Manulife SmartRetire ˛III˝

Benefits Take the fast-tracked road trip to retirement with Manulife SmartRetire (III)—a whole-life, regular-premium, investment-linked policy that’s customisable to your goals and budget. Retire with a lump sum or stream of income from as early as age 40, and plan your journey to the tee with our curated suite of funds. With premiums as low as S$200¹ per month, seize life's best moments and let your passion soar. That's every day beer. Bonuses4 Get a Welcome Bonus from the start, and yearly Loyalty Bonuses during the accumulation and retirement period Protection for Total Target Retirement Goal Protection amount will be bumped up to your total target retirement amount during the accumulation period Refund of Cost of Insurance (COI)3 COI charged during the course of your policy will be refunded to you if protection benefits are not utilised Coverage2 Protection for death, Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), and Waiver of Premium Benefit on Cancer (for the policyowner) 4 steps to achieve your retirement objectives with Manulife SmartRetire (III) Lump sum Stream of retirement income Age 40 Age 45 Age 50 Age 55 Age 60 Age 65 Age 70 5 years 8 years 12 years 16 years How do you prefer to receive your retirement amount? Choose your Target Retirement Age Indicate your Target Retirement Sum or Target Retirement Income (Monthly) Choose your Minimum Investment Period (MIP)5 S$ Step 1: Step 4: per month / year Your Estimated Premium Amount Let Us Calculate: Step 3: Step 2: S$ Manulife SmartRetire (III)

Transcript of Manulife SmartRetire ˛III˝


Take the fast-tracked road trip to retirement with Manulife SmartRetire (III)—a whole-life, regular-premium, investment-linked policy that’s customisable to your goals and budget. Retire with a lump sum or stream of income from as early as age 40, and plan your journey to the tee with our curated suite of funds. With premiums as low as S$200¹ per month, seize life's best moments and let your passion soar. That's every day be�er.

Bonuses4Get a Welcome Bonus from the start, and yearly Loyalty Bonuses during the accumulation and retirement period

Protection for Total Target Retirement GoalProtection amount will be bumped up to your total target retirement amount during the accumulation period

Refund of Cost of Insurance (COI)3COI charged during the course of your policy will be refunded to you if protection bene�ts are not utilised

Coverage2 Protection for death, Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), and Waiver of Premium Bene�t on Cancer (for the policyowner)

4 steps to achieve your retirement objectives with Manulife SmartRetire (III)

Lump sum Stream of retirement income

Age 40 Age 45 Age 50 Age 55 Age 60 Age 65 Age 70

5 years 8 years 12 years 16 years

How do you prefer to receive your retirement amount?

Choose your Target Retirement Age

Indicate your Target Retirement Sum or Target Retirement Income (Monthly)

Choose your Minimum Investment Period (MIP)5


Step 1: Step 4:

per month / year

Your Estimated Premium Amount

Let Us Calculate:Step 3:Step 2:


Manulife SmartRetire (III) +65 6833 8188

Here’s how Manulife SmartRetire (III) works for the Target Retirement Income option:

Footnotes¹Applies to plans with a MIP of 16 years.²Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to Product Summary for speci�c de�nitions.³If the death and waiver of premium bene�t on cancer are not claimed during Minimum Investment Period, the cost of insurance charged will be refunded in units during Accumulation Period over 5 policy years. If the death and TPD bene�t are not claimed during Accumulation Period, the cost of insurance charged will be refunded in units during Retirement Period over 5 policy years.4Welcome bonus will be credited into your account in the �rst 12 months upon receipt of each regular basic premium payment in the form of additional units. Yearly Loyalty Bonus will be paid starting from the next policy anniversary immediately a�er the end of Minimum Investment Period and every year therea�er until the end of the policy term in form of additional units. Terms and Conditions apply. Please refer to Product Summary for speci�c de�nitions.5Refers to the period that charges will be imposed if premiums are missed or partial/full surrender is made. 6Dependent on market performance.

Important NotesManulife SmartRetire (III) and its supplementary bene�ts are underwri�en by Manulife (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (Reg. No. 198002116D). This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Buying a life insurance policy is a long-term commitment. There may be high costs involved if you terminate the policy early, and your policy's surrender value (if any) may be zero or less than the total premiums paid. Your investments are subject to investment risks, and you may lose the principal amount invested. The performance of the Manulife SmartRetire (III) Fund(s) is not guaranteed. The unit prices and any income accruing to it may fall as well as rise. The Fund Managers shall have the absolute discretion to determine whether a distribution is to be made in respect of the Manulife SmartRetire (III) Fund(s) as well as the rate and frequency of distributions to be made. The intention of the Fund Managers to make the distribution and the distribution yield for the Manulife SmartRetire (III) Fund(s) is not guaranteed, and the Fund Managers may review the distribution policy depending on prevailing market conditions. Distributions may be made out of income, net capital gains and/or capital. Past distribution yields and payments are not necessarily indicative of future distribution yields and payments. Any payment of distributions by the Manulife SmartRetire (III) Fund(s) may result in an immediate decrease in the net asset value per unit. You should read the prospectus and the product highlights sheet and seek �nancial advice before deciding whether to purchase units in the Manulife SmartRetire (III) Fund(s). A copy of the prospectus and the product highlights sheet can be obtained from a Manulife Financial Consultant or its Appointed Distributors.

This brochure is for your information only and does not consider your speci�c investment objectives, �nancial situation or needs. It is not a contract of insurance and is not intended as an o�er or recommendation to purchase the plan. You can �nd the full terms and conditions, details, and exclusions for the mentioned insurance product(s) in the policy contract. If there are any di�erences between the English and Chinese versions of this brochure, the English version will apply. This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of bene�ts that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact us or visit the LIA or SDIC web-sites ( or

We recommend that you seek advice from a Manulife Financial Consultant or its Appointed Distributors, or visit any DBS/POSB Branch before making a commitment to purchase a policy.

Information is correct as of 15 August 2021.

Coverage² for death and Waiver of Premium on Cancer (for the policyowner)

Coverage² for death and TPD

Cost of Insurance from1. MIP will be refunded³ to the account during this period if protection bene�ts are not utilised

Non Applicable

Cost of Insurance from 2. Accumulation Period will be refunded³ to the account during this period if protection bene�ts are not utilised


Refund of Cost of Insurance

Coverage during the Retirement Period is the account value. Coverage for Loss of Independence, if rider is selected, is at an additional 50% of the chosen Target Retirement Income (Monthly)

Welcome bonus4 boosts your investment from the start

Yearly loyalty bonuses4

Target retirement age

Protection Coverage

Account Value

3. Retirement Period2. Accumulation Period1. MIP

Protection amount will be bumped up to your total target retirement amount here

Total target retirement amount6 (Target Retirement Income x Target Retirement Period in months)

Target Retirement Income6(Monthly)