Map Reduce along with Amazon EMR

Map Reduce along with Amazon EMR Sampath Rachakonda & Siva Krishna Battu Bigdata Analytics on Cloud Meetup 14 th March 2015

Transcript of Map Reduce along with Amazon EMR

Map Reduce along with Amazon EMR

Sampath Rachakonda & Siva Krishna BattuBigdata Analytics on Cloud Meetup

14th March 2015


Introduction to BigData and Hadoop


Core Hadoop and its Ecosystem

Use Cases

Hadoop Installation on Windows/Ubuntu

Work flow on Map Reduce

M-R on EMR

Real-time examples on EMR

What's Next ? Hadoop 2.0!

Introduction to BigData

It is the latest buzz but on the other hand data is an opportunity

BigData – What & How


Extremely large datasets that are hard to deal with using

relational databases



Analytics and Visualization

Need for parallel processing on hundreds of machines

ETL cannot complete within a reasonable amount of time

Beyond 24 hours never catch up

Solution to handle BigData

Distributed File System

System shall manage and heal itself

Automatically route around failure

Speculatively execute redundant tasks based on


Performance Scale Linearly

Proportional change in capacity with resource change

Compute should move to data

Lower Latency, Lower Bandwidth

Introduction Apache Hadoop

What is Hadoop ?

A scalable fault tolerant grid operating system for data storage and


Open Source, Apache License

Works with Structured and Unstructured Data

HDFS: Fault-Tolerant high-bandwidth clustered storage

Commodity Hardware

Master (name-node) – Slave Architecture

MapReduce : Distributed Data Processing

Hadoop Cluster

A set of “cheap” commodity hardware

Networked together

Resides in same location in set of

racks in a data centre

No super computers, use commodity

unreliable hardware

Hadoop System Principles

Scale-Out rather than Scale-Up

Bring Code to data rather than Data to Code

Deal with failures - they are common

Abstract complexity of distributed and concurrent applications

RDBMS Vs Hadoop

Before hadoop many applications

used RDBMS for batch processing

like Oracle, MySQL, Sybase, etc..

Hadoop doesn't fully replace RDBMS

the architecture

RDBMS products Scale-up rather

than Scale-Out with limitations of

100s of terabytes

Structured Vs Unstructured

Offline Batch Vs Online Transactions

Hadoop + RDBMS Complements each other

For example a small website with small number of users

generating large amount of audit logs :

WebServer (1)--> RDBMS --> (2)&(4) --> Hadoop(3)

Use RDBMS for rich user interface and enforce data


RDBMS generates lots of audit logs; the logs are moved

periodically to hadoop cluster

All logs are kept & processed in Hadoop for various


Results from hadoop cluster are stored back onto RDBMS

to be used by web server. Ex: Suggestions based on audit


Hadoop Eco System

Hadoop mainly comprised of two

core components :

HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File

System) to store data & process


MapReduce(Distributed data

processing framework)

HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System)

A scalable, fault-tolerant, High Performance distributed file


Asynchronous Replication

Write-Once Read Many (WORM)

Hadoop cluster with 3 data nodes minimum

Data divided into 64 MB(default) or 128 MB blocks, each

block replicated 3 times by default

No RAID required for DataNode

Interfaces: Java, Thrift, C Library, FUSE, WebDAV, HTTP, FTP

NameNode holds the file system metadata

Files are broken up and spread over DataNodes

MapReduce(Distributed data processing framework)

Software Framework for distributed Computation

Input | map () | CopySort | Reduce {} | Output

Jobtracker schedules and manages jobs

Tasktracker executes individual map() and reduce() tasks on

each cluster node

HDFS – Read File

HDFS - Write File

MapReduce - Executing File

Client program is copied on each node

JobTracker determines number of splits from input path & then select

some task trackers based on their network proximity to the data sources

Now JobTracker sends task request to the selected TaskTrackers

Each TaskTracker starts the map phase processing by extracting the

input data from the splits

Once Map task completes, TaskTracker notifies the JobTracker.

When all TaskTrackers complete mapper phase, TaskTracker will notify

the selected TaskTrackers for reducer phase.

Each TaskTracker reads region files remotely & invokes the reverse

function, which collects the key/aggregated value into the output file

(one per reducer node).

After both mapper & reducer phases are completed, the JobTracker

unblocks the client program.

Java MapReduce Example

Let us go with the basic word count example which helps us

to understand the workflow easily

Let us now dive into the demo of word count and understand

how does mapper, reducer functions and more..

Introduction to Amazon AWS & EMR

AWS is an cloud infrastructure which


Elastic Capacity

Quick and Easy Deployment

No CapEx, No initial investment

Pay as you go, for what you use

Automation & Reusable components

Amazon EMR : Hadoop in Cloud

Scalable and fault tolerant

Flexibility for multiple languages

and data formats

Open Source

Ecosystem of tools

Batch and real-time analytics

Amazon EMR is the easiest way to

run hadoop in the cloud

Now let us look at the same example

we did on single node cluster on EMR

and look at the feasibility of doing it

Thank You !!