March 8, 2015 bulletin

The Roman Catholic Community of ST. BRIGID PARISH, (St. Francis Xavier Church, Friendsville, Pa. St. Augustine Church, Silver Lake, Pa.) (St. Brigid’s Cross) P.O. Box 75 17 Cottage Street • Friendsville, Pa. 18818 Phone (570) 553-2288 E-mail: [email protected] Father Casimir (Cas) Stanis, Pastor Kenneth S. Brennan, Deacon PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “We the faithful of the Roman Catholic Community of St. Brigid Parish, (St. Francis Xavier and St. Augustine Churches), in union with our Holy Father, the Pope, and the Diocese of Scranton, are called through baptism to share in the mission which Jesus Christ has entrusted to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We in this Faith Community, under the leadership of our Bishop and our Pastor, cooperate to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with the teaching of the Church, to celebrate the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, for the salvation of all, and to witness by grace to the Kingdom of God so as to promote a culture of life, justice and peace. We especially endeavor to foster spiritual growth and evangelization in our present and future generations by drawing parish members back to active participation.”



Transcript of March 8, 2015 bulletin

MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEKEND St. Francis—Mar. 14th—4:30PM: Lector—Thomas O’Reilly; Servers—Declan & Daegan Giannone; Rosary—Margaret Flaherty St. Francis—March 15th—8:00AM: Lector—Rosanne Williams; Servers—Thomas Williams; Rosary—Jeff Williams St. Augustine—March 15th—10:30AM: Lector—Julie Perlick; Servers—Abigail & Tyler Rebello; Rosary—Ann Zalepa or a volunteer If at any time you see that a volunteer is needed for any ministry, please feel free to step forward and volunteer your services.

DECEASED Please pray for the deceased, especially Bill Sheredy, uncle of Kathy Gage; and Grace Adamson, mother of Dawn Davis. We also pray for Delorus Jenner who was known to many in our Community. May they rest in peace. Amen.


A Devotional Candle at St. Francis b u r n s for a Special Intention requested by Joe Purr. A Devotional Candle at St. Francis b u r n s for healing for all the sick and special intentions.

A Devotional Candle at St. Augustine burns for the return to health of all the sick in our Parish Community requested by St. Brigid Altar & Rosary Society.


St. Francis cleaners for the month of March—VOLUNTEER NEEDED—CALL THE RECTORY. St. Augustine cleaners March 8 to 14—Barb, Bill & Carey Pichette; March 15 to 21—Barb, Bill & Carey Pichette.


Lord, hear our prayers for the sick of our Parish and Community listed below and for those who are not listed and in need of our prayers. Katelyn Andre, Michael Haefner, Bill Jones, Jr., David Zevan, Rita Powers, Debbie Jones, Kyle Stoddard, Mary Lou Gregg, Sophie Padula, Madigan Gow, John Flynn, Donald & Terry Baum, Mary Bakay, Donnie Butler, Tommy Williams, Stephen Ambrose, Mary Riley, Toni Colardino, Tom Wenman, Linda Hollenback, Tyler Fletcher, Joshua Welch, S.C.F., Anna Mae Coleman, Kathy Holt, Richard Hutchinson, Mary K. Long, Joshua Kaminski, B.F., Aleisya Abrams, Agnes Neville, Steve Hundiak, Mary Lou Fahs, Butch Rosencranz, Ruth King, Ken Roon, Brooke Arnold, Hallie Brooks, Sarah Murnigahan, William Chaney, Mary Cadden, Nancy Lynch, Daniel Gavin, Sue Anderson, June Riley, John Bauer, Adam Kelly, Shawn Burns, Quinn Seymour, John & Alberta Zielinski, Virginia Raftis, Fred Russell,

Dorothy Catlin, Marie Donahue, Nancy, Matt & Emily, Bob Murphy, Robyn Lawson, Vicky Nelson, Rita Flynn, Elton Carr, Peter Purtell, Kaleena Dughi, Molly Getter, Sam Miner, Debbie Drewry, Bub Davis, Rusty Carmen, Ronalee Eckert, Chelsea Judson, Doug Wheaton, John Paul Jones, Valerie Newhart, Amanda Branning, Deborah Gregory, J.K., Andy Mooney, Dave Hibbard, Jeff Barnard, Mary Elizabeth Healy, Gloria Craige, Delmar O’Rourke, Walt Frystak, Lori & Michelle Parsons, Steve Burrell, Barbara Borsavage, George Kotch, Jr., Leo Guiton, Whitney Neville, Gregg Loboda, Tammy Fleming, Mark Kovach, Joe Vrabel, Jerry Conboy, Brendan Kelly, Greg Lasgowka, Shirley Bowser, Mary Louise Keenan, Tiffani Allen, Theresa Noldy, Paul Kerber, Linda Bush, Megan Priestner, Dick Lewis, Anna, Ken Guiton, Debbie Newhart, James O’Mara, Pat Donnelly, Cassey Juser, Patricia Zaleski, James Taylor, and Shirley Fuller. May they regain full health. Please pray for the needs in our Parish Intention Books. Our Lady of Good Health, pray for us. Amen.

ARMED FORCES LIST Please pray for those in our Armed Forces, especially those from our Parish & Community, Christopher Reichlen, Patrick Allen, Shane Kalpokas, Ryan Gormley, Mike Griffith, Reed Shave, Matthew Kramer, Dustin Ryder, Bobby Brostoski, Ricky Trowbridge, Ryan Neville, Anthony Flynn, A. Jay Tewksbury, Jennifer Buttacavoli, Andrew Muscarelle, Adam Barziloski, Lukas Crisman, John Matousek, David Teetsel, Lisa Phillips, Carrie Krouse, Ryan Newberry, Wayne M. Bennett, Duane Thomas, Joseph Elliott, Michael and Sean Plitt, Mark W. Gregg, Bradley J. Bryant, Kevin Lewandoski, and all who serve with them. May they all be protected and safe from harm and return home soon to their families and friends. Amen. Please call the rectory when the person you put on the Prayer List or Armed Forces List can be removed. If you know of anyone on the list who has passed away, please let us know so that their name can be removed from the list. OIL SPILL: Please continue to pray for a successful cleanup of the remainder of the spill.

The Roman Catholic Community of ST. BRIGID PARISH,

(St. Francis Xavier Church, Friendsville, Pa.

St. Augustine Church, Silver Lake, Pa.)

(St. Brigid’s Cross)

P.O. Box 75 • 17 Cottage Street • Friendsville, Pa. 18818 • Phone (570) 553-2288

E-mail: [email protected] Father Casimir (Cas) Stanis, Pastor

Kenneth S. Brennan, Deacon

PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “We the faithful of the Roman Catholic Community of St. Brigid Parish, (St. Francis Xavier and St. Augustine Churches), in union with our Holy Father, the Pope, and the Diocese of Scranton, are called through baptism to share in the mission which Jesus Christ has entrusted to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We in this Faith Community, under the leadership of our Bishop and our Pastor, cooperate to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with the teaching of the Church, to celebrate the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, for the salvation of all, and to witness by grace to the Kingdom of God so as to promote a culture of life, justice and peace. We especially endeavor to foster spiritual growth and evangelization in our present and future generations by drawing parish members back to active participation.”


Thank you for your kindness & generosity in our weekly Parish Collections. St. Francis—Ash Wednesday - $ 1,311.00; St. Francis (4:30PM) - $ 1,002.00; St. Francis (8:00AM) - $ 1,127.00; St. Augustine (10:30AM) - $ 905.00.


“[E]very child conceived by in vitro fertilization is truly deserving of respect and love: Each is a human person, regardless of the manner of conception. The problem is that the way they are brought into the world does not live up to their dignity.” —“Life Matters: Reproductive Technologies” Respect Life Program, USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities (

HOLY COMMUNION UNDER ONE ELEMENT AND NO SHAKING HANDS Because of the winter cold & flu season, we are suspending shaking hands at the sign of peace and following Mass. Please acknowledge those around you with a wave or nod of the head. The Precious Blood will not be offered until further notice.



GERI VINT by the Jeff Williams Family 10:30AM St. Augustine Church - BOB HAWLEY by Leo & Loretta Guiton Mon. Mar. 9 12:00NN St. Francis Church - CHIP BARNUM by Ed & Ann Shaughnessy Tue. Mar. 10 8:30AM St. Augustine Church - AARON REICHLEN & PAUL SHAFFER by the

Reichlen Family Wed. Mar. 11 8:30AM St. Francis Church - GRACE SCARFALLOTO by Angelo Scarfalloto Thur. Mar. 12 8:30AM St. Francis Church - GRACE SCARFALLOTO by Angelo Scarfalloto Fri. Mar. 13 12:00NN St. Francis Church - (Mass & Stations of the Cross)

5th Anniv. BILL COLEMAN by the Family 6:00PM St. Augustine Church - (Stations of the Cross) Sat. Mar. 14 4:30PM St. Francis Church - VIGIL: FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT

JIMMY ED FLAHERTY by Margaret & Tom Flaherty

Sun. Mar. 15 8:00AM St. Francis Church - FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT GERALD MURPHY by the Family


PARISH LOTTERY CALENDARS Parish Lottery Calendars are available in the back of the Churches. Calendars are $ 20.00 each. They run from April 1st thru December 31st, 2015. Each family in our Parish is asked to take at least (5) calendars to sell. There are both packages of (5) calendars and loose (single) calendars available. (Please do not break up the packages.) Please help to make this very important fund raiser a success again this year! (F.Y.I. the drawing we base our winners on is now the Evening Drawing called “Pick 3”.) You are asked to please sign the calendars out on the sheet provided. With less than a month until April 1st, there are 140 calendars left at St. Augustine and 120 left at St. Francis for a total of 260 Calendars remaining unsold. To date only 216 calendar returns have been made. Please remember—it is never too early to make your returns with stubs included!

SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND Today’s Second Collection is for the Care & Education of Priests.

ALTAR & ROSARY MEETING The ladies of the Altar & Rosary Society will meet Wednesday, March 25th, at 6:30PM in the Rectory to pack the Easter Sunshine Baskets. All bakers in the Parish are invited to make their special baked goods for the Baskets. There will be 22 Baskets to pack.

ALTAR & ROSARY BANQUET The Altar & Rosary Banquet will be held on Wednesday, May 20th at 6:30PM at the Montrose Bible Conference. Anyone in the Parish (men, women, or friends) is welcome to attend. We need to guarantee 30 people in attendance. Sign up sheets are in the back of the Churches. Cost is $ 18.00 per person. The menu is: fruit cup, spinach salad with hot bacon dressing, roast pork with apple stuffing, roast turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, broccoli medley, apple pie alamode, tea, coffee and lemonade. All money needs to be in by May 3rd. Please put money in a marked enve-lope in the collection or give to an Altar & Rosary Society member. Our guest speaker this year will be Fr. Gregory Reichlen.

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY A Women’s Bible Study is being held on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 to 11:00AM at Neumann Hall in Choconut. This Study runs a full year. Cost of materials for the remainder of this year is $ 30.00. If you are interested in joining, please attend on Tuesday and enter thru the kitchen door.


EASTER FOOD CARDS: We have a total of (15) families on our Food Card list. If you know of any family or individual who needs help, please call the rectory or put a note in the collection basket. If you have put someone on the list in the past and they no longer need help, please let us know. You may put your donation, (check or cash), in the collection basket in an envelope marked “attention: Kay—Food Cards” or mail it to the rectory. All donations are needed and are greatly appreciated. So far we have $ 195.00 to divide between 15 families.

FOOD PANTRY: We are now preparing for Easter Baskets. Donations for hams would be appreciated and should be put in the collection marked Food Pantry. Any checks must be made payable to “The Food Pantry”. Thank you for sharing with others. May God bless you a hundredfold.

CHILDREN’S WORSHIP BULLETINS Children’s Worship Bulletin’s are available in the back of the Churches.

DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS Divine Mercy Devotions are held following Sunday Masses at St. Francis & St. Augustine. You are encouraged to stay for a few minutes after Mass for this wonderful devotion.

PARISH PRAYER CHAIN If you would like to help respond to prayer requests (for anyone in need), please contact Rosalynd Perlick-Spencer (570-663-2212), Susie Reichlen (570-553-2618), or Mary Keenan (570-553-2431). If you have actual prayer requests, please call anyone on the list and many prayers will be offered for your particular intention.

MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEKEND St. Francis—Mar. 14th—4:30PM: Lector—Thomas O’Reilly; Servers—Declan & Daegan Giannone; Rosary—Margaret Flaherty St. Francis—March 15th—8:00AM: Lector—Rosanne Williams; Servers—Thomas Williams; Rosary—Jeff Williams St. Augustine—March 15th—10:30AM: Lector—Julie Perlick; Servers—Abigail & Tyler Rebello; Rosary—Ann Zalepa or a volunteer If at any time you see that a volunteer is needed for any ministry, please feel free to step forward and volunteer your services.

DECEASED Please pray for the deceased, especially Bill Sheredy, uncle of Kathy Gage; and Grace Adamson, mother of Dawn Davis. We also pray for Delorus Jenner who was known to many in our Community. May they rest in peace. Amen.


A Devotional Candle at St. Francis b u r n s for a Special Intention requested by Joe Purr. A Devotional Candle at St. Francis b u r n s for healing for all the sick and special intentions.

A Devotional Candle at St. Augustine burns for the return to health of all the sick in our Parish Community requested by St. Brigid Altar & Rosary Society.


St. Francis cleaners for the month of March—VOLUNTEER NEEDED—CALL THE RECTORY. St. Augustine cleaners March 8 to 14—Barb, Bill & Carey Pichette; March 15 to 21—Barb, Bill & Carey Pichette.


Lord, hear our prayers for the sick of our Parish and Community listed below and for those who are not listed and in need of our prayers. Katelyn Andre, Michael Haefner, Bill Jones, Jr., David Zevan, Rita Powers, Debbie Jones, Kyle Stoddard, Mary Lou Gregg, Sophie Padula, Madigan Gow, John Flynn, Donald & Terry Baum, Mary Bakay, Donnie Butler, Tommy Williams, Stephen Ambrose, Mary Riley, Toni Colardino, Tom Wenman, Linda Hollenback, Tyler Fletcher, Joshua Welch, S.C.F., Anna Mae Coleman, Kathy Holt, Richard Hutchinson, Mary K. Long, Joshua Kaminski, B.F., Aleisya Abrams, Agnes Neville, Steve Hundiak, Mary Lou Fahs, Butch Rosencranz, Ruth King, Ken Roon, Brooke Arnold, Hallie Brooks, Sarah Murnigahan, William Chaney, Mary Cadden, Nancy Lynch, Daniel Gavin, Sue Anderson, June Riley, John Bauer, Adam Kelly, Shawn Burns, Quinn Seymour, John & Alberta Zielinski, Virginia Raftis, Fred Russell,

Dorothy Catlin, Marie Donahue, Nancy, Matt & Emily, Bob Murphy, Robyn Lawson, Vicky Nelson, Rita Flynn, Elton Carr, Peter Purtell, Kaleena Dughi, Molly Getter, Sam Miner, Debbie Drewry, Bub Davis, Rusty Carmen, Ronalee Eckert, Chelsea Judson, Doug Wheaton, John Paul Jones, Valerie Newhart, Amanda Branning, Deborah Gregory, J.K., Andy Mooney, Dave Hibbard, Jeff Barnard, Mary Elizabeth Healy, Gloria Craige, Delmar O’Rourke, Walt Frystak, Lori & Michelle Parsons, Steve Burrell, Barbara Borsavage, George Kotch, Jr., Leo Guiton, Whitney Neville, Gregg Loboda, Tammy Fleming, Mark Kovach, Joe Vrabel, Jerry Conboy, Brendan Kelly, Greg Lasgowka, Shirley Bowser, Mary Louise Keenan, Tiffani Allen, Theresa Noldy, Paul Kerber, Linda Bush, Megan Priestner, Dick Lewis, Anna, Ken Guiton, Debbie Newhart, James O’Mara, Pat Donnelly, Cassey Juser, Patricia Zaleski, James Taylor, and Shirley Fuller. May they regain full health. Please pray for the needs in our Parish Intention Books. Our Lady of Good Health, pray for us. Amen.

ARMED FORCES LIST Please pray for those in our Armed Forces, especially those from our Parish & Community, Christopher Reichlen, Patrick Allen, Shane Kalpokas, Ryan Gormley, Mike Griffith, Reed Shave, Matthew Kramer, Dustin Ryder, Bobby Brostoski, Ricky Trowbridge, Ryan Neville, Anthony Flynn, A. Jay Tewksbury, Jennifer Buttacavoli, Andrew Muscarelle, Adam Barziloski, Lukas Crisman, John Matousek, David Teetsel, Lisa Phillips, Carrie Krouse, Ryan Newberry, Wayne M. Bennett, Duane Thomas, Joseph Elliott, Michael and Sean Plitt, Mark W. Gregg, Bradley J. Bryant, Kevin Lewandoski, and all who serve with them. May they all be protected and safe from harm and return home soon to their families and friends. Amen. Please call the rectory when the person you put on the Prayer List or Armed Forces List can be removed. If you know of anyone on the list who has passed away, please let us know so that their name can be removed from the list. OIL SPILL: Please continue to pray for a successful cleanup of the remainder of the spill.

The Roman Catholic Community of ST. BRIGID PARISH,

(St. Francis Xavier Church, Friendsville, Pa.

St. Augustine Church, Silver Lake, Pa.)

(St. Brigid’s Cross)

P.O. Box 75 • 17 Cottage Street • Friendsville, Pa. 18818 • Phone (570) 553-2288

E-mail: [email protected] Father Casimir (Cas) Stanis, Pastor

Kenneth S. Brennan, Deacon

PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “We the faithful of the Roman Catholic Community of St. Brigid Parish, (St. Francis Xavier and St. Augustine Churches), in union with our Holy Father, the Pope, and the Diocese of Scranton, are called through baptism to share in the mission which Jesus Christ has entrusted to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We in this Faith Community, under the leadership of our Bishop and our Pastor, cooperate to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with the teaching of the Church, to celebrate the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, for the salvation of all, and to witness by grace to the Kingdom of God so as to promote a culture of life, justice and peace. We especially endeavor to foster spiritual growth and evangelization in our present and future generations by drawing parish members back to active participation.”


Thank you for your kindness & generosity in our weekly Parish Collections. St. Francis—Ash Wednesday - $ 1,311.00; St. Francis (4:30PM) - $ 1,002.00; St. Francis (8:00AM) - $ 1,127.00; St. Augustine (10:30AM) - $ 905.00.


“[E]very child conceived by in vitro fertilization is truly deserving of respect and love: Each is a human person, regardless of the manner of conception. The problem is that the way they are brought into the world does not live up to their dignity.” —“Life Matters: Reproductive Technologies” Respect Life Program, USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities (

HOLY COMMUNION UNDER ONE ELEMENT AND NO SHAKING HANDS Because of the winter cold & flu season, we are suspending shaking hands at the sign of peace and following Mass. Please acknowledge those around you with a wave or nod of the head. The Precious Blood will not be offered until further notice.



GERI VINT by the Jeff Williams Family 10:30AM St. Augustine Church - BOB HAWLEY by Leo & Loretta Guiton Mon. Mar. 9 12:00NN St. Francis Church - CHIP BARNUM by Ed & Ann Shaughnessy Tue. Mar. 10 8:30AM St. Augustine Church - AARON REICHLEN & PAUL SHAFFER by the

Reichlen Family Wed. Mar. 11 8:30AM St. Francis Church - GRACE SCARFALLOTO by Angelo Scarfalloto Thur. Mar. 12 8:30AM St. Francis Church - GRACE SCARFALLOTO by Angelo Scarfalloto Fri. Mar. 13 12:00NN St. Francis Church - (Mass & Stations of the Cross)

5th Anniv. BILL COLEMAN by the Family 6:00PM St. Augustine Church - (Stations of the Cross) Sat. Mar. 14 4:30PM St. Francis Church - VIGIL: FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT

JIMMY ED FLAHERTY by Margaret & Tom Flaherty

Sun. Mar. 15 8:00AM St. Francis Church - FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT GERALD MURPHY by the Family


PARISH LOTTERY CALENDARS Parish Lottery Calendars are available in the back of the Churches. Calendars are $ 20.00 each. They run from April 1st thru December 31st, 2015. Each family in our Parish is asked to take at least (5) calendars to sell. There are both packages of (5) calendars and loose (single) calendars available. (Please do not break up the packages.) Please help to make this very important fund raiser a success again this year! (F.Y.I. the drawing we base our winners on is now the Evening Drawing called “Pick 3”.) You are asked to please sign the calendars out on the sheet provided. With less than a month until April 1st, there are 140 calendars left at St. Augustine and 120 left at St. Francis for a total of 260 Calendars remaining unsold. To date only 216 calendar returns have been made. Please remember—it is never too early to make your returns with stubs included!

SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND Today’s Second Collection is for the Care & Education of Priests.

ALTAR & ROSARY MEETING The ladies of the Altar & Rosary Society will meet Wednesday, March 25th, at 6:30PM in the Rectory to pack the Easter Sunshine Baskets. All bakers in the Parish are invited to make their special baked goods for the Baskets. There will be 22 Baskets to pack.

ALTAR & ROSARY BANQUET The Altar & Rosary Banquet will be held on Wednesday, May 20th at 6:30PM at the Montrose Bible Conference. Anyone in the Parish (men, women, or friends) is welcome to attend. We need to guarantee 30 people in attendance. Sign up sheets are in the back of the Churches. Cost is $ 18.00 per person. The menu is: fruit cup, spinach salad with hot bacon dressing, roast pork with apple stuffing, roast turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, broccoli medley, apple pie alamode, tea, coffee and lemonade. All money needs to be in by May 3rd. Please put money in a marked enve-lope in the collection or give to an Altar & Rosary Society member. Our guest speaker this year will be Fr. Gregory Reichlen.

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY A Women’s Bible Study is being held on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 to 11:00AM at Neumann Hall in Choconut. This Study runs a full year. Cost of materials for the remainder of this year is $ 30.00. If you are interested in joining, please attend on Tuesday and enter thru the kitchen door.


EASTER FOOD CARDS: We have a total of (15) families on our Food Card list. If you know of any family or individual who needs help, please call the rectory or put a note in the collection basket. If you have put someone on the list in the past and they no longer need help, please let us know. You may put your donation, (check or cash), in the collection basket in an envelope marked “attention: Kay—Food Cards” or mail it to the rectory. All donations are needed and are greatly appreciated. So far we have $ 195.00 to divide between 15 families.

FOOD PANTRY: We are now preparing for Easter Baskets. Donations for hams would be appreciated and should be put in the collection marked Food Pantry. Any checks must be made payable to “The Food Pantry”. Thank you for sharing with others. May God bless you a hundredfold.

CHILDREN’S WORSHIP BULLETINS Children’s Worship Bulletin’s are available in the back of the Churches.

DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS Divine Mercy Devotions are held following Sunday Masses at St. Francis & St. Augustine. You are encouraged to stay for a few minutes after Mass for this wonderful devotion.

PARISH PRAYER CHAIN If you would like to help respond to prayer requests (for anyone in need), please contact Rosalynd Perlick-Spencer (570-663-2212), Susie Reichlen (570-553-2618), or Mary Keenan (570-553-2431). If you have actual prayer requests, please call anyone on the list and many prayers will be offered for your particular intention.

2015 REGULATIONS FOR LENT All faithful of the Diocese of Scranton are reminded of Diocesan Statute No. 41, which addresses the penitential aspect of Lent: “The season of Lent is penitential in nature and during Lent penance should be not only internal and individual, but also external and social (Sacrosanctum Concilium, No. 5, 109). Pastors are obliged to avoid scheduling activities in the parishes which in any way could possibly detract from the external and social penance required by Lent.” During Lent the following fast and abstinence regulations are observed: · Good Friday, April 3rd, is a day of fast and abstinence. · Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence. · All Catholics who have reached their 14th birthday are to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and on all Fridays during Lent. · All Catholics over 18 years of age to the beginning of their 60th year are bound to the obligation of fasting. Those bound by this rule may take only one full meal and two smaller meals unless dispensed or excused.

LENTEN REMINDERS Lent is a time for sacrifice and for spiritual renewal as we reflect upon our baptism and the call given to each of us to walk as disciples of the Lord. We are provided with three personal challenges associated with our individual observance of Lent: · Almsgiving – generously giving to those in need · Fasting – practicing self-discipline and self-denial · Prayer – reading, hearing and reflecting on the Word of God Lent is also a penitential season. It is a time to seek forgiveness, to look inward, and to admit our shortcomings and failures. It is a time to regroup and to prepare. How can you spend your time during Lent? · By “giving up” things you hunger after, such as sweets or alcohol; or activities you desire, such as vacations, concerts or movies. · By “doing” things to help others, such as offering an extra donation to the poor or helping those in need by providing food or clothing. · By “adding” to our normal routine, such as going to daily Mass, praying the Stations of the Cross and going to confession.

SCHEDULE FOR STATIONS OF THE CROSS Stations of the Cross will be held on Fridays during Lent.

Friday—March 13th—following Noon Mass at St. Francis Church Friday—March 13th—6:00PM at St. Augustine Church

(There will be no Stations of the Cross on Tuesday mornings at St. Augustine.) ROSARY DURING LENT

The Rosary will be held before all weekday Masses. Volunteers are encouraged to lead the Rosary. You don’t need to wait for Fr. Cas, as he may be hearing Confessions. If someone would like to lead the Rosary, please do so.

EASTER FLOWER ENVELOPES You are reminded that Easter Flower Donation Envelopes are in your envelope boxes. There is space on the back for memorials.

LENTEN READING MATERIALS In the back of our Churches are copies of the Lenten Edition of “The Word Among Us”, and the “Little Black Books” for Lent. Please feel free to take a copy home with you and use them as part of your daily Lenten meditations.

COMBINED CHOIR PRACTICE FOR HOLY WEEK & EASTER The Combined Choir is practicing for Holy Week and Easter on Tuesday evenings at 6:30PM in St. Francis Church. Please consider joining the choir to help make our services even more beautiful.

OPERATION RICE BOWL—HUNGERING FOR A SEASON OF HOPE The next stop on our CRS Rice Bowl journey is the African nation, Niger, where we are re-minded that life’s joys and challenges are often seasonal. This week we pray for people who struggle to feed their families during the hungry season—when food is in short sup-ply—and we commit to acting for the common good. Rice Bowl Envelopes are in your envelope boxes and can be put in the collection at any time during Lent. The Rice Bowl Collection will be taken up on Holy Thursday. Remember, your Lenten sacrifices change lives. Lent runs continues until the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, April 2nd.

PANCAKE BREAKFAST Dewy Meadows (Warren Center) Annual Maple Open House will be held March 21st from 9AM to 5PM. A Pancake Breakfast featuring Dewy Meadows maple syrup will be held at the Independent Bible Church, Little Meadows from 9AM to 1PM. Cost is: Children $5.00 Adults $8.00. Benefits the Little Meadows Fire Company Building Fund. All are invited and welcome to attend.

FREE FOOD DISTRIBUTION VIA THE WEINBERG FOOD BANK This free food distribution for those in need is for SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY RESIDENTS ONLY. Any resident of Susquehanna County who needs food is welcome. Distribution will be held TUESDAY, MARCH 17TH, 12Noon to 2:00PM & 5-7PM at the Little Meadows United Methodist Church. This is for Susquehanna County residents, with need only, please.

RUMMAGE & BAKE SALE The Little Meadows United Methodist Church will hold a Rummage & Bake Sale on Saturday, March 21st from 9AM to 2PM. Lunch will be available. Bag Sale begins at 1PM. All are invited and welcome to attend.

SENIOR FOOD BOXES—FLIERS AVAILABLE IN THE BACK OF THE CHURCHES The CEO Outreach representative, has finally gotten the go ahead to complete registrations for Senior Food boxes. We must first prove that there is a need in this community. (There is an income requirement.) If all goes well, we may be able to do our first distribution this summer. If there is anyone in St. Brigid Parish who lives in Susquehanna County, you may be eligible for these Senior Food boxes. Boxes contain non-perishable items (think like emergency supplies!). You do not have to be getting food at the monthly food distribution to be eligible. You can also be receiving food from a Food Pantry and still receive the Senior Food boxes. If you are interested, please call the Parish Office (570-553-2288) as soon as possible and you will be put in contact with the proper persons.

PRESERVE ST. JOSEPH’S CHURCH—THANK YOU! Thank you to everyone who supported the Gance’s Catering Fund Raiser held on February 27th at the St. Joseph Church. The fund raiser was a big success. Your support is greatly appreciated.

SHEETS/BLANKETS/NECK TIES NEEDED Old/used sheets & blankets are needed to make sleeping bags for the homeless. If you are cleaning out your closet, please consider donating them for this worthy cause. Donations can be left in the back of the Churches or dropped off at the Rectory, (if no one is there, please leave donations on the porch by the driveway). All donations are most welcome. Also needed are old, used neckties (not clip-on).

BE A MAN! - BECOMING THE MAN GOD CREATED YOU TO BE Please join us for the Diocese of Scranton’s First Annual Catholic Men’s Conference which will be held on Saturday, April 25th, from 8:00AM to 3:00PM, at King’s College, Scandlon Physical Education Center, 149 North Main Street, Wilkes-Barre. The conference will feature nationally known speakers and opportunities for Eucharistic Adoration, Reconciliation, Mass, and Prayer. Adoration and Rosary will be at 6:00AM; welcome is at 8:00AM; departure is at 3:00PM. Registration fee is $ 35.00. (Early Bird $ 30.00 until March 31st.) Students cost is $ 15.00. For complete schedule and registration, please visit: (from the top menu choose “Parish Life and Mass Times” and then “Catholic Men’s Conference”) A group will be going from St. Brigid Parish, if you are interested in attending, please contact Bob Reichlen (570-553-2618).

WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS AND CELEBRATION His Excellency, the Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, D.D., J.C.L., Bishop of Scranton, and the Office for Parish Life wish to invite couples celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary in 2015 to a diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, June 7. (Please note: This is a change from the original date of June 21.) The event includes a 2:30PM Mass at St. Peter’s Cathedral followed by a reception. Requests for an invitation, with a mailing address, should be made through your pastor before March 16th. Please call the Parish Office if you would like to attend this very special Mass.

IHM OPEN HOUSE The Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary cordially invite you to celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life at their Open House on Sunday, March 22nd, from 2 to 4PM, at the IHM Center on the Campus of Marywood University. Bring the whole family to celebrate and pray with the sisters.

The Light Is On For You at St. Brigid Parish, St. Francis Xavier Church, Friendsville, from 6 to 7:00PM, NEXT Monday evening. In this Year of Faith, the Church invites us to renew our faith and rekindle our relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ. One of the greatest ways to accept this invitation is through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, given to us by Jesus to receive His healing love.

The Church encourages us to make confession a regular part of our spiritual life, especially during the holy season of Lent, as we reflect on our baptism and repentance. Bishop Joseph C. Bambera is helping to make this experience possible by arranging for a Lenten initiative called The Light Is On For You. Every Monday evening during Lent (March 16; March 23; March 30), many parishes throughout the Diocese of Scranton will have their “lights on” from 5:30PM to 7:00PM for confession so that Catholics can come to or return to this incredible source of God’s grace, mercy and healing. The website, has materials to assist you in preparing to make a good confession, prayers you may find helpful, and answers to frequently asked questions. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

DIOCESAN ANNUAL APPEAL UPDATE If you did not already make a pledge, envelopes are available in the back of the Churches for your pledge. Each gift truly matters. Thank you to everyone for your generosity. Completed pledges may be placed in the collection basket or mailed to the Rectory. St. Brigid Parish goal is $ 24,000.00. Currently we have (132) pledges for a total of $ 21,725.00. We are only under our goal by $ 2,275.00. Anyone who is able, is asked to please help us to reach our goal. THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO MADE NEW PLEDGES THIS WEEK! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


This workshop will be held on Saturday, March 21st, from 8:30AM to 4:30PM at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 3300 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton. The Presenter is Katherine Coolidge, the Called & Gifted Coordinator for Catherine of Siena Institute. She brings experience as a pastoral leader in RCIA, youth ministry, adult faith formation, lay ministry formation, and evangelization. In The Joy of the Gospel, Pope Francis challenges us to practice the “art of spiritual accompaniment,” to accompany those seeking God, as well as become missionary disciples who accompany missionary disciples. This workshop will explore: the changing face of the people we are called to accompany–You can’t assume the same things that have brought people back/into the Church will still work!; the three concurrent journeys any Christian travels; the five thresholds of the spiritual journey; Evangelizing as an individual; and Evangelizing as a Parish. Be a part of this vibrant workshop … if you are concerned about someone you know who has left the Church; if you read Forming Intentional Disciples and were intrigued/excited; if you are part of a parish pastoral council or parish staff and have made evangelization part of your parish plan; if you are part of an evangelization team in a parish; if you are in any parish ministry and wonder how to reach more people; if you care about how to get young people interested in the Church. Register at Cost: Individual $35.00; Parish Team of Five $150.00.

2015 REGULATIONS FOR LENT All faithful of the Diocese of Scranton are reminded of Diocesan Statute No. 41, which addresses the penitential aspect of Lent: “The season of Lent is penitential in nature and during Lent penance should be not only internal and individual, but also external and social (Sacrosanctum Concilium, No. 5, 109). Pastors are obliged to avoid scheduling activities in the parishes which in any way could possibly detract from the external and social penance required by Lent.” During Lent the following fast and abstinence regulations are observed: · Good Friday, April 3rd, is a day of fast and abstinence. · Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence. · All Catholics who have reached their 14th birthday are to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and on all Fridays during Lent. · All Catholics over 18 years of age to the beginning of their 60th year are bound to the obligation of fasting. Those bound by this rule may take only one full meal and two smaller meals unless dispensed or excused.

LENTEN REMINDERS Lent is a time for sacrifice and for spiritual renewal as we reflect upon our baptism and the call given to each of us to walk as disciples of the Lord. We are provided with three personal challenges associated with our individual observance of Lent: · Almsgiving – generously giving to those in need · Fasting – practicing self-discipline and self-denial · Prayer – reading, hearing and reflecting on the Word of God Lent is also a penitential season. It is a time to seek forgiveness, to look inward, and to admit our shortcomings and failures. It is a time to regroup and to prepare. How can you spend your time during Lent? · By “giving up” things you hunger after, such as sweets or alcohol; or activities you desire, such as vacations, concerts or movies. · By “doing” things to help others, such as offering an extra donation to the poor or helping those in need by providing food or clothing. · By “adding” to our normal routine, such as going to daily Mass, praying the Stations of the Cross and going to confession.

SCHEDULE FOR STATIONS OF THE CROSS Stations of the Cross will be held on Fridays during Lent.

Friday—March 13th—following Noon Mass at St. Francis Church Friday—March 13th—6:00PM at St. Augustine Church

(There will be no Stations of the Cross on Tuesday mornings at St. Augustine.) ROSARY DURING LENT

The Rosary will be held before all weekday Masses. Volunteers are encouraged to lead the Rosary. You don’t need to wait for Fr. Cas, as he may be hearing Confessions. If someone would like to lead the Rosary, please do so.

EASTER FLOWER ENVELOPES You are reminded that Easter Flower Donation Envelopes are in your envelope boxes. There is space on the back for memorials.

LENTEN READING MATERIALS In the back of our Churches are copies of the Lenten Edition of “The Word Among Us”, and the “Little Black Books” for Lent. Please feel free to take a copy home with you and use them as part of your daily Lenten meditations.

COMBINED CHOIR PRACTICE FOR HOLY WEEK & EASTER The Combined Choir is practicing for Holy Week and Easter on Tuesday evenings at 6:30PM in St. Francis Church. Please consider joining the choir to help make our services even more beautiful.

OPERATION RICE BOWL—HUNGERING FOR A SEASON OF HOPE The next stop on our CRS Rice Bowl journey is the African nation, Niger, where we are re-minded that life’s joys and challenges are often seasonal. This week we pray for people who struggle to feed their families during the hungry season—when food is in short sup-ply—and we commit to acting for the common good. Rice Bowl Envelopes are in your envelope boxes and can be put in the collection at any time during Lent. The Rice Bowl Collection will be taken up on Holy Thursday. Remember, your Lenten sacrifices change lives. Lent runs continues until the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, April 2nd.

PANCAKE BREAKFAST Dewy Meadows (Warren Center) Annual Maple Open House will be held March 21st from 9AM to 5PM. A Pancake Breakfast featuring Dewy Meadows maple syrup will be held at the Independent Bible Church, Little Meadows from 9AM to 1PM. Cost is: Children $5.00 Adults $8.00. Benefits the Little Meadows Fire Company Building Fund. All are invited and welcome to attend.

FREE FOOD DISTRIBUTION VIA THE WEINBERG FOOD BANK This free food distribution for those in need is for SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY RESIDENTS ONLY. Any resident of Susquehanna County who needs food is welcome. Distribution will be held TUESDAY, MARCH 17TH, 12Noon to 2:00PM & 5-7PM at the Little Meadows United Methodist Church. This is for Susquehanna County residents, with need only, please.

RUMMAGE & BAKE SALE The Little Meadows United Methodist Church will hold a Rummage & Bake Sale on Saturday, March 21st from 9AM to 2PM. Lunch will be available. Bag Sale begins at 1PM. All are invited and welcome to attend.

SENIOR FOOD BOXES—FLIERS AVAILABLE IN THE BACK OF THE CHURCHES The CEO Outreach representative, has finally gotten the go ahead to complete registrations for Senior Food boxes. We must first prove that there is a need in this community. (There is an income requirement.) If all goes well, we may be able to do our first distribution this summer. If there is anyone in St. Brigid Parish who lives in Susquehanna County, you may be eligible for these Senior Food boxes. Boxes contain non-perishable items (think like emergency supplies!). You do not have to be getting food at the monthly food distribution to be eligible. You can also be receiving food from a Food Pantry and still receive the Senior Food boxes. If you are interested, please call the Parish Office (570-553-2288) as soon as possible and you will be put in contact with the proper persons.

PRESERVE ST. JOSEPH’S CHURCH—THANK YOU! Thank you to everyone who supported the Gance’s Catering Fund Raiser held on February 27th at the St. Joseph Church. The fund raiser was a big success. Your support is greatly appreciated.

SHEETS/BLANKETS/NECK TIES NEEDED Old/used sheets & blankets are needed to make sleeping bags for the homeless. If you are cleaning out your closet, please consider donating them for this worthy cause. Donations can be left in the back of the Churches or dropped off at the Rectory, (if no one is there, please leave donations on the porch by the driveway). All donations are most welcome. Also needed are old, used neckties (not clip-on).

BE A MAN! - BECOMING THE MAN GOD CREATED YOU TO BE Please join us for the Diocese of Scranton’s First Annual Catholic Men’s Conference which will be held on Saturday, April 25th, from 8:00AM to 3:00PM, at King’s College, Scandlon Physical Education Center, 149 North Main Street, Wilkes-Barre. The conference will feature nationally known speakers and opportunities for Eucharistic Adoration, Reconciliation, Mass, and Prayer. Adoration and Rosary will be at 6:00AM; welcome is at 8:00AM; departure is at 3:00PM. Registration fee is $ 35.00. (Early Bird $ 30.00 until March 31st.) Students cost is $ 15.00. For complete schedule and registration, please visit: (from the top menu choose “Parish Life and Mass Times” and then “Catholic Men’s Conference”) A group will be going from St. Brigid Parish, if you are interested in attending, please contact Bob Reichlen (570-553-2618).

WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS AND CELEBRATION His Excellency, the Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, D.D., J.C.L., Bishop of Scranton, and the Office for Parish Life wish to invite couples celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary in 2015 to a diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, June 7. (Please note: This is a change from the original date of June 21.) The event includes a 2:30PM Mass at St. Peter’s Cathedral followed by a reception. Requests for an invitation, with a mailing address, should be made through your pastor before March 16th. Please call the Parish Office if you would like to attend this very special Mass.

IHM OPEN HOUSE The Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary cordially invite you to celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life at their Open House on Sunday, March 22nd, from 2 to 4PM, at the IHM Center on the Campus of Marywood University. Bring the whole family to celebrate and pray with the sisters.

The Light Is On For You at St. Brigid Parish, St. Francis Xavier Church, Friendsville, from 6 to 7:00PM, NEXT Monday evening. In this Year of Faith, the Church invites us to renew our faith and rekindle our relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ. One of the greatest ways to accept this invitation is through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, given to us by Jesus to receive His healing love.

The Church encourages us to make confession a regular part of our spiritual life, especially during the holy season of Lent, as we reflect on our baptism and repentance. Bishop Joseph C. Bambera is helping to make this experience possible by arranging for a Lenten initiative called The Light Is On For You. Every Monday evening during Lent (March 16; March 23; March 30), many parishes throughout the Diocese of Scranton will have their “lights on” from 5:30PM to 7:00PM for confession so that Catholics can come to or return to this incredible source of God’s grace, mercy and healing. The website, has materials to assist you in preparing to make a good confession, prayers you may find helpful, and answers to frequently asked questions. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

DIOCESAN ANNUAL APPEAL UPDATE If you did not already make a pledge, envelopes are available in the back of the Churches for your pledge. Each gift truly matters. Thank you to everyone for your generosity. Completed pledges may be placed in the collection basket or mailed to the Rectory. St. Brigid Parish goal is $ 24,000.00. Currently we have (132) pledges for a total of $ 21,725.00. We are only under our goal by $ 2,275.00. Anyone who is able, is asked to please help us to reach our goal. THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO MADE NEW PLEDGES THIS WEEK! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


This workshop will be held on Saturday, March 21st, from 8:30AM to 4:30PM at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 3300 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton. The Presenter is Katherine Coolidge, the Called & Gifted Coordinator for Catherine of Siena Institute. She brings experience as a pastoral leader in RCIA, youth ministry, adult faith formation, lay ministry formation, and evangelization. In The Joy of the Gospel, Pope Francis challenges us to practice the “art of spiritual accompaniment,” to accompany those seeking God, as well as become missionary disciples who accompany missionary disciples. This workshop will explore: the changing face of the people we are called to accompany–You can’t assume the same things that have brought people back/into the Church will still work!; the three concurrent journeys any Christian travels; the five thresholds of the spiritual journey; Evangelizing as an individual; and Evangelizing as a Parish. Be a part of this vibrant workshop … if you are concerned about someone you know who has left the Church; if you read Forming Intentional Disciples and were intrigued/excited; if you are part of a parish pastoral council or parish staff and have made evangelization part of your parish plan; if you are part of an evangelization team in a parish; if you are in any parish ministry and wonder how to reach more people; if you care about how to get young people interested in the Church. Register at Cost: Individual $35.00; Parish Team of Five $150.00.