March 2013 - VAFCC Newsletter

VAFCC 2013 Conferences MARCH 2013 News from VAFCC VAFCC Staff Linda D. Wilkinson, MPA CEO [email protected] Judy Griffin Director of Resource Development [email protected] Rob Bradley, LCSW Director of Membership Support [email protected] Linda Pretlow Business Manager [email protected] Melanie Hofe Administrative Assistant [email protected] Inside this issue: State Funds 2 Definition Change 4 Fundraising Tips 5 VA Healthcare Innovators 7 SUPER HEROES 8 VA Risk 2 10-12 E H R Update 13 Community Platform Site 14 ED Conference - March 14-17 Fredericksburg - Hospitality House You can still register...but time is running out! Registration closes Friday, March 8, 2013. ROOMS: Our host hotel is completely booked, but rooms are available at the Homewood Suites (5 minutes away). Call 540-786-9700 to make a reservation. Tell them you are with VAFCC. Rate is $109/night COST: $150/person CLICK HERE to register Limited scholarships of $100 are Linda Wilkinson Annual Conference - November 17-19 Roanoke - Hotel Roanoke We are excited to hold another joint conference with the Virginia Rural Health Association. The Conference Planning Committee has already started planning a first class event! Thanks to the members of the VAFCC serving on this committee: ~Diane Kelly, Roanoke Valley Mental Health Care Collaborative ~Carla Santos, Bradley Free Clinic ~April Taylor, Orange County Free Clinic ~Helen Ferguson, Rescue Mission Ministries ~Kathryn Sims Cross, Charlottesville Free Clinic Registration for the conference will be available by late July. A dedicated webpage for the Hotel Roanoke will be set up for room reservations. To help you budget attending, please note that the combined cost of rooms & conference registration will be close to 2012.


Monthly newsletter for the free clinic staff and volunteers in Virginia

Transcript of March 2013 - VAFCC Newsletter

Page 1: March 2013 - VAFCC Newsletter

VAFCC 2013 Conferences

MARCH 2013

News from VAFCC VAFCC Staff

Linda D. Wilkinson, MPA


[email protected]

Judy Griffin

Director of Resource


[email protected]

Rob Bradley, LCSW

Director of Membership


[email protected]

Linda Pretlow

Business Manager

[email protected]

Melanie Hofe

Administrative Assistant

[email protected]

Inside this issue:

State Funds 2







VA Healthcare




VA Risk 2 10-12

E H R Update 13


Platform Site


ED Conference - March 14-17

Fredericksburg - Hospitality House

You can still register...but time is running out!

Registration closes Friday, March 8, 2013.

ROOMS: Our host hotel is completely booked,

but rooms are available at the Homewood Suites (5 minutes away).

Call 540-786-9700 to make a reservation. Tell them you are with

VAFCC. Rate is $109/night

COST: $150/person CLICK HERE to register

Limited scholarships of $100 are Linda Wilkinson

Annual Conference - November 17-19

Roanoke - Hotel Roanoke

We are excited to hold another joint conference

with the Virginia Rural Health Association. The

Conference Planning Committee has already

started planning a first class event! Thanks to

the members of the VAFCC serving on this


~Diane Kelly, Roanoke Valley Mental Health Care Collaborative

~Carla Santos, Bradley Free Clinic

~April Taylor, Orange County Free Clinic

~Helen Ferguson, Rescue Mission Ministries

~Kathryn Sims Cross, Charlottesville Free Clinic

Registration for the conference will be available by late July. A

dedicated webpage for the Hotel Roanoke will be set up for room

reservations. To help you budget attending, please note that the

combined cost of rooms & conference registration will be close to


Page 2: March 2013 - VAFCC Newsletter

Page 2 News from VAFCC

Anticipated State Funds Reports & Distribution

Based on our current contract with the Virginia Department of Health, we anticipate the

following deadlines for funding reports for FY2012-2013 and quarterly disbursements:

Please note that report deadlines and disbursement schedules are subject to change depending

on VDH. VAFCC cannot release quarterly funding to clinics that have not paid their previous quar-

ter’s Management Fees or satisfactorily completed the required VDH report. Reports should be

typed and emailed to [email protected]. Contact VAFCC staff if you have questions

about reports.

Effective July 1, 2014, the Board of Directors has approved the following modification

to the State Funds Funding Formula: “… The allocation methodology shall not permit

disbursement of State Funds to any member whose disbursement would represent more

than 50% of their annual operating budget for the clinic.”

It is the hope of the VAFCC that member clinics will create and foster diverse, sustaina-

ble funding to support on-going costs at the clinics. VAFCC is committed to providing

support and technical assistance to member clinics in the area of resource development.

• For information or questions about resource development, please contact Judy Griffin,

Director of Resource Development, [email protected].

• For information about State Funds distributions, please contact Linda

Wilkinson at [email protected] or phone 804-340-3434.

Date Due Approximate Disbursement

3-15-13 Management Fees due from Second Quarter FY2012-13

4-12-13 Third Quarter FY2012-13 report due to VAFCC

5-24-13 Third Quarter FY2012-13 sent to clinics

6-15-13 Management Fees due from Third Quarter FY2012-13

6-10-13 11 month report for VDH due to VAFCC for FY2012-13

7-15-13 Annual report for FY2012-13 for VDH due to VAFCC

7-25-13 Final Fourth Quarter FY2012-13 sent to clinics

8-15-13 Management Fees due from Fourth Quarter FY2012-13

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How to accurately and simply complete the

quarterly reports for VAFCC and VDH

Friday, March 29, 2013


Conference #1-877-484-2089, code 8043403435#

No RSVP required

REPORTS - State Funds & COPN

Medicaid Tool Available for Free Clinics

On the January 18 Road to Reform webinar, Community Health Solutions (Dr. Steve Horan) introduced a concept for a Medicaid revenue tool to assist clinics with a cost-benefit analysis for accepting Medicaid payments. The tool is now posted in the Road to Reform Community (see 2013 Medicaid Revenue Tool in the Knowledge & Tools space).

To access the tool upon login, click this link:

Community Health Solutions can assist if you have any questions or suggestions related to the tool:

Dr. Stephen Horan, Community Health Solutions

Phone 804.673.0166 or [email protected]

VAFCC and the VHCF are pleased to continue the Road to Reform initiative for the

benefit of member clinics.

State Funds Reporting - Teleconference

Because there are so many member clinics reporting on

state funds and COPN distributions, it is very helpful to

VAFCC staff if reports are typed so we can read the

information, but also the data can be cut and pasted into

final documents submitted to VDH. This will also minimize

errors in transcribing numbers. Thank you for typing all

responses on reports.

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Page 4 News from VAFCC

Recommended Definition Change

The VAFCC Board of Directors is eager to receive clinic Executive Director candidate and community leader nominations to the Board. Please contact Linda Wilkinson at VAFCC and/or Cathy Lewis, Board Development Chair, for information about board terms, responsibilities, and qualifications needed. Linda can be reached at VAFCC, phone 804-340-3434 or [email protected] and Cathy can be reached at [email protected].

Nominations for the Board of Directors

At the January 25, 2013 meeting of the Board of Directors, the Board voted unanimously to

present the following Definition of a Free Clinic to the members for consideration at the Execu-

tive Director Conference on March 14, 2013, 3:30p.m.:

Free and charitable clinics are safety-net health care organizations that utilize a volunteer/

staff model to provide a range of medical, dental, pharmacy, vision and/or behavioral health

services to economically disadvantaged individuals. Such clinics are 501(c)(3) tax-exempt or-

ganizations, or operate as a program component or affiliate of a 501(c)(3) organization.

Entities that otherwise meet the above definition, but charge a nominal/sliding fee to patients,

may still be considered free or charitable clinics provided essential services are delivered re-

gardless of the patient's ability to pay. Free or charitable clinics restrict eligibility for their ser-

vices to individuals who are uninsured, underinsured and/or have limited or no access to pri-

mary, specialty or prescription health care. (Adopted by the NAFCC in 2011)

The VAFCC current definition of a Free Clinic is: Free clinics are volunteer-based, safety net

health care organizations that provide a range of medical, dental, pharmacy, and/or behavior-

al health services to economically disadvantaged individuals who are predominately unin-


Free clinics are 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations, or operate as a program component or

affiliate of a 501(c)(3) organization. Entities that otherwise meet the above definition, but charge a nominal fee to patients, may still be considered free clinics provided essential ser-vices are delivered regardless of the patient's ability to pay. (Adopted 4/2011)

The VAFCC Board of Directors is proposing this change to better reflect the change in current,

and possibly future, members, and to recognize the evolution of the health care delivery sys-

tem in our communities. A change in the Definition of Clinic must be approved by a 2/3 ma-

jority vote of voting members per the Bylaws, Article XI. This proposed definition change will

be presented at the March 14, 2013 Executive Director Conference.

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Page 5

Citizens of the Year!

Golden Bethune-Hill and Charlie Hill,

co-founders of the Community Free Clinic

of Newport News, are the Daily Press

Citizens of the Year. Congratulations to

both of them! Click here to read the full


1. Stage a Board Member Thank-a-Thon

2. Never Apply for a Grant Without Contacting the Foundation First

3. Make Specific and Direct Asks for Money

4. Map Donations to Impact

5 Make Your Donation Button Shine

6. Create and Tap Your Social Network

7. Pursue In-Kind Donations, Contributed Media, and Technical


8. Apply for a Google Grant

9. Create a Winning Budget

10. Understand the Social Capital Market

Read the entire article here!

Top 10 Fundraising Tips

Estelle Avner, of the Bradley Free Clinic wants to begin

a discussion with other clinics about Patients’

Responsibilities. Please visit the Road to Reform

Support Community to read her thoughts and

join the conversation.

Page 6: March 2013 - VAFCC Newsletter

Page 6 News from VAFCC

Group Health Insurance...Are You In?

VAFCC is actively working on offering our member clinics an opportunity to form a group, specifically for the purpose of obtaining affordable health care insur-ance for clinic staff. We need to first get an idea of the interest level of the member clinics. If you are interested in possibly participating, please contact Linda Pretlow at [email protected].

Please respond no later than Monday, March 11th.

More details will be provided at our ED Conference in

Fredericksburg. Thank you.

AMA Foundation Healthy Communities

The AMA Foundation Announces

2013-14 Healthy Communities/Healthy America Grant Funds for diabetes

management & education

for free clinics.

Letter of Inquiry is due by

March 15, 2013

Click on their logo for information.

Flu Vaccine 2013 - 2014

The Virginia Department of Health has

agreed to provide FREE flu

vaccine to VAFCC member clinics for

2013-14. A form to place your order

will be emailed out to every clinic in

early March. Please note that the

deadline to return this form is

April 5, 2013, end of business day.

After that, requests will no longer be


Please review the VA Poverty Law Center’s Medicaid Expansion Policy webinar slides on the online Road to Reform Support Community (see page 14 for login instructions)

Page 7: March 2013 - VAFCC Newsletter

2013 Virginia Healthcare Innovators Awards

Presented by Virginia Healthcare Innovators Council, Inc. Sponsored by Virginia Chamber of Commerce


The 2013 Virginia Healthcare Innovators Awards honor Virginia providers and organizations/entities that have developed innovative ways to improve quality and/or efficiency. The Virginia Cham-ber of Commerce will once again host the awards event at its Virginia Health Care Conference on June 6, 2013.

We're pleased to announce that enhancements have been made to this year's program. Finalists will be featured in a printed booklet distributed at the awards event. All non-winning finalists will also re-ceive a certificate plaque memorializing their achievement in their category. As in the past, winners will be presented with an award during the event program.

Nominations are now underway, and until March 22, 2013, will be accepted via an online form, which can be found at Please consider nominating organizations/entities that you feel have developed breakthrough products, processes or services with the potential to revolutionize healthcare in Virginia. We permit self-nominations and repeat prior nominations, even of previous winners. Prior nominees are eligible, however, only if the innovation has demonstrated success/significant external validation since January 1, 2012 (e.g., improved patient outcomes, cost savings, improved access to care, successful clinical trial, regulatory approval, obtained funding, etc.).

Leadership, demonstrated through excellence in innovation, will be judged in each of the following categories:

• Patient Care

• Medical Product or Device

• Health Information Technology

• Employee Health

A panel of judges, comprising representatives of the member organizations and other healthcare pro-fessionals, will review the nominations and select the winners.

We invite you to be a part of this exciting way to recognize Virginia organizations/entities that dedicate themselves to improving quality and enhancing the efficiency of healthcare delivery to the Common-wealth's citizens.

For more information, please visit

Page 7

Page 8: March 2013 - VAFCC Newsletter

Come and reveal your true “Superhero” identity at the VAFCC After Dinner ED’s Social – Thursday, March 14, 2013. Please join other superheroes in fighting for the uninsured by day and painting the town by night. Guaranteed to be a FUN evening. Be sure to bring & wear your costume for this event!

By Wikipedia Definition: “A superhero (sometimes rendered super-hero or super hero) is a type of stock character possessing "extraordinary or superhuman powers" and dedicated to protecting the public.

By most definitions, characters do not strictly require actual super-human powers to be deemed superheroes, although terms such as costumed crime fighters or masked vigilantes are sometimes used to refer to those such as Batman and Green Arrow without such powers who share other common superhero traits.”

Normally, superheroes use their powers to counter day-to-day crime while also combating threats against humanity by supervillains, their criminal counterparts. Come and share some of your very own secret superpowers in fighting healthcare with the other fellow supporting cast of characters.

Please bring your wrapped gift valued at $20 for our crazy gift exchange.

Your Partners in Fighting Healthcare,

Vicki McClelland & Donna DeJarnette P.S. All ED’s and their guests are invited to this event!

Calling all Superheroes!

Page 8 News from VAFCC

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Page 9

Teresa Gardner

Celebrating 20 Years!

Helen Scott, Executive Director of Healing Hands Health Center

was invited to be a guest at the National Prayer Breakfast.

Click here to read the entire story of her experience.

Trip to Washington D.C. for National

Prayer Breakfast

Show Your Love With a Cupcake

Donated cupcakes delivered for Valentine’s Day is

a growing fundraiser for the Healing Hands Health

Center in Bristol. Their volunteers make it


Read more!

VAFCC 20th Anniversary Gala

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Westin Richmond at West Broad and I-64

This black tie event will be a celebration of the

VAFCC as the oldest free clinic association in the

country. Mark your calendars now and plan to join

us for this very special evening.

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Page 10 News from VAFCC

VAFCC Risk Management Teleconference with

Don Lemond, Director of Risk Management,

Virginia Dept. of the Treasury

Risk Management/Malpractice in Medicaid Billing

NOTES – Q&A prepared by Linda Wilkinson

Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 9am


Would a free clinic that enrolls in Virginia Medicaid and accepts payment for certain covered services from DMAS/MCOs continue to qualify for cov-

erage under Va. Code 2.2-1839 as an entity engaged in the “delivery of health care services without charge?” Answer

Yes, as long as the charges to the patient are “either free or reasonable/minimal fee is charged

to cover administrative cost.” (§2.2-1839) Reasonable fees should be determined by individual clinic; “double digit” fees may receive scrutiny, but typical Medicaid co-payments or co-insurance

would not preclude coverage under VaRisk or VaRisk2.


Would a free clinic that establishes a wholly-owned subsidiary that enrolls in Virginia Medicaid

and accepts payment for certain covered services from DMAS continue to qualify for coverage under Va. Code 2.2-1839 as an entity engaged in the “delivery of health care services without charge?”


Yes, see Question above


Are all volunteer providers covered under VaRisk?


All volunteer licensed health providers (e.g. physicians, NPs, RNs, LCSWs, LPCs, etc.) are covered

for liability under the Division of Risk Management program (Virginia Code §54.1-106) at no cost.

Medical malpractice insurance is provided to registered volunteer providers regardless if the clinic

itself covered through the Division of Risk Management. Paid providers can be insured, for a fee,

under VARisk2 (Virginia Code §2.2-1839). The VaRisk2 plan provides coverage for tort liability,

errors and omissions, and medical malpractice.


Are the benefits the same under VaRisk for volunteers as they are under VaRisk2 for paid



~No, the free liability coverage for volunteer health care practitioners working in/for a free clinic

includes only malpractice (see for more


~VaRisk2 for paid providers includes tort liability, errors & omissions, and medical

malpractice (for more information about VaRisk2 see


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Are volunteer providers who treat free clinic patients covered under VaRisk (Virginia

Code §54.1-106)?


~Yes, if they are REGISTERED with the Department of Treasury/Division of Risk Management. According to the Dept. of Treasury, “coverage is NOT effective (for volunteers) unless the clinic at which the volunteer serves has registered him or her with the Division of Risk Management.” To register volunteer providers (including

retired physicians), follow the instructions for Civitas: (You will need license # for provider)

~If volunteer providers treating patients at their offices are not registered with DRM,

their private/commercial malpractice would have to cover them for any/all malpractice

claims. This could adversely impact volunteers not only from a cost perspective, but

also their willingness to voluntarily treat patients. Free Clinics should evaluate the ben-

efits of registering ALL volunteer providers with their legal counsel and board of direc-

tors and volunteer providers.


How do you register a hospital with the Division of Risk Management (DRM)?


DRM will accept a written agreement between the hospital and free clinic for In-patient

and Out-Patient services provided by volunteer physicians. Lackey and Gloucester-

Mathews will share their agreements with VAFCC for distribution.


How long are providers covered by the Division of Risk Management if they are regis-

tered by a free clinic?


Indefinitely; they receive lifetime coverage for incidents occurring while they are

providing services for the clinic. Coverage is provided on an Occurrence Basis. The

provider’s license must be current while working for a free clinic.


Will the Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) accept VaRisk and/or VaRisk2?


Uncertain at this time other than a response from Anthem (below). VAFCC will verify

with MCOs and report back to members. Linda Wilkinson has contacted the Virginia

Association of health Plans. According to Anthem’s Corporate Credentialing, the CSBs

use VaRisk & VaRisk2 for malpractice coverage. A certificate of coverage needs to be

attached to Medicaid Provider Application. VAFCC will report back to members as soon

as definitive information is available from other MCOs.


Is a wellness program covered by DRM under either VaRisk or VaRisk2?


Yes, it would be covered under the VaRisk2 program covering the clinic.



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Page 12

Resources for Risk Management

Page 12 News from VAFCC


Department of the Treasury, Division of Risk Management P.O. Box 1879

Richmond, VA 23218-1879

DON Lemond, Director

Phone 804-225-2142 or 804-225-4620

VaRisk for Volunteer Health Care Providers, §54.1-106

VaRisk2 for Paid Health Care Providers, §2.2-1839

Page 13: March 2013 - VAFCC Newsletter

Page 13

E H R Update from Rob Bradley

Let me take this opportunity to provide a quick over-

view of the VAFCC Electronic Health Record initiative.

As a result of the EHR proposal evaluation, three ven-

dors, of six that submitted proposals, met the

requirements: SuccessEHS, AllScripts and NextGEN.

The three vendors have been providing several online

demos for clinical and administrative staff to become

familiar with the various products, with the hope that

one of the three will meet your individual clinic needs.

On Friday March 15, 2013 from 8:45am to 10am at the Executive Director’s Conference

the Electronic Health Record Task Force will provide the membership with a detailed over-

view of the EHR selection process, funding updates and key next steps.

The Task Force (comprised of Dave Baldwin, Karen Dulaney, Kay Bradley, and Rob Marino)

has worked extremely hard to get the VAFCC to this point and now respectfully asks that

those clinics interested in implementing an Electronic Health Record to please review

and sign the Letter of Intent and complete the clinic profile emailed on February

27th by March 21, 2013. This will allow the VAFCC to know how many clinics are possibly

interested in each of the three health records’ systems and will help VAFCC negotiate the

best possible price and terms with selected vendors. If you know that you are not interest-

ed in participating in this initiative, please let me know as soon as possible. Thank you for

your support with this matter.

Remaining EHR Demos - please encourage Clinical staff to participate in one demo per

vendor – please contact Rob Bradley at VAFCC with EHR questions (phone 804-340-3434

or [email protected])

• Option 5 NextGEN EHR (this is the 5th demo for NextGen)

• When: Monday, March 11, 2013 - 12:00-2:00pm

• Meeting Number: 577 621 319

• Call-in toll-free number: 1-855-818-9814

• Meeting Password: vafc_ehr55

To join this meeting

1. Go to

2. If requested, enter your name and email address

3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: vafc_ehr55

• SuccessEHS EHR Demo Dates (choose from one of these dates)

March 12th @10am EST

March 13th @ Noon EST

Each of these overview sessions will last about an hour in duration with questions fol-

lowing each presentation. SuccessEHS can also accommodate individual demonstra-

tions with each group as needed. Please have each member organization email me to

register for each session: [email protected] or call 1-888-879-7302 ext. 1325.

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Page 14 News from VAFCC

Quick Start Guide for the Road to Reform Support Community

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Page 15

Page 16: March 2013 - VAFCC Newsletter

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 35720

N. Chesterfield, VA



711 Moorefield Park Dr.

Suite C

N. Chesterfield, VA


Phone: 804-340-3434

Fax: 804-340-3435

Virginia Association

of Free and

Charitable Clinics

Jeannie Nelson

Northern Neck Free

Health Clinic

Sean Riley

McKesson Medical

Erika Viccellio

Charlottesville Free


Laura D. Windsor

Troutman Sanders LLP

Pat Young

Community Works


Colin Drozdowski

Anthem Blue Cross

& Blue Shield


Margaret Hersh

Augusta Regional Free



Darryl J. Pirok, DDS


M. Caroline Martin


A. Michelle Brauns, MS,


Free Clinic of the New

River Valley

Bill Gayne

UVA Health System

Cathy Lewis, MPH







State Funds/




VAFCC Board of Directors

We’re on the web

The mission of the VAFCC

is to support, strengthen,

and advocate for Free

Clinics as they deliver

quality health care to

Virginia’s low-income,

uninsured and

underinsured residents.

Need the NEW VAFCC Logo?

Please contact Judy Griffin at 804-340-3434 or [email protected] if you need either our 20th Anniversary Logo or our standard logo. She can email them to you in various formats, depending on your needs.