March 11, 2013 Interview with Richard’s...

Copyright © 2013 You Wealth Revolution. All rights reserved. March 11, 2013 Interview with Richard Gordon Ascending Past the Matrix: Choosing Unlimited Abundance

Transcript of March 11, 2013 Interview with Richard’s...

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March 11, 2013

Interview with Richard Gordon

Ascending Past the Matrix: Choosing Unlimited Abundance

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Copyright © 2013 Om Freely. All rights reserved.

Darius: Hello and welcome, everyone. This is Darius Barazandeh. You’re tuning into the You Wealth Revolution Instant Awakenings. Part of our premise here is that when we get new information and we get a new idea, when we get a new perspective, our lives can literally awaken. It can change. We can transform almost instantaneously. In fact, I believe at a microcosm level, that new information creates an instant awakening because we can’t go back to the old level of awareness with that new information and vibration now in our awareness and consciousness. That’s exactly what we’re going to be doing here with Richard Gordon.

I am very excited because as I spent time talking with him, it’s been a little while since Richard has been on. I’ve got to tell you things are exploding, and he is going to be sharing some very powerful that will allow you to rediscover the lost and forgotten unknown powers and abilities that you have and activate healing powers that you can use to serve the planet. This is the real deal. This is big, big news. We’re also going to be doing some very powerful heart activation stuff towards the end, so get ready for that.

I don’t want to waste a moment. This is going to be one of those calls you will never forget. We are all very excited. Please share this at You can listen in to the webcast. You also are going to want to submit questions and what’s going on as you listen to the webcast because we’re going to have this incredible heart activation and this heart energy that’s going to be sent. I want to hear what happens to you when you experience that.

Okay. Let me get started. Without further adieu, we’re going to talk about The New Human, how to rediscover your lost, forgotten, and unknown abilities. Richard Gordon has 38 years of experience in the field of holistic health and is considered a visionary and pioneer of energy healing. He is a bestselling author of Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal, published in 17 languages, and Your Healing Hands: The Polarity Experience, published in 10 languages. He is the founder of The Quantum-Touch Organization. He has spoken and taught worldwide at medical centers, conferences, chiropractic colleges, and he has been on faculty at The Heartwood Institute and The Holistic Health Institute.

Dr. Norman Shealy MD and Ph.D., founding president of The American Medical Association, clinically tested and endorsed what we’re going to be talking about here, the Quantum-Touch, calling “the first technique that may truly allow all of us to become healers.” The Quantum-Touch has currently certified practitioners in over 50 countries and over 300 practitioners instruction around the world around the world. Richard is always exploring new ways to make healing simple, powerful, and accessible and reliable to people of all ages.

Now, what we’re going to be talking about are the huge breakthroughs of Quantum-Touch 2. This may be the most important work so far because this not only is faster and more powerful, but also it puts in your hands the ability to transform your life in the world. We’re going to be talking about that, and I want to ask a few questions. What if you could learn right now that you have deep talents and abilities that are so profound they may even be beyond your understanding as we start this call? What if you could discover a whole new way of living by unlocking your unknown lost and even forgotten abilities? What if this new way of living radically transformed your life,

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radically transformed your ability to be wealthy in the world? We’re going to talk about that in terms of being able to give and receive and be a part of an amazing new evolution of human.

We’re also going to talk about how you can get effective ways right now today – I know you’re going to feel different on this call – to raise your vibration and accelerate healing. With a ton of love and I know the energy that only the You Wealth Revolution audience can do, let’s just welcome back Richard Gordon to the You Wealth Revolution Instant Awakenings. Richard, welcome back.

Richard: Oh, thanks. It’s so great to be back again. I appreciate it.

Darius: I am very excited to have you. It’s always an honor and pleasure. Tell me what has been happening at the end of 2012 and in 2013 with this incredible breakthrough work, Quantum Touch 2.

Richard: Well, I was invited to give a keynote address at the University of Hong Kong. A lot of people there in the behavioral science department had been using Quantum-Touch successfully, and some of them were teachers. They were really excited to see what was new. When I was there, I gave a workshop, and then I gave the keynote address to about 450 people. What I’m going to share with you is much more profound than the words I am going to say because there is something really deep happening beyond what you hear.

What the story was, I wanted to demonstrate that our love is actually a real force that changes the outer reality in visible, tangible, measurable ways immediately without special equipment. What I did was I had somebody come on stage who was an expert at measuring posture, and I asked for a bunch of people to come up who had back issues. When I looked at the photograph later, there were 17 people on stage with me. I said, “I’m going to do this out loud so you can hear what I’m doing.” I first looked around at the audience, at the people on stage, and got them all in my consciousness. Then I merged them into my mind into one iconic being.

Once I had done that, which took about 15 to 20 seconds, then I just closed my eyes for a few seconds and meditated on adjusting a bone behind the nose called the sphenoid bone. After about five seconds of doing that, I said, “Okay, measure everybody,” and they were all level. Everybody’s hips became untwisted from about five seconds of meditation. Then we did the whole audience, all 450 people simultaneously. The founding director of the Department of Behavioral Science at the University of Hong Kong wrote about my book that was about to get released that this is probably the most important new publication in the world because it isn’t about adjusting posture. It’s showing that our love is actually the real force that changes the outer reality.

When people learn how to access, focus, amplify, direct, use their imagination in conjunction, then you actually see things happen that my students have coined a new word for. When the miraculous starts becoming normal, they call it normalcous because you can’t call it a miracle all the time if it happens everyday or all the time. It’s just becoming a normal miracle, the normacle.

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Darius: Wow. I’ve got to ask this. For people that are new to Quantum-Touch, let’s start with what are some of the things you’ve seen that have been astounding to you, exciting to you, or in essence really embody what Quantum-Touch is. Then let’s move into how it started and the story.

Richard: Okay. When I go to my workshops and teach classes, I ask people, “How many of you have seen something that’s totally miraculous?” Most people actually raise their hand and have had incredible experiences. For a while, I was videotaping them. Every story is so unique – the father whose daughter crushed her fingers in a slammed door, and the door was all the way closed, and in 20 minutes she’s playing hopscotch, and then she’s jumping on the ground with her fingertips.

The woman who was told she’d be blind and in a wheelchair in six months because of her severe rheumatoid arthritis and had to be yanked out of bed to even get up, she’s walking her dog for miles a day. The woman with a broken leg and her foot is twisted off to the side, and while she’s in the waiting room she runs energy into her leg. By the time she sees the doctor, it doesn’t have to be reset. It goes on and on and on. There are literally thousands. We can work across time and space. We can work at any distance. We can focus and amplify our energy in such a way that it becomes visible and meaningful in terms of its impact.

I thought I lost you for a second.

Darius: Yeah, I don’t know what happened. Did you finish the thought?

Richard: Yeah, that was the end of the thought. I was waiting for you to say something.

Darius: One of the things, I think, as you talk about running energy, let’s talk about what Quantum-Touch is essentially and how that running of the energy actually works. We talk a lot of energy here, although I’ll be honest, with all the energy work we have done, I have never seen bones move into alignment. I’ve never seen some of the things that you have shared happen. Tell me about that.

Richard: All right. We’re using the same chi, ki, prana that everybody else is using. We didn’t make up anything new here. What we are doing differently is we’re using a combination of breathing and body awareness exercises to learn to focus the energy. Then we use those breathing and body awareness exercises while we’re moving the energy, and we call that running the energy. What we’re essentially doing is raising our vibration to a very high vibration.

When two things vibrate at different frequencies all through nature, either the low one comes up, the high one comes down, or they meet in the middle. What we do is we hold the high vibration and continue raising it. We never come down to match the other person. We never entrain to them. They have to entrain to us. Then their body intelligence and spiritual intelligence does the healing that it decides to do. We like to say that the healer was the one who was sick and got well, and a great healer was someone who was very sick and got well quickly because I do not actually heal anybody else nor do I take on their condition like they show in the movies all the time. There are countless examples of that. It doesn’t have to happen. That’s Hollywood.

Even though I only live a few miles from Hollywood, it’s just Hollywood. We don’t

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have to go there. We can lift ourselves up. You are so much more powerful lifting your vibration higher and higher. If you climb in the well with somebody else, you can be twice as loud when you yell for help, but it’s not a very effective way of pulling somebody out of the well. What we’re doing is we hold that high vibration. We hold that love, that frequency of energy, and then they match your frequency.

Dr. Norm Shealy, who you mentioned was the founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association, he tested this on his most difficult chronic pain patients with 20 and 30 years of constant pain who had never been helped by any traditional or alternative therapy. He told me, he said, “I don’t have to double blind every test I do. I just have to make the test so rigorous I can’t believe anything but the outcome.” What we saw was that every single person had lasting pain relief two weeks after a single session. It was like a 30% to 70% reduction of pain in the most difficult patients who had had constant pain for decades.

Darius: Wow. Tell me about some of things you’ve seen, I guess, elevated, taken away, removed.

Richard: The laundry is so long, but we’ve gotten dozens of stories coming in from people. We’ve had laundry lists of people with terrible burns and then miraculously took all the pain away, and then it healed super fast. Just endless stories of people doing all kinds of things. For instance, I just got contacted by somebody you might find is a really good guest, Dawson Church. He’s the one who runs the EFT organization. He reviewed my new book and was very excited about it.

One day, he went to a hospital and one of his friends had severe kidney stones and they wanted to operate and he said, “Can you just wait an hour or two before the operation?” “Why would we do that?” “Well, I’m going to do some healing.” They thought he was crazy. By the way, the guy has got a Ph.D. and he does research on healing all the time. He used my technique along with a little EFT, and they couldn’t believe it because all the kidney stones had completely disappeared. They kept testing and testing the person over and over again. They spent hours testing them, and they couldn’t find any trace of kidney stones.

What really fascinates me even more than that is their lack of curiosity, you know, if you point to center field and you hit a homerun over there and they didn’t say, “Well, how did that come about?” Here he was pointing to center field saying, “Okay, we’re going to see if we can dissolve these kidney stones.” When they dissolve, they say, “Oh, that’s weird,” and they just forget about it because it doesn’t fit their belief system. This is so amazing to me that when you show people things that don’t fit their beliefs how often the cognitive dissonance, the clashing of worldviews hits them so hard that they’re not even curious.

Darius: Yeah. There’s that sort of disbelief and shock that it can’t be possible and I shouldn’t say anything or else I’m going to get somehow in trouble, or it’s going to be wrong later. It can’t predictably be that way always. That’s one of the things that I think has stood the test of time with Quantum-Touch is so many people getting so many similar results and not just you standing there and saying, “Look. I’m the guru that figured this out. Come look at me.” You actually teach people to do this, and they’re getting results. What are some of the things you’re seeing for people that actually begin

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utilizing this?

Richard: Well, this is what happens with people beginning to utilize it. These are the experiences of people utilizing it. I’m telling you that it transforms our identity as human beings. A good example of a person who has had his mind and his beliefs shaken repeatedly is one of my co-authors, Chris Duffield. He was a presidential scholar. He met the president. He is a brilliant man. He is kind of a renaissance scientist who wants to study everything about everything, and he has been my friend for over 14 years.

It took him over 10 years to start getting past his skepticism about what I was doing. We go places, and he’d see things endlessly happening. Then eventually he started being able to do it – he was willing to learn to do it himself, and he had to put aside tremendous doubt just to even be willing to try because it was so far against his beliefs. He was at a seminar, and the man is complaining at the seminar that he has had this terrible sinus problem. He can’t breath out one sinus for decades and decades since he had an accident. So Chris is just meditating, and we’re not even having to touch each other now because we’re working about three to five times faster with the New Human work, Quantum-Touch 2.0, than we ever could before.

So Chris is meditating, and right after a couple of minutes the guy interrupts and he says, “Wow. I just felt a loud snapping inside my head, and now I can breathe.” A few minutes later, we’re doing another exercise – maybe an hour or two later – and there’s a woman in the room, and we’re going into her past. Everybody is kind of holding the baby of the other person because none of us got enough love when we were growing up, got enough touch growing. We’re holding her baby, and at the end of the session that Christ gave her, she’s got tears running down her face and says, “I’ve always felt like I was missing something in my life because I never knew my dad. Now I totally get what it’s like having had a dad, and I don’t feel like I missed anything,” because we can do healing in the past.

Darius: I want to talk about the 2.0 work and how it’s different because I think that’s going to be a huge, huge breakthrough for a lot of people. One question that I’m getting from people asking is this idea that Quantum-Touch is only for the physical bone setting and moving parts, but you’re going way beyond that. Tell me about sort of the depth and breadth of what’s possible.

Richard: All right. Let’s back up for just a second. The reason I talk about bones is because I want to show something visible that’s theoretically impossible to do. That’s the only reason I’m doing that. You can work on organ systems, glands, pain, emotional places. We can work pretty much wherever you can bring your imagination. We really don’t know the limits of where this goes. We put up endless videos for a while on YouTube showing people telling their stories about wild and wonderful things that happened. There are just so many of them. We could just go on forever about what kinds of healing happens. The bottom line is the body heals itself. If you provide the energy and environment, the body can do its own self-healing.

Darius: Yes. Well, let’s talk about some of the latest stuff. We’re going to talk about the lost or unknown human abilities and The New Human. Tell me about the 2.0 work and what that has to do with these abilities. What’s the latest?

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Richard: Here’s how it started. It was about four or five years ago. I was having dinner with some friends and my friend Brian said, “Hey, Richard, why don’t you show this woman that you can adjust her hips with a light touch?” I was just about to do it and he said, “You know, I bet you can do that without touching.” I go, “Really? Funny. I’ve never tried that.” I just stood back, and I automatically knew how to do it. In one second, her hips completely leveled out and, oh, my God. I started thinking, “If we can do that, what else is possible?”

I probably had that thought thousands of times now. So we started experimenting. I thought, “Well, what if you run energy inside someone’s brain?” Deborah Gair from Scotland is out visiting California right now, and she was telling me that she first became aware of my work about 10 years ago. She had been in an auto accident going about 80 miles an hour. It was such a terrible accident, they said pretty soon she’ll never be able to walk again because she barely ambulatory. She also was not able to turn her head to the side. She watched the basic Quantum-Touch video with friends, they gave her a 10-minute session, and she has had no physical problems since.

She has since become an instructor of the Quantum-Touch work and became extremely intuitive and teaches people how to see and perceive energy now. She started working inside people’s brains with the Quantum-Touch 2.0. Here is what she reported to me: She said she worked with a man with severe bipolar condition who had been hospitalized repeatedly, and now he has no symptoms. She has worked with people addicted to cigarettes running energy in their brain, and now they’re not showing signs of addiction.

Chris Duffield, one of my co-authors, had a similar experience. He worked on a woman, and she was smoke free for a year. Then she wanted to start smoking again, so he ran the energy again, and she was able to quit again. Another one of our instructors from England, I was talking to her on Skype the other day, and she told me running energy into people’s brains. She goes to a convalescent home to visit her father, and she works on him, but she works on the other patients who are shut in, and they’re depressed. They never get out. They have no fun whatsoever. She runs energy into the pleasure centers of their brain, and they break up and start laughing and feeling really happy.

It’s just what else can you do with this stuff. We’ve been discovering a wide range of what we can only call new human abilities. You can work on multiple conditions simultaneously by use of created icons, which is a whole technique I discovered.

Darius: Icons?

Richard: Yeah. You create an icon.

Darius: Like an app or something like that?

Richard: Yeah, like an app. Let me tell you what Chris told me, and then we’ll get back to the icon thing. Chris said these new human abilities are as surprising to him as a scientist as suddenly discovering that we can fly or breathe underwater. He said it’s as if I discovered a new human operating system, and now we’re discovering all of these

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apps. The third thing he said along these lines was that these abilities – what was it? I’m spacing out. I got distracted by something. Anyways, the bottom line is these are applications that we can do and make up.

So we said, “What would happen if we tried this?” and we’re discovering this works. The third one he said was the thing he likes best about it is that it works even when he knows it won’t, even when his mind is fighting with him and saying, “Oh, this is stupid. This isn’t going to work.” He even went to a farmer’s market one day, and he made a sign. The sign said “free two-minute, no touch healing sessions.” People would approach him and say, “Okay, what are you going to do?” He’d say, “I’m just going to meditate,” and they’d say, “All right.” He would just watch their pain and issues disappear before his eyes.

Eventually, he just got past his own cognitive dissonance, his belief that these things weren’t possible. As we start exploring, new possibilities of things that we can do, we found out, like, I demonstrated that I could work on hundreds of people simultaneously, or you could work across time and space. My cat is a rescue kitten. By the time she got to be about six months old, she was still desperate for affection and crawling all over me and I thought, “This is just getting to be too much.” I was talking to a friend who is doing a primal therapy, and he’s still dealing with issues of his past around having been born with forceps. I said, “Come on, dude, let’s move on.”

While we were sitting there, I said, “Why don’t you change past?” He said, “That wouldn’t have integrity.” I said, “Let me just work on my cat.” I closed my eyes for about three or four minutes, and I just went into the past and I saw her nursing with mommy, and then I saw her being bottle fed. So I said, “Well, you don’t want that,” and I just picked her up and gave her back to mommy and ran energy as if I was working on somebody’s knee or a broken toe or whatever the issue was and just sent her love.

When I came back home, to my amazement, she’s content sitting on the other side of the room. After a couple hours, she came up and sat next to me on the couch, but there was no more desperation. Sometimes she comes in for affection for five or ten minutes, and then I’m done, and she moves on. She’s like a healthy cat now, as opposed to this stress monster who was always just desperate for affection. You can work inside the past.

We even have the ability to assist other people, and most of the work is done by them, but you can assist them at changing core beliefs using energy without any affirmation whatsoever. It’s a complicated process that takes about 25 pages in my book to explain. Essentially, we’re accessing the information from their higher consciousness and moving through all their chakras with the assist of another person.

I can’t change anybody else’s beliefs, but I can assist them at changing their own beliefs with energy. We even found a technique for helping people share gifts with one another, an extraordinary ability. I’m sitting in a café with a friend of mine, and we’re talking about our lives and she said, “You know, I’ve always been really good at school. I always got straight A’s, and I didn’t really have to study.” I said, “How did you do that?” She said, “Well, I just have a photographic memory. I just remember

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everything.” I said, “Boy, I could sure use a gift like that.” So I made up a technique and had her send me some energies so I could receive that gift.

I didn’t notice anything, except when I was going to sleep that night I was thinking about a friend, and all of a sudden right in front of my face I see the person’s face with their name spelled underneath their face in gold letters. It was so clear. I was fascinated by it, and I started reading the letters of the name backwards and forwards because it was that clear. Then I thought of another friend, and their face appeared in gold letters and a third friend. I thought, “Wow, this is really strange.”

When I got hold of her, I said, “When you think of people, do you see their face with their name spelled underneath in gold letters?” and she goes, “Oh, my God. How did you know? I’m like a machine.” I actually got to access her gift. There were some problems with it, which we’ve worked out the kinks since then. I also picked up her fear, and I’ve learned how to do it without having to take the negative aspects of what comes along with you dip your ladle into that well and you want to get the good stuff but you don’t want to get all the other stuff that comes with it.

Darius: Amazing. I’m definitely excited and definitely see the huge expansion. For those people that are looking at their life right now and saying, “Okay, at some level either I want to use Quantum-Touch for myself or have some level that I can use it on myself and the people I care about,” how could it help people that right now are listening maybe and having challenges, and how easy is it for them to learn? I mean is it something that anyone can do?

Richard: I’ll start with the second question first. It’s really easy. People can pick up the book, watch the online video training, or attend a live workshop. Everybody can learn it. I used to guarantee people in my lectures that they’ll be able to learn it so well that they could adjust bones back to alignment on the first day before lunch break or their money back. Nobody ever got a refund because everybody could do it.

Darius: Adjust bones?

Richard: Yeah. In other words, what we’d do is we’d look at the hip. When hips are twisted and uneven, you put your hands on their hips lightly – a quarter of an ounce of pressure on each hip – and you’d run the energy in there, and you’d just watch them rotate and move back into correct alignment. Now we have a technique with QT 2 where just by adjusting the sphenoid bone, the hips get untwisted and they stay untwisted. I learned that little trick from a man named Don McCann who created structural energetic therapy.

He took something he had been doing, and I just applied it to Quantum-Touch and found a really elegant way to do it in seconds. It takes about four or five seconds to permanently untwist a person’s hips. This is something people can learn to do. People can learn to do this, like I said, from a book, online video training, or from live workshops. You had another aspect of that question. I know I jumped to the other part first.

Darius: Well, the other aspect was for people here who are maybe having challenges, how can this begin to revolutionize their life?

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Richard: Here’s the thing. You can visit practitioners. We’ve got certified practitioners in over 50 countries around the world. You can attend workshops where you’ll get a lot of healing sessions. You can watch the video with friends or family who can work on you too, and you can work on yourself. Now, some people are really effective working on themselves and some people are not. I’m one of those people who has had a harder time working on myself than others. I used to say it’s not as fast, easy, fun, or powerful working on yourself. My students would say, “Don’t say that because that’s not my experience.”

So I’ve learned not to put my own limits on other people. Just because I’m not the best at that, it doesn’t mean you can’t be. Some people have done wonders working on themselves, like that woman with the rheumatoid arthritis I mentioned. That was mostly her working on herself. Other people find that it’s more fun and it’s often faster to have someone else work with you. People can get the help that they need, and these are very easy skills to learn.

In the new book, Quantum-Touch 2.0, I give just enough of the basic work so people can start doing it immediately and start seeing results. I still encourage people strongly to learn the basic work because it will ground and strengthen their ability to use the 2.0. If you just want to be completely amazed at your abilities, the 2.0 is right there for you any time you want to learn it. It’s available.

Darius: Well, I know we’re going to be doing something with the heart a little later on, so everyone hold tight. We’re going to be moving to that as well. We talked a little bit about Norman Shealy and what happened, but it was very general. Tell me a little bit about the story because it’s an interesting story with him being the president of the Holistic Medical Association and obviously wanting to scrutinize everything. What happened?

Richard: Well, I was invited. Elmer Green, the father of biofeedback told Norm about my work. Norm said that he’ll do anything Elmer tells him to do. So I fly to Springfield, Missouri. First, he has me demonstrating on his secretary, nurses, and accountant. All their pain disappears – the shoulder, back, neck, that kind of stuff that people generally tend to have. Then he says, “Well, let’s get somebody more challenging.” We walk into a room, and there is a 90-year-old woman who is hunched over using a walker. They take her history for half an hour. Then I work on her, just leveling out her hips and she says, “Oh, I can walk comfortably without my walker now,” and she’s sprinting about one mile an hour across the room.

The doctor measured her, and her jaw dropped open because there were a bunch of doctors in the room. Then I said to Norm, “Norm, are you impressed,” and he said, “No.” I said, “What do you mean? Everybody I worked on had major improvement today.” He said, “Yeah, but some of those people might have liked you a little bit. Some of those people might even have been open to what you were doing. I want to see how this works on my most difficult chronic pain patients who have never been helped in 20 or 30 years because I don’t have to do double blinds on everything. I just have to make sure that the test is so rigorous I can’t believe anything but the outcome.”

I created a group of people working doing the Quantum-Touch work on all of these

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people who experienced between a 30% and 70% reduction of pain that was lasting two weeks later. That really impressed Norm. What impressed him even more was that he wired people up with an electroencephalograph measuring brainwaves, and nobody knew that they were going to be getting a healing session, so there was a half an hour baseline before I started working and a half an hour of work. The result was that these were the most dramatic shifts that Norm had seen in brainwave activity in his life. So he started calling me a world-class healer and names like that.

I said, “Norm, this is a basic human skill.” He said, “Well, you’re either being too modest, or you have the best act of any healer I’ve ever met.” Oh, gosh. Anyway, after I came back home, he called me up two weeks later and said, “Oh, my God. Every one of the people you trained is able to effect EEG at a distance.” Wow, Norm, what a coincidence that your entire staff is all world-class healers. That’s the truth.

The truth is these are real basic human skills. It’s like, oh my God, you have a world-class ability to love. Everybody loves. Now, some people are more broken than other people, but we all have an innate ability to love, just like we have an innate ability to walk and to talk and to use our hands to grasp things. Our ability to love is perhaps even more innate than those things because it is the essence of who and what we are. What we’ve learned to do in the level 2 work is we’ve learned to open our hearts, to focus and amplify, to use the power of our love, adoration, and imagination with intent to focus and cause outer reality changes.

Now, the deal is this: People think our love is just something you feel. It’s an electrochemical reaction in the brain. It’s a sentiment on a card. It’s just what you experience isolated within your own self, but that’s not true at all. Our love is actually a real force that affects the outer reality. As we are creating our reality, if we can shift our vibration, we have all the more power and potential to do wonderful things.

Darius: Incredible. I am so excited about that because, honestly, I believe love is the absolute answer and not just to feel good but to be able to send that vibration level to the world and to the planet. Part of that sending is my next question. We talked about this. How is it that this can be sent without touching? I think so many times healers and people think you have to touch. You have to put your hands on. How does it reach people?

Richard: Well, first off, let’s talk about what it isn’t. It isn’t electromagnetic because electromagnetism, like light, falls off with distance. If you’re around a radio station or a light bulb, the further you get from it the less energy it has. Love does not fall off with distance. If it did, if you’re standing right next to somebody or leaning against them, oh my God, the love would be tremendously strong. If you’re 10 feet away, it would be like a fraction as strong. If you’re 100 miles away, well, I don’t even know you anymore.

It’s not about distance. It is about our connection, a spiritual soul connection that we have within ourselves and with each other and that we are connected. By learning to get past the materiality, the addiction of materiality that we as individuals and especially the scientists have been operating from because they cannot believe based on their scientism belief that everything has to have a material mechanism. They think that we’re like meat machines that are walking around and not realizing that we

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are consciousness and we are love walking around. As Chardin says, we are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Darius: Yes. Yeah. Absolutely we are. I want to talk about the experience because what I’d like to do is maybe take a little moment to give people just a sample of something that you suggest. Tell me about what it is and what they need to do.

Richard: Okay. What I’m going to do is something I’ve only done a couple times over a radio or Internet type of situation. We’ll need a little cooperation from the people working. If you’re not driving a vehicle, which would be useful because I’m going to have you focus inside, what I’m going to do is lead a very brief meditation, and then I’m going to add energy. You feel yourself first and see how much sensation you can generate within yourself, and then I’ll add a little extra love into that vibration.

So what I’m going to have you do is put your awareness in your heart chakra, the center of your chest around the height of the heart. Feel how much physical sensation you can feel in your chest, and breathe into your chest. Of course, you do, but breathe into your heart chakra. Feel how you know how to love and adore, to cherish. Maybe think of a kitten or a puppy or a baby or somebody very dear to you. Just feel how thinking about that person while you have your awareness in your heart chakra changes you and how it feels different inside you, the physical sensation of love.

We’re making it physical, and we’re making it tangible. Let love breathe you for a moment. Just open yourself up and just let love breathe you. Feel as much sensation in that area as you can. Now that you’re pretty much leveled out and you’ve brought it to as high a point as you can get it, I’m going to send energy to your heart chakra – to all of you simultaneously – and let’s see what happens. It’s a little experiment we’ll do here now. I’ll take about 20 or 30 seconds to send you a little energy. Okay. Like that.

Darius: Wow. All right. Here’s what I want to do. I want to hear kind of what people experienced and what’s going out there in the You Wealth Community. What did you experience? What happened? My heart literally just felt like it was about to explode out of my chest. I have this huge expansiveness. Is that normal?

Richard: Yeah. I had one friend who stopped me after about two and a half or three seconds and he said, “Oh, my God. I’m having a heartgasm.”

Darius: I don’t know if people are experiencing this, but it feels like it’s still coming on. It’s just sort of expanding and expanding and expanding.

Richard: Yeah. I also did a little bit of connecting all your chakras together, connecting you to your higher self, and connecting you to your ability to manifest and things like that. I added a little extra bonus in there. It just helps the opening. It helps you feel everything and be aware. The reason I had you meditate on your heart before I did was to have you tune in to my radio station, so to speak. In other words, I had you tune to 106.7, and then I vibrated from 106.7 so you could feel it. If I was just having you in your normal state, you probably wouldn’t have experienced it. Because I tuned

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you in to the vibration that I was coming from, then you’d be more sensitive and aware of what I was doing.

Darius: So we’re actually plugged in to your vibration momentarily or the vibration you were sending out, and now that is our frequency.

Richard: It was always your frequency. I just had you tap in to yourself doing something similar to what I’m doing so that you would be more sensitive to what I was doing because you were doing it too.

Darius: Wow. Okay. What I want to do is I’d love people to share what they’re feeling. We had one person write in, Joanne. “This is absolutely incredible. I’ve never felt anything like this.” Another person said, “I’m vibrating. I’m shaking. I feel absolutely amazing.” Have you ever had people feel just like it’s too much or maybe they’re not ready for this high level?

Richard: No.

Darius: Okay. So it’s very sort of [00:41:50] knows where to go and how to move.

Richard: Well, you see, I don’t actually do anything to anybody. I’m just holding a frequency of vibration, and then their body does what it wants to do with the information. If somebody is resistant on not a conscious but an unconscious, subconscious, or a spiritual level like, “Well, this isn’t appropriate for me,” their higher self will intervene. I’m just offering it for the highest good and letting them do with it as they shall.

Darius: Okay. Yeah. We had Sally write in as well. She said, “I felt my left breast warm up, not my right one. It was very, very distinctly the left.”

Richard: Well, maybe there is some healing that needs to happen there because the body will always direct the energy to the places where it’s most needed.

Darius: Interesting. Everybody is having very different experiences. Kim said, “Before Richard sent us the heart energy, my heart was feeling very heavy and had slight palpitations. After he did that, my heart was calm and peaceful.”

Richard: Nice. Nice. When we realize that we can have this kind of impact on other people all the time – I remember a very funny story like this. My business partner Jennifer, who runs Quantum-Touch, we were having dinner one evening, but we were very angry at each other about something or another. Thankfully, I don’t even remember what that was about, but we were very cross. Right in the middle of the argument or whatever was going on, I just had this idea, and I just started sending her this heart energy, really profound heart energy. About two or three seconds later, she looked at me and says, “Don’t think for a moment that I don’t know what you’re doing.”

I said, “Oh, what am I doing?” She said, “You’re sending me heart energy. Stop that.” I said, “No, and you can’t make me.” She said, “Okay. Well, two can play at that game,” and she started sending me heart energy. This was the strangest thing in the world because I am so angry, and I’m feeling all this love coming into me. We’re both laughing because we have no place to put this kind of experience of being angry and receiving love at the same time and sending love. We just laughed and laughed, and I

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don’t ever think we even brought up that topic again. We just completely moved past it without even going into it any further. That’s another whole app.

The thing is is we just keep making up new apps, and they work. Somebody who posted on Amazon – by the way, the book got into the top 100 the first couple days after it was released on the Amazon bestseller list – somebody posted a review of the book. People are saying, “Wow. Amazing. Oh, my God. I can’t believe this.” One person posted, “Oh, I found a new technique,” and it’s a new app. He writes the person’s name down on a piece of paper and he sends energy to it. Well, I [00:45:00] that one. You see, the thing is you can start making up stuff and they almost always work because this is, as Chris says, like a new human operating system. We can continue to discover new applications of it.

Darius: Wow. Well, we have a bunch of people writing in. One person said, “I felt a cosmic alignment and harmonization, synchronization, entrainment with all that is the Christos energy. Thank you very much.”

Richard: That’s actually the most accurate description because what I did was I sent energy to the heart, and then I moved it up through the 12th chakra and down through the 8th chakra below the feet and just aligned everybody to themselves so they could access their spirituality, but it’s sent primarily to the heart. Whoever that was, you got it. That’s exactly what I was working on.

Darius: Wow. I’m just reading these – they’re kind of fun – as they come in. One person said, “I felt the frequency tuning and vibrational waves are still coming in. Open, open, open and amazingly more and more in my third eye.” That’s Dawn in North Carolina. That’s what she’s feeling. We even had some people say, “I didn’t really feel anything.” That’s one of the questions I wanted to ask you. If it didn’t work, what does that mean?

Richard: Well, not everybody is ready for that experience, I suppose, and not everybody is as sensitive. I’ll do this when I meet people. It’s kind of an interesting thing. If the energy comes back to me multiplied or enriched, I say, “Ah, who is this person?” Maybe it’s somebody I want to be friends with. If it falls to the floor, I go, “Oh, well. Hmm. I don’t know.” Some people just need to spend more time opening their heart, or some people just don’t have good kinesthetic awareness. It’s not a judgment. It’s just that people who do yoga or eat light food and take care of themselves or meditate tend to have a little more kinesthetic awareness, but some people don’t.

Even in my Quantum-Touch classes, it was not important that people had any kinesthetic awareness to be able to do the work well or to be able to succeed. It just makes it a little easier. I’ve found about 80% or 90% of the people I share the heart energy with will feel it. In time, as you practice with it, you become more sensitive to it. You open up, and you can have more ability to feel it.

Darius: Yeah. That may be a signal. If they didn’t feel it, is that a signal that they could learn it or they could open up to that or maybe that they are closed off possibly?

Richard: It could be all kinds of things, but they can learn it, and people can do it. The only people I have any doubts about – and I’m not even sure this is true, but Chris and I

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were brainstorming, wondering since we are accessing love, we wondered if psychopaths can do it because without compassion, empathy, and other qualities that healthy people have, we don’t know that this isn’t a test to find out who has sociopathic tendencies. It might be, but we don’t know that, so we’re just speculating and guessing.

Darius: What I love about your work too, Richard, is that you have this huge intention to bring it to humanity. One of the things that you do is actually allow people to learn it. I think that’s very different than what a lot of people do on our show. A lot of people come with great abilities, and they freely allow people to partake in them. You actually want to teach it. Tell me the story about that and how effective it’s been for the other teachers and healers out there.

Richard: Well, like I said, we have certified practitioners in over 50 countries around the world. These are very teachable skills, very easy to learn skills. Whether people are starting with QT 2 in the book or appropriately starting with the basic Quantum-Touch, people learn it right away. I personally dislike books – and I’ve done this many times where I’ve bought the book and then I found out the whole book was a sales product to sell me on taking some course. I hate that.

What I do is I just go ahead and teach everything right away, and I don’t hold anything back, and I make it very simple because I don’t like complicated manuals. I like things that I can just pick up and do immediately, and so I write that way. I make it simple and available so people can do it.

Darius: I want to share this that just came in. Will from Cape Coral said, “I felt the bones in my neck and realign. I was in an auto accident 25 years ago – whiplash – and my neck has been hard to turn. Now it’s free, and I can turn my head to look to the left and to the right. I feel much lighter. Thank you.”

Richard: Wow. When people have these kinds of big experiences, what I believe is actually happening is their higher consciousness is coming in and saying, “Pay attention. There is something inspiring here for you.” You’ve got a really loud whisper from the reality saying, “Ooh. This is exciting. Move in that direction.” The reality is always whispering to us one way or another saying, “Uh-oh. That doesn’t feel good,” or, “Wow. That feels wonderful.” Follow your bliss. That’s the best advice any body has ever given.

Darius: Yeah. Another person wrote in. I just want to share this. “My heart was feeling heavy and achy all day, but now my heart and heart chakra both feel full of love and balanced, and all pain is gone.” I don’t know if that was emotional or physical. I guess, again, people get what they need from this work.

Richard: Exactly.

Darius: Wow. I want to talk about some of what you’ve been doing to take this to people and their families because as I think about this, it’s so important for us to be able to not only change our lives but help those around us. We talked a little bit about this new idea of wealth, and I thought it was very interesting what you were sharing personally with me. Can we maybe open up that private discussion for people here?

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Richard: Of course. Yes. This is a new wealth revolution, but then consider what does wealth mean. Wealth means access to resources. You don’t have to own the swimming pool or the gymnasium or the golf course or the vehicle. You just need access to it. You don’t need to own the big house. You just need to live in it. All we need is access. What is our true wealth? Our true wealth is our ability to love, to feel compassion, to be loved, and to have access to the resources that fulfill us. Well, some of the resources are these human abilities, these abilities to care for one another in more profound ways, to discover who we really are and be able to actualize and utilize these new abilities to transform ourselves and then to bring it to the planet.

Darius: One of the things you said was being able to access these skills and tools that we already have that are ours. They’re just sort of lying dormant or like a computer application that we haven’t activated yet, so to speak.

Richard: Yeah. That’s so true because these are innate human abilities that have been lost, forgotten, or maybe they’re unknown, but they’re part of our spiritual inheritance and heritage. This is who you really are. You think you’re Clark Kent, but underneath those glasses there is somebody really magical waiting to come out. I mean can you imagine the poverty of people not knowing how deep and powerful and valuable their love is? The message that all the villains of our world, including those people who have hurt us emotionally, has always been to tell us that your love wasn’t valuable, that your love didn’t matter.

Everybody who has hurt you deeply gave you the message that your love didn’t matter. It wasn’t valuable enough. It wasn’t good enough for whatever reason. That’s how they hurt us by giving us that message. Now we can discover that your love is miraculous. It does miracles. You don’t need to take on any philosophical, historical perspective or give it to anybody else. It comes from within. It’s who we really are.

Darius: Yeah. Absolutely. Tell me about what’s new about some of the deeper work because we have a lot of people asking, “How do I go deeper? How do I begin to apply this?” There are a huge group of people not only healing themselves, healing family members, but also, I should say, creating abundance by helping others and creating an amazing skill that is, frankly, astounding that they can serve the world with. That will change their abundance. Tell me about what is there for people.

Richard: Well, the deepest level of love is, of course, our self-love because you’re connecting with who you really are as a spiritual being. What we see is that the energy work works about 90% of the time or a little bit more than that. When the energy breaks down, we like to find the emotional causes and heal them. When you do that, not only do symptoms disappear, but people can even feel grateful for having had the condition because it showed them how they had stopped loving. It’s a course we call Self Created Health, but there’s not enough time to really dive into that whole area.

That is the deepest and most profound issue that the body had the ability to be sick, not as a dysfunction but as a communication from their higher self. There’s a whole new paradigm of working it through, and I just taught a workshop this last weekend showing people how to do that. We’ve got about 20 teachers now teaching it around the world through the Quantum-Touch website.

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Darius: Question that came in from Carla: “Can Quantum-Touch be used on pets, and what have been some of the experiences with animals and pets and horses and dogs and cats?”

Richard: It works on all animals. The horse with the hoof problem where they have to put the horse down. My friend Alain worked on a horse, and the horse completely recovered when they thought they had to put the horse to sleep. My first experience with Quantum-Touch that really astounded me was a rabbit that was bouncing around my house at Easter time. Somebody thought it was cute to have a rabbit, and I thought so too until I found pellets everywhere. When I tried to put the rabbit back in the box, the rabbit was terrified under my hands and was shaking.

I started moving the energy into the rabbit, and the rabbit flipped itself over on its back and laid with its arms and legs stretched open like it was sunning itself on the beach. I could not believe my eyes. The animals respond so quickly, and we’ve got hundreds of stories of people working on every kind of animal you can think of, even wild animals in zoos and things. The animals respond to love. The people respond. It’s the universal.

Darius: We’ve got just a few minutes here. I want to see if you have any other questions or comments for Richard. One person is asking, “Is it necessary to experience the tangible feeling of the energy coming in to actually receive the energy?” Meaning maybe the people that didn’t feel it, did they receive something?

Richard: No.

Darius: Okay.

Richard: Yeah. I mean people receive what they receive, but you don’t have to acknowledge it to have it be there. You don’t have to feel it for it to be there. In some cases, you may not have noticed it at all, or you may notice it later this evening. We’re so addicted to thinking in terms of time and timelines, but we are actually infinite. We can send energy into the past or the future. We don’t know the limits of where this goes. Please don’t limit yourself based on your experiences now. Open to the possibilities of what you can become, not who you’ve been.

Darius: Another question: Could the energy need to go into the past if that’s the best place for reparation?

Richard: Sometimes.

Darius: It doesn’t need to stay in the moment where you feel it. It might go somewhere else on the timeline.

Richard: It can absolutely go anywhere because it’s not limited by your imagination.

Darius: Okay. Got another question. I appreciate kind of the brevity we’re going through this. I want to get as many questions as possible. MK is asking, “Can you send love to places where you want to lose weight? Example, belly area. Would that make you thinner?” I know it’s a funny question, but I’m curious.

Richard: Well, we haven’t seen that yet, but I don’t put anything beyond the realms of

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possibility. What I have seen is that when people process the emotional insulation that they have operated from, then a lot of times the weight just falls off.

Darius: Wow. What about drug addictions or addictive behaviors?

Richard: Funny you mention that. I just heard word from Deborah Gair from Scotland that people who were addicted to drugs have been recovering by sending energy into their brain. We’re doing brainwork. For instance, Chris did one session and Deborah did some sessions with people addicted to cigarettes. Cigarettes are one of the hardest drugs to get off of all of them.

Darius: Wow.

Richard: The generalization is we don’t know the limits of how much and what we can do, and we keep discovering new human abilities because this is an open-ended system. Once you learn how to do it, then you can start applying it and making up techniques and then teach us. We’re so excited to find out what else we can do.

Darius: I’ve got another question from Claire who is asking, “Can love energy be sent to help heal abundance issues?”

Richard: Of course. Of course you can, but realize that we put our problems in health, relationships, or abundance issues. That’s where we put our problems. If the energy will not do it, then I’d like to use the emotional process work of the self created health because then not only do the physical symptoms of the reality, whether it’s healing the wallet or healing the relationship or the body, clear out, but you actually feel incredibly grateful that you had even had that problem because it reminded us on how we had stopped loving. When we open up to the deeper levels of love, the reality opens up like a rose. The bud opens and it’s beautiful.

Darius: Well, I want to talk about how people can take this home. Tell me what they can do and what’s available for them to have this really quick and be able to start accessing these abilities.

Richard: I wasn’t up on whether this is a joint venture call or whether we’re just talking about the work. If it is, you would’ve been…

Darius: There is a page. We can talk about kind of what’s on the page.

Richard: Yeah. If you tell me what’s on the page, I can describe the materials.

Darius: Well, one of the things that we spoke with your team was moving into actually the Quantum-Touch level one program so that people could learn it at home and then Supercharging Quantum-Touch and then Quantum-Touch 12 Color Meditation CD packages and the New Human book.

Richard: Wow. Okay. That’s a lot of stuff. Well, these are the foundation of Quantum-Touch. It’s the basic Quantum-Touch workshop. Certainly, people can just pick up The New Human and start doing it immediately and it works, and they get great results. To ground yourself in the primary Quantum-Touch gives it so much more depth, and they can actually work much better than they can without it. The Supercharging and the book, all of these things just add more and more power to the ability to do this work.

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It’s an incredible package.

Darius: Well, let’s talk about each piece. The first piece, item one…

Richard: The video workshop, the online training is a complete Quantum-Touch workshop that I gave years ago where I give people all the exercises, there’s time to practice the exercises, there is commentary, there are questions and answers. It’s a real workshop. You can watch it by yourself, but it’s even better to watch it with friends and family because then you can practice on each other and really experience it even more dramatically. That particular video workshop is the one that I had mentioned earlier that Deborah Gair had seen when she had been in that auto accident going 80 miles an hour, and all her physical ills were handled from a single 10-minute session after having been in that accident when the doctors said she’d be paralyzed and in a wheelchair the rest of her life. It is a very powerful workshop.

The Supercharging book and the Supercharging course is a course that was created by an American Indian named Mary Durr. She could see the energy really clearly. It’s stylized a bit different than the basic Quantum-Touch, but she saw a way to amp up the energy. It’s a very powerful technique. That’s not my favorite way of working because I like to come up with things that are a little simpler, but it works well. A lot of people absolutely love doing this work. It’s a great court. Alain Herriott, a wonderful teacher, teaches this course. You can learn the stuff from that course very well. Finally, the New Human book, wow. That’s in the package too. I wasn’t involved in the process of deciding what the packages are, but that’s quite a package there.

Darius: Yeah, I know things are growing so rapidly and it’s expanding that your time is so precious. Sammy just wrote in and said, “I was sitting, and I had to stand up. My body started spinning. My hips were rotating. I feel fabulous.” When you talk about sort of the movement of the body and the posturing, are the hips moving back into alignment possibly or in some better form?

Richard: Sure. Yeah. The healer is the one who is sick. If you provide the right energy field, the body will do what it wants to do to heal itself. The definition of a great healer is someone very sick who got well quickly, and she is obviously that.

Darius: Okay. I’m going to tell people where it is, and then I’ve got a few questions about the program. It’s at A quick question coming in from Mary about the first package. I’m going to summarize her question, basically. It’s a long story. If someone was having financial challenges and emotional challenges in a relationship, they don’t necessarily want to heal others, but they want to get started being able to get those issues resolved and make their life better. Would either one help them? Would learning it help them?

Richard: It can certainly help because when you balance out the emotions with the energy, you’re self now. You have more access to your own internal resources.

Darius: For those of you, you can get started with that. You’re also including The New Human e-book excerpt. You’re going to actually learn about [01:06:30] and much, much more.

Richard: The excerpt inspires people to want to move forward and learn the whole process, so

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that’s a great little package because then you get to see what’s inside the book. You get to see the introduction and I think the first couple chapters of the book and decide whether it’s something you want to pursue. I would highly recommend that people pursue The New Human because it changes our identity as human beings. It expands on our sense of possibility and brings so much more wonder into your life and the world.

Darius: I know you told me one time that the person who uses it, even if they use it on other people, gets back in their life a tremendous amount of healing as well.

Richard: Well, there’s no question about it because you can’t give anything you don’t have. For me to access the energy that I sent to the people, I have to first be that. I don’t get drained. You don’t go, “Oh, I loved eight people today. I feel so drained.” That’s silly. The more love you feel, the more you have. This is just another way of accessing the depth of your love but in a way that you probably haven’t directly experienced. If you have, it’s only been momentary.

There are a lot of people who have experiences of being involved in a miracle. Somebody is really hurting, and you really want to help, and you don’t know how to do it, but you just put your hands on them or you do something. Wow, it’s miraculous. Then the next time something happens, nothing happens. You don’t know how you accessed it. Well, this is how you access it without having to be in a crisis or deeply inspired. This is how you access those internal resources. Wealth is access to resources. This is new wealth because it’s giving you more access to your own resources.

Darius: Let me tell people how it’s broken down because it’s actually about 90 some percent off – 49% off. It is a $147 program that you can get. Actually, Richard, from what we were told and what we know in the past, it’s actually delivered to everybody physically. They are going to get it and have it and can use it. This is a DVD program. You can have it in your library forever and share it with your family and friends.

On that idea of sharing it with family and friends, Modgi from Naples says, “I want to learn and do Quantum-Touch; however, I don’t have anyone to do it with me, to learn at the same time with me. Is it okay to do this alone and then be able to heal people from a distance?”

Richard: Yeah. The answer is yes to everything she is saying. Yes.

Darius: Okay. So she can do it at a distance and learn.

Richard: Unquestionably. I had one of my students who got so excited about the level two New Human work that he created a whole – he’s calling it a whole other modality now, and he’s just doing his sessions over Skype. All of his clients are just calling him on Skype. He’s adjusting their posture. He likes working on bones, so he’s bringing the arch back into their foot or taking away the scoliosis and doing all kinds of stuff like that because that’s just his thing he enjoys doing, but he’s doing it on Skype now.

Darius: All right. Well, send in your questions for Richard. Richard, really quick, any thoughts for somebody – we’re talking about all of this possibility, all of these amazing abilities that we have and what you’ve seen, which have been miracles. Some people are

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maybe feeling like it’s not possible for them or they don’t have the ability to tap into this. What are your thoughts?

Richard: The thing is that if you’re gentle with yourself and give yourself a little bit of time and just make a little bit of effort, you’ll see that this is actually true and something that you can do. Just open yourself up to the possibility. This is what my friend Chris did. Now he’s one of the co-authors of the book. He just put aside his self-punishment and his beating himself up long enough to actually try it out, and now he is delighted. We’re involved in presenting the bigger story. The bigger story is that we can shift the dominant belief systems of the world by realizing that love is real.

Darius: “Quantum-Touch is a paradigm changing surprise. How could we have missed it for thousands of years?” – Alex Fong, yet another person who was, I believe, at the lecture you gave in Hong Kong. Their quote was about the book. I think I have it here. “Quantum-Touch 2.0 is probably the most important new publication in the world, a life transforming book that changes everything.” – Cecilia L.W. Chan, Ph.D., founding director, Centre on Behavioral Health, University of Hong Kong. The most important new publication in the world.

Richard: The reason she says that is because our whole reality that’s been taught from the scientific perspective is one of mechanistic perspective, seeing that if you can’t show the mechanism, nothing else exists. What we’re showing is that there is no physical mechanism of love, and yet it does exist, and it’s the most important resource we have.

Darius: Quick question. If you’re doing healing work on someone, do they need to be consenting to it? That’s a great question that just came in.

Richard: The answer is yes and no. No if they’re unconscious or they can’t answer the question, and then you can send it for their highest good. If you don’t have access to the person and you don’t know if it’s what they really need, you just send it for their highest good and expect that their own higher consciousness will filter out what is inappropriate.

Let me tell you. If you see the neighbor’s child running through the sprinklers, and the child is giggling and laughing and you think to yourself, “Man, I just love that child,” do you realize you’re having an impact on that child? You are actually doing some healing. It may be minor, but you’re doing some healing on that child. You don’t have to ring the doorbell of the neighbor and say, “You know, I need to inform you that I’m loving your child.” They might think you’re weird.

The thing is that our love always has impact. We just don’t notice it. Now, by learning how to focus and amplify it and intensify it, we can notice it. Don’t be paranoid about your love. It’s beautiful. If you’re really sending it for somebody for healing purposes and you just want to send it to your daughter but maybe she isn’t open to such things, just send it for the highest good. Don’t worry about it. Just send love. People love each other all the time without telling each other about it. It happens everyday.

Darius: It’s at It includes the Quantum-Touch level one DVD program, so you can learn all of the Quantum-Touch with your friends and

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family at home with the video workshop. Then Supercharging Quantum-Touch, so literally amplifying and supercharging the first level, so you can get much more done in the same amount of time. Then Touch 12 Color Meditation. We didn’t really talk about that.

Richard: That’s part of the Supercharging program, but it’s great to have the meditation separately so you can use it anytime you want. It’s a wonderful way of accessing the energy and opening yourself up to self-healing.

Darius: Wow. Just a quick question that came in from Margaret. With the colors, is there something to do with actually seeing colors or chakras in that?

Richard: Well, it has to do with perceiving colors around your body. You don’t have to actually see them, but you bring them into your space. There are certain directions of how to do that so that it works more effectively. Mary Durr was one of the few people I’ve ever met who could really perceive energy very, very clearly, and she proved it many times. She saw how this really helped transform and improve people’s health.

Darius: Very exciting. Really, quick I want to ask one last question that just came in from Frank. After the first program, item one, what’s the quickest – there are always people that want to ask what’s the quickest and fastest – someone could begin to feels something from the work?

Richard: I would say that when you put the DVD on, in the first hour you will feel stuff.

Darius: Wow. Okay. Well, that is pretty astounding and fun. A ton of people felt quite a lot. Even somebody with a 25-year neck injury, auto accident, actually had a realignment through the airwaves. This person, I think, is in Cape Coral, Florida. So it is very possible. I want everyone to report back what you feel after this call and over the evening, tomorrow, and all the days that follow as you listen to this and the vibration of this gets out through our replays and gets all over the planet. It’s going to be very profound. Richard, thank you for being here and sharing. Really quick, any final words for people that are one the fence or are just feeling like, “Well, yeah, this sounds great for them, and he can do it, and he’s great, but I don’t think I can”?

Richard: I would just say that it’s so important to realize that your love is actually real, that it has impact, and that it’s valuable – people always forget that – and not to underestimate how beautiful it actually is. When we learn to actually utilize it and focus and amplify it, we will be astounded.

Darius: Beautiful. Well, thank you, Richard, for being here and continuing to expand and transform the planet through the work. It is the newest version, the newest level of this, and it is The New Human 2.0, and ordinary people – people just like me and you – can become healers and realize really that we are healers. We have the way now to turn on the application and make it happen. Thank you, Richard, for being here and sharing some of the latest breakthroughs.

Richard: Thank you, Darius. It’s been my pleasure.

Darius: Wow. Everyone, let’s just send Richard a huge amount of love and appreciation from the You Wealth Family on the count of three. One, two, and three.

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Richard: Thank you all so much.

Darius: They are good at that. They are very good.

Richard: Yes, they are.

Darius: We’re going to magnify it for sure. Wonderful. Thank you, Richard.

Richard: Thank you.