Marshall University


Transcript of Marshall University

Page 1: Marshall University
Page 2: Marshall University

T toent'II-Four

WILLIAM NELSON BEETHAM Regiatra,· Mount Union College, Ph.B. Columbia Univenity

ARTHUR TAYLOR BRAGONIER AsRociate Professor of Ph11sics West Virginia University, B.S., C.E. University of Michigan, M.S.

CARL GRAHAM CAMPBELL ProfeBsor of Chemistry University of Minnesota, A.B., A.M.,

M.P.I. George Peabody College for Teachers

FRANCES CORRIE BURGESS Profetts01· of Geogra11h11 Marshal] College University of Chicago, Ph.B. Columbia University, M.A.

DIXON CALLAHAN Associate Profenor of Physics Marshall College, A.B.

SENOR FRANCIS CASTILLOS Associate ProfesBor of Spaiiish

JESSIE F. CONNELL Assista.nt Professo1· of Conime1·ce Nebraska State Teachers College, A.B. University of Nebraska, A.M.

LA WREN CE CORBL Y Professor of Gen,ian West Virginia University, A.B., A.M. Universities of Halle, Berlin, and Jena.

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ELIZABETH COATS Associate Prof~Hor of Home Ee. University of Tennessee, B.S.

HANNAH MATHEWS CUNDIFF Aas,illtant of Music Thomas Normal Training School University of Wisconsin Columbia University

CHARLES EDWARD DERBYSHIRE A11sociate P)·ofessor of Spanish Marshall College West Virginia University, A.B. Columbia University


INEZ MAE DENT Training School Marshall College, A.B.

Assistant Profes11or of lll<ttkematics Marietta College, A.B. Columbia University


ST. ELMO FOX lnRfrttcto,· in Piano Marshall College Cornell University

Professor of PhilosnJ)hy Yale University, A.B. Columbia University, A.M. University of Chicago, Ph.D.

W. H. FRANKLIN Professo,· of English Allegheny College. A.B. Harvard University, A.M.


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FRANK ALBERT Gll,Bl!~RT P.,-oJ esso,• of Botm111

Massachusetts Agricultural College, B.S. Harvard University, A.M., Ph.D.

LILLIAN HACKNEY AlfBOciate Professor of .Mathematics

West Virginia University, A.B. Cornell University Columbia University University or Marburg, Germany University of Chicago

CHARLES E. HEDRICK Pi·ofessor of History Lebanon University, A.B. University of Chicago, A.M. George Peabody College, Ph.D.

ROY M. HAWLEY Athletic Dfrector

West Virginia University. A.H.

CLARENCE E. HA WORTH Professor of English Litemt,11·e, Vice-President

Colgate University, A.B., A.M. Ohio State University, M.D .


. MRS. C. E. HA WORTH 1"st1-ucto1· m Voice

Assisto.n.t Professor of Educt1tio11 Edinboro State School of Methods Inter-State School of Methods University of Pennsylvania

MILDRED E. MAcGEORGE Dfrector of Depa,rtment Studied piano three years in Berlin, Ger­

many, under Alberto Jonas, llnd Har-mony and Counterpoint under Hugo -J Kaun, Walter Meyrowitzi Carolyn A. ~ ­Alchin, University of Ca ifornia.

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RUTH M. MARLATT Secrefttry

Indiana University

LOUISE METCALF HOXIE Librarian Wellesley College, A.B. Simmons College, A.B.

HARRY EDWARD MUELLER Associate Professor of .llusic New England Conservatory of l\Iusie Harvard University

E. TURNER STUMP Profeisor of Speech Marshall College, A.B. University of Iowa

ANNA CUBBEDGE Training School Shorter College Marshall College

MARY HELEN STEELE ln.stnictor in Piano

NATHAN LEE WOLFARD Professor of Commerce

Smith College Turner College of Music Northampton

Valparaiso University, B.S. University of Wyoming, B.Ped. University of Denver, M.C.S.

ROY CLEO WOODS Associate ProfeBB01· of Education Penn College, A.B., M.S. University of Iowa, M.A., Ph.D.

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ISABELLA CHILTON WILSON Associate Professor of Home Ee. University of Illinois, A.B. Columbia University, A.M.

ZENITH WILSON Associate Professol' of Ai·t Marshall College, A.B.

--=~---------. WILLIAM I. UTTERBACK


Professor of Zoology

Wabash College, A.B. University of Missouri, A.M.

WILLIAM PAGE PITT Instructor in Journalism Muskingum College, A.B. West Virginia University Ohio State University

KATHERINE WEHLER Assista11t Professor of English Hood College, A.B. Columbia University, A.M. Johns Hopkins University

LUCY ELIZABETH PRICHARD Pro/essor of Latin Vassar College.t. A.B. University of lihieago Columbia University, A.M. American Academy of Rome