Mark Dixon 1 03 – Information Processing. Mark Dixon 2 Questions: Events Consider the following...

Mark Dixon 1 03 – Information Processing

Transcript of Mark Dixon 1 03 – Information Processing. Mark Dixon 2 Questions: Events Consider the following...

Page 1: Mark Dixon 1 03 – Information Processing. Mark Dixon 2 Questions: Events Consider the following code: a) How many unique events does it contain? b) Name.

Mark Dixon 1

03 – Information Processing

Page 2: Mark Dixon 1 03 – Information Processing. Mark Dixon 2 Questions: Events Consider the following code: a) How many unique events does it contain? b) Name.

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Questions: Events• Consider the following code:

a) How many unique events does it contain?

b) Name the event(s).

Sub btnAns_OnClick() document.bgcolor = "yellow" parComment.innertext = "Correct, well done!" document.bgcolor = "cyan" parComment.innertext = "Sorry, try again"End Sub



Page 3: Mark Dixon 1 03 – Information Processing. Mark Dixon 2 Questions: Events Consider the following code: a) How many unique events does it contain? b) Name.

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Questions: Properties• Consider the following code:

a) How many unique properties does it contain?

b) Name the properties.

Sub btnAns_OnClick() document.bgcolor = "yellow" parComment.innertext = "Correct, well done!" document.bgcolor = "cyan" parComment.innertext = "Sorry, try again"End Sub


bgcolor, innertext

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Questions: Keywords• Consider the following code:

a) How many unique keywords does it contain?

b) Name the keywords.

Sub btnAns_OnClick() document.bgcolor = "yellow" parComment.innertext = "Correct, well done!" document.bgcolor = "cyan" parComment.innertext = "Sorry, try again"End Sub


Sub End

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Session Aims & Objectives• Aims

– Introduce you to main processing concepts, i.e. expressions, operators and functions

• Objectives,by end of this week’s sessions, you should be able to:

– identify inputs, outputs, and processes of simple problems

– evaluate expressions– assign a value to a object's property,

• using combination of literal values, operators, functions, and identifiers

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Meet George• Common Boa Constrictor

– boa constrictor imperator

• Native toCentral & SouthAmerica

• No venom(no poison)

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Looking after George• Problem:

– Difficult to keep– Require temperature and humidity controlled

environment– Much of the literature is from the US

• Temperature in Fahrenheit: 80-85F day, 78F minimum at night (P Vosjoli 1998)

• Solution– Need a program to convert from Celsius to


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Example: Temp (Analysis)•User Requirements

– describe user's objectivesno mention of technology

•Software Requirements– Functional

• list facilities to be provided (often numbered)

– Non-functional• list desired characteristics

(often more subjective)

SPECIFICATION• User Requirements

– help snake keeper convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius

• Software Requirements– Functional:

–enter Fahrenheit value

–display Celsius value– Non-functional

should be quick and easy to use

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Problem solving: Pseudo-code• To solve problem

– think about how you would solve it manually (without computer)

– think of steps you would take

When btnGo is clicked, Read txtNum Add 6 Put in parRes

Sub btnGo_onClick() parRes.innerText = txtNum.value + 6End Sub

• Convert to code

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Question: Pseudo-code• Write VBScript code that does the following:

when btnAdd is clicked read txtAge add 1 put in parNewAge

Sub btnAdd_onClick() parNewAge.innerText = txtAge.Value + 1End Sub

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Information Processing• All computing problems:

Input Data Process Output Data



following this pattern:

for example: to add two numbers: 7 + 9 = 16

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Information Processing (cont.)• Hence, to solve any computing problem ask:

– Input: what information goes in?

– Process: what is done to it

– Output: what information comes out

Temperature in Fahrenheit

Temperature in Celsius


5)32( f


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• To convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius:

e.g. Fahrenheit is:

Example: Temp (processing)


5)32( f



5)3250( c

c = 10






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• Operators sit between the data = assignment operator

5 + 2 addition operator result is 7 5 - 2 subtraction operator result is 3 5 * 2 multiplication operator result is 10 5 / 2 division operator result is 2.5


5)32( f


c = ((f – 32) * 5) / 9convert mathematical symbols into operators

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Example: Temp (User Interface)

<html> <head><title>Temperature</title></head> <body> <p>Fahrenheit: <input id="txtFah" type="text" style="background-color: lime" /> <input id="btnCalc" type="button" value="Calculate" /></p> <p id="parCel" style="background-color: Yellow; width: 100px;">0</p> </body></html>

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Maths with Objects

c = ((f – 32) * 5) / 9

parCel.innerText = ((txtFah.value - 32) * 5) / 9

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Example: Temp (code)<html> <head><title>Temperature</title></head> <body> <p>Fahrenheit: <input id="txtFah" style="background-color: lime" type="text" /> <input id="btnCalc" type="button" value="Calculate" /></p> <p id="parCel" style="background-color: Yellow; width: 100px;">0</p> </body></html>

<script language="vbscript"> Sub btnCalc_OnClick() parCel.innertext = ((txtFah.value - 32) * 5) / 9 End Sub</script>

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Expression Evaluation

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• The following assignment statement: parCel.innerText = ((txtFah.value - 32) * 5) / 9

contains an expression


• Given: txtFah.Value = 68can evaluate expression:parCel.innerText = ((txtFah.value - 32) * 5) / 9 = ((68 - 32) * 5) / 9 = (36 * 5) / 9 = (180 / 9 = 20

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Expression Errors

many peopleinstinctively knowthese are wrong



data data data

operator operator

23 + 11 - txtNum1.Value * 2

34 + * 12 + txtNum1.Value d o o d o d

txtNum1.Value + 1 – 21 45 d o d o d d

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Programming vs. Maths 2• In maths:

x = y * 2y * 2 = x

• Are the same

• In programming:txtX.value = txtY.value * 2

txtY.value * 2 = txtX.value

left side is destination – cannot have expression

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Functions• Used to:

– process (manipulate) data

• Functions (& Operators):– take input data/parameters (1 or more item)– process it– return a result

• which replaces the expression (substitution)

input output



(16) 4

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Functions (cont.)• Functions: come before the data (which is

in brackets) Sqr(9) square root result is 3

Abs(-23) absolute value result is 23

Int(2.543) integer result is 2

Sin(3.1) sine result is 0.998

Cos(0) cosine result is 1

Rnd() random number result 0 to 0.99999...

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Questions: Expressionsa) What is the result of:

Int(12.93) / 2

b) Write an expression to:

give the integer value of txtNum

c) Write an expression to:

put the square root of 9 into txtRes



txtRes.value = Sqr(9)

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Example: Expressions• demonstrates use of expressions in assignment


• little use for an end-user

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Example: Student Loan (Analysis)

• What: Calculate annual student load repayment from salary

• How:

• Algorithm:– read annual salary– deduct £21000– calculate 9%– display result

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Example: Student Loan (Design)

• When Calculate button is clicked:– read annual salary text

box– deduct £21000– calculate 9%– put result in paragraph

• Test Data: Input Process Output

– £21000 (21000-21000)*0.09 = £0– £22000 (22000-21000)*0.09 = £90

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Tutorial Exercises: Temperature• LEARNING OBJECTIVE:

to assign a value to a object's property,• using combination of literal values, operators, functions, and


• Task 1: get the temperature example working• Task 2: modify the temperature example so that it has two extra buttons – a

plus and minus to increase and decrease the input temperature (Fahrenheit)

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Tutorial Exercises: Expressions• LEARNING OBJECTIVE:

to assign a value to a object's property,• using combination of literal values, operators, functions, and


• Task 1: get the expressions example working• Task 2: modify your page to add an extra button that performs some

calculation using the first text box (putting the result into the second text box).

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Tutorial Exercises: Student Loan• LEARNING OBJECTIVE:

implement an algorithm in code

• Task 1: Create the user interface (page design) for the Student Loan example (from the lecture), using HTML tags (you will need a text box, a button, and a paragraph).

• Task 2: Add code that implements the following algorithm:When the Calculate button is clicked:– read annual salary text box– deduct £21000– calculate 9%– put result in paragraph

• Task 3: Modify your program so that it calculates and displays monthly income and repayment amounts (as well an annual).