Many Visions One People · 9/27/2020  · 3966 Chestnut Ave. Concord, CA 94519 Tel: (925) 689-0838...

St. Agnes Catholic Community Many Visions One People 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 27, 2020 OUR PARISH MISSION To know Christ, and to make Him better known by all, teaching and sharing the Faith, providing worship and spiritual growth opportunities, and serving those in need. PARISH OFFICE 3966 Chestnut Ave. Concord, CA 94519 Tel: (925) 689-0838 Fax: (925) 689-7899 Website: E-Mail: [email protected] Instagram: stagnesparishconcord Twitter: @stagnesparish OFFICE HOURS The Office is closed at the current time. MASS On the church patio. Bring your own chair. Sunday at 8:30 am Monday-Saturday at 8:00 am Also live-streamed on Facebook at COMMUNION Immediately following Mass on the back patio. Sunday: 9:30 a.m.-10 a.m. for those not attending Mass. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Chapel daily 6:00 am—9:00 pm STAFF Rev Fr. Johnson Abraham, Pastor (925) 689-0838 [email protected] Marlene McCann, Business Manager [email protected] Deacon Sumner Peery [email protected] Deacon Tony Reyes (Retired) [email protected] Donna Roberts, Bulletin Editor and RCIA Coordinator [email protected] Mike McDermott, Pastoral Council Chair [email protected] SCHOOL OFFICE 3886 Chestnut Ave., Concord Tel: (925) 689-3990 Website: Jill Lucia, Principal, [email protected] Ana Kelley, Secretary, [email protected]

Transcript of Many Visions One People · 9/27/2020  · 3966 Chestnut Ave. Concord, CA 94519 Tel: (925) 689-0838...

Page 1: Many Visions One People · 9/27/2020  · 3966 Chestnut Ave. Concord, CA 94519 Tel: (925) 689-0838 Fax: (925) 689-7899 Website: E-Mail: Instagram: stagnesparishconcord


St. Agnes Catholic Community Many Visions † One People

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 27, 2020

OUR PARISH MISSION To know Christ, and to make Him better known by

all, teaching and sharing the Faith, providing worship and spiritual growth opportunities, and serving those in need.

PARISH OFFICE 3966 Chestnut Ave. Concord, CA 94519 Tel: (925) 689-0838 Fax: (925) 689-7899

Website: E-Mail: [email protected] Instagram: stagnesparishconcord

Twitter: @stagnesparish

OFFICE HOURS The Office is closed at the current time.

MASS On the church patio. Bring your own chair.

Sunday at 8:30 am Monday-Saturday at 8:00 am

Also live-streamed on Facebook at

COMMUNION Immediately following Mass on the back patio.

Sunday: 9:30 a.m.-10 a.m. for those not attending Mass.

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Chapel daily 6:00 am—9:00 pm


Rev Fr. Johnson Abraham, Pastor (925) 689-0838

[email protected]

Marlene McCann, Business Manager [email protected]

Deacon Sumner Peery

[email protected]

Deacon Tony Reyes (Retired) [email protected]

Donna Roberts, Bulletin Editor and RCIA Coordinator

[email protected]

Mike McDermott, Pastoral Council Chair [email protected]

SCHOOL OFFICE 3886 Chestnut Ave., Concord

Tel: (925) 689-3990 Website:

Jill Lucia, Principal, [email protected]

Ana Kelley, Secretary, [email protected]

Page 2: Many Visions One People · 9/27/2020  · 3966 Chestnut Ave. Concord, CA 94519 Tel: (925) 689-0838 Fax: (925) 689-7899 Website: E-Mail: Instagram: stagnesparishconcord


Sunday, September 27, 2020 8:30 a.m. Marie Borbely—Repose Loreto Cabral—Repose Tom Kisak—Repose Carol Urban—Repose

Monday, September 28, 2020 8:00 a.m. Loreto Cabral—Repose Baby Riley Marie Gilmore—Repose

Tuesday, September 29, 2020 8:00 a.m. Loreto Cabral—Repose Geronimo De Los Reyes—Repose Joseph Belnadi Syah—Repose

Wednesday, September 30, 2020 8:00 a.m. Loreto Cabral—Repose Rose & John Slaughter—Repose Rob Ding—Special Intention

Thursday, October 1, 2020 8:00 a.m. Bob Stratman—Repose Carol Urban—Repose Alvin Belmonte—Special Intention

Friday, October 2, 2020 8:00 a.m. Annette Ayoob—Repose Celestino & Josefina Liao—Repose Jamie Velasco—Repose

Saturday, October 3, 2020 8:00 a.m. Tom Kisak—Repose Ed Lexon—Repose

During this difficult me, and while our Parish Office is closed indefinitely, parishioners have the opportunity to send in requests for daily and weekend private Mass inten ons. You could mail the request to our parish office or email [email protected] and we will confirm your request via phone or email. The suggested s pend is $10 - please send your dona on via mail or drop it through the mail slot in the Ministry Center door.

Mass Intentions


We are having daily outdoor Mass on the back pa o of the church at 8:00 am (8:30 am on Sunday). Everyone is welcome to a end. No advance reserva ons are needed. Communion will be distributed at the conclusion of the Masses. All the Masses will be live-streamed on Facebook.

Kindly bring your own chairs to the pa o. Please “social distance” your chairs from other family groups, and wear your masks following Covid-19 safety protocol. Hats may be worn for sun protec on. You can also stay in your car during the Mass and watch via Facebook live-stream if that is a be er op on for you.

For those who do not a end the Sunday Mass in person, we will offer communion distribu on from 9.30-10:00 am.

All events and meetings are canceled until further notice.

Here at St. Agnes, we are keeping our chapel open daily (6 AM – 9 PM) for personal prayer. The Ministry Center Office will remain closed un l further no ce. You can reach the office by telephone (925-689-0838) or email [email protected].

Parish Events and Meetings

SACRAMENTAL NEEDS For any of your sacramental needs, please contact Father Johnson directly at [email protected].


We have not received any informa on/direc on from the Diocese so far. And so we will have to wait pa ently for the community health situa on to improve, and the diocese to give us direc on.

Page 3: Many Visions One People · 9/27/2020  · 3966 Chestnut Ave. Concord, CA 94519 Tel: (925) 689-0838 Fax: (925) 689-7899 Website: E-Mail: Instagram: stagnesparishconcord


Bulletin Editors Reflection


I consider myself to be a disciple of Christ, but I have to admit, it came as a surprise. God chooses us, but it is up to us whether or not we hear his voice, and then whether we say yes or no to his call to ac on.

When you were a child, you probably wanted to grow up to be a fireman, policeman, princess, or a ballerina, but chances are you never said to yourself, “I want to grow up to be a Disciple, maybe even a deacon or priest. There were a few weeks in the first grade when I wanted to be a nun, but then I laid eyes on Lenny Thompson, the cutest 3rd grader I ever saw, and quickly changed my mind. I couldn’t even aspire to being an altar server or lector at the me as “girls weren’t allowed.” Today I don’t know any of our parishioners who are princesses or ballerinas, but I do know a lot of disciples at St. Agnes.

For most of us, it takes a nudge or an invita on from someone we respect to become a proac ve disciple. In my own spiritual journey, it was Jane, a front-office secretary, who was the most joy-filled person I have ever met, who pushed me along my journey. Jane wasn’t Catholic, but she was a faith-filled Chris an who was willing to share the source of her radiant joy when anyone asked. I was a pre y miserable person at the me, and her peace and serenity were very a rac ve to me. I wanted to experience that in my own life. Since then it has involved a lot of prayer and a lot of saying “yes” to God’s call or yes to Fathers Jan, Vince or Johnson. Today I too feel that joy.

Deacon Peter Nixon told me he had never envisioned being a Deacon, but ge ng involved in parish ministries, plus the gentle nudging of the right people, encouraged him along his path. Jesus wants us to nudge other people, to encourage them, and to share His love and Good News. I know it’s par cularly challenging at this me of pandemic, but many people are scared and may actually be more willing to hear the message or accept an invita on that will give them peace of mind.

On my calendar I had marked this weekend as “Time and Talent” weekend. It was when the Stewardship Commi ee had planned on encouraging parishioners to join some of our 60+ ministries at St. Agnes. Needless to say, we won’t be doing that this weekend as most ministries haven’t even been able to meet. However, some like St. Vincent de Paul, Knights of Columbus or Communica ons Commi ee, are s ll ac ve and mee ng via Zoom and would welcome your help.

As I was reading a chapter in the Acts of the Apostles this morning, I was reflec ng how the Apostles and Disciples of Jesus walked hundreds of miles to spread His Word. With the current pandemic, we can barely leave our homes. However, we are blessed with electronic means of communica on. We can watch Mass on-line and keep in touch with family and friends by Facebook, email or telephone. And we can all be Disciples, whether by accident or on purpose.

Donna Roberts

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 27, 2020

Have in you the same a tude that is also in Christ Jesus.

— Philippians 2:5

Faith and Spirituality


EUCHARISTIC ADORATION - Chapel daily from 6 am—9 pm. Contact Veronica Peery at 925-286-6794 for scheduling.

FOR ADULT LEARNING: SCRIPTURE SHARING: Thursday Scripture Sharing and Tuesday Evening Bible Study are canceled until further notice.


PRAYER TREE: A ministry of people who pray specifically for those who are ill. Please no fy the parish office if you or a member of your family are in, or going into, the hospital.

HELPING HANDS: Contact Cecilia Aronson, [email protected]. Helping Hands provides meals in me of need, such as funeral recep ons, illness or births.

MARTINEZ SHELTER MEALS: Plan a meal for 35 residents. Purchase & prepare food; serve dinner at the shelter. Please contact to volunteer: Anne Kurylo, 925-876-7510 or [email protected].

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL MINISTRY: Please contact the St. Vincent de Paul Hotline at (925) 689-0838, Ext. 250.

Page 4: Many Visions One People · 9/27/2020  · 3966 Chestnut Ave. Concord, CA 94519 Tel: (925) 689-0838 Fax: (925) 689-7899 Website: E-Mail: Instagram: stagnesparishconcord


Jim Adams Aurora Aguilar Dianna Andrews Ron Artale Aurora Asprer Joaquin Bigol Paul Boback Cara Carmody Fr. Ricardo Chavez Kandy Chhi Marian Comber Eileen Con

Carmen Crisafulli Zane Drobick Marie Frisbee Maria Luisa Garcia Monica Garcia Merv Hammond Tony Harpouche Todd Hurst Janine Judge Suzanne Klassen Chris Klyse Todd Long

Lorna Macadaeg Joel Manalang Tom McEachran Lisa O’Brien Sharon Ouimet Gerardo Palomo Robert Rivera Kayle Robinson Nena Rofon Ellie Rowe Maureen Ryan Connie Schulte

Marsha Selhorn Sophia Senh Heather Solari Shirley Spahl Bill van Ha em Lougene Simisim Jeorge Villanueva Mike Wehrlie Be y Wilson


Parish News and Activities

JOIN OUR CHURCH AS WE CONTINUE TO PRAY NIGHTLY TO END CORONA VIRUS! Fr. Johnson invites everyone to join our parish to pray for the End of Corona Virus. Please join by calling in nightly between 6:50 and 6:55pm. Here are the direc ons to join by calling Free Conference Call: 1. Call: (425) 436-6358. 2. When prompted, enter: 418980# 3. Once connected, and prompted, announce your name. However, if you call a er we begin at 7, please enter silently. 4. Now place your phone on MUTE so everyone will only hear the hosts. The Corona Virus is s ll prevalent throughout our state. Through your prayers and “sheltering-in-place” orders, plus the hard work of the front line workers, we are seeing an improvement and fewer new cases. But, we should not let up our prayers. Instead, we need your help to stop this virus from infec ng any more people. Please join us in this mission.


For Respect Life Month, each Sunday in October we are hos ng a DIAPER DRIVE Drive-Thru to collect diapers, wipes, and gi cards for those in crisis pregnancies. Families are in need of diapers due to reduced work, employment loss, and because food stamps cannot be used to purchase diapers. Dona ons will be given to our local pregnancy support service center, Birthright. All diaper sizes are needed, 1—6, especially 5 and 6. Immediately a er Sunday mass, please follow signs and drive to the Diaper Drive Sta on van near Cauchi Hall. Then hand off your dona on while remaining inside your car. If you need to have a dona on picked up from your residence, please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you for your generosity.

Page 5: Many Visions One People · 9/27/2020  · 3966 Chestnut Ave. Concord, CA 94519 Tel: (925) 689-0838 Fax: (925) 689-7899 Website: E-Mail: Instagram: stagnesparishconcord


Parish News and Activities


St. Agnes needs your financial support now more than ever! Join the parishioners who are using Faith Direct for automated giving. Faith Direct offers safe and secure ways to donate to our parish in this me of uncertainty. There is no cost to you, and the program provides a great benefit to our parish.

St. Agnes is introducing an addi onal way to donate, using Faith Direct’s “TEXT-TO-GIVE” func on from your mobile device.

First, you need to enroll in the “TEXT TO GIVE” func on. Sign up today by visi ng, or text ‘Enroll’ to (925) 438-6464. You will be asked to complete a one- me registra on page with your billing and contact informa on.

A er this registra on, you can donate at any me by tex ng your dona on amount to

(925) 438-6464. You will get an immediate reply to your text confirming the amount of the gi to St. Agnes, as well as informa on on how to get a receipt, request a refund and update your payment method. Giving has never been easier with Text-to-Give!


First Reading — When the wicked turn away from their wickedness they have commi ed and do what is right, they shall surely live (Ezekiel 18:25-28).

Psalm — Remember your mercies, O Lord (Psalm 25).

Second Reading — Consider others as be er than yourselves; look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others (Philippians 2:1-11 [1-5]).

Gospel — Tax collectors and pros tutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you (Ma hew 21:28-32).

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jb 1:6-22; Ps 17:1bcd-3, 6-7; Lk 9:46-50 Tuesday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; Ps 138:1-5; Jn 1:47-51 Wednesday: Jb 9:1-12, 14-16; Ps 88:10bc-15; Lk 9:57-62 Thursday: Jb 19:21-27; Ps 27:7-9abc, 13-14; Lk 10:1-12 Friday: Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; Ps 139:1-3, 7-10, 13-14ab; Mt 18:1-5 Saturday: Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Ps 119:66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130; Lk 10:17-24 Sunday: Is 5:1-7; Ps 80:9, 12-16, 19-20; Phil 4:6-9; Mt 21:33-43 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Day for Migrants and Refugees; Priesthood Sunday; Yom Kippur (Jewish day of atonement) begins at sunset Monday: St. Lawrence Ruiz and Companions; St. Wenceslaus Tuesday: Ss. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels Wednesday: St. Jerome; Sukkot (Jewish harvest fes val) begins at sunset Thursday: St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus Friday: The Holy Guardian Angels; First Friday Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday

OUTDOOR MASS Mass will be offered on the pa o behind the church Sundays at 8:30 a.m. and Monday through Saturday at 8:00 a.m. Please bring your own chair, wear a mask, and socially distance yourself from other families. No reserva ons required.

MASS VIA MEDIA St. Agnes will live-stream Mass at 8:30 a.m. on Sundays and 8:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday on Facebook:

COMMUNION—On Sundays, those who have not a ended Mass in person can receive Communion from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on the back pa o.

Page 6: Many Visions One People · 9/27/2020  · 3966 Chestnut Ave. Concord, CA 94519 Tel: (925) 689-0838 Fax: (925) 689-7899 Website: E-Mail: Instagram: stagnesparishconcord


Parish News and Activities


(Corrected date) Whatever me you want to walk!

How Can I help???

Register to Walk:

1. Online: go to>Walker Registra on>Choose Beneficiary>California>Diocese of Oakland>St. Agnes

2. On your own: just contact the Waltons at [email protected] or 925-212-7679 and tell them you are walking!

Support the walkers/make an individual dona on

1. Cash or checks—place in an envelope and turn in to the Sunday collec on or the mail slot at the Ministry Center.

2. Mail a check to “St. Vincent de Paul, St. Agnes Conference” to 3966 Chestnut Ave., Concord, CA 94519.

3. Make a dona on online: go to Donate>Donate to an event>California>keyword Search—St. Agnes



Christaline Evert, host of the EWTN radio show Women Made New, will present Finding Peace in Unpredictable Times at a ZOOM gathering on Wednesday, October 1, 2020, at 6:45 p.m. Please register for this event with your name and email address at [email protected]. Sponsored by the Women’s Chris an Fellowship of St. Bonaventure Catholic Community, Concord, this presenta on is open to all. A freewill dona on may be made that evening. Please register no later than September 29.

PREGNANCY CENTER Free Event The Pregnancy Center’s annual Gala is virtual this year and will be streaming free on Friday, October 9, at 6:30 p.m. Register at: h ps://op A brief inspira on program will be presented to raise awareness about the importance of the work the center is doing and the significant impact on women and their families in the community when provided with life-affirming pregnancy op ons.

Page 7: Many Visions One People · 9/27/2020  · 3966 Chestnut Ave. Concord, CA 94519 Tel: (925) 689-0838 Fax: (925) 689-7899 Website: E-Mail: Instagram: stagnesparishconcord


Page 8: Many Visions One People · 9/27/2020  · 3966 Chestnut Ave. Concord, CA 94519 Tel: (925) 689-0838 Fax: (925) 689-7899 Website: E-Mail: Instagram: stagnesparishconcord


FIRST FRIDAY DRIVE-THRU DINNER!!! October 2, 2020 from 5:00-6:30 p.m.

The Knights of Columbus had great success with their drive-through barbecues on July 4th and Labor Day, so they are trea ng us again with a German dinner the first Friday in October. Menu: 2 grilled bratwurst German potato salad Sauerkraut Apple Strudel Your choice of Coke, Diet Coke or Water Cost: $7 Just drive down to church, follow the signs through the St. Agnes parking lot between 5:00 p.m. and 6:30, pay $7 per meal, and the Knights will hand you a packed dinner.

No dirty dishes to wash!