Marketing & Printing Solutions Guide

Together, we thrive. Solutions Guide


From the conception of the idea to the implementation of the distribution strategy, all aspects of the project need to work; and they need to work together. nSymbio brings the knowledge, experience and creativity of multiple disciplines together under one roof to execute a streamlined project for you.

Transcript of Marketing & Printing Solutions Guide

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Together, we thrive.

Solutions Guide

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> P

roject Management > Graphic D

esign > Printing > Fulfi llmen

t >

ContentsCore Services

Bonus ServicesOnline Ordering System pg.12Internet Communications pg.14Advanced Marketing Tools pg.16pg


pg.4 pg. 6 pg.8 pg.1


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From the conception of the idea to the implementationof the distribution strategy, all aspects of the project need to work; and they need to work together. nSymbio brings the knowledge, experience and creativity of multiple disciplines together under one roof to execute a streamlined project for you.

> Consistently Meet Deadlines> Cut Costs by Improving Effi ciency> Produce Higher Quality Products> Discover Practical Creative Ideas> Consolidate Project Execution Through One Reliable Source> Propose Alternate Solutions

Why Use nSymbio?


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We Developa Project Strategy

Our consultants will assist you in analyzing your project and assess the variables to streamline, minimize risk, and eliminate errors & surprises. We’ll help you determine the best strategy for your project, identify where costs can be cut, anticipate potential problems, and establish a timeline that will meet or beat your deadline.

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Project Management4.

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We Managethe Project

Your marketing team doesn’t need distractions, it needs results. At nSymbio, we have the means andthe know-how to plan, call, fax, order, record, schedule, budget, coordinate, schmooze, deliver, package, and crack the whip to ensure your deadlines are met without the headaches.



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Graphic Design6.

GGGGGGGGGGGGrrraapGraphhic Design

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We DesignYour ProjectMaterials

nSymbio design means business. Your marketing strategy requires effective graphic design, not just pretty pictures. We know how to differentiate between business to business (B2B) and direct to consumer (DTC) marketing. At the same time, we know how to keep both working together. Simply put, you’ll get dynamic design that provides clear communication solutions.

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We PrintWhat You Need

We provide a full gamut of in-house printing capabilities to satisfy all of your projects’ demands. We may recommend traditional offset printing for large runs or the speed and fl exibility of digital printing for small and/or time-critical runs. A combination of the two may also serve you best and make your project more effi cient and cost-effective. We can also fulfi ll any large format printing needs from poster and art reproduction to signage and banners.

Special fi nishings including emboss/deboss, stamping and die cuts are always available to you as well.

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Fulfi llment10.

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We Fulfi ll and Deliver for You

Your project isn’t done after printing, and neither are we. We handle on site fi nishing, assembly, and kitting to complete the job. From there, we can pack-it up, ship it out, track its path, and update your inventory after its shipped. And our monthly run reports give you the stats you need to measure results.

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Online Ordering System12.


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Order Your Materials Online

Our OOS (Online Ordering System) gives you more than an online shopping cart, it gives you real control. The control to get exactly what you need, when and where you need it...FAST! Truly a great tool for business.

It’s simple:

1. Log in to see your customized company catalog.2. Select the product and customize it.3. Double-check it and click submit. That’s it!

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Digital Solutions14.

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Internet Communications

The internet is the most powerful channel of communication available today. Why not take advantage of it? We offer an array of solutions that will custom fi t your plan and budget.

Functional, beautiful Web Sites. Search Engine Optimization to make sure your site stays in the public eye. E-mail blasts to keep your clients up to date (or to get new ones). Flash and static Banner Ads. There has never been a better time to leverage these tools to your advatage.


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Marketing Tools16.

MarkMarketing T

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Advanced Marketing Tools

Use nSymbio’s Variable Data Printing technology to reach your customers on a personal level. One-to-One Marketing provides a statistically proven method for boosting your consumer response rate and delivering a sound ROI for your campaign.

Recent trends have shown that a growing number of consumers are reacting positively to companies concerned with environmental issues. Incorporating our cost-effective Green Methods and Materials may give you an additional marketing tool to increase exposure and goodwill for your brand.




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nSymbio, Inc.2330 Old Middlefi eld Way, Suite 1

Mountain View, CA 94043
