Market research-example

04/25/2022 1 egmentation should be a way to find the starting points for consumer dialogue. y using it in a forward manner, we can focus our listening to ee how ideas and innovation can best be generated. Market Research 2015

Transcript of Market research-example

Page 1: Market research-example


Segmentation should be a way to find the starting points for consumer dialogue.By using it in a forward manner, we can focus our listening to see how ideas and innovation can best be generated.

Market Research


Page 2: Market research-example

Market Dynamics


Apparent Consumption4,057 units

Business opportunities4,443 units

World Industry Reports

*3,693 units

Market size in 2014.

4,064 units

Number of elevators installed in the country by 2014 50,000 55,000




Market size in units (2015) Market size in units (2019)




4,064 units

4,308 units

6% Growth

* Considering average price of $800,000MXP.

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Market Share


Company Share 2014

Units 2014 Company’s Qualitative Position in the Future*

Player 1 29% 1,179 Maintains good positioning due to tradition and good brand performance.

Player 2 18% 732 Maintains good positioning due to tradition and good brand. Very well positioned brand in the market.

Player3 15% 608 Key Position

Player 4 15% 589Claims they will gain share, Expansion of their factory in Mexico, government support, positioning as the brand that offers inexpensive elevators

Player 5 24% 956 Might gain organic share due to cheaper options. Chinese options are growing.

TOTAL 100% 4,064

* Assessments based on interviews and secondary research.

4,064 units in 2014

4,308 units in 2019

Page 4: Market research-example

Otis is one of the most recognized brands in the industry


Most recommended brand

player 1 Player 2

Brand most considered when thinking about buying new equipment

Player 1

Which company do you prefer to work with?

Player 3

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