Maritime Security Incident Workshop - Trident...

You should examine yourself daily. If you find faults, you should correct them. When you find none, you should try even harder Xi Zhi Chinese Philospher (1130 - 1200) Our imaginative and challenging scenario-driven exercises help to improve the performance of corporate Incident Management Team decision-makers to respond effectively to an incident. Our testing and training is delivered at a pace that starts slowly and builds up gradually, to ensure that our clients get maximum value from the training experience. Why attend this course? Guidance within the ISPS Code Part B 13.7 recommends that companies carry out security exercises every 12 months. Maritime Security Incident Workshop Trident offer bespoke maritime security workshops and Incident Management exercises, to shipping, insurance and oil and gas companies at corporate level. MARITIME SECURITY TRAINING & CONSULTANCY Our exercises and workshops can be tailored to specific needs and form an essential contribution in providing independent exercising and auditing of a companies Business Continuity Plans. Our consultants are certified by the Business Continuity Institute in the faculty of exercising and auditing. Benefits The workshop is designed to allow delegates to gain an awareness of the maritime security threat and improve the decision-making process of key members of the Incident Management Team. It also exposes the strategic and operational level considerations and proves the lines of communication needed in the event of maritime security related incident, such as a hijack event. Our workshops also help Incident Management Teams to build team cohesion and resilience and ensure that should the worse happen, they are aware of the action that they should take to reduce the risk and manage the situation effectively. Our business Continuity Management specialists will take delegates through effective response procedures in controlled conditions using a scenario-based seminar format, or ‘live’ exercise.

Transcript of Maritime Security Incident Workshop - Trident...

You should examine yourself daily.

If you find faults, you should correct

them. When you find none, you should

try even harder

Xi Zhi Chinese Philospher (1130 - 1200)

Our imaginative and challenging scenario-driven exercises help to improve the performance of corporate Incident Management Team decision-makers to respond effectively to an incident. Our testing and training is delivered at a pace that starts slowly and builds up gradually, to ensure that our clients get maximum value from the training experience.

Why attend this course?Guidance within the ISPS Code Part B 13.7 recommends that companies carry out security exercises every 12 months.

Maritime Security Incident WorkshopTrident offer bespoke maritime security workshops and Incident Management exercises, to shipping, insurance and oil and gas companies at corporate level.


Our exercises and workshops can be tailored to specific needs and form an essential contribution in providing independent exercising and auditing of a companies Business Continuity Plans. Our consultants are certified by the Business Continuity Institute in the faculty of exercising and auditing.

Benefits The workshop is designed to allow delegates to gain an awareness of the maritime security threat and improve the decision-making process of key members of the Incident Management Team. It also exposes the strategic and operational level considerations and proves the lines of communication needed in the event of maritime security related incident, such as a hijack event.

Our workshops also help Incident Management Teams to build team cohesion and resilience and ensure that should the worse happen, they are aware of the action that they should take to reduce the risk and manage the situation effectively.

Our business Continuity Management specialists will take delegates through effective response procedures in controlled conditions using a scenario-based seminar format, or ‘live’ exercise.

Trident Training CentreJolliffe House, 32 West Street, POOLE, BH15 1LDEmail: [email protected]

Approved by the MoDin support of the

ELC Scheme

Provider numberELC4760

Approved by the MoDin support of the

ELC Scheme

Provider numberELC4760









M A R I T I M E S E C U R I T YMarSecPro

M A R I T I M E S E C U R I T YMarSecPro


If you would like to book an Anti-Piracy Workshop, please complete the APW course booking form at: Alternatively email [email protected] or Tel: +44(0)7950 540004

Programme Title Maritime Security Incident Workshop

Workshop Title MSIW

Award Trident Certificate of Attendance

Operational Role Corporate Incident Management Teams, Masters, CSO’s, SSO’s, DPA’s, Operations Management.

Operational Task Management of a maritime security related incident.

Training Worskhop Aim To provide members of a corporate Incident Management Team, company security personnel and seafarers with an awareness of the maritime security threat. Additionally, provide the platform to practice quick-time decision-making and the response procedures required to reduce the risk to their vessels and crew in transit through high risk waters.

Course Content Training Modules

Developing Readiness for Maritime 1. operations in high risk waters

Dynamic decision-making•Maritime Threat awareness•Emergency Preparedness & Management (Corporate Level)•Emergency Preparedness (Operational Level) •

Respond to a Maritime Threat2. Immediate Action Drills•Response to a kidnap situation•

Recover from a Maritime attack3. Discuss post incident procedures•

Assessment Continuous assessment will be conducted during the course theory and practical exercises to assess the delegates understanding of the Course Content.

Workshop Duration One Day

Maximum Workshop Size 50 Delegates

Lesson Location/Venue Trident Training Venue or client venue of choice

Maritime Security Incident Workshop Specification

Crew Security Awareness & Response (CSAR)

Piracy on the high seas has occurred for centuries and is an enduring problem faced by many seafarers. Maritime terrorism and militant attacks have also plagued offshore operations and many offshore workers have found themselves unprepared to respond appropriately when faced with such events.


However, with kidnap for ransom economies now growing throughout the worlds major shipping lanes, mariners are increasingly finding themselves placed at risk, often unprepared and with minimal support.

As a seafarer, that isolated feeling of not knowing whether or not you are at a higher risk of boarding by pirates can not only make you feel extremely vulnerable, but also create a lack of psychological preparation should the worst happen.

The CSAR course has been developed as a result of the clear training requirement for ships crews to receive maritime security awareness and emergency response training in the event of a piracy incident.

Why attend this course?The CSAR course provides crews with practical and theory-based training in security risk avoidance, boarding prevention measures, effective responses and psychological hardening to a kidnap event. The CSAR course forms an important part of a seafarer’s hostile environment pre-deployment training.

Following the 2010 Manila Amendments to the STCW Code, from 1st January 2014, it will be mandatory for seafarers to receive security related awareness training in accordance with STCW Part A Chapter VI/6. Additionally, the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code Part A 13.3 mandates that shipboard personnel shall have sufficient knowledge and ability to perform their assigned duties. Guidance at Part B, 13.5 further states that the objectives of drills and exercises are to ensure that shipboard personnel are proficient in all assigned security duties.

Benefits Psychological pre-deployment training can help minimise the impact of an adverse event, allowing a seafarer to adopt effective coping mechanisms during a shock event and importantly, provide the ability to recover more quickly after the event.

Trident Training CentreJolliffe House, 32 West Street, POOLE, BH15 1LDEmail: [email protected]

Approved by the MoDin support of the

ELC Scheme

Provider numberELC4760

Approved by the MoDin support of the

ELC Scheme

Provider numberELC4760









M A R I T I M E S E C U R I T YMarSecPro

M A R I T I M E S E C U R I T YMarSecPro


If you would like to book onto the CSAR course, please complete the CSAR course booking form at: Alternatively email [email protected] or Tel: +44(0)7950 540004

Programme Title Crew Security Awareness & Response (CSAR) course

Course Title CSAR

Course Index TRI-CSAR

Training Qualification Trident Certificate of Attendance

Operational Role Crew/Seafarer

Operational Task To assist with the navigation or maintenance of a vessel through waters at high risk of piracy

Training Course Aim To provide experienced seafarers with an awareness of the maritime adversary threat and teach the fundamental knowledge and skills required to reduce the risk to people, property and business processes.

Course Content Training Modules

Developing Readiness for Maritime 1. operations in high risk waters

Maritime Threat awareness•Emergency Preparedness•Ship Hard Target Module•The use of armed security guards on commercial vessels•

Respond to a Maritime Threat2. Threat Identification & Assessment•Alert Communication & Reporting•Boarding prevention measures•Immediate Action Drills•Psychological response to a shock event•Response to a kidnap situation•

Recover from a Maritime attack3. Carry out post incident procedures:• - Report Incident - Care for crew members - Explain Search Procedures

Assessment Continuous assessment will be conducted during the course theory and practical exercises to assess the students understanding of the course content.

Course Duration One Day

Maximum Class Size 25 Delegates

Lesson Location/Venue Client Vessel

Crew Security Awareness & Response (CSAR) Specification

If you know the enemy and know

yourself, you need not fear the result of

a hundred battles. If you know yourself

but not your enemy, for every victory

gained you will also suffer a defeat. If

you know neither the enemy nor yourself,

you will succumb in every battle

Sun-Tzu Chinese General (544 BC - 496 BC)

The Trident MSO course is a University-accredited short course that gives a valuable insight into how to provide effective protective security services to static vessels, Offshore Energy Installations and commercial and private vessels in transit through high threat waters globally.

The Trident MSO course has been developed as a result of the clear training requirement for Maritime Security Professionals to receive appropriate and effective maritime security awareness and emergency response training to provide industry with a quality training standard. International Maritime Organisation and flag State guidance also stipulate that privately contracted armed security personnel should be trained to best practices standards and be able to prove competency.

Benefits of achieving the Trident MSO training standardThe MSO course provides the professional maritime security operator with an important level of security awareness and response training, not found elsewhere. It demonstrates a benchmark standard in the provision of security services. The course is designed to prepare the student for work in the maritime security industry and offer an insight into how the industry works.

Our training courses are delivered by highly trained and experienced maritime security professionals that work in the industry and have current first-hand experience.

The Trident MSO course is the first step on a pathway towards a foundation degree in protective security management.

Maritime Security Operator (MSO)

The Trident MSO course teaches security professionals the essential knowledge and skills required to provide maritime security services for the commercial and private maritime shipping and the offshore extractive industry sectors.


Trident Training CentreJolliffe House, 32 West Street, POOLE, BH15 1LDEmail: [email protected]

Approved by the MoDin support of the

ELC Scheme

Provider numberELC4760

Approved by the MoDin support of the

ELC Scheme

Provider numberELC4760









M A R I T I M E S E C U R I T YMarSecPro

M A R I T I M E S E C U R I T YMarSecPro


If you would like to book onto the MSO course, please complete the MSO course booking form at: Alternatively email [email protected] or Tel: +44(0)7950 540004

Programme Title Maritime Security Operator

Course Title MSO (Offshore)

Course Index TRI-MSO1

Training Qualification Buckinghamshire New University Certificate of Achievement and 5 academic credits at FHEQ Level 4

Operational Role Member of a Maritime Security Team

Operational Task To provide to the client robust and effective security assurance and appropriate responses too all maritime threats and incidents

Training Course Aim To provide experienced security professionals with the basic knowledge and skills required to conduct effective maritime security operations in high risk waters globally.

Course Content Training Modules

Developing Readiness for Maritime 1. operations in high risk waters

Respond to a Maritime Threat2.

Recover from a Maritime attack3. Carry out post incident procedures:• - Report Incident - Care for crew members - Explain Search Procedures

Assessment Continuous assessment will be conducted during the course theory and practical exercises to assess the students understanding of the course content.

Course Duration Five Days

Maximum Class Size 12 Students

Lesson Location/Venue Trident Training Venue

Minimum Entry Standard(What minimum knowledge, skills and attitudes do delegates require for loading onto the course?)

*Minimum two referees required

Either of the following:1. Minimum 5 years operations as a Close Protection Security Professional*2. Minimum 5 years in Armed Forces3. Minimum 5 years in Law enforcement4. Demonstrable record of Maritime Escort work*

Feeder Courses. (What courses should precede this one?)

Mandatory: NoneRecommended: ISPS SSO, STCW95 (Sea Safety)

Course Progression. (What courses should follow this one?)

Maritime Security Team Leader (Offshore) Course

Maritime Security Operator (MSO) Specification

Threat Identification & •AssessmentShip Alert Systems•Alert Communication & Reporting•

Boarding prevention measures•Anti-Piracy Immediate Action Drills•Response to a kidnap situation•

MSO Role & Responsibilities•MSO Professional Code of Practice•Maritime Legislation•Maritime asset familiarisation •Maritime threat awareness•Emergency Preparedness•MSO Watch Duties & Routines•

Maritime security equipment•Maritime asset hard target•Basic Seamanship•The International Code of Conduct for •Private Security Service Providers (ICOC)Duty of care•Armed security and the use of force•

One ought never to turn one’s

back on a threatened danger and try to

run away from it. If you do that, you

will double the danger. But if you meet

it promptly and without flinching, you

will reduce the danger by half

Sir Winston Churchill British Prime Minister (1874-1965)

As the key decision-maker, a Master must be aware of the threats and risks to his or her vessel and crew in order to make an informed decision on the appropriate course of action to take. It is no longer acceptable to deploy to areas of high pirate or militant activity without the requisite knowledge and skills to make the right decisions to affect the safety of the vessel and crew, as stated in the International Ship and Port Facility Code.

The MSAR course provides an important level of awareness and professional preparation prior to undertaking a passage through high threat waters.

Why attend this course?Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the Master to safeguard his or her vessel and crew and to ensure the appropriate security measures are in place in accordance with SOLAS Chapter XI-2 ‘Special measures to enhance maritime security’ Regulation 8. The MSAR course equips a Ship Master with an important level of maritime security awareness and anti-piracy prevention measures.

The course also provides the platform to improve rapid decision-making to direct effective responses and action to take in the event of a hijack incident. This course should form an essential part of any Masters hostile environment pre-deployment training.

Benefits The course is designed to help a master understand how to make their vessel a hard target to pirate attack. It also helps to build confidence and ensure that should the worse happen and their vessel becomes the victim of a pirate attack, they are aware of the action that they should take to reduce the risk.

Masters Security Awareness and Response (MSA)

The MSA course has been carefully designed for ships Masters, in order to provide an important level of maritime security awareness knowledge.


Trident Training CentreJolliffe House, 32 West Street, POOLE, BH15 1LDEmail: [email protected]

Approved by the MoDin support of the

ELC Scheme

Provider numberELC4760

Approved by the MoDin support of the

ELC Scheme

Provider numberELC4760









M A R I T I M E S E C U R I T YMarSecPro

M A R I T I M E S E C U R I T YMarSecPro


If you would like to book onto the MSA course, please complete the MSA course booking form at: Alternatively email [email protected] or Tel: +44(0)7950 540004

Programme Title Masters Security Awareness and Response (MSAR) course

Course Title MSAR

Course Index TRI-MSAR

Training Qualification Trident Certificate of Attendance

Operational Role Master/Captain

Operational Task To command and control a maritime asset either alongside, at anchor or underway in high threat waters.

Training Course Aim To provide experienced Ships Masters with an awareness of the maritime security threat and to teach the appropriate readiness, response and recovery activities required to improve quick-time decision-making during a security incident and reduce the risk to their crew and vessel.

Course Content Training Modules

Developing Readiness for Maritime 1. operations in high risk waters

Maritime Threat awareness•Emergency Preparedness•Ship Hard Target Module•Dynamic Decision-Making •

Respond to a Maritime Threat2. Threat Identification & Assessment•Alert Communication & Reporting•Boarding prevention measures•Immediate Action Drills•Response to a kidnap situation•

Recover from a Maritime attack3. Carry out post incident procedures:• - Report Incident - Care for crew members - Explain Search Procedures

Assessment Continuous assessment will be conducted during the course theory and practical exercises to assess the students understanding of the course content.

Course Duration Three Days

Maximum Class Size 12 Delegates

Lesson Location/Venue Trident Training Centre, Poole, or at client Company offices

Masters Security Awareness and Response (MSAR) Specification


The course provides experienced maritime security professionals with the knowledge and skills required to operate as a team leader on offshore maritime security contracts, whether operating on static vessels, Offshore Energy Installations or providing security for vessels in transit through high threat waters globally.

Each applicant must be a qualified Trident MSO and will be individually assessed on their merits prior to course loading.

Why attend this course?The MSTL course is a natural progression for experienced Maritime Security Operators to step up to a leadership role within a Maritime Security Team and should be undertaken by all aspiring Team Leaders.

The Trident MSTL will provide a new benchmark standard within the maritime security industry in terms of effective security risk management and report writing. Each student will under licence, receive a Trident MSTL USB stick containing all the essential Maritime Security Team Leader reporting templates and importantly will be taught how to complete these reporting templates to a high quality standard.

Benefits of achieving the Trident MSTL training standardThe qualification demonstrates a higher level of knowledge and skills and provides the professional with the important tools needed to be an effective Team Leader. The course is designed to prepare the MSO for the leadership role within the Maritime Security Team. Our training courses are delivered by highly qualified former members of the Special Boat Service and Royal Marines Counter Terrorist and Maritime Interdiction Teams as well as experienced maritime security professionals. The Trident training team work in the industry and have current first-hand experience.

Maritime Security Team Leader (MSTL)

The Trident MSTL course is open to security professionals that have successfully passed the Trident Maritime Security Operator (MSO) course and have proven experience in the maritime security industry.

You should examine yourself daily.

If you find faults, you should correct

them. When you find none, you should

try even harder

Xi Zhi Chinese Philospher (1130 - 1200)

Trident Training CentreJolliffe House, 32 West Street, POOLE, BH15 1LDEmail: [email protected]

Approved by the MoDin support of the

ELC Scheme

Provider numberELC4760

Approved by the MoDin support of the

ELC Scheme

Provider numberELC4760









M A R I T I M E S E C U R I T YMarSecPro

M A R I T I M E S E C U R I T YMarSecPro


If you would like to book onto the MSTL course, please complete the MSTL course booking form at: Alternatively email [email protected] or Tel: +44(0)7950 540004

Programme Title Maritime Security Team Leader

Course Title MSTL (Offshore)

Course Index TRI-MSTL1

Training Qualification Buckinghamshire New University Certificate of Achievement and 25 academic credits at FHEQ Level 4

Operational Role Leader of a Maritime Security Team and lead security advisor to the Ship Master

Operational Task To provide maritime security advice to the client, and manage the embarked Maritime Security Team (MST) in order to ensure robust and effective security assurance and appropriate responses too all maritime threats and incidents

Training Course Aim To provide Maritime Security Operators with the knowledge and skills required to lead a Maritime Security Team engaged on maritime security operations in high risk waters globally.

Course Content Training Modules

Developing Readiness for Maritime 1. operations in high risk waters

Respond to a Maritime Threat2. Bridge Management•Coordinating the Security Response•Dynamic decision-making•Leadership & Personnel Management•

Recover from a Maritime attack3. Carry out post incident procedures•

Assessment Continuous assessment will be conducted during the course theory and practical exercises to assess the students understanding of the course content.

Course Duration Ten Days

Maximum Class Size 12 Students

Lesson Location/Venue Trident Training Venue

Minimum Entry Standard(What minimum knowledge, skills and attitudes do delegates require for loading onto the course?)

*Minimum two referees required from Private Maritime Security Companies

Trident MSO Qualification and Either of the following: a. Minimum 5 years operations as a Close Protection Security Professional* b. Minimum 5 years in Armed Forces c. Minimum 5 years in Law enforcement d. Demonstrable record of Maritime Escort work*

Feeder Courses. (What courses should precede this one?)

Mandatory: Trident MSO CourseRecommended: ISPS SSO, STCW95 (Sea Safety)

Course Progression. (What courses should follow this one?)

Maritime Security Consultant

Maritime Security Team Leader (MSTL) Specification

MSTL Role & Responsibilities•Security Risk Assessment•Passage Risk Assessment•Anti-Piracy Ship Security Survey•Report Writing•Maritime Security Team Management•Security Briefing•Contingency Planning•Client Liaison & Communications Skills•

Effective Security BriefingWeapon and •Ammunition Control Security & Emergency Response •Plans Business Imperatives & Corporate •Culture Anti-corruption Strategies and •Legislation

The art of war teaches us to

rely not on the likelihood of the

enemy’s not coming, but on our

own readiness to receive him; not on

the chance of his not attacking, but

rather on the fact that we have made

our position unassailable

Sun-Tzu Chinese General (544 BC - 496 BC)


The Trident RADNAV course can be undertaken as a stand-alone module for qualified TRIDENT MSO’s or it can be taken as part of the comprehensive MSO Offshore Pro training package.

To put the training into context, the two-day course is focussed on maritime security scenarios and is designed to improve MSO competency and credibility.

Why attend this course?Trident have developed a two-day package as part of the MSO Offshore Professional programme of training. Students that have no prior experience in Radar and Maritime Navigation can develop their skills in a course that is put in the context of the operational role. Enhanced training in radar and maritime navigation offers improved operational competence and professional credibility.

BenefitsThe Trident RADNAV course offers students the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Radar Certificate and Trident Maritime Navigation certificate of achievement.

The Trident Training Centre is a Royal Yachting Association recognised training centre

MSO Offshore Pro - Trident RADNAV CourseThe Trident RADNAV course offers students the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Radar Certificate and Trident Maritime Navigation certificate of achievement.

Trident Training CentreJolliffe House, 32 West Street, POOLE, BH15 1LDEmail: [email protected]

Approved by the MoDin support of the

ELC Scheme

Provider numberELC4760

Approved by the MoDin support of the

ELC Scheme

Provider numberELC4760









M A R I T I M E S E C U R I T YMarSecPro

M A R I T I M E S E C U R I T YMarSecPro


If you would like to book onto the RADNAV course, please complete the RADNAV course booking form at: Alternatively email [email protected] or Tel: +44(0)7950 540004

Programme Title MSO Offshore Pro - Trident RADNAV Course

Course Title Trident RYA Radar and Maritime Navigation training course

Course Index TRI-RADNAV

Training Qualification RYA Radar Certificate and Trident Maritime Navigation certificate of Achievement

Operational Role Maritime Security Operator and Team Leader

Operational Task The TRIDENT RYA RADAR course provides the trained TRIDENT Maritime Security Operator with additional knowledge and skills in the competent use of RADAR on a commercial vessel.

Training Course Aim To provide Maritime Security Operators with increased knowledge and skills required to operate commercial RADAR and to broaden their understanding of maritime navigation whilst on maritime security operations in high-risk waters globally.

Course Content Training Modules

RYA Radar syllabus1. Trident Maritime Navigation 2. training

Latitude and longitude•Admiralty chart characteristics•Compass bearings and courses•Switching on and setting up radar•Understanding the radar picture•Fixing a position by radar•Collision avoidance•Radar target acquisition and assessment•Tides and tidal streams•Using a nautical almanac•Dead reckoning and estimated positions•Pilotage by radar•Refining the picture•Radar reflectors•

Assessment RYA Radar examination and Trident Maritime Navigation practical and theory test

Course Duration Three Days

Maximum Class Size 14 Delegates

Lesson Location/Venue Trident Training Centre, Poole

Course Progression. (What courses should follow this one?)

Trident MSO/MSTL

MSO Offshore Pro - Trident RADNAV Course Specification


Why attend this course?International standards such as the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers, International Maritime Organisation interim guidance and flag State directives recommend that Maritime Security Operatives are appropriately medically trained. Training should be specific to task and relevant to the operational environment.

BenefitsThe TMTC is focussed heavily on practical ‘hands-on’ trauma management and prolonged care in the maritime environment. No other course offers this level of operationally focussed training.

Trident Maritime Trauma Course (TMTC)

The TMTC is a 3-day University-accredited physical trauma management course, designed specifically for the maritime security industry. The course covers non-invasive trauma management procedures and prolonged care and is delivered by State registered paramedics. The course culminates in a practical moulage assessment aboard a commercial vessel.

You should examine yourself daily.

If you find faults, you should correct

them. When you find none, you should

try even harder

Xi Zhi Chinese Philospher (1130 - 1200)

Trident Training CentreJolliffe House, 32 West Street, POOLE, BH15 1LDEmail: [email protected]

Approved by the MoDin support of the

ELC Scheme

Provider numberELC4760

Approved by the MoDin support of the

ELC Scheme

Provider numberELC4760









M A R I T I M E S E C U R I T YMarSecPro

M A R I T I M E S E C U R I T YMarSecPro


If you would like to book onto the TMTC course, please complete the TMTC course booking form at: Alternatively email [email protected] or Tel: +44(0)7950 540004

Programme Title Trident Maritime Trauma Course

Course Title TMTC

Course Index TRI-MTC

Training Qualification Buckinghamshire New University Certificate of Achievement and 10 academic credits at FHEQ Level 4

Operational Role Maritime Security Operative (MSO) Medic

Operational Task See MSO

Training Course Aim To provide practical first response trauma care training to prepare a maritime professional to competently manage a range of life-threatening medical emergencies that could be suffered as a result of an armed engagement on the high seas. The course should provide the knowledge and skills required to enable an experienced security professional to perform non-invasive procedures to preserve the life of a casualty for as long as practicable, in the prevailing conditions, using the limited resources available.

Course Content Training Modules

Theory and practical physical 1. trauma management and prolonged care.

Principles of trauma managment and CABC•Catastrophic haemorrhage•Airway, breathing and drowning. •Circulation and burns•Disability and environment•Prolonged patient care•Basic Life Support•Defibrillator•Practical moulage exercises on a commerical vessel.•

Assessment Students will be assessed in three areas: 1. Final exercise practical triage and treatment on an operational vessel 2. Reflective exam 3. Written exam

Course Duration Three Days

Maximum Class Size 14 Students

Lesson Location/Venue Trident Training Centre, Poole

Minimum Entry Standard(What minimum knowledge, skills and attitudes do delegates require for loading onto the course?)

*Minimum two referees required

Either one of the following, or equivalent: Military first-aid course, STCW 95 Elementary First-Aid, First-Aid at Work certificate or equivalent

Feeder Courses. (What courses should precede this one?)

Basic First-aid course as listed above as a minimum.

Trident Maritime Trauma Course (TMTC) Specification