Marine Biotechnology/Algae

MarineBiotechnology 06/06/2022 1


Presentation for the Biofuels course 2011

Transcript of Marine Biotechnology/Algae

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By: Ayesha Nawaz

Daniela Lopez


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What is it?

Marine biotechnology uses biological material from the sea to produce goods and services.


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Areas Of Interest Extraction of biologically-active compounds or

pharmaceuticals Cloning of proteins of marine origin Analysis of marine toxins and anti-venoms Development of industrial adhesives Development of diagnostic probes for marine

pathogens. Bio-remediation, which uses marine and other

organisms to digest contaminants and toxins in the environment.


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Constraints Like all other technologies the opportunities

involve long lead times and high risks. Other critical issues that can affect bio-

prospecting for genetic material include access and ownership of intellectual property rights.

Ability to sustainably produce high-oil-yielding algae strains on a large-scale.

Ability to extract the oil from the algae on a large scale.

Capability for large-scale conversion of algal oil into biodiesel.


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Algal Strains Some prominent strains of algae that have a

high carbohydrate content and hence are promising candidates for ethanol production.

Sargassum Glacilaria Prymnesium parvum Euglena gracilis


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Ethanol from Algae Algae have a tendency to have a much different

makeup than does most feed stocks used in ethanol, such as corn and sugar cane.

Ethanol from algae is possible by converting the starch (the storage component) and Cellulose (the cell wall component). lipids in algae oil can be made into biodiesel, while the carbohydrates can be converted to ethanol.

Algae are the optimal source for second generation bioethanol due to the fact that they are high in carbohydrates/polysaccharides and thin cellulose walls


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Process behind Ethanol from Algae

Fermentation process to produce ethanol include the following stages:

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Decaying… Cellular structure of the biomass begins to

decay (e.g., cell wall rupture) and release the carbohydrates.

Initiating decay can be accomplished mechanically, non-mechanically.

The yeasts used are typically brewers’ yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces uvarum).

Genetically altered bacteria could be useful for fermentation can also be used.


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Ethanol from De-oiled Algae Biomass

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Production Of Ethanol and Biodiesel from Algae

FromOligae, 2006, Retrievedfrom


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Biodiesel from Algae

Selection of microalgae


Growth of microalgae

Further treatment to

recover diesel

Waste liquor

Harvesting of microalgae

Extraction of oil from


Oil for processing into Biofuel

Residual microalgae

Extraction of protein

Dewatering and


Incorporated into human


Aqua feed Animal feed

Pet feed


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Advantages to make ethanol from algae instead of diesel

The lipid (oil) content in algae from different sources max. 70% is less than starch+ cellulose+ sugars nearly 100% content.

Algae should be dried (a lot of energy) to extract oil but needs no treatment for ethanol fermentation.

Extracting the oil from algae is complicated. CO2 from ethanol fermenting can be used as algae

feedstock. The energy from fermenting and distilling can be

used to heat algae ponds (photo bioreactors) in cold climate.

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Advantages of Using Algae

Algae have many important advantages over other oil-producing crops, like corn, canola and soybeans.

It can be grown in almost any enclosed space and it multiplies rapidly and requires very few inputs to flourish - mainly just sunlight, water and carbon dioxide.

Because algae has a high surface-area-to-volume ratio, it can absorb nutrients very quickly, and its small size is what makes it mighty.

The Energy Returned is much higher than Energy Invested or required to produce algae ethanol.

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Advantages of Using Algae Algae Consume CO2, a Major Greenhouse Gas. Do Not Require Arable Land. Grow Very Rapidly. Represent a “New” Source of Fuel. Represent a New Source of Animal Food.


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Simpler… Algae ethanol does not require a very

complicated equipment or machinery to set it up

As Scientists and researchers of Canadian National Renewable Energy Association have observed that: "algae ethanol plant does not eat up the country's bread basket" and gives to mankind many valuable bi-products that are used in several ways.


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Open or closed?

Bios (2008). PhotoBioReactorSculpture. RetrievedOct 7 2011 from

From “ Placingmicroalgaeonthebiofuelsprioritylist: a reviewofthetechnologicalchallenges”, by Greenwellet al, 2009, J. R. Soc. Interface, 7, p 708


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Algae vs. crops

RetrievedOct 7 2011 from

From “Biotech’sgreen gold?”, by Waltz E. 2009, NatureBiotechnology, 27, p. 16


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Economical evaluation

Base case (current technology)

Projected case (achievable but not demonstrated)

Production of biomass using 500 ha systems =

Oil extraction =

Co-production of high value product (HVP)

Not considered (Small markets)

Internal rate of return (IRR). Values above 15% are considered profitable


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From “Aneconomicandtechnicalevaluationofmicroalgalbiofuels”, by Stephens E. et al 2010, NatureBiotechnology, 28, p. 12704/08/202322

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From “Aneconomicandtechnicalevaluationofmicroalgalbiofuels”, by Stephens E. et al 2010, NatureBiotechnology, 28, p. 12704/08/202323

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Is it profitable? Yes, with increased productivity/large

production Estimate: Current technology could produce

$84/bbl but in the future a price of $50/bbl could be achieved

Sinergy with other industries for a sustainable system


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What’s happening?


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References Borowitzka MA and Reza Navid, 2010, ‘Sustainable biofuels from algae’, Mitig Adapt

Strateg Glob Change, Springer. Greenwell HC, Laurens LML, Shields RJ, Lovitt RW and Flynn KJ, 2010, ‘Placing

microalgae on the biofuels priority list: a review of the technological challenges’, J.R. Soc. Interface, 7, 703-726

Gold rush for algae, (2009, September 24), NatureNews, 461, 460-61 Oligae. Sheehan J, Dunahay T, Benemann J and Roessler P (1998), ‘A Look Back at the U.S.

Department of Energy’s Aquatic Species Program — Biodiesel from Algae’, (Close out report 1978-1996), Colorado USA, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fuels Development

Stephens E, Ross IL, King Z, Mussgnung JH, Kruse O, Posten C, Borowitzka MA and Hankamer B, 2010, ‘An economic and technical evaluation of microalgal biofuels’, Nat Biotechnol, 28 (2), 126-128 

Waltz E, 2009, ‘Biotechs’s green gold?, Nat Biotechnol, 27(1), 15-18


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