Many Much Few Little[1]

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Transcript of Many Much Few Little[1]

  • 8/3/2019 Many Much Few Little[1]


    1. A lot / much / many

    Much + uncountablemuch moneymuch timemuch foodmuch coffee

    Many+ countableMany booksmany peoplemany shopsmany questions

    A lot of+ countable and uncountablea lot of fooda lot of coffeea lot of peoplea lot of shops

    Do you drink much coffee?How much money have you got?

    She hasnt got much money.Do you know many people?She hasnt got many friends.

    I drink a lot of coffee.They have got a lot of friends.

    There are a lot of restaurants.


    There is a lot of food/ money/ coffee etc. (singular verb) There are a lot of trees/ shops/ people etc. (plural verb)A lot of people speak English. (notA lot of people speaks)

    We can use a lotwithout a noun:

    He ate a lot of food. He ate a lot.

    Exercises: much/ many/ a lot.Answer the questions with: Ive got some but not too much/many.

    1. Have you got any money? - Ive got some but not too much.2. Have you got any coffee? - Ive got some but

    3. Have you got any books?4. Have you got any cheese?

    5. Have you got any friends?6. Have you got any bad marks?

    Write questions with: How much? or How many?

    1. I took some photos. How many photos did you take?2. I bought some stamps. ___________________________________________________

    3. I lost some money. ______________________________________________________4. I drank some water. _____________________________________________________

    5. I wrote some letters. _____________________________________________________

    Put in a lot / a lot of / much / many.1. Do you drink _________ tea?

    2. I like reading. Ive got ______________ books.3. There isnt __________________ milk in the fridge.

    4. It costs _______________ money to travel round the world.5. Please be quick! I havent got ________________ time.

    6. How ______________ foreign languages do you speak?7. They didnt ask me ________________ questions.

    8. There was ________________ food at the party but I didnt eat ___________.9. We saw ______________ interesting things in the museum.

    10. We went on a cheap holiday. It didnt cost _______________.

    2. (a) little / (a) few

    (a) little + uncountable(a) little water(a) little time(a) little money

    (a) few + countable(a) few books(a) few people(a) few days

    a little = some but not muchShe didnt eat anything but she drank a little water.

    a few= some but not manyWere going away for a few days.Last night I wrote a few letters.

    little = nearly no or nothingThere was little food in the fridge. It was nearlyempty.very little

    She is very thin because she eats very little.

    few = nearly noThere were few people in the park. It was nearly empty.very few

    Her English is very good. She makes very few mistakes.

    a little is a positive idea

    They have a little money so they arent poor. (=somebut not much money)little is a negative idea

    They have little money. They are very poor. (=nearlyno money)

    a fewis a positive idea

    I have got a few friends, so I am not lonely. (=some but nottoo many friends)fewis a negative idea

    I am sad and lonely. I have got few friends. (=nearly nofriends)


  • 8/3/2019 Many Much Few Little[1]


    Exercises: (a) little / (a) fewAnswer the questions with a little or a few.1. Have you got any money? A little.2. Have you got any stamps?3. Do you want any sugar?5. Have you got any questions?6. Do you know many people?7. Does he speak English?

    Put in a little or a few.

    1. Yesterday evening I wrote _________ letters to my family and friends.2. Can I have __________ milk in my coffee, please?3. Do you speak any foreign languages? Yes, Italian and ___________ English.4. I live in a very small village. There is a church, a shop and __________ houses.5. When did John do away? ______________ days ago.

    Put in very little or very few.1. Her English is very good. She makes __________________ mistakes.2. I drink _________________________ coffee. I dont like it.3. In summer the weather is very dry. There is _____________ rain.4. Its difficult to find a place to stay in this town. There are _________________ hotels.5. Its a small restaurant. There are ______________________________ tables.

    Put in little / a little, few / a few.

    1. There was _________________food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.2. When did you see Sarah? ______________________ days ago.3. He is very lazy. He does __________________________ work.4. They are not rich, but they have got ____________________ money enough to live.5. Last night I went to a restaurant with ___________________ friends.
