Marketing Plan for Knor Soup

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This assignment is based upon creating a medium term marketing planning (3 years) of Knorr Soup just 9 months ago launched by Unilever Bangladesh Limited(UBL). In doing this, the marketing environment including both external and internal environment has been evaluated. Afterwards considering the marketing objectives a marketing mix has been suggested based upon the target market segmentation and positioning. And by analyzing all the above factors, a marketing budget has been established to create awareness among the target market. Eventually, the benchmarking method has been suggested for controlling the marketing plan and budget. It will help the students of universities majoring in Marketing and studying marketing courses where they need to prepare a marketing plan. This assignment can be used as benchmark and an ideal structure for doing own assignment. It is highly recommended not to directly copy this in one's academic work.

Transcript of Marketing Plan for Knor Soup

  • Marketing planning of Knorr Soup


    Page No.

    1. Terms of Reference..01

    2. Introduction to Unilever Bangladesh Limited (UBL)01

    3. Evaluation of the findings from marketing

    audit of UBL and identification of key issues01

    3.1 Evaluation of External Environmental Factors01

    3.2 Evaluation of Internal Environmental Factors.02

    3.3 Key Issues: External and Internal Environmental Factors02

    4. Marketing Objectives03

    4.1 Generating Alternative Strategic Options03

    5. Recommendations of segmentation, targeting and positioning.04

    5.1 Market Segmentation..04

    5.2 Target Market Segmentation for Knorr Soup05

    5.3 Targeting Strategy05

    5.4 Positioning Strategy.06

    6. Suggested marketing mix for Knorr Soup..07

    7. Recommendations of marketing budget.09

    8. Suggested method for Evaluating and Controlling

    the Marketing Plan & Budget...10

    8.1 Benchmarking...10

    9. Conclusion11


  • Marketing planning of Knorr Soup


    Page No.

    Figure 1 : Ansoffs growth vector matrix (source: Ansoff, 1957)..03

    Figure 2 : The major bases for segmenting consumer markets..05

    Figure 3 : Multivariate Segmentation for Knorr Soup.05

    Figure 4: Perceptual map adapted from Drummond and Ensor (2001)..06

    Figure 5 : Knorr soup distribution channel.08

    Figure 6: Implementation Schedule of promotional activities (GANN CHART)09

    Figure 7: Marketing Budget for the First year10

  • 1 Marketing planning of Knorr Soup

    1. Terms of Reference

    This task is based upon creating a medium term marketing planning (3 years) of knorr Soup

    just 9 months ago launched by Unilever Bangladesh Limited(UBL). In doing this, the marketing

    environment including both external and internal environment has been evaluated. Afterwards

    considering the marketing objectives a marketing mix has been suggested based upon the

    target market segmentation and positioning. And by analyzing all the above factors, a marketing

    budget has been established to create awareness among the target market. Eventually, the

    benchmarking method has been suggested for controlling the marketing plan and budget.

    2. Introduction to Unilever Bangladesh Limited (UBL)

    An organizational overview of Unilever Bangladesh Limited is shown in Appendix 1.

    3. Evaluation of the findings from marketing audit of UBL and identification of key issues:

    To enhance company performance with sustainable competitive advantage, It is very important

    for UBL to conduct an insightful diagnosis of the external and internal environment which will

    help to adopt a strategy that is brilliantly fit with the company's situation.

    3.1 Evaluation of External Environmental Factors

    Macro Environmental Factors

    Although unstable political situation prevails, as a developing country Bangladesh Govt.

    always encourages investments by making favorable business environment to reduce

    unemployment problem.

    To control inflation is very important to make the GDP growth fruitful. In such a situation,

    to ensure a sustainable profit drive, UBL has to adopt the strategy for some products to

    packaged into small size for low income group, for affordability.

    Busy urban life need such products that can make their life easier. So, it is a great

    opportunity for UBL to emphasize on an exclusive culture and embracing difference,

    which will result in high demand of its products in the developing and emerging market.

    UBL should always try to give importance on R&D, current technologies and launching

    of modified products so it can please its stakeholders.

    The Government is strengthening the consumer protection law and UBL must cope with

    the law to serve consumer interest.

  • 2 Marketing planning of Knorr Soup

    Working with the government in regard to climate change, CO2 emission waste

    management and arrangement of various training program to ensure compliance with

    the company standard for occupational health and safety will enhance the brand image.

    Evaluation of Micro Environmental Factors

    The micro environmental factors of UBL reveals that as UBL has access to many suppliers for

    acquiring raw materials with a strong inventory management system, the bargaining power of

    supplier is low. And there are various alternative choice customers can enjoy to satisfy their

    needs and desire, so the bargaining power of buyer is high. Only few financially capable

    companies exists to invest required capital, so the threat of new entrants is moderate. In

    addition, the price of the substitute product is relatively higher than the UBL one ,so there is a

    low threat of substitute. In the soup industry UBL is competing with only Nestle. The present

    scenario reveals that almost 83% market is covered by Nestle. So, to increase the market share

    will be a challenge for UBL.

    3.2 Evaluation of Internal Environmental Factors

    Internal environment could be evaluated in the context of product life cycle model & BCG matrix

    which have been discussed in the task-1:

    Earlier it has been revealed that the product (Knorr) is at the introduction stage. So, for

    helping the product to progress further it is necessary to create awareness & trial, to extend

    distribution channel and if it can be done than low sales will be turned into high and negative

    profit will be turned into positive because of economies of scale.

    In the Task-1, it has been revealed that Knorr Soup is operating in the high-growth market

    (18.11%) with a low relative market share(17%). In such a situation 'Knorr must try to increase

    the market share in order to strengthen its position. In doing this, UBL should concentrate on

    long-term returns rather short-term earnings and profits.

    3.3 Key Issues: The followings are the key issues of external & internal environment

    External Environment

    Political instability could affect investment.

    Real GDP growth rate is 6.7% which will influence to consume.

    41.7 million people living in urban areas who have more consumption power.

    Enriched R&D has the ability to introduce new products which can attract customers.

  • 3 Marketing planning of Knorr Soup

    Change in international and local policy could affect productivity.

    Industry Analysis

    Low bargaining power of supplier will ease the raw material collection.

    Bargaining power of buyer demands more customized product.

    Moderate threat of entrants can bring more option for customer.

    Higher cost of substitute product enhances opportunity.

    Key issues of Internal Marketing Environment

    Annual market growth is high

    Product at introduction stage demands awareness creation.

    Should concentrate on long term results.

    Need more market share to gain profit.

    4. Marketing Objectives

    To achieve 7o% customer awareness in the target market within first 6 months.

    To establish distribution channel in 42 district town within first 12 months.

    To accomplish annual growth rate of at least 12% by the end of second year.

    To achieve 45% market share by the end of three years

    4.1 Generating Alternative Strategic Options

    Ansoff (1975) developed product/market matrix which presents a useful relationship between

    products and markets. The matrix reflects on four arrangements of product and market. Each

    mixture proposes a growth strategy. So, for achieving the objectives, which strategic option

    should be proposed to deliver a product to the market must be ensured.

    Figure 1 : Ansoffs growth vector matrix (source: Ansoff, 1988)

    Market Penetration,

    Market Share,

    Market Growth,

    Customer Churn

    Product Development

    Market Extension/

    Market Development










    Product Current


  • 4 Marketing planning of Knorr Soup

    From the marketing objective, it can be seen that in its medium term planning Knorr tends to

    dominate the market by creating awareness and extending distribution channel. Moreover, in

    the task-1, in BCG Matrix it has been shown that annual market growth of Knorr is very high. So,

    all this things recommends Knorr to adopt market penetration strategy.

    5. Recommendations of segmentation, targeting and positioning

    The phases of STP progression can be identified as follows:

    Source: Gilligan and Wilson (2003, p398 )

    5.1 Market Segmentation

    Dibb et al. (2001) defines segmentation as: The process of grouping customers in markets with

    some heterogeneity into smaller, more similar or homogeneous segments

    Kotler et al. (1998, p.28) defines segmentation as: The act of dividing the market into specific

    group of consumers who share common needs and who might require separate products and/or

    marketing mixes

    There are a number of reasons organizations undertake segmentation (Doyle, 1994):

    To Meet consumer needs more precisely

    To increase profits

    To segment leadership

    To retain customers

    To focus marketing communications

    So, it could be said that segmentation is about categorizing explicit groups of customers to

    which an organization could realize demand with its products or services. As the chosen

    product is a FMCG product, so it is necessary to use segmentation variables for the consumer


    1.Identify the organizations current position, capabilities, objectives and constraints

    2.Identify the segmentation variables and segment the markets

    3. Develop profile of each segment

    4. Evaluate the potential and attractiveness of each segment

    5..Select the target segment(s)

    6. Identify the positioning concept within each target segment

    7 Select and develop the appropriate positioning concepts

    8. Develop the marketing mix strategy

  • 5 Marketing planning of Knorr Soup

    Geographic and geo demographic

    Geographic: region, climate, population density.



    Age, sex, education, occupation, religion, race, nationality, family size, family life cycle, ethnicity


    Attitudes, knowledge, benefits, user status, usage rate, loyalty status, readiness to buy, occasions


    Personality, lifestyle, VALS, AIO, 4Cs, Monitor

    Figure 2 : The major bases for segmenting consumer markets [Source: Wilson and Gilligan (2003, p 412)]

    5.2 Market Segmentation Strategy for Knorr Soup

    After careful study of the market UBL will adopt the Multivariate segmentation strategy for Knorr

    Soup in the following way:

    Demographic Segmentation

    Variable Consumer

    Age 10+

    Ethnicity Urban Society

    House Hold Size 4+

    House Hold Income 10000

    Behavioral Segmentation

    Benefits Sought Can be prepared promptly and easily.

    Average usage rate 4 packs a week

    Figure 3 : Multivariate Segmentation for Knorr

    5.3 Targeting Strategy

    After identifying the market segmentation it is essential to adopt a targeting strategy which will

    help UBL to go after the segment for its marketing efforts.

    Dibb et al. (2001, p.49) identify the different targeting approaches as: The decision about which

    market segment(s) a business decides to priorities for its sales and marketing efforts. One of

  • 6 Marketing planning of Knorr Soup

    the different approaches is undifferentiated or mass marketing strategy where the organization

    considers the total market as being homogenous and apply just one marketing mix for the total

    market. For Knorr Soup, UBL will go for this strategy because it will ensure mass awareness to

    total urban society with lower operational cost (marketing, manufacturing e.g.).

    5.4 Positioning Strategy

    Kotler and Keller (2006) defines positioning as: The act of designing the companys offer and

    image so that they occupy a meaningful and distinctive position in the target customers mind.

    Having finished the target market selection it is important for UBL to make a strong position in

    the target markets mind. Knorr Soup has entered the market with four flavors which are almost

    similar to its competitor in terms of ingredients and customers can easily identify this. Now, on

    what positioning prompts UBL should concentrate on. As Knorr has entered the market after

    three years of its competitor (Maggie Soup) and has grab 17% market share after nine months

    of launching the product. So, Knorr Soup should concentrate on competitive positioning.

    The following perceptual map has been adapted from Drummond and Ensor (2001, p.186) ,and

    shows where Knorr Soup now see itself relative to its main competitor Maggie Soup:

    High Quality

    Premier Sector

    Mid Range

    Basic Low High Quality Quality Figure 4: Perceptual map adapted from Drummond and Ensor (2001)


    Maggie Knorr

  • 7 Marketing planning of Knorr Soup

    The above perceptual map reveals that in terms of quality the perception of consumers about

    Knorr is less than its competitor. So, consumers are ready to pay higher price for Maggie Soup.

    UBL thinks that people perceive Maggie in this way because it has entered in the market before

    Knorr and has enjoyed monopoly business.

    6. Suggested marketing mix for Knorr Soup

    Wilson and Gilligan (2003 , p. 578) has the following to say about marketing mix:

    The way in which a differential advantage might be achieved and sustained is through the

    manipulation of the elements of the marketing mix. This mix has traditionally been seen to

    consist of the four Ps of marketing: product, price, promotion and place.

    So, it could be said that marketing mix is the following set of marketing tools like;





    that a firm can manage to follow its marketing objectives in the target market. With the purpose

    of creating the proper arrangement of these elements to satisfy the needs of the customer of

    Knorr Soup, UBL should combine the above elements in the following way:

    Product : Keeping in mind the diverse flavors of its competitor (Maggie Soup), Knorr Soup has

    entered the soup industry as an actual product. The four flavors of Knorr are chicken ginger,

    chicken mushroom, classic tomato & corn chicken which are almost similar to its competitor. In

    case of packaging all nutritional facts have been revealed for consumers. As Knorr has entered

    the soup industry as an actual product, so for attaining the marketing objectives UBL should

    modify the existing features by removing those which no longer meet up the needs of a large

    enough number of consumers and do not generate sufficient profits.

    Price: In case of price setting Knorr has adopted market penetration pricing strategy because

    the competitor has already grabbed 83% market share so knorr needs to attract the large

    number of buyers in order to enlarge its market share. In doing this, the price of Knorr will be

    lower from its competitor. Earlier in the characteristics of market segmentation it has been

    showed that average usage rate is 4 packs per week, So, UBL should adopt the product-mix

    pricing strategy like product bundle pricing including 4 packs together which will cost 100tk and

    which is 20tk. lower than its competitor.

  • 8 Marketing planning of Knorr Soup

    Place: For making Knorr Soup available UBL will intensive distribution strategy which means the product will be available in the target region. Afterwards for distribution channel organization

    UBL should adopt a distribution channel structure in which producers, wholesalers and retailers

    act as an integrated system. In doing so, UBL should concentrate on establishing distribution

    channel in the district town by the following way:

    Direct Selling

    Figure 5 : Knorr soup distribution channel.

    In case of choosing whole seller UBL prefer agents and brokers who will not take possession of

    the goods but will be paid a commission for aiding buying and selling. Moreover, UBL must

    ensure the prerequisite of products at the quality level preferred by the leading number of

    customers in that target market, while maintaining the costs of stock inventories, transportation

    and warehousing as low as possible.

    For making the channel more effective UBL should assign the tasks to all channel members so

    that the whole work could be done smoothly to attain overall channel goals in the following


    To maintain a relationship between retailer & whole seller to ensure product placement

    in the targeted city for achieving a revenue target

    To cluster various territories along with conflict management & trouble solution.

    To make all the channel members responsible for the sales within the whole targeted

    area for Knorr Soup.

    Promotion: Philip Kotler (2003, p.18) has the following to say about promotion: Promotion is that part of communication that consists of company messages designed to

    stimulate awareness of, interest in, and purchase of its various products and services.

    For Knorr Soup UBL should emphasize on Integrated Communication Approach which means a

    management idea where all characteristics of marketing communication will effort in a combined

    way. Wilson and Gilligan (2003, p.589) has identified: when a product is at introduction stage

    Unilever Bangladesh

    Limited (UBL)

    Distributor Whole sellers in the target

    market (district town)




  • 9 Marketing planning of Knorr Soup

    needs heavy spending to build awareness and encourage trial among early adopters and

    distributors. So, For Knorr Soup UBL should conduct the following promotional activities:

    Advertising, Sales promotions, Merchandising, Personal Selling, Public Relation e.g.

    So, UBL will implement the above promotional activities in the form of multiple tasks like

    the following way:

    Figure 6: Implementation Schedule of promotional activities (GANN CHART)

    7. Recommendations of marketing budget

    To market a product, it is very imperative to estimate a realistic cost which will ensure the

    marketing objective to achieve 7o% customer awareness in the target market within first 12

    months along with the permission of concerned authority. For this, UBL need to determine the

    budgeting method which will ensure a realistic budget for knorr soup.

    Implementation Schedule

    Three Years (3) Medium

    Term promotion Planning


    April, 2012- March, 2013








    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    Task Description

    Product Development Television Advertisement News Paper Advertisement Magazine Advertisement Radio Advertisement Billboards Advertisement Point of Sale (POS) commission, free offer

    (Price off, sample) Personal Selling Campaigning Canteen/Cafeteria Branded Mobile Vans Product Modification Price Changes

  • 10 Marketing planning of Knorr Soup

    Among the several budgeting method Knorr should use the combination of objective & task and

    judgment method. In the marketing audit part (Task-1) it has been found that the soup industry

    growth is high and knorr is at the introduction stage. So, keeping the marketing objective in mind

    to gain 45% market share by the end of three years along with the analysis of social trend

    extracted from external environmental analysis the following marketing budget is recommended.

    Advertising Cost in Taka

    Television 20,00,000

    Radio 60,000

    News Paper 250,000

    Magazine 50,000

    Billboards 10,00,000

    Merchandizing or Point of Sale (POS) 200,000

    Out of home activation

    Canteen/Cafeteria branding (Chosen

    University, College, School in the targeted



    Branded Mobile Vans 300,000

    Sales Promotions

    Free Offer 150,000

    Sample Distribution 120,000

    Public Relation

    Campaigning 110,000

    Sub Total 42,40,000

    Figure 7: Marketing Budget for Knorr Soup [Note: 1 pound=132.50 tk.]

    8. Suggested method for Evaluating and Controlling the Marketing Plan & Budget

    With the aim of taking corrective action for better performance of knorr it is vital to adjust the

    marketing objective with the course of time along with evaluation of setting standard. In doing

    this, marketing department of UBL could consider profit analysis (return on investment), cost per

    unit analysis e.g. along with measuring the each component of marketing mix like market share,

    sales, profit margin, channel growth, stock levels, media coverage, awareness level e.g. which

    must be relevant with marketing objective and planning. And for all this things Knorr should

    adopt benchmarking method

    8.1 Benchmarking: Drummond et al. (2008, p.286) defines benchmarking as: A systematic

    and on-going process of measuring and comparing an organizations business processes and

  • 11 Marketing planning of Knorr Soup

    achievements against acknowledged process leaders and/or key competitors, to facilitate

    improved performance. Hence, Knorr soup should scrutinize its competitors (Maggie) activities,

    strategy, operations which help them to increase their market share. For example; if Maggie

    adopt market penetration strategy or more invest on TV media or Billboard and it brings success

    to them then knorr soup should study on that. Moreover, Knorr could set up their performance

    standard like; by the end of one year Knorr will increase its market share by 15%.

    9. Conclusion

    To form a marketing strategy, any proactive organization needs to evaluate its external and

    internal environment so that it can understand at what point it needs to improve, what strengths

    and opportunities it has. UBL should use the market penetration strategy outlined in Ansoffs

    matrix in relation to other strategies, not in separation and it will help UBL to increase its market


    UBL needs to develop the marketing mix in a way so that it can cover the target market because

    for creating awareness and for getting response it is very important. As the product(knorr) is at

    the introduction stage and the industry growth is high, it is very important for UBL to make a

    substantial marketing budget considering the objective and task method along with judgment

    method which will help knorr to advance. Eventually, benchmarking method would be

    appropriate for UBL to compare itself with its competitor.

  • 12 Marketing planning of Knorr Soup



    Drummond, G. et al (2008) Strategic marketing planning and control. 3rd edition. Oxford,

    Butterworth Heinemann.

    Drummond, G. and Ensor, J. (2001) Strategic marketing planning and control. 2nd edition.

    Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann.

    Kotler, P. et al (1998) Principles of marketing. Harlow, FT/ Prentice Hall.

    Dibb et al (2001) Marketing: concepts and strategies. 5th edition. Boston, Houghton Mifflin.

    Kotler, P and Keller, K.L. (2006) Marketing management.12th edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ,

    Prentice Hall.

    Megicks, P. (ed), Donnelly, R. and Harrison G. (2009) CIM course book: the marketing planning

    process. Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann.

    Wilson, R.M.S. and Gilligan, C.(2003) Strategic marketing planning. Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann .

    Kotler, P (2003) Marketing insights from A to Z. New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

    WEB Site

    Official Web site of Bangladesh Bureau of statistics (

    Official Web site of Unilever Bangladesh (