March 2013 Newsletter

` 120 WEST MAIN STREET, NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 Church Phone: 717-354-0226 Church Fax: 717- 354-7942 Website: Pastor: Ray Voran Pastor Email: [email protected] MARCH 2013 Thy Kingdom come.” We say these three words almost every Sunday as part of the Lord’s Prayer, but what do they mean? It seems like a good thing to hope that God’s kingdom is established and that its boundaries and sphere of influence increases (it must be a good thing -- Jesus told us to pray that it happens) but what will it look like when it does happen? What are we really praying for? Well, first one thing we are not praying for – as wonderful as this sounds, Jesus is not talking about a nation here on earth that is governed according to the standards of God’s holiness. God will see to it that takes place in paradise one day as we fellowship with the saints. However, that simply will not happen here on earth – you cannot pass laws that force people to live Godly, holy lives because much of the Godliness takes place on the inside where laws have no effect. And Jesus tells Pilate in John 18:36 that His kingdom is not of this world. God’s kingdom is not a place you can find on a map. So then, what is it and how does God’s kingdom come? We talked about several short parables Jesus used to describe what the kingdom of heaven is like: a mustard seed, yeast in a batch of dough. God’s kingdom is always growing, but that growth often takes place away from the spotlights – at times we are not


NHUMC Newsletter

Transcript of March 2013 Newsletter

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` 120 WEST MAIN STREET, NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 Church Phone: 717-354-0226 Church Fax: 717-354-7942 Website: Pastor: Ray Voran Pastor Email: [email protected]

MARCH 2013

“Thy Kingdom come.” We say these three words almost every Sunday as part of the Lord’s Prayer, but what do they mean? It seems like a good thing to hope that God’s kingdom is established and that its boundaries and sphere of influence increases (it must be a good thing -- Jesus told us to pray that it happens) but what will it look like when it does happen? What are we really praying for?

Well, first one thing we are not praying for – as wonderful as this sounds, Jesus is not talking about a nation here on earth that is governed according to the standards of God’s holiness. God will see to it that takes place in paradise one day as we fellowship with the saints. However, that simply will not happen here on earth – you cannot pass laws that force people to live Godly, holy lives because much of the Godliness takes place on the inside where laws have no effect. And Jesus tells Pilate in John 18:36 that His kingdom is not of this world. God’s kingdom is not a place you can find on a map. So then, what is it and how does God’s kingdom come?

We talked about several short parables Jesus used to describe what the kingdom of heaven is like: a mustard seed, yeast in a batch of dough. God’s kingdom is always growing, but that growth often takes place away from the spotlights – at times we are not even aware of it until we see its effects (like yeast, for example). In addition, the kingdom of heaven exists within us. It advances in influence as individuals like us give Him control of our lives. God’s kingdom grows as we grow in holiness and righteousness.

And like a treasure in in field or a pearl of great worth, God’s kingdom is valuable. In fact, it is so valuable that a prudent investor will sell everything else he or she has in order to own the kingdom. Now, of course, we cannot actually purchase salvation, but this means that knowing God and belonging to Him is so much better than anything else life has to offer. It is worth surrendering all other hopes, aspirations and possessions.

Right now we are in the middle of Lent. Of course, we take this time of year to be especially aware of Christ’s love for us and His willingness to suffer on our behalf. In addition to giving up a favorite food or activity, may this also be a time when we see God’s kingdom come in the way we commit to knowing and following Him as individuals and as His church!

Pastor Ray

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Our Worship Servicestarts at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday.Sunday School is at 10:15 a.m.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Saturday IGNITE service

starts at 4:00 p.m. with fellowship;service at 4:30 p.m.

Contacting Pastor Ray ~ email: [email protected] Home: (717) 656-0812 Cell: (717)333-6939

Look for me on Facebook: Ray Voran

You Are InvitedTo Educational Seminars

The LED committee has recognized that one worthwhile goal for the church is to offer education-type seminars from time to time.

One topic that is often on people’s minds (especially during tax season) is money and budgeting. Along those lines, Mel Pankuch, former president of Blue Ball bank (yes, that was several name changes ago!) will be offering a class on Christian stewardship and budgeting.

The class will meet here for seven sessions beginning in mid-April. It is ideal, though not necessary to attend each session. There is no cost and everyone in the church and community is invited

Sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board. The exact day and time of the class will be determined by those who plan to attend.

Contact Pastor Ray with any questions.

Maundy ThursdayThe Worship committee here at New

Holland UMC has decided that we should combine with the New Holland EUM Church for our Maundy Thursday worship service. This year that service will be at EUM on Thursday, March 28, at 7:30 p.m. I hope many are able to attend as we remember our

Lord’s last Supper with His disciples, as well as the arrest and passion of Jesus. -- Pastor Ray

The Food Bank ofELANCO Social Services Network

Once again the New Holland Food Bank needs some help in restocking their shelves. Bring your donations and fill the shopping cart that is outside the sanctuary on the upper level.

Listed below are many food items that are on their priority list:

canned meat (tuna, chicken, turkey) boxed meals (like Hamburger Helper) boxed potatoes rice pancake mix and syrup 2-lb. boxes granulated sugar juices – bottled or powdered canned pasta baked beans canned fruit

They also have a few non-food items that are desperately needed:

laundry detergent paper products (toilet paper, paper

towels, and tissues) shampoo toothpaste

Thanks for your assistance to those who are struggling in this uncertain economy.

Regular EventsKnit Wits – Every Saturday, 1:00-2:30 p.m.Knepper Care Group – Every other Monday

at 7:00 p.m. (check calendar)Naval Care Group – Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 9:00


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Community Senior Center – Second Thursday, 10:00 Seniors meet at Yoder’s Restaurant – Third

Saturday, 11:15 a.m. Burgers-n-Bibles –First Thursday, 11:30 a.m., at

Wendy’s RestaurantLUMINA ministry – Second Thursday

June Book SaleOur annual book sale is a few months

away – but it is not too soon to begin bringing your gently used books in for the sale. There is one completely empty table in the book room and anyone wishing to so can unload any books you are willing to donate onto that table. We are in need of some more current books! Thank you all for helping out! Let’s have a great sale!!

-- Loretta Zimmerman

A Few AnnouncementsFrom Pastor Ray

The trustees are changing the locks at the church. Your keys will still open the exterior doors, but new keys will be needed for the church office, Pastor’s study and sound room. We will make sure that the people who need to get into these rooms will receive the appropriate keys. While there is not an exact date set, the change will take place sometime in mid-March.

The Lifeline medical screening was a big success at NHUMC on January 31. A total of 75-80 people participated. Thank you very much to Win Hall who was here almost the whole day greeting and providing directions.

We hope you are appreciating the banners decorating the sanctuary during our Lenten Journey this season. Thank you to Tim Hess, Nannette Longenecker, Sheilia Arment and Ellie Arment for all their hard work!

Easter Offering For 2013

Our special holiday of Easter is coming quickly upon us -- the special time each year we get to praise the Lord for His resurrection from death and entrance into Heaven.

The Finance Committee has selected Larry and Jane Kies, our missionaries in Zimbabwe, as the recipients of our Easter Offering. The Kies have done wonderful work for the people of Africa through the Africa University. Our continued support of the Kies family has been exciting as we have watched them grow in the Lord and give many blessings to the students and families they work with each year. We ask that you pray and allow the Lord to guide you in your Easter Offering. – Sandi Rapp


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Prayer and Praise

Zoe Hostetter, 4-yr-old granddaughter of Betty Hostetter, recuperating from medical complication

Alice Weiler, recovering from fall, fractured ribs and injured shoulder

Pat Knepper, recovering from surgery Ivan Frybarger, interstitial lung disease Eileen McComas, health issues Mary Lou Good, neighbor of Dave and Judy

Trost, treatment for cancer Everyone who has been affected by recent

snow storms in New England, Hurricane Sandy; recovery efforts in New Jersey and New York


Thank you to all who contributed to our Mitten Tree in December. The gloves, scarves, hats and mittens were graciously received by the staff at the Welsh Mountain Medical and Dental Center and distributed to their patients.

– Cathy Williams

Cheers to those who donated used ink cartridges in the past year to our church. With your donation the church was able

to save $120 at Staples in 2012. Thank you! -- Sandi Rapp, Finance Chair

Thank you for the prayers, cards, and phone calls following my surgery and recuperation. They were much appreciated. – Pat Knepper

Thank you all so very much for all your thoughtfulness shown to me during my recovery time from my fall. Your prayers, cards and calls have all been so very much appreciated. It’s so nice to know others are thinking of you when things like this happen. I’ll look forward to seeing you all again as soon as possible. – Alice Weiler


At long last Graham and I are in our new home in Leland, North Carolina. We are still inundated with boxes, having just moved in 3 days ago, but already we can tell we will love our new home. While living in limbo in Virginia for the past 7 weeks Graham sang in the church choir. He thoroughly enjoyed it and even got a private voice lesson; but it made him miss his “choir buddies” at home in New Holland.

Another friend presented us with the gift of two quarts of church-made Brunswick stew, which they “canned” in tin cans! We also attended church one Sunday at a small Baptist Church at which Graham’s great-grandfather had been the pastor around 1860. He is buried in the cemetery there.

Thanks for your friendly cards. We hope to begin our search for a church here soon.

Love you and miss you, Jane and Graham Webster


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Mar. 3 Donna Sandoe & Nesta Petit-tonMar. 10 Selma Wells & Neika Boisrond Mar. 17 Cathy Williams & Nick BoisrondMar. 24 Pat Williams & Beatrice GauthierMar. 31 Loretta Zimmerman & Vanapolie

GauthierLay Readers

Mar. 3 Julie Mitton Mar. 10 Ginny Smith Mar. 17 Pat Williams Mar. 24 Joyce Wilbur Mar. 31 Tim Hess

Free Community Meals5:30 – 6:30 p.m.March 21, 2013

Third Thursday of every monthRanck’s United Methodist Church

at the New Holland United Methodist Church

Dinner is served with all ages welcome.-- Dee Kopicz, Outreach Chair at Ranck’s United Methodist Church (610-223-8207)

Birthdays:Mar. 1 Elizabeth WagnerMar. 2 Frank LudwigMar. 3 Cathy WilliamsMar. 6 Jean Tryson Mar. 9 Guy Petit-tonMar. 16 Fred NavalMar. 17 Ralph McComasMar. 18 David HallMar. 20 Mabel Ludwig Mar. 21 Barbara Lyman Mar. 23 Lois Seldomridge Mar. 24 Raymond Welk Mar. 25 Gary Zimmerman Mar. 29 Vanapolie Gauthier Mar. 30 Ethel Ludwig


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Mar. 31 Linda Deamer

Anniversaries: Mar. 31 John and Barbara Mask

Please call the church office (354-0226) so we can update our records if your name was missed.

You Are InvitedTo a Missions Conference

The Missions Commission at EUMC has invited NHUMC to attend their conference on March 16 and 17. This year’s theme is “As the Father hath sent me, so send I you” (John 20:21), with Bruce and Deb Heffner as the speakers.

Bruce and Deb have been privileged to serve the Lord for many years in countries like Hungary, Romania, Bahamas, etc., and also live here in PA. Bruce has a passion for the Lord and loves, not only to preach, but to play his trumpet and sing. Sometimes you hear Bruce and his trumpet music on WDAC radio.

Bruce and Deb have suggested a project with which you might want to get involved.

One of the ministries that they work with makes “pillow case dresses” for little girls,

and this group is always in need of supplies. So here are the supplies that are needed:

pillow cases

fabric (about 1 yard)

ribbon (1-2 inches wide)


iron on appliques

thread – mostly white

This group distributes these dresses throughout the poor in the Bahama Islands. We just need to collect the supplies. Take your donations to EUMC.

Another aspect of the conference will be a panel of some church members who have gone on mission trips.

Please put Saturday evening, March 16, at 5:30 p.m., on your calendars. We look forward to your prayerful participation! May God touch our hearts through this year’s Missions Conference.


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