March 2016 We Praise the LORD for PastorJeff and Dianne...

March 2016 We Praise the LORD for Pastor Jeff and Dianne Carlson!! We thank God for Pastor Jeff and Dianne Carlson. They faithfully and joyfully serve their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as the Pastor of Oakhill Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. They love God passionately and they love people genuinely. I describe Pastor Jeff with these phrases: Gentle Shepherd, Biblical Scholar, Life-Long Learner, Powerful Teacher, Humble Servant, Wonderful Tour Leader, Champion of Israel, Spiritual Leader, Authentic Follower of Jesus Christ. We trust you will be blessed as you read the statements from members of Oakhill Church as they express their love and thanks to Pastor Jeff and Dianne. May we be inspired to follow their example. One cold night in February of 2005, my wife and I drove up to Oakhill church. We’d seen an ad that they were looking for a music director and I’d been through a number of jobs over the past ten years and I was pretty beaten up emotionally and spiritually. Pastor Jeff was there….and wasn’t sure if we were looking for some gas money to get us further down the road or whatever, but we began to talk and few months later, I was hired and began to heal again.

Transcript of March 2016 We Praise the LORD for PastorJeff and Dianne...

Page 1: March 2016 We Praise the LORD for PastorJeff and Dianne · We Praise the LORD for PastorJeff and Dianne Carlson!! We thank God

March 2016

We Praise the LORD for Pastor Jeff and Dianne Carlson!!

We thank God for Pastor Jeff and Dianne Carlson. They faithfully and joyfully serve their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as the Pastor of Oakhill Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. They love God passionately and they love people genuinely. I describe Pastor Jeff with these phrases: Gentle Shepherd, Biblical Scholar, Life-Long Learner, Powerful Teacher, Humble Servant, Wonderful Tour Leader, Champion of Israel, Spiritual Leader, Authentic Follower of Jesus Christ. We trust you will be blessed as you read the statements from members of Oakhill Church as they express their love and thanks to Pastor Jeff and Dianne. May we be inspired to follow their example. One cold night in February of 2005, my wife and I drove up to Oakhill church. We’d seen an ad that they were looking for a music director and I’d been through a number of jobs over the past ten years and I was pretty beaten up emotionally and spiritually. Pastor Jeff was there….and wasn’t sure if we were looking for some gas money to get us further down the road or whatever, but we began to talk and few months later, I was hired and began to heal again.

Page 2: March 2016 We Praise the LORD for PastorJeff and Dianne · We Praise the LORD for PastorJeff and Dianne Carlson!! We thank God

For the past 11 years our family has really “felt the love” of Pastor Jeff and Oakhill Church. Little did either of us know how deep our friendship would grow. This was my third church job, but in very short order I fell in love with Jeff, Dianne and Oakhill.

In 2007, we went to Israel with a group of about 25 of us. What an incredible spiritual journey. Jeff made the Bible come alive. From day one, Jeff gave me a lot of room to create and be the guy God wanted me to be. This has been a great season of spiritual growth, not only for myself, but for my wife and three kids. Thank you Jeff for being God’s selfless man. Glenn, Jana, Glenn III, Annie, & Sam Bulthuis

My first thought when I visited Pastor Carlson’s Thursday night teaching was that this is the real deal, “The Spirit of Jesus is prophesy,” as he carefully and laboriously connects Biblical truth and historical prophetic events with the Middle East and current events today, keeping Jesus before us at all time. The number of people from other denominations that attend Thursday night meetings is admirable. His gift of Christ-like authentic teaching and communication compassionately challenges, builds up, edifies, equips, prepares and protects the body from false teaching at a deeper level. Plus he explains and comforts where this present decline could lead and why in God’s eternal Devine plan, purpose and promise.

I especially appreciate his welcoming and usage of the gifts of the spirit and the exercising of individual ministry gifting. From the pulpit, how he honors his family and wife (protecting his marriage) and leads marriages by example is particularly admirable. Pastor Jeff and Dianne’s sincere honest humble passion for Oakhill people is obvious as they connect with every member and every attender following every service. Their enthusiastic excitement and joy over the Lord, what He is doing today and how He works among His people seeps from their pores and permeates the congregation, therefore the people are like their teacher. May I add, worship is authentic! A good pastor is a ‘gift’ and a good pastor’s wife is a ‘blessing’. You are dearly appreciated. And thanks for being you…… Laura Rhoda

Pastor Jeff and Dianne Carlson are wonderful servants of our Lord, and it is a privilege to not only have them as our pastor and teachers, but also as friends. We feel Jeff has been gifted by God with the ability to teach and preach. The Holy Spirit has given him a message of truth so relevant for today. He deals with the hard questions we face daily, always from God’s Word. His knowledge of Scripture is amazing and we look forward not only to Sunday Worship, but also Thursday night Bible study. It is wonderful to hear solid Biblical teaching.

Page 3: March 2016 We Praise the LORD for PastorJeff and Dianne · We Praise the LORD for PastorJeff and Dianne Carlson!! We thank God

We are thankful for Jeff and Dianne. Oakhill Church is like a family and we are blessed to be a part of it. Our prayer is that God will continue to bless Jeff and Dianne as they so faithfully serve Him. Bill and Dianne Kooistra

Jeff Carlson is PASSIONATE for our Lord and this passion is contagious to his congregation. For the last nineteen years I have been blessed by his enthusiasm for Jesus Christ and the Cross. He is a tireless teaching pastor serving in the growth of the Kingdom which has expanded from Grand Rapids to England and Sweden and Nepal and anywhere else he can find an audience. On Sunday morning he begins by teaching a Sunday school class and each year the participants come out of class in conversation about the new things he has revealed. He then continues to amaze the congregation with new insights of the precious Word of God via his preaching. He LOVES the Word!!! We now are in his 27h year of a midweek Bible study that has encompassed the whole teaching of the Bible, Genesis to Revelation. The signs of the times have changed there by drawing many, many people from many other churches to Oakhill to hear revelation of how the fulfillment of God’s Word has been foretold through the prophets. The most common sentence from this class is “I never understood that before!” and the reality of the command to “fear not” spreads as we learn more about God’s wonderful Love Story. But, enough about Jeff … he is amazing. The true heart of the ministry lives in Dianne. Whenever anyone interacts with her, they find themselves interacting with Grace itself. She is a gracious Kingdom worker and demonstrates wisdom that is God given for every situation that occurs is a Pastor’s life.

I have never caught Dianne off balance but I have witnessed a strength that comes from loving our Lord above everything. Jeff and Dianne have raised three beautiful daughters, keeping a wonderful balance between ministry and family life. Fun times with Dianne were had while working with her in VBS and some youth years with the junior high kids. Her natural gifting is to teach, from first graders to junior high and they all love her. I love her because she is such a good friend. Jeff and Dianne’s lives have been dedicated to the Lord and to Oakhill Church. Those who have sat under their teaching and leadership have been greatly blessed. Bonnie Ostrander, a fan

My husband first met our pastor, Jeff Carlson, over 11 years ago when he served as one of the spiritual directors on a men’s renewal weekend. Pastor Jeff invited Alan to his Bible study, and the very next week we attended. From then on, we were hooked. We were thrilled with how exciting he made studying the Bible! We couldn’t wait to learn more. Over the past 10 years, Pastor Jeff has not only been our pastor and teacher but has also been our counselor through some difficult times, has served as our mentor educationally and spiritually, and has been our friend. Through his teaching, he encouraged us to go to the Holy Land—a blessed and eye-opening experience.

Page 4: March 2016 We Praise the LORD for PastorJeff and Dianne · We Praise the LORD for PastorJeff and Dianne Carlson!! We thank God

He also successfully led our church through the difficult transition of leaving a liberal and unbiblical denomination—at just the right time—and joining another more biblical denomination. Pastor Jeff and his wife, Dianne, are a great example of a Christian marriage and a couple devoted to God. Dianne is active in the church through her roles as a Sunday school teacher and as part of the women’s committee and much more. Alan and Alyson Kieda

Where do we begin? Pastor Jeff has been in our lives for many years. We first met him in DeColores, a three day weekend where you grow closer to God. Pastor Jeff is often a spiritual director on these weekends. We have worked many of these weekends together and have always grown closer to God by his way of presenting the gospel. We left a church under difficult circumstances six years ago. Jim and I had no idea at the time where we were going to attend church. We both said we would pray about it, at the end of the week we both said we wanted to attend Oakhill Presbyterian Church where Jeff was the pastor. Thank you God for leading us here. From the moment we walked in the door, Pastor Jeff saw us and greeted us with such love. We knew after one week that we had indeed found our new church family. Pastor Jeff has a weekly Bible Study that has deepen of faith even further. He knows the Bible like no one we have ever listened to. He is one man that preaches the Word and does not hold back on anything. He can take all the ugly events that are happening in our world today and show us exactly where these things appear in the Bible. He is an incredible caring pastor. We have had our share of hospital stays and Jeff has come every day to check up on us and pray. Dianne is such an inspiration to all. She makes sure that she is available to talk with folks and show her loving and caring heart to all. She too is deeply concerned about people.

I have the pleasure of working alongside her on the Women’s Ministry team. She brings such knowledge, fun and excitement to the team. We are so blessed that she contributes so much to adults as well as teaching Sunday school every week to the kids. The best Pastor’s wife ever! Pastor Jeff and Dianne are a GREAT team for the Lord. We love them deeply and are so thankful that God guided us to Oakhill Church. May the Lord bless you both deeply. Lovingly, Jim and Connie Manny

Page 5: March 2016 We Praise the LORD for PastorJeff and Dianne · We Praise the LORD for PastorJeff and Dianne Carlson!! We thank God

Jeff and Dianne Carlson have been very much a big part of our lives for over 12 years now. We have truly grown spiritually and increased in biblical knowledge under Jeff’s teaching ministry not only here in Grand Rapids but under his teaching as a Tour Guide in Israel. Jeff is one of the most passionate individuals we know about his love for the Lord and his undying love and care for God’s people in Israel. Jeff and Dianne are both very committed to spreading the “good News” to everyone about the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ not only from the pulpit but publically. Jeff’s gentle Christ life spirit bursts forth with compassion and genuine love for his flock and he is always there and willing to meet the needs of his congregation. There is no doubt in our minds that one day Jeff will hear those words spoken by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ “Well done, thou good and faithful servant”. We thank God that he placed us in Jeff’s ministry at Oakhill Church. Stanley and Joy Zick

Pastor Jeff and Dianne Carlson, have been gifts to my life from God Himself. The first day I walked into their church, I was welcomed by the gentle giant of a man, known better as Pastor Jeff. He told me I was the answer to his prayers and that I would have a forever home at their church. Those were words that endeared me to him and to his wife, Dianne, who has nothing but words of encouragement to speak over me, my family and our lives. I refer to him as my “Gentle Shepherd” because that’s what I see in him. He does everything God has put into him to not allow the words from Luke 18:8 become a reality in the families that come together to worship at Oak Hill. “When the Son of man returns, will He find faith in the earth?” Pastor is fulfilling the plan and purpose God has for him with all that is within him. I love him and Dianne dearly. Lorraine Nyenhuis

We are thankful for this opportunity to express our appreciation to Pastor Jeff and Dianne for the influence and blessing they been in our lives over the years. Our relationship with Jeff and Dianne began long before we became a part of the Oakhill family, and it was their genuine love for the Lord and their passion for the Kingdom of God that drew us to Oakhill. We appreciate Jeff’s boldness in preaching and teaching the scriptures, all of the scriptures, not just the easy ones. We also appreciate Jeff and Dianne's concern for the hurting, even when they are not a part of Oakhill. The love and respect Jeff and Dianne have for each other exemplifies what a Christian marriage should look like. They are a role model for marriage today. We pray that God will continue to bless Jeff, Dianne and their family and that God will continue use them mightily in the days to come. Dave and Faye Vander Veen

Page 6: March 2016 We Praise the LORD for PastorJeff and Dianne · We Praise the LORD for PastorJeff and Dianne Carlson!! We thank God

Pastor Jeff and Dianne, What a delight to share in the blessings of your ministry at Oakhill!—to experience your faithful and fruitful servant leadership! Through your lives and your ministry you have shown us Christ’s love, the Father’s mercy, and the Spirit’s joy. Dianne, you are truly a reflection of the Proverbs 31 woman—thank you for your love, your patience, your belief in us, and your cheerful countenance enhanced by your wonderful sense of humor! Pastor Jeff, your preaching, teaching, praying and shepherding inspires and renews us with spiritual nourishment to face the spiritual battles. Weekly prayer meetings are a mid-week spiritual oasis as are the Thursday night Bible studies.

As you model God’s truths and let us observe your life, we have a front row seat—a real “Show and Tell” —as you guide, disciple, and develop our spiritual gifts. AND we get a chance to practice! As a couple, your godliness and spiritual intimacy have refreshed our desire to serve our Lord! Thank you for walking slowly through the “sheep pen”—for welcoming, nurturing and respecting us! We thank God upon every remembrance of you— Lovingly, Bill and Virginia Campbell

It is truly a pleasure and privilege to acknowledge my gratefulness to our Lord for placing Pastor Jeff and Dianne Carlson at Oakhill Church. Dianne and I have been great friends for over 35 years, and I have been greatly blessed by her presence in my life. Pastor Jeff is equally loved. I have sat under his teaching for close to 30 years. God has greatly blessed Pastor Jeff with the gift to understand and perceive His Word.

He is a tremendous teacher and preacher of the Word and I, as well as many others, have grown so much under his teaching and leadership. He is also a true friend that I admire greatly. I treasure them both and deem it a privilege to honor them. Oakhill Church loves you Pastor Jeff and Dianne; may God continue to bless you both. Kathy DeBruyn

We find so much joy in blessing and honoring pastors and their families. Thank you for making it possible for us to continue through your prayer support and financial contributions. Please make checks payable to: PastorCare West Michigan PO Box 2938, Grand Rapids, MI 49501. Online contributions are safe and secure through PayPal on our website.

Dr. John and Sue Smith, Executive Director, PastorCare West Michigan Mobile: 616-304-8543 Email: [email protected]