March Key Ring 2013

The Key Ring Vol. XXXIII, No. 4 March 2013 The official publication of the Georgia District of KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL


The official publication of the Georgia District of Key Club International. March, 2013 issue includes stories on the Georgia District Rally, club spotlights and a farewell from the District Board.

Transcript of March Key Ring 2013

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The Key RingVol. XXXIII, No. 4

March 2013

The official publication of the Georgia Districtof KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL

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Governor’s Address

Georgia District Key Clubbers,

This will be the final copy of the Key Ring produced dur-ing my term as Governor. Inside will be multiple articles about the goings-on of the district and the various efforts of Key Clubs around the state. I would like to thank you all for making my governorship one of the most memo-rable experiences of my life. Thank you for all of your ef-forts to help your communities and world while I’ve been in office. Each of you has truly made a difference, and I want to congratulate you for it.

For the graduating seniors, I want to wish you farewell and also good luck on your future endeavors. I would like to remind you that you can change the world, and all that you have to do to change it is to reach out and do it. I urge you to join the Key Club Alumni. You can

reconnect with members of Key Club and be notified of special volunteering opportunities through this website. I also hope that you will consider being a part of the K-Family in the future! From our college counterpart, Circle K to our founding organization, Kiwanis, it is never too late to be a part of a service organization and help the world. I encourage all of you, member or officer, to continue all of your hard work. Without the hard work of the District board, we would not be the district that we are today. All of your work so hard and it shows whenever we are able to come together. I have had the opportunity to meet a lot of you and I can see that you all really do care about Key Club. That is the most important thing of all because caring is our way of life.

I hope that all returning members will remember their experience at District Convention and consider joining the Georgia District on their other events throughout the year. I also urge you to consider joining District Board. While demanding, the experiences you will have in office will be some of the most memorable times of your life.

I hope to see all of you at International Convention!

Yours in Friendship and Service,

Gabe NewbernDistrict Governor

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Greetings, Key Clubbers! I’m Ashley Brock, your District Secretary, and I’m a senior from Chestatee High School. I’d like to take this opportunity to wel-come you to District Convention! It is my hope that you will thor-oughly enjoy your time celebrating service with other Key Clubbers. Unfortunately, Convention marks the end of my term as District Secretary, though I am fortunate to have so many incredible memories to take away from my experiences with the Georgia District Board. Serving on the district board for the past two years has taught me so much about service, leadership, and friendship. The opportunity to gather with other servant leaders from throughout the state leads to some fantastic brainstorming, especially when everyone is overflowing with passion for service. This year, after the Georgia District Rally, the board went to spend the rest of the day and night at the Pineland campus of the Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes. During the day, we bonded with the boys, and at night we bonded with each other. Love abounded, and we all veritably glowed for a few days afterward because of it. Next year, I’ll be in college studying neuroscience and participating in Circle K. I will def-initely miss Key Club, but I am excited about continuing my work with the K-Family!

Serving with love always,Ashley BrockDistrict Secretary

LAM WendyTreasurer


Dear Key Clubbers,

It has been an honor and a joy to serve you as a member of the District Board for the past two years. Both years have been much more than I could hope for, and I know that for those who have yet to grad-uate will do us justice and keep our Key Club in good hands. I encour-age everyone to stay strong and passionate about the thing we love most; serving. I’m proud and always will be proud of our Key Club family and how we’ve come together under one goal to make this world a more loving place. Thanks for being that difference and for a life changing two years!

Serving you,Wendy LamGeoria District Treasurer

P.S Next year please make it easy on the upcoming treasurer and pay your dues! :D

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In this issue...

Getting pumped for DCON at the



I pledge, On My Honor...Key Clubs around the state are busy serving their homes, schools, and communities.

Farewell, Disrict Board! Read final remarks from Disrict Board Members

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Getting pumped for DCON at the


This year, the Georgia District held the annual Georgia District Rally at the Kiwanis Center of Griffin in Griffin, Geor-gia, to elect state leadership and to get excited about this year’s District Conven-tion. After registration, the program be-gan with an engaging ice breaker that gave Key Clubbers an opportunity to interact and meet new people. Follow-ing the first ice breaker, the district board presented information about DCON, and Strategic Coordinator, Gabby Ev-ans, led a game of Key Club trivia that included wonderful prizes and a few good laughs. Next on the agenda was a second ice breaker—a ping pong relay race. Key Clubbers had to race across the room without dropping a ping pong ball that was balanced on a spoon in their mouth. The game was challeng-ing, but it gave everyone a chance to move around and cheer each other on. Following additional district board pre-sentations on ICON and district board

positions, Kiwanis Governor Chuck Hood gave an inspiring message on the in-credible impact that youth-led service can have on the world. In addition, First Lady, Elaine, described her goal of col-lecting Books, Blankets and Bears (and bucks, too!) for children across Georgia that may not have these basic, yet nec-essary items. Following the presentations, Key Clubbers broke into divisional groups to hold President’s Council Meetings and Lieutenant Governor Elections. The pro-gram concluded with a creative group service project that gave Key Clubbers the opportunity to make Valentine Cards for children in hospitals. With plenty of stamps, stickers, and paper doilies, Key Clubbers made a plethora of sentimen-tal cards that extended heart-felt mes-sages to sick children on Valentine’s Day. Thanks to the enthusiasm of the Georgia District, this year’s Georgia District Rally was, without a doubt, a success!

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Have you ever wondered what it takes to be an International Trustee? Would youlike to know what our International Trustee, Colten, does in his spare time? You can find the answers to these ques-tions and many more below in the fol-lowing Q&A with Colten Meisner.

Q: How did you get involved in Key Club?A: I joined Key Club unofficially (attending socials, service projects, etc.) after my tenure as my Builders Club Vice President in middle school. In my now-seventh year in the Kiwanis Family, service has – and always will be – an integral piece of who I am.

Q: How do you think Key Club has shaped the person you are today?A: Key Club has taught me infinite tools for servant leadership in my life; however, I think my big take-away from being a proud member of Key Club International is the fellowship. Not only do we serve, but we have the blessing to serve alongside like-minded, caring-hearted individuals who, in turn, shape us as well.

Q: What made you run for International office?A: I ran for International office after working with my then-Trustee, Rebecca Riley, in my time as an Executive Board member of the Texas-Oklahoma District. Rebecca was extremely inspirational in her leadership, which – after many long phone calls with her – encouraged me to seek International office.

Q: What was your reaction when you lost the election of International Vice-President, but won International Trustee?A: I originally ran against five other candidates for the office of International Vice-President. I made it past the Nominating Conference and was a candidate on the ballot in the House of Delegates; however, I lost the election to Minn-Dak District Governor, Caitlin Stroup. Luck-ily, I was voted to receive a dual endorsement for the office of Trustee at the Nominating Con-ference, and I was voted to become one in the House of Delegates. Whatever I was “meant to do” in this year as a leader, I was meant to do it as a Key Club International Trustee, and I am so lucky for that blessing and opportunity.

International Trustee Q&A with

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Q: What do you see for the future of Key Club? Do you have any hopes or fears of its future?A: With each increasing day, I learn more about the diverse membership of our great organi-zation. A fear that I have both for our organization and for our world is that we never begin to feel entitled to anything in this world. My only hope is that we maintain a solid trajectory into the future with our core values being kept of the utmost importance.

Q: If you could be a part of any district, what would it be and why?A: Um… all of them? In all seriousness, each and every district in this organization brings a unique and diverse flare to our organization. Fun fact: one of my favorite parts of Key Club International Conventions is Key Club Nations – when we bring out the flags of all of our member countries.

Q: If you could be doing anything right now (other than something Key Club-related), what would it be?A: I would probably be learning. As lame or nerdy as it may sound, I am probably the most curious and inquisitive person you’ll ever meet. I absolutely adore reading about things that I’m quite ignorant about; I suppose that’s just another one of my quirks!

Q: What would you tell someone wanting to be an International Trustee?A: Think it through – and I don’t mean that negatively. Is this really what you’d like to do? Not only will you be living in an airport, but you will be expected to do a greater amount of work than you can even begin to fathom. Don’t get me wrong – I love traveling, meeting all of the new faces, and the stable commitment that I make to this organization. However, it is important to realize that this is NOT for everyone. Also, be prepared for caucusing at Inter-national Convention – a whole new world of elections battling even that of the Presidential variety.

Q: What are some books, movies, or television shows that you enjoy?A: I am in a long-lasting relationship with the works of F. Scott Fitzgerald. I can also quote almost any line of The Breakfast Club – an absolute classic. I’m a complete and total cinema junkie, though, so I could easily go on! I have an addiction to Suits, White Collar, and Glee, but I also have a guilty pleasure in Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, too… just tell anyone that, okay?

Q: Do you have any go-to stress relief tips?A: I live, eat, and breathe by my planner. Some people are attached to their cell phones, but if someone took my planner, I think I would forget that the sky is blue and that I need to eat in order to stay alive.

Have a question of your own? Feel free to email me at [email protected] or find me on social media to get it answered. Happy serving, Key Clubbers!

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Fun-filled Service at the Kiwanis Fair


“I pledge,honor”

Key Clubbers around the state are busy serving their homes, schools, and communities. The Georgia District is proud to showcase, within these pages, the spectacular service projects and fundraisers that are carried out by our most dedicated clubs,

By Jared Sisson

on my

Every year, the City of Griffin part-ners with Griffin Kiwanis club to put on the annual Kiwanis Fair at the Kiwanis fairgrounds! It is a fun-filled time intend-ed to not only raise money and serve the community, but also to give families the chance to spend quality time together while enjoying the awesome rides and attractions that the fair has to offer. The Key Club sets up 2 booths: one booth

serves our famous corn dogs and the other serves different snacks. This allows our club to raise our own money that will go towards scholarships and food for our an-nual pancake breakfast. The great thing about the Kiwanis Fair is that there is some-

thing for everyone! There is even some-thing that grandma and grandpa can’t resist… BINGO! Prizes for Bingo include food tickets, cash, and other prizes. The fair is always the first week in October and last 10 days. It is a wonderful oppor-tunity for the K-Family to band together to serve the homes, schools, and com-munity of Griffin, Georgia.

Georgia Key Club’s Division 10 has made great strides this year in membership growth.A new club has been chartered this year at Flowery Branch High School, and already hasmany members, all of which are enthu-siastic and very devoted to service. Also, Lakeview Academy has a new faculty advi-sor, who has also been very active this year. This past holiday season, many schools have been doing canned food drives to help feed homeless

and disadvantaged families for Thanksgiving and Christmas. These food drives were incred-ibly successful. In addition to collecting cans, the Key Clubs in division 10 have been raising funds for the ELIMINATE project and for Geor-gia Sheriff Youth Homes. Some ideas for ways to raise funds for these causes are to put on a charity dance, host a 5K race for charity, host a bake sale, or even have a carwash on a Saturday.

By Logan AllenProgressin

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FUNdraising by Steve Shin

One of the recent service projects that I and my school have partaken in is called Candy Cane Decoration. This project is sim-ple. You get volunteers to bring in some candy canes, and using sim-ple decoration tools such as glue and pipe cleaners, you can make various things such as reindeers to match the Christmas season. This project is simple be-cause this requires almost no skill. You can do it in a classroom after school, and it is a great opportu-nity to meet friends and hang out. And when you are done with deco-rating Candy Canes, then you can pass it out for people to sell. This is also important because the money raised will go directly to service. In order for a club to be successful, it must hold at least one lucrative fundraising project. South Forsyth Key Club participated in a successful fundraising project over the holiday season by selling decorat-ed candy canes. It is incredibly sim-ple, as it only requires candy canes, pipe cleaners, and glue. With a little bit of creativity, the options are lim-itless. You can create anything from reindeers to Christmas trees. The best thing about this project is that it is simple and easy to organize. It can be completed during a Key Club meeting, and the candy canes can be sold throughout the holidays.

HalloweenBy Christopher Le - Division 5

Candy Cane

On October 31, 2012, the Macon County High School Key Club jumped to the task of support-ing their community by helping out at the community Hallow-een street fair, which was held by the First Baptist Church. The event gave children 10 and under the chance to partici-pate in fun games and activities in a fun and safe environ-ment. Key Club members helped out by man-aging the booths at

the event. Activities such as the Bean-Bag Toss, Fish Pond, Unlock the Door, and Under the Rainbow were just a few of the ex-citing games that the members helped out with. Key Club mem-bers cheered on the children by keeping a positive attitude and encouraging them to perform their best on each game. Because everyone is a winner, each child received a small prize for each game no matter how well they did.

Street Fair

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Statistics show that young drivers are at a far greater risk than others of suffering injuries or death from not wearing their seat belts while driving or riding in a vehicle. Coffee High School Key Club spent the month of September and October participating in a variety of projects to help educate students on seat belt safety. Some of the projects included: making posters, table tents, announcing statistical information dur-ing the morning and afternoon announcements, and making announcements to drive home safe-ly and buckle up at the end of all home games.

Our club members conducted an unannounced survey of the students as they were driving into the parking lot to see if the driver or passen-ger was wearing their seat belts. We found that only 56% of teenage drivers or passengers here

at CHS wear their seat belts. And that 44% of passengers do not wear their seat belts. Below is a chart of our findings. CHS Key Club will be conducting another survey this month to see if the educational kick-off has helped to in-crease seatbelt awareness at Coffee High School.

Coffee High Key Club Address Seat Belt Usage

Survey conducted by CHS Key ClubProject Drive Alive

November 2012 Coffee High School Seat Belt Survey Results

244 vehicles checked 292 students(Drivers & Front Seat Passengers)

Yes Seabelts

No Seatbelts

96 Female Drivers 54 56% 42 44%122 Male Drivers 86 70% 36 30%36 Female Passengers 13 36% 23 64%38 Male Passengers 12 32% 26 68%132 Female Drivers and Passengers 67 51% 65 49%160 Male Drivers and Passengers 98 61% 62 39%

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Has your club begun fundraising for the Eliminate Project? As part of Kiwanis’ joint effort with UNICEF, the Eliminate Project aims to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus – diseas-es that kill nearly 60,000 infants and a significant number of women each year. Imagine 60,000 in-fants feeling the excruciating effects of the disease – repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensi-tivity to light and touch. Yet, this disease can eas-ily be counteracted through vaccinations that cost about $1.80 – that’s less than the price of a bottle of pop. In the late 20th century, Kiwanis and UNI-CEF successfully eliminated iodine deficiency dis-orders throughout most of the world – achieving one of the most significant public health successes of the 20th century. Today, our Kiwanis Family con-tinues this legacy of serving our world community.This past October, the Key Clubs of Highland Christian Academy and Valdosta High School fundraised for the Eliminate Project via Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. Through their combined effort, the two clubs fundraised over $300 on Halloween night. At a rate of $1.80 per tetanus shot, that translates into over 150 infants and

mothers immunized around the world – all in a few hours’ effort. If each club in the state of Georgia could meet or exceed this marker, the district would surpass its annual goal two times over! With several months remaining in our year of service, clubs are encouraged to continue fund-raising for the Eliminate Project. Each donation is a win against maternal and neonatal tetanus in our cause to make our world a better place!

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEFBy Mark Garren

The Key Clubbers of Division twelve have been very active this year and have made a great deal of progress in their schools and communities this year. Serving as a great example of such progress, Ringgold High School’s club has grown significantly this year. Beginning the year with one dedicated member that was eager to share her passion for service with others, Ringgold High Key Club began to grow after just three weeks of school. In addition to membership growth, many clubs have raised money for the ELIMINATE project through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF by ac-cepting coins instead of candy for Halloween and by collecting change throughout their school. Division 12 has also worked extensively on ser-vice projects throughout the year. Throughout the

past holiday season, clubs collected canned food for the soup kitchens for Thanksgiving, in addi-tion to helping their Kiwanis Club collect toys for the less fortunate kids in their communities. This has always been a successful and highly en-couraged service project for Key Clubs because it gives them a chance to share their cherished childhood Christmas memories with other chil-dren. It is wonderful to see the children’s faces as they get to pick out a new toy. Division 12 also collects toys and distributes them to local hospi-tals for sick children. As Lieutenant Governor of Division twelve, I am proud to say that the Key Clubs of Division 12 have definitely gone above and beyond this year in their service projects and dedication to their clubs and communities.

Making Strides in Division 12By Kaitlin Merck

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Keep it up,

By Katie Fuller

Division 2 has been incredibly active this year by volunteering countless hours of service to its homes, schools, and communi-ties. We have completed a plethora of service projects such as coat drives, Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF and fundraisers for Georgia Sheriff’s Youth Home. We had our third Di-visional Council Meeting on October 13th at the Georgia Sheriff’s Youth Home in La-Grange. We got the opportunity to play with the boys, tour the campus and talk about our Key Club year so far! Individual clubs have also gone above and beyond by working on some creative and effective service projects. Shaw High School attended the Rivers Alive Program to help clean up the Chattahooch-ee River. Calvary Christian School collected socks for the Valley Rescue Mission. Callaway High School has been working on expanding their relationship with their Kiwanis Club as

w e l l a s

working with a local group to collect gently used clothing for children. Harris Coun-ty High has been collecting cans for the F.O.C.U.S. Food Drive and has been vol-unteering to work concessions at the home football games. We are also so proud to welcome Brookstone School to our divi-sion, as they have recently reactivated their club. They have been volunteering with Open Door Community House to help the homeless and the local animal shel-ter, Paws. Together, this division has been able to accomplish great things and they have many more awesome service projects planned for the remainder of the school year!

Division 2!

In order for any Key Club to be successful, it must have enthusiastic a d v i s o r s , committed o f f i c e r s , and plenty

of dedicated Key Clubbers. The Key Clubs in Di-vision 8 are fortunate enough to have all three. Their advisors go out of their way to ensure their members get to attend events and complete service

projects. The officers make sure that their clubs are always growing and getting things done. This passion is evident in not only the projects they complete, but also in their possession of the Spirit Stick at GLTC in August. They have completed service projects such as road clean ups, Operation Christmas Shoebox (filling shoeboxes with toys for children), collecting used coats, helping at fun-draisers like the Peachtree City Classic 5k, and hosted pancake breakfast’s to raise funds for Cys-tic Fibrosis. They have some of the biggest clubs in the state and all their members are enthusiastic about service! Together, this division can use their passion for service to accomplish great things.

Great Job, Division 8!

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When the Tift County High School Key Club visited the Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Home in Haihira last month along with other clubs in our division, we walked away with opened eyes and a renewed motivation to raise money for the support of these homes. We wanted to ensure that the high quality of life we witnessed at the Boy’s Ranch continues, so we really buckled down for one of our big-gest fundraisers of the year - the donut sale!Every year, our club sets out into the halls and classrooms of Tift County High School with one goal: to sell as many boxes of donuts as possible! Then after a few weeks, we contact Krispy Kreme and place the orders. When they arrive, we set up a mini distribution cen-ter in the cafeteria and spend the day mak-ing deliveries to classrooms.If we have any left over, then we just sell them to students during lunch. Although the process seems chaotic, it is a fun FUNdraiser for our club.

This year, we ordered 600 boxes of do-nuts and sold every last one. It was a huge success, and wouldn’t have been possible without the help of our many devoted Key Club-bers who sold the donuts and delivered them. “This makes all our hard work worth it,” said ad-visor Jenny Abercrombie as she stood back and watched the Youth Home children last month. “I am convinced that the success of our fund-raiser and the impact of the GSYH visit are con-nected. It gave us the extra push we needed!”

Tift County Sells

When it comes to incredible service projects and lucrative fundrais-ing ideas, Division 14 stays on top of things. Lambert High School and South Forsyth High School Key

Clubs have been busy these past few months preparing service projects and fundraisers that are worth sharing with the other Key Clubs across the Georgia District. When most of us think of Christmas time, we get a warm feeling inside evoked by childhood memories of walking down the stairs on Christmas morning to what seemed like infinite piles of bow-adorned pres-ents under every branch of a magnificent fir wrapped with miles of spiraling ribbons and golden lights. The unfortunate truth is that there are children around the world who do not share this memory. The ambitious Key Clubbers of Lambert High School prepared to help

children around the world who are not as privileged. Working alongside Samaritan’s Purse, Lambert High School participated in Operation Christmas Child this past Christmas by wrapping shoeboxes filled with those toys that made our childhood Christmases so special, such as toy cars, balls, dolls, etc... Members chose to purchase gifts for either male or female chil-dren of different age groups and took the time to as-semble the boxes full of toys. Lambert High School has taken the small step towards a better world by giving children around the world hope during the Christmas season.Fundraising can be a daunting task, but it can become a little bit easier when combined with a bit of holiday cheer. At South Forsyth High School, Key Clubbers have begun fundraising for the Eliminate Project by decorating candy canes like reindeers. With more than forty members showing up to decorate, the club deco-rated two hundred candy canes in an hour, making it an enjoyable Christmas activity for Key Club members, in addition to a successful fundraiser for Project Elimi-nate.

Donuts for GSYH

Service and Fundraising with Division 14By Jae Won Shin

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The Peachtree Ridge High School Key Club helped out at the third annual Honey Bee Festival at the Gwinnett Environmen-tal & Heritage Center by teaching children about the exciting lives of bees. The children learned so much about these fuzzy insects from how bees make honey to the bee’s basic anatomy. Volunteers were stationed at booths to help the children with many entertaining activities. The flower identifying station, a popular choice among the children, allowed the children to identify a flower solely by its scent, a feat which is much more difficult than it sounds. The children first had to smell an unknown flower, and then identify it by com-paring its scent to the sweet smells of many other flowers. By focusing on their bee-like sense of smell, the children were able to expe-rience the way that bees distinguish between

flowers that are safe for pollina-tion and those that aren’t. Key Clubbers also helped guide the kids through the honey bee costume parade, which took place through the center.There was much to be learned by all about honey bees and their impact on our lives. Through the games, presentations, and even the delicious honey-themed snacks, the Key Clubbers of Peachtree Ridge High School were not only able to learn a few fun facts about bees, but also enjoy a fun experience while serving their community.

Harris County High School Key Club has a yearly tradition of volunteering at the Fellow-ship of Christians United in Service (or FOCUS) Thanksgiving Food Drive. Every year, this event has a great effect the community, as it brings together the schools, churches and businesses of Harris County under the umbrella of service. At the beginning of the school year, all of the classes at Har-ris County High School have a com-petition to see who can collect the most cans for the cause. If a class raises at least 50 cans, they get to miss class to see the school play. The actual event is hosted the Saturday

before Thanksgiving. The Key Clubbers help sort the food, distribute them to the families, and load them into cars. The Key Clubbers get excited about pulling food around in the red wag-ons, which have become a symbol of the service project. This year, this event was held at the Har-

ris County Com-munity Center. FOCUS was able to serve over 400 families in the area by providing them with enough food to have a tradi-tional Thanksgiv-ing Dinner. This service project has been a great way for Key Clubbers at Harris County High School to make an impact on their community.

Red Wagons Feed Families

BuzzingPeachtree Ridge

for service is

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Farewell, District Board

Throughout the past year, the Georgia District Board of Trustees has worked incredibly hard to make this year a fantastic year of service for the Georgia District. From the time spent away from school and nights spent away from home to attend board meetings, to the time devoted to making newsletters and attending committee meetings, there has been no shortage of hard work and dedica-tion from this year’s board. There are no limits to the lessons, memories, and experiences that come from serving on the district board. As their final address to you, this year’s board would like to share with you what they have taken away from their service to the Georgia District.

My name is Ambrea Styles, Lt. Governor of Division 11. I attend North Atlanta High School as a senior, and I am very passionate about service. I can honestly say that my time being on board has been the best time of my life. My experiences as a board member have left me with memories that no other club could fulfill. I have learned so much

just by being surrounded by peers that share the same passion for service and love to give their time and talents to others. Spending long hours of the day and night with other board members, and getting so close to each other that I cry when leaving board meetings are experiences that I will never forget. Serving on the District Board has taught me the importance of working with others. Many times, students try to do things on their own, but we always

have to remember that there are always people there to lend a helping hand. I have learned that etiquette is essential to being a successful Key Clubber. All of us as board members have learned so much about how to act while serving in the image of Key Club. My experience on District Board was so rewarding that I could go on and on about what it has taught me. One specific memory I have of serving on the District Board is from our first Board Training. We spent a 3-day weekend with each other in Macon, Georgia. After leaving the training, everyone bonded so well that it seemed as if we had known each other for years. Some of us cried and some just wouldn’t let go so that we could leave. That moment I knew the bond that we share will never fade away. If you are thinking about being on District Board, you should definitely go for it! I promise you will never regret it. I can truly say I have brothers and sisters that I can call just to say hello, to lend a hand, or just to call for Key Club information. I love Key Club! I was much honored to serve as Lt. Governor of Division 11. I wish you all the best in everything that you come

encounter with. Remember to never stop dreaming.

I am Andrew Akers, a senior from Valdosta High School and the District Proj-ects Chair for the 2012-2013 term. During my time on District Board, I have learned the importance of teamwork in accomplishing goals. Without teamwork, large projects or events could not happen. My time on board has also taught me that speaking in front of others is all about self-confidence—the more you trust yourself to deliver a message, the better the reception will be. My favorite moments as a board took place at International Convention, but the experience that stands out the most was the weekend of the Georgia Leadership Training Conference. This was the first test for the board and I will always remember staying up late to make sure that the presentation was perfect for the event the next day. Knowing that by working together we are able to hold successful events gives me the confidence that this year’s District Convention will be one of the best in years. After high school, I hope to attend Duke University in the fall. At Duke, I would like to dual major in Bio-medical Engineering and Neuroscience, so that I can later do

autism research. Following my time at Duke, I hope to go to Medical school to become a neurosurgeon.

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Hey guys! I’m Emily Harrington, your District Parliamentarian from Mount Zion High School in Carrollton, Georgia. First of all, let me just say that it has been a pleasure and a privilege to serve you as a member of the District Board for these past two years. As a District Board member, I have learned so many things that I will remember for the rest of my life. I have strengthened my leadership skills, as well as my ability to work with others. I have formed many fond memories while serving on the District Board, and I wish I could share all of them with you, but I will tell you just one. One of my happiest memories is of sitting on the bus with the rest of the Georgia District on our way home from ICON. To help pass the time, we all sang along to a board member playing the guitar. This memory is so special because it really highlights the relation-ship that you build with others while serving on the district board. In that mo-ment, we felt as if we were all one Key Club family, taking a long family road trip. Since I am a senior, I will be graduating in May. I am excited to gradu-ate, but I am also sad that I am leaving my school and the District Board. In the fall, I hope to attend the University of West Georgia. I have not yet decided on the path I want to take with my life, but I definitely hope to become involved in my local Circle K. I wish the best of luck to the upcoming board members, and I wish that I could join you because it’s such an incredible experience that I wish would never end.

I’m Brittany Martin, Director of Special activities on this year’s Georgia Dis-trict Board. It has been an incredibly fun and exciting year, and I am proud to say that I have learned so much from serving on the District Board for the past two years. Planning DCON this year was a lot of work, but was worth it in the end. I enjoyed every minute of my experience as a board member. I have met so many amazing people that have changed me for the better. One of my favorite memories of serving in the Board is from board training. Most of us didn’t know each other at all. However, our personalities immediately clicked, and we started working together as a team. In that moment, I knew that this would be an unforgettable year! The end of the year is bitter sweet for me since it is my se-nior year, and thus, the end of my experiences with the Georgia District board. I will miss being on board and all of the amazing people that are a part of it. I am very excited about next year and all that the future holds. I will graduate from Chestatee High School in May and go to Samford University in Birmingham, AL. There, I want study nursing because I love helping others, a trait which has stemmed from my passion for service that has come out of my experiences with Key Club.

I’m Jae Won Shin, a senior at South Forsyth High School, and a Lieutenant Governor on the District Board this year. Fist, I want to thank all the dedicated Key Clubbers, Officers, and Advisors for all their work—events had growth in participation. I am honored to have served all of you. My experience as a Lieutenant Governor stands as a highlight in my life, and one thing that I loved the most was the opportunity to meet all the amazing people. The District Board, Key Clubbers all around the world, and of course those in my division will be unforgettable as I head to college. My happiest memories were made in Key Club as well as valuable lessons. One that I have learned from you is that leadership is only possible when the groups work together; being a leader is to be a follower, a servant of those that he or she serves. Key Club has changed my life com-pletely, and I cannot thank all the Key Clubbers, Advisors and Kiwanians enough.Thank you for all your work and dedication. It was an honor to serve as you Lieutenant Governor on the District Board, and I will miss everyone dearly.

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Hello, Georgia Key Clubbers! I’m Gabby Evans, a senior at Alcovy High School, and this year’s Strategic Coordinator. I have had the greatest pleasure of serving you all on the Georgia District Board for the past two years. My first year being on board, I served as a lieutenant governor and my second year, I served as the strategic coordi-nator. With both positions, I have been given tasks that have helped me develop skills such as time management public speaking, and leadership. I am extremely sad that this is my final year in high school and my last opportunity to serve as a member of the Georgia District Board. I will always remember staying up late in board meetings arguing over dress colors, singing the latest, most obnoxious songs, and just laughing about the most random topics with strangers who soon became my closest friends. I am looking forward to continuing my work with the K-family through Circle K, but my Key Club District Board family has helped me get through some pretty tough times. I will be attending Berry College in the fall, and will definitely join Cir-cle K. I have always been told that high school flies by, and it truly does, so live every moment to its fullest potential and don’t be afraid to be yourself. If you are an underclassman, I strongly encourage you to run for a position on

Hey! I’m Jared Sisson, and I have had the pleasure of serving as a Lieu-tenant Governor on this year’s District Board. I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have the chance to work with a group of such amazing people that are truly dedi-cated to service. Serving on District Board has taught me that it’s important to give things all that you’ve got, no matter how I hope difficult your tasks may be. When I first decided to serve on the District Board, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I arrived at board training not knowing what to expect, when I was given a box full of information that I didn’t know what to do with at first. It took time to learn what was expected of me as a lieutenant governor, and it was definitely a challenge to fulfill my duties to the best of my ability, but I decided to stay on board a finish what I started. I spent hours on the phone, sent countless emails, long Facebook messages and even some serious text messages. I have learned a great deal from this position, including how to be organized and how to manage my time. I have been adopted into a great family that I call Key Club! Thanks for letting me serve you this past year. It is my hope that you will allow me to serve you as a member of the District Board next year!

My name is Jennifer Mariana Mina Valencia, but you can just call me Jenni. I am a senior at North Atlanta High School, and I have had the pleasure of serving as a Lieutenant Governor this past year. I absolutely love serving my community, and I am happy that I have been fortu-nate enough to do so through the Georgia District Board. This has been, with-out a doubt, one of the best experiences of my high school career. The love, dedication, and personalities of the other board members have taught me so much about what it really means to be a Key Club member. From building my leadership skills to learning how to work with others, there are an infinite number of things that I have learned from my service to the Georgia District. My favorite experience as a board member was our December Board Meeting, where we played a fun gift-exchange game together, called White Elephant. It gave us all the opportunity to laugh and bond while stealing each other’s presents. It is amazing to me how such a diverse group of people can come together and make such a strong connection. I really enjoyed visiting the Georgia Sheriff’s Youth Homes with the District Board. We were able to see for ourselves the difference that this incredible organi-

zation is able to make in the lives of young boys and girls across the state who aren’t fortunate enough to have the loving and caring parents that most of us have. While visiting, we had the opportunity to interact with the boys. We shared dinner and games with them, which really gave personal meaning to our district project. Next year, I will be attending college, though I’m not certain where I will be going, yet. I hope to stick with the K by becoming a member of Circle K, and maybe even serve on the Circle-K International Board!

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I’m Katie Fuller, and I am currently a sophomore at Harris County High School and am the Lt. Governor for Divisions 8 and 2. I can honestly say that thanks to Key Club, this year has been one of the best years of my life. Serving as a board member has taught me how to manage by time and has given me a new level of respon-sibility. I have also learned the importance of working with others to accomplish tasks. This year was full of memories and excitement, though my absolute favorite memory was attending International Convention in Orlando, Florida! We got to meet people from all over the United States and Canada. The best part to me was the pin trading; it was like a battle to try and get the best pins from all of the other districts. We also got to visit Disney and Universal Studios, which was an incredible experience with my Key Club family. Another favorite memory of serving on the District Board was the Kiwanis Family Conference in Black Mountain, NC. We got to spend the weekend

with Key Club, Circle K, and Kiwanis members from all over! The members of the Georgia District had a great time on the ride up there and shared many inside jokes! Throughout the week of International Convention and the weekend of Kiwanis Family Conference, I was discovered just how much can be achieved when people unite through the common goal of service. It has been a pleasure serving on the District Board this year as a Lieu-tenant Governor, and it is my hope that I will be able to continue my service to the Georgia District next year.

I’m Lucinda Hollberg. I currently attend Spalding High School, and I am the Lieutenant Governor of Division 15. Through my experience as a board member, I have come a long way both mentally and emotionally by communicating and reaching out to my division. By doing so, I have man-aged to use what I’ve taken from Key Club and applied it to my daily life by managing my time well, taking responsibility for actions – both positive and negative, and learning how to be a leader, amongst many other things.My first event as a member of the District Board was at the Georgia Leadership Training Conference in August. I was a bit wary, because I was meeting my division for the very first time. I felt a lot of pressure. However, I pushed aside

my fears because, as the great George Bernard Shaw once said, “Nothing is worth doing unless the con-sequences may be serious.” And as serious as the consequences were, the reward of being able to stand before my division during the President Council meeting was so worth it. I took away a great amount of confidence in myself that I never had before, and it will remain with me long after I go to college.As for my college plans, I intend to remain in Georgia and major in Communications. After I gradu-ate, I hope to work in PR, a job that will require all of the skills I have acquired from Key Club!

Hello Key Clubbers! My name is Sergio Cruz, and I am your Major Empha-sis/Endorsed Projects and Contests Chair. This year has certainly flown by, and I cannot believe that my term as your Major Emphasis and Contest Committee Chairman is coming to a close. I have enjoyed being a part of such a great organi-zation full of caring individuals who put the world before themselves. I have only served on the board for one year, but it has certainly been the greatest experience of my high school career. I have learned a great deal through my experiences as a District Board member, but the greatest lesson is that no matter what the obstacle in front of you is, or how large it might seem, never back down from it just because of fear. You must always have faith in yourself even if the odds are not in your favor. However, I did not have to be the only one to have faith in myself thanks to my District Board. They truly have become a second family to me, and we have shared many laughs with each other, including the time that we played White Elephant during the Winter Board Meeting. We all could not stop laughing at how silly we acted. I will miss them and all of you as I head to college. I hope to attend the University of Chicago, where I hope to study neuroscience. While this might be the end to my involvement with Key Club, my dedication to service will never cease. It has been a pleasure serv-ing with you and being a Board member. No matter what, we all will always remain caring citizens of the world.

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Hi Key Clubbers! My name is Logan Allen, and I am sad that this is it; the end of my term as Lieutenant Governor is nigh. In a few days, I will have to give up my pin to the next aspiring youth leader! This has been a wonderful year full of new experiences thanks to the Georgia District Board. I have learned a whole lot about leadership while I have worked to serve my division. Division 10 is full of interesting people, and it has been a pleasure to get to meet you this year! This weekend is District Convention and it is going to be a ton of fun! I hope to see all of you there. Thank you all for your part in making this year such a spe-cial one, and for helping to better this world through service. See you at DCON!

Hello. My name is Mark Garren. I’m a senior at Valdosta High School, and I have served as a Lieutenant Governor this past year. As we close our year in service and my term to your school, I would like to thank each student, officer, parent, and advisor that facilitated our success. Looking back at my term, I am astonished not only by how much I have learned as a board member but also by how far we have grown as a division. I’d at-tribute our diverse success in attendance at district events as well as fundrais-ing and service to all members of our Kiwanis Family. In regards to my role as a lieutenant governor, it was my greatest pleasure to meet and collaborate with our division’s Kiwanian leaders as well as the club advisers and members.From the chartering of Highland Christian Academy to GLTC and our PCMs at the Youth Homes, my most cherished memories of this past year are the people that I have met as well as the sheer impact of our service. Our division’s immutable resolve to kindle social compassion and inclusiveness warms my heart and endows a sense of gratitude towards those members and leaders who

make our organization possible. Anyone honored with the position of lieutenant governor as a member of the Georgia District Board of Trustees will find this same fire throughout our organization and state. Thus, I highly encourage each member in our division to consider running for the position of lieutenant governor. Joining the Georgia District Board truly has limitless benefits: making friends with over 25 other fellow board members, making key connections with leaders across the Kiwanis Family, directing our state’s service, and so much more!Finally, for those who are curious, I am enrolled to start classes at Georgia Tech this upcoming fall in pursu-ing a degree in biomedical engineering. I hope to extend on this degree with undergraduate research and an eventually doctorate in computational neuroscience, with a special emphasis on the application of organic electronics in brain topography and other implant technologies. Signing off, I would like to once more re-iterate the pleasure it has been to serve division 4 and Key Club International in its effort to endow initia-tive, leadership, righteousness, patriotism, and good will into a more intelligent and serviceable citizenship.

Hello, Key Club! This is your Kiwanis Family and Public Re-lations chair, Paul Hwang. I am a junior in high school and am currently attending Peachtree Ridge high school. I would just like to say that this year has been none like I have ever experienced. As a Georgia district board mem-ber, I saw how much love and effort can impact the world. Not only this, but I also have found that Key Club was more than “just a club”, which is how many of my friends described it during my freshman year. Key Club is a fam-ily. A family that isn’t afraid to help one another, has a passion for service, and, last but not least, is very big, stretching all over the world! I know that I will never forget my experiences with serving on the Georgia District Board. I will never forget the first day of board training. I was recently cho-sen to be the Kiwanis Family chair by Governor Gabe Newbern. When I first entered the room, I felt awkward and kind of out of place, but only because I didn’t really know anyone in that room. That changed rather quickly, as the person next to me introduced himself immediately af-ter I had sat down. This stranger, but soon to be friend, was open with

me even though he never even knew I existed until that afternoon. Later that hour, everyone began con-versing with each other even though many of us didn’t know one another. I can honestly say that by the end of that weekend, I knew that this year was going to be a very special one. After that weekend, I had many more experiences with the board and have built relationships that I could never have imagined to have.Next year, I am running to be the District Bulletin Editor. I hope that I will be cho-sen to be on board again, so I can continue my efforts on board to change the world (with the help of you guys of course) and re-experience these unforgettable memories.

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Greetings, Georgia Key Clubbers!

DCON season has arrived! As you attend District Convention, I think you’ll find all the Key Clubbers here to be so friendly, welcoming, and passionate about service. Serv-

ing in Georgia this year has gotten me really excited DCON, as it is the culminating event of your district!

As you elect your District’s executive officers at DCON, get excited for all of the new op-portunities to be involved with clubs all across Georgia next year! While District Conven-tion can be a place of fun and friendship, it is also a place to network ideas and learn more about servant leadership. Did your club get involved at GLTC? What about GDR? If not, maybe DCON is the place to learn more about how exactly you can get involved next year!

If you like your District Convention, then I would certainly suggest that you look into attending In-ternational Convention 2013 in Washington, D.C. When we attended the February International Board Meeting in D.C. last month, we stayed at the convention site: the Washington Hilton! As if that prestige isn’t enough, it is one of the greatest cities in our nation – the capital city. Additionally, International Conven-tion itself is sure to host excellent workshops, awesome speakers and entertainers, exciting dances, and last – but not least – the ability to meet so many incredible Key Clubbers from our 33 districts and 31 countries!

Should you have any questions regarding International Convention 2013, feel free to contact me at [email protected]. Even though the District Board is retired at DCON, the International Board is still in office until ICON 2013, meaning I’ll still serve your District until Washington, D.C. this summer.

Happy Serving, Georgia!

Yours in Service,

International Trustee

Colten Meisner

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Editor Sign-Off

Dear Key Clubbers, I would like to thank you for reading the final edition of the Key Ring! Although it has been a great deal of work, I have enjoyed the challenge of developing the new format of the Key Ring. It is my hope that the new online version has been more accessible to you as a Key Club member. It is unfortunate that this is the last Key Ring that I will ever make, but I have learned so much from my service to the District Board; I know that I will benefit from everything that I have learned throughout my life. From working on the basics, such as time management and organizational skills, to

learning how to use Adobe Photoshop and InDesign, I have gained valuable life and profes-sional skills from my position. The opportunity to work as the District Bulletin Editor is something that I will always be grateful for. I encourage you to continue sending articles next year to my successor, as the Key Ring wouldn’t exist without articles from our clubs. Thanks again for your contributions and for taking the time to read the Key Ring.Yours in Service, John Stenzel District Bulletin Editor

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Contact the GA District GBrad Malone

District Administraor

[email protected]

Gabe Newbern District Governor

[email protected]

John StenzelDistrict Bulletin Editor

a Kiwanis-family member 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 • 317.8755 • US AND CANDA: 1-800-KIWANIS

[email protected]