Marriage _ Future Details

 2/18/2015 Marr i age | Future Detai l s http://futuredetail earn-astrology /marriage/ 1/6 Marriage MARRIAGE 2nd ho use r eprese nts famil y . 4th house represents domestic happiness and comforts. This is also the house of the mother. 5th house represents children, love affair, friendship 7th house represents wife / husband , married life 8th house is seen in case of females – happiness in marriage 12th house represents bed comforts  Venus is the karak a of wi fe and go v erns marria ge, sex , etc Jupiter is the karaka of husband  Venus in T aurus, Leo, Li bra, Saggi tarius and Pi sces is go od g enerall y . If Venus is with Sun or Moon – partner from the royal or aristocratic family.  Venus with Mercury – Wi fe woul d be in telli gent, vibrant.  Venus with Ju pi ter – Bei atifu l virtuous wi fe, mo ral co ndu ct.  Venus with benefi c saturn – go od wi fe.  Venus with Rah may no t be good b ut with Ketu it’s make partner se nsitive.  Venus in 1 h / 3h / 4h / 5h / 7h / 9h / 1 0h / 1 1 h gi v es goo d result. Many ast rol og ers be li ev e that Venus also gives good result in 6h and 12h. However Venus in 6h/ 8h/ 12h / 2h are not in good position with respect to 7h. Signs of happy married life 7th lord is auspicious and sees his house


regarding marriage hroscope

Transcript of Marriage _ Future Details

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    2nd house represents family.

    4th house represents domestic happiness and comforts. This is also the house of the mother.

    5th house represents children, love affair, friendship

    7th house represents wife / husband , married life

    8th house is seen in case of females happiness in marriage

    12th house represents bed comforts

    Venus is the karaka of wife and governs marriage, sex, etc

    Jupiter is the karaka of husband

    Venus in Taurus, Leo, Libra, Saggitarius and Pisces is good generally.

    If Venus is with Sun or Moon partner from the royal or aristocratic family.

    Venus with Mercury Wife would be intelligent, vibrant.

    Venus with Jupiter Beiatiful virtuous wife, moral conduct.

    Venus with benefic saturn good wife.

    Venus with Rah may not be good but with Ketu its make partner sensitive.

    Venus in 1h / 3h / 4h / 5h / 7h / 9h / 10h / 11h gives good result. Many astrologers believe

    that Venus also gives good result in 6h and 12h. However Venus in 6h/ 8h/ 12h / 2h are not

    in good position with respect to 7h.

    Signs of happy married life

    7th lord is auspicious and sees his house

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    Benefics in 7h and these benefics ar enot the lord of the trik houses.

    Even is 7th lord is malefic but it is in 7th house itself happy marriage

    If jupiter aspects lord of 2nd , 7th and 12th house happy marriage

    Strong Jupiter adds to the happiness

    Strong Venus in male horoscope and strong mars in female horoscope

    Early marriage:

    7th lord in benefic sign and venus is exalted.

    Sun in 7th and 7th lord with venus

    Venus in 2nd and 7th lord in 11th house.

    Lord of 7th and Lagna in Lagna

    Strong Venus well placed with Lagna Lord

    Exchnage of 1h and h hlord

    Exchnage of 2nd house 11house lord

    There should not be any malefic influence on 7h , 2h, and on Venus

    If venus is strong and is associated with lagnesh or saptamesh, then early marriage can be


    If venus is with 4th house lord and in 4th house shows early marriage.

    If venus is with lagnesh in trikone and not aspected by malefics of lord of trik houses.

    If lagnesh, saptnesh in trikone and kendra and exalted or mool trikne then early marriage.

    2nd house as well.

    Lagnesh and navmesh -exchange of sign or in 9th house or both in lagna.

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    No malefics in 7th house from moon and sun, but aspect of benefics gives early marriage.

    Venus in own sign in 2nd or in 7th house and aspected by lagnesh.

    Me. Own sign or friendly sign and well placed.

    Saptmesh with benefic planets in 7th house and moon is strong.

    Venus in saturn sign in lagna but should not be aspected by malefics.

    Benefics in lagna, 2nd and 7th house and their lord are also well placed early marriage

    Saptmesh and venus in upchay house

    If sun is weak or debiliated and other sign favours then such person can get married because

    of family or social pressure

    Lagnesh in navamsha of sapatmesh and saptmesh in 12th house early marriage in some


    Two marriages

    Malefics in 7th house, 7th lord debiliated / combust or aspected by malefics. Venus is weak

    2nd lord in 8th and malefics in 2nd house.

    Lord of 2nd and 12th in 3rd and aspected by 9th lord of jupiter

    Malefics in 4th, 8th and 12th house from venus

    6th , 7th and 8th house occupied by Rahu, Saturn and Mars

    Moon and Venus in one sign

    Strong Moon in 9th

    SUn and Moon in 7th house in a dual sign

    Delayed Marriage

    Venus in 8th and aspected by Mercury or Saturn

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    Malefics or their aspect on 7th house

    Saturn in 7th or 5th house with malefic influence

    Venus combust, debiliated and in paapkartari yoga

    Moon and venus afflicted by saturn and mars

    Lagna, 7th and 7th lord in fix sign while moon in movable signs

    Aspect by saturn on 7th house, 7th lord / venus / moon

    Sa/ rahu/ ke in 7th house

    Sa, sun and ve conjunction delays marriage

    Moon in aries sign can give more than 1 marriage.

    If mercury is 7th lord but retrograde and is 7th to venus in D9, then late marriage.

    Manglik dosh can lead to delay

    Jupiter in 12th house can lead either to less interest or delay in marriage.

    Venus in aries, leo or saggitarius delays a marriage.

    Relation between saturn and sun delays.

    Saturn in libra sign.

    Saturn aspecting jupiter in both D1and D9

    Saturn and mars in relation with each other.

    Jupiter in 11th sign.

    7th lord is week and is 8th from moon.

    Saptmesh and 2nd lord house both in fixed sign and under malefic.

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    Rahu in 7th house delays the marriage and often the marriage is not as per trends.

    Venus in 8th sign.

    Venus in leo sign, obstacles in marriage.

    Ketu in 7th house leads to probelms in partner house after marriage .

    Third house lord in 8th house with 8th lord delay marriage and not an happy marriage.

    Ve, 7th to moon and house of lord in which is placed is in 11th house from it.

    Ve and rahu in lagna , mars in 7th: delayed and unhappy marriage.

    Sun and saturn opposite to each other and are related to 7th house.

    8th lord in 5th house leads to lot of imbalances in thinking.

    Sun, venus, moon in navamsha of saturn

    Malefics in lagna, 7th and in 12th house.

    Love Marriage

    Mutual aspect or association or exchnage between 5th lord and 7th lord.

    7th lord stronger than lagnesh, jupiter weak and malefic in 9th house

    Moon and venus in 7th

    Venus in 7th, aspected by the mars

    7th lord with mars and rahu

    Other factors

    bad influence of Saturn, mars and Rahu on 7th or its lord and weak moon, venus and lagnesh

    often creates problems in the marriage

    If 6th lord is retorgrade and 8th lord aspects 6th house creates marriage related long cases in

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    the court.

    Venus with Sun in 5th, 7th or 9th house can cause delay in marriage to the point of denial.

    7th lord with venus gives happy marriage

    No Marriage:

    7th house from lagna and moon aspected by sa and sun. Same in D9 also. Or aspect on venus.

    7th house, 7th lord, lagnesh in paap kartari yoga.

    Weak moon and malefic in 7th, lagna and in eleventh house

    Moon and venus together aspected by saturn and mars

    Malefics in 5th and 7 th house or in 9 th house. Atleast in 2 houses.

    Me and venus together in 7 th house. No marriage or unconvetional money based marriage.

    Ma and rahu in lagna.

    Moon with saturn in 7th house.

    Me, ve and saturn -debiliated.

    Rahu in jupiter nakshatra atleast delayed marriage

    Jupiter in 7th can lead to decrease in interest in marriage.

    Malefics in uppad lagna.

    In all see 2nd house, 5 th house, 7 th house , 9th house, moon, venus and aspects on them.

    Horoscope Matching: In horoscope matching, position of Moon, Jupiter, Lagna Lord and the

    Nakshatra of birth is taken into consideration.

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