Mark Dudley - President of the GP of Dudley Construction ... 501 CIQ.pdf · Mark Dudley - President...


Transcript of Mark Dudley - President of the GP of Dudley Construction ... 501 CIQ.pdf · Mark Dudley - President...

Page 1: Mark Dudley - President of the GP of Dudley Construction ... 501 CIQ.pdf · Mark Dudley - President of the GP of Dudley Construction, Ltd. N/A. N/A. 7-25-2017. Competitive Sealed
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Mark Dudley - President of the GP of Dudley Construction, Ltd.
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Page 2: Mark Dudley - President of the GP of Dudley Construction ... 501 CIQ.pdf · Mark Dudley - President of the GP of Dudley Construction, Ltd. N/A. N/A. 7-25-2017. Competitive Sealed

Competitive Sealed Proposal, CSP #501

Litrrarl'Renovation, Universitl'Park Campus, Building l2 Level 8

CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIREFORM CIQFor vendor or other person doing business with local government entity

This questionnaire reflects changes made to then law by H.B. 1491 80"'Leg., Regular

This questionnaire is being filed in accordance with Chapter 176, Local Government Codeby a person who has a business relationship as defined by Section 176.001(1-a)with aIocal government entity and the person meets the requirements under Section 176.006(a).

By law this questionnaire must be filed with the records administrator of the localgovernmental entity not later than the 7th business day after the date the person becomesaware of facts that require the statement to be filed. See Section 176.006, LocalGovernment Code. An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor.


Date Reviewed

1. Name of person who has a businessrelationshipwith loc:al government entity.3o\\ L (\ 4vrg,fvuuLro i-r Sr[,r\r<!"{t L L L

2. = Check this box if you are filing an update to a previously filed'questionnaire.(The law requires that you file an updated completed questionnaire with the filing authority not laterihan the 7th business day after the date the originally filed questionnaire becomes plete or inaccurate).

3. Name of local government officer with whom filer has employment or

This section (item 3 including subparts A, B, C & D) qust Iemployment or other business relationship as defined\by!additional pages to this Form CIQ as necessary. \A. ls the local government officer named in this .".,In\"A. ls the local government officer named in this .".,In\,

investment income, *1lI,jfr. "r,* orft:r,\c#,,",

B. ls the filer ot the questionnaire receiliffir likefu to relfrom or at the direction of the local governmentnot received from the local governmental entity?

for each officer with whom the filer has an001(1-a), Local Government Code. Attach

or lrkely to receive taxable income, other than

taxable income, other than investment incomenamed in this section AND the taxable income period is

C. ls the filer of this questionnaire employedlocal government officer serves as an

D. Describe each emololment oradditional paoes if

corporation or other business entity with respect to which ther or director, or holds an ownership of 10 percent or more?

relationship with the local government officer named this section. Use

business with the governmental entity Date I lZt

Page27 of29

(6) Company Name: So\id C'unillucti cr n SCiulic'n>, LIC

Page 3: Mark Dudley - President of the GP of Dudley Construction ... 501 CIQ.pdf · Mark Dudley - President of the GP of Dudley Construction, Ltd. N/A. N/A. 7-25-2017. Competitive Sealed