March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email [email protected] or...


Transcript of March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email [email protected] or...

Page 1: March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email or contact Judy or Michael Milne on 01823 672205 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! £1 and Under Sale



March 2014

Page 2: March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email or contact Judy or Michael Milne on 01823 672205 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! £1 and Under Sale


From about 1965 PARISH NEWS March 2014 For the Parishes of ASHBRITTLE with GREENHAM, BATHEALTON,


Life of the Church Sunday March 2nd Theme The Breaking of Humanity 9.30 am PARISH COMMUNION Stawley Readings Genesis chapter 3 verses 1 to 19 Romans chapter 7 verses 14 to 25a 11.15 am FAMILY SERVICE Bathealton

Wednesday March 5th Ash Wednesday Theme Salvation 7.30 pm REFLECTIVE COMMUNION Bathealton Readings Colossians chapter 2 verses 8 to 15 Luke chapter 19 verses 1 to 10

Sunday March 9th Lent 1 Theme CHURCH-SPEAK: Temptation 9.30 am PARISH COMMUNION Ashbrittle 11.15 am MORNING PRAYER Stawley Readings Hebrews chapter 4 verses 14 to 16 Matthew chapter 4 verses 1 to 11

Sunday March 16th Lent 2 Theme CHURCH-SPEAK: Sin 9.30 am PARISH COMMUNION Kittisford 11.15 am MORNING PRAYER Ashbrittle Readings Romans chapter 3 verses 9 to 20 Luke chapter 15 verses 11 to 20 4.00 pm Theme The Need that Cries out… Tea followed by COMPLINE with MEDITATION Bathealton Sunday March 23rd Lent 3 Theme CHURCH-SPEAK: The Kingdom of God 9.30 am PARISH COMMUNION Bathealton Readings Revelation chapter 4. Matthew chapter 13 verses 44 to 52 11.15 am FAMILY SERVICE Kittisford

Sunday March 30th Mothering Sunday Theme CHURCH-SPEAK: Fellowship 10.00 am ALL-AGE FAMILY COMMUNION Greenham Reading John chapter 14 verses 9 to 17

Sunday April 6th Passion Sunday Theme CHURCH-SPEAK: Redemption 9.30 am PARISH COMMUNION Stawley Readings Ephesians chapter 1 verses 1 to 14 Luke chapter 21 verses 8, 9, 25 to 30 11.15 am FAMILY SERVICE Bathealton

Lent Discussions Please see the boxed advertisement on page 5. Vicar Rev Martin Perry, 8 Improvement Place, Wellington. 01823 665803 Lay Minister Elaine McNicholas, School House, Bathealton 01984 624428

Page 3: March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email or contact Judy or Michael Milne on 01823 672205 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! £1 and Under Sale


Thought for the Month

The towers that form our view There they stand, our church towers, rising above our fields and homes. We all see them and know what they represent. Because of that, each one of us has a view about them and what they do. Some will find comfort from the church while others may get angry: there will be zeal for them in some hearts but others will ignore them as a modern-day ir-relevance. Each one of us, however, has an opinion. On the opposite page, you may have seen that we've put the churches' information in a different way. I'm trying to be more in-formative and helpful to anyone who might want to know what happens, especially to do with our central functions of worship and growing in faith with understanding. There's a lot more which could be told, I suppose. Space is limited. At a recent PCC meeting, for example, it was suggested that I say what form of service is likely to be used. I can see a valid reason for doing that, but it clashes a bit with how I see the church. Sometimes it feels as if the church is a club or a shop. By the latter I mean a place for the religiously inclined to go to and get the type of spiritual service that suits them. That's rather like a lady who prefers Per Una clothes so goes to M&S because that is where you find them, not Debenhams: if she doesn't like their style, she will go elsewhere. It's all part of being a shopping, consumer society – but the church is not a shop. Nor is it a club for the spiritually minded and the initiated. There are those who feel that they can't go because they don't be-long. That might be true of other organisa-

tions but not of the church. The church be-longs to the Lord, not to either the religious consumer or to the membership. I see it is as a community but one with-out walls and doors, open to everyone. Any-one is welcome to come and share in the life of the church, no matter what they do or don't believe, how they live or don't live. Obvi-ously, the church does teach and try to live according to the ways of the Lord. I would like everyone, however, to feel at ease when they meet with each other because it's being part of the community that matters. In that setting, the form of worship is really insignifi-cant – it's the Lord and each other that are im-portant. That's why I am reluctant to adver-tise the type of service. As a teacher, too, I want to plan what I do in the interests of everyone. The hymns and worship forms are resources given to help me put across the message which the Spirit of the Lord knows is needed. I certainly would-n't get anywhere if I advertised one form of service only to change it because, when the time came, it was found to be inappropriate for the given theme! All of us in our group of parishes are as much part of the church community as we are of the villages, the parish councils, the fields and everything else. We can't avoid it. Why? Because we all breathe the same air, share the same gift of life, and are offered and have available to us the same creative, saving pres-ence of our heavenly Father, our Origin and Destiny. In other words, to quote David Cam-eron, "We're all in it together!" And that does include the church no matter how our opinions may vary!

Martin Perry

Ashbrittle with Greenham Charles Doble The Old Rectory, Ashbrittle,TA21 0LQ 01823 672365 David Hanks Manley House, Ashbrittle,TA21 0LE 01823 672436 Bathealton Ronald Greenway Furzehams, Bathealton, TA4 2AH 01984 624696 Graham Hall Deepmoor, Bathealton, TA4 2AH 01984 623300 Kittisford Brenda Hollick Kittisford Glebe, Kittisford, TA21 0SA 01823 672366 Hugh Tregelles Newhouse Farm, Kittisford, TA21 0SA 01823 672349 Stawley Penny Hare Stawley Mill, Wellington, TA21 0HT 01823 672183


Graham Henson Court Place Farm, Stawley TA21 0HP 01823 672496

Page 4: March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email or contact Judy or Michael Milne on 01823 672205 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! £1 and Under Sale


News from Stawley School The weather may be pretty awful at the mo-ment but it certainly hasn’t dampened the spirits at school. In fact the children have summoned up the wartime spirit in Class 2 with the book corner being turned into an Anderson shelter! Parents on picking up duty have also been catching snippets of ‘We’ll Meet Again’ and ‘White Cliffs of Dover’ coming through the classroom windows as Class 2 practice singing wartime songs for a short play they are putting on after half term. Finding out about Life on the Home Front has been fascinating especially looking through some of the old school records from the Second World War. Children have dis-covered that Stawley School had many evacu-ees during the war period coming from schools in West Ham, Bethnel Green, Fulham, Bristol and Southampton to name but a few. It would also be lovely to hear from anyone with memories or information about the his-tory of the school during the war years, for example families that played host to evacuees. Alongside the World War 2 topic we have also been finding out about the history of the school. An old school bell was found and the children have decided to engrave the names of all the Head Teachers on it. To help us with this exercise Esther Hoyle, from Som-erset Heritage Centre, came to speak to the children about using old documents to find out about the past. She also brought along with her the old school log books and admis-sion registers The list of Head Teachers we have found out about so far are as follows:

Mr T H Driver (1875-1890) Mr S Hailes (1890-1919) Mrs E B Havill (1920-1943) Mrs E L Babbs (1943-1946) Mrs I Caswell (1947-1949) Miss E Williams (1950-1961) Mrs J Barnes-Watts (1962 -1980) Mrs Bowerman (1980-1983) Mr R Brockway (1984-1997) Mrs K Scales (1997-1998) Mr E Gregory (1999 - ) Miss L Gabriel ( - 2013) Mr E East (2013 )

(We have decided to leave out acting Heads and temporary Heads)

We think we have all the names and most of the dates now but if we have left someone out please let us know. Looking back in the logbooks we found out that on January 31st 1896 ‘there were not many children present at school due to the stormy weather.’ Some things never change!

David Stirzaker

Kittisford Pudding Club

A group of some 23 connoisseurs assembled at Newhouse Farm to enjoy a tasty beef stew as a precursor to judging a total of 9 delicious puddings. A mouth-watering chocolate mousse was the worthy winner. Thank you for the efforts of all con-cerned, the Church Funds benefited by £314.50.

Hugh Tregelles (PCC Treasurer)

Village Oil Group

Next deliveries will be on Wednesday 9th April 2014. To place your order please email [email protected] or contact Judy or Michael Milne on 01823 672205


£1 and Under Sale


Saturday 8th March 2014

at 2.30pm


Entrance 20p

Page 5: March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email or contact Judy or Michael Milne on 01823 672205 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! £1 and Under Sale


Village Festival Choir

Wassail practice: Wednesday 5th March at Appley Croft Barn at 7.30. Wassail: Frog’s Farm, Appley, Friday 7th March at 6 pm Choir Practices at 7.30pm: Tuesday 11th March at The Croft Wednesday 9th April (venue tba) This is a change of date Palm Sunday service: Sunday 13th April, (time tba) Possible Easter Sunday service: Sunday 20th April (to be confirmed) Full evensong in Ashbrittle, sometime this spring

Julia Swan (Tel: 672102)

Free funds for Stawley Rural Community Initiative (RCI)

The RCI has raised money in the past by ap-plying for grants. However, those funds have become very much harder to get which means that the group is sadly not able to fund a Com-munity Development Worker at the moment. However the committee have made over £50 from a website called Easyfundraising. When you search or shop online the companies you use give small fees to the search engine provider. Easyfundraising re-turns some of this money to you or to your cause. You do not pay any more than you would with any other search engine, you just choose what happens to the profit. For example, in December I raised 49 pence just by using Easysearch as my search engine home page. The websites I click onto give fractions of a penny to Easysearch each time I visit. These are collected and sent to the RCI. In addition we received £4.37 because I did some Christmas shopping on four web-sites listed on Easyfundraising. (This was about 3% of what I spent.) These online stores include Amazon, Asda and Waitrose as well as lots of other well known shops. So, if you are not yet started and you would like to try it, here is the link: Our unique easyfundraising URL is Any questions, give me a shout or send me an e-mail at [email protected]

Julia Swan

Parish News Donations

Many thanks for donations from: Dr and Mrs Seig Mr and Mrs H Fisher Mr and Mrs D Pearce Donations may be left at The Village Shop in an envelope marked ‘Parish News’ or sent to the Treasurer: Andrew Millard, Barton Barn, Kittisford, Wellington, Somerset TA21 0RZ


Lent Discussions

May we welcome you to… THE THINGS I KNOW…?

[or think I do!] March 13 Stawley Mill, Stawley The Bible (Cheese and Wine) 20 Newhouse Farm, Kittisford The Church (Coffee and Cake) 27 The Old Rectory, Ashbrittle ‘Prayer’ (Bring and Share Meal) April 3 Manley House, Ashbrittle ‘Mission’ (Wine and Nibbles) 10 Stawley Mill, Stawley ‘Worship’ All meetings are on Thursdays at 7.30 p.m.

Please note: these meetings are open to any-one who would like to refresh or question

what they believe.

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Country Matters

Book of Nonsense There was an old man with a beard, Who said, “It is just as I feared! – Two owls and a hen, Four larks and a wren, Have all built their nests in my beard!

Edward Lear Mid January – There is usually a heron on the Tone at Appley Cross and the same one, or another on the canal. They have not had a very good winter as their enormous treetop nests, made of twigs and branches, have been assailed by the rain and particularly strong winds. However they keep using them, and are now having to re-build them for the nest-ing season. The male gathers the new sticks, while the female waits for him on the nest and weaves them into it. Soon they will begin their strange mat-ing dances which involve a lot of gurgling, snapping and bowing. Does anyone know where the nearest heronry is? Other birds have not been very affected by the rain, in fact ground feeding birds such as thrushes and blackbirds have found lots of worms. The Somerset Levels have seen a nota-ble rise in wild birds, such as swans, egrets and hundreds of plovers and snipe. The dan-ger will be if the flooding persists into Spring and so depriving them of their nesting sights. Water voles usually manage to get away from their holes in river banks when the river levels rise. Moles, however, are being drowned in their underground tunnels. An otter was seen in the middle of Feb-ruary, between Appley Cross and Ashbrittle, it was crossing the road at about 8pm. Let’s hope we get some young otters this year. There have been quite a few fallen trees and branches and a caved in badger run (a sink hole!). It was amazing to see how big the tunnel was and how many tunnels off that there were. The pussy willow is beginning to appear and primroses also. On February 20th my pond had over 50 frogs, all croaking, mating and spawning.

Sally Merrett


Many thanks to Freda Parkinson for organ-ising our February visit to Otter Nurseries. 16 intrepid souls set out hoping for fine weather, but we had to put up with the showers in the morning as we moved be-tween the propagating areas to see the work done raising huge amounts of mainly bed-ding plants for their shops, 35,000 plants in a year. We then moved inside for an excellent and convivial lunch before hitting the shop. We had learned in the morning of the bene-fits of mycorrhizal fungi added to potting compost for successful rooting of cuttings and I think everyone purchased a pack to try out at home. The next meeting will be kindly hosted by

Penny and Maurice Stanbury:

SEED SWAP at Coates Farm, Kittisford on Wednesday March 19th

at 7.00pm Bring along any spare seed – self saved and otherwise – plus your plant wish list for 2014. Over tea/coffee and cakes, we will try to combine orders, sharing new packets if possible and swapping any spare seeds. We will also try to match up your wished for plants with people who have them in their garden and may be taking cuttings/divisions, in advance of the plant swap later in the year.

Planned Programme for 2014 April – Visit to Cannington Walled Garden to see the Wisteria if it is out. May – Plant Swap June – Visit to Great Brimley by kind invi-tation of Sarah and Nick Burns-Cox. TBA – Visit to Jekka’s Herb Garden Please contact me on 01823 672119 or [email protected] for further information.

Page 7: March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email or contact Judy or Michael Milne on 01823 672205 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! £1 and Under Sale


Flower Show 2014

Here is the draft class list for the Flower and Produce show which will be held in conjunc-tion with the Pavilion event on 14th Septem-ber. Last year we had over 180 entries and this year I would like to top 200 – so get planting and preparing. 1. 3 Potatoes 2. 6 Beans (runner, french, etc) 3. 5 Tomatoes, any type, all the same variety 4. 3 Courgettes or Summer Squashes 5. 5 Onions or shallots 6. A display of vegetables – Salad Days (size max 45 cm x 45 cm) 7. A dish of soft fruit (one type, please leave stalks on) 8. 5 Apples, Pears or Plums (one variety) 9. Bottle home made wine/beer/cider/sloe gin/cordial etc 10. 1 Jar honey, any type 11. 3 Eggs, any type (one will be broken for judging) 12. 3 Stems of Fuchsia 13. A Specimen Flower 14. 5 Dahlias (single variety or mixed) 15. An arrangement of Culinary and/or Medicinal herbs 16. A Floral Display - Pretty in Pink 17. A Floral Arrangement – Flowers to attract bees into the garden 18. A Hanging Basket 19. The longest Bean 20. A plate of Fudge (9 pieces)** 21. A savoury nibble 22. A jar of Jam or Jelly 23. A jar of Marmalade 24. A jar of pickles or chutney 25. Your favourite fruitcake** 26. A craft item – anything made from wool 27. A painting in any media – a summer landscape 26. 3 Photographs – the weather 29. A photograph - my pet**

Children only class 30. A face mask made from a paper plate (Classes marked ** will also be judged with the children’s section, 7 and under, 8-11 and 12-15, as well as adults)

Lesley Garner

Ashbrittle rainfall in inches January

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2.90 3.86 3.84 4.82 8.05

Cedric Hooper

Ashbrittle Arts Book Group

Friday, March 21st 8.00pm at The Croft

The Rose of Tibet Lionel Davidson

Hugh Whittington is missing, reported dead, while filming near Mount Everest. His brother Charles, embarks on a mission to find him that takes him to the forbidden monas-tery of Yamdring - and its abbess, who hap-pens to be a she-devil in her 18th-century incarnation.


12 x 4 metres

Ideal for Weddings, Parties, Shows and Exhibitions

Strong, Steel Framed, Waterproof Marquee with Window Panels. Easy to assemble full

instructions supplied.

Weekend Hire Charge £75 Weekday Hire price available on request For more details contact Nina Purkiss on

01823 673159

Hired by Friends of Stawley School

Page 8: March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email or contact Judy or Michael Milne on 01823 672205 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! £1 and Under Sale


Stawley Pre School News

Wonderful Wassail - 7th March The Pre School children and Stawley School children are busy preparing for the forthcom-ing annual Wassail in Appley. Guided by Ashbrittle Arts and The Village Festival Choir, they have been learning about the won-derful Somerset tradition of wassail – singing to the apple trees to encourage a good crop. Preparations include making beautiful decorations for the trees and learning wassail songs. The family friendly wassail will be held at 6pm, Friday 7th March, Frogs Farm-house, Appley – see the more detailed adver-tisement on the opposite page. Please come along to this free, family friendly event to see the children’s decora-tions and join in with the festivities. Dona-tions in aid of Stawley Pre School. Making the most of the Mud! The Pre School children have found a positive side to the atrocious wet weather - a mud café! The rain has created an abundance of glorious mud, just right for creating mud pies whilst getting totally filthy. If you have any old saucepans, wooden spoons or non breakable crockery, please donate it to Pre School to help the children make muddy delights for their friends in the café. Springtime planting It will soon be time for the sun to shine (honestly!) and the children will start spring-time planting in their garden. Gardening pro-vides a wonderful opportunity to learn about the serious matter of the life cycle of plants whilst also providing the opportunity to play with the much loved watering cans. Last year the children grew a bumper crop of tomatoes in their tyre garden, supply-ing an excellent healthy treat for snack time. The keen mini gardeners would be very grate-ful of any spare seeds or bulbs you have lurk-ing in your greenhouse – any variety - vegeta-ble or flower! It all helps them to discover the magical world of plant gestation and the ulti-mate reward of picking your own.

Torie Wood

Stawley Under Fives Pre-School

Friendly, rural pre-school for 2 ½ – 5 year olds

Open: Wednesday,Thursday,and Friday

Sessions 9.00am – 12.00 pm half day 9.00 am –3.00 pm full day

Please see our website for more information

Try a free taster play session for your child

Contact us at [email protected] Telephone : 07753 552736

Fully qualified staff, OFSTED inspected and a member of the P.L.A.

Stawley Pre-School, The Pavilion, Appley,

Stawley, Wellington, TA21 0HH

Lunch Club

Thursday 27th March Ashbrittle Village Hall

12 noon



a talk and demonstration by Naomi Stannard

£5.50 for an excellent plus £1.50

towards RCI expenses

Book early as numbers are limited

Liz Taylor 01823 673000

Page 9: March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email or contact Judy or Michael Milne on 01823 672205 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! £1 and Under Sale


FAMILY FRIENDLY TRADITIONAL WASSAIL Friday 7th March at 6pm, The Orchard at Frogs Farmhouse, Appley

Followed by a singing procession to The Globe Inn


Wassail means ‘be you healthy’ and is a traditional West Country custom to en-sure a good harvest for the coming year. Led by the Green Man, we will bless an

apple tree with singing, dancing and libations of cider! Please bring your sense of fun, voices, instruments and saucepans to bang

and make lots of noise.

Post Wassail menu at The Globe Inn The Globe Inn will be providing a wassail themed menu, starting from £6, to fol-

low the wassail for more cidery celebration! Please call 01823 672327 if you wish to book

Sing Along Practice Session 7.30pm, Wednesday 5th March at Appley Croft

Barn, Appley Learn the wassail songs before the big event, led by the Festival Choir

Children’s sing along sessions will be carried out at

Stawley School and Pre School.

Organised by Ashbrittle Arts and the Village Festival Choir with kind assistance from Stawley School and Stawley Preschool

Please call Torie Wood, 01823 673371 for any further information.

Page 10: March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email or contact Judy or Michael Milne on 01823 672205 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! £1 and Under Sale


Churchill came to Ashbrittle Thanks to Take Art, Somerset’s pioneering arts charity, small villages like Ashbrittle on the Somerset Devon border can enjoy world class, professional performance and events. Actor Pip Utton has brought his outstanding one-man shows to the tiny village with the famous yew tree on three occasions. He first came with Dicken’s ‘A Christmas Carol,’ then ‘Sherlock’ and again very recently when Big Ben struck thirteen, the statues in Parliament Square came to life, and we spent a magical seventy minutes in the company of Winston Churchill. Powerful acting This was a tremendous show. As the audi-ence left, delighted with Pip Utton’s perform-ance, they asked for him to come back again. The power of the acting and writing moved us all – sometimes to laughter. Churchill had a wicked wit. At other times we were moved to tears as we saw the magnitude and loneliness of his task in leading Great Britain through the war. Wonderful, powerful, familiar words, with a subtle soundtrack that included bombs falling and Vera Lynn singing, revealed a great man, dogged by depression, virtually ignored by his parents whilst a child, honoured by his coun-try at times, only to be stripped of power as political shifts discarded him. His pleasure at being returned to office in the early year of Queen Elizabeth II’s reign was palpable. This masterful performance showed a small boy, being told off by his Nanny for damaging his toy soldiers, morphing into a tired, old man, well aware of the horror of war and the reality of sacrifice asked of the flesh and blood soldiers needed to defeat the Nazis. He knew that every dead soldier, sailor or air-men had a wife, or a lover, parents, children, friends and that their suffering was shocking. Unlike his childhood toys, these soldiers could not be glued back together again. Tenderness and passion When Churchill spoke of his love for his dar-ling Clementine, I was almost unnerved by such an honest, full-hearted declaration of ten-derness and passion. Therein lay the deep ap-

peal of Pip Utton’s portrayal – honesty and integrity, playfulness peppered with a salty wit and built on foundations of depth and sen-sitivity. Churchill may have been a master of the theatrical use of the spoken word, and Pip gave full justice to that, but throughout he maintained an ease and naturalness, inhabiting the character fully. I could not believe how the man I saw earlier lugging boxes, wiring up lights and setting the simple and effective stage, trans-formed so completely into a man of such greatness and complexity. Pip Utton's 'Churchill' was a magnifi-cent achievement, fully worthy of its subject.

Avril Silk

Further confessions of an inadequate parent

Airbeds, Air Stewards and

Absent Luggage. The dreadful winter is finally coming to an end, along with shorter nights, a bit more sun-shine, and holidays on our minds. Will you take the family abroad or stay in the UK? Ei-ther way it is likely to be quite expensive and stressful, and you will probably return feeling like you need a second holiday just to recover. Holidays with children can be rather eventful (if my family’s experiences are typi-cal). My sister has rather more children than I have so holidays with her are slightly chaotic. She is fortunate to have several teenagers who are quite capable of packing their own cases and monitoring them during transit. This tends to lull her into a false sense of security and distracts her from her youngest, who is yet to arrive on a holiday with his luggage. It has been left on the landing at home, deserted in an airport and abandoned on a train. Poor Max once spent an entire weekend at Wookey Hole in a borrowed tee shirt and shorts, a week in Spain in locally bought attire and a short break in London wearing his sister’s tee shirt as an unfashionable ankle-length gown. He is probably scarred for life when it comes to holidays but is no doubt used to the cry ‘who picked up Max’s case? One of you

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must have.’ I can’t blame my sister; she probably just conducts a cursory case-count and forgets that her teenaged daughter has a second suitcase containing a year’s supply of shoes and cosmetics. Personally, I have tried just about every type of holiday to find one that suits a family. The joys of camping I started with a fairly local camping trip. How badly could that go wrong? I hadn’t forseen that, when camping, a toddler can end up looking like a neglected dirty waif worthy of an NSPCC advert. Or, that I would end up sleeping alone on the tiny 3 foot inflatable Disney airbed after my own Minnie Mouse awoke crying and insisting she cuddle Daddy on our comfortable double airbed. And I sup-pose I was naïve to presume she would appre-ciate the late night music at a folk festival. Cue disgusted looks from serious folk-types as my offspring wailed late into the night. A new venture The following year, I attempted a short Euro-pean flight to a child-friendly resort with my sister and her youngest. Leaving older kids with dads, we envisaged a relaxing, easy, sun-soaked week. The realism was that 25% of our time was spent applying sunscreen to re-luctant, whining, and very pale kids, 25% was spent feeling guilty for parking them in the kids’ club whilst we tried desperately to grab a somewhat diluted local brand G&T, (utterly impossible to get even vaguely merry on) and 50% sitting in a hotel room with little to do whilst said darlings slept. All that paled into insignificance com-pared with the flight home. Half an hour into the flight my sister, seated behind me, leant over and hissed that a liquid was running down the floor from our seats. With horror, I realised my newly toilet-trained child was not as toilet-trained as I would have hoped, and the budget airline seats were none too absor-bent. To my embarrassment, and my sister’s utter disdain, I was forced to confess to the air steward. However, to my delight, ten minutes later, I heard my sister summon the same steward and make a similar confession about her own offspring. Our humiliation was com-pleted when we landed at Gatwick and real-

ised our aircraft had taxied into a maintenance bay rather than its usual spot, and all the pas-sengers, including us with damp, sleeping an-gels, had to walk a healthy mile back to the terminal. An even braver venture Recently, feeling slightly braver, we have at-tempted a long-haul flight. I am sure you will all appreciate the difficulties of keeping a child entertained for 9 hours in one seat. Why are you only allowed hand luggage onboard? You need a least 30 kg of games, books, toys and Nintendo games to survive even the pre-flight checks! What I hadn’t banked on was my daugh-ter’s rapidly developed love obsession with our ‘hostie’. The poor woman received an armful of pictures that declared undying love and orders to pin them on her fridge when she got home. That was only the start of our trauma, as I discovered when we reached UK customs and had to explain our child’s pro-pensity for smuggling a variety of dead in-sects, decaying bones and generally discarded lifestock – all stowed in her hand luggage, unbeknownst to me. Apparently, it doesn’t get any easier with teens, as my sister discovered whilst holidaying in Europe. The Italian hoteliers don’t always understand the difference be-tween a double and a twin room. Try telling your teenage daughter and son that they are sharing a double bed. There are two choices; convince them that the pillows you have placed down the centre are the equivalent of barbed wire, or bite the bullet and spend the holiday sharing with your sulky daughter whilst hubby shares with an equally truculent son. Oh, roll on the holidays! Of course, you could always just stay at home – there is plenty to do around Wellington!

Rhiannon Davies

Wellington Choral Society

Wellington Choral Society present Rossini’s ‘Petite Messe Solennelle’, at St John’s Church, Wellington on Saturday 29 March Laurence Blyth will be conducting.

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Rural Community

Initiative – News Letter

Lunch Club - Active Living Centre Last year the January meeting was cancelled due to the snow – this year it was threatened by excessive rain. Still, the New Year's spirit prevailed and everyone enjoyed the chance to have a ‘catch up’ after the holiday break. We then settled to formulating some key questions in preparation for the Mayor's visit at the next meeting. Under the guidance of Avril Silk there was a concentrated effort to prepare relevant and at times challenging questions. These have now been sent to the Mayor so that in her talk she can cover topics that will be of interest to us. We are looking forward to this visit and learning more about the duties and responsibilities of the mayor and how her role impacts upon our rural com-munity. Active Living Activities Walking group members are now coming out of hibernation and looking forward to more regular Thursday walks. The challenge will be to find walks that are not too muddy or im-passible. The first one planned will be to see the snowdrops in Hockworthy church yard. They are usually worth a visit and this year we are expecting them to be better than ever. Some members of the group want to get back to using their Nordic walking skills so there will a mixture of rambles and more en-ergetic nordic walking walks. Art Group It has proved very difficult to find a new tutor that is likely to met the needs of this group. However, there are one or two people who may be coming to the rescue in the near future. Easy Wheelers bikers are meeting regularly on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday but please phone for meeting times as given be-low. T'ai Chi Many members have been regular attendees for over five years and are likely to continue since they find enormous health

benefits from this practice. New members are always welcome and are easily integrated into the class. The class is held every Monday 9.30 – 10.30 at Appley Pavilion with a now regular coffee/tea afterwards at the Village shop. For more information contact me on 01823 673000.

Liz Taylor

Wivey Link Going Places.....

Do you have difficulty get-ting out and about?

• Door to door service operating from Wiveliscombe we cover all surrounding Parishes, Taunton and Wellington. We will take you shopping, visiting or for hospital/doctors.

• Wheelchair friendly cars. • Fares are very reasonable and bus pass

holders get a concessionary rate.

For more information on using Wivey Link telephone 01984 624666 or call into the Community Office in Wiveliscombe. Open 10.00 to 1.00 Monday to Friday

Wivey Link a division of the

Wiveliscombe Area Partnership Charity No. 1132983

Supported by TDBC and SCC

AGM for the SCA

This is to be held on Tuesday 18th March 2014, 7.30 at the Globe. All are welcome and the committee would be very pleased to hear from people who would like to join the


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Doors Open at 7.00pm Eyes Down at 8.00pm

1 Line; 2 lines and Full House



£1 Entrance to include refreshments


Time to bring out the boots

(or perhaps wellies !!)

And enjoy your local countryside

This group will be starting to meet on a more regular basis

Walks will be varied from week to

week to meet all tastes

Start at Ashbrittle Village Hall

Thursdays at 2.00 pm

Check for details with Liz Taylor

01823 673000



Tutor Gavin Churchill

This will be a refresher and follow up course

designed for those who attended the introductory course. The use of a defi-

brillator will be covered.

Thursday 24th April 2014 9.30 am – 12noon

(prior to Lunch Club)

Ashbrittle Village Hall

£10.00 per person

please book ahead with Liz Taylor

01823 673000

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A Super Concert

Many thanks to everyone who supported the Take Art concert at the Pavilion on 8th Febru-ary 2014. Miranda & Rex gave an engaging per-formance of modern folk with shades of jazz and bluegrass. They had a great rapport with the audience, bouncing stories off each other as they introduced each piece.

A really appreciative audience, who braved a particularly wild and windy night to come along, especial thanks to those who had battled through the floods and made it from Burrowbridge! Real fans of the duo.

Sally Scott

Appley Cross W.I. After the announcements and business meet-ing Mrs. Monica Spalding came to give us a session on ‘Exercise to Music’ and gentle dancing. Those less able to do this for very long sat and performed the same movements seated. Although self praise is no recommen-dation we did very well without too much confusion. Then, for the hardiest, she taught us the Charlston which was great fun and no doubt comical for those looking on. We are all much fitter now. This meeting, of course, finished with a scrumptious tea as usual. Next month, meetings are back to a 7.00 pm start and Ms. Avril Silk will be speaking about Cothay Manor on 11th March at Bat-healton Village Hall. Please come and join us if you are inter-ested.

Brenda Hollick

Ashbrittle Village Hall

Ashbrittle Village Hall held their Christmas Bingo on 23rd December. A big thank you to everyone who turned up as it was a dreadful night but with a full hall we managed to raise £574.00 for hall funds. Also thank you to everyone who donated towards the prizes on the night. We have a Bingo night planned for 4th April with the hope we can raise enough to be doing some work on the forecourt, and deco-ration of the hall later this year. Any further donations towards prizes would be much appreciated.

Pat Gainey


Village Hall

Easter Bingo

Friday 4th April at 8.00pm

Doors Open 7.00pm

£1 Admission

to include refreshments

Stawley Baby and Toddler Group

Now on Tuesdays 2 – 4.00pm

Appley Pavilion

No need to book just turn up! All children below school age welcome

£2 per session

*Term time only*

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Stawley Village Shop and Post Office

Telephone 01823 674361

Your first stop for locally produced food, wine and essentials. Calor Gas – Butane, Propane, Patio and Camping Gas.

Lognets, Kindling, Household Coal and Firelighters. Stawley Goats Cheese available from mid-March SHOP OPENING HOURS - Mon-Sat 0800 -1800 hours. (Sat 0800 –1400 in Winter)

- Sun 0800 -1200 hours. - Bank Holidays 0800 -1200 hours (closed Christmas Day).

Home Deliveries – Milk, Papers, Magazines & Groceries delivered to your door. Fresh Bread, Pastries and Pies – from various local suppliers including Bawdens, Ready Bready Dough, Tracebridge Sourdough, Dartmoor Kitchen & Chunk. Fresh Meat – From Stillman’s and Tim Potter. Local Cheeses – From Hill Farm, Stawley, Exmoor, Sharpham, Quickes & Hawkridge. Cold Meats, Pates, - and other Delicatessen Products Fruit and Vegetables - locally produced whenever possible, in shop and by order. Wine, Beer and Spirits – In the shop or by order. Local Eggs – from Fenton Farm. Household essentials Fuels - Coal, Wood, Kindling, Propane, Butane, Patio and Barbeque Gas. Cafe and Tearoom - Breakfast, Lunch and Cream Teas. Takeaway service available.

POST OFFICE Opening Hours – Monday and Thursday 1000 – 1200 hours.

Services - Pensions, Cash Withdrawals, Deposits, Stamps, Currency, Mobile Top-ups COMMUNITY ROOM - Available for meetings and groups

Bulk Orders Orders Taken for Parties and Events - delivered if required. Speciality Cakes - locally produced and made to order. Lunches - Healthy lunches served in the Tearoom and delivered to Stawley School.

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Home & Garden Services To include Animal Sitting Emma Hurford, Butson’s Farm, Greenham, Wellington TA21 0JS Email : [email protected] 01823 672003 Versatile and Individually Tailored Service: what you want, how you want it done from:

• Ironing to Internet • Weeding to Waitressing • Clearing the Clutter to Filling in Forms • Feeding the kids - 2 legged and 4 legged varieties catered for! • Getting you out and about to getting the cows in

Flexible Service - Regular Relief Cover Periodic - One Off - Short Term

Health, Emotional or Memory Problems, Disability or Aches and Pains? ....helping you without taking over

Struggling with the 'Juggling'?, family, home Spend more quality time with loved one - not catching up with the cleaning! Going away? - leave your pets in kind, capable hands in their own home and routines

Service you can Trust ...Standards you can depend on -Non Judgemental approach, Confidentiality, Discretion and Privacy Assured -DAB Check up to date (formerly Criminal Records Background)

-References available

Reflexology provides a natural way to help you feel better.

Whether you need help to get beat ailments, reduce stress or would just like a relaxing treat, reflexology can help.

Weekend and evening appointments available.

Reflexologist in Holcombe Rogus. Qualified since 1999

For further information and

appointments please telephone Jane on 07732 684649

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Traceys Cleaning


Need help with your cleaning ready for Christmas?

Have a one off pre Christmas clean

Competitive rates

Local references available

Telephone 01823 665020 or 07525083268

Taffeta & Roses

Bespoke Curtains Makers Curtains, Blinds, Cushions, Tie-backs, Trim-

mings, fabrics, tracks, poles

& much more….

Choose in the comfort of your own home

For a free no obligation quotation call Tel: 01823 672082

Page 18: March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email or contact Judy or Michael Milne on 01823 672205 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! £1 and Under Sale


4 Seasons

Hog Roast Specialists

A small family business, providing a bespoke professional service with our state of the art

pig/ lamb/venison roasting machine.

Working closely with our customers to create the perfect event i.e. parties, fetes, charity

events or a lavish wedding. Various packages available. Large or small parties catered for

with competitive rates.

Our pork is reared on our small holding and served with apple sauce from our orchard apple trees with a savoury sage stuffing all served in a locally baked fresh bread roll.


email [email protected]

Curtains and Things

• Soft furnishings (curtains, cushions, blinds, etc.) • Quality workmanship at affordable prices. • Free estimates No job too big or small.

Call Gali Benson 01398 361338 or 07702 695160


Headstones Commemorative Poetry for the Garden House signs

Sundials Foundation stones

Carving in situ Restoration/recarving Design & Illustration

Visit local studio to see stone samples and discuss

any enquiry


[email protected] tel: 01984 624 897

mobile: 07914 822 944 (weekdays)

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L O V E L Y C L O T H E S F O R Y O U R L O V E L Y C H I L D R E N ! At Little Peg’s we have gorgeous clothes for your favorite little treasures!

Check us out online at or befriend us on Facebook for the latest news and special offers.

Thanks to all who have supported us

so kindly in our first year.

Brands: No Added Sugar, Kite Kids, Toby Tiger, Inch Blue, Magnificent Baby, Piccalilly, Little Shrimp, Powell Craft

PS if you need a last minute gift, do call us on 01823 674589 and we’ll be glad to help!

Page 20: March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email or contact Judy or Michael Milne on 01823 672205 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! £1 and Under Sale


Award Winning Artisan Baker/Chef

Waitrose UK Small Producer of the Year Awards Overall Supreme Champion

Winner, Bakery UK Great Taste Awards - Gold

Taste of the West Awards - Silver

Now offering 1 to 1 bread making classes aimed at home baking. The classes are personally tailored and can be held in your own

kitchen or at my home in Ashbrittle. Professional classes available for restaurants, B&B's, Farm shops,

Deli's, Career Change....... Class Gift Vouchers also now available from £95.


Personal chef for dinner, shooting, fishing parties, long weekends and holidays.

Offering flexible bespoke menus tailored to your individual requirements.

Specialising in innovative vegetarian cuisine.

T: 01823 674551 Email: [email protected]

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Tel. 01823 672204 mob.07850 178 841


Gracious retirement living

with professional care.

Few grand country settings can compare with this magnificent 17th Century Grade II* listed manor house. Set in 13 acres of park-land and formal gardens, and adjacent to the 13th century Church, Nynehead Court has a friendly and experienced caring team and close links with the local community.

For further information please contact Diana Hathaway, The Manager, Nynehead Court, Nynehead, Wellington, Somerset.

TA21 0BN. Telephone 01823 662481

E-mail: [email protected]



Available for: • Gardening • Log Splitting/

Moving/Stacking • Lawn Mowing • Odd Jobs • General Help I am a strong teenager looking for work to save up for a bike. Just £4.00 per hour. Available during the holidays and on Sundays during term time.

Please contact Flynn Simpson on 01823 673333


Gardening Guy

• General maintenance

• Grass cutting

• Strimming

• Hedge trimming

• Chainsaw work

• Other jobs undertaken Call Guy on 07917 208288

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The Old Dairy at Bishops Barton

Bishops Barton, Greenham, Wellington, Somerset, TA21 0JJ email: [email protected]

01823 673172 / 07710 608603

Luxury En-Suite Bed and Breakfast

Junior Suites & Four Poster Room all with Free WIFI and modern facilities. Online Book-

ing & Availability

Kim White D.O.

Registered Osteopath

Freathingcott Farm, Holcombe Rogus, Wellington TA21 0NG

For appointments please contact the practice on:

01823 672925

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Listed Building Specialist

*Lime Plastering Internal/External *Cob Repairs

*Lathe and Plaster *Stonework

*Cut Roof, Green Oak etc.

Contact Gary Broom

Telephone 01823 283212

or Mobile 07776032289

Touch of magic

Do you require a Domestic Goddess?

I can solve all of your cleaning problems, including cleaning windows,

ironing, polishing, hoovering or washing floors.

Anything you need doing I can do it for you.

Call Haze on 07845945121

Powered by Fairy Dust

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Local Electrician

Electrical work carried out, inspections and certifications done in a prompt, clean friendly but professional manner. No job too small.

Periodic Inspections, now known as Electrical Installation Condition Reports (EICR) are increasingly required by the law, Insurance companies, the Fire Services etc.

No call-out or quote charges

Surprisingly good rates.

Call John on 07511 03 6606 Email – [email protected]

Fully qualified to carry out work and inspections to: BS7671 latest Amendment

Part P of the Building Regulations Full indemnity and public liability insurance as member of NAPIT

National Association of Professional Inspectors and Testers

Pulsford Lodge

is a purpose built home for older people in Wiveliscombe

We offer residential, respite and daycare

in beautiful surroundings

Please call: Sonya Matthias - Manager on 01984 623569 for a chat

or visit our website

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on Saturday 7th July

7.30pm to 11.30pm

Live Music and our very popular Caller


Tickets: Adults: £ 10.00 Children under 12: £ 5.00

Family ticket: £25 Supper included, bring your own drinks

From Brenda 01823 672366, June 01823 672349 or Sarah 01823 672245

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H Tredwin & Son Ltd

Funeral Directors

15 & 17 North Street, Wellington, TA21 8LX The Malt Yard, Sampford Arundel, TA21 9QN

Providing Wellington and the surrounding parishes

with a proficient, personal and caring service at all times.

Fourth generation family business Private chapel of rest Personal attention Day & night service

Pre paid funeral plans

Contact Nick or Louise Tredwin on: Tel: 01823 672597 or Mob: 07702726264

BACK to ENERGY with Gill Birchall

ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE & CHAKRA WORK Wellcombe Cottage, 13 Rotton Row, Wiveliscombe

The ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE - improve the use, functioning & integration of your body and mind Relief from muscle & back pain, headaches, breathing & digestive problems, stress & fatigue Benefits posture, flexibility, mobility & energy CHAKRA WORK - understand your energy & release blocks causing physical pain and emotional distress Relief from pain, stress & the effects of trauma Improved energy, relaxation, grounding & clarity One-to-one lessons, group work and talks

For more information please visit or contact me on 01984 624370

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TEL: 01823 462972 MOB: 07831 108445

Website: Email: [email protected]



A Dedicated Family Business

24hr Day & Night

Private Chapels of Rest

Caring & Professional Service

Golden Charter Pre Payment Funeral Plans

Anthony James Dip F.D, M.B.I.E, M.B.I.F.D West Road Wiveliscombe Tel: (01984) 624149

Alec James Dip F.M.A, F.D, M.B.I.F.D

55 Bridge Street Taunton TA1 1TP

Tel: (01823) 321077

Page 29: March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email or contact Judy or Michael Milne on 01823 672205 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! £1 and Under Sale


Bed and Breakfast in peaceful, relaxing surroundings.

Short of space? Let us look after your friends and family when they come to visit. Double Room £60.00 Single room £45.00 Family room from £75.00 Price includes full English Breakfast and a chance to explore our garden.

Open all year.

Greenham Hall Greenham Wellington Somerset

TA 21 OJJ 01823 672603 [email protected]

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Kws woodburners 01823 680809/07896

282449 Free surveys/estimates

All types of chimney work undertaken

Wood burner installation service

New liners – relining – sweeping

Fire places created….just ask ?


WCI Ltd Sewage Treatment Solutions

Septic tanks & Soakaways Sewage treatment plants Reed beds & EA Permits Rectification & servicing

Home Buyer surveys


01984 623404 Family run with 27yrs experience

Page 31: March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email or contact Judy or Michael Milne on 01823 672205 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! £1 and Under Sale


Joseph Nagy

Lynholme, Gables Road, Willand EX15 2PL

35 years experience for all your high quality building works, interior and exterior, also any

• Carpentry

• Painting and decorating For a free quote please contact Joe. Phone: 01884 38862 Mob: 07884324869 Email: [email protected] Please be assured of property

care at all times.




Very comfortable and spacious fully furnished one bedroom

Farmhouse Annex in Ashbrittle available to rent

Newly fitted kitchen/diner, large sit-ting room with open fire, large en-suite double bedroom plus sofa bed. Centrally heated. Garden with views. Parking. Pets considered. For details please contact Alex

Tel 01823 673333

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Medals, Badges, Uniforms, Military, Police, Nursing, Fire Brigade etc.

Telephone: 01823 669569


MOT Testing Station for petrol & diesel vehicles. Petrol, Diesel, Re-sprays, Welding Repairs, Recovery

Service, Car Restorations and Body Repairs. Also Groceries, Fruit & Vegetables, Ice Cream & Sweets, Video Club, Paraffin, Coal and Logs. Pound Hill, Holcombe Rogus, Nr Wellington,

TA21 0TJ Telephone: 01823 672693

TREE STUMPS IN THE WAY? Any size in most locations Call SOUTHWEST STUMP


01823 663797 Mob. 07990648215




Simon Camburn Garden Contractor

Gardens Designed and Constructed

Paving Stone Walling Ponds Rock Gardens

Lawn Mowing Scrub Clearance Mini Digger Available

Established 1976 01984 623467

J Nash Electric

Experienced and Fully Qualified

Specialist in Photovoltaic Solar Energy

Domestic repairs, maintenance

and installation

Fully certified and qualified local electrician

Experienced and qualified photovoltaic installer, free consultation on your

energy needs

References available for your peace of mind

Tel: 01884 250333 or 07771 931452 Email: [email protected]


Interior/Exterior Painter and Decorator

4 Abbotsfield Cottages, West Road, Wiveliscombe, Taunton TA4 2TE All types of Decorating Undertaken

Interior and Exterior Competitive Prices

Telephone: 01984 624542

Page 33: March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email or contact Judy or Michael Milne on 01823 672205 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! £1 and Under Sale




(Registered Nurse, and Member of the College of Foot Health Practitioners)

*Nail Trimming, *Callus Reduction, *Corn Removal, *Foot Health Advice, Home Visits.

Tel: 0753 6060598 for appointment

GREEN & CARTER Water Engineers – Established 1774

Manufacturers of water powered hydraulic RAM pumps General water engineers

Bore holes, Water filtration and purification Manufacturers of UV water purifiers

and chlorination plant Telephone: 01823 672365 (24 hrs)

Fax: 01823 672950 Mobile: 0374 108884

Janet Morris Hair Stylist

Gents, Ladies and Children

For appointment or consultation please call 01823 660191 or 07768648244

A member of the

Freelance Hair and Beauty Federation


All Electrical Work Undertaken Part P Approved

Tel: 01984 623533 or 07721 421 566


HAZEL HURDLEMAKER 30 years experience, Chairman Blackdown

Hills Hedge Association For farm and garden,

Free estimates 07974 748368 or 01823 674511

PETER COOPER 07960 589734




P H Electrical Contractor Local Electrician Qualified and insured in all aspects of electrical work

Peter Heywood Tel: 01823 673349 / 07921 623384


Quality Painting and Decorating for all your decorating needs, free estimates,

over 40 years experience

Please call 01823 674143 or 07429900469

This space

could be selling

for you.

Page 34: March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email or contact Judy or Michael Milne on 01823 672205 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! £1 and Under Sale



Can cut steep ground Call SOUTHWEST STUMP GRINDERS

01823 663797 Mob. 07990648215

Kittisford Trees Woodland Broadleaves

Native Hedging Ornamentals

Tel: 01823 667170 Mob: 07900397528 E-mail: [email protected] Richard Wood

Cake Crafts Celebration Cakes, Decorations, Sugar Paste & Marzipan Modelling

Doreen Orton Cullendown, Springrove Milverton, Som-

erset TA4 1NL Tel: (01823) 400731

DAVE’ S RECLAMATION Salvaged and new imported timber Sawn ~ planed and mouldings

Roof tiles ~ flagstones ~ old beams Richmoor Garden Compost

75 litre bags @ £3.99 75 litre bags peat free @ £4.99 Telephone: 01398 361270

Rosewood House

Professional Beauty from home Deborah Stevens

Indian Head Massage, Body Massage, Manicures, Pedicures

Waxing, Facials, Eye-lash tinting, Eye-brow shaping.

Wellington 01823 668628 or 07790672702

James & Dave Kreczmer Purpose made doors ~ window

frames ~ staircases ~ conservatories ~ porches and green oak buildings.

Property maintenance and security locks For all your building needs contact

Telephone: 01398 361270

Willowbrook Nursery and Garden Centre

Your local family-run Garden Centre Well stocked garden shop *Café and Tea room Bow Aquatic Centre *Pet and Bird Supplies

‘Winesolution’ Wine shop *Sheds*B & M Camping Situated on the A38 between Taunton and Wellington

Telephone: 01823 461324 *Open 7 days a week

Painter and Decorator

Professional lady decorator Courteous, neat and tidy

All jobs considered

Free estimates Call Teri on 07866 126877 or 01823 680402

Dog walking. Day and night dog


Call Varittah on 01823 672500 or Mobile 07538 089842

ORGANZA FLOWER WORKSHOPS Have fun learning a new skill with a qualified tutor. No

previous experience necessary. Prices start from as little as £8.00 (one and a half hours), and include all materials, together with detailed notes,

plus the opportunity to purchase FLOWER KITS and FLOWERS at special rates.

So why not get a group together and have some fun!

CONTACT - Yvonne 01984 629268 [email protected]

Page 35: March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email or contact Judy or Michael Milne on 01823 672205 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! £1 and Under Sale


Craftsmen you can rely on, Quality you can trust...

Local Information Neighbourhood Watch Contact Numbers

Greenham & Tracebridge Caro Ayre 01823 672603 Appley Rachel Chesterton 01823 673063 Ashbrittle Charles Doble 01823 672365 Kittisford Roger Bradford 01823 672350 Stawley Pat Sweet 01823 672380 Wellisford William Thomas 01823 673143 Bathealton & Poleshill Terry McNicholas 01984 624428 Outer Bathealton Carol Weir 01984 623565 Springrove Doreen Orton 01823 400731

Police-non-emergency number 101

Police Beat Team PC Joanne Jeffery 2378 Tel:0771 7700 661 [email protected] PCSO Louise Fyne 6945 Tel:0792 0450 449 [email protected]

Parish Councils Ashbrittle Chairman Charles Doble 01823 672365or 672618 email [email protected] Bathealton Chairman Charles Eustice 01823 401248 Clerk Carol Weir 01984 623565 Stawley Chairman Clive Wall 01823 672063 Clerk Emma Lloyd 01823 673320 email: [email protected]

Community Halls

Appley Pavilion and Recreation Field – to book, ring Suzette Williams on 01823 672266 or email: [email protected] Ashbrittle Village Hall – to book, ring Pat Gainey on 01823 672760 Bathealton Village Hall – to book, ring Tilly Willis on 01984 624459

Local Groups Stawley under Fives at the Appley Pavilion. Half day and all day sessions (9.00 am to 3.00 pm) on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. For further details call 07753 552736 Wiveliscombe Young Farmers Club meets weekly. Phone Becky Hurd on 01984 623006 to find out more. Women’s Institute meets at 7.30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at Bathealton Village Hall. Phone Ann Hendy 01823 400476 for further information.

PARISH NEWS DETAILS The Editors and the next issue deadline date are on the back cover. Please send items for publication to the Editors in good time to ensure publication. There is only a short time between the deadline and the printing of the Parish News and late items may not be included. We are pleased to receive items in any form (typed, in long hand, on disk or by e-mail). Naturally, we prefer items by e-mail [email protected] when they should be in Microsoft 'Word' format, as this saves a great deal of typing! Our advertising rates are £1 per month for a small box, £2.50 for a quarter page, £5 for a half page and £10 for a whole page Advertising for community events, charity and church fundraising events in our area are normally carried free of charge. Occa-sional one-off adverts from residents in our area seeking to sell or buy an article or seeking to acquire or offer a service are also carried free of charge. In all cases the style, layout and size allocated to an advert is at the discretion of the Editors. Editors: Maurice Stanbury 01823 672216 and Hugh Tregelles 01823 672349 e-mail address: [email protected] Treasurer: Andrew Millard 01823 672015 Church illustrations derived from originals by the late Diana Willis Distribution:Graham Henson 01823 672496 Printed by SouthWest One, Taunton Tel 01823 356424

James Perry Quality Painting and Decorating

Wall & Floor Tiling, Refurbishment 25 years experience

07791 180193 or 01823 672046


Interior/Exterior Painter and Decorator 4 Abbotsfield Cottages, West Road, Wiveliscombe, Taunton TA4 2TE All types of Decorating Undertaken

Interior and Exterior Competitive Prices

Telephone: 01984 624542

Editorial Policy Please note that the views expressed in this magazine are the responsibility of the individ-ual author(s) and are not necessarily the views

held by the editors of the Parish News.

Page 36: March 2014 - Stash...April 2014. To place your order please email or contact Judy or Michael Milne on 01823 672205 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! £1 and Under Sale


March 3rd, 10th and 17th


Nordic Walking from Ashbrittle Village Hall

5th 7.30pm First day of Lent Course at Greenham Church 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th 9.30-10.30am T’ai Chi at Appley Pavilion 7th 7.30pm Traditional Wassail at Frog’s Farm, Appley 8th 2.30pm £1 and Under Sale at Bathealton Village Hall 21st 8.00pm Ashbrittle Arts Book Group at The Croft 24th 12 noon Lunch Club at Ashbrittle Village Hall 29th 8.00pm FOSS Easter Bingo at Appley Pavilion April 4th


Easter Bingo in Ashbrittle Village Hall

28th 7.00pm Wine and Cheese followed by the Annual Vestry, Annual General and PCC Meetings in Bathealton Village Hall

May 4th

FOSS and Under 5’s Car Boot Sale at Appley Pavilion

10th 2.30pm Plant Sale at Helling’s Farm, Bathealton

July 12th


Kittisford Barn Dance at Newhouse Farm

September 14th


Stawley Flower Show

26th Curry by Candlelight at Bathealton Village Hall

14th 8.00pm Kittisford PCC AGM at Newhouse Farm

14th 2.30pm Annual Fete at Court Place Farm, Stawley 29th 6.30pm Annual Gift Day Service in St Bartholomew’s Church, Bathealton

June 4th

Coffee Morning at Coates Farm

24th 7.30pm Appley Pavilion AGM at the Pavilion

Next Deadline Date: Friday 21st March 2014

Editors Hugh and Maurice