Market research powerpoint

Market Research! Blues, Classical, Country, Heavy Metal, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Opera, Rap, Rock and pop! And many more…



Transcript of Market research powerpoint

Page 1: Market research powerpoint

Market Research!

Blues, Classical, Country, Heavy Metal, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Opera, Rap, Rock and pop! And many more…

Page 2: Market research powerpoint

What music tastes are catered for already?

Blues music Classical music

Blues, Classical, Country, Heavy Metal, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Opera, Rap, Rock and pop! And many more…

County music Heavy metal music

Hip hop/rap Jazz Indie Pop

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Comparing the market…

The image on here is very disturbing but very conventional for this type of magazine. I would expect this kind of image on this type of magazine.

This type of magazine uses dark colours and bright gold and red titles. This is very eye-catching but very much suits its genre.

It displays on the front cover that it has 116 pages of heavy metal related subjects. This would attract the reader to buy this particular magazine as it may be the one with the most pages.

This content is very appropriate for this magazine the “top 25 zombie metal songs” People who are interested in heavy metal would like this feature story as it is different to their normal heavy metal as it’s a different type of heavy metal.

Gripping stories to make the reader interested.

This is a Heavy Metal music magazine. It shows a very disturbing dominant image on the front cover which is conventional for this genre. I would have expected something like this. I think it is very full of information for the reader which I like as it makes the reader buy it. I hope my music magazine will be similar in the fact that it has plenty of information available.

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Comparing the market…

By showing an exclusive interview with Jessie J on the front it makes Jessie J fans want to buy this issue.

Free posters. This attracts audience as young girls love to pin up their favourite celebrity on their bedroom walls and free posters would make them buy. However when doing this you need to be careful that it is a popular celebrity.

Other interests included into the magazine so its not all samey. This is a very good way of attracting an audience and I think it would be good to do something like this.

Bright girly colours that stand out and make it look really eye-catching that will attract young teenage girls that like fashion and pop music.

This magazine is very well laid out, it is a very busy cover, but doesn’t look messy. I think it is very conventional for a girly pop music magazine. I like the fact that it gives away free things and that it caters for other interests as well and not purely pop.

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Comparing the market…


The title on the ‘Heavy metal’ magazine is very bold and in blood red and gold, as apposed to girly pink, black and white on the ‘Pop’ magazine. Each are very different to each other, but similarly they both stick to a conventional style for their magazines.

General style

The ‘Pop’ magazine uses very girly and eye-catching colours where as the ‘Heavy metal’ magazine uses dark colours. This really emphasises moods of the magazines. The ‘Pop’ magazine is very bright and it creates a general happy mood, and the ‘Heavy metal’ magazine creates a very dark and gloomy atmospheric mood.

Feature stories

These magazines both have a main feature story. The ‘Heavy metal’ magazine features “The top 25 zombie metal songs of all time” which is very relevant to their genre and also ties in with their dominant image. The ‘Pop’ magazines feature is “Exclusive interview with Jessie J, the tears the bullies and the voice” this is also very relevant to their genre. Both these magazines have put in a feature relevant to what their audience crave for so that it drags in their audience and makes them purchase an issue of the magazine.

Other stories

The ‘Pop’ magazine has stories about celebrities and gossip about their lives. Whereas the ‘Heavy metal’ magazine sticks to general articles on their specific music.

The ‘Pop’ magazine also goes onto other interests such as teenage fashion, this is a very good way of doing things as it attracts other audiences that like fashion as well as music. The ‘Heavy metal’ magazine sticks with their genre of music and doesn’t put anything else into it.

Dominant image

The dominant images are very different in comparison to one another. The ‘Heavy metal’ magazine shows a man massacring a zombie with blood splattered around the cover, this is conventional for this type of magazine. The ‘Pop’ magazine shows a happy Pop artist that is popular in the industry, and also ties in with the feature story. I like this idea for my music magazine.

Anything else?

The ‘Pop’ magazine advertises free posters of popular male celebrities and pop stars. This is a great way to attract an audience as young teenage girls do like to pin up their favourite stars in their bedrooms. The ‘Heavy metal' magazine doesn’t advertise anything as free but they advertise that it has 116 pages which attracts an audience and may bring in more people from different magazines of the same genre because it has more pages which means more value for money.

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Comparing the market…The title looks like its been scribbled on free hand and loosely. This ties in really well with the blues magazine, as blues music is quite smooth and free. However, it does stick out to me as more of a rock font and colour then a blues magazine. I think it would suit more a blue colour.

The dominant image shows a man who obviously is a blues artist with his saxophone. The man on the cover is coloured which we usually link to blues music as they are historically known for the existence of blues music.

Big white subtitle of stories for this magazine. I think it works really well for this type of magazine as it stands out and grips the reader immediately by these stories as they stick directly to stories on blues music, artists and bands.

“2012 living blues awards winners inside!” This shows that there is an interesting story inside that the audience will want to read and therefore people will buy it from seeing this story.

This is a very typical blues magazine. The dominant image is a perfect shot and shows a blues artist that is old and looks happy doing what he's doing. It features the right stories for the target audience as it grips them in from it and it also has a big stand out title so people recognise what magazine it is.

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Comparing the market…

Feature stories stick to RnB music and artists, doesn’t drift onto other areas and interests.

Sub title is larger then the actual title, it could confuse the audience as they may think this is a magazine called “Breaks out!” and not “XXL” which isn't great as the audience may not buy this issue as they may not think its their magazine.

Gives a preview of what artists they are featuring. This is a great idea as it shows all the upcoming and popular artists which makes their target audience want to buy this magazine.

The dominant image is very conventional for this type of magazine it shows a group of what look to be youths dressed stereotypically how people would expect to see people dressed that like to listen to rap and RnB.

The colour use of this magazine is very bright and busy which works well as it doesn’t look to busy but looks effective.

The title is very conventional for this type of magazine because its big and out their and ties in with the style of RnB.

This magazine shows everything you would expect from an RnB music magazine. The whole overall style looks very hip hop and new. The title is very stand outish, however for this type of magazine I would have expected the title to be in a graffiti font as when you think of hop hop and the type of people that listen to it you always associate graffiti with them.

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Comparing the market…


In both these magazines they have gone against their convention but in different ways the blues magazine has used a free hand style of title which does fit in with their style of music as the blues are smooth and free, but the red doesn’t really tie in well with the blues as red stands out as a harsh colour and not a smooth relaxing sound. Whereas the colour on the hip hop magazine does work well for its style of music, but I would have thought a graffiti style font would have fit in better to that particular taste in music.

Anything else?

These magazines are both similar in the fact that they don’t advertise anything free or competitions to attract the audience in. They both rely solely on the fact that their stories and front covers are good enough to attract an audience.

Feature stories

These magazines again both use similar cover story methods.

The blues magazine features interviews and biographies on past and present blues artists, where as the hip hop magazine does interviews with fresh and upcoming artists and groups.

I think this works well for these magazines as they are well set out and it interests their audience.

Other stories

These magazines don’t focus on any other interests they both rely on the fact that they have interviews with their artists and groups.

I think the downside to this is there are only so many interviews that can take place as there are only so many artists and groups of these genres so they need to be careful when using their stories, I think to make them better it would be good to include some other interests of these people who like their magazines.

General style

I think the general styles of these magazines are very different. The blues magazine has hardly anything on it and one musician this is conventional because the music is smooth and not busy a lot like how the cover is set out. Where as the hip hop magazine is busy and in your face a lot like their genre of music. Dominant Image

The dominant image on these magazine covers are very different to one another but very conventional to their genre of music. The hip hop magazine shows a gang of youths that are dressed in hoodies and what we associate chavs and gangsters to wear, and so this image fits in well with hip hop as we also associate chavs and gangsters to listen to. In comparison the blues magazine shows a just one person this is usually the case for blues magazines as usually blues artists are usually soloists.

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So where are the gaps?

Teenage boys pop magazineAfter researching what magazines are available within the market it has become clear that their aren’t any magazines of this genre. I think it would be good for boys to have a magazine that is solely for them, as if there aren't any available to them in this category then what do they read? I need to do some primary research to find out from the audience, if this became available on the market would they buy it and if so what would they like to see in it? To attract the audience I would focus on other interests and free things as after looking at other magazines it seems an effective way to bring in the target audience.

Musical theatre magazineAfter researching the magazines in different areas of the market, I also discovered that there is no magazines in this particular genre. I think that this would be a really good genre to be put in the market as it would be new and fresh, the downside I see to this is not many people are into musical theatre anymore. Again, I need to do some primary research to find out if people would be interested in this area and what they would like to see within this magazine. To attract the audience I’d do interviews and giveaway free things that the reader would be interested in.

Retro music magazineAgain, not many magazines focus solely on music from past era’s. I think it would be good to put a retro music magazine out there into the market about music throughout the era’s and biography's on the artists and bands. I think it would be good and would target an older audience as its old music. To attract the audience I would advertise free things and put in pull out pages and demo CD’s and DVD’s of the retro artists and bands. To find out if people would buy this and what they would expect to see in this type of magazine I need to do some primary research.

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Conducting primary research