Marketing strategies


Transcript of Marketing strategies

Page 1: Marketing strategies


By Rebecca Burrell

Page 2: Marketing strategies

The 4 P’s of Marketing◦ Product: A music video needs to have its genre, stars, narrative, special effects and style clearly identifiable to

its audience in order for them to want to watch it and perhaps buy it on iTunes.

◦ Placing: A music video needs to have an appropriate release date in order for people to anticipate its arrival as well as find out about it in advance in order to review it on the release date or close to the release date.

◦ Promotion: Promotion can take many different forms – this list includes:

-Print advertising -Tasters -Internet sites -Viral videos -Merchandising (e.g. books, t-shirts, food, soundtracks, CD’S, computer games, toys cars, mobile phones etc…)

◦ Publicity:

◦ The publicity department of an industry can use its talent (famous and talented screen writers, band members in the video and directors) that is attached to the production of the video in order to gain maximum benefits from the flowing:

-Star interviews (e.g. print – magazines, online and broadcast media) -’making of’ documentaries (produce reports and viral videos of the music video to increase the hype of the video)

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The 4 P’s of Marketing/advertising

◦ The 4 p’s of marketing are all vital elements for a music videos profit. Aside from price, the other 3 p’s have the most important elements when it comes to actually advertising of a music video. Also, it is possible to add publicity to a music videos marketing campaign (e.g. music magazine advert – one of my two ancillary tasks), but this is technically part of one of the p’s – promotion –

and this is not a direct result of a financial deal made by a company.

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Viral Marketing?

◦ Viral marketing is basically any means of advertising that includes the use of the internet, whether that be on social networking sites, the advertisers own website, via email (such as ‘Hotmail’) etc…

◦ Popular websites for marketing could be Facebook, Vine, Twitter, news websites, official studio websites etc…