Marc 009 Tradeshow Creates Opportunities for Industry N · concrete including precast concrete...

UPDATE N iagara Development Corridor partners hosted their second annual Niagara Industrial Buyer Seller Tradeshow at the Fallsview Casino Resort on February 19 th . Representatives from companies across Niagara and Southern Ontario exhibited a wide range of goods and services in an effort to increase trade and awareness of Niagara’s diverse industrial sector. An opening address was given by St. Catharines MPP, the Honourable Jim Bradley, Minister of Transportation. The Minister of Economic Development, Honourable Michael Bryant, was the featured luncheon speaker. Minister Bryant spoke of the government support for businesses across Ontario, noting that the province is providing much needed loans and grants to many businesses in order to stimulate the economy. Throughout the day, several workshops were held on innovation & efficiency, opportunities for supplying to the oil sands in Alberta, and access to new program funding for marketing and training. This is the second year the Niagara Buyer Seller Industrial Forum was presented by the communities of the Niagara Development Corridor Partnership and many private sector and public sector partners. The Niagara Development Corridor Partnership is comprised of a team of area municipal business development organizations, which includes the cities of St. Catharines and Niagara Falls, Welland Development Commission, Port Colborne Economic & Tourism Development Corporation, Fort Erie Economic Development & Tourism Corporation, and the Niagara Economic Development Corporation. “It is undeniable that Niagara’s manufacturing sector has weathered adversity for decades with very little marketing or networking efforts,” said David Oakes, City of St. Catharines Director of Economic Development & Tourism Services. “This buyer-seller tradeshow initiative addresses opportunities for business development and investment attraction encompassing Niagara communities” added Oakes. The Corridor partners recognize benefits of proximity between their communities and synergies between firms, suppliers, labour markets, and research industries operating within the region. For more information, please visit Tradeshow Creates Opportunities for Industry IN THIS ISSUE: Manufacturer Gets Boost ............. 2 New Retail Centre ....................... 2 Made In St. Catharines ................ 3 nGen Showcase Held .................... 3 Calendar of Events ...................... 4 Contacts ..................................... 4 Honourable Minister Michael Bryant listens to the feedback from the audience. Minister had promised “robust government intervention” to ensure economic stability.

Transcript of Marc 009 Tradeshow Creates Opportunities for Industry N · concrete including precast concrete...

  • U p d a t eM a r c h 2 0 0 9

    N iagara Development Corridor partners hosted their second annual Niagara Industrial Buyer Seller Tradeshow at the Fallsview Casino Resort on February 19th. Representatives from companies across Niagara and Southern Ontario exhibited a wide range of goods and services in an effort to increase trade and awareness of Niagara’s diverse industrial sector.

    An opening address was given by St. Catharines MPP, the Honourable Jim Bradley, Minister of Transportation. The Minister of Economic Development, Honourable Michael Bryant, was the featured luncheon speaker. Minister Bryant spoke of the government support for businesses across Ontario, noting that the province is providing much needed loans and grants to many businesses in order to stimulate the economy. Throughout the day, several workshops were held on innovation & efficiency, opportunities for supplying to the oil sands in Alberta, and access to new program funding for marketing and training.

    This is the second year the Niagara Buyer Seller Industrial Forum was presented by the communities of the Niagara Development Corridor Partnership and many private sector and public sector partners. The Niagara Development Corridor Partnership is comprised of a team of area municipal business development organizations, which includes the cities of St. Catharines and Niagara Falls,

    Welland Development Commission, Port Colborne Economic & Tourism Development Corporation, Fort Erie Economic Development & Tourism Corporation, and the Niagara Economic Development Corporation.

    “It is undeniable that Niagara’s manufacturing sector has weathered adversity for decades with very little marketing or networking efforts,” said David Oakes, City of St. Catharines Director of Economic Development & Tourism Services. “This buyer-seller tradeshow initiative addresses opportunities for business development and investment attraction encompassing Niagara communities” added Oakes.

    The Corridor partners recognize benefits of proximity between their communities and synergies between firms, suppliers, labour markets, and research industries operating within the region.

    For more information, please visit

    T r a d e s h o w C r e a t e s O p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r I n d u s t r y

    I N T H I S I S S U E :

    Manufacturer Gets Boost . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2New Retai l Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Made In St . Catharines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3nGen Showcase Held . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    Honourable Minister Michael Bryant listens to the feedback from the audience. Minister had promised “robust government intervention” to ensure economic stability.

  • H y-Grade Precast Concrete received welcoming news recently, as management and staff joined with St. Catharines MPP Jim Bradley to announce a $50,000 investment from the Province of Ontario to the local concrete manufacturer through a new provincial workforce skills upgrade initiative called Achieving Innovation and Manufacturing Excellence (AIME). The investment will be used

    to train Hy-Grade’s employees on new equipment that will give the company a competitive edge in the marketplace.

    “I am pleased to see manufacturing companies like Hy-Grade Precast, providing innovative and leading-edge products right here in Niagara”, said St. Catherines MPP Jim Bradley. “By improving its competitive edge, Hy-Grade will continue to employ local skilled labour and remain a strong

    industry leader.”

    Dominic Girotti, President of Hy-Grade said, “The future of Hy-Grade depends on the successful implementation & utilization of this technology.”

    “Our government places a high priority on investing in our people - our greatest asset,” Minister of Economic Development Michael

    Bryant said. “We support manufacturers who recognize they must adapt to the new global economy if they want to succeed. It is very important that we give them every opportunity to train their staff to develop new skills for the next generation of jobs now.”

    Karyn Brearley, Executive Director of the Yves Landry Foundation, who granted the funds to Hy-Grade under its AIME initiative, commented that “We are extremely pleased to be partnering with the Province of Ontario to assist our manufacturers to be more competitive and capable. If our manufacturers are competitive on a global basis we can retain and grow essential manufacturing jobs in the Province.”

    Hy-Grade is a manufacturer of precast concrete including precast concrete stairs and landings for multi-story buildings, precast modular buildings, retaining wall systems, underground vaults and highway safety barriers.

    Visit or

    L o c a l M a n u f a c t u r e r G e t s B o o s t f r o m P r o v i n c e

    C onstruction of a new retail centre in St. Catharines is well underway. The 85,000 sq. ft. shopping centre is prominently located on Glendale Avenue at Mountain/Merritt Streets, just east of Highway 406. This development will feature a 45,000 sq. ft. Sobeys Food Store and a 14,000 sq. ft. LCBO. Both are scheduled to open this August. Sobeys plans to offer 24-hour shopping and LCBO’s new store will be the largest in the region. LCBO will offer an expansive vintages section, a tasting area and the largest selection of premium Ontario wines in the Province. Other retail will include a Bank and a full service restaurant.

    The Centre offers prime exposure, ample parking and immediate access to Hwy. 406. Excellent leasing opportunities ranging from 800 sq. ft. to 7,500 sq. ft. are now

    available. The Landlord suggests that ideal uses include fashion and footwear, sporting goods, hair and nail salons, quick service food, medical

    & dental, optical, pharmacy and service.

    This project is being developed by ECL Developments Limited. ECL is a wholly owned subsidiary of Empire Company Limited and currently owns approximately 1.4 million square feet in 18 development properties located in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and Ontario.

    For more information, contact City of St. Catharines Economic Development & Tourism Services.

    N e w R e t a i l C e n t r e O p e n i n g S u m m e r 2 0 0 9

    From left - Minister of Transportation & St. Catahrines MPP Honourable Jim Bradley, Executive Director of the Yves Landry Foundation Karyn Brearley & President of Hy-Grade Precast Dominic Girotti

  • n Gen welcomed more than 150 members of the Niagara community to its Showcase event held on February 25, 2009. Highlighted at this event were nGen’s three current interactive projects:

    Noise in Niagara - a social networking application for Niagara’s music scene. It is a portal and web magazine aimed at showcasing independent bands that will also provide opportunities for musicians to collaborate, for fans and programmers to connect with musicians, and to provide a schedule of music events and appearances. (

    1812: Interactive Niagara - Tourists will explore the real world environment of Niagara, as well as a virtual space, which they will access through phones such as the Apple iPhone. It will use the medium of a hybrid reality game to incorporate Niagara’s history and culture

    The Inspiration Movie will serve the St. Catharines Economic Development

    & Tourism Service. It is one of a series of short sector-based videos that will be distributed on the web and by interactive DVD. The piece in the series undertaken by nGen features the entertainment and digital media sector and highlights significant Niagara content creators. This project has interactive features that showcase regional talent and demonstrate the capacities of Niagara.

    Those in attendance were able to see presentations of these projects, as well as speak with project leaders and team members. Also featured were presentations by nGen’s two tenants:

    FourGrounds Media - a new Interactive Video Production Company gearing up to produce a Niagara based IPTV Network that will cater to everyone from artists, to local organizations, small

    or large businesses, event coordinators and especially the patrons of Niagara.

    Furi Enterprises - a technology consulting company with an expertise and leadership in web, internet and mobile technologies while maintaining a commitment to aesthetically pleasing and functional experiences.

    To learn more about nGen, visit

    n G e n S h o w c a s e h e l d o n F e b r u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 0 9

    Green Energy is often in the news and now the province of Ontario is considering a Green Energy Act. But already a decade ago Martin Lensink, a St. Catharines engineer working in the cogeneration industry, started to look for alternatives to costly and non-renewable energy sources. After years of research, he focused on anaerobic digestion as a source of renewable fuel, incorporating environmental considerations. Martin partnered with PlanET Biogastechnik in Germany, which already had a decade of experience designing and constructing biogas plants in Germany and Holland, with some 150 completed projects. PlanET Biogas Solutions Inc. started its operation at 26 Hiscott Street in St. Catharines, applying the European experience to the design and construction of biogas solutions throughout Canada.

    Anaerobic digestion breaks down organic material in an oxygen free environment and - as the breakdown occurs - biogas is produced and used to run an engine to produce electricity and heat. This natural process was discovered 500 years ago in the Far East, where it was used to produce gas for cooking and heating. Over the past decade the technology has been improved and perfected in Europe and is now available in Canada.

    PlanET Biogas Solutions Inc. designed and constructed the first biogas plant for Bayview Flowers in Jordan Station. The plant produces enough energy to run a 250kW engine supplying the greenhouse with electricity and heat, with surplus electricity sold to the grid. It produces enough electricity to operate approximately 300 homes. As part of its input the Bayview plant uses dog kibble surplus from a factory in the Toronto area. Before coming to Bayview, this material was dumped in a municipal landfill at significant cost to the factory. As it decomposed in the land fill, it produced a greenhouse gas called methane. Today this material is used to offset the energy requirements of a large greenhouse operation. The leftover material, a liquid called digestate, contains high levels of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, and is very desirable as a fertilizer.

    PlanET Biogas Solutions Inc. is currently completing a new project at Vandermeer Greenhouses in Niagara-on-the-Lake - construction of another digester , using a grape pumice leftover from the wine making process. PlanET Biogas is also designing Anaerobic Digester systems in British Columbia and Ontario. The company expects to commence work shortly on several installations in the United States. For more information, please visit

    Made in St. CatharineS

    Typical installation of an anacerbic digestion system


    Joint PST-GST/HST SeminarMarch 4, 2009, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Canada Revenue Agency Office, Niagara A & B Boardroom, 32 Church Street, St. Catharines

    Payroll Information for New Employers & Payroll AdministratorsMarch 18, 2009, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Canada Revenue Agency Office, Niagara A & B Boardroom, 32 Church Street, St. Catharines

    Managing for GrowthApril 15, 2009, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. St. Catharines Enterprise Centre One St. Paul Street, St. Catharines

    Importing SeminarApril 22, 2009, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. St. Catharines-Thorold Chamber of Commerce Education Centre, One St. Paul Street, Suite 103

    Sales & Marketing Strategies for Small BusinessApril 29, 2009, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. St. Catharines Enterprise Centre One St. Paul Street, St. Catharines

    Small Business Information SeminarMay 6, 2009, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.Canada Revenue Agency Office, Niagara A & B Boardroom, 32 Church Street, St. Catharines

    Joint PST-GST/HST SeminarMay 20, 2009, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.Canada Revenue Agency Office, Niagara A & B Boardroom, 32 Church Street, St. Catharines

    To register for the above events, please call the St. Catharines Enterprise Centre at 905-688-5601 ext. 1767 or send an e-mail to [email protected]


    White Meadows Farms Pancake WeekendsUntil April, 2009March Break Open weekdays. Join us on three Friday Nights in Feb and March, 2009 and enjoy a lovely dinner and live music. Sample breakfast in the Maple Lodge, head off on our Sugar Bush Adventure or stop at the Maple Sweet Shop for sugar candy and other maple products.Call 905-682-0642 or visit

    Arts CityFirst Friday of each month, March – Dec 2009The arts come alive in a variety of venues throughout the Downtown. Visit galleries, restaurants, retailers and businesses that have art installations and exhibits on display for everyone to enjoy. Print off your self guided tour from our website. Free admission, open 5pm – 9pm.Call 905-685-8424 or visit

    Heritage Corridor Walk5th of each month, March – Dec. 2009The Downtown Walking Tour is designed to provide a picture of our City and the accomplishments that we celebrate. Tours meet at 7pm on the 5th of each month at the Old Courthouse, 101 King Street. Tickets are $5.00pp. Advance reservations are requested. Tour is approx. 90 minutes.Call 905-685-8424 or visit

    Rock My Soul - The Black Legacy of Rock & RollSt. Catharines Museum March 2, 2009 - August 29, 2009On loan from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Cleveland, Ohio and the Arts League of Michigan. For the first time shown in Canada, this exceptional show of paintings by African American artists, plus artifacts from Jazz and Rock legends, tells the story of the African roots of rock and roll and the ongoing influence of Black culture (from the Juju music of West Africa, slavery work songs and spirituals, blues, jazz, gospel, R&B, soul, funk and hip hop). As St. Catharines was the end of the Underground Railroad, we are uniquely placed to present this story of the historical diaspora of Blacks to North America. Call: 905-984-8880 or visit

    Niagara Symphony presents Masters of Pop Series at BrockCommencing April 2009 Sean O’Sullivan Theatre905-687-4993 or

    2nd Annual Peter Lee Memorial DerbySaturday April 4, 2009, Port Dalhousie or 905-937-6335

    Home ShowPen Centre - April 16-19, 2009905-687-6622

    In the Soil: Niagara’s Homegrown Arts FestivalApril 17-24 2009The Niagara Region’s first juried arts festival to celebrate the outstanding creative talents of Niagara performers, musicians, visual artists and filmmakers in venues throughout downtown St. Catharines and at the Centre for the Arts, Brock University

    34th Annual Spring Salmon DerbyApril 18, 2009-June 13, 2009Details on ticket outlets, weigh stations & rules can be found at or 905-937-6335

    Niagara Lifestyle Spring Home ShowSeymour-Hannah Sports Centre, April 24-26, 20091-800-465-1073

    St. Catharines Art Association ExhibitionPen Centre, April 30-May 2, 2009905-687-6622 or

    Spring in the CityMay 1 & 2, 2009Celebrate spring with the merchants of downtown! Visit the merchants of downtown this weekend and check out the new arrivals and special sales going on. Pick up a ballot and collect stamps at each merchant to win a Downtown Shopping Spree. Visit our website for the complete list of participating merchants and more information on the grand prize.905-685-8424 or

    15th Annual Kid’s Day Fishing DerbySaturday May 2, 2009, Port Dalhousie Piers. The St. Catharines Game and Fish Association invites all children aged 2 to 16 to join in the fun! Rain or shine, register at 61 Lighthouse Road between 8:00 am and noon on derby day. or 905-937-6335

    Niagara Folk Arts FestivalMay 8 – 24, 2009In 2009, Canada’s oldest cultural festival celebrates its 41st Birthday! It has grown from its first colourful affair in its infancy to a 17-day cultural extravaganza. Ethnic dances, music, pageants, food, & customs are plentiful at individual club open houses throughout the City, culminating with a weekend showcase of Canadian talent in Montebello Park. Don’t miss: Ambassador’s Dinner/Dance, Open Houses & Folk Arts in the Park. Celebrate being Canadian with top-notch artists, international foods & family programs. 905-685-6589 ext. 236

    Thorold’s 31st Annual Arts & Crafts ShowMay 23 & 24, 2009, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm both daysEnjoy over 100 juried artisans inside both the Thorold Arenas, 70 Front St. N., downtown Thorold. Admission: $2. Sponsored by the Thorold Community Activities Group with all proceeds going to Thorold’s new Recreational Centre.Information: 905-227-7248 or e-mail [email protected]

    Calendar of events

    Development Inquiries 905.688.5601 x.1760 905.688.8994

    Enterprise Inquiries 905.688.5601 x.1767 905.688.8994

    Tourism Inquiries 905.688.5601 x.1731 905.984.8980