Marilyn Gardner Milton: Advanced School Finance Class Chat, 1st Session

Class Chat Session 1 Welcome EDD 8431 Advanced School Finance

Transcript of Marilyn Gardner Milton: Advanced School Finance Class Chat, 1st Session

Class Chat Session 1


EDD 8431

Advanced School Finance

EDD 8431Advanced School Finance

AgendaMicrophone Check

Post Biography

Elluminate Participation if miss: 7 days to submit brief overview from archive- 4 Points Next session: Tuesday, June 30th at 8 p.m. EST

Course Goals

Assignments and % of Grade

What do “A” Students do Right?

Syllabus (Class Participation, Late Assignments, etc.)

Weekly Discussion Rubric

Assignment #1 & Assignment #2

Overview Future Assignments

Required Texts• Hartman, W. T. (2003).

School district budgeting. Lanham, MD: Association of School Business

• Odden, A., & Picus, L. (2008). School finance: A policy perspective (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill.

Week #1 Resources

Syllabus Welcome Letter Course Assignment Due

Dates Introduction Bio and CV

(Week 1 - Share your own in BlackBoard and get to know your classmates)

Assignment Cover Sheet Sample

Course Goals Financial aspects of

educational environment

Key concepts of revenue generation and distribution

Practice district and site-based budgeting

Public School Finance is Big Business!

$440 billion 48.7 million public

school studentsOver 3.5 million

teachers 1.5 Million


Course Goals Hone leadership skills

in debate fiscal policies

Skills to garner financial support to accomplish mission.

Knowledge shape economic decisions in the public sector.

Course Goals Historical foundations

school finance Changes in policy/

practices Influential court

decisions /current legal challenges

Federal, state, and local funding practices

Course Goals Site-based budgeting Responsibilities

administrators funding/finance arena

Budgeting cycles and influences

Generation, distribution, and accountability issues.


91 – 100 = A

86 - 90 = B+

80 - 85 = B



Course Overview

Settling in with course format/expectations (3-4 weeks)

Read Syllabus Carefully

Proofread Carefully Covers/Reference Pages (APA) You will need your school and district budgets to respond to

many of the discussion posts. Retrieve copies as soon as possible.

Re-Submits (Sorry, will not be accepted)

Late Assignments (Sorry, will not be accepted)

Why No Late Assignments? Not fair to classmates experiencing extenuating

circumstances/busy lives Access to entire syllabus, busy week in the future work on

the assignment now. Submit early on Thursdays &Sundays so do not run into

technical problems. Very, very rarely do I accept a late assignment and only

with notice (not the day it is due). Even if accepted late it will be substantially downgraded.

Grades are important/Everyone is on an equal footing I hope you understand!

Course Overview

International StudentsPlagiarism (no group work)/Cite

Everything/Minimal Cut and PasteI really, really care about your grade!Overview of grading process.Forgive Bb on Formatting Emails and

Assignment Comments

Advanced School Finance


Advanced School Finance

Overview of Assignments

Assignment % Final Grade Week Due

Assignment 1: School Finance Litigation 10 3

Assignment 2: Budget Analysis 15 7

Assignment 3: Approving an Operating Budget 20 11

Assignment 4: District 5 – Budget Allocations 25 14

Discussion Board and Chats 26

(2 points each) 1-13

 Class Chat Sessions 4

(2 points each)

Total 100


Advanced School Finance

Overview of Weekly


(2 Points Each)

Weekly Discussions

Read weekly discussion

question& submit response on

Discussion Board by Thursday

(graded down) Value: .25 credit

Discussion Rubric

Description Points Credit Earned

 Posting Timeliness

Student submitted posting by Thursday (latest). .25


Quality of Candidate’s Posting

Includes comprehensive response to the discussion question (s), 1.00

300-500 words, complete background work to prepare

for posting, 

Quality of Candidate’s Reponses to Classmates’ Postings .75

Responded to at least three of classmates’ postings (75 words),

on two different days (if by Saturday). Included, but not be limited to, your

reactions to the reading of the postings of your classmates and

any relevant information you feel would ……………………. 


Total 2



Candidate’s Response

Comprehensive response to the discussion question(s)

Minimum 300 -500 words

Completed background work to prepare for posting

Value: 1 credit

Response to Classmate’s Postings

Visit Discussion Board at least three times per week on three different days or two on the same day if by Saturday to enter response postings.

Response to Classmate’s Postings

Read the postings of all individuals in class.

Respond (75 words) to at least three of your classmates’ postings each week on three different days or two days if by Saturday.

Value: .75 credit

Response include:

your reactions to postings of classmates

relevant information you feel would add to discussions.

Response to Classmate’s Postings

Response to Classmate’s Postings

Two questions thought provoking, probing and specific to the posting.

Differences will provide basis for discussions and responses to other candidates

Response to Classmate’s Postings

Should be: supportiveprobing to stimulate


May debate and offer differing opinions

Response to Classmate’s Postings

2-3 paragraphs in length (i.e., 75-100 words)

Grammatically correct sentences been thought out & encourage further discussion

Response to Classmate’s Postings

Add to/ disputing posting can lead to opening a discussion.

Stating, “I agree,” “Great posting,” will not cause classmates to reexamine their position.

Discussion Board Rubric

Rubric + feedback

posted weekly in Grade Center.

Discussion Rubric

Description Points Credit Earned

 Posting Timeliness

Student submitted posting by Thursday (latest). .25


Quality of Candidate’s Posting

Includes comprehensive response to the discussion question (s), 1.00

300-500 words, complete background work to prepare

for posting, 

Quality of Candidate’s Reponses to Classmates’ Postings .75

Responded to at least three of classmates’ postings, on three

different days or two days if by Saturday. Included, but not be

limited to, your reactions to the reading of the postings of your

classmates and any relevant information you feel would feel…


Total 2



Advanced School Finance


What are the “A” students doing right?”

Citing scholarly sources support views. Using more than textbooks for Sources – ensures a

correct, complete, and accurate response Proofreading Read syllabus and follow instructions Checking email/class site 3 times a week I access student course statistics Reflect on Past Assignment Comments Attend/Listen to Archived Collaborate Sessions

Assignment Suggestions

If you are unsure or confused

contact me!

Advanced School Finance


Assignment #1 School Finance Litigation

Evolution litigation public school finance from equity issues to adequacy issues.

Point out major legal cases that affected public school finance

Assignment #1 School Finance Litigation


1. Brief discussion historical court cases

2. Current cases litigated in courts in at least one state other than your own

3. Compare points of law that are being debated.

Assignment #1 Format

I. Introduction/Background

II. Historical Major Cases/ Early Legal Challenges

III. Current cases in Litigation and How They Compare/Points of Law Debated (two states)

IV. Summary/Conclusion

Assignment #1 Rubric

Description• Content• Quality of

Communication• Preparation (readings,

field work, etc.)• Format






10 Points Total

Assignment #1 School Finance Litigation

Submit analyses to the Assignment #1 drop box

Approximately 5 pages (double spaced)

Assignment #1 Rubric

Advanced School FinanceLegal Websites

U.S. Supreme Court Media website

Cornell Law School:

Find Law:

Advanced School Finance


Principal/Super in your current district

8-10 page scholarly report (double spaced)

Analyze district’s operating budget as to achievement of school/district’s vision and mission

Review assignment make interviews asap!

Assignment #2: Budget Analysis

Assignment #2: Budget Analysis

Written portion:• Introduction.

• Interviews

• Components of a Budget and Revenue Sources

• Managing the Organization

• Managing District Operations

• Managing District Resources

• Summary

*It is not a question and answer format.

Advanced School Finance


Future Assignments

Assignment #3:Approving an Operating

Budget (Conduct Interviews for Assignments #2 and #3 at same time)

Assignment #4:

District 5 – Budget Allocations

Assignment #3 Approving an Operating Budget

New school principal/super been appointed

First task operating budget approved.

Gather information how the proposed operating budget:

addresses district problems impacts key stakeholder groups, communicated to community

and stakeholder groups

Assignment #4 District 5 – Budget Allocations

Facts of case study

Build a budget

Website Resources

• American Education Finance Association.

• Campaign for Fiscal Equity (Campaign for Fiscal Equity, Inc. vs. State of New York).

• Committee for Educational Funding.

• National Conference of State Legislatures School Finance Litigation Main Page.

• National Education Association School Funding Adequacy—What it Costs to Do the Job Right

• National School Boards Associations.

• National School Funding Network.

• School Finance: From Equity to Adequacy.

Advanced School Law


Advanced School Finance

Final Thoughts

EDD 8431 Advanced School Finance

Thank You

Please Let Me Know How I Can Be of Help!

This Session Will be Archived.