Marketing -Performance and Future Outlook

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  • 8/3/2019 Marketing -Performance and Future Outlook


    MarketingMarketing --PerformancePerformance andandFuture OutlookFuture Outlook

    Prof. Rushen Chahal

  • 8/3/2019 Marketing -Performance and Future Outlook


    Marketing ManagementMarketing Management

    ImplementationImplementationy There should be a close relationship among

    planning, implementation, and evaluation in themanagement process.

    Without planning, operational activities will have no

    direction. Plans have to be implemented effectively to be useful

    to the firm.

    y The implementation stage includes three broadactivities:

    Organizing the marketing effort.x Staffing the organization.

    x Directing the execution of marketing plans.

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    Organizational StructureOrganizational Structure

    y Traditional vertical structures are being

    replaced by horizontal organizations:

    Fewer organizational levels

    Employee empowerment

    Cross-functional teams

    y In a company-wide organization that

    coincides with the marketing concept, allmarketing activities should be under one

    marketing executive.

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    PostPost--Sale FollowSale Follow--ThroughThrough

    y Warranties



    yy Product LiabilityProduct Liability

    x product design

    x product defect

    x customers warnings about proper use of


    y Benefits vs. Costs

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    Evaluating MarketingEvaluating Marketing


    y The process of evaluation should beginas soon as possible after plans havebeen set into operation.

    Evaluation logically follows planning andimplementation.

    Planning sets forth what should be donewhereas evaluations shows what really wasdone.

    Evaluations are the starting point in thenext round of planning.

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  • 8/3/2019 Marketing -Performance and Future Outlook


    The Marketing AuditThe Marketing Audit

    y The Marketing AuditMarketing Audit is a comprehensivereview and evaluation of marketingfunctions.

    Looks at environment, goals, resources,performance and organization.

    y MisdirectedMarketing Effort

    Often revealed by an audit

    8080--20 Principle20 Principle reveals profitable customers Iceberg PrincipleIceberg Principle:More than meets the eye

    Errors arise from incomplete information

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  • 8/3/2019 Marketing -Performance and Future Outlook


    Evaluating ModernEvaluating Modern


    y Criticisms of marketing focus on action (or

    inaction) that relate to the balance between

    the organization objectives and the wantsof customers and the well-being of society.

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    Criticisms of MarketingCriticisms of Marketing

    y exploitation: taking unfair advantage of people orof situations

    y inefficiency:using resources unnecessarily


    stimulating unwholesome demand:promotingproducts and services that may be harmful

    y inappropriate values

    y engaging in illegal behaviour

    y delivering poor customer servicey reliance on technology

    y short term goals

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    Consumer Responses to MarketingConsumer Responses to Marketing


    y consumers responded to concerns through an

    organized consumer movement

    y they are today more prepared to protect

    themselves and to register complaints

    y consumers also seem more willing to stop dealing

    with firms that do not deliver what the customer

    wants in a way that is acceptable

    y they are also turning their attention to broader

    social and environmental issues

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    Government ResponsesGovernment Responses

    y governments at all levels have passed laws to

    protect consumers and to regulate marketing

    y these laws protect the consumer against physical

    harm and against being misled

    y much of the legislation is intended to ensure that

    the customer has enough information to make a

    reasoned purchase decision

    y some public agencies regulate and control

    markets in the interest of the customer

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    Business ResponsesBusiness Responses

    y business has responded with efforts to providebetter communication with the consumer

    y business has responded to criticism with efforts toprovide the consumer with better information and

    to make it accessible

    y genuine efforts have been made to improve thequality of products and customer service

    y businesses have established self-regulatorymechanisms to regulate advertising content

    y many firms measure their quality of service andhave set up customer service departments

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    Ethics and MarketingEthics and Marketing

    y Ethics are standards of moral behaviour.

    y Many businesses have formal codes of ethics.

    y A simple ethical model is to ask the following

    questions: Would I do this to a friend?

    Would I be willing to have this done to me?

    Would I be embarrassed if this action were

    publicized nationally?

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  • 8/3/2019 Marketing -Performance and Future Outlook


    Good Reasons toGood Reasons to

    Behave EthicallyBehave Ethically

    y To reverse the declining public confidence

    in marketing.

    y To avoid increases in government


    y To retain the social power granted by


    y To protect the image of the organization.

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    Ethical Marketing andEthical Marketing and

    Customer ImpactCustomer Impact

    y Privacy a big issue as more data collected in data


    y Telemarketing flashpoint for this.

    y Direct marketing organizations try to refine lists.

    y Social responsibility important in advertising.

    Fashion advertising with super-thin models.

    Labatt and Maximum Ice with 7.1% alcohol.

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    Prospects for the FutureProspects for the Future

    y Managers need to monitor events in themarketplace, identify opportunities, and respondwith want-satisfying products.

    y Changes in the external environment that bearwatching:

    Demographic shifts

    Different values

    Technological changes

    Use of consumer information

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  • 8/3/2019 Marketing -Performance and Future Outlook


    Changing Canadian ConsumersChanging Canadian Consumersy marketing will be affected by the changing

    demographic profile of Canada

    aging society; smaller households; etc

    y customer values will continue to change andenvironmental matters will remain topical

    broadened perspectives; more skeptical; moredifficult to please; more balanced life-styles

    greater interest in entertainment; morespending on out-of-home entertainment

    demands for better service

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    Changing Canadian MarketplaceChanging Canadian Marketplace

    y considerable impact of advanced technology

    Internet marketing

    fragmentation of the electronic media

    double-sided effect on service delivery facilitates monitoring of customer purchasing

    y greater availability of marketing information will

    mean that customers can be targeted and

    resources used more efficiently

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    Adjusting to theAdjusting to the

    New MarketingNew Marketing

    y instituting a market-driven organization

    y firms will not be able to escape globalization

    y must recognize the importance of value

    y must be greater emphasis placed on deliveringsuperior service and on satisfying customers

    y everything that a firm does will have to beenvironmentally acceptable

    y long-term success will involve building strongcustomer relationships

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