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Script Weight Loss Focused Sugar Talk How to Lose Weight (Even if You Don't Have Any Willpower)Use this script if you want to use the talk to enroll people into a group program, such as a cleanse or detox. [FIRST SLIDE] Hello, everyone! I’m [ your name] of [ Business Name] and I’m delighted to speak with you today. I created this talk because I keep hearing from women who are unhappy with their weight and who, it turns out, were suffering from strong sugar cravings. The sugar cravings are controlling them instead of THEM being in control of what they were consuming. [ Edit this to fit your story or what your clients experience.] If you can relate to this, maybe you’re experiencing what I experienced several years ago – which was that you’re constantly looking for that next “hit” of sugar. And the sugar might be in the form of sweets, but it might also be in the form of chips, crackers, and bread – which many people don’t associate as foods that make you crave sugar. I’ll explain why you may be craving these foods a little later in my talk. [NEXT SLIDE] For me, it was needing another cup of coffee mid-morning, which I loaded with sugar – and a granola bar that had more sugar than I realized. After lunch it was tea with sugar and chocolate. And at

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ScriptWeight Loss Focused Sugar Talk

“How to Lose Weight (Even if You Don't Have Any Willpower)”

Use this script if you want to use the talk to enroll people into a group program, such as a cleanse or detox.


Hello, everyone! I’m [your name] of [Business Name] and I’m delighted to speak with you today.

I created this talk because I keep hearing from women who are unhappy with their weight and who, it turns out, were suffering from strong sugar cravings. The sugar cravings are controlling them instead of THEM being in control of what they were consuming.

[Edit this to fit your story or what your clients experience.] If you can relate to this, maybe you’re experiencing what I experienced several years ago – which was that you’re constantly looking for that next “hit” of sugar. And the sugar might be in the form of sweets, but it might also be in the form of chips, crackers, and bread – which many people don’t associate as foods that make you crave sugar. I’ll explain why you may be craving these foods a little later in my talk.


For me, it was needing another cup of coffee mid-morning, which I loaded with sugar – and a granola bar that had more sugar than I realized. After lunch it was tea with sugar and chocolate. And at night, I’d sit in front of the TV eating whatever my treat of choice was at the time – ice cream, cookies, or cupcakes.

Who here can relate to these feelings? [If this is a webinar/teleseminar you can ask people to type in the chat box or enter a prompt on their phone or on the screen – this will work differently depending on what

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webinar/teleseminar service you’re using. This applies to this question and the questions that follow below.]

[Comment on the responses you’re getting.] I see a lot of hands raised and people nodding.

I’m curious to know, when do your cravings typically hit? [You can ask for a show of hands for mid-morning, after lunch, afternoon, evening.]

[Edit to reflect your story.] I know for me, when I do get cravings, they most often hit at night – on those nights when I’m exhausted from a difficult day or the kids took everything out of me.

And, what foods do you typically crave? Do you have a particular trigger food? [Edit to reflect your story.] For me it’s usually chocolate related… a cookie, a piece of chocolate, or chocolate ice cream.

Who here feels like their constant sugar cravings is just “how they’re wired” and that it’s something you have to live with?

When women come to me, they often think there’s nothing they can do about their sugar cravings – and they’re delighted when I show them, step by step, how to kick their cravings so that they can feel more in control of their food – while reaping the benefits of losing weight and having more energy.

A few years ago, I didn’t realize HOW sugar was affecting me.

I knew I was tired and I struggled with my weight, but I didn’t know it was connected to my sugar consumption.

I was trying lots of things – lots of diets – that weren’t working for me, and I was frustrated!

You see… I continued to struggle because I wasn’t addressing my sugar cravings and my sugar consumption.

If I had addressed that FIRST, before anything else, it would have saved me a lot of time and frustration.

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That’s why I created this talk and am here, speaking to you about sugar cravings.

[Edit or re-write this story based on your personal experience.] This topic is near and dear to me, because I know firsthand what it feels like to struggle with weight loss, lack of energy and constant fatigue.

I’ve been in the same place you are, where I just couldn’t seem to get through the afternoon slump without a sweet treat. I couldn’t resist cookies that were offering during a meeting at work … and then a second.

I know exactly what it feels like to try to eat well, but to feel like your cravings are sabotaging all of your efforts.

I’ve seen this exact same pattern with my clients who struggle with nagging cravings. They’re unsure what’s happening and desperate to break the cycle.

You see, if you’re struggling with fatigue and weight issues, your KEY to success is to start by addressing those nagging sugar cravings.

Without doing that, every other challenge you face is going to be so much more difficult. But do that first, and you’ll find you see success where you didn’t think it was possible.

Today I’m going to share some of the same strategies I teach my clients, so you can feel your best – without relying on willpower.


Let’s take a closer look at exactly what I’m going to be sharing with you today.

I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to start addressing your cravings – so you can break through your weight loss plateau and boost your energy. Specifically, you’re going to learn:

The #1 food that is causing your sugar cravings.

This is something most people don’t know anything about, but that’s okay … I’m going to give you the secret. Understanding what this food

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is, is the first step in kicking the cravings.

I’m going to share EXACTLY how and why sugar impacts your metabolism, preventing you from burning fat (and why this results in extra pounds piling up.)

You’ll learn why sugar is secretly FORCING your body to hold onto excess weight…regardless of how “healthy” you think you’re eating, and how much exercise you do.

Once I understood this, it gave me SO much clarity on why I had been struggling with my weight – despite watching my portions and exercising regularly.

I’ll share my little-known strategy for kicking your sugar cravings to the curb, so you can finally reclaim full control over your diet and start losing weight (without willpower)!

Given how powerful this is, it’s surprising that very few people know it, so I’m really excited to walk you through this today.

Lastly, I’m going to share the TRUTH about carbohydrates — which ones are good for you, which ones are bad for you, and how to choose carbs that help reduce your nagging cravings and spur weight loss.

(Yes, not all carbs are equal!)

I get a lot of questions about this, so today we’re going to clear up any confusion you have about carbs.I created this webinar because I really want to help you FIRST understand sugar, and then beat it at its own game.

See, I love working with clients on this topic, because believe it or not, it’s actually really easy to reduce your cravings. And when you do, you’ll finally be in control of what goes into your body without having to rely on willpower.


You can give up that stressful and never-ending INNER struggle.

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Now, don’t misunderstand me here. The goal isn’t that you’re never going to have sugar or a sweet treat. The goal is to diminish the nagging “I must have this now” feeling – so you can be more in control while still enjoying a treat here and there. When you do kick these cravings, you’ll find that you have MUCH more energy - AND if you’ve been struggling with your weight, you’ll effortlessly let go of some of that extra “padding” – excess fat – that you’ve been carrying around.

Imagine if you could have one slice of birthday cake instead of three.

Imagine if you could go through your day without NEEDING a sugar fix.

Imagine if excess weight started to release, without you having to try very hard.

Imagine being able to get through your day with more energy than ever before…and energy that’s stable throughout the day.

Are these things you’d like to achieve?

If so, you’re in the right place.

Almost every client I work with experiences sugar cravings on a daily basis, but they’re really not sure why.

It’s a mystery to them why they want something so badly, and why they can’t stop reaching for that piece of candy even when they try.

If you’re experiencing sugar cravings, it’s likely that one of two things is happening. Either you regularly give into the craving, creating a cycle of sugar highs, crashes and cravings. Or you hold out, relying on your willpower alone, and at some point give into the urge to binge when you just can’t take it anymore.

If you’re like me, both of these approaches leave you constantly feeling guilty about what you’re eating and your inability to be in more control.

Who here feels guilt, on almost a daily basis?

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For me, those feelings of guilt and frustration about not being in control of my diet were the worst. For years, they ate at me and really impacted my happiness and how I felt about myself.

I want to show you a better way. That’s why I’ve packed this talk with strategies you can put into action right away.

It’s my commitment to you to teach you everything I can in the time we have together. With the strategies I am sharing today, you’ll be able to reduce your sugar cravings right away, so you can start to see IMMEDIATE results.

I know that some of you are going to have questions and want to take this even further, so at the end I’ll share how you can take this deeper and finally lose the weight and boost you energy by kicking your nagging sugar cravings in the next 30 days [modify this based on the offer you’re making at the end].

For now, know that you’re in the right place…


You’re in the right place if you’ve tried every diet out there, but nothing has worked in the long run to achieve AND maintain your ideal weight.


You’re in the right place if you just can’t get through the day without eating sugar.


You’re in the right place if you suffer from constant fatigue even when you’re getting enough sleep.


And… you’re in the right place if you’re frankly just sick of feeling out of control of your diet --like sugar is behind the wheel instead of you.

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You CAN have a diet that doesn’t make you feel this way, and without feeling deprived. It IS possible.


The first thing we’re going to discuss is the #1 food making your sugar cravings worse, and how to reclaim control of your diet.


That food, believe it or not, is sugar itself!

That’s because sugar is actually more addictive than cocaine.


Studies done with rats have proven this.

There was a study done with rats in Bordeaux, France where researchers reported that when rats were allowed to choose mutually-exclusively between water sweetened with saccharin–an intense calorie-free sweetener–and intravenous cocaine–a highly addictive and harmful substance–the large majority of animals (94%) preferred the sweet taste of saccharin.i

Yikes, right?

And before you assume it was just saccharin that was addictive, they also did the experiment with sugar as well and found the same results…. Sugar is more addictive than cocaine!

So if your sugar cravings sometimes cause you to feel a little like an addict, there’s a good reason why, and you’re not alone!

Unfortunately, sugar is a tricky beast. It hides in some of the most unexpected places, and until you’re accustomed to its many disguises, you may not even recognize it.


Here are just a few of the names it goes by:

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Cane-juice crystals Dextran Diastate Ethyl Maltol Florida crystals Lactose Mannitol Refiner’s syrup Xylitol

Believe it or not, pure sugar as well as THESE hidden forms of sugar are making your sugar cravings worse.

We assume that having a sweet will satisfy our sugar cravings, and we won’t crave it.

Unfortunately, sugar comes in many, many forms, but the one thing they have in common is that they all cause similar reactions in the body: a rapid cycle of sugar highs and crashes that leave us craving more.


By eating sugar, you also rob your body of vital nutrients – such as Vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, chromium and vitamin C.

Because magnesium and chromium in particular are responsible for regulating blood sugar levels, disrupting their processes by removing these valuable minerals can lead to even more blood sugar dysregulation, which in turn can reduce your energy and exacerbate the cycle of cravings.


One of the golden nuggets I want you to take away today is that the more sugar you eat, the more you’re going to crave it.

For instance, have you ever eaten a handful of trail mix midmorning, thinking it was a healthy snack, then by the time lunch rolled around, you overate or replaced your healthy meal with junk food? That was sugar cravings taking over.

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This used to happen to me all the time and I just thought I had no self-control.

But the truth is that this happens because that so-called “healthy” snack, such as trail mix, contained hidden sugars in the form of sweetened dried fruit or chocolate, which ramps up your body’s cravings and makes it more likely you’ll keep that sugar cycle going.

See, one of sugar’s most insidious traits is that it’s in so many of the foods we eat – even foods we don’t think of as being sweet, or foods we think of as being healthy.

Here are a few examples:

[If you’re leading an in-person talk, it can be fun to bring these items and pass them around and have people find sugar in the ingredient list.]


Nature valley trail mix granola bars contains 13g of sugar


Campbell’s vegetable medley soup at hand contains high fructose corn syrup


Dried pineapple contains added sugar


Ritz Toasted Chips contains high fructose corn syrup and sugar.

Heck, I even recently bought a plain rotisserie chicken recently that I later found out had added sugar!

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What I’ve learned over the years is that most foods that come in a bag or a box have added sugar. So, one way to decrease your sugar cravings is to start being a food detective.


Look at the ingredient labels on the food in your pantry. You might be surprised by what you find.

This is one of the pieces my clients get really good at: zeroing in on the “hidden” sugar and learning how to remove and replace those foods with healthier options that they enjoy and are delicious. That way they don’t feel deprived.

Do this, and you can expect two huge results:


1. Stable energy: Instead of undergoing a constant cycle of cravings and sugar crashes, your body will be able to effectively use the nutrients it needs to stay full and fuel you with constant energy.

2. The ability to naturally let go of excess weight: Reduce your sugar intake, and your attempts to lose weight and feel better will not only work, they may feel relatively effortless.

[insert a client/example story here about identifying hidden sugars and the impact that had]


Now I’m going to share one of my secret weapons for kicking sugar cravings.

Traditional nutritionists talk about food in terms of calories, grams of fat, carbohydrates, protein, etc.

I prefer to also look at it using a system called Yin and Yang.


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You’ve probably heard of Yin and Yang. It’s the Chinese system of opposites -- light and dark, masculine and feminine, day and night.

Now you’re probably wondering how this applies to food.


I want you to picture a spectrum. On the one end of the spectrum are extreme yin foods and on the other end are extreme yang foods.

Extreme yin foods are sugar, candy, soda, ice cream and alcohol.

These foods make us feel yin: light, happy, spacey, the same way you might feel after a massage.

On the other end of the spectrum are extreme yang foods: cheese, red meat, eggs, and salt or salty foods.

These foods make us contractive, grounded and aggressive. Think about how you feel after lifting weights or a very challenging workout.

You may be thinking, “Ok [your first name], I’m following you, but what does this have to do with cravings?”

Stick with me. It’s all going to become clear.

We’ve talked about how when you eat sugar, your body undergoes a rapid cycle of sugar high, sugar crash and sugar cravings.


So now I want you to picture the yin-yang spectrum as a see saw with yin sitting on one end and yang sitting on the other.

When we eat foods that are very yang, it causes the see saw to tilt up.

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But our body wants to be balanced, so we crave the very yin foods. Our body thinks that by eating the yin foods that it will balance us out. But what happens?


Eating those yin foods causes us to tilt in the other direction.

You can see how this game of seesaw can start a never-ending cycle.

Let me share a story of one of my clients to show you how this can play out...

[Insert a client/example story here about yin and yang- like this:

My client, Jane, used to wake up, eat a bowl of honey nut cheerios, and feel okay for an hour or two.

Then she’d feel tired and drained, so she’d eat another sugary treat. She worked in an office where there always seemed to be some kind of muffins or donuts in the break room. So she’d eat one of those, even though she had every intention of being “good.” Those muffins and donuts were just CALLING to her and she couldn’t resist them.

Those muffins and donuts are very yin.

She’d then feel better until lunch, but now she’d crave a burger (which is very yang) because her body thought this would balance her out from the yin donut she ate. 

After lunch, she’d feel like she needed a sweet treat to balance things out again -  so you she’d have a cookie and a coffee with sugar – again flipping back to the yin side. 

You can see how the ping ponging from yin to yang can keep going and going? Well, [insert name of client] found this incredibly frustrating! She just couldn’t get a handle on her diet.

Ok, so how can you avoid this cycle?

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When I work with clients using my 8-step system for kicking sugar cravings [modify this to fit what you do with clients - it doesn’t have to be an “X-step system” – note that these 8 steps could include: (1) Incorporate healthy sweets into diet (2) Identify hidden sources of sugar and artificial sweeteners (3) Low-Glycemic sweeteners (4) Increase Water (5) Get Movement – stabilize blood sugar levels (6) Yin and Yang - food focus (7) Yin and Yang – primary food/life focus (8) Sleep and caffeine.]


For now, though, you can start by incorporating more foods that exist in the middle of the spectrum. These are balanced foods.

What foods do you think fit into that middle “balanced” category?

[Comment on responses.]


Eating balanced foods such as whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds and vegetables will keep the see saw from tipping one way or another, and will control your sugar cravings.

So your action step is to notice   when you’re experiencing the see-saw effect and to incorporate more balanced foods into your diet. What you’ll experience is a reduction in both sweet and salty cravings. It’s very effective and I’m excited for you to try it out.


Now we’re going to dig into The Real Truth about carbohydrates and how they may unknowingly be affecting your sugar cravings.

In the last few years, carbs have become kind of a bad word, and there’s a lot of confusion around carbs.

A lot of the clients I work with are afraid to eat any carbs, but it’s important to distinguish between the different types of carbohydrates because they’re not all created equal…


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Does anyone know what the 2 types of carbohydrates are?

The 2 types of carbohydrates are simple and complex.

First, I am going to explain what simple carbohydrates are and how they affect your body and your cravings.


Simple carbohydrates are refined, meaning they are foods that have been stripped of nutrients and fiber.

What is an example of a simple carbohydrate?


Examples include:

All forms of sugar Fruit juice Soda Candy Cake White flour products

I want to walk you through what happens when you eat simple carbohydrates.


When you eat simple carbohydrates, which don’t have fiber or nutrients, your body quickly turns them into glucose – which is the body’s form of sugar – also known as blood sugar.

When glucose floods the bloodstream it kicks off a cycle of hormonal responses.

Let’s break down exactly what happens…

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Let’s say you eat a muffin or eat a sugar-laden granola bar. Very quickly your body breaks down the sugar and turns it into glucose. This is when you experience an energy high or sugar high that comes right after consuming simple carbs.

So glucose is rapidly flooding your system. This is seen as an emergency by your body because you have too much glucose in your bloodstream … or more than your body can use at the present time. So, as a response, there’s a hormone that’s released by your pancreas to “clean up” the extra sugar and remove it from your bloodstream.

Does anyone know what that hormone is?


The hormone is one I’m sure you’ve all heard of – it’s insulin.


Insulin’s job is to remove the excess glucose from your bloodstream and move it to more useful places. This might mean into your cells, where it can be used for immediate energy needs.


However, when you have enough glucose in your cells already, glucose is metabolized into fats and stored in fat cells, leading to weight gain. Also, the rapid removal of glucose from your bloodstream and regular cycles of sugar highs and crashes makes stable, long-term energy hard to find.


You experience an energy peak right after consuming simple carbs, but it quickly dissipates once the extra glucose leaves your bloodstream. That makes your body want “more” energy … more glucose. And so you crave sugar again.


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As you can see, eating simple carbohydrates causes you to have stronger cravings, messes with your hormones and metabolism and turns your life into an energy rollercoaster.


Now we’re going to dive into exactly how sugar affects metabolism.

Sugar stops you from burning fat and it causes weight gain and fatigue.


Essentially, sugar is toxic to your body, so your body wants to get it out of there at all costs.

That’s why your body removes it from your bloodstream FIRST by trying to burn it up – in other words, to use it as energy.


If your body can’t use the sugar right then, it will store it as fat – like we just discussed.

This means that your best-case scenario when you eat a lot of sugar is that you’re NOT burning your ALREADY stored energy source: your fat.

And the most likely scenario is that you’re adding to those energy stores for “later” – meaning that you’re gaining weight.

And the frustrating thing is that every time that blood sugar leaves the bloodstream, it leaves you wanting more.

When this cycle continues over and over, your body has a hard time telling when it’s actually hungry or sleepy.


If you’ve ever noticed that you sometimes get to a point where you can’t tell whether you need to eat, or sleep, or cry – or all three – then chances are good you’ve been eating too much sugar and not enough vital nutrients.

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This can lead to emotional as well as physical crashes in the morning, evening or at night.

One thing that was incredibly powerful for me to finally understand is that the more sugar I ate, the more I craved it. The more tired I became and the more my body was storing fat. Not a fun cycle, physically or emotionally.


Now, let’s talk about complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates affect your body very differently and this is important to understand.

It’s easy to assume that a calorie is a calorie is a calorie, but that isn’t true.

When you eat 100 calories of sugar, your body tries to burn it immediately, store it or otherwise get rid of it. That causes the crave and crash cycle that we’ve been discussing.

When you eat 100 calories of a complex carb, fat or protein, however, your body burns those calories slowly to produce long-term energy. This not only fuels your body, it prevents the damaging crave and crash cycle.

Can anyone name an example of a complex carbohydrate?


Examples of complex carbohydrates include whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, millet, spelt, vegetables, beans, nuts and fruit.

Complex carbohydrates are high in fiber and high in nutrients. This means that, unlike simple carbohydrates, they’re broken down very slowly by your body and they actually help stabilize your blood sugar levels, keep your energy at an even level and help you feel satisfied longer after your meal.

Instead of the rollercoaster effect, you get a gentle wave of energy. This also means fewer cravings.

So here’s your action step.

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Instead of looking at carbs as being either good or bad, look at the TYPES of carbohydrates you’re eating. Notice how these different types of carbs are affecting your cravings, your energy and your mood, and start to replace some of the simple carbohydrates in your diet with more complex carbohydrates.

And I’d like to point out what I think of as a third category of carbohydrates. It’s what I call “fake complex carbohydrates”.


These might look like complex carbs, but they affect your body just like a simple carb does.

Does anyone have an idea what a fake complex carbohydrate might be?

Examples of fake complex carbohydrates are white pasta, white bread, white rice, bagels, and muffins.

These foods were once complex, because they came from a grain, but they have been processed so much that all the good stuff (the fiber and nutrients) were removed.

The effect of these foods on the body is exactly the same as eating simple carbs.

You get a rush of extra glucose in the bloodstream, insulin appears to mop up the mess, and you crave more sugar once the insulin is gone. And instead of looking for stabilizing foods, your body tells you to seek more sweet stuff.

Part of the problem is that you don’t want ALL the sugar to be removed from your bloodstream, because that’s what causes that feeling of depleted energy and fatigue.


Instead, you want a gentle spike of energy that lasts for hours. Complex carbohydrates, protein, and fat give you that, and when you eat these foods,

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insulin doesn’t have to rush in to remove the glucose you actually need to function.

So next time you go out for Chinese, ask for brown rice instead of white, and see if that moderates some of the “crash” effect you may currently get after the meal.

Understanding what causes cravings and knowing how to alleviate them is a powerful tool in keeping your energy levels stable and fending off weight gain.


[Use this story or replace with another story.] Take the story of one of my clients, Elizabeth. She was a stay-at—home mom with young children. When she came to me, she was keeping a private stash of candy in her pantry, where her children and husband wouldn’t find it. And as soon as her children went down for their nap in the afternoon, she got intense cravings and guess where she went? Yep - straight to her hidden stash of candy. She did this every day.

Can you relate to this story?

What she found when we worked together over the course of a month is that her cravings dramatically decreased when she started eating more balanced foods instead. She was able to get rid of the candy bag and replace it with options that still felt like a treat but gave her stable energy, and she lost a few pounds JUST by implementing this ONE shift.

This could be your story too.


So who would like to get rid of their sugar cravings?

[Comment on the responses you’re getting.] We’ve got lots of hands raised and people nodding.

Who has tried to eat less sugar or cut out sugar in the past? How did it go for you?

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[Comment on the responses you’re getting.] Lots of people have tried to reduce or cut out sugar, but what I’m hearing is that it didn’t last very long.

The truth is, it IS genuinely difficult to quit.

And that doesn’t make you weak or lacking in willpower.

I hope that it was helpful for you to learn that sugar is addictive – more addictive than cocaine.

I know for me, learning that one fact took the pressure off. It made me realize that there’s nothing wrong with me and I was able to look at my eating struggles with a different perspective and with more kindness towards myself.

What I want you to know is that you CAN dramatically reduce (and even remove) your sugar cravings and get back in control of what you’re eating – so you feel great, lose weight (if that’s something you’re looking for), and have stable energy all day long.

At this point, you’re probably thinking, “well that’s nice to know, [insert your name], but there is no way I could eat less sugar and less refined carbohydrates. I rely on them!”

I know, it may seem impossible, but I go through this process step-by-step with clients in my [insert name of your program – this can be as simple as my “7 Day Cleanse”] to help them kick sugar cravings, recognize the signs of cravings, and arm them with healthy foods and other strategies for lifelong health, weight loss and energy. That doesn’t mean you can never have treats. It merely means you no longer have to be captive to sugar’s demands.


Here are some easy substitutes you can integrate into your diet in place of high-sugar foods. Having easy substitutions is going to make this do-able for you. So try things like:


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Sweet potato with almond butter or cashew butter as an afternoon snack instead of candy


Sweetening your coffee with stevia instead of sugar. (Stevia is a natural sweetener that has zero calories and doesn’t impact your blood sugar.) These SweetLeaf Stevia drops are my favorite and they even come in different flavors.


As I suggested earlier, choose brown rice instead of white rice.


Make yourself homemade oatmeal with cinnamon and apples instead of cereal.


I know that with everything I shared, you may have a lot of questions jumping around in your head. When I work with clients, we go much deeper than I was able to today. So earlier, I promised that I’d share how you can take this even further.

If you’re ready to go deeper with somebody holding your hand each step of the way, I have a special invitation for you.

First, let’s briefly recap the concepts we discussed today:


We discussed why sugar is the #1 food making your sugar cravings worse, and how to reclaim control of your diet – including becoming a food detective and identifying hidden sugars.

I shared exactly how and why sugar impacts your metabolism and fat burning potential.

You learned my little-known strategy of yin and yang for kicking sugar cravings – and the strategy of primarily eating “balanced” foods.

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And we discussed carbohydrates, and how they’re not all created equal. I shared the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates, as well as fake complex carbs that masquerade as healthy – and how they’re affecting your cravings, weight, and energy.

I know that if you implement just one piece of advice we’ve talked about in this webinar, you will see immediate results. But you can go much deeper.

One of the things I touched on today is that there are critical, underlying factors that drive sugar cravings, but until you understand what these factors are and shift them, your cravings will continue to control you – resulting in stronger cravings, feeling out of control with food and constantly struggling with willpower, additional weight, and fatigue.

You see, your cravings are actually important messages from your body that there’s an imbalance somewhere. Cravings aren’t the enemy. They’re simply the messengers from your body alerting you to a critical imbalance.

The key to unlocking sugar cravings is to have a simple system that shows you exactly what your craving wants and why.

Let’s talk about HOW you can do that.

If what we talked about today resonates with you and you are ready to go deeper, I have a special invitation for you.


I want to invite you to an experience where I will personally guide you step-by-step through a 7 day detox program, where you will eat delicious, amazing foods that curb your sugar cravings – while satisfying your taste buds.

Going through this program will give your body the chance to reset and allow you to get back in the driver’s seat when it comes to food – so you’re not being controlled by your cravings.

And as a result, you’re going to….


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Be able to get through your day without NEEDING a sugar fix.


If weight loss is something you’re looking for, you’re going to find that excess weight is going to start to release, without you having to try very hard.


You’re going to get through your day with more energy than ever before…and energy that’s stable throughout the day.


You’re also going to find that your mood is more stable, and you feel less stressed and happier overall. (This happens because those sugar crashes actually cause you to feel blue or depressed.)


If you have struggled with cravings, weight, and fatigue, I’m guessing that you’ve probably tried other diets that haven’t brought you the results you’re looking for – and you may be wondering why you should consider this program. And it’s a good question!

You see, this detox is not just another diet…

In a diet, you find yourself trying to count every calorie you eat, which understandably causes you to become frustrated and give up. At the end of the day, you find yourself hungry and lethargic.

This 7-Day Detox program isn’t about starving your body, fasting, juicing, eating strange foods, or taking lots of supplements.


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You’re going to be amazed and delighted by the food you’re going to eat on this detox.

While you may be surprised to hear this, you won’t be hungry while on this detox. Everyone who participates in this program is amazed that they can lose weight without feeling deprived and that the results are long-term.

Now, I have to be totally honest with you. You need to give yourself 2-3 days for your body to adjust. But it goes away, and you will experience great results.


[Note for coaches: If you are utilizing our Cleanse/Detox solution, you may want to insert the image of the 3D Meal Plan & Recipes ebook on this slide. You will find that image on the member page for the cleanse/detox solution.]

Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll be eating.

Some of my favorite dishes include..

[insert 5 examples of favorite recipes]

Sounds more like a spa vacation than a deprivation diet, doesn’t it?

These recipes were all created by a whole foods chef. They’re delicious and easy to make, all while supporting your weight loss goals.

You will receive over 30 amazing recipes, meal plans and shopping lists.


The program starts with a kick off call, where I will go over how to prepare for the detox and what to expect during the detox. There will be ample time for you to get your questions answered.


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[Note for coaches: If you are utilizing our Cleanse/Detox solution, you may want to insert the image of the 3D Guidebook on this slide. You will find that image on the member page for the cleanse/detox solution.]

You will receive beautiful detox materials including:

A Detox Guidebook, so you know what to do and when to do it.


A Daily Protocol, which is an easy to follow document that you can print out and post on your fridge, your office, your bedroom - so you can stay on track.


[Note for coaches: If you are utilizing our Cleanse/Detox solution, you may want to insert the image of the 3D Meal Plan & Recipes ebook on this slide. You will find that image on the member page for the cleanse/detox solution.]

2 Weeks of Meal Plans with 30 Delicious Recipes. You won’t feel deprived with the amazing menu I have put together for you, and you’ll know exactly what to buy and to cook. And if you don’t want to follow the meal plans, you can simply follow the detox guidelines to create your own. However, most clients love having the meal plan and shopping list


Daily Support on a Closed Facebook Group. You will have my personal support and the support of your fellow detoxers each step of the way, so you never feel stuck or like you’re in it alone. It’s private, so only the group members can see our posts.


Transition Diet. I will share how to transition off the detox, so you can continue to keep your cravings at bay and continue to see amazing results.

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[If including other group call or other features, insert that information.]


[Note for coaches: feel free to insert your own success stories and remove the ones included here.]

Before I invest in something, I always want to know what kind of experience other people have had, so I want to share feedback from a handful of people who have gone through this program.

Cher shared that…”Through this program I was able to identify problem eating patterns more objectively and accelerate my weight loss.

After retiring about a year ago, I went on ‘vacation’ mode. I gained weight. I decided I wanted to lose the weight and did make some changes on my own, but over time, my weight plateaued.

Through this program I was able to identify problem eating patterns more objectively and accelerate my weight loss. In addition, my joint pain and bloating went away. I am less sluggish in the morning and in general look and feel better.

I really liked having a plan and the coaching to get past my resistance to change some of my unhealthy habits. This, along with being able to check-in made me feel committed. I loved that I received detailed well-organized handouts, so I could review the materials as needed. I received positive reinforcement, which is different than plans I have been on in the past, and that worked very well for me.


Niti shared that… “Before starting this program, I just ate whatever was in front of me without much thought. Now, I put more thought into what I eat and think about how what I’m about to eat will affect me. This program increased my ability to hone in on my symptoms and relate them back to my diet, which I never really took note of before the detox. I am more aware of

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my body and how I feel and how it is related to what I eat. I am very grateful for that!”


Shoshanna shared that, “Before starting this program, I had been sick for a few months and was feeling very depleted. The detox program helped me get back on track and to make more of a commitment to taking care of myself. As a massage therapist, I had heard about a lot of what was shared in the program, but I wasn’t implementing it for myself. Going through this program allowed me to feel like myself again: my energy increased, my cravings decreased, and I feel better than I have in months.

This program worked well for me because it was not too strict and allowed me to be open to following the program. As a mom and business owner, I also loved the flexibility of being able to listen to the audios when it was convenient for me.”


Your Investment in this program is only [insert regular cost]. But I love working with action-takers, so if you sign-up by [insert early bird deadline], you’ll only pay [insert early bird cost].


For all of you action-takers, I’m going to sweeten the deal a little more. If you register in the next 48 hours, you’ll also receive a time sensitive bonus. [Note, you can change this to “in the next 7 days” or to “the first 5 or 10 people to register.”]


A 30-Minute Post-Detox Strategy Session with me.

This session would normally be $XX, but if you sign up in the next 48 hours, you’ll receive this session as my gift to you.

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During the session, we’ll talk about what the right next steps are for you so that you can extend the benefits of the detox. This is a chance for you to get 1:1 time with me and personalized advice to meet your specific needs, your life, and your unique physiology.


I’ve designed this program to give you the personal support and step-by-step guidance that will help you stop being a slave to sugar, lose weight, and boost your energy – all while enjoying your food and feeling fully supported by me and the others in the group.

[Note for coaches: If giving an in-person talk also say this: “I will send you an email later today with the details on how you can register. Please make sure you signed in on the sign in sheet so I can send you information about this program.” If you have a way to take their payment in person, I would recommend offering for people to register on the spot, and offer special pricing or a special bonus for that.]

You may have had trouble making changes in the past, and I want to show you that this time can be different – especially if you have someone to encourage you, support you, and show you what to do step-by-step. I don’t want anything to get in the way of your success.

The detox starts on [insert start date].

The early bird pricing is [insert early bird cost]. That goes up to [insert regular cost] on [insert early bird deadline]. And remember, if you sign-up in the next 48 hours, you’ll also receive the bonus one-on-one post detox strategy session with me, which would normally cost $XX.

The slide that you’re seeing now has the web address where you can learn more about the 7 Day Detox. To learn more, you can go to: [insert URL to sales page].

I’m going to open up the lines for questions, but you should also free to email me with any questions you have. You can email me at:

[insert your email]

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[Note for coaches: You don’t have to open up the lines for Q &A. I recommend you test it out and see if it works for you. Also, please note that the instructions for asking a question that I’ve included below are the instructions for Instant Teleseminar. If you are using another service, you’ll need to adjust.]

There are 2 ways to ask questions – if you are on the webcast, you can type in a question on the side of your screen. If you’re on the phone, you can press *2 to raise your hand to let me know you have a question.

[Answer questions]

Thank you for being with me today. I loved being with you, and I can’t wait to support you in your journey toward feeling your best and feeling more in control of your food - while loving what you’re eating.


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i “Intense Sweetness Surpasses Cocaine Reward” Magalie Lenoir