactivates the Avengers Initiative. Coulson contacts Agent

Romanoff in Russia and instructs her to cut short her current mission in order to retrieve Banner and bring

him to SHIELD. She finishes her interrogation of Georgi Luchkov and heads to India.

May 2- Romanov meets Banner in Calcutta, India and recruits him to help in the search for the Tesseract.

Fury gives Rogers his orders to report to the Helicarrier the next morning. That evening, Tony Stark brings a

miniaturized ARC reactor online to power the newly opened Stark Tower in midtown Manhattan, built on the

location of the former Pan Am building. Agent Coulson calls on Stark with Selvig’s research on the

Tesseract and requests that Stark review it.

May 3 – Black Widow arrives on the SHIELD Helicarrier with Banner while Coulson arrives with Captain

America. Banner begins a search for the gamma radiation signature put off by the Tesseract. Intelligence

points to Loki being in Stuttgart, Germany. Rogers and Romanoff head to Stuttgart where they engage Loki.

Stark arrives in his Iron Man armor and helps capture Loki. But Loki’s appearance in Germany is a diversion

in order for Hawkeye to steal iridium needed by Dr. Selvig to build a device for Loki. While transporting Loki

back to the SHIELD Helicarrier, the group is intercepted by Thor, who wishes to take Loki back to Asgard to

persuade Loki from his plan to attack the Earth. A brief skirmish between Stark and Thor ensues but is

ended by Rogers.

May 4 – Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor return to the Helicarrier with Loki. Fury places Loki in a cage

originally made to hold Banner. In separate investigations, Banner, Stark, and Rogers discover that

SHIELD’s “Phase Two” is a plan to create Tesseract-powered weapons similar to the ones HYDRA used in

World War Two as defense against any alien threats. Loki is able to subtly influence the group, playing up

their mistrust of each other in an effort to keep them fractured and unable to form a cohesive defense when

his army invades. When tensions hit their highest, a squad of SHIELD soldiers and Barton, all still under the

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influence of Loki, attack the Helicarrier. While Stark and Rogers race to repair one of the Helicarrier’s

damaged turbines, Banner loses control of the Hulk, who rampages through the Helicarrier before leaping at

one of the ship’s escort fighters and falling. Romanoff manages to free Barton from Loki’s influence through

a sharp blow to the head. Loki escapes, apparently killing Coulson in the process. Fury uses Coulson’s

death to nudge the heroes into acting as a group. Meanwhile, Selvig is able to finish the Tesseract-powered

device which opens a portal to allow Loki’s army to pass through. In a fierce battle in and over midtown

Manhattan, the Avengers – Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Banner (in more

control of the Hulk than has been previously seen) – are able keep the Chitauri from establishing a

beachhead on Earth but are having trouble driving them back through the wormhole. Fury defies the orders

of the World Security Council to launch a nuclear strike on New York, but a SHIELD fighter pilot acts on that

order and launches the device. The nuclear missile is intercepted by Iron Man, who redirects it through the

wormhole to destroy the Chitauri’s command ship. (With Iron Man’s passage through the wormhole, he

becomes the first recorded human to travel beyond the confines of the Earth’s solar system.) The Chitauri

on the Earth side of the wormhole collapse as the worm hole is closed when Selvig and Black Widow

destroy the Tesseract-powered device. Afterwards, the Avengers go for shwarma while the Other reports to

his master, Thanos, that to attack the humans would be “to court death.”

May 6 – Thor takes Loki and the Tesseract back to Asgard. Banner accompanies Stark back to Stark Tower

where Potts is overseeing repairs. Fury defies the World Security Council’s orders to continue monitoring the

Avengers’ whereabouts.

July 3 – The Amazing Spider-Man (Final Battle Scene)