Marion progress (Marion, N.C.). 1941-10-16 [p ]. · WEDS FRANK L. HARBISON Dr. and Mrs. P. D....

Social News Miss Elizabeth Whitten, Editor Office Phone 64 Residence 323-L MRS. WOOD AND MRS. HAGNA HAVE BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Frank Wood and Mrs. Willi- j am Hagna were joint hostesses at a: bridge party given Saturday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Wood. Six tables were arranged for con-' tract in a setting of mixed fall flow- ers. The guests arrived at three o'- clock and play began. Mrs. G. B. Justice won top score and the slam awards, second high went to Mrs. Joe Noyes. A delicious two course supper was served. Those playing were Mrs. Justice, Mrs. Noyes, Mrs. W. L. Morris, Mrs. H. W. Saunders, Miss Hazel Parker, Mrs. Sam Yancey, Mrs. Neal Morris, Mrs. Roby Conley, Mrs. Donald Mc- intosh, Jr., Mrs. Alford Morgan, Mrs. Sara Margaret Giles, Mrs. C. C. Bolch, Mrs. B. A. Dickson, Mrs. R. G. Lambeth, Miss Joyce Decker, Mrs. Paul Nafe, Mrs. A. S. Brad- ford, Mrs. J. E. Neal, Jr., Mrs. John Fields, Mrs. Will Erwin, Mrs. R. J. Noyes, Mrs. Will Wilkinson, and Mrs. R. W. Twitty. Mrs. W. G. Ballew was a tea guest. WESLEYAN GUILD MEETS AT LEDBETTER HOME The Wesleyan Service Guild of the First Methodist Church met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. A. T. Ledbetter. Mrs. Wayne Suttle was assistant hostess. Miss Annie Little gave the devo- tional and Mrs. A. T. Ledbetter dis- cussed the lesson subject "Power That Brings Harvest Home." A nominating committee composed of Mrs. B. H. Laughridge, Miss An- nie Little and Mrs. Fred Bolic-k was appointed. Officers for the coming year are to be elected at the next regular meeting. The hostesses served refresh- ments. The meeting was well attended and welcome was. extended to four new members. PILOTS TO HEAR 20TH ANNIVERSARY MEET The Pilot club will meet Saturday evening at the home of Miss Eliza- beth Somers where they will listen to the broadcast of the meeting of Pilot Club International in Macon, Georgia, celebrating the 20th an- niversary of the organization. Mrs. Etha G. Hall, president of Pilot International, will be the prin- cipal speaker of the broadcast. MRS. JAMES ELECTED DISTRICT VICE-PRES. Mrs. Jack James was elected vice- president of district No. 2 of the North Carolina Federation of Wom- an's Clubs at a meeting of that dis- trict in Hendersonville last Friday. All the advance fashions in luxuriously furred or trim, tailored coats. Beau- tifully cut with soft femin- ine lines. You'll always feel "dressed up" in a coat from— The Marguerite Shoppe EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE BANQUET HELD TUESDAY The Marion Chamber of Com- merce sponsored an Employer-Em- ployee banquet in the community building Wednesday evening. Ab- out eighty-seven persons attended and the banquet began at 7:30 o'- clock. W. J. Cartier introduced Super- intendent Hugh Beam who present- ed the certificates to employees for completing a Sales Institute course. Secretary Cartier also introduced Miss Edna Purcell who conducted the institute. Several games and contests were enjoyed and contest prizes were awarded to Miss Minnie McMahan and Max Poteat. Fuller McKenzie directed a square dance in which all guests took part. Music was furnished by an orchestra composed of R. B. Butt Jr., Murrell Seagle, Ernest Haire, and Spud Morgan. Arrangements for the banquet were made by Fuller McKenzie, chairman, and Miss Bonny Hill, Jim- my Smith, Miss Mable Reese, and Miss Bertie Suttlemyre. Miss Purcell was presented a cor- sage of roses by members of the sales institute. LEGION AUXILIARY TO HAVE MEMBERSHIP DRIVE The American Legion Auxiliary made plans to sponsor a membership drive at the regular meeting held at the home of Mrs. J. W. Streetman, Sr., Monday evening. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Streetman, vice-president, pre- sided. A vote was passed to sponsor a membership drive that would be- gin immediately and continue through October 20. Those on the membership committee are Mrs. B. S. Laughridge, chairman; Mrs. Carr Bell, and Mrs. J. W. Streetman, Sr. Mrs. George Crawford made a report on the district auxiliary meeting which she and other mem- bers of the local organization atten- ded last week in Morganton. Plans were also announced that the American Legion Auxiliary to- gether with the American Legion would sponsor an Armistice Day banquet on November 11. A motion was made and passed to send gifts to boys at Oteen. The hostess served refreshments. MRS. MORRIS ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB WEDNESDAY Mrs. Neal Morris was hostess to her bridge club Wednesday after- noon at her home on North Garden street. The guests arrived at three o'- clock and were directed to their places at two tables by attractive tallies. Pink chrysanthemums decorated the living room where two tables placed for contract. The guests ar- rived at three o'clock and play be- gan. When scores were tallied and prizes had been awarded, refresh- ments were served in two courses. The guest list included Mrs. Glen Morris, Mrs. Frank Goldsmith, Mrs. Sam Yancey, Mrs. Joe Noyes, Mrs. Harry McCall, Mrs. Zeno Martin, I Mrs. Fred Streetman and Mrs. E. P. | Dameron. I MRS. M'INTOSH GIVES PARTY FRIDAY NIGHT Mrs. Donald Mcintosh was hos- tess Friday evening to a party giv- ! en at her home. | Two tables were arranged for bridge and dahlias and chrysanthe- mums were used in decorating. High score prize was won by Mrs. S. B. Hildebrand and slam award went to jMrs. Sam Yancey. Mrs. Paul Nafe | was presented a gift. A sweet course was served with j sandwiches. J Those playing were Mrs. Hilde- ! brand, Mrs. Yancey, Mrs. Nafe, Mrs. ; Neal Morris, Mrs. Eugene Cross, Jr., ; Mrs. Zeno Martin, Mrs. C. C. Bolch, Mrs. H. W. Saunders, Miss Joyce ; Decker, Mrs. R. G. Lambeth, and Mrs. William Hagna. MISS TILLIE SINCLAIR WEDS FRANK L. HARBISON Dr. and Mrs. P. D. Sinclair an- nounce the marriage of their daugh- ter, Miss Matilda Margaret, to Frank L. Harbison, of Morganton. The marriage took place on Sat- urday, October 4, in Greenville, South Carolina. We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription STREETMAN DRUG CO. Night Phone 15—Day 57 ISABEL MORGAN CIRCLE HOLDS ELECTION MEET The Isabel Morgan Circle of the First Baptist church met Monday' evening at the home of Mrs. T. V. Ellis and officers for the coming year were elected as follows: Miss Gladys Corpening, chairman; Mrs. Carl Mc-Call, vice-chairman; Miss Lurlene Corpening, secretary; Miss Bonnie Hill, treasurer, and Mrs. C. Y. Banning, pianist. Other commit- tees were also named. Miss Gladys Corpening, chairman: was assisted by Mrs. R. W. Atwell,: Mrs. Carl McCall and Miss Blanche Finley in conducting the program. : A study course was planned to be- gin in the near future and Miss Bon-. nie Hill read a splendid financial re- port. Mrs. W. T. Miller and Mrs. Edgar Hicks, assistant hostesses, assisted Mrs. Ellis in serving refreshments, j Twenty-six attended the meeting,! including one new member and one visitor. i CLINCHFIELD Y. W. A. DISCUSS RELIGIONS The Young Woman's Auxiliary of the Clinchfield Baptist church! met Monday night at the home of j Mrs. James Mitchem and discussed a program concerning religions in j South America. Miss Margaret Brooks was the j program chairman and Miss Marcia Norman, president of the Auxiliary, presided over the meeting. I At the end of the discussion the hostess served refreshments. An- nouncement was made that the nextj meeting of the Y. W. A. will be held October 27 at the home of Miss Louise Thornhill. MARION HIGH SCHOOL NEWSPAPER STAFF TO BE ELECTED NEXT WEEK j Plans for the operation of Mar- ! ion high school's two publications, | The Marionette and the Hylander, are now underway and nominations for the staff of the newspaper have already been made. It has been announced that the first issue of the Marionette will be off the press in two weeks and the ! staff will be elected by the student body next week. Nominations for the staff are: for editor, John Wellman and Vernon Rader; associate editor, to be the runner-up of the election for editor; sports editor, James Byrd and Lew- is Watkins; and society editor, Ruth Smith and Mildred Mangum. A feature editor and other r;taff members will be nominated before the elections next week. Plans for the publishing of the annual have been discussed also but no staff nominations have been | made. The name and cover will re- main the same, it was stated. About 150 copies of the year book will be published, i HOSPITAL PATIENTS j Patients receiving treatment in ! the Marion General Hospital this week are: Mrs. Carr Bell, Calvin | Sentell, Justice Y. Goode, Albert Ro- land, R. J. Seagle, Barbara Cooper, Carmen Sherlin, W. O. Gibbs, Mrs. Willard Kelley, Mrs. Hubert Brown ;and baby boy and Mrs. Elliott Ma- ihaffey, of Marion; Charlie V. Vick- ! ers, of East Marion; Fred Withrow, I Mrs. B. J. Melton, Mrs. Ed Harmon, I Mrs. Bruce Cowan and Dale Poole; 1 Arthur Poteat and Miss Mildred Lanning of Old Fort; Mrs. B. M. 1 Byrd of Bakersville; Mrs. Charles Gardner of Burnsville; Tommy Wil- i son of Toecane; Mrs. F. L. McMa- ; han and Mrs. T. B. Edge of Mica- jville; baby Wanda Woody of Cran- j berry; Mrs. W. Z. Buchanan, J. D. | Burleson and Mrs. Hubert Robert- | son of Spruce Pine, and Mrs. Fred Hollifield and baby girl of Hollifield. j Colored patient: Carolyn Phillips ; of Marion. R. W. Proctor, W. C. Chambers, G. F. Washburn, W. D. Lonon, P. J. Story, G. W. Sandlin and Judge J. Will Pless attended the district meeting of the bar association at Gilkey Memorial Lodge last Satur- day. Mr. Lonon was elected a mem- ber of the district executive com- mittee. Mrs. Cato Holler, Mrs. Jack Hew- itt, Mrs. Rowe Mauney, Mrs. Ken- neth Ramsey, Miss Hazel Parker and Miss Elizabeth Whitten attended a meeting of District No. 2 of the North Carolina Federation of Wom- an's Clubs in Hendersonville Friday. Ladies and Gentlemen— Use Belle's Original LAY-AWAY PLAN It's the easy Belk way to dress up. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES OF INTEREST V. T. Eckerd spent a few days in Atlanta, Ga., this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Harris spent last week-end in Spartanburg, S. C. Bill Conley attended the Carolina- Fordham game at Chapel Hill Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Smith are spending this week in Williamston, N. C. Mrs. Willard Ricks, of Lincoln- ton, spent last week with relatives here. Clay Mc-Call, of Raleigh, is visit- ing' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McCall. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Cross have moved to their new home on the Airport road. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wicker atten- ded the Notre Dame-Georgia Tech game Friday. Dr. and Mrs. William Hagna left Tuesday for Philadelphia, Pa., and New York City. J. E. Evans attended a conven- tion of Rexall druggists in Atlanta, Georgia, this week. Miss Kathryn Ballew spent last week-end with Miss Peggy Martin Rhodes in Lincolnton. Hershell Seagle, student at Da- vidson College, spent last week-end with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carper, of Wytheville, Va., spent the week-end with Mrs. T. B. Conley. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Streetman and son, Freddie, spent last week-end with relatives in Hendersonville. Miss Nelle Snoddy and Miss Ruth Saunders spent last week-end with friends in Hickory and Lincolnton. T. W. Gowan, county game pro- tector, attended a meeting of game protectors in Asheville last Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Westerman have returned to Sarasota, Florida, after spending the summer in Old Fort. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Young atten- ded the Cherokee Fair and visited relatives in Loudon, Tennessee, this week. Mrs. T. B. Conley and Hugh Con- ley have returned from a vacation in Wytheville, Va., and the Shenan- doah Valley. Jack Howell, who is stationed at the Brooklyn Navy Yards in New York City, spent last week-end with his sister, Mrs. H. S. Dills. Mrs. Dave Brackman and little daughter, Jean Carroll, of Ashe- ville, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. L. Nussbaum. Kenneth Lentz, a former em- ployee of the Marion Barbar Shop, has entered the Northern Illinois College of Optometry in Chicago. Joe Stanley, who is stationed at Fort Bragg, will arrive the latter part of the week to visit his mother, Mrs. Julia Stanley, over the week- end. , Frank Goforth left Tuesday for his home in Seattle, Wash., after a visit with relatives here. He re- turned via New Orleans ^and Los Angeles, California. Melvin Patton and J. R. Jimeson, members of the Pleasant Gardens Grange, attended the quarterly meeting of the Barnardsville Grange in Barnardsvilee last week. Miss Helen Fink spent last week- end in Statesville. She was joined there by Miss Marianna Johnson, who is taking nurses training at the Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte. Dr. R. E. McCall, of Fort Jackson spent Monday night here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McCall, en route to Chicago, 111., to attend the meeting of the American Medi- cal Board. Misses Betty Jane Adkins, Fran- ces Stanley, Ann Laughridge and Mrs. Frank Harbison, students of Montreat College, and Miss Mary Ruth Cooper, who is a teacher at Montreat College, spent last week- end in Marion. Miss Margaret Moore, who is at- tending school at Western Carolina Teachers' College in Cullowhee, spent last week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Moore and had as her guests, Miss Martha West of Greensboro, and Miss Jean Moore of Asheville. Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ramsey and Mrs. James Brooks attended the monthly meeting of the Mountain District Society of Optometrists on Wednesday night in Asheville. Dr. Paul McBee was the guest speaker and spoke on Thyroid Mrs. Kenneth Ramsey was elected president of the ladies' organization of the Mountain District Auxiliary at that time. mmi mum Listed in the ads below are the names of two persons who will receive free passes. Clip the ad in which your name appears and present at the box office. THURSDAY and FRIDAY BIG PARADE Of LOU m^COSTELIO PRIVATES •dM^S VM * iHORtVlS < .4."*, {•»».. ••■•• $S?? and 24 world champion boogie-woogio boys and beauties! pETE)stt1trctl°a "«s r'"S Of 194o \ *1/ SATURDAY . . . Double Features Feature No. 1 JOHNNY MACK BROWN FUZZY KNIGHT in "THE MASKED RIDER" Feature No. 2 nnuura ur runi 1 HURRY with MILDRED COLES RKO RADIO Picture, S MONDAY and TUESDAY THE PERFECT STAR COMBINATION! FRED RITA iApiRE*HAYWORTH IJI^^Sobert BENCHLEY §k JOHN HUBBARD A COIUM B I A PICTURE Mrs. J. A. Wier Wednesday Bargain Prices 11c and 25c r Action romance of Uncle Sam's Great Defense Base! Fix Your Radio Sets Now Due to defense work radio parts are becoming scarce and prices are increas- ing. It will pay you to have repair work done now. All Work Guaranteed Wolfe Radio Service West Henderson St. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED DR. K. W. RAMSEY OPTOMETRIST Treatments for Crossed-Eyes 205 Blanton BIdg. Hour*: 9-5 Daily Marion, N. C.

Transcript of Marion progress (Marion, N.C.). 1941-10-16 [p ]. · WEDS FRANK L. HARBISON Dr. and Mrs. P. D....

Page 1: Marion progress (Marion, N.C.). 1941-10-16 [p ]. · WEDS FRANK L. HARBISON Dr. and Mrs. P. D. Sinclair an- nounce the marriage of their daugh- ter, Miss Matilda Margaret, to Frank

Social News Miss Elizabeth Whitten, Editor

Office Phone 64 Residence 323-L


Mrs. Frank Wood and Mrs. Willi- j am Hagna were joint hostesses at a:

bridge party given Saturday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Wood.

Six tables were arranged for con-' tract in a setting of mixed fall flow- ers. The guests arrived at three o'- clock and play began. Mrs. G. B. Justice won top score and the slam awards, second high went to Mrs. Joe Noyes.

A delicious two course supper was

served. Those playing were Mrs. Justice,

Mrs. Noyes, Mrs. W. L. Morris, Mrs. H. W. Saunders, Miss Hazel Parker, Mrs. Sam Yancey, Mrs. Neal Morris, Mrs. Roby Conley, Mrs. Donald Mc- intosh, Jr., Mrs. Alford Morgan, Mrs. Sara Margaret Giles, Mrs. C. C. Bolch, Mrs. B. A. Dickson, Mrs. R. G. Lambeth, Miss Joyce Decker, Mrs. Paul Nafe, Mrs. A. S. Brad- ford, Mrs. J. E. Neal, Jr., Mrs. John Fields, Mrs. Will Erwin, Mrs. R. J. Noyes, Mrs. Will Wilkinson, and Mrs. R. W. Twitty.

Mrs. W. G. Ballew was a tea



The Wesleyan Service Guild of the First Methodist Church met

Monday evening at the home of Mrs. A. T. Ledbetter. Mrs. Wayne Suttle was assistant hostess.

Miss Annie Little gave the devo- tional and Mrs. A. T. Ledbetter dis- cussed the lesson subject "Power That Brings Harvest Home."

A nominating committee composed of Mrs. B. H. Laughridge, Miss An-

nie Little and Mrs. Fred Bolic-k was

appointed. Officers for the coming year are to be elected at the next

regular meeting. The hostesses served refresh-

ments. The meeting was well attended

and welcome was. extended to four new members.



The Pilot club will meet Saturday evening at the home of Miss Eliza- beth Somers where they will listen to the broadcast of the meeting of Pilot Club International in Macon, Georgia, celebrating the 20th an-

niversary of the organization. Mrs. Etha G. Hall, president of

Pilot International, will be the prin- cipal speaker of the broadcast.



Mrs. Jack James was elected vice- president of district No. 2 of the North Carolina Federation of Wom- an's Clubs at a meeting of that dis- trict in Hendersonville last Friday.

All the advance fashions in luxuriously furred or

trim, tailored coats. Beau-

tifully cut with soft femin- ine lines. You'll always feel "dressed up" in a coat



Marguerite Shoppe


The Marion Chamber of Com- merce sponsored an Employer-Em- ployee banquet in the community building Wednesday evening. Ab- out eighty-seven persons attended and the banquet began at 7:30 o'- clock.

W. J. Cartier introduced Super- intendent Hugh Beam who present- ed the certificates to employees for completing a Sales Institute course.

Secretary Cartier also introduced Miss Edna Purcell who conducted the institute.

Several games and contests were

enjoyed and contest prizes were

awarded to Miss Minnie McMahan and Max Poteat.

Fuller McKenzie directed a square dance in which all guests took part. Music was furnished by an orchestra composed of R. B. Butt Jr., Murrell Seagle, Ernest Haire, and Spud Morgan.

Arrangements for the banquet were made by Fuller McKenzie, chairman, and Miss Bonny Hill, Jim- my Smith, Miss Mable Reese, and Miss Bertie Suttlemyre.

Miss Purcell was presented a cor-

sage of roses by members of the sales institute.


The American Legion Auxiliary made plans to sponsor a membership drive at the regular meeting held at

the home of Mrs. J. W. Streetman, Sr., Monday evening.

In the absence of the president, Mrs. Streetman, vice-president, pre- sided. A vote was passed to sponsor a membership drive that would be- gin immediately and continue through October 20. Those on the membership committee are Mrs. B. S. Laughridge, chairman; Mrs. Carr Bell, and Mrs. J. W. Streetman, Sr.

Mrs. George Crawford made a

report on the district auxiliary meeting which she and other mem-

bers of the local organization atten- ded last week in Morganton.

Plans were also announced that the American Legion Auxiliary to-

gether with the American Legion would sponsor an Armistice Day banquet on November 11.

A motion was made and passed to send gifts to boys at Oteen.

The hostess served refreshments.


Mrs. Neal Morris was hostess to her bridge club Wednesday after- noon at her home on North Garden street.

The guests arrived at three o'- clock and were directed to their places at two tables by attractive tallies.

Pink chrysanthemums decorated the living room where two tables placed for contract. The guests ar-

rived at three o'clock and play be- gan.

When scores were tallied and prizes had been awarded, refresh- ments were served in two courses.

The guest list included Mrs. Glen Morris, Mrs. Frank Goldsmith, Mrs. Sam Yancey, Mrs. Joe Noyes, Mrs. Harry McCall, Mrs. Zeno Martin,

I Mrs. Fred Streetman and Mrs. E. P.

| Dameron. I


Mrs. Donald Mcintosh was hos- tess Friday evening to a party giv-

! en at her home. | Two tables were arranged for bridge and dahlias and chrysanthe- mums were used in decorating. High score prize was won by Mrs. S. B. Hildebrand and slam award went to

jMrs. Sam Yancey. Mrs. Paul Nafe

| was presented a gift. A sweet course was served with

j sandwiches.

J Those playing were Mrs. Hilde- ! brand, Mrs. Yancey, Mrs. Nafe, Mrs. ; Neal Morris, Mrs. Eugene Cross, Jr., ; Mrs. Zeno Martin, Mrs. C. C. Bolch, Mrs. H. W. Saunders, Miss Joyce

; Decker, Mrs. R. G. Lambeth, and Mrs. William Hagna.


Dr. and Mrs. P. D. Sinclair an-

nounce the marriage of their daugh- ter, Miss Matilda Margaret, to Frank L. Harbison, of Morganton.

The marriage took place on Sat- urday, October 4, in Greenville, South Carolina.

We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription

STREETMAN DRUG CO. Night Phone 15—Day 57


The Isabel Morgan Circle of the First Baptist church met Monday' evening at the home of Mrs. T. V. Ellis and officers for the coming year were elected as follows: Miss Gladys Corpening, chairman; Mrs. Carl Mc-Call, vice-chairman; Miss Lurlene Corpening, secretary; Miss Bonnie Hill, treasurer, and Mrs. C. Y. Banning, pianist. Other commit- tees were also named.

Miss Gladys Corpening, chairman: was assisted by Mrs. R. W. Atwell,: Mrs. Carl McCall and Miss Blanche Finley in conducting the program. :

A study course was planned to be- gin in the near future and Miss Bon-. nie Hill read a splendid financial re-

port. Mrs. W. T. Miller and Mrs. Edgar

Hicks, assistant hostesses, assisted Mrs. Ellis in serving refreshments, j

Twenty-six attended the meeting,! including one new member and one

visitor. i


The Young Woman's Auxiliary of the Clinchfield Baptist church! met Monday night at the home of j Mrs. James Mitchem and discussed a program concerning religions in j South America.

Miss Margaret Brooks was the j program chairman and Miss Marcia Norman, president of the Auxiliary, presided over the meeting.

I At the end of the discussion the hostess served refreshments. An- nouncement was made that the nextj meeting of the Y. W. A. will be held October 27 at the home of Miss Louise Thornhill.


j Plans for the operation of Mar- ! ion high school's two publications, | The Marionette and the Hylander, are now underway and nominations for the staff of the newspaper have already been made.

It has been announced that the first issue of the Marionette will be off the press in two weeks and the

! staff will be elected by the student body next week.

Nominations for the staff are: for editor, John Wellman and Vernon Rader; associate editor, to be the runner-up of the election for editor; sports editor, James Byrd and Lew- is Watkins; and society editor, Ruth Smith and Mildred Mangum.

A feature editor and other r;taff members will be nominated before the elections next week.

Plans for the publishing of the annual have been discussed also but no staff nominations have been

| made. The name and cover will re-

main the same, it was stated. About 150 copies of the year book will be published,


j Patients receiving treatment in ! the Marion General Hospital this week are: Mrs. Carr Bell, Calvin

| Sentell, Justice Y. Goode, Albert Ro- land, R. J. Seagle, Barbara Cooper, Carmen Sherlin, W. O. Gibbs, Mrs. Willard Kelley, Mrs. Hubert Brown

;and baby boy and Mrs. Elliott Ma- ihaffey, of Marion; Charlie V. Vick- ! ers, of East Marion; Fred Withrow,

I Mrs. B. J. Melton, Mrs. Ed Harmon, I Mrs. Bruce Cowan and Dale Poole; 1 Arthur Poteat and Miss Mildred Lanning of Old Fort; Mrs. B. M.

1 Byrd of Bakersville; Mrs. Charles Gardner of Burnsville; Tommy Wil-

i son of Toecane; Mrs. F. L. McMa- ; han and Mrs. T. B. Edge of Mica- jville; baby Wanda Woody of Cran-

j berry; Mrs. W. Z. Buchanan, J. D. | Burleson and Mrs. Hubert Robert-

| son of Spruce Pine, and Mrs. Fred Hollifield and baby girl of Hollifield.

j Colored patient: Carolyn Phillips ; of Marion.

R. W. Proctor, W. C. Chambers, G. F. Washburn, W. D. Lonon, P. J. Story, G. W. Sandlin and Judge J. Will Pless attended the district meeting of the bar association at Gilkey Memorial Lodge last Satur- day. Mr. Lonon was elected a mem- ber of the district executive com-


Mrs. Cato Holler, Mrs. Jack Hew- itt, Mrs. Rowe Mauney, Mrs. Ken- neth Ramsey, Miss Hazel Parker and Miss Elizabeth Whitten attended a

meeting of District No. 2 of the North Carolina Federation of Wom- an's Clubs in Hendersonville Friday.

Ladies and Gentlemen—

Use Belle's Original


It's the easy Belk way

to dress up.


V. T. Eckerd spent a few days in

Atlanta, Ga., this week.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Harris spent last week-end in Spartanburg, S. C.

Bill Conley attended the Carolina- Fordham game at Chapel Hill Satur- day.

Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Smith are

spending this week in Williamston, N. C.

Mrs. Willard Ricks, of Lincoln- ton, spent last week with relatives here.

Clay Mc-Call, of Raleigh, is visit- ing' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McCall.

Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Cross have moved to their new home on the Airport road.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wicker atten- ded the Notre Dame-Georgia Tech game Friday.

Dr. and Mrs. William Hagna left Tuesday for Philadelphia, Pa., and New York City.

J. E. Evans attended a conven-

tion of Rexall druggists in Atlanta, Georgia, this week.

Miss Kathryn Ballew spent last week-end with Miss Peggy Martin Rhodes in Lincolnton.

Hershell Seagle, student at Da- vidson College, spent last week-end with his parents here.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carper, of Wytheville, Va., spent the week-end with Mrs. T. B. Conley.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Streetman and son, Freddie, spent last week-end with relatives in Hendersonville.

Miss Nelle Snoddy and Miss Ruth Saunders spent last week-end with friends in Hickory and Lincolnton.

T. W. Gowan, county game pro- tector, attended a meeting of game protectors in Asheville last Satur- day.

Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Westerman have returned to Sarasota, Florida, after spending the summer in Old Fort.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Young atten- ded the Cherokee Fair and visited relatives in Loudon, Tennessee, this week.

Mrs. T. B. Conley and Hugh Con- ley have returned from a vacation in Wytheville, Va., and the Shenan- doah Valley.

Jack Howell, who is stationed at the Brooklyn Navy Yards in New York City, spent last week-end with his sister, Mrs. H. S. Dills.

Mrs. Dave Brackman and little daughter, Jean Carroll, of Ashe- ville, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. L. Nussbaum.

Kenneth Lentz, a former em-

ployee of the Marion Barbar Shop, has entered the Northern Illinois College of Optometry in Chicago.

Joe Stanley, who is stationed at Fort Bragg, will arrive the latter part of the week to visit his mother, Mrs. Julia Stanley, over the week- end.

, Frank Goforth left Tuesday for his home in Seattle, Wash., after a

visit with relatives here. He re-

turned via New Orleans ^and Los Angeles, California.

Melvin Patton and J. R. Jimeson, members of the Pleasant Gardens Grange, attended the quarterly meeting of the Barnardsville Grange in Barnardsvilee last week.

Miss Helen Fink spent last week- end in Statesville. She was joined there by Miss Marianna Johnson, who is taking nurses training at the Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte.

Dr. R. E. McCall, of Fort Jackson spent Monday night here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McCall, en route to Chicago, 111., to attend the meeting of the American Medi- cal Board.

Misses Betty Jane Adkins, Fran- ces Stanley, Ann Laughridge and Mrs. Frank Harbison, students of Montreat College, and Miss Mary Ruth Cooper, who is a teacher at Montreat College, spent last week- end in Marion.

Miss Margaret Moore, who is at- tending school at Western Carolina Teachers' College in Cullowhee, spent last week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Moore and had as her guests, Miss Martha West of Greensboro, and Miss Jean Moore of Asheville.

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ramsey and Mrs. James Brooks attended the monthly meeting of the Mountain District Society of Optometrists on

Wednesday night in Asheville. Dr. Paul McBee was the guest speaker and spoke on Thyroid Mrs. Kenneth Ramsey was elected president of the ladies' organization of the Mountain District Auxiliary at that time.

mmi mum

Listed in the ads below are the names of two persons who will receive free passes. Clip the ad

in which your name appears and

present at the box office.






< .4."*,

{•»».. ••■••


and 24 world champion

boogie-woogio boys and beauties!

pETE)stt1trctl°a •


r'"S Of 194o

\ *1/

SATURDAY . . . Double Features Feature No. 1




Feature No. 2

nnuura ur runi








Mrs. J. A. Wier

Wednesday Bargain Prices 11c and 25c

r Action romance of Uncle Sam's Great Defense


Fix Your Radio Sets Now

Due to defense work radio parts are

becoming scarce and prices are increas-

ing. It will pay you to have repair work done now.

All Work Guaranteed

Wolfe Radio Service West Henderson St.



Treatments for Crossed-Eyes

205 Blanton BIdg. Hour*: 9-5 Daily Marion, N. C.