Map Of Authentic Learning

The Chesapeake Bay Story Moral: It takes a lot of people to do bad, but only one to do good Many years ago, when the world was just being introduced to cars and factories lived two children by the name of Zack and Lily. The two children lived in a small orphanage on the bank of the Chesapeake Bay. However, this day was not a happy one, for Zack’s only sister, Lily had just died of cancer two days ago. Zack was mad and wanted revenge because he loved his sister, and she was the only family he had left. “Zack!” screamed a nagging voice of the foster mother, “Get down here and clean these dishes.” “Never!” Zach yelled, and he jumped out the upstairs window, Zack had been planning this escape from the time he first knew his sister was sick. He landed on a bush and thanked his lucky stars that he wasn’t injured. Then, he got up and ran. After going through about ten backyards he stopped as he heard a menacing growl. He turned around and saw a black lab puppy. “Awwwww, your so cute, little puppy” Zack said. “Touch me and you die!” barked the dog. “Well that’s rude. Hey wait. Did you just talk?” “No, it’s the bush over there; of course I can talk you fool!” “I’m sorry; I j-just had a bad day.” Zack said and began to cry. “Good-sit, and tell me what is wrong; by the way my name is Spike.” “I’m Zack and my sister died of cancer only a few days ago. She was the only family I had left.” “Curse you Dr. Toximeo.” Spike howled. “What are you talking about? Who in the world is Dr. Toximeo?” Zack questioned.


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Transcript of Map Of Authentic Learning

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The Chesapeake Bay Story

Moral: It takes a lot of people to do bad, but only one to do good

Many years ago, when the world was just being introduced to cars and factories lived two children by the name of Zack and Lily. The two children lived in a small orphanage on the bank of the Chesapeake Bay. However, this day was not a happy one, for Zack’s only sister, Lily had just died of cancer two days ago. Zack was mad and wanted revenge because he loved his sister, and she was the only family he had left.

“Zack!” screamed a nagging voice of the foster mother, “Get down here and clean these dishes.”

“Never!” Zach yelled, and he jumped out the upstairs window, Zack had been planning this escape from the time he first knew his sister was sick.

He landed on a bush and thanked his lucky stars that he wasn’t injured. Then, he got up and ran. After going through about ten backyards he stopped as he heard a menacing growl. He turned around and saw a black lab puppy.

“Awwwww, your so cute, little puppy” Zack said.“Touch me and you die!” barked the dog.“Well that’s rude. Hey wait. Did you just talk?” “No, it’s the bush over there; of course I can talk you fool!”“I’m sorry; I j-just had a bad day.” Zack said and began to cry.“Good-sit, and tell me what is wrong; by the way my name is

Spike.”“I’m Zack and my sister died of cancer only a few days ago. She

was the only family I had left.” “Curse you Dr. Toximeo.” Spike howled.“What are you talking about? Who in the world is Dr. Toximeo?”

Zack questioned.“Dr. Toximeo is the toxic mass that’s killing people and yummy

blue crabs everywhere. In fact he’s probably the reason your sister is dead.” Spike said.

“What? Where is this monster, so I can terminate him?” Zack asked.

“He lurks in the very bottom of the Chesapeake Bay, and if you want I can come with you to destroy him, for he destroyed my family also.”

“Sure, I guess you can come. Where do we start?”“Well first we need to go see one of my friends, yeah, she could

help us.” Spike mumbled to himself.

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So, Spike and Zack set off along the Chesapeake Bay and encountered many sad sights. First they saw dead fish and leaking sewage pipes. Then they saw that the normally clean bay was infested with littered bottles and other peoples’ garbage.

After about a mile they realized a gurgling noise was following them. Zack turned around, and a spout of water came from the bay’s edge and drenched him.

“Hey, who is that?!” Zack yelled angrily.“That, my friend is Jaws the fish, whom I have known for about

two days.” Spike said.“Yep!” Jaws said.“Hey, do I know you? You sound like my sister?” Zack asked.“Err, nope never seen you in my life. Just a fish, bloop-bloop.”

Jaws stuttered.“Anyways Jaws knows everything about you and Dr. Toximeo.”

Spike interrupted.“Yeah, well, Dr. Toximeo poisoned the bay, and he is harming

people. In fact he is the reason your sister….” Spike faltered.“Died?” Zack finished.“Ugh, you don’t understand! Listen! What do you see over

there?” Jaws asked.“What do you mean what do I see? There is nothing over there!”

Zack yelled.“Exactly, there used to be miles of wild rice to be eaten by the

many crabs that used to supply our food, jobs, and even lives. Gone. It’s all gone!!!” Jaws screamed.

“Ok, we really should get to the docks before the ferry takes off because there is only one ship between now and tomorrow at one in the morning.”

“Yeah Spike is right. Wait. Why are we going on a ferry?” Zack asked.

“We need to take the ferry to Tylertown; that’s where Dr. Toximeo is.” Jaws answered for Spike

They soon arrived at the docks and leaped onto the ferry just as it was leaving the dock. Zack could remember leaving his home of Maryland and arriving at the edge of a swampy marsh-filled island. Just before they docked the boat began to shake and quiver; the only other person on the boat was the captain. Zack turned to see the captain laugh and burst into a nasty blob. Zack was about to jump in the water towards Jaw’s direction when he realized why Jaws was so familiar. He turned around and screamed at the mass he guessed was Dr. Toximeo, “I HATE YOU. YOU KILLED MY SISTER!!!!!!!!” he screamed and dove at Dr.Toximeo.

Dr. Toximeo stepped aside and let Zack crash against the side if the boat.

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“Silly boy you can’t defeat me! Oh, and I didn’t kill your sister. It was your own fault. All you silly humans want is the biggest and best of everything. You can’t be happy with what you have. As long as you are making money you don’t care about what happens to your only home, planet Earth!!” Dr. Toximeo announced arrogantly.

Zack knew only one way to defeat Dr.Toximeo. He took a plastic bottle and put it in the recycling bin. Spike caught on and turned off the lights. Jaws then released a choking fish from a plastic drink ring. Dr. Toximeo astounded at these sudden good deeds began to shrink rapidly.

“NO-NO-NO!!!!! IF I CAN’T WIN; YOU WON’T EITHER!!!!” Dr.Toximeo grabbed Jaws and dragged her to the deep.

“NO!” Zack yelled in agony.“I will be ok; I will never forget you Zackiev!” The whole journey back Zack sat on the deck and talked to

himself about how the only person who knew his real name was Lily. She had to have been Jaws and now he would never see her again. Dr. Toximeo however was weak and lurking at the bottom of the largest dead zone in the bay, waiting for his revenge.