Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation

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  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    There are several issues with this transaction. The signature on the Purchase Affidavit(Attachment 4) does not belong to Mr. Isaacs. If you compare the signature of thisdocument with the signature of the warranty deed dated April 6, 2010 (Attachment 6)and a mortgage dated December 11, 2008 (Attachment 7) on his home located at33745 Hunters Pointe Rd., Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331-2723, you can clearly seethe signature on the affidavit does not match the Warranty Deed and the Mortgage fromhis Farmington Hills property. This would indicate that Andrew Collins committedperjury on the Purchase Affidavit by claiming that Marshall R. Isaacs, "subscribed andsworn before me this 24 day of March, 2010, by Marshall Isaacs, Attorney for TheFederal National Mortgage Association. " (Attachment 4)On January 28, 2011, during the course of litigation that was brought against Mr.Isaacs, his employer, Orlans Associates and BAC by the homeowner of the BenzieCounty property, Lynne Lucas (Lucas v. Orlans Associates, PC, Marshall Isaacs andBAC Home Loan Servicing, LP, Oakland County Circuit Court Case #10-113498-NO)(Attachment 8), an affidavit was filed with the court by BAC's attorney, DavidMichael (P68508) from Shanthi Premachandra, a Litigation Specialist from BAC'soffices in California (Attachment 9). Ms. Premachandra states that the ownership of theLucas mortgage was transferred to Fannie Mae from the originating lender,Countrywide Home Loans on April 25, 2005.This creates another issue with Mr. Isaacs' affidavit from March 24, 2010. If Fannie Maealready owned the mortgage for 4081 Scenic Highway that would indicate Mr. Isaacsfiled a fraudulent Sheriff's Deed and Purchase Affidavit with the Benzie County Registerof Deeds saying he was transferring ownership from BAC to Fannie Mae. As FannieMae's Michigan counsel, Mr. Isaacs should have been aware of Fannie Mae'sownership before he and/or his employer, Orlans Associates began foreclosureproceedings against Ms. Lucas in June of 2009.During the course of the investigation of this loan, my staff and I researched FannieMae's database several times to confirm both BAC's and Marshall Isaacs' claim thatFannie Mae did own this mortgage. On September 25, 2010 (6 days before the end ofMs. Lucas' redemption period) and on March 31, 2011, Fannie Mae's database wassearched and in both cases, Fannie Mae claimed they did own the mortgage at 4081Scenic Hwy (Attachment 10).Sincerely,

    Stephen J. Dibert, PresidentMFI-Miami, LLC


  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


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  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    . . - - . . . .

    STATE OF) ss.)

    On this day of J U N Z ~ Z 0 0 9 , 2009, before me appearedKIM5cAL'I'~N to me personally kaown, who being by me duly sworn, did each forher/himself say that they are respectively the 'mV le !AA~ l I5EN1 ' for Countrywide Home Loans,Inc and which executed the within instrument, and that the seal affixed to the said instrument is thecorporate seal of the corporation named in and which exec~~; ~ ~~.' o t a r y . . Public .

    'c-~-!;;4-~-~~~-f-J----;=;---"--- County lr en e S a lin aS. M y om mission Expires: .



    D rafte d b y and when recorded return to:Marshall R. IsaacsAttorney at LawOrlans Associates PCP.O. Box 5041Troy, MJ48007Orlans File No. 285.8962

    Recording Fee: $

  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    CORP :: Financial Services Division Licen .. ...

    " .e rmPE l !HJH lN$

    '." " ". : : ~ > Licensees

    ncial ServicesDivisi~~.Y~~~;~.~:~~~~2!:~~~,~~!t.Please note: IndividualMortgage Loan Originator (MLO) licenses issued through the Department of Corporationsmay not be verified using this licensee look-up. In order to verify if an indMdual has been issued an MLO license issueby the Department of Corporations, please continue your search at NMLS Consumer Access, which is a separatestand-alone website, that contains administrative and licensing information for companies, branches, and individualslicensed or registered through the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry (NMLS).To locate specific details about the various licensees of the California Real Estate and Financial Service Departmentsplease click he r e . The name must contain at least 2 lettersOnline EscrowThe following companies are licensed to provide online escrow services:

    www.escrow.comElance Escrow Corporation

    If you are checking on any company other than the ones listed above, you should click here for gorl,?um~ / \ leTt? and....._..._. .........~.__..,._,.._"information. Many alleged online escrow companies are falsely using names similar to ourlicensees in an effort to deceive consumers into believing they are licensed and regulated by the State of California.

    our search for ( Countl}'V'ide Home Loans 6032620) found the following ( 1) results:

    Lic. Status: No Longer Licensed as of3/5/2008

    Lic. Date: Jul011995

    Lic. Number: 6032620 Lic. Type: California Finance LenderName: COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC.... _. __.. _._ _. .... ' .c,_ .__....... ._._, .. _.__ .._,_~ .. _._ .._.._._,, ~_._._. ---_. .. ,,__ ..

    Address: 4500 PARK GRANADAi CALABASAS, CA 91302

    Ifyou are not happy with your results, please enter a license number or the name of the company you are looking forin the correct space below. The "No Longer Licensed" date is the date a record was removedfrom our active licenselisting. Any Order issued against a company will not be shown on this listing. Please call our Consumer Services;'1fic~ by calling 1-(866) 275-2677 for the actual date of surrender or reJ,OCation..aod~\I~itional informationregarding E ' n f o r c e r nen t ?cticin against a licensee. Attachment 2 ..Jdefaultasp?fla ...
  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    SEC Info SearchSECIflfo - CWMBS Inc, et al. - 424B5 - 0 ...

    My Interests Help User Info Steve DibertCWMBS Inc, et al.. 424B5 . On 2/3/06 . p. 82

    I 424BSI 82nd Page ox 267 ITOC, Just 1st' Just previous' Just Next' Bottom' Just 82ndcountrywide Servicing is an approved mortgage loan servicer for Fannie Mae,

    Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae, HUD and VA and is licensed to service mortgage loans ineach state where a license is required. Its loan servicing activities areguaranteed by Countrywide Financial and/or Countrywide Home Loans when requiredby the owner of the mortga-ge loans.COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS

    Countrywide Home Loans, Inc., a New York corporation ("COUNTRYWIDE HOMELOANS"), is the sponsor for the transaction and also a seller. Countrywide HomeLoans is a direct wholly owned subsidiary of Countrywide Financial Corporation,a Delaware co:rrporation ("COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL"). The principal executiveoffices of Countrywide Home Loans are located at 4500 Park Granada, Calabasas,California 91302. Countrywide Home Loans is engaged primarily in the mortgagebanking business, and as part of that business, o.riginates, purchases, sells andservi.ces mort-qaqe loans. Countrywide Home Loans originates mortgage loansthrough a retail branch system and th:rroughmortgage loan brokers andcorrespondents nationwide. Mortgage loans originated by Countrywide Home Loansare principally first-lien, fixed or adjustable rate mortgage loans secured bysingle-family residences.

    Countrywide Home Loans has historically sold substantially all the mortgageloans that it has originated and purchased, generally through securitizations.Countrywide Home Loans' does not always sell mortgage loans immediately afterorigination or acquisition, but may decide to sell ce:rrtainmortgage loans inlater periods as part of its overall management of interest rate risk.count Home Loans has been involved in the securitization of mortgage loanssince 1969 when it was approved as a Federal National Mortgage Assoca.atLonseller 1servicer. Countrywide Home !Loans revie,ws the structure of itssecuritizations and discusses the structure with the related underw-riters.

    Except as otherwise indicated, refe:rrencein the remainder of thisprospectus supplement to"COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS" should be read to includeCountrywide Home Loans and its consolidated subsidiaries, including CountrywideServicing. Countrywide Home Loans services substantially all of the mortgageloans it o.riginates or aequires. In addition, Countrywide Home Loans haspurchased in bulk the rights to service mortgage loans originated by otherlenders. Countrywide Home Loans has in the past and may in the future sell bankers and other institutions a portion of its portfolio of loanservicing rights. As of December 31, 2002, December 31, 2003, December 31, 2004and September 30, 2005, Countrywide Home Loans provided servicing for mortgageloans with an aggregate principal balance of approximately $452.405 billion,$644.855 billion, $838.322 billion and $1,047.623 billion, respectively,substantially all of which were being serviced for unaffiliated persons.MORTGAGE LOAN PRODUCTION

    The following table sets forth, by number and dollar amount of mortgageloans, Countrywide Home Loans' -ictLon for theperiods indicated. Attachment 3 1/...$/SEC/Page.asp?P=95$/SEC/Page.asp?P=95
  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    STATE OF ~ICHIGRNBENZ 1 e : COlJ"ITYR E C O RD E DB4/a~/e010 11:e3;53AMR IO t : : F E: ~ s J S . Q I ' )PM!': 1 or 8314&'iIAMY J fHSSElLREGISTER 0" DEEDS

    fjUIUY,f'S nE.p 9l" MORT.GAGE J:'~j&.ilHlF.~.>o~~!~_::=~=~~-::t~tt;::&~~~~~:.~~~~!C"~i(lfJ. Chicago, H, 6()1;{)6..4667, p..t;~' ofth" _ndart; tm=in~ cd!",;;! the V4J1teJ,Wrtnesseth. thal whereas, Lynne A_ ; .UClU\ sa I.ynne AflIle~ Lucas, an unmBJTied WOIDlIll., WOOS" rulru-e.s$ is 40ll I Scenic

    Hij.h""-~. Hor.>I>C.Ml 496'40, ,"" . " e"" . .. .ir".,j l ' f'()wcr of;!;>;!,,, ""hil-cmF",emBllljdillg in B-eu!a! being l,fieplae" ofhold'rtg the Clrcui! C11')' wher i'r,:nH~"~ ~j'i.l~:t111"di -.'ill!''\'HERI:AS, l'ur;;uant to ~..'d notice I di,l, 31 tn,oo a.m., local tum" C !.be date $18teC 1'00",-. e"p ' V - t r - . ipro'V;d1;{t ~-; in C(1n~l4:tt:mtlun of thl: sum of moncy -S'(.1ptUd 1)..," , a.1Qr-~3iJld. b4YIr S11'n~lXl",~-

  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    S'rATE OF MICHH1ANl ,~)COUNTY OF OAKLAND)'.~i1. Tflmho tI 1 ~tiUlyaWl~;~~~.:t,j:tiiooa.l.~t1_*!r4~d~U!.w:fI$fWn.~}W wifb. dao f~Ii~lrtf{~. . . .

    T h h, i 11 .t TI d iU :v r t.s being f i led to' d1.Wi1l te. tilt: red~nptk)n amount in f ' lt! t 'e:r lon tt.l t.b~ ptopen,y l'J-cutl~J in the Tc ' 'Wnsh~pL1~ L~.lkI~.County t)f Bc1T. tZ : i c: -f''urthe_re~ibttrd as:n.~Nonl. 100 f~t of tlt.-North ZOOr"",( ott!!., South 400 C""t nfl':io,",,, Lot 1 Sedam 36. T"''''

  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    ""' II',," 'wirhmSh~rif!'" IXoOOwtU'~ "p";fiiU"" at u. " ""'PiTman "'f'tb" :r~mpti"'!l period, September .10, 20H),un,,,,,,swd da\ ' f~l I~ on ,ill w1OI.,OR &lhnul.j the Sh"'~ff'"[le

  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    Fannie Mae - Retained Attorney ListEffective February 10, 2011

    & Associates, PCNorth Opdyke Road, Suite C

    ..... JUUIII Hills, MI 48326

    il: [email protected]

    440 Northwestern Highway, Suite 200Fannington Hills, MI 48334

    Kathleen Conger I Direct: 248-2054148IPh,,,n.. 24~2-2515


    IContac t : JonaChanL. EngmanIPh:lne: 248-362-2600

    Potestivo & Associates, PC11 South Boulevard, Suite 100Rochester Hils. MI 48307

    Contact: Brian PotestivoPhone: 248-853-4400Fax:2~Email: [email protected]

    eltman, Weinberg & Reis Co., LPA2155 Butterfield Drive, Suite 200-Sroy, MI 48084Contact: Frank VenezianoPhone: 513-723-2204Fax: 513-322-7099Emai: [email protected]

    Attachment 5 2 11 01 20 11 V 1 3

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    ~NTY TREASURERS CERTIFICATEI H _ then! are no TAX LIENS or TInES._ held l i T tile s ta te or any indMclJal against !he 'MINn _ptionana aI TAXES on same are paid for five years ~ 10!hedate ofttWsinstnmert as appears by the recon:is in the oflceexcept as stated Apr 06 2004Llf/YEf(; 32708 fPjlqE: 750

    0173546USER: 321011 PAGE: 750~EO - COIIIBI'IEDEMOMJIIENTATlON04:311:~1P.M. RECEIPH 0044565PAID RECORDED. OAJ(LAND COll 'lTYG.WILUAIt CADDELL. CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEOS_ 1 : _ : . . = O . = O , - -- = E = . - .. : .F . . : i: . :l e : : .. . sec. 135. I'd. 206. 1893 as~PATRICK M. DOI-tANY, ec...ty T_....-er

    WARRANTY DEEDKNOW AlL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: T1w Marshall R. Isaacs and Elaine M. Isaacs, his wife. whoseaddress is 33745 Hunters Pointe Road, Fannington Hills. MI 48331.Convey a nd Warrant to Marshall R. Isaacs and Elaine M. I s a ae s , Co-Trustees of the ISAACS FAMILY TRUST,ulald Maroh2?, 2004, whose add ress is 33745 Hunters P~Road, FmmingtonHins,Ml48331,the following described premises situated in the City of Farmington Hills, Oakland County. Michigan, moreparticularly described as follows:

    Lot 72, Colony Park Subdivision No. 2. as recorded inLim121. Pages 21and 22 of Plat s, Oakbmd County RecordsMore commonly known as: 33745 Hunlers Pointe Road, Farmington Hills. MI 48331Parcel 1.0. #23-09-276-007

    Together with al l and singular the twemenlS, hereditament an d appurtenanc.c:s thereunto belonging or in anywiseappertaining, for the sum of ONE DOllAR ($1.00).Subject to all applicable building and use restr ict ions and easements, if any. affecting the premises and subject tothe rights of the publ ic and r iparian OWDelS in and to the waters of the riV1I or streams(s) abutting the property.Exempt under MCLA 207.505(a) and (i), and MeL 207.526(~) and (i).Dated: March 27. 2004Signed in the presence of:

    M1U{. I CS


    )) 58.)

    The foregoing instrument was aclrnowledged before me 00M2rch 27, 1004,and ELAINE M. ]SAACS.

    Drafted by: Send subsequent tax bills to: When Recorded, Return to:Douglas A Tull, Attorney at Law Douglas A. Tull, Anomey at Lawr.o. Box 180912 Graotee P.O_ Box 180912Utica, MI 48318-0912 Utica, MI 48318-0912Recording fee: State Transfer Tax: Tax Parcel No. 23-09276-007County Tax: exemptState Tax: exempt


    Attachment 6

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    L I 8 R 4 0 7 6 5 P e S 5 1f tECEIVlEHfi J E C 1 0 2 0 0 8 IIRut ! ! Johnson Regis ter of Deed$Oakland C o u n , H I


    212841tIBER 40765 PAG E 5.'51$ 43 .0 0 I OI TG I t6 E . 0 0 R l 1 O t I t J l O T A T I 0 1 112111/2008 0l:~1):~ A.n. RCEIpr~ 10151)91 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1A fter Recordinq Return T o.


    1 '1 \1 1 ) R EC D ( I ) I ) - O A K L A I ID U JI J I I T YR l I T i I .DtNSOH. C L R I'J R 6 I S J( 1 ( ~ D E O S

    This instrument was prepared by:MAR!' AII1I ROCCO50891 SABRI_ DRIVBUTICA NI,48315

    v2 W8 C D LO A I , 502357272-------------~~T1IIIu.F_..IWaJ-------------I MIN 100052550235727293

    DEFINITIONSWords used in multiple sections of this document _ defined below and OIherwords are defined in Sections 3, 11, 13,18,20 and 21. Certain rules regard~ the usage of words used in this document are also provided in Section 16.(A) "Securtty Instrument" means this document. which is deled DBCBIIBBR ., 2008, together with allRiders to this document(8) "Borrower" is MARSIIALL R ISAACS AJII) BLIlID N ISAACS. co-ftUSftBS OF TBB ISAACS FAMIL!'TRUST, DATED MARCH 27, 2004.

    Borrower's address is 33745 I It111' .rB11S POllr 'I 'B RDF~.aro. KILLS. M 48331-2723.

    Borrower is the mortgagor under this Sec :u r i t y Instrument(C) "MERS" is Mortgage Bectronic Regis1ration Systems, Inc. MERS isa separate corporation that is acting solely asa nominee for Lender and lender's successors and assigns. MERS .... mcwIg8gM under this Security In8lrUment.MERS is organized and existing under the laws of Delaware, and has an address and telephone number of P.O. Box2028, Rint, MI 48501-2026, tel. (888) 679-MERS.(0) "lender" is Jl'LAGSrAIl BAIIIt, rSB.

    Lender is a FZDBRALL!' ClUUl:rBRBD SAVl_ uKUBITBD ~ OF JUlBRICA.TRO!', HZ 48098-2639.

    organized and exist ing under the laws ofLender's address is 5151 CORPOlUCrB DR,

    (E) "Not."means the promissory note signed by B o r r o w e r and dated DlrCl:l8UrR 4. 2008. The Notestates that Borrower owes Lender 'rWQ IIUIIDRBD SIrrBBII 'rHOUSIUID JUIID110/100*** * * ** ** ** * ** ** * ** ** ** * * *** ******* ******* * . * . ~(U.S. $216,000.00 )plus interest. Borrower has promised to pay this debt in regular Periodic Payments and to pay thecJebt In full not-laterthan JABUAR!' 1, 2039.(F) "Property" means the property that is described below under the heading "Transfer of Rights In the'ii:fJoperty,"MICHIGAN-SingleFIJrnily-FannieMa./Fraddl"'ecUNFORIlINSTRUMENTFonn3CIU tlOt Initial... ~,j(0 19992007 Onine Documenta. Inc. P-v- 1 of

  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    v a WBCD~ I 50235727223. Relea ... Upon payment of aI sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall prepare and file adischarge of this Security Instrument Lender may charge Borrower a faa fer releasW1ghis Security Instrument, but onlyif the fee is paid to a third party for seMc:es rendered and the charging of the fee is permitted under Applicable Law.

    Lli lR4 0 1 6 5 reS 5 9

    BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenanls contained in this SecurityInstrument and in any Rider e lC8Cu ted by Borrower and rec:orded will it.



    State of MICBI~ County of ~Tbe foregoing iDBtr1m8Dt _ acnclildadgecl before - this ~ W 0 < 2 ;

    by MARSHALL R. ISAACS AIID BLIUJIB .. ISAACS (D_ of person aCllUlowleliged),(0 - 7 r..ulra4~,( n t ~CS F . t _ . , . ; . / t . f Tr"J-

    v t:I(date)

    UHDSH J. IIUDZ'IN5II.',ry Public. Stale of MicNgenCounty of Oaldllnd

    _,lmission Expires 09-~"'2i1J3"'A arl. ,1 the county olJ...LIJdWtv-Title or RaM

    Serial .U8ber, if any

    MICHIGAN-SIngle Family-Fam ... .. ." . .. .. .. 11_ UNlFORIlINSTIIUIIENT Fonn_1/01@ 19992007 Onlin.. Documents, Inc. page 9 of 9 MlEOEED 0705

    12-03-2008 14:27

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    L' ;\NE AN~ETTE LL"C:\S,Plaint iff o'VC 10-113498-NO;! IM ~ I '! IM I I I I I !I I Im i !I I IW R I

    C l _ ~ a s ( ) N ~ . ' f . : 1 \ i ! I I ~ r~ j lU l~ ~ m ll ll l; t M B i l H l, ~ ~UDGE MARTHA!} ANOERSONLUCAS.L Y]\U'i A v ORL e .N S ASSOCI

    -vs-ORL\NS ASSO(JA TES. r.c.,'IARSHALL R. ISA,\CS. ;wdHAC 1101\)E LO:\~S SEnVICI,'iG. LP,it foreit!u limit"tI (lllrtnen;hi'I)",


    ... . ... ...... " .... " '''-''~''"-'-~''~'-'-''~~~'~-'---.-------.----.-----'-----._ ._ ._--_ . . . . . ,_ ., .-~--.,~~,,--., . . . . "-" - . . . . . .~~.. . " . . . . ".. -~,,-~.-.-..--.--.---- ..\VILUAME. l\.li\XWFLL JR, P35846 TIU:RE IS NO OTHER PENOlNG\!TORNE)1 FOR PLAINTIFF RESOLVED CIVIL ACTION ARISINGPO BOX 70! 96$ OUT OF THE TI{ANSACTION ORPLY\!Old'H. l\H -tXl/O OCCl}RRF.NCE AS ,\LLGED 1~:tHE',7j"f' 717-r17:'\S ('()~A Nl' c;' ~t ""- -,, - " _ ......... ~ J' .:, ,.j J ~t-'"... ., . ...Ir Cc'::J~ " ~Iimail Adxlress "'

  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    known as "HAC", is a foreign corporation doing business in the County ofOakland, Stare of\li~higan.

    ~rhat the amount in controversv exceeds TW 'EN TY F IVE THOU SA ND

    DOLLARS fS25JJOO.OO), exclusive of interest, costs and attorneys fees and this litigationrequests the COUll to issue equitable orders and enforce it's equitable powers over the actionsand activities of Defendants concerning real property ownership rights located within the Starenf\lichigan. and is therefore. within the juri sdiction of this Court

    6. On April 4, 2005, the Plaintiff Lt'CAS obtained a mortgage related to a loanfrom COUNTRYWIDE 1101\'( LOANS, INC. on property owned by her. located at 4081Scenic Highway, in the Township of Lake. City of Honor, State ofMichigan

    During 200S. Plaintiff LUCAS working hours were reduced, she experienced apartial loss of Income. fell behind on her mortgage loan payments, and started loan modi ficationnegottatinns with ('Ol.iNl'RYWIDE HO;\'IE LOANS, INC.

    ::; Based on the Affidavit of Posting filed with the Benzie County Register ofDeeds, a Notice of foreclosure and public sale was filed on the property located at 4081 ScenicHighway described above on June! 5. ~009.(E'(hibjt j)

    () Based on the Affidavit of Publication filed with the Benzie County Register ofDeeds. the Notice of foreclosure ami public sale was advertised in the Benzie County RecordPatriot Oil !OH)'\09, !7J1 i\109, 14JUN09. and UUL09 (Exhibit 2)

    I o . ':rlle;JilliSt~$~f,'tt'Y~el1'\!S'tlf~C{dntf15tW'll~(tJ'~incorrectly stateiftffilttResub.rect .mortgage ..... is 1/O'He held by HAC H(mm' roans Sc>r'l'fNfl,?,;[J > FKA Cormtrvwide Ho me Loans,S"n'/{'wg LPby assignmem, "" The Assignment of Mortgage from Countrywide Home Loans,(fic. to Defendant SAC HOl\fE LOANS SERVICING. 1.1)was signed em June 29, 200\) and;

  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    1I The Notice stated that the pubic. sate of the subject property was to take place onJuly 8. 2009

    I 2. @ ;asedor:H ha.I \ft'idav : itof P urch aser tile4"W ith th e B en zie coun ty Register ofDeeds, the sale autuallv IDOk place on ivtarch31. 2Dto, where The Federal National MortgageAssociation purchased {he property for $201525,83. (Exhibit 4)

    13 Based on the Sheriffs Deed on Mortgage Foreclosure filed with the BenzieCounty Register of Deeds. the sale of the subject property was "AdiournedfromJulv S, 2009 tovlurch 31 , lO iO bvpostiug u notice ofadjournmentat flit! place otsaletor Benzie ('(JIm!];''I tictugan. " (Exhibit 5).I f. ff~~"t~S-'fl 'e'ri~~,.Qe~d'

  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    1.\\'0 (.ll} ofthis Complaint as if specifically set forth hereafter in their enrirerv.1S. That Defendants. individually and jointly, owed a general duty to the public and

    more spec it ic n ll v Plaintiff LCC\S, to properly investigate th e circu mstan ces an d ob tain theproper Information necessary to legally proceed with a Foreclosure by Advertisement underChapter 32 of the Revised Judicature Act of 1961 as amended.

    ! 9 T h at Defendants, in div idu allv an d jointly, owed a specific du tv to th e public an dm ore specifically. P lain tiff UJC\S, to lise factu al in formation an d follow th e precepts an dspeci fi e requirements of Chapter 32 of th e Revised Judicature Act of J 961 a s ame n de d if theychoose to proceed under this chapter - o f the Act.

    20. That Defendants. individually a n d jointly, breached their duties to investigate thefacts an d circumstances required to properly an d legally tiled an appropriate Foreclosure byAdvertisement under Chapter 31 of the Revised Judicature Act of I q61 as amended, against thePlaint iff LliC\S an d th e propertv located at -lOS ( Scenic Highway. in th e T own sh ip of L ake .City of Honor, Stale of Michigan.

    21 That rhe Defendants, indi vidually ami jointly, by their actions and

    om ission s, v iolated th eir du ties to th e pu blic in : gen eral. an d to th is P lain tiff in particu lar: eachand every action or failure to act by the Defendants being the proximate cause of Plaintiff'sdllrnage and injury as follows:

    (l Improperly filin g th e notice of foreclosure h y advertisement by R party th at did;:m own eith er th e note or th e mortuage on th e subject property in v iolation ofthe statutory requirements of Foreclosure by Advertisemem under Chapter 32 ofth e R ev ised Judicature A ct of IY (j T as am en de d ami in violation of \iichigilllcommon law:

    b Improperly adjourni ng the sale date under the notice of foreclosure byadvertisement by a. party that did not ()\\'Il ei ther the note or the mortgage on thesubject property in violation of the statutorv requirements of Foreclosure bvAdvertisement under Charter 32 orthe Revised Judicature Acr t)f' 1961 as

  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    amended and in violation of \lichigan C{In1mOn law:c. ImpH'periy ;.;..:lltng the subject propertv [0Ihe Federal '\(Hi\m~tf\Inrtg:\ge

    \ 61as amended and in violation or:\li..:hi~!ancorn mon taw:

    d. Irnproperlv is:"uing and tilil1g a Sheriff's Deed on Mortgaue Foreclosure I'or the':;ubjecl property to T he F ederal N arion a! .\1ongagc Associat ion AS I F mev ' . ' (cn. 'lh e O\'..n.: : :rofthe \k1!1g_,l~e and ~\)!e allegeJly ov . .ned by l},-'t'endant. R\CIIO\l[ LOA~S SEl~VICING. LPin violation of the sratutorv requirements ofForuclosure by\(h~,.rtis,~ment under CtLlptel:j2 of the Re\ j~ed .ludicn(urc\,.l ofi 'if)! as amen ded an d in \1oia1!un of : 'v lich igan common ! ,\\,,~For other acts and failures to act which w il] be proven < 1 1 u ial.

    That as a direct result of each of rite D efen dan ts action s and i nac t ions j 1 .1 , 'l u i a ti n gthe -narurorv requirements of Foreclosure by Advertisement under Chapter '-:: of the RevisedJuciicarurcAct nl" 1 . '}O I as anH:.'ndGI and in violation of \lichl2,'an common law, cuch of \\lJichwere th e proxim ate cau se (11' LY;\l'E ANNETTE IXC:\S' in ju ries; L Y ~N E ANNETTELVC\S sustained serious and permanent injuries II) her staturorv and common law righrs of

    couyr 1'\\'0 - \TCLlGE~CE,

    t\\ o i'2 ) L lC [ I i is Complain; a'-;i1 -~;pccifical lv :;.~rfort h hereafter ill their entiretv~l Th

  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    \dv('rtiscrn(~m under Chapter 32 of the Revised Judicature Act of! 961 as, amended ,}S staredwi til particul ari Iy above, In concert WI rh the actions and activities or their cllent, DefendantHAC.

    :'c(;klcss, and so outra~cou:;i n character. and so extreme in degree. as to go bevond all possiblehounds of decency and to be regarded as atrocious and utterly intolerable in a civilizedC(11 l1111tmi rvunder these c i r c ums t ances an d in this e co no m ic c lim a te

    ~ 1 rh Jl as it direct result of , -: ac h o f th e Defendants iruenrional and reckless acts.,,,hlch \ . \ ' ( :1"1: and are III viointion of the commonlaw and Michiunn statures, each of which werethe proximate cause (JI' LYN~E ANNETTE LLeAS' injuries: LYNNE .\:\:\'ETTE LTCAS

    ,u;;rnineel serious and aggravated emotional distress such that: her health and immune system hasbeen permanently effected, her ability to sleep and cat has been adversely effected, and heremotional well-being has been removed, such injuries re~ulting in a recent diagnosis of cancer,

    "\s d direct and proximate result of Defendants B.\C, (HU.ANS, am! fSr\ACS: .- :l ie !l ': ';a n d f ai lu re s t o act, PlaimitY LeCAS \\;"(15 an d c on tin u es TO be physically, emotionallyw e i fllldrlC!aih mjured resulting in the following injuries and damages, among others

    :l I,us;; of legal title to the her prupenv located in Benzie County, as'..;Gll

  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    h. ,\11 other injuries and damages, which are fair and just, and whichbear on the ci rcumsmnccs of this loss.

    W I IL :R E F OR E , P lain tilT , LY:"l~E ,\N N E T TE Lt'C\S, respectfu lly dem an ds equ itableand monerarv relief as ft'lil)~\;s.

    a Preliminarv and permanent injunctive relief enjoining the Defendants lrorn proceedingwith eviction procedures, selling, transferring or otherwise taking any action against Plaintiff orPlaintiff's residence based Upl.H1 the Sheriff's Deed \\11 l\h)r1gngc obtained under the actions andimproprierres o:' Defendants failure to comply wirh the letter and intent of the statutorvrequ irem en ts of a F oreclosu re by A dvertisemen t u n der C hapter 31 or' th e R ev ised Judicatu rev et ot' 19 tJ I :

    b. Judgment in her favor awarding damages from the Defendants together with interestdn d costs on each applicable ( C ou n t o f the complaint:

    ,_: Judgment awarding the Plaintiff her costs and expenses, including reasonable.urorucvs tees. expert fees, and other costs and disbursements;

    d Judgment awarding the P lain tiff su ch oth er and further relief as th e Court mav deemjust and proper under the circumstances of this case.

    .vnornev tor P IaintiffPO BOX T C J 196XPlvmouth. ~vll ..+8170(7.,.l) 737-1)758

    Dared September t), 2U 10

  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    1. I am em plo ye d b y BAC Hom e Loans S e rvic ing, L P (aBACj, in the po s it io n o f L it iga tionS pe cia lis t a nd B AC ha s a utho riz ed me t o make this aff idavi l Iha ve kno wled ge o f the fac ts s ta ted in thisa ffid a vi t a n d , if sworn as a wi tness , Ic an te stify c om pe te ntly to those fac ts .

    2. My know ledge o f the fa c ts s ta ted in this a ffid avit is ba sed on m y re view o f BAC's bo oksNLO a nd reco rds re la ting to a m ortgage lo an (the ~oa n' to borrower L yn ne A . Lucas (-Luca S"), fo r w hich BACT'""o~n,CONZ. . . . ,

    is t he s e rv ic e r,3. Co un tryw id e Ho me L oa ns , In c. (-CHL j o rigin ate d the L oa n o n A pril 4 , 2 005 .4. On A pril 2 1, 2 00 5, the Fe de ra l N atio na l Mo rtga ge A sso cia tio n ("Fa nn ie M ae ") a cquire d

    o wn ership o f the un de rly in g in de bte dn ess a nd pooled the L oa n w ith o the r lo an s, a ll o f w hich CHL co ntin ue dto s ervic e, b y a gre em e nt with Fa nn ie M ae .

    5. In 2008, BA C b ought CHL6. The te rm s o f Fann ie Mae 's se rvic ing agreem en t a re ava ilab le at

    www.efann imae.comls f l r e fmate r ia ls .7. L ucas de fau lted a nd d id no t cure he r de fa ult und e r the m o rtgage (the "Mo rtgage " ) tha t

    se cure d the L oa n. A s a re sult, Fa nn ie Ma e's se rvic in g a ge nt b ega n fo re clo sure pro ce ed in gs .8. A t t he fo re c lo s ur e sale o n Ma rch 3 1, 2 01 0, Fann ie Mae, as the o w ne r o f the in de bte dn es s,

    u, m ad e a c re dit b id fo r a nd acquired title t o the re al pro pe rty m o rtga ge d u nd er the Mor tgage.I-oI+-"'0(J.)>(J.)o:(J.)

    0 : : :

    9 . The fo rego ing s ta tem en ts ar e !rue an d accura te to the be st o f m y kn ow le dge , in fo rm ationa n d b e lie f. :6j?rc5LG~

    Sha n th i P r em a c ha n d ralit iga ti on S p ec ia lis tBAC Hom e L oa ns S ervic ing, L P

    Attachment 9.o ta !1 -P t ih li ~. L 9 S "~ n ge le s C o un ty , C a lifo rn ia~o~0rf expire s : _104~vjl1~.OOO1// 2

  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    CALIFORNIA JURAT WITH AFFIANT STATEMENT~.ErBee Attached Document (Notary to cross out lines 1-6 below)o See Statement Below (Unes 1-5 to be completed only by document signer{sl. not Notary)


    T"""o~0..CONZ. . , SignBI lJ ra aI ~ sv- N o. 1 Sl!J>alYBalllo.. . . . . . .oo-0Cm~mo0)cu : :L...Q-0

    oQ)n : :

    State of CaliforniaCounty of L o ~ I t x z r ~ Subscnbed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this

    k1day of !k;L .ar~ , 2 0 _ i f _ _ _ , byDe'" r. . J o n I I I a Year

    (1) ~hau~ r}~#'1.4Dj,attd~N am e 0 1 S ig ne r

    proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidenceto be the person who appeared before me (.) (,)(and

    (2), ~~-------------Nama of Signerproved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidenceto be the pers who appeared beforeSignature -~ ~'tfc:.1L4~ ~ cd '::J:.~,~ t1f..(dZ ::::.-:!:::.=--

    Place Notary SeaI_ OPTIONAL------------------------Though the information below is not required by law. itmay provevaluable to persons relying on the document and could preventfraudulent removEJiand reattachment 01this form to another document

    Further Description of Any Anached Document

    RIGl-iTTI-2007 National Notary Associalloo 9350 D e Solo Ave. P ,O. Box 2402. ChaI swo r1h, CA 91313-2402 . _NaI ion 118m '5910 Reo rl le r. Ca lTo lI Free 1 -600-676 6627

  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    ht tp: '\1 ,;,'11 . faunicuuc.coru/ loanlookup

    coc e.



    U?JHI1n"lY~ ClCOii1()I(!~r,'~J lore::::-!~llre .)11(' 11(;\," '!O~t;.;-,I1?-\.22 "':"\:::-: ,~r';'\I~.:'

  • 8/7/2019 Marshall Isaacs - Request For Investigation


    3/31/2011 Does Fannie Mae Own Your Mortgage? L...

    Street Address'4081 Scenic H wy

    Unit,ne r-anme Mae Loan LOOKUpenames mortgage oorrowers to qUICKlYaetermme If r-annre Mae owns men lOan Dy proVlomg a streer aaaress, unn,cItY,state, ana LlI"


    Zip Code 49640


    A88995-8ell.g9S-HOPE (~613)977-30< , .. 3709 TTY

    * Iconf irm tha t Iam the owner o f this proper ty , o r have the consent o f the owner to look up this information . ff you have questions about the program that your servicer caanswer or need further counsel ing, you can cal l the Homeown Required Relds HOPETM Hotline at 1-888-995-HOPE (4673) or via a TIY at 8

    Type the two words:

    Based on the property information you entered, itappears Fannie Mae does not own a loan at thisaddress.P lease contact your mor tgage lender or servicer (the organiza tion towhom you make your monthlymortgage payments) to confirm these results and obtain addit ional information regarding your mortgage.Informat ion tha t does not match our records eJG3ctlymay retum inaccurate results. Your loan may be heldby Freddie Mac or another investor eligible for participation in the Making Home Affordable program.

    Thankyou for con tact ing Fannie Mae.

    The Fannie Mae Loan Lookup is provided as a convenience for borrowers. Fannie Mae makes norepresenta tion , war ran ty , o r guaran tee regarding the accuracy or completeness of the resul ts . Asearch thatresul ts in a "Match Found" status does not guaran tee or imp ly tha t you will qua li fy for a Making HomeAffordable refinance or modification. Information that does not match our records eJG3ctlymay return inaccurateresults. You should contact your mortgage lender to verify these results.For information about the use of our s ite and our privacy pol icy, ;;,~!'~i?fI;:)LIr!t(~.., " ~ ' i j ' ! ' n