Marhaini, M. Faizal, M. Hatta Dahlan, Arinafril, and

The Treatment of the Waste Water of Urea Fertilizer Plant with a Combined Process of Advanced Oxidation and Microalge Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Nannochloropsis sp. and Pseudomonas fluorescens Bacteria Marhaini, M. Faizal, M. Hatta Dahlan, Arinafril, and Marsi Abstract -- The activity of urea fertilizer industry with potential impacts or environmental pollution is the activity of wastewater disposal into the waters. The main by product of the fertilizer urea plant is wastewater containing mostly liquid ammonia. According to the Decree of the ministry of Environmental Affairs No. 122 of the year 2004 and the Decree of the Governoor of South Sumatra Province No. 18 of the year 2005, the maximum pollution load for urea fertilizer industry is liquid ammonia level of 0.75 kg/ton (50 mg/L) and pH of 6.0 – 9.0. The treatment of the wastewater of urea fertilizer plant is done by means of combining chemical and bilogical methods. The technology of wastewater treatment by advanced oxidation principle using strong oxidizing agents. The process of oxidation can be combined with or followed by biological processes invloving microorganisms such as microglae Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Nannochoropsis sp. And the Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria. The findings of the study on the treatment of the wastewater of the urea fertilizer plants using Fenton reagent and advanced oxidation processes are as follows: the capacity to degrade NH 3 is 95% and urea is 65% with a ratio of 1:10 and the use Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria can absorb nitrate and nitrite as much as 92.63% microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa as much as 99% and Nannochloropsis sp. as much as 84%. Keywords--Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP), Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Nannochloropsis sp, Pseudomonas fluorescens Marhaini,The Student of Doctoral Program in the Environmental Science of Sriwijaya University Indonesia, phone 0711-354222, fax 0711-320310 e-mail [email protected] M. Faizal, Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Sriwijaya University Indonesia, e-mail [email protected] M. Hatta Dahlan, Chemical Engineering Faculty of Engineering Sriwijaya University Indonesia, e-mail [email protected] Arinafril, Department Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University Indonesia, e-mail [email protected] Marsi, Department soil science, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University Indonesia, e-mail [email protected] I. INTRODUCTION HERE are six urea fertilizer plants in Indonesia whose wastewater is characterized with high levels of urea and ammonia-nitrogen. The treatment of wastewater with high levels of urea and ammonia-nitrogen is one of the problems faced by urea fertilizer plants in Indonesia. Although the waste water of urea fertilizer plants is not considered as hazardous materials compound, it may cause serious damage to the ecosystem of water bodies. Industrial activities of urea fertilizer plants with the potential impact of causing environmental pollution is the disposal activities of wastewater into the waters. The efforts to improve wastewater treatment by separating ammonia have been done by using variety of methods such as: Ion Exchange [20] , breakpoint chlorination [12] , aerobic-nitrification and anaerobic- denitrification electron [1] , water striping [29] , fluidized-bed reactor [15] , anammox (Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation) [21]- [23] , combined nitrification-denitrification and microalgae [25] , membrane reactors (MBR) [28] . These ammonia separation methods have limitations, such as not being able to reduce the amount of ammonia up to safe concentration level, needing huge cost and the application of some of these methods in practice still encounters obstacles. This constraint is mainly due to the specific capacity of NH 3 -N removal is still so low that the output process is still higher than the quality standards that have been set. T International Journal of Biological, Ecological and Environmental Sciences (IJBEES) Vol. 2, No. 1, 2013 ISSN 2277 – 4394 1

Transcript of Marhaini, M. Faizal, M. Hatta Dahlan, Arinafril, and

The Treatment of the Waste Water of Urea Fertilizer Plant with a Combined Process of Advanced

Oxidation and Microalge Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Nannochloropsis sp. and Pseudomonas fluorescens


Marhaini, M. Faizal, M. Hatta Dahlan, Arinafril, and Marsi

Abstract -- The activity of urea fertilizer industry with potential impacts or environmental pollution is the activity of wastewater disposal into the waters. The main by product of the fertilizer urea plant is wastewater containing mostly liquid ammonia. According to the Decree of the ministry of Environmental Affairs No. 122 of the year 2004 and the Decree of the Governoor of South Sumatra Province No. 18 of the year 2005, the maximum pollution load for urea fertilizer industry is liquid ammonia level of 0.75 kg/ton (50 mg/L) and pH of 6.0 – 9.0. The treatment of the wastewater of urea fertilizer plant is done by means of combining chemical and bilogical methods. The technology of wastewater treatment by advanced oxidation principle using strong oxidizing agents. The process of oxidation can be combined with or followed by biological processes invloving microorganisms such as microglae Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Nannochoropsis sp. And the Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria. The findings of the study on the treatment of the wastewater of the urea fertilizer plants using Fenton reagent and advanced oxidation processes are as follows: the capacity to degrade NH3 is 95% and urea is 65% with a ratio of 1:10 and the use Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria can absorb nitrate and nitrite as much as 92.63% microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa as much as 99% and Nannochloropsis sp. as much as 84%.

Keywords--Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP), Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Nannochloropsis sp, Pseudomonas fluorescens Marhaini,The Student of Doctoral Program in the Environmental Science of Sriwijaya University Indonesia, phone 0711-354222, fax 0711-320310 e-mail [email protected] M. Faizal, Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Sriwijaya University Indonesia, e-mail [email protected] M. Hatta Dahlan, Chemical Engineering Faculty of Engineering Sriwijaya University Indonesia, e-mail [email protected] Arinafril, Department Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University Indonesia, e-mail [email protected] Marsi, Department soil science, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University Indonesia, e-mail [email protected]


HERE are six urea fertilizer plants in Indonesia whose wastewater is characterized with high levels of urea and

ammonia-nitrogen. The treatment of wastewater with high levels of urea and ammonia-nitrogen is one of the problems faced by urea fertilizer plants in Indonesia. Although the waste water of urea fertilizer plants is not considered as hazardous materials compound, it may cause serious damage to the ecosystem of water bodies. Industrial activities of urea fertilizer plants with the potential impact of causing environmental pollution is the disposal activities of wastewater into the waters. The efforts to improve wastewater treatment by separating ammonia have been done by using variety of methods such as: Ion Exchange [20], breakpoint chlorination [12], aerobic-nitrification and anaerobic-denitrification electron [1], water striping [29], fluidized-bed reactor [15], anammox (Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation) [21]-

[23], combined nitrification-denitrification and microalgae [25], membrane reactors (MBR) [28]. These ammonia separation methods have limitations, such as not being able to reduce the amount of ammonia up to safe concentration level, needing huge cost and the application of some of these methods in practice still encounters obstacles. This constraint is mainly due to the specific capacity of NH3-N removal is still so low that the output process is still higher than the quality standards that have been set.


International Journal of Biological, Ecological and Environmental Sciences (IJBEES) Vol. 2, No. 1, 2013 ISSN 2277 – 4394








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Whereas, according to [10] biological waste treatment processes (microbes) will not run optimally or will be impaired when toxic chemical compounds are found in the wastewater that will affect the performance of a waste treatment facility. In this study, the treatment of the wastewater of the urea fertilizer plant is carried out by combining chemical and biological methods. The chemical processing technology applied in this study is Advanced Oxidation Proces (AOP) or advanced oxidation processes of wastewater treatment which is a wastewater processing techlogy with advanced oxidation principle using strong oxidator. This process of oxidation can be combined or followed by biological processes involving microorganisms such as microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Nannochloropsis sp. and the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens.


A. Material and Tools

The tools used in this study are volumetric flask, pH meter, measuring pipette, Spectrophotometer, scales, aerator, transparent plastic tubing measures ¾ diameters, hemacytometer, microscope, fluorescent lamp and the culture bottles, cork drill, Petri dishes, transparent millimeter paper. While the ingredients needed are water, distilled water, Nessler reagent, liquid ammonia derived from Wetland area of nitrogen industry, microalgae C. pyrenoidosa and Nannochloropsis sp, seeds derived from pure cultures in the uncontaminated condition by zooplankton or other organisms. Water used is brackish (a mixture of sea water and fresh water) as the main growing medium of Nannocloropsis sp with 3% salinity, while the microalgae C. pyrenoidosa using fresh water, pH 8 - 9.5, and temperature of 25-30 ° C. Bacteria P. fluorescens seeds derived from pure cultures in the uncontaminated condition. Media Kings B (composition are protease peptone 10 g, K₂HPO₄ 0, 75 g, MgSO₄7H₂O 0, 75 g, glycerol 7, 5 ml, drilled water 500 ml). Variable measurement including pH, density, NH3-N level and nitrogen, H2O2, FeSO4.7H2O, Measurement variables include pH, NH3-N, urea. nitrate, nitrite, TKN, COD, TSS.

B. Procedure Research

Waste water from a pool emergency tube inserted into the control. Sebelummasukkeumpan wastewater is analyzed (NH3-N, urea, nitrate, nitrite, TKN, pH, COD, TSS)

From the tube inserted control samples (waste water) into the reactor of 5,000 (reagent tubes). The tube serves as a reagent tube to react with the fertilizer plant wastewater Fenton reagent and various comparisons are FeSO4: H2O2 1: 2, 1: 4, 1: 6, 1: 8, 1: 10.

By using a magnetic stirrer at 100 rpm stirring speed setting selama 120 minutes, and then the samples were taken after 20 min settling. Then the waste water from the feed tube in the analysis of reagent (NH3-N, urea, nitrate, nitrite,, TKN, pH, COD, TSS).

Waste water from in vitro reagent, flowed into aguarium / botolaerasi (aguarium microalgae, bacteria, bacteria + microalgae), the aerobic process. Later on leave for 7-9 days, because the growth of microorganisms reach stationary phase at 4-6 days. So that microorganisms (bacteria and microalgae) can decompose organic substances contained in waste water

Water processed, the water that comes from aguarium / aeration bottle, then analyzed (NH3-N, urea, nitrate, nitrite, TKN, pH, COD, TSS), which is useful to know the quality of the waste water from some of the previous process .

C. Circuit Research Tool

Fig 1. Circuit Research Tools


A. Fenton Reagent Result

The treatment of the wastewater of urea fertilizer plant using Fenton reagent of various concentrations and comparisons of FeSO4 and H2O2 causes a decline in NH3-N, Urea, COD, TKN, and TSS, but an increase in levels of pH, nitrate and nitrite as presented in Table 1 . The results of the study show a precipitate Fe(OH)3 which is reddish brown, because the wastewater of the urea fertilizer plant used is that with the acidity (pH) levels of more than 6 [9]. The decline in the value of NH3-N and urea in the results of the study presented in Table 1, is assumed to decompose to form ions and gases, such as nitrate and nitrite molecule, or nitrogen monoxide. This is in accordance with the findings of [27] , that the levels of nitrate and nitrite increase. The levels of COD, TSS decrease, indicating that Fenton oxidation can degrade the value of COD and TSS. According to [2], Fenton reagent as one of the advanced oxidation processes (Advanced Oxidation Process / AOPs) is expected to destroy organic and inorganic pollutants, eliminate color and COD.

International Journal of Biological, Ecological and Environmental Sciences (IJBEES) Vol. 2, No. 1, 2013 ISSN 2277 – 4394




Parameter Ratio between FeSO4 (gram) : H2O2 (ml) Concentration (2500 ppm)

Initial Analysis

1 : 2 1 : 4 1 : 6 1 : 8 1 : 10

pH NH3-N Urea Nitrate Nitrite TKN COD TSS

9,3 2505 5441 10,8 1,04 5007,86 96 66

8.4 512,23 2893 16,50 2,585 1862,29 5 1,98

8,6 287,52 2590 19,23 3,21 1596,18 5 1,55

8,9 298,59 2341 23,12 3,725 1391,15 4 2,20

9,1 262,27 2235 59,75 4,346 1305,36 2 2,55

9,7 137,50 1941 113,85 7,03 1143,30 2 2,23

Concentration ( 2000 ppm)

Initial Analysis

1 : 2 1 : 4 1 : 6 1 : 8 1 : 10

pH NH3-N Urea Nitrate Nitrite TKN COD TSS

8.2 1999 4171 6,3 0,767 3917,66 92 53

8,2 119,47 1523 15 1,638 715,5 5 1,66

8,5 73,75 1478 18,17 2,624 693,63 3 1,78

8,7 11,15 1405 22,89 2,579 657,8 2 2,23

8,8 4,625 1119 38,29 3,132 514 2 2,12

9,3 1.612 665 86,39 4,97 307,512 2 2,88

Concentration ( 1500 ppm)

Initial Analysis

1 : 2 1 : 4 1 : 6 1 : 8 1 : 10

pH NH3-N Urea Nitrate Nitrite TKN COD TSS

8,0 1512 3495 5,52 0,729 3119,7 80 53

8,0 17,50 1057 15,60 1,156 493,72 3 1,63

8,2 4,25 905 17,12 2,611 417,05 3 1,33

8,3 4,75 739 19,65 2,556 342 2 2,0

8,5 0,12 439 29,65 3,046 201 2 2,27

9,0 0,023 32 52,34 3,48 14,743 2 2,87

B. Fenton reagent and Microalgae Chlorella Pyrenoidosa and Nannochloropsis sp.

The study on the treatment of wastewater of the urea fertilizer plants using Fenton reagent and microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Nannochloropsis is a further research analyzing the results Fenton reagent which indicates the occurrence of increasing levels of nitrate and nitrite at a concentration of 2500 ppm, 2000 ppm and 1500 ppm . This high level of NH3-N and urea is expected to be absorbed by the chlorella microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Nannochloropsis sp. as nutrients. The results of the study presented in Tables 2 and 3 show no changes in pH value during maintenance by using microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Nannochloropsis sp, no increase or decrease of pH value, the pH value is relatively stable during the study. According to [5], the pH did not increase due to the existence the natural buffer system in the form of dissolved CO2 gas contained in the culture medium. The dissolved CO2 gas contained in the medium will become carbonic acid which will decompose into ions. The results of the study presented in Tables 2 and 3 show the increase of COD and TSS values indicating that there is an accumulation of organic materials in the wastewater resulting from the growth of microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Nannochloropsis sp.



Parameter Initial Ratio Analysis FeSO4 (gram) : H2O2 (ml) Concentration (2500 ppm)

1 : 2 1 : 4 1 : 6 1 : 8 1 : 10

pH NH3-N Urea Nitrate Nitrite TKN COD TSS

8,4 135 1914 0,032 0,093 1028,2 130 31

8,6 35 1803 1,87 0,076 763,07 105 34

8,9 105,75 1685 9,37 0,546 892,08 119 31

9,1 134 2075 44,75 2,546 963,003 138 37

9,7 129,11 1816 99,69 6,08 983,243 110 37

Concentration (2000 ppm)

1 : 2 1 : 4 1 : 6 1 : 8 1 : 10

pH NH3-N Urea Nitrate Nitrite TKN COD TSS

8,2 0,25 695 0,010 0,056 323,65 140 35

8,5 0,15 713 0,21 0,039 239,55 115 35

8,7 0,013 702 6,35 0,056 327,613 121 35

8,7 0,013 702 6,35 0,056 327,613 121 35

9,3 0,0 529 76,8 3,89 181,533 120 39

Concentration (1500 ppm)

1 : 2 1 : 4 1 : 6 1 : 8 1 : 10

pH NH3-N Urea Nitrate Nitrite TKN COD TSS

8,0 0,034 157,05 0,034 0,037 73,324 154 43

8,5 0,15 713 0,21 0,039 239,55 115 35

8,3 0,001 37 3,9 0,037 17,266 150 43

8,5 0,0 32,45 16,93 0,245 15,143 170 45

9,0 0,0 0,0 39,89 2,7 0,0 134 40

High COD level indicates an organic waste pollution. The

inorganic materials found are in the form of clay and sand, and the organic matters are in the form of the remains of plants and other biological solids such as algae cells, bacteria and so forth [18]. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the rise of TSS levels is due to the growth of microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Nannochloropsis sp.



SP. 2500, 2000 AND 1500 PPM Parameter Initial Ratio Analysis FeSO4 (gram) : H2O2 (ml) Concentration (2500 ppm)

1 : 2 1 : 4 1 : 6 1 : 8 1 : 10

pH NH3-N Urea Nitrate Nitrite TKN COD TSS

8,4 162,25 2195 2,63 0,921 1021,95 178 50

8,6 98 1807 3,50 0,99 924,2 170 40

8,9 119,2 1884 13,45 1,987 775 166 47

9,1 174 2132 47,75 3,345 912,60 234 50

9,7 131 1895 109,69 6,84 1081,36 159 53

Concentration ( 2000 ppm)

1 : 2 1 : 4 1 : 6 1 : 8 1 : 10

pH NH3-N Urea Nitrate Nitrite TKN COD TSS

8,4 0,425 925 2,28 0,567 425,92 180 52

8,5 0,075 634 1,65 0,870 383,715 180 52

8,7 0,073 930 9,5 1,30 335 181 52

8,8 0,078 923 27,31 1,30 370,144 188 52

9,3 0,0 543,34 71,8 2,03 31,21 162 52

Concentration ( 1500 ppm)

1 : 2 1 : 4 1 : 6 1 : 8 1 : 10

pH NH3-N Urea Nitrate Nitrite TKN COD TSS

8,0 0,062 326 1,84 0,470 196,02 205 52

8,2 0,0 296 1,34 0,774 103,96 208 52

8,3 0,002 138 6,36 0,567 64,402 167 52

8,5 0,0 64,04 19,93 1,10 29,885 197 52

9,0 0,0 1,56 31,14 1,67 0,728 177 60

International Journal of Biological, Ecological and Environmental Sciences (IJBEES) Vol. 2, No. 1, 2013 ISSN 2277 – 4394


C. Fenton Reagent and Pseudomonas fluorescens Bacteria

The treatment of waste water using bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens is a further research, in which waste water of urea fertilizer plants is treated using Fenton reagent of various concentrations ranging from 2500 ppm, 2000 ppm and 1500 ppm. The results indicate that it still contains high levels of NH3-N, urea and an increase in the levels of nitrate and nitrite. The results of the study presented on Table 4 show changes in the degree of acidity (pH), namely a decline. The reason is the process of respiration carried out by the bacteria that produce CO2. The presence of CO2 in the water will shift the carbonate equilibrium to the right so that it will lower the pH value. The following is an equilibrium reaction of the carbonate:

CO2 + H2 OH+ + HCO3 (1)

With the presence of CO2, the reaction equilibrium will shift to the right to form the H+ ions that will cause a decrease of the pH of the waters. This is in accordance with the opinion of [16], which states that an increase in CO2 will lower the pH value of the culture. With the increase in maintenance time, the amount of CO2 will also increase which will further decrease the pH value of the media. The CO2 in the media is also allegedly derived from decomposition of organic matter and respiration by the bacteria. According to [26], the bacteria will use organic carbon as an energy source, in correlation with the nitrogen to be used for protein synthesis in order to produce new cell materials. With the addition of carbonic materials, the bacteria will use the nitrogen contained in the culture so as to reduce the concentration of inorganic nitrogen (ammonia) which is toxic to the organism.



Parameter Initial Ratio Analysis FeSO4 (gram) : H2O2 (ml) Concentration (2500 ppm) 1 : 2 1 : 4 1 : 6 1 : 8 1 : 10 pH NH3-N Urea Nitrate Nitrite TKN COD TSS

8,1 76,5 1933 1,20 0,088 894,18 13 10

8,4 55 1080 0,98 0,076 727,35 11 12

8,7 76,25 1495 0,67 0,043 697,91 18 11

8,9 107,25 1479 32,78 1,087 727,44 17 13

9,7 119,56 1770,09 92,45 6,98 928,60 15 10

Concentration ( 2000 ppm) 1 : 2 1 : 4 1 : 6 1 : 8 1 : 10 pH NH3-N Urea Nitrate Nitrite TKN COD TSS

7,8 0,125 593 0,94 0,074 273,90 15 14

8,2 0,08 306 0,34 0,034 232,84 15 15

8,3 0,007 693,67 0,56 0,023 323,782 15 15

8,7 0,0 583,07 22,08 1,024 272,09 19 16

9,2 0,0 300,4 69,90 3,053 12,290 14 14

Concentration ( 1500 ppm) 1 : 2 1 : 4 1 : 6 1 : 8 1 : 10 pH NH3-N Urea Nitrate Nitrite TKN COD TSS

7,7 0,075 248 0,62 0,064 68,95 20 15

7,8 0,003 15 0,26 0,019 6.093 15 17

8,0 0,0 145,78 0,91 0,011 0,207 23 15

8,3 0,0 1.056 17,45 0,019 0,482 19 17

8,6 0,0 0,0 69,90 0,12 0,0 25 15

The addition of carbonaceous material is proven to be capable of reducing inorganic nitrogen [2]. Bacterial growth is limited by the balance of nutrients in the water. Therefore, the

dynamics of bacteria population are closely related with the availability of nutrients [10]. The data in Table 4, show that the levels of nitrate and nitrite decrease. The decrease is due to the fact that the nitrate and nitrite formed are sufficient for bacterial nutrients that will stimulate the growth of bacteria and the increase of bacterial biomass Although in low concentrations, nitrite is toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms [13]. Nitrite compounds in fish will be bound in blood that will form methaemoglobin (Hb + NO2 = Met-Hb). The Met-Hb would interfere with the transport of oxygen to the tissues of fish that can cause fish to experience hypoxsia. The Met-Hb in the blood will cause the blood to become brown. Therefore, nitrite poisoning is also called brown blood disease [4]-[1]-[24]. The levels of Total Suspended Solid (TSS) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) increase which indicates that there is accumulation of organic materials in the wastewater derived from Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria growing in the waste water of urea fertilizer plants, which is in a state of non-toxic. Whereas the increase of TSS level is due to the occurrence of wastewater suspended solids which form residual components, floating materials, and suspended colloidal components. Suspended solids contain inorganic and organic materials. The inorganic materials are in the form of clay and sand, while the organic matters are in the form of the remains of plants and other biological solids such as algae cells, bacteria, and so forth [17].

D. Fenton Reagent, Microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens

In further processing of the treatment of the waste water of the urea fertilizer plants which contains high levels of ammonia and urea using Fenton reagent, it is expected that it will be continued with the use of a combination of microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa and bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens. The microalgae and the bacteria will work together in degrading the waste water. The results of this study presented on Table 5. in general show that pH values tend to decrease with the increasing of maintenance time. This fluctuating value is allegedly due to the addition of the nitrification and denitrification bacteria into the maintenance media. The mechanism of bacterial nitrification and denitrification which can affect pH level can be described by the following equation [17]. Nitrification:

NH4 + 2O2 NO3 + 2 H+ + H2O (2) . Denitrification :

NO3 + H+ ½ (H2O + N2) + 5/2 O2 (3) Through this equation it can be seen that nitrifying

bacteria in the process to convert NH4+ (ammonium) to NO3


(nitrate) produce H+ ions that can make the pH of the maintenance medium drop. Since in a large-scale microalgae always associate with bacteria, the interaction between algae and bacteria will be able to purify river water. Metabolic activities of heterotrophic aerobic bacteria produce CO2, NH4, NO3, PO4

3-, and so on. The microalgae absorb those

International Journal of Biological, Ecological and Environmental Sciences (IJBEES) Vol. 2, No. 1, 2013 ISSN 2277 – 4394


compounds and produce organic matters, O2, and H2O. The oxygen produced by microalgae is used by heterotrophic aerobic bacteria for the reaction of nitrification and is used by anaerobic bacteria for denitrification. Through the process of photosynthesis, microalgae using CO2 from aerobic bacteria and ammonia form cell protoplasm and release oxygen molecules [6 ] - [7] - [19] - [22]. Light

NH3 + 8CO2 + 4,5 H2O C5H14O3N + 8.75 O2 (4)




Parameter Initial Ratio Analysis FeSO4 (gram) : H2O2 (ml) Concentration (2500 ppm) 1 : 2 1 : 4 1 : 6 1 : 8 1 : 10 pH NH3-N Urea Nitrate Nitrite TKN COD TSS

8,2 22,34 1856 0,97 0,076 853,88 101 59

8,3 73,12 1620 0,57 0,767 746.13 93 59

8,8 96,43 1421 0,56 0,230 663,56 100 59

8,8 103,89 1500,03 41,43 1,767 763,90 115 59

9,7 125,78 1823,23 103,89 6,076 986,62 100 59

Concentration (2000 ppm) 1 : 2 1 : 4 1 : 6 1 : 8 1 : 10 pH NH3-N Urea Nitrate Nitrite TKN COD TSS

7,8 0,375 597 0,73 0,062 273,995 136 60

8,0 0,078 520 0,230 0,729 239,278 99 60

8,3 0,004 485 0,61 0,096 226,33 105 60

8,7 0,0 660,65 21,23 0,729 308,30 119 69

9,2 0,0 0,0 32,98 0,97 0,0 114 62

Concentration (1500 ppm) 1 : 2 1 : 4 1 : 6 1 : 8 1 : 10 pH NH3-N Urea Nitrate Nitrite TKN COD TSS

7,7 0,025 205 0,26 0,056 94,32 138 62

7,9 0,003 59 0,86 0,597 2.309 101 50

8,1 0,001 0,75 0,98 0,074 0,346 111 62

8,3 0,0 0,0 16,98 1.597 0,0 125 62

8,7 0,0 0,0 32,98 0,97 0,0 114 62

The main source of nitrogen that can be used by the

microalgae are nitrate and ammonia-N. The bacteria utilize the organic materials produced by or derived from dead microalgae as a carbon source for the synthesis of new cells and to establish the energy to form the final product such as CO2, NH4

+ during the process of respiration and synthesis. Microalgae use CO2 as a carbon source for photosynthesis.


1. The best ratio between FeSO4 : H2O2 in treating waste water of urea fertilizer plant using traditional Fenton reagent which meets the quality standards of waste water quality issued by the Minister of Environmental Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia No.122 of the year 2004 and the Decree of South Sumatra Governor No.18 of of the year 2005, is 1 : 4 , at a concentration of 1500 and 2000 ppm.

2. The treatment of waste water of urea fertilizer plants by means of advanced oxidation using microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Nannochloropsis sp. Pseudomonas fluorescen and the synergy between microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa and bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescen results in a decrease of pH, NH3-N, Urea, TKN, Nitrate and Nitrite and an increase of levels of TSS and COD. And the best treatment was using Pseudomonas fluorescen bacteria.


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International Journal of Biological, Ecological and Environmental Sciences (IJBEES) Vol. 2, No. 1, 2013 ISSN 2277 – 4394