MARKETING STRUCTURE and PERFORMANCE of Ocimum Gratissimum in Selected Markets in Ibadan Metropolis

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  • 7/29/2019 MARKETING STRUCTURE and PERFORMANCE of Ocimum Gratissimum in Selected Markets in Ibadan Metropolis


    Advances in Ag

    SEDInst 2011. All rights reserved

    This work by Science Education Developme

    ht Science Education Development

    Printed in Nigeria



    1Federal College of Forestry, P.


    The study was carried out wit

    gratissimum in the selected m

    collected from three market l

    respondents were sampled fro

    gratissimum trading. The resultOcimum gratissimum marketin

    1.64, and 1.59 respectively, sh

    locations. For the mode of pric

    66.7% while 33.3% claimed th

    facing Ocimum gratissimum tra

    transportation system from rur

    demand during rainy season.

    should be provided so as to

    gratissimum. The trader shoul

    loans, which will lead to expan

    KEYWORDS: Ocimum gratis


    Ocimum gratissimum is a crop with

    use as a medicinal plant and as a

    and Agboola, 2008). It is a valuab

    plant which belongs to the familyis distributed in tropical and wa

    regions. Extracts of the plant contai

    activity (Adebolu et al., 2005

    activity (Nakamura et al., 1999), an

    (Lemos et al., 2005), antim

    (Ezekwesili et al., 2003), and antip(Holetz1 et al., 2003). Ocimum

    usually referred to as Efinrin, is a

    and widely distributed in tropi

    temperate region and propagated

    seeds are broadcast on a prepared

    and covered with propagators to g

    easy germination (Dalziel, 1948).

    30-130cm tall, with opposite li

    leaves 30-11cm long and 1-6cm b

    its enormous economic and indu

    there is little research work on the


    It is a fact that one importanproduction of goods and services

    riculture, Sciences and Engineering R

    t Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

    tp://www.ejournal.sedinst.comInstitute, 2011 Volume 1 (Issue 2

    D PERFORMANCE OF Ocimum gratissimum IN SE


    an J.M,2Adeoye I.B. and

    2Adebisi-Adelani O

    M.B. 5087, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2National Horticultural R

    Nigeria, PMB Ibadan.

    in Ibadan metropolis to determine the marketing a

    rkets. The data were collected by the use of questi

    cations which were Bode, Aleshinloye and Dugb

    each market based on the population of the people i

    shows that more female (93.3%) than males (6.70%g. The marketing efficiency for Dugbe, Aleshinloy

    owing that marketing of Ocimum gratissimum was

    determination, tying the Ocimum gratissimum in bu

    at they determined the price through association. Th

    ding in the study area include price fluctuation, inade

    l area to the urban centres, inadequate finance, rapi

    ased on finding it was recommended that adequat

    reduce spoilage and thereby improving the shel

    be encouraged to form cooperative societies so as

    ion of their trading business thereby increasing their

    simum, Marketing analysis, Ibadan Metropolis.

    a wide range of

    spice (Obembe

    le multipurpose

    Lamiaceae, andrm temperature

    ns antimicrobial

    ), antibacterial

    tifungal activity

    larial activity

    otozoal activityratissimum is

    perennial plant

    cal and warm

    by seed. The

    ermination bed

    nerate heat for

    It grows from

    ht green silky

    oad. In spite of

    trial potentials,

    arketing of the

    t level in theis the market.

    The main reason why pro

    agriculture is still taken its

    that there is a market whic

    reaching out to final cons

    market or marketing cannotit is the medium for distribu

    Ocimum gratissimum suppl

    herbs for medicinal purpose

    marketing occur both in

    because of it uses. The tra

    the seller and buyer, Ocusually sold in the ope

    bargaining between the buy

    high level of economic satis

    Marketing channels are the

    commodity moves or follo

    consumption. It could be si

    multi-stage channel. Market

    between supply and consu

    Marketing functions are

    performed in the marketing

    role of agricultural marketin

    between production and con

    There is need to investigOcimum gratissimum withi


    nported License.

    Oct: 24 - 29, 2011


    esearch Institute of

    alysis of Ocimum

    nnaire. Data were

    markets. Twenty

    volved in Ocimum

    ) were involved ine, and Bode 1.48,

    fficient in market

    dles accounted for

    major challenges

    quate supply, poor

    spoilage and low

    storage facilities

    f life of Ocimum

    to have access to


    duction in respect to

    est, form and shape is

    serves as channel for

    mers. The aspect of

    be over-emphasized astion. The marketing of

    food supplement and

    . The direction of the

    rural and urban area

    de is characterized by

    imum gratissimum isn market by direct

    r and seller to ensure


    paths through which a

    s from production to

    ngle stage channel or a

    ing channel is the link

    mption of a product.

    specialized activities

    process. The unique

    is that it acts as a link

    umption point.

    ate the marketing ofn Ibadan, since their

  • 7/29/2019 MARKETING STRUCTURE and PERFORMANCE of Ocimum Gratissimum in Selected Markets in Ibadan Metropolis


    Advances in Ag

    SEDInst 2011. All rights reserved

    This work by Science Education Developme

    major production centers markets

    and eastern part of Nigeria. Market

    role in the production process

    organized efficient market stru

    profitable returns to the Ocimu

    (Efinrin) producers and reasonabl


    Different level of costs is incurred

    the marketing channel and overall

    what the final consumer pay for a g

    the goods concerned.

    The structure, conduct and p

    interrelated factors that d

    characteristics of the organization

    which seems to influence the natur

    and pricing within the market.

    The Objectives of the study are: To examine the

    characteristics of the Ocim


    To determine the prmarketing efficiency.

    To compute market condgratissimum in the study a


    The study was carried out in Ibada

    is located in Southwest Nigeria,

    from Lagos and is a prominen

    between the coastal region and thnorth. Ibadan, capital city of Oyo

    made up of eleven local govern

    independence, Ibadan was the larg

    populous city in Nigeria and the

    after Cairo and Johannesburg.approximately on longitude 30oS

    Greenwich meridian and latitude 7

    equator at a distance of about 154k

    Lagos. Ibadan consists of eleven l

    areas with a population of 2,(National Population Census,

    majority are traders. Ibadan had be

    administration of the old Westernsince the days of the British Coloni

    of the city ancient protective walls


    The principal inhabitants of the cit

    people, with its strategic location

    lone connecting Lagos to Kano, th

    center for trade in Ocimum grati

    tomato onion leafy vegetables and sindustries in the area include th

    agricultural products.

    Data were collected by a cross-sec

    Ocimum gratissimum sellers in tThese were collected by the use o

    riculture, Sciences and Engineering R

    t Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

    are in western

    ing plays a vital

    ecause a well

    ctures ensures

    m gratissimum

    low prices to

    however along

    cost determines

    iven quantity of

    rformance are

    etermine the

    of the market

    of competition


    um gratissimum

    fitability and

    uct of Ocimumea.

    n Metropolis. It

    120Km inland

    t transit point

    arrears to thetate, Nigeria is

    ment areas. At

    st and the most

    third in Africa

    It is Located, 54oE of the

    W, 23N of the

    m North-East of

    cal government

    50,593 people2006), where

    en the centre of

    Region, Nigerial rule, and parts

    till stand to this

    are the Yoruba

    on the railway

    city is a major

    simum, pepper

    pices. The mainprocessing of

    tional survey of

    e study areas.well structured

    questionnaire which were

    the assistance of enumerat

    research, 60 questionnaire

    three randomly selected mar

    Dugbe, Aleshinloye and B

    were collected through pe

    traders. An interview schelicit information from t

    problems in filling the questi

    A sampling survey is known

    means of generating data

    required. The sampling tec

    random sampling techni

    questionnaire for data collec

    Descriptive statistics such as

    distribution were used to

    economic characteristics of

    marketing and the gross mato measure the relative pr

    gratissimum trade in the stu

    models used by Okunmade

    adopted for the analysis.

    Gross margin = Total reProfit margin =

    marketing cost

    Marketing Efficiency =

    Total Marketing Cost =

    marketing function

    Gini Coefficient was used to

    concentration ratio for the

    marketers across the study

    measure the relative degree

    among Ocimum gratissmeasuring income inequalit

    Coefficient ranges between

    proximity to unity impli

    inequality, hence, higher

    1983). Coefficient greater thinequality distribution (D


    The computation of th

    the following relationshiGC = 1- XY


    GC = Gini Coefficient

    X = Percentage of sweet

    Y = Cumulative percentsellers.

    = Summation



    nported License.

    elf administered with

    rs. In conducting this

    were distributed to

    kets. The markets are:

    de market. The data

    rsonal interview with

    dule was designed tohe traders who has


    to be the most suitable

    since new data is

    hnique in this study is

    ue using structured


    percentage, frequency

    analyze the socio-

    the respondent. The

    rgin models were usedfitability of Ocimum

    y area. The following

    a et al., (2000) were

    enue cost priceGross margin Total

    Total Revenue

    otal marketing cost

    Cost price + Cost

    estimate the degree of

    Ocimum gratissimum

    rea. This was used to

    of income distribution

    imum sellers, thusy. The range of Gini

    zero and unity. Closer

    s greater degree of

    oncentration (Todaro,

    an 0.35 would indicateillion and Hardaker,

    Gini Coefficient has


    potato sellers.

    age of income from the


  • 7/29/2019 MARKETING STRUCTURE and PERFORMANCE of Ocimum Gratissimum in Selected Markets in Ibadan Metropolis


    Advances in Ag

    SEDInst 2011. All rights reserved

    This work by Science Education Developme

    Table 1 shows the sampling

    respondents. Twenty responden

    sampled from each market making

    respondents. The sampling size wa

    the population of Ocimum gratiss

    the selected markets.

    Table 1: Frequenc





    Table 2 shows the socio-economiresult shows that majority of

    gratissimum traders were female (

    in agreement with earlier work b

    (2007) on marketing analysis of(Thaumatococcus danialli Benn.) i

    showed that 99.2% of the sellersin contrast with Oluyole and Us

    found that 92.7% of male were in

    marketing in Odeda Local Gover

    Ogun State. This means that m

    labour demanding agricultural pro

    were in the hand of males while l

    Table2: Socio-Economic Variables

    Table 3 shows the budgetary analysAleshinloye and Bode markets we





    Age (Year)

    Below 20




    Above 50


    Marital status






    Educational level

    No formal education

    Primary education

    Secondary education






    riculture, Sciences and Engineering R

    t Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

    size of the

    ts each were

    a total of sixty

    the function of

    imum sellers in

    y distribution of the respondents

    Frequency Percentage

    20 33.3

    20 33.3

    20 33.360 100.0

    variables. Thethe Ocimum

    93.3%). This is

    y Usman et al.

    iraculous berryn Ibadan which

    ere female, butan (2006) who

    olved in cocoa

    nment Area of

    re tedious and

    ucts marketing

    ess tedious and

    easy to handle ones were b

    female marketers. On agnumber of them were withi

    the marital status 63.3%

    educational level shows tha

    education, 51.7% had primarhad secondary education.

    Ocimum gratissimum traderseducated. The implication is

    and write would enhance t

    new innovation and exp

    information which would l

    marketing activities.

    f respondents Ocimum gratissimum traders

    is per bundle for Ocimum gratissimum. The marketinre 1.48, 1.64and 1.59 respectively. This means that

    Frequency Percentage

    4 6.70

    56 93.30

    60 100.0

    0 0.00

    3 5.00

    18 30.00

    21 35.00

    18 20.00

    60 100.00

    0 0.00

    38 63.30

    10 16.70

    12 20.00

    60 100.00

    8 13.30

    31 51.70

    21 35.00

    0 0.00

    0 0.00

    0 0.00

    0 0.00

    60 100.00


    nported License.

    ing carried out by the

    distribution, a goodage 31-50 years. For

    were married. The

    13.3% had no formal

    y education while 35%This means that the

    in the study area werethat the ability to read

    em to easily adapt to

    se them to market

    ead to more efficient

    efficiency for Dugbe,Ocimum gratissimum

  • 7/29/2019 MARKETING STRUCTURE and PERFORMANCE of Ocimum Gratissimum in Selected Markets in Ibadan Metropolis


  • 7/29/2019 MARKETING STRUCTURE and PERFORMANCE of Ocimum Gratissimum in Selected Markets in Ibadan Metropolis


    Advances in Ag

    SEDInst 2011. All rights reserved

    This work by Science Education Developme

    Table 6 shows the constraints faci

    gratissimum traders in the study

    shows the rapid spoilage constitu

    problems they faced. This is as

    storage facilities in the marke

    problems include inadequate suppl

    Table 6 Constraint facing t


    Price fluctuation

    Inadequate supply

    Rapid spoilageLow demand

    Poor transportation

    Inadequate finance



    This study shows that there wasconcentration with the Gini coeffi

    structure is 0.589 in the OcimumIbadan. This shows that the mar

    imperfect because few traders

    proportion of sales. In Ocimu

    marketing, a more effective way

    degree of concentration is by pro

    gratissimum traders with adfacilities, providing the traders

    marketing information as regards p

    supply and availability of the buye

    be done through extension agents

    and State Governments and also p

    From the findings, one can conclu

    gratissimum marketing in Ibadan

    venture. This is based on the

    margin per bundle of the product.

    Based on the finding of the stud

    recommendations are made:

    - Adequate storage faciprovided for the Ocim

    traders in the study

    serves as food suppl

    for the inhabitants.

    - There is also need fosupport Ocimum gra

    by making sure

    products are available

    by motorist so as to re


    - The study shows thtraders had primary

    should be therefore

    and educated about

    marketing such as

    packaging that coul

    Ocimum gratissimum

    and efficient.

    riculture, Sciences and Engineering R

    t Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

    ng the Ocimum

    rea. The result

    tes the highest

    result of poor

    areas. Other

    y (30.0%), low

    demand especially during th

    and price fluctuation (4.00%

    during rainy season because

    the Ocimum gratissimum

    which can be harvested for

    the market to buy it.

    he business ofOcimum gratissium trading










    some degree ofcient of market

    gratissimum inket structure is

    control large


    f reducing the

    viding Ocimum

    quate storagewith adequate

    rices, sources of

    rs. These could

    of both Federal

    rivate agencies.

    e that Ocimum

    is a profitable

    alues of profit

    the following

    lities should be

    um gratissimum

    area because it

    ment and herb

    government to

    tissimum trader

    hat petroleum

    and affordable

    duce the cost of

    t most of the

    ducation. They

    be enlightened

    pecific area of

    processing and

    d make their

    more profitable

    The traders should be encou

    agents to form cooperativeaccess to loans, which will

    their business thereby enhprofitability.


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    nported License.

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  • 7/29/2019 MARKETING STRUCTURE and PERFORMANCE of Ocimum Gratissimum in Selected Markets in Ibadan Metropolis


    Advances in Ag

    SEDInst 2011. All rights reserved

    This work by Science Education Developme

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    Email: [email protected]


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    P.M.B. 5087, Ibadan,